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The male effect is currently only used during seasonal or lactational anoestrus because the response is thought to be blocked in cyclic females by periods of elevated progesterone. In this study, we tested whether cyclic, female goats would respond to male exposure with an increase in pulsatile LH secretion. During May (breeding season; Southern Hemisphere) the cycles of 16 Australian Cashmere goats were synchronised using intravaginal progesterone pessaries. Pessary insertion was staggered to produce groups in their early luteal (EL; n=8) and late luteal phases (LL; n=8). The LL group was retrospectively subdivided into mid-luteal (ML; n=4) and late luteal (LL; n=4) groups due to differences in oestrous cycle length that emerged during the study. Male exposure stimulated an increase in LH pulse frequency in the EL and LL groups (P<0.01) but not in the ML group (P>0.1). This increase was accompanied by an increase in basal and mean concentrations of LH in the LL group (P<0.05) but not in EL (P<0.1) or ML (P>0.1) group. There was no effect of male exposure on LH pulse amplitude (P>0.1). Progesterone concentrations differed among all groups on the day of male exposure (P<0.05) and declined significantly over the 12-h sampling period in the LL group (P<0.05). Prolactin concentrations declined in the EL group but did not change significantly in the ML or LL group. In conclusion, male exposure induced an increase in pulsatile LH in goats in the early and late luteal phases of the oestrous cycle. The high concentrations of progesterone in females in the mid-luteal phase appeared to block the male effect.  相似文献   

Determining if, or when, individuals trade off time spent personally feeding against time spent monitoring others for kleptoparasitism opportunities is essential to an understanding of the evolution of scrounging and usurpation behaviours. We provide a first field test of whether kleptoparasites reduce their personal foraging effort in situations where the frequency and rewards of kleptoparasitism increase. We provided experimental food patches for wild European blackbirds that varied in the distribution of prey and that had a potentially high rate of kleptoparasitism within pairs of blackbirds feeding in them. Although individuals differed in their rate of kleptoparasitism, they did not vary in the size of the reward that they gained from kleptoparasitism. As prey became more clumped, kleptoparasitism rate and its reward per incident increased on average. There was, however, no evidence that individuals that were kleptoparasitising more quickly and/or at a higher frequency had lower personal foraging effort. In contrast, foraging effort increased in both birds compared to when they were foraging alone, independent of dominance, kleptoparasitic opportunity or reward. Our evidence suggests that in some circumstances a kleptoparasite can detect kleptoparasitic opportunities without compromising its own personal foraging rate.  相似文献   

