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A pKT231-based broad-host-range plasmid vector was constructed which enabled regulation of expression of cloned genes in a wide range of gram-negative bacteria. This vector, pNM185, contained upstream of its EcoRI, SstI, and SstII cloning sites the positively activated pm twin promoters of the TOL plasmid and xylS, the gene of the positive regulator of these promoters. Expression of cloned genes was induced with micromolar quantities of benzoate or m-toluate, the inexpensive coinducers of the pm promoters. Expression of a test gene, xylE, which specifies catechol 2,3-dioxygenase, cloned in this vector was tested in representative strains of a variety of gram-negative bacteria. Regulated expression of xylE was observed in most strains examined, and induced levels of enzyme representing up to 5% of total cellular protein and ratios of induced:noninduced levels of enzyme up to a factor of 600 were observed. The level of xylE gene expression in different bacteria tended to be correlated with their phylogenetic distance from Pseudomonas putida.  相似文献   

We describe here the construction and use of a series of modified transposons based on the insertion sequence IS1. Like their parent, omegon-Km [Fellay et al., Gene 76 (1989) 215-226], these elements permit efficient insertional mutagenesis of a variety of Gram-negative bacteria. The presence of a functional pBR322 origin of replication within the transposable element facilitates subsequent cloning of the mutated gene. The omegon-Km system was previously shown to function in Pseudomonas putida, Rhizobium leguminosarum and Paracoccus denitrificans. The results we present here demonstrate that its use can be extended to Xanthomonas campestris, a plant pathogen, and to the microaeroduric Zymomonas mobilis. Derivative transposons carrying unique restriction sites for ScaI, NdeI, XbaI and XhoI have been constructed, allowing the cloning and introduction of foreign genes. We have also constructed two derivatives which can be used to generate operon fusions upon insertion and are thus useful for isolating and characterising indigenous promoters. One carries a promoterless chloramphenicol acetyl-transferase (CAT)-encoding gene (cat) and the second, the entire promoterless Escherichia coli lac operon. We demonstrate the utility of the cat promoter probe in X. campestris to target conditional promoters inducible by high salt or subject to repression by glucose.  相似文献   

A cosmid cloning system has been developed which is useful for the construction of genomic libraries and the introduction of clones into a broad range of bacterial species. The cosmids pMMB33 and pMMB34 allow selective cloning into their unique BamHI site of 36-kb DNA fragments generated by BamHI, Sau3A and MboI partial digestion. This selective cloning is achieved by a strategy that avoids formation of polycosmids without a dephosphorylation step. It uses two unique recognition sites within the vectors for endoncleases that generate blunt-ended DNA fragments for the preparation of left and right cosmid "arms". An alternative method that uses the unique EcoRI and SstI sites and dephosphorylation of the cosmid arms prior to BamHI digestion is also outlined and discussed. The DNA is first cloned with either vector into a rec- E. coli strain, where clones can be maintained stably, and can then be introduced by mobilization into a wide range of Gram-negative species to permit the study of gene expression and complementation. Because mobilization is much more efficient than transformation, the vector has the advantage that it can be transferred between bacterial species that specify different restriction systems, where transformation appears to be inefficient. The vectors have been used to generate gene libraries from the chromosomal DNA of several Pseudomonas and a Thiobacillus species. The genes specifying myo-inositol transport from Pseudomonas strain JD34 have been cloned with this system.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) based on rational computational design was performed to create a fluorescence-based biosensor for endotoxin and gram-negative bacteria. EGFP mutants (EGFP(i)) bearing one (G10) or two (G12) strands of endotoxin binding motifs were constructed and expressed in an Escherichia coli host. The EGFP(i) proteins were purified and tested for their efficacy as a novel fluorescent biosensor. After efficient removal of lipopolysaccharide from the E. coli lysates, the binding affinities of the EGFP(i) G10 and G12 to lipid A were established. The K(D) values of 7.16 x 10(-7) M for G10 and 8.15 x 10(-8) M for G12 were achieved. With high affinity being maintained over a wide range of pH and ionic strength, the binding of lipid A/lipopolysaccharide to the EGFP(i) biosensors could be measured as a concentration-dependent fluorescence quenching of the EGFP mutants. The EGFP(i) specifically tagged gram-negative bacteria like E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as other gram-negative bacteria in contaminated water sampled from the environment. This dual function of the EGFP(i) in detecting both free endotoxin and live gram-negative bacteria forms the basis of the development of a novel fluorescent biosensor.  相似文献   

