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In an attempt to develop a system for producing transformed plants from explants ofDendranthema grandiflora, the susceptibility of the cultivar Super White to various wild-type strains ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens andA. rhizogenes was investigated. Tumour formation was not a reliable indicator of the ability of a related disarmed strain to mediate transformation. Following inoculation of explants with disarmedAgrobacterium strains, a number of shoots developed on selective media. However, none of these shoots were transformed. By co-cultivating stem internode explants with a mixed inoculum of wild-type and disarmed strains, it was possible to obtain a callus stably transformed withAgrobacterium carrying a disarmed T-DNA. Histological analysis of explants revealed that shoot regeneration initially occurred from the cells of the epidermis and subsequently from the cortex. However, the cells which were susceptible to T-DNA transfer were confined to the vascular tissue.  相似文献   

Summary A structural study of pollination in the dimorphic flowers ofCollomia grandiflora, a cleistogamous species, reveals significant differences in stigma behavior during pollination, stylar structure, the timing of generative cell division, and pollen tube growth rate patterns. The cleistogamous flower shows a loss of protandry and the stigma is receptive only after reflexing and closing of its lobes. In contrast, the chasmogamous stigma is receptive when reflexed and closes when pollen has been deposited on the lobes. Pollen tube penetration of the dry stigma papillae and entry into the style is similar in the two morphs. The chasmogamous style is solid and the cleistogamous style partly hollow. The matrix of secretion produced by the transmitting tract cells is mainly carbohydrate with a trace of lipids. It is fibrillar in nature and appears to be partly comprised of wall material from the transmitting tract cells. In the chasmogamous pollen, the generative cell enters the tube before division, which occurs between 30 and 60 min after pollination. This division correlates with an increased growth rate for the pollen tube. In the cleistogamous pollen, contact with the stigma triggers generative cell division inside the hydrated pollen grain before germination. The two resulting sperm cells exit the grain 15–30 min after pollination when the pollen tube is in the stigma lobes. The cleistogamous pollen tube shows only one phase of growth which occurs at a rate similar to that of the slow, first phase of the chasmogamous pollen.Abbreviations CH chasmogamous - CL cleistogamous - DAPI 4, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole  相似文献   

E. M. Lord  K. J. Eckard 《Protoplasma》1986,132(1-2):12-22
Summary An ultrastructural study of the pollen and stigma of the dimorphic flowers in the cleistogamous speciesCollomia grandiflora reveals significant differences in cytoplasmic features in the pollen and wall features in the papillae. Both pollen types contain lipid and starch reserves, but the smaller CL (cleistogamous) pollen shows a much greater abundance of starch compared to the CH (chasmogamous) pollen. In addition to the papular size and shape differences between the two stigma types, there is a more extensive cuticular stretching and wall microfibrillar loosening over the CH papillar tip. There is no apparent pellicle on the cuticle surface of either type of papilla, only scattered lipidic deposits. It is proposed that these structural differences may contribute to the cross incompatibility between the two floral morphs.  相似文献   

Summary Plantlets were regenerated from protoplasts of in vitro shoot cultures and leaf-derived de novo shoots of the chrysanthemum Dendranthema zawadskii x D. grandiflora. Isolated protoplasts reformed cell walls and then began to divide within 24 hours of culture in streaky plate agarose lenses surrounded by liquid V-KM medium. Twenty one days after isolation, 1 mm diameter callus clumps were transferred to shoot regeneration medium. After a further 33 days leaves became visible. Elongated shoots were rooted on half strength hormone-free MS medium.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - IAA 3-indoleacetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - NAA 1-naphthylacetic acid - Pfr Photon fluence rate - V-KM Binding and Nehls (1977)  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of unusual complex-heterozygous genotypes in populations ofO. grandiflora from Alabama (USA) has shown that these strains are composed of a typicalgrandiflora (B) complex and an altered B complex (designated as BA) which probably contains genetic elements derived from an A genotype such as the beta complex ofO. biennis group 1. Analysis of the meiotic configurations of artificial hybrids between the new strains and a series of complexes of known segmental arrangement allowed determination of the arrangements of the unknown complexes. These data are evidence for origin of the altered B complexes.  相似文献   

