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The sites of thyroid hormone formation in rabbit thyroglobulin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rabbit thyroglobulin (Tg) was labeled in vivo with 125I and purified by gel filtration. Separation by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of tryptic digests of S-cyanoethylated Tg yielded four major iodothyronine-containing peaks, designated A, B, C, and D. These were further purified on HPLC and sequenced for identification of amino acid residues and for location of the iodothyronine by 125I counting. The published primary structure for bovine Tg, derived from cDNA sequencing of the Tg gene (Mercken, L., Simons, M.J., Swillens, S., Massaer, M., and Vassart, G. (1985) Nature 316, 647-651), permitted tentative location of the rabbit hormonogenic peptides within the Tg polypeptide chain. Site A, corresponding to bovine residue 5, contained 44% of Tgs [125I]T4 (thyroxine) and 25% of its [125I]T3 (triiodothyronine); its specific activity of iodine was higher than that for other sites, indicating priority of iodination. Site B, containing 24% of Tgs [125I]T4 and 18% of its [125I]T3, corresponded to bovine residue 2555. Site C, at the third residue from the C terminus (bovine residue 2748), was the major T3 site, accounting for over 50% of Tgs [125I]T3. The amino acid sequence around this site shows less homology among different animal species than do those flanking the other hormonogenic sites. Site D accounted for 17% of Tgs [125I]T4 and corresponded to bovine Tyr-1291, in the midportion of Tgs polypeptide chain. The three major T4-forming sites had the sequence Asp-Tyr (sites B and D) or Glu-Tyr (site A), while the sequence Ser-Tyr-Ser appeared to favor T3 synthesis (site C), suggesting an important influence of primary structure on hormonogenesis. We conclude that site A is the major T4-forming site and site C the major T3-forming one, but others are available and offer the opportunity for flexibility in meeting different demands for hormone formation.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormone synthesis is under the control of thyrotropin (TSH), which also regulates the sulfation of tyrosines in thyroglobulin (Tg). We hypothesized that sulfated tyrosine (Tyr[S]) might be involved in the hormonogenic process, since the consensus sequence required for tyrosine sulfation to occur was observed at the hormonogenic sites. Porcine thyrocytes, cultured with TSH but without iodide in the presence of [(35)S]sulfate, secreted Tg which was subjected to in vitro hormonosynthesis with increasing concentrations of iodide. A 63% consumption of Tyr[S] (1 residue) was observed at 40 atoms of iodine incorporated into Tg, corresponding to a 40% hormonosynthesis efficiency. In addition, hyposulfated Tg secreted by cells incubated with sodium chlorate was subjected to in vitro hormonosynthesis. With 0.5 Tyr[S] residue (31% of the initial content), the efficiency of the hormonosynthesis was 29%. In comparison, when hormonosynthesis was performed by cells, with only 0.25 Tyr[S] residue (16% of the initial content), the hormonosynthesis efficiency fell to 18%. These results show that there exists a close correlation between the sulfated tyrosine content of Tg and the production of thyroid hormones.  相似文献   

The subunit structure of thyroglobulin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Human and rat thyroglobulin were reduced and alkylated in aqueous alkaline conditions in the absence of denaturants; the product of reduction in both cases has been found to have mol.wt. about 165000, or one-quarter that of the native molecule.  相似文献   

Thyroglobulin, the major iodoglycoprotein of the thyroid (Mr 669 kDa) has a sedimentation coefficient of 19 S and an isoelectric point (pI) of 4.4–4.7. The protein has been isolated and purified from saline extracts of the gland of several animal species, by methods such as ammonium sulfate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography and Sepharose 4B/6B gel-filtration. DEAE-cellulose chromatography of thyroglobulin from many species, by linear gradient, yielded a complex elution pattern, while camel thyroglobulin showed only a major and minor peak. As an iodoprotein, the protein has 0.1–2.0% iodine. The amino acid and iodoamino acid composition of thyroglobulins, in general, is similar. However, a high thyroxine content (15 mol/mol protein) has been noted for buffalo species. Asparagine or aspartic acid has been reported as the major N-terminal amino acid for thyroglobulins of several animal species whereas glutamic acid is the sole N-terminal amino acid for buffalo thyroglobulin. As a glycoprotein, thyroglobulin contains 8–10% total carbohydrate with galactose, mannose, fucose, N-acetyl glucosamine and sialic acid residues. The carbohydrate in the protein is distributed as two distinct units, A and B. In addition, human thyroglobulin has carbohydrate unit C. The occurrence of sulfate and phosphate as Gal-3-SO4 and Man-6-PO4, respectively, has been reported in few species. The quaternary structure of native thyroglobulin is comprised of two equal sized subunits of 330 kDa. However, the protein appears to contain 4–8 non-identical units in few species. The synthesis of thyroid hormones occurs in the matrix of the protein and is regulated by pituitary thyrotropin. The role of tyrosine residues 5 and 130 in thyroxine synthesis has been well documented.  相似文献   

