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Summary The consumption of fresh plant materials by adults and larvae of Hydromedion sparsutum and Perimylops antarcticus (Col., Perimylopidae) was estimated from the production of faecal pellets and amount of excreted plant remnants as dry weight. Adults and larvae of Hydromedion consumed large quantities of grasses, including the alien Poa annua, but smaller amounts of the indigenous great burnet, Acaena magellanica. Both stages of Perimylops consumed much smaller quantities of grasses and Acaena. Different species of mosses were eaten in both species, and appeared to be a major source of food for Perimylops in addition to microphytes on rocks. The consumption of mosses and microphytes reflects the adaptation of Perimylops to living in habitats at higher altitudes (e.g. above 200 m), where other plants are scarce.  相似文献   

On the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia two species of predatory beetle, Trechisibus antarcticus and Oopterus soledadinus (Coleoptera, Carabidae), were accidentally introduced. The colonisation process offers unique opportunities for testing ecological hypotheses in the field. As a basis for such studies, the spatial dynamics of the two species in the coastal lowland around Stromness Bay and Cumberland Bay were monitored during the period 1988–1996. Data are presented on the expansion of the two species and on the thermal characteristics of the tussock-forming grass Parodiochloa flabellata, which dominates the coastal lowlands. The largest expansion was shown by T. antarcticus, occurring as two populations in the Stromness Bay area. The origin of one of the populations, discovered in 1982, is Husvik Harbour, from where the species has colonised the central part of Stromness Bay. The second population, discovered in 1988 at Harbour Point, is invading the northern part of the area around Stromness Bay. Up to the present, three populations of O. soledadinus have been discovered. One population was found in 1988 at Husvik Harbour, co-existing with T. antarcticus, from where it is slowly expanding its distribution into the coastal zone. A second, very small, population of O. soledadinus was found in 1996 at Jason Harbour (Cumberland West Bay). The largest population of O. soledadinus, first reported in 1963, inhabits the area around Grytviken and King Edward Point (Cumberland East Bay), where it is the sole carabid species. The tussock grass vegetation offers a highly stable thermal environment compared with the more variable surroundings. Together with an ample food supply in the form of small arthropods and beetle larvae, and a vacant niche for arthropod predators, the benign microclimate of the tussock vegetation may explain the success of these predator introductions. Results of field observations on population parameters of the carabids, and laboratory measurement of egg production indicate the potential for large-scale co-existence. Accepted: 10 November 1998  相似文献   

Worland MR  Block W 《Cryobiology》1999,38(1):60-67
The site of ice nucleation in the freeze-tolerant, sub-Antarctic beetle Hydromedion sparsutum has been investigated. Ice+ bacteria, active at above -2.0 degrees C, were isolated from the guts of beetles and identified as a fluorescent Pseudomonas species. Other possible sites of nucleation, including the hemolymph, were examined but had a lower activity. Ice+ bacteria were isolated from mixed populations, isolated from the guts of adult beetles, and grown on nutrient agar plates and in nutrient broth. Nucleation activity of the broth culture peaked after only 2 days although the number of live cells continued to increase until day 6. These cultures were used to determine the maximum nucleation activity of a bacterial suspension in sterile distilled water (-3.4 degrees C) and the dilution factor required to cause a 50% reduction in activity (10(4)). The original bacterial suspension had an absorbance of 0.5 measured at 660 nm and contained 6 x 10(11) bacteria per milliliter. From this it is estimated that only 1 in 10(6) bacteria possessed the highest levels of ice-nucleating activity. Other insect species, including Perimylops antarcticus, which are found in habitats similar to that of H. sparsutum, were examined for the presence of ice+ bacteria. All contained ice-nucleating bacteria in their guts but with a lower level of activity than in H. sparsutum. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

The human-assisted establishment of two non-native predatory carabid beetles (Merizodus soledadinus (Guerin-Ménéville), Trechisibus antarcticus (Dejean)) on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia occurred 30–50 years ago, but the distribution of these species has never been the subject of regular monitoring, and was last assessed in the mid-1990s. Based on opportunistic collection records and directed field survey activities on South Georgia over four summer seasons between 2002/3 and 2008/9, we describe recent and important range expansions in both species on the island. The new distributional ranges of both species are highly suggestive of a continuing inadvertent human role in transferring them across the obstructions presented by tidewater glaciers or higher-altitude mountain passes. Both species now have the potential to spread unchecked by any other geographical obstructions across a large section of the north-east coast of the island and are likely to have considerable negative impacts on the elements of the native (including endemic) terrestrial invertebrate fauna.  相似文献   