Summary Plants of the cerrado tree species Qualea grandiflora and the annual herb Bidens gardneri were grown from seed in controlled environment rooms at 30/20° C and 12 hour photoperiod. Seedlings were grown in pots or small tubes containing sand and provided with various amounts of mineral solutions based on the formulation of Hoagland and Arnon but with the phosphate content modified in some cases. In a long-term experiment lasting 213 days, plants supplied with full strength Hoagland's solution all died but plants of Qualea given 1/10 strength solution survived, although they grew very slowly. Low relative growth rates (0.008–0.036 d–1) were also a feature of other experiments with Qualea and calculated rates of net assimilation rate gave values of 3–7 mg CO2 dm–2 h–1. Expansion of the photosynthetic surface proceeded slowly and the cotyledons were the main site of photosynthesis for more than 40 days. The low rates of growth occurred despite significant uptake of phosphorus by young plants and in shortterm experiments growth was independent of the amount of phosphate supplied and accumulated. In contrast, the values of R found for plants of Bidens reached 0.24 d–1. Growth of young plants was dependent on the external supply of phosphorus, being reduced when this was low and also when it was very high. Growth of the photosynthetic surface was also much more rapid than for Qualea and also varied with supply of phosphorus. The results are discussed in the context of the occurrence of these species in the Cerrado.  相似文献   

M. Ramsey 《Oecologia》1995,103(1):101-108
The extent, frequency and causes of pollenlimited seed production were examined in partially selffertile populations of Blandfordia grandiflora for 2 years. Percentage seed set of open-pollinated plants (50–57%) did not differ within or between years, and was about 19% less than experimentally cross-pollinated plants (70–75%). Floral visits by honeybees did not differ through the flowering season and the number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas within 12 h of flowers opening exceeded the number of ovules per flower, indicating that the quality rather than the quantity of pollination limited seed set. Pollen limitation was caused by concurrent self- and cross-pollination and the subsequent abortion of some selfed ovules due to inbreeding depression. Natural seed set (55%) was intermediate between selfed (43%) and crossed (75%) flowers and was not increased when flowers that had been available to pollinators for 24 h were hand cross-pollinated, suggesting that ovules were already fertilized. Similarly, experimental pollination with both cross and self pollen within 24 h of flowers opening did not increase seed set relative to natural seed set, indicating that both cross- and self-fertilizations had occurred. In contrast, when selfing followed crossing by 48 h, or vice versa, seed set did not differ from crossed-only or selfed-only flowers, respectively, indicating that ovules were pre-empted by the first pollination. Collectively, these results indicate that under natural conditions self pollen pre-empts ovules, rendering them unavailable for cross-fertilization. This selfing reduces fecundity by 50%, as estimated from the natural production of cross seeds when selfing was prevented. Consequently, selection should favour floral traits, such as increased stigma-anther separation or protandry, that reduce interference between male and female functions that leads to selfing.  相似文献   

For tenBlandfordia grandiflora populations spanning about 90% of the species' range, univariate and multivariate analyses on 14 vegetative and reproductive characters separated plants into distinct coastal and tableland groups. Distinguishing characters were number of flowers and leaves, leaf length and width, and inflorescence stalk height and diameter; coastal plants were larger than tableland plants. In a transplant experiment, coastal and tableland plants retained their phenotypic distinctness, indicating that vegetative morphology was genetically determined. Coastal plants exhibited clinal variation with latitude. Compared to tableland plants, coastal plants had higher pollen: ovule ratios, and produced fewer but heavier seeds per flower. Tableland and coastal plants are phenotypically distinct, indicating that separate subspecific status is warranted.  相似文献   

The soft scale,Steatococcus new species, occurs onCryptostegia grandiflora R. Br. in Madagascar. Studies on its biology and host plant range showed colonies could survive for up to 6 months on some genera in theApocynaceae and indefinitely on many genera in the familyAsclepiadaceae. The species was therefore rejected as a biological control agent forC. grandiflora, a serious weed in northern Queensland, Australia.   相似文献   

Summary Sesbania showed a luxuriant growth in soil with an electrical conductivity of up to 10 m Scm−1. Under saline conditions Na and Cl accumulated at different rates in the plants. Accumulation of these ions in the leaf rachis compared with leaflets appears to be an adaptive feature of this legume. Maintenance of an optimum K level and accumulation of Ca are also indicative of a salt-tolerance mechanism. Accumulation of Fe in the roots of salt-stressed plants is noteworthy. Organic acids and soluble sugars which accumulated in plants under stress condition may play a role in osmotic adjustment. The level of proline, however, remained unaltered. Though the chlorophyll content of the leaves decreased, the photosynthetic rate was found to be enhanced by saline conditions. The probable relationships between these changes and the salt tolerance mechanism in the plant have been discussed.  相似文献   