The chloroform-methanol extractable lipids of the Gram-negative fresh-water bacteria Arcocella aquatica NO-502 and Flectobacillus major FM were found to contain an unusual ninhydrin-positive glycolipid. It was purified by two-stage silica gel-column chromatography. By the use of IR and (1)H-NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and chemical-degradation experiment, the lipid was established to be 1-O-monoglycosyl ceramide, the carbohydrate moiety of which was the alpha-pyranose-ring form of 7-desoxy-7-amino-D-manno-heptulosonic acid, or 1-hydroxycarbonyl-6-deoxy-6-amino-alpha-D-mannopyranose. The ceramide portion consisted mainly (by 95% in the A. aquatica glycolipid and 80% in the F. major glycolipid) of 2-N-(2'-D-hydroxy-13'-methyltetradecanoyl)-15-methyl-4(E)-hexad ecasph ingenine. The minor molecular species differed from the major one only in fatty acid structure. The glycolipid accounted for 8 and 11% of the total lipids extracted from A. aquatica NO-502 and F. major FM cells, respectively.  相似文献   

A novel vector has been constructed for the constitutive luminescent tagging of gram-negative bacteria by site-specific integration into the 16S locus of the bacterial chromosome. A number of gram-negative pathogens were successfully tagged using this vector, and the system was validated during murine infections of living animals.  相似文献   

Abstract The use of plasmid pMM102 as a positive selection cloning vector is described. This plasmid is derived from pBR322 and contains the DNA encoding microcin B17 production and immunity. RecA Escherichia coli K12 cells containing this plasmid are unable to grow in minimal medium. Inactivation of any of the 4 genes required for microcin production allows the bacterial host to produce colonies. This property has been used to clone DNA inserts in the unique sites for restriction endonucleases Bgl II, Sac I, Sac II and Sma I in pMM102. DNA fragments with asymmetrical termini of many different kinds can also be cloned. We have also identified a fragment in the wild-type plasmid pMccB17 that suppresses the pMM102-induced growth inhibition.  相似文献   

Host-plasmid interactions were studied for the broad-host range plasmid RK2 and its derivative pTJS26. To isolate host and plasmid contributions to the host-plasmid interaction, experiments were performed with the same plasmid in three different gram-negative hosts. The three hosts were: Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. Separate experiments were performed for both host and recombinant cells to identify their growth characteristics. Cells were grown in different media to investigate the effect of growth rate on plasmid stability, and at two different temperatures (30°C and 37°C) to investigate the effect of plasmid content on growth dynamics. The comparison of the results obtained with plasmids RK2 and pTJS26 was used to analyze the effect of mutations in the replication region on growth dynamics and plasmid stability.  相似文献   

A vector is described for the expression of genomic or cDNA copies of bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes in transfected mouse Ltk cells. Class I gene fragments are amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, using primers in conserved parts of exon 2 and the 3′-untranslated region of the gene. Amplified class I gene fragments can then be subcloned into the expression vector, pBoLA-21, which contains the necessary 5′-and 3′-sequences for correct expression. The vector was tested by subcloning and expressing genomic and cDNA clones.  相似文献   

Here we report on the construction of a tetracycline inducible expression vector that allows a tightly regulable gene expression in Corynebacterium glutamicum which is used in industry for production of small molecules such as amino acids. Using the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter protein we show that this vector, named pCLTON1, is characterized by tight repression under non-induced conditions as compared to a conventional IPTG inducible expression vector, and that it allows gradual GFP synthesis upon gradual increase of anhydrotetracycline addition.  相似文献   