A recent sexual conflict model posits that a form of intersexual conflict may explain the persistence of males in androdioecious (males + hermaphrodites) populations of animals that are being selected to transition from dioecious (gonochoristic) mating to self‐compatible hermaphroditism. During the evolutionary spread of a self‐compatible hermaphrodite to replace females, the selective pressures on males to outcross are in conflict with the selective pressures on hermaphrodites to self. According to this model, the unresolved conflict interferes with the evolutionary trajectory from dioecy to hermaphroditism, slowing or halting that transition and strengthening the otherwise “transitory” breeding system of androdioecy into a potentially stable breeding strategy. Herein, we assess this model using two dioecious and two androdioecious clam shrimp (freshwater crustaceans) to ask two questions: (1) Have hermaphrodites evolved so that males cannot effectively recognize them?; and (2) Do androdioecious hermaphrodites avoid males? Androdioecious males made more mistakes than dioecious males when guarding potential mates suggesting that androdioecious males were less effective at finding hermaphrodites than dioecious males were at finding females. Similarly, in a three‐chambered experiment, focal hermaphrodites chose to aggregate with their same sex, whereas focal dioecious males chose to aggregate with the alternate sex. Together, these two experiments support the sexual conflict model of the maintenance of androdioecy and suggest that hermaphrodites are indeed evolving to avoid and evade males.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the hypothesis that male primates in multi-male/multi-female social groups with a clear male dominance hierarchy have a better chance of mating when the number of estrous females is equal to or greater than, as opposed to less than, the males' ordinal rank. I studied a Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata fuscata) troop during mating seasons from 1992 to 1995. The mean daily operational sex ratio (OSR; the number of estrous females per troop male), which was calculated on observation days, was 0.21, 1.9, 0.48, and 3.1 in 1992-1995, respectively. Overall, focal animal sampling of males yielded 118 male-day records. The male-day records for each male were divided into the two estrous female number conditions: 1) the male-day records when the number of estrous females was equal to or greater than the male's ordinal rank, and 2) the male-day records when the number of estrous females was less than the male's ordinal rank. In the 1993 and 1995 mating seasons, when the number of estrous females was equal to or greater than the ordinal rank of each male, all of the males were observed mating. Conversely, when the number of estrous females was less than the ordinal rank of some male, they were not observed mating in the 1992 and 1994 mating seasons. The percentage for each male across each male's total mating opportunity was <20% when the number of estrous females was less than the male's ordinal rank. By contrast, the percentage for each male across each male's total mating opportunity exceeded 45% when the number of estrous females was equal to or greater than the male's ordinal rank, except for one male. Of all the male-day records for males observed mating with ejaculation, 41 were obtained when the number of estrous females was equal to or greater than the male's rank; conversely, only three records were obtained when the number of estrous females was less than the male's ordinal rank. Therefore, it appears that males have a better chance of mating when the number of estrous females is equal to or greater than the males' ordinal rank, as opposed to when the number is less than their ordinal rank.  相似文献   