The genusFedia consists of three species (F. cornucopiae, F. graciliflora andF. pallescens) of winter annual herbs, endemic to the western Mediterranean Basin. The deciduous terminal fruits of these taxa are polymorphic in the development of their pericarp and/or calyx, and each population is dimorphic or more rarely trimorphic. The three main fruit types are dispersed in several manners, and are specialized for either epizoochory or myrmecochory. On the basis of our experimental study of dimorphic and trimorphic populations ofF. pallescens subsp.pallescens, a genetic model is presented in order to explain the control of this intrapopulational polymorphism. It is postulated that two diallelic loci are tightly linked on the same chromosome in a functional supergene. One allele of each locus displays a dominance effect in the heterozygous state. Within the four possible homologous allelic segments, only two are present in the dimorphic populations, three in the trimorphic ones, and are otherwise associated in diverse combinations in the remaining taxa of the genus. Similar examples of fruit polymorphism are already documented in the tribeValerianeae, subtribeFediinae. The hypothesis is put forward that this fruit polymorphism is a synapomorphy for the subtribe.  相似文献   

In Madagascar, the leaf feeding Pyralid,Euclasta whalleyi Popescu-Gorj & Constantinescu, occurs onCryptostegia grandiflora R. Br. and other genera in the subfamilyPeriplocoideae of the familyAsclepiadaceae. Studies on its biology and host plant specificity have shown it is restricted to this subfamily. The Australian native,Gymnanthera nitida R. Br., also belongs to this sub-family and is host to an Australian native moth,Euclasta maceratalis Lederer. Despite the likelihood ofE. whalleyi feeding onG. nitida and competing withE. maceratalis, the moth was approved for release in Australia in October 1987. During 1988 over 22,000 larvae were released; field establishment is not yet proven.   相似文献   

Rural households living in tropical ecosystems depend heavily on forest trees for valuable nontimber forest products that are, however, undergoing unsustainable harvesting. This study assessed early survival and growth of Allanblackia stuhlmannii (Clusiaceae), a nontimber tree species endemic to Tanzania. A total of 400 seedlings sourced from twenty elite female trees were planted in two adjacent locations. Data were collected over 59 months for survival, height and root collar diameter. Seedling survival at 59 months was significantly different between Emau and Shebomeza, being on average ~11% higher in Shebomeza. However, survival of the progenies of each female tree at 59 months was not significantly different. Overall, mean RCD (range: 6.8–59.7 mm) and height (range: 17.1–274.4 cm) were positively correlated (r = 0.84, P < 0.001). The correlations in heights of individuals between 17 and 59, and 23 and 59 months were positive (r = 0.34 versus 0.53, respectively). Results also suggested that if growth rate is related to ontogeny from juvenile to adult, then the progenies of ten female trees that have shown consistently higher growth rates may flower and fruit earlier than other progenies. Future planting for conservation of this threatened, overharvested tree species can therefore be based on data gathered from these field genebanks.  相似文献   

An in vitro method was developed to regenerate large numbers of phenotypically uniform plants from the basal parts of the leaves of flowering plants of Renanthera imschootiana Rolfe. Differentiation of up to 10 shoot buds free of callus and protocorm-like bodies occurred in 10–12 weeks from the base of a single leaf implanted in Mitra et al. (1976) medium supplemented with 2% sucrose, 2 g l-1 peptone, 44.4 M benzyladenine (BA) and 10.7 M naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Subculture of the tissues in medium enriched with 10% coconut water and 35 g l-1 ripe banana pulp resulted in the production of highest average number of 40 shoots in 12 weeks. No difference in the regeneration potential was observed among the three young leaves while mature leaves did not respond. All the leaves of the regenerated shoots were easily recultured to increase shoot multiplication. Shoots readily formed roots on transfer to a medium containing 4.4 M BA, 10.7 M NAA and 1% activated charcoal. All regenerated plants examined were normal diploids with 2n=38. Foliar meristem culture appears to have great potential for ex situ conservation and propagation of this extremely endangered orchid.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

In vitro regeneration of wild groundnut species from Section Extranervosae (Arachis villosulicarpa, A. macedoi, A. retusa, A. burchellii, A. pietrarellii, A. prostrata, A. aff. prostrata and a new species) was examined for the purpose of germplasm renewal and conservation. Seeds of different ages, stored at the seed bank of CENARGEN/EMBRAPA were either inoculated on culture medium or used as a source of embryo axis and cotyledon explants. Whole seeds failed to germinate on MS either without growth regulators (MS0) or supplemented with 10 M TDZ. Embryo axes cultured on MS0 produced only single plants. In the presence of 8.8 M BAP these explants showed multi-shoot formation. Cotyledons cultured on MS supplemented with 110 M BAP developed adventitious shoots through direct organogenesis. Plant regeneration was obtained from A. villosulicarpa, A. macedoi, A. retusa, A. burchellii and A. pietrarellii both from embryo axes and cotyledons. Explants from A. prostrata and A. aff. prostrata did not produce regenerants. Rooting of shoots was induced in the presence of 5.4 M NAA. Primary plants derived from these explants were further multiplied by culturing nodal segments on MS medium plus 2.7 M NAA.  相似文献   