Peter Convey 《Polar Biology》2005,28(2):108-110
No Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) are known to be residents of South Georgia. This paper presents new records of three lepidopterans on the island. Two, Agrotis ipsilon (Noctuidae) and Plutella xylostella (Yponomeutidae), are well-known migrants. The third, Plodia interpunctella (Pyralidae), is closely associated with human habitation. In the context of regional trends of climate warming P. xylostella may already possess the ecophysiological capacity to permit establishment on South Georgia.  相似文献   

C. M. Todd 《Polar Biology》1997,18(3):166-171
The influence of feeding state on cold-adapted metabolism was investigated in the adults of two carabid beetles, Trechisibus antarcticus and Oopterus soledadinus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), which have been introduced to sub-Antarctic South Georgia. The metabolic rates in both fed and starved O. soledadinus and T. antarcticus were determined at eight temperatures ranging from 0 to 35°C, using a Servomex 570A oxygen analyser. There was no significant difference in the metabolic rates between the fed and starved animals of each species. In T. antarcticus this ranged from 0.28 to 3.84 ml O2 g−1 h−1, and in O. soledadinus from 0.19 to 2.80 ml O2 g−1 h−1 at 0 and 35°C, respectively. In each of the four experimental groups there was a strong positive correlation between metabolic rate and temperature, with the highest increase occurring between 0 and 5°C. In contrast, the metabolic rate was significantly negatively correlated with initial live weight of the beetles at most temperatures. The results are discussed comparatively with other species and against a background of the ecology of the two carabids at South Georgia. Received: 26 August 1996 / Accepted: 3 February 1997  相似文献   

White muscle samples of Antarctic fish (Notothenia rossii, N. neglecta, N. gibberifrons and Chaenocephalus aceratus) were subjected to electrophoretic tests. Isoelectric focusing of general muscle proteins provides a quick method of identifying species. Six muscle enzymes were resolved by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. These are presumed to be the products of ten independent gene loci. Coefficients of genetic distance were calculated and substantially agree with the conventional taxonomy. Levels of genetic variability are within the normal range for marine teleosts. Two polymorphic enzymes. GPI and PGM, might prove useful as 'genetic tags' for stock identification.  相似文献   

White muscle samples of Antarctic fish ( Notothenia rossii, N., neglecta. N. gibbe-rifrons and Chaenocephalus (aceratus ) were subjected to electrophoretic tests. lsoelectric focusing of general muscle proteins provides a quick method of iden-tyfying species. Six muscle enzymes were resolved by horizontal starch gel clectrophoresis. These are presumed to be the products of ten independent gene loci. Coefficients of genetic distance were calculated and substantially agree with the conventional taxnomy. Levels of genetic variability are within the normal range for marine teleosts. Two polymorphic enzymes. GPI and PGM. might prove useful as 'genetic tags' for stock identification.  相似文献   

Qualitative samples of Collembola were obtained from a range of substrates near Husvik, Stromness Bay, South Georgia, between January and March 1996. Collections made at Hope Point near Grytviken (Cumberland East Bay) in 1980/1982 and 1997 were also examined. Fifteen species of Collembola were recorded around Husvik; most were widely distributed. Two of these, Friesia sp. nov. and Cryptopygus badasa, represent additions to the previously recognised fauna of 17 species. A new record of an introduced species, Hypogastrura purpurescens, was identified in collections from Hope Point in 1980/1982, bringing the total South Georgian fauna to 20 species. A key to South Georgian Collembola is included. H. purpurescens and the congeneric Hypogastrura viatica, both cosmopolitan invasive species, have also been recognised on other sub-Antarctic islands and have displaced resident species from some habitats. Their presence on South Georgia, and the dominance of H. viatica in some habitats, highlight the importance of strict quarantine measures to avoid the introduction of further alien invertebrates. Accepted: 30 November 1998  相似文献   