Birds of the genus Cisticola occur over most of Southern Africa in varying habitats ranging from low to high altitudes and wet to dry areas causing species to have unique distributions. In order to determine if Cisticolas have evolved species‐specific water repellency and resistance to water penetration compatible with their habitats, we have measured the barb diameter and spacing of abdominal, breast and throat feathers of six cisticola species and related the results to mean annual rainfall and altitudes in five different locations. Water repellency was not significantly associated with altitude or maximum mean summer temperatures. However, water repellency increased markedly with annual rainfall in the 550 to 600 mm/year range for abdominal and breast feathers, but not for throat feathers. This increase was evident both among species occurring at multiple sites and among different species occurring at single sites. However, the two species occurring at the wettest sites showed low water repellency, but increased resistance to water penetration. These findings suggest that water repellency and resistance to water penetration are part of the evolutionary forces that shape the microstructure of Cisticola contour feathers.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown sperm quality post-cryopreservation differs depending on the fraction of the seminal plasma boar spermatozoa are fortuitously contained in. As such, spermatozoa contained in the first 10 mL of the sperm-rich fraction (portion I) have better sustained handling procedures (extension, handling and freezing/thawing) than those contained in the ulterior part of a fractionated ejaculate (second portion of the sperm-rich fraction and the post-spermatic fraction, portion II). However, those studies were performed using pooled samples. In the present study, individual ejaculates were used. Split ejaculates (portions I and II) from five boars were frozen and thawed using a conventional freezing protocol, followed by computer-assisted motility and morphology analysis (CASA and ASMA, respectively), as well as an Annexin-V assay for spermatozoa from each boar and ejaculate portion. Significant differences between portions were observed in all ASMA-derived variables, except in one boar. Also significant differences were observed between boars and ejaculate portions in sperm quality post-thaw. We identified, however, boars showing best results of motility and sperm membrane integrity post-thaw in portion I, while in other boar the best results was observed in portion II. It is concluded that the identification of the ejaculate portion more suitable to sustain cryopreservation in each individual boar may be a readily applicable and easy technique to diminish variation in sperm freezability among boars.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 (PfAMA1) is a leading blood stage vaccine candidate. Plasmodium knowlesi AMA1 (PkAMA1) was produced and purified using similar methodology as for clinical grade PfAMA1 yielding a pure, conformational intact protein. Combined with the adjuvant CoVaccine HT™, PkAMA1 was found to be highly immunogenic in rabbits and the efficacy of the PkAMA1 was subsequently tested in a rhesus macaque blood-stage challenge model. Six rhesus monkeys were vaccinated with PkAMA1 and a control group of 6 were vaccinated with PfAMA1. A total of 50 µg AMA1 was administered intramuscularly three times at 4 week intervals. One of six rhesus monkeys vaccinated with PkAMA1 was able to control parasitaemia, upon blood stage challenge with P. knowlesi H-strain. Four out of the remaining five showed a delay in parasite onset that correlated with functional antibody titres. In the PfAMA1 vaccinated control group, five out of six animals had to be treated with antimalarials 8 days after challenge; one animal did not become patent during the challenge period. Following a rest period, animals were boosted and challenged again. Four of the six rhesus monkeys vaccinated with PkAMA1 were able to control the parasitaemia, one had a delayed onset of parasitaemia and one animal was not protected, while all control animals required treatment. To confirm that the control of parasitaemia was AMA1-related, animals were allowed to recover, boosted and re-challenged with P. knowlesi Nuri strain. All control animals had to be treated with antimalarials by day 8, while five out of six PkAMA1 vaccinated animals were able to control parasitaemia. This study shows that: i) Yeast-expressed PkAMA1 can protect against blood stage challenge; ii) Functional antibody levels as measured by GIA correlated inversely with the day of onset and iii) GIA IC50 values correlated with estimated in vivo growth rates.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits, such as male weapons, are highly variable in shape and size across species. However, little is known about the mechanisms that may govern this variation. Because males with greater investment in weapon size tend to win more fights, but also pay higher costs related to weapon development and maintenance, larger weapons should be expected only in species in which victory in male–male fights generate reproductive benefits that outweigh investment costs. Here, we hypothesized that the reproductive characteristics that increase the chances of winners to access females or to fertilize eggs will favor the evolution of larger weapons. To evaluate this hypothesis, we conducted a meta-analysis using arthropods as model organisms. To measure investment in weapon size, we gathered both Pearson correlation coefficient and the standardized (but non centralized) slope values for the relationship between weapon size and body size. We found that none of the reproductive characteristics we investigated was related to male weapon size. Thus, it seems that greater certainty of accessing a female or fertilizing female eggs with a victory does not modulate the investment in male weapon size. Perhaps the cost–benefit ratio between weapon size investment and reproductive success is not the main factor driving the variation in weapon size.  相似文献   

In the present study we compared the ventilatory performance whilst wearing self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) during exercise, of a group of male fire-fighters (FF, n = 8), with a matched group of male civilians (CV, n = 7). The mean (SEM) physiological characteristics of the subjects (FF vs CV) were: age 31 (2) years vs 32 (4) years; height 179 (2) cm vs 183 (3) cm, P < 0.05; mass 80 (2) kg vs 84 (3) kg; maximum oxygen uptake 4.52 (0.14) 1 x min(-1) vs 4.39 (0.27) 1 x min(-1). Volunteers performed a 23-minute fire-fighting simulation (Firetest), without and with SCBA (Fire-fighter II, Siebe-Gorman/North Safety, Cheshire, UK). During SCBA wear, the FF group used significantly less air and rated their breathlessness significantly lower than the CV group. The mean tidal volume (V(T)) of the FF group remained constant between non-SCBA and SCBA wear conditions, but the CV group increased their mean V(T) by 18%, (P < 0.01). There were no significant between-group differences during the Firetest in total breath duration, inspiratory or expiratory duration, breathing frequency (fb), or heart rate. These data suggest that the respiratory responses of firefighters while wearing SCBA, which are characterised by increases in (fb) but not V(T), may help to reduce their breathlessness during exercise while wearing SCBA.  相似文献   

