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Mapping in forest trees generally relies on outbred pedigrees in which genetic segregation is the result of meiotic recombination from both parents. The currently available mapping packages are not optimal for outcrossed pedigrees as they either cannot order phase-ambiguous data or only use pairwise information when ordering loci within linkage groups. A new package, OUTMAP, has been developed for mapping codominant loci in outcrossed trees. A comparison of maps produced using linkage data from two pedigrees of Acacia mangium Willd demonstrated that the marker orders produced using OUTMAP were consistently of higher likelihood than those produced by JOINMAP. In addition, the maps were produced more efficiently, without the need for recoding data or the detailed investigation of pairwise recombination fractions which was necessary to select the optimal marker order using JOINMAP. Distances between markers often varied from those calculated by JOINMAP, resulting in an increase in the estimated genome length. OUTMAP can be used with all segregation types to determine phase and to calculate the likelihood of alternative marker orders, with a choice of three optimisation methods.  相似文献   

Many important tree species in reforestation programs are dependent on ectomycorrhizal symbiosis in order to survive and grow, mainly in poor soils. The exploitation of this symbiosis to increase plant productivity demands the establishment of inoculum production methods. This study aims to propose an inoculum production method of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus microcarpus (isolate UFSC-Pt116) using liquid fermentation in an airlift bioreactor with external circulation. The fungus grew as dark dense pellets during a batch fermentation at 25.5 degrees C and air inlet of 0.26-0.43 vvm. The maximum biomass (dry weight) achieved in the airlift bioreactor was approximately 5 g.l(-1) after 10-11 days. The specific growth rate (micro(x)) in the exponential phase was 0.576 day(-1), the yield factor (Y(X/S)) 0.418, and the productivity (P(X)) 0.480 g.l(-1).day(-1). This specific growth rate was higher than that observed by other authors during fermentation processes with other Pisolithus isolates. The method seems to be very suitable for biomass production of this fungus. However, new studies on the fungus growth morphology in this system, as well as on the efficiency of the process for the cultivation of other ectomycorrhizal fungi, are necessary. It is also necessary to test the infectivity and efficiency of the inoculum towards the hosts.  相似文献   

Specific cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions direct the growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi to their host root targets. These elaborate mechanisms lead to the differentiation of distinct multihyphal structures, the mantle, and the Hartig net. In the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Pisolithus tinctorius, the use of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, immunocytochemical microscopy, and RNA blot analysis has demonstrated the differential expression of cell wall proteins (CWPs), such as hydrophobins, adhesins, and mannoproteins, during symbiotic interaction. In other fungi, these CWPs have been suggested to play a role in hyphae aggregation, intracellular signaling cascades, and cytoskeletal changes. The recent cloning of the genes for several of these CWPs in P. tinctorius allows us to address their function in symbiosis. This review summarizes our knowledge of CWPs in P. tinctorius and considers parallels with other biotrophic fungi as a possible framework for future work.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine the diversity and distribution of fluorescent pseudomonads in an unflooded rice paddy soil. A region of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene from isolates was amplified using PCR and subsequently analysed by sequence analysis for bacterial identification and phylogenetic classification. A total of 117 fluorescent pseudomonads, representing between 10 and 21 species, were isolated from two sampling sites within the same paddy (designated as soils C and S). The isolates were found to be ≥96% homologous with known sequences, and were most closely related to the followingPseudomonas species:P. antarctica, P. costantini, P. extremorientalis, P. frederiksbergensis, P. kilonensis, P. koreensis, P. lini, P. mandelii, P. poae, P. rhodesiae, andP. veronii. Of these matches, the bulk of the isolates (49%) were affiliated withP. mandelii. In soils C and S, phylogenetic analysis revealed that 35 and 82 isolates co-clustered with 39 and 59% of 66 fluorescent pseudomonad type strains, respectively.  相似文献   