RATES OF WATER LOSS WERE DETERMINED FOR FOUR COLEOPTERA SPECIES: the herbivores Hydromedion sparsutum, Perimylops antarcticus (Family Perimylopidae) and the carnivores Trechisibus antarcticus, Oopterus soledadinus (Family Carabidae) collected during summer from a range of terrestrial habitats at South Georgia. A recording microbalance enabled measurement of individual weight loss with time in <5% r.h. at 10, 20, 30 and 35 degrees C. Adults of T. antarcticus had significantly higher rates of water loss than any other species over all temperatures. Individuals of both herbivores exhibited the slowest water loss rates under the experimental conditions. Within species, rates at 10 or 20 degrees C were slower than at the higher temperatures. Adult P. antarcticus had significantly greater amounts of body water than adult H. sparsutum for each of the four temperatures. Within species and life-stages of both herbivores, body water contents after drying at 10 degrees C were significantly lower than individuals dried at 30-35 degrees C, but no such differences were observed for the carnivores. At each temperature, rates of water loss were negatively correlated with initial live weight in all four species, but this was not the case within species or between adults and larvae. Maximum survival times during desiccation declined as temperature increased, but did not differ between species at 10 degrees C. Over 30-35 degrees C, survival times of both herbivores were significantly longer than either of the carnivores. Smaller insects (e.g. the carabids) had faster rates of water loss than the larger perimylopids under the same environmental conditions. The latter had greater resistance to desiccation than the former. It is suggested that the larger body water content of P. antarcticus enables it to resist desiccation more than the other three species, which correlates with its ecological distribution. Differences in water contents after drying individuals at low and high temperatures may be caused either by the water binding properties of cells and tissues or by reduction in energy stores in order to maintain metabolism at lower environmental temperatures causing a body weight loss. Whilst both herbivores show some physiological adaptations to drying conditions, it is suggested that the two carnivorous beetles may have adapted behaviourally to the South Georgia environment.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of adults and larvae of two species of perimylopid beetles (Hydromedion sparsutum, Perimylops antarcticus) to survive sub-zero temperatures was studied at Husvik, South Georgia in summer during October–December 1990. Experiments determined their survival at constant sub-zero temperatures, their lower lethal temperatures and individual supercooling points. The effects of cooling rates (0.015°, 0.5° and 2.0°C min–1) and starvation on survival were also assessed. Mean supercooling points of field-collected individuals of both species were in the range -3.0° to -5.4°C with Perimylops having a deeper capacity (ca. 1.5°C) for supercooling relative to Hydromedion. The former species also survived freezing temperatures significantly better than the latter and its mean lower lethal temperature was 2.5°C lower. At a constant temperature of -8.5°C, the median survival times for Perimylops adults and larvae were 19 and 26 h respectively, whilst both stages of Hydromedion died within 3 h. The three cooling rates resulted in significantly different median survival temperatures for adult Hydromedion with 0.5°C min–1 producing maximum survival. Prior starvation did not have a significant influence on the survival of either species at sub-zero temperatures although both adults survived less well. The results support field observations on the habitats and distribution of these insects, and suggest differing degrees of freezing tolerance.  相似文献   

We determined the homogeneous nucleation temperature depression, ΔTf,hom, the equilibrium melting point depression, ΔTm, and the value λ, which can be obtained from the linear relationship ΔTf,hom = λΔTm, for aqueous solutions of PEG (200-20,000 g mol−1), PVP (10,000, 35,000, 40,000 g mol−1), and dextran (10,000 g mol−1) in the concentration range 0-40 wt% using the emulsion method. The molecular weight dependence of Tf,hom, Tm, and λ in PEG aqueous solutions was found to change in the vicinity of Mw 600-1540 at all concentrations. In addition, it was confirmed that for all of the polymers studied, there was a good linear relationship between λ and the logarithmic value of the self-diffusion coefficient D0 of the solute molecule. These results indicate that the parameters that describe non-equilibrium freezing, such as Tf,hom and λ, are dependent on solution properties such as viscosity and self-diffusion of solute molecules.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of American trypanosomiasis or Chagas' disease, is of both medical and veterinary importance as is evidenced by chronic phase myocarditis in humans and dogs. Further, T. cruzi has been reported from over 20 species of wildlife reservoir hosts in the USA, with raccoons (Procyon lotor) and opossums (Didelphis virginiana) being the most common. Whereas previous studies on T. cruzi in raccoons have included only culture and direct examination of blood, the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was used in the current study to detect anti-T. cruzi antibodies in the serum of raccoons. Of 221 raccoons trapped at 13 sites representing the five physiographic regions of South Carolina plus five sites in the Piedmont region of Georgia (from April 1997 to February 2000), 104 (47%) were seropositive. A higher seroprevalence in raccoons was observed in the coastal regions, with seroprevalence in the Lower Coastal Plain South (61%) being significantly higher than that in the Foothills (37%), Piedmont (42%), and Upper Coastal Plain (40%) regions. However, at a seroprevalence of 52%, the Lower Coastal Plain North was not significantly different from any other region. Although more female raccoons were infected than males, no statistical difference in prevalence was observed between sexes. The high seroprevalence of T. cruzi in raccoons, together with a few reports of wildlife isolates being infective for other wildlife species and domestic/laboratory animals, suggests that risk of T. cruzi infection may be higher than previously suspected.  相似文献   