In each of three separate experiments, female guinea pigs in groups of 20 were given 4 units of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) each day for 3 days, while controls were given saline. Na125I was injected on the 3rd day, and the animals were killed 22 hours later. The pooled throids of each group were homogenized, and thyroglobulin was purified by one of the following methods: gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 followed by density gradient ultracentrifugation, two sequential filtrations on 4 percent agarose, or filtration on 4 percent agarose followed by Sephadex G-200. TSH administration was associated with the folling changes in thyroglobulin: (1) an increase in the ratio of tri-iodothyronine to thyroxine; (2) a decrease in dissociation of the 19 S to the 12 S form; (3) an alteration in its pattern on gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-urea; and (4) changes in its amino acid composition, with significant increases in the content of lysine (by 15 percent), isoleucine (by 15 percent), and methionine (by 7 percent) relative to leucine. Over-all, there were no significant changes in the content of iodine, fucose, hexosamine, or sialic acid. These data show that TSH can alter the composition of thyroglobulin independently of its effects on iodine content. We suggest that these changes may stem from alterations in the subunit composition of thyroglobulin. There were also small but significant variations in amino acid composition among the three preparations of thyroglobulin from saline-treated animals and among the three from the TSH-treated. This finding shows that thyroglobulin can be heterogeneous in its protein portion as well as in its iodine content.  相似文献   

H Hayashi  Y Ohmiya  S Suzuki 《FEBS letters》1991,292(1-2):168-170
Bullfrog thyroglobulin was digested with lysyl endopeptidase, known to be highly specific to cut the C-terminal side of lysine residue in protein, after reduction and carboxymethylation. We isolated one peptide which lacked the C-terminal lysine, and which corresponds to 103-129 of bovine thyroglobulin sequence. Tyrosine 130 in the mammalian thyroglobulin molecule is known to be an iodination site. These findings suggest that tyrosine 130 in frog thyroglobulin is a thyroid hormone generating site.  相似文献   

Thyroglobulin (Tg), the thyroid hormoneprecursor, is synthesized by thyrocytes and secreted into the colloid.Hormone release requires uptake of Tg by thyrocytes and degradation inlysosomes. This process must be precisely regulated. Tg uptake occursmainly by micropinocytosis, which can result from both fluid-phasepinocytosis and receptor-mediated endocytosis. Because Tg is highlyconcentrated in the colloid, fluid-phase pinocytosis or low-affinityreceptors should provide sufficient Tg uptake for hormone release;high-affinity receptors may serve to target Tg away from lysosomes,through recycling into the colloid or by transcytosis into thebloodstream. Several apical receptors have been suggested toplay roles in Tg uptake and intracellular trafficking. A thyroidasialoglycoprotein receptor may internalize and recycle immature formsof Tg back to the colloid, a function also attributed to an as yetunidentified N-acetylglucosamine receptor. Megalin mediatesTg uptake by thyrocytes, especially under intense thyroid-stimulatinghormone stimulation, resulting in transcytosis of Tg from the colloidto the bloodstream, a function that prevents excessive hormone release.


We have tried to characterize thyroglobulin (Tg) degradation products in purified pig thyroid lysosomes to determine whether the release of thyroid hormone residues from Tg involves a random proteolytic attack or discrete and selective cleavage reactions. The intralysosomal soluble protein fraction was prepared by osmotic pressure-dependent lysis of lysosomes purified by isopycnic centrifugation on Percoll gradients. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate revealed the presence of a fraction of Tg (5-10% of total lysosomal protein) with the same molecular weight as that of the intact Tg subunit. This high molecular weight Tg was the only intralysosomal species detected by Western blot using antipig Tg antibodies. In nondenaturing conditions, lysosomal Tg (LTg) identified by radioimmunoassay was in the form of a dimer with a sedimentation coefficient lower than that of either iodinated Tg (colloid Tg) or noniodinated Tg (microsomal Tg). LTg had a lower iodine content than colloid Tg:9-12 versus 39-42 iodine atoms/molecule. Pronase hydrolysates of LTg did not contain any 3,5,3',5'-tetraiodo-L-thyronine or 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine residues detectable by reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography; iodine present in LTg was in the form of iodotyrosines. Under reducing conditions, LTg almost completely disappeared and gave rise to various polypeptides of smaller size. These results suggest that Tg transferred to lysosomes is subjected to selective proteolytic cleavage reaction(s) that release thyroid hormone residues. This early step would lead to the formation of hormone-depleted Tg molecules that are cleaved at discrete sites, the resulting polypeptides remaining bound through disulfide bonds to yield Tg molecules with an apparently normal size and a slightly altered structure.  相似文献   