A Charbit  A Molla  W Saurin  M Hofnung 《Gene》1988,70(1):181-189
A wide variety of peptides in terms of length and sequence can be expressed at the surface of the bacterium Escherichia coli by genetic insertion into a 'permissive' site of the outer membrane protein LamB, used as a carrier. The resulting hybrid proteins essentially keep their biological activities with inserts of up to about 60 amino acid residues, and of a large range of predicted structures or hydrophobicities. This reflects a remarkable flexibility in the organization of the protein, but also in the export machinery. The method used to select such a permissive site is quite general and its potential to generate applications, including a versatile type of live bacterial vaccine, are discussed.  相似文献   

From estuarine mud a rod-shaped, motile, gram-negative, anaerobic bacterium was isolated (strain asp 66). Asp 66 fermented several substrates including glucose, fructose, malate, fumarate, citrate and aspartate. Fermentation products were acetate, propionate and presumably CO2. Hydrogen was never formed nor utilized. Succinate conversion to propionate was catalyzed by cell suspensions but did not support growth. Asp 66 did not require vitamins and grew well in mineral media with a fermentable substrate. The pH range for growth was from 6.5 to 8.5. Temperature optimum was 27 to 30°C. The strain was able to fix N2 as evidenced by its growth with N2 as sole nitrogen source and its ability to reduce acetylene to ethylene. Cell-free extracts of cultures grown under air without shaking contained cytochrome(s) with absorption peaks at 523 nm and at 553 nm. The G+C content of the DNA was 60.8+-1 mol%. The taxonomic position of strain asp 66 is discussed.  相似文献   

A composite mammalian cell-E. coli shuttle vector was developed based on the human papova virus BK and pSV-neo. The vector contains a dioxin-responsive enhancer (DRE) controlling a mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) promoter for the inducible expression of inserted genes. In human cells the vector replicates episomally, presumably utilizing the BKV rather than the SV40 origin, and expresses the BK T/t antigens. A deletion in the late BK region precludes the expression of the core/capsid proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3, thereby preventing the infectious lytic cycle. HeLa cells which were transfected with this vector and selected for resistance to the antibiotic G418 maintained the construct primarily in episomal form during more than one year of continuous culture, with little or no integration into the host genome. Transformed cells cultured in higher concentrations of G418 contained higher copy numbers of the vector. This permits one to vary the dosage of an inserted gene easily and reversibly without the need of conventional amplification techniques and clonal analysis. Using a chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) reporter gene inserted downstream of the MMTV promoter, we found that CAT expression was greater in clones with higher vector copy number. CAT expression was inducible with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, but inducibility was found to be inversely proportional to the copy number. Transformation of bacteria with plasmid molecules retrieved from the mammalian host was efficient, making this vector well adapted for the screening of cDNA libraries for the ability to express a phenotype in mammalian cells. Moreover, DNA sequences were stable during long-term passage in mammalian cells; vector passaged continuously for more than one year retained fully functional bacterial genes for resistance to chloramphenicol and ampicillin.  相似文献   

We examined the expression of the ras gene family (Ha-ras, Ki-ras, N-ras) in human fetal tissues (14 week) and in several human tumor cell lines. Dot blot hybridization showed that the three ras genes were expressed in all of the samples analysed, with a range of expression between 10 and 180 molecules/cell. There was no correlation between levels of expression of ras genes and the type of ras gene activated in different tumor types.  相似文献   

Abstract Three monoclonal antibodies (MCA) against Pseudomonas aeruginosa common antigen (CA) and one MCA against Bordetella pertussis CA were produced. These immunoglobulins were examined by ELISA against extracts of a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. No reactions were obtained with Gram-positive organisms. The reaction patterns with Gram-negative organisms were different for each of the monoclonal antibodies and did not follow the accepted taxonomal principles. The results prove that a number of antigen determinants are not shared by CA of different bacteria.  相似文献   

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