The Supplement to the Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health documents that race, ethnicity, and culture are linked to the use of mental health services and the receipt of quality mental health care. The Supplement provides an elaborate discussion on how culture affects mental health care without a corresponding level of discourse on race. How race is handled in the Supplement suggests that it is still a sensitive topic and one that is difficult to address in a public report. This sensitivity parallels the difficulties that the social sciences have had in investigating issues of race. In this paper, we highlight some perspectives that have influenced the way race has been studied in the past and how these views reflect the general political climates of the eras that produced them.  相似文献   

With rare exceptions, anuran larvae have traditionally been considered to occupy lower trophic levels in aquatic communities where they function as microphagous suspension feeders. This view is being challenged by studies showing that tadpoles with generalized morphology often function as macrophagous predators. Here, we review the literature concerning macrophagy by tadpoles and provide two additional examples involving generalized tadpoles. In the first, we demonstrate with laboratory and field experiments that wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles are major predators of macroinvertebrates in ponds. In the second, we show that green frog (R. clamitans) tadpoles can cause catastrophic reproductive failure of the wood frog via egg predation. These results and data from other studies challenge the assumption that generalized tadpoles function as filter-feeding omnivores, and question the general applicability of community organization models which assume that predation risk increases with pond permanence. We suggest that predation risk is greater in temporary ponds than in more permanent ponds for many organisms that are vulnerable to predation by tadpoles. This being so, a conditional model based upon interactions that are species-specific, life-stage-specific, and context-dependent may better explain community organization along hydrological gradients than models which assume that temporary ponds have few or no predators. Received: 30 November 1998 / Accepted: 2 May 1999  相似文献   


Background and aims

Changes in the sex allocation (i.e. in pollen versus seed production) of hermaphroditic plants often occur in response to the environment. In some homosporous ferns, gametophytes choose their gender in response to chemical cues sent by neighbours, such that spores develop as male gametophytes if they perceive a female or hermaphrodite nearby. Here it is considered whether a similar process might occur in the androdioecious angiosperm species Mercurialis annua, in which males co-occur with hermaphrodites; previous work on a Spanish population of M. annua found that individuals were more likely to develop as males at high density.


Using a novel approach to treat plants with leachate from pots containing males or hermaphrodites of M. annua, the hypothesis that individuals assess their mating opportunities, and adjust their sex expression accordingly, was tested through an exchange of chemical cues through the soil.

Key Results

For the population under study, from Morocco, no evidence was found for soil-signal-dependent sex expression: neither sex ratios nor sex allocation differed among experimental treatments.


The results imply either that the Moroccan population under study behaves differently from that previously studied in Spain (pointing to potential geographical variation in plasticity for sex expression), or that our method failed to capture the signals used by M. annua for adjustment of sex expression.  相似文献   

E. CURIO  K. REGELMANN 《Ibis》1987,129(2):344-352
Parental investment theory suggests that animals should increase their reproductive success by investing more heavily in higher-quality offspring than in lower-quality offspring. Great Tit Parus major nestlings of higher body weight have been shown to enjoy a higher survival rate after fledging. We examine for the first time whether Great Tit parents invest more heavily in heavier nestlings as measured by defence (six variables) against a Pygmy Owl Glaucidium perlatum, similar to G. passerinum, which is a predator of both adult and nestling birds including hole-nesters like the Great Tit. Thirty-two parent Great Tit pairs in a wood- and parkland study area in Essen-Stadtwald did not vary their antipredator behaviour in relation to nestling weight; between-brood variation of weight was similar to that found in different populations and in different years. However, parental defence behaviour varied, as expected, with parent's sex and nestling number, though overall responsivity of parents to many other independent variables appeared lower than found previously.  相似文献   