Nine species of littoral air-breathing Acari were collected at Husvik Harbour, South Georgia, comprising three Parasitiphis (Rhodacaridae), one Nanorchestes (Nanorchestidae), two Halo-zetes (Podacaridae) and three Hyadesia (Hyadesidae). All of the adaptive physiological and structural features observed in these mites are paralleled in related European littoral species. Although the predatory Parasitiphis spp. may cohabit in upper littoral crevices and feed on similar prey, they forage among different habitats. By contrast, Halozetes and Hyadesia spp. frequently occur together and occupy very similar niches, but competition does not appear to be significant and co-habitation may be a mutually advantageous strategy to prevent dislodgement by wave action.  相似文献   

Dietary segregation of krill-eating South Georgia seabirds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
J. P. Croxall    P. A. Prince    K. Reid 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(3):531-556
The diets of six of the main seabird species (two petrels, two albatrosses, two penguins) breeding at Bird Island, South Georgia were studied simultaneously during the chick-rearing period in 1986. For five species, Antarctic krill Euphausia superba was the main food (39–98% by mass); grey-headed albatrosses took mainly the ommastrephid squid Martialia hyadesi (71%) and only 16% krill. The size of the krill taken was similar between seabird species, although there were small but significant differences between penguins and the other species. Sex and reproductive status of krill, however, was different between all seabird species, reflecting some combination of differences in foraging ranges, selectivity by predators, or differences in escape responses of krill. For the krill-eating species, the rest of the diet varied substantially between species, comprising Martialia and nototheniid fish (blackbrowed albatross and, along with lanternfish, white-chinned petrel), lanternfish and amphipods (Antarctic prion and macaroni penguin), and icefish (gentoo penguin). Long-term data on breeding success and information on diet in 5–10 other years suggest that in 1986 seabird diet and reproductive performance was indicative of a year of good availability of krill around South Georgia. In such circumstances, ecological segregation between krill-eating species appears to be maintained chiefly by differences in foraging range and feeding methods, which are reviewed. This situation is rather different from the few studies of seabird communities elsewhere, where prey type and size are believed to be the main mechanisms of dietary segregation.  相似文献   

Summary The population dynamics of nearshore juvenile Notothenia rossii were studied at South Georgia during 1978 and 1979. Mortality of the population was calculated from length-class abundance of fish sampled by trammel nets, and the population size estimated using a mark and recapture technique. Instantaneous natural mortality in the nearshore population was high (M=0.78) although other author's estimate for the mortality in the offshore population was only 0.35. Therefore it is likely that no single estimate of mortality will apply to fish of all ages. The population density of juvenile N. rossii was about 11 g m-2 nearshore. The size of the offshore population was estimated by calculating survival from the nearshore age classes. The data suggest that the population around South Georgia has been reduced by overfishing to about one tenth of its previous unexploited level. Yield could have been increased by fishing less intensively, and the population maintained at or near its initial level if recruitment remained constant.  相似文献   

H. G. Smith 《Polar Biology》1982,1(3):173-179
Summary 75 taxa of Protozoa (18 flagellates, 9 naked rhizopods, 20 testate rhizopods and 28 ciliates) were found in 14 samples of mineral materials, peats, soils and guano collected from the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. The results confirm the existence of distinct natural communities of protozoan species related to the different classes of habitat in the sub-Antarctic and maritime Antarctic, but suggest that species characteristic of the maritime Antarctic also occur in the sub-Antarctic and species characteristic of bryophyte peats also occur in soils with angiosperm vegetation. The diversity of the fauna of different habitats can be related to degree of soil development and successional stage of associated vegetation. Comparison of the data on the testate rhizopod fauna of South Georgia with those from other sub-Antarctic locations shows a clear trend of faunal pauperization with latitude.  相似文献   

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