Major progress has been achieved in the mechanism of action of thyroid hormones thanks to the identification of the T3 receptor as the product of the proto-oncogene c-erbA. Recognition of subsets of receptors with and without T3-binding properties and of the interaction of different receptors with each other leads to new insights in cell regulation and development. In thyroid hormone resistance, distinct mutations in the T3-binding domain of thyroid hormone receptor (TR)beta have been identified in unrelated families. No correlation between the type of mutation and tissue resistance has been established. Mutant TRs bind to thyroid hormone response elements (TREs) on both negative or positive T3-controlled genes. Subjects with heterozygous TR beta gene deletion are not affected, supporting the hypothesis that mutant TRs act through a dominant negative effect. In generalized thyroid hormone resistance, mutated TR beta may interfere through competition for TREs and/or formation of inactive dimers. Finally, deficiency in T3 receptor auxiliary protein or other accessory proteins or competition between mutant and normal TRs for these factors is not excluded.  相似文献   

The role of the thyroid gland in ovarian cyst formation in farm animals and in women has rarely been considered. Experimental data on the induction of polycystic ovarian disease (PCOS) in rats indicates the importance of thyroid function to the mechanism of this disorder. The objective of this work was to prove the role of thyroid hormones in gonadotropin-induced cystic ovarian disease (COD) in gilts.In hypothyroid gilts (oral administration of 1 g of methylthioracyl (MTU) daily for 24 days), ovarian cysts were induced by injections of pregnant mares' serum gonadotropin (PMSG) (equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG)) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (400 IU and 200 IU daily for 10 days, respectively). Gonadotropins were also injected into hyperthyroid gilts (400 μg of L-thyroxine daily for 24 days). Suitable control groups (no treatment, injected with gonadotropins, hypothyroid by application of MTU and hyperthyroid by administration of L-thyroxine) were set up. Thyroid function was monitored by estimating the total thyroxine in blood plasma using the radio-immunoassay (RIA) method. After treatment, all animals were laparatomized on Days 5–6 of the cycle and the blood samples from peripheral and utero-ovarian veins were collected by cannulation for 2–3 days following surgery. All gilts were then slaughtered and ovaries and other hormonal glands were excised, inspected and preserved for further analysis.The experimental results showed that thyroid hormones in gilts demonstrate an antagonistic influence on the cyst-formative action of gonadotropins. Hypothyroid status increased ovarian sensitivity to gonadotropin action. This was visualised by marked hypertrophy of the ovaries and multiple follicular cysts were also found in both ovaries. In contrast, the hyperthyroid animals showed a reduced sensitivity to the cyst-formative action of gonadotropins (decrease of ovarian dimensions, small numbers of cysts). The mechanism of antagonistic thyroid-gonadotropin relations may be based on negative interactions between thyroid hormones and gonadotropin receptors in the ovaries, and/or on central or peripheral interrelations between thyroid hormones and oestrogens.  相似文献   

The distribution of iodine among the polypeptides of human goiter thyroglobulin (Tg) was examined. Tg was iodinated in vitro with 131I to levels of 2 to 84 gram atoms (g.a.)/mol using thyroid peroxidase (TPO) or a chemical iodination system. The samples were reduced, alkylated, and subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two low-molecular-weight peptides appeared preferentially in radioautograms of the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gels of TPO-iodinated samples. Iodination of these peptides increased sharply in the TPO-treated Tg as the level of total iodine/ molecule rose. Radioiodine was incorporated into these same gel regions in the chemically treated Tg, but only after much higher levels of total iodination were reached. Differences in iodoamino acid distribution were also noted between the chemically and enzymatically iodinated thyroglobulins. In the chemically iodinated samples, little thyroxine (T4) was synthesized, even at high iodine levels. In the TPO-treated samples only small amounts of T4 were seen below 14 g.a. total I/mol, while at or above that level of iodination T4 formation increased sharply. To examine the coupling process, Tg was chemically iodinated, excess I? removed, and the samples treated with TPO and a H2O2-generating system in the absence of iodide. Radioautograms obtained from SDS-polyacrylamide gels of reduced and alkylated protein from such coupling assays showed an increase in the level of iodine in the low-molecular-weight peptides after TPO treatment. Thyroxine production also increased with TPO treatment. The addition of free DIT (a known coupling enhancer) to the [131I]Tg/TPO incubation increased both the production of T4 and the amount of iodine in the smaller polypeptides. Two-dimensional maps prepared from CNBr-digested TG showed differences between the coupled and uncoupled samples. Our observations confirm the importance of the lowmolecular-weight peptides derived from Tg in thyroid hormone synthesis. At total iodine levels above 14 g.a./mol Tg in enzymatically treated samples there is selective incorporation of iodine into both the low-molecular-weight polypeptides and into thyroid hormone.  相似文献   

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