In many polygynous species, males typically direct more intensecourtship toward more fecund females. Here we examined thisbehavior in relation to the attractiveness of a male's resource.We used the territorial polygynous beaugregory damselfish (Stegastesleucostictus) and manipulated the quality of male breeding territorieswith two types of artificial sites. We also investigated variablenatural breeding territories. Previous studies have shown thatthese different breeding sites were of different qualities,as judged by the number of eggs accrued by the defending male.Males on all three types of breeding sites did court females,and males using the highest quality sites exhibited significantlyhigher courtship intensity. However, only the group of maleson the highest quality site-type modulated their courtship intensityto female quality (i.e., female size). This indicates that males requiredsome minimal level of resource attractiveness (i.e., a threshold) beforethey exhibited mate preferences based on female quality. Further differencesin the resource attractiveness for males defending the high-qualityartificial sites were not related to differences in courtship behavior.  相似文献   

Modification of offspring sex ratios in response to parental quality is predicted when the long-term fitness returns of sons and daughters differ. One factor that may influence a mother's sex allocation decision is the quality (or attractiveness) of her mate. We investigated whether the sex ratios of offspring produced by female Drosophila melanogaster are biased with respect to the age of the males to which they are mated, and whether there is an adaptive basis for this phenomenon. We found that females mated to old males (13 d post-eclosion) initially produced a greater proportion of daughters than did females mated to young males (1 d post-eclosion). This pattern does not appear to be due to a systematic difference in the numbers or mortality of the X- and Y-bearing sperm originating from old and young fathers, as the overall sex ratios of all offspring produced from a single copulation did not differ between broods fathered by the two types of males. The sons of older males fared worse in competitive mating assays than did the sons of younger males, while daughters of old and young males were of comparable fitness. These results suggest that there is an adaptive basis for the observed sex ratio modification.  相似文献   

The production of and care for a replacement clutch can bear costs in terms of future reproduction or survival. However, renesting is quite common among seabirds and can contribute considerably to individual fitness. Prolactin and corticosterone are two hormones involved in the mediation of breeding behavior and, as they are linked to body condition or effort, it is of interest if these hormone values change during a second demanding breeding phase within a year. We compared baseline prolactin and corticosterone between the first and the renesting attempt in common terns (Sterna hirundo) on individual level. Therefore, in addition to control birds, 37 breeders were sampled during incubation of their first and their replacement clutch in 2008 and 2009. Blood samples were taken non-invasively by blood-sucking bugs. Prolactin level was lower during the renesting period, especially in birds which abandoned their clutch afterwards, whereas corticosterone did not change. Excluding the deserting birds, the reduced prolactin level was not linked to minor success, but could be related to seasonal processes. The control group of late laying common terns showed comparably low prolactin values, but increased corticosterone concentrations. Renesting individuals exhibited higher prolactin during incubation of their first clutch than non-renesting birds, probably indicating their higher quality. The fact that terns still have relatively high prolactin and low corticosterone values during renesting might confirm their higher quality and suggests that they are able to meet the costs of a second demanding breeding period without being considerably stressed.  相似文献   

Invasions are associated with loss of diversity and changes in species composition. This study aims to provide evidence if this loss happens at random or if the loss is related to functional traits of native species. Traits of species in communities dominated by 13 plants alien to Central Europe were compared to those found in the adjacent uninvaded vegetation. There is a weak but significant non-random pattern in the distribution of traits between the invaded and adjacent uninvaded vegetation. For example, species possessing a taproot, annuals but also juveniles of trees tend to be proportionally more abundant in the invaded vegetation, suggesting they are impacted less than species with high clonal index, perennial polycarpic species and species without a taproot, which are proportionally more represented in the uninvaded vegetation. Fast laterally spreading species, trees’ juveniles and woody species in general are proportionally more frequent in the invaded vegetation, while biennials, slow laterally spreading species but also shrubs are proportionally more frequent in the uninvaded vegetation. Juveniles of trees may compete successfully with the aliens due to being adapted to thrive in low light conditions. Annuals may thrive in the invaded communities by possessing a life strategy different from most of the selected aliens. Possessing a taproot appears to be another trait important for the successful coexistence with the dominant invasive aliens, possibly pointing to the importance of underground competition. Clonal perennial polycarpic herbs are species functionally most similar to most of the selected aliens, and these species were found to be most underrepresented in the invaded vegetation.  相似文献   

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