Wild and tissue cultured plants of Portulaca grandiflora Hook. have shown to be able to decolorize a sulfonated diazo dye Navy Blue HE2R (NBHE2R) up to 98% in 40 h. A significant induction in the activities of lignin peroxidase, tyrosinase and DCIP reductase was observed in the roots during dye decolorization. The wild plants and tissue cultures could independently decolorize and degrade NBHE2R into metabolites viz. N-benzylacetamide and 6-diazenyl-4-hydroxynaphthalene-2-sulfonic acid. A dye mixture and a textile effluent were also decolorized efficiently by P. grandiflora. The phytotoxicity study revealed reduction in the toxicity due to metabolites formed after dye degradation.  相似文献   

The medicinal leech is the most famous representative of the Hirudinea. It is one of few invertebrates widely used in medicine and as a scientific model object. It has recently been given considerable conservation effort. Despite all attention there is confusion regarding the taxonomic status of different morphological forms, with many different species described in the past, but only two generally accepted at present. The results of the phylogenetic analysis of a nuclear (ITS2+5.8S rRNA) and two mitochondrial gene sequences (12S rRNA, COI) suggest that the genus Hirudo is monophyletic. It consists, apart form the type Hirudo medicinalis and the East Asian Hirudo nipponia, of three other, neglected species. All of them have already been described either as species or morphological variety, and can readily be identified by their coloration pattern. The type species is in weakly supported sister relation with Hirudo sp. n. (described as variety orientalis) from Transcaucasia and Iran. Sister to them stands Hirudo verbana from southeastern Europe and Turkey, which is nowadays predominantly bred in leech farms and used as 'medicinal leech.' The North African Hirudo troctina is the sister taxon to this group of Western Eurasian species, whereas the basal split is between H. nipponia and the Western Palaearctic clade.  相似文献   

We used a double germination phenology or “move-along” experiment (sensu Baskin and Baskin, 2003) to characterize seed dormancy in two medicinal woodland herbs, Collinsonia canadensis L. (Lamiaceae) and Dioscorea villosa L. (Dioscoreaceae). Imbibed seeds of both species were moved through the following two sequences of simulated thermoperiods: (a) 30/15 °C→20/10 °C→15/6 °C→5 °C→15/6 °C→20/10 °C→30/15 °C, and (b) 5 °C→15/6 °C→20/10 °C→30/15 °C→20/10 °C→15/6 °C→5 °C. In each sequence, seeds of both species germinated to high rates (>85%) at cool temperatures (15/6 and 20/10 °C) only if seeds were previously exposed to cold temperatures (5 °C). Seeds kept at four control thermoperiods (5, 15/6, 20/10, 30/15 °C) for 30 d showed little or no germination. Seeds of both species, therefore, have physiological dormancy that is broken by 12 weeks of cold (5 °C) stratification. Morphological studies indicated that embryos of C. canadensis have “investing” embryos at maturity (morphological dormancy absent), whereas embryos of D. villosa are undeveloped at maturity (morphological dormancy present). Because warm temperatures are required for embryo growth and cold stratification breaks physiological dormancy, D. villosa seeds have non-deep simple morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). Neither species afterripened in a 6-month dry storage treatment. Cold stratification treatments of 4 and 8 weeks alleviated dormancy in both species but C. canadensis seeds germinated at slower speeds and lower rates compared to seeds given 12 weeks of cold stratification. In their natural habitat, both species disperse seeds in mid- to late autumn and germinate in the spring after cold winter temperatures alleviate endogenous dormancy.  相似文献   

Phytochemical investigations of the rhizomes of Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz. resulted in the isolation of four sesquiterpenes (1–4), five polyacetylenes (5–9), oleanolic acid (10), and 5-hydromethyl furaldehyde (11). Among them, seven compounds (3, 5–10) were firstly isolated from the A. chinensis, and all have been reported in the genus Atractylodes except compound 10. The chemotaxonomic significance of these compounds was summarized.  相似文献   

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