Phenazine antibiotics produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens 2-79 and Pseudomonas aureofaciens 30-84, previously shown to be the principal factors enabling these bacteria to suppress take-all of wheat caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, also contribute to the ecological competence of these strains in soil and in the rhizosphere of wheat. Strains 2-79 and 30-84, their Tn5 mutants defective in phenazine production (Phz-), or the mutant strains genetically restored for phenazine production (Phz+) were introduced into Thatuna silt loam (TSL) or TSL amended with G. graminis var. tritici. Soils were planted with three or five successive 20-day plant-harvest cycles of wheat. Population sizes of Phz- derivatives declined more rapidly than did population sizes of the corresponding parental or restored Phz+ strains. Antibiotic biosynthesis was particularly critical to survival of these strains during the fourth and fifth cycles of wheat in the presence of G. graminis var. tritici and during all five cycles of wheat in the absence of take-all. In pasteurized TSL, a Phz- derivative of strain 30-84 colonized the rhizosphere of wheat to the same extent that the parental strain did. The results indicate that production of phenazine antibiotics by strains 2-79 and 30-84 can contribute to the ecological competence of these strains and that the reduced survival of the Phz- strains is due to a diminished ability to compete with the resident microflora.  相似文献   

Phenazine antibiotics produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens 2-79 and Pseudomonas aureofaciens 30-84, previously shown to be the principal factors enabling these bacteria to suppress take-all of wheat caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, also contribute to the ecological competence of these strains in soil and in the rhizosphere of wheat. Strains 2-79 and 30-84, their Tn5 mutants defective in phenazine production (Phz-), or the mutant strains genetically restored for phenazine production (Phz+) were introduced into Thatuna silt loam (TSL) or TSL amended with G. graminis var. tritici. Soils were planted with three or five successive 20-day plant-harvest cycles of wheat. Population sizes of Phz- derivatives declined more rapidly than did population sizes of the corresponding parental or restored Phz+ strains. Antibiotic biosynthesis was particularly critical to survival of these strains during the fourth and fifth cycles of wheat in the presence of G. graminis var. tritici and during all five cycles of wheat in the absence of take-all. In pasteurized TSL, a Phz- derivative of strain 30-84 colonized the rhizosphere of wheat to the same extent that the parental strain did. The results indicate that production of phenazine antibiotics by strains 2-79 and 30-84 can contribute to the ecological competence of these strains and that the reduced survival of the Phz- strains is due to a diminished ability to compete with the resident microflora.  相似文献   

A transgenic tobacco overexpressing ferritin (P6) was recently shown to accumulate more iron than the wild type (WT), leading to a reduced availability of iron in the rhizosphere and shifts in the pseudomonad community. The impact of the transgenic line on the community of fluorescent pseudomonads was assessed. The diversity of 635 isolates from rhizosphere soils, rhizoplane + root tissues, and root tissues of WT and P6, and that of 98 isolates from uncultivated soil was characterized. Their ability to grow under iron stress conditions was assessed by identifying their minimal inhibitory concentrations of 8-hydroxyquinoline for each isolate, pyoverdine diversity by isoelectrofocusing and genotypic diversity by random amplified polymorphism DNA. The antagonistic activity of representative isolates and of some purified pyoverdines against a plant pathogen (Pythium aphanidermatum Op4) was tested in vitro. In overall, isolates taken from P6 tobacco showed a greater ability to grow in iron stress conditions than WT isolates. The antagonism by some of the representative isolates was only expressed under iron stress conditions promoting siderophore synthesis and their pyoverdines appeared to have a specific structure as assessed by mass spectrometry. For other isolates, antagonism was still expressed in the presence of iron, suggesting the involvement of metabolites other than siderophores. Altogether, these data indicate that the transgenic tobacco that over-accumulates iron selected fluorescent pseudomonads, less susceptible to iron depletion and more antagonistic to the tested plant pathogen than those selected by the tobacco WT.  相似文献   

OprF is the major outer-membrane protein of Pseudomonas sensu stricto (rRNA group I). In addition to playing a role as porin, membrane structural protein and root adhesion, this pleiotropic protein shows a length polymorphism corresponding to two types of OprF, termed OprF type 1 and OprF type 2. In a previous work, all the P. fluorescens isolated from bulk soil (non-rhizospheric) were shown to possess oprF type 1, while all the clinical P. fluorescens isolates and most rhizospheric strains corresponded to type 2. In this study, we further investigated the relation between the OprF polymorphism and the ecological niche by developing a culture-independent approach (a ratio polymerase chain reaction) to measure the percentage of each oprF type in environmental DNA samples, including two different soils and three different cultured plants (flax, wheat and grassland). Although the proportions of oprF type 2 between rhizospheric samples were quite variable, they were always very significantly higher (P<0.001) than the proportions of oprF type 2 of the adjacent bulk soil where the vast majority of oprF (>95%) corresponded to type 1. We discuss the potential applications of this ecological fingerprint in an agronomic and taxonomic point of view.  相似文献   

Jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings were inoculated with either one of the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, Laccaria bicolor (Maire) Orton or Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch, and grown for 16 weeks in a growth chamber along with non-ECM controls. Five enzymes involved with the assimilation of nitrogen or the synthesis of amino acids were measured in the 3 jack pine root systems as well as in the pure fungal cultures. Pisolithus tinctorius in pure culture had no detectable activity of nitrate reductase (NR. EC, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH. EC, glutamate decarboxylase (GDCO. EC or glutamate oxoglutarate aminotransferase (GOGAT, EC but did have some glutamine synthetase (GS, EC activity. Laccaria bicolor in pure culture had no NR activity, small levels of GDCO activity, and high GS, GDH and GOGAT activity. The high levels of enzymatic activity present in L. bicolor indicate that it may play a greater role in the nitrogen metabolism of its host plant than P. tinctorius. ECM infection clearly altered the enzymatic activity in jack pine roots but the nature of these changes depended on the fungal associate. Non-ECM root systems had higher specific activities than ECM root systems for NR, GS, GDH and GDCO but GOGAT activites were the same for both the ECM and non-ECM roots. Root systems infected with L. bicolor had significantly greater NR and GDCO activity than those infected with P. tinctorius. Differences in the GS activity of the two fungi in pure culture corresponded to the GS activity of jack pine roots in symbiotic association with these fungi. While the free amino acid profiles in roots were significantly affected by ECM infection, the profile of free amino acids exported to the stem was the same for all treatments. High asparagine and low glutamine in roots infected with P. tinctorius indicates that asparagine synthetase (EC x.x.x.x) activity should be higher within this symbiotic association than in the L. bicolor association or in the non-mycorrhizal roots.  相似文献   

Nocturnal behaviors that vary as a function of light intensity, either from the setting sun or the moon, are typically labeled as circadian or circalunar. Both of these terms refer to endogenous time-dependent behaviors. In contrast, the nightly reproductive and feeding behaviors of Vargula annecohenae, a bioluminescent ostracod (Arthropoda: Crustacea) fluctuate in response to light intensity, an exogenous factor that is not strictly time-dependent. We measured adult and juvenile activity of V. annecohenae throughout lunar cycles in January/February and June 2003. Overnight and nightly measurements of foraging and reproductive behavior of adult V. annecohenae indicated that activity was greatest when a critical “dark threshold” was reached and that the dark threshold for adult V. annecohenae is met when less than a third of the moon is visible or at the intensity of light 2–3 min before the start of nautical twilight when no moon is illuminated. Juvenile V. annecohenae were also nocturnally active but demonstrated little or no response to lunar illumination, remaining active even during brightly moonlit periods. In addition to light level, water velocity also influenced the behaviors of V. annecohenae, with fewer juveniles and adults actively foraging on nights when water velocity was high (>25 cm/s). Our data demonstrate that the strongest environmental factor influencing adult feeding and reproductive behaviors of V. annecohenae is the availability of time when illumination is below the critical dark threshold. This dependence on darkness for successful growth and reproduction allows us to classify darkness as a resource, in the same way that the term has been applied to time, space and temperature.  相似文献   

Introducing nitrogen-fixing bacteria as an inoculum in association with legume crops is a common practice in agriculture. However, the question of the evolution of these introduced microorganisms remains crucial, both in terms of microbial ecology and agronomy. We explored this question by analyzing the genetic and symbiotic evolution of two Bradyrhizobium strains inoculated on Acacia mangium in Malaysia and Senegal 15 and 5 years, respectively, after their introduction. Based on typing of several loci, we showed that these two strains, although closely related and originally sampled in Australia, evolved differently. One strain was recovered in soil with the same five loci as the original isolate, whereas the symbiotic cluster of the other strain was detected with no trace of the three housekeeping genes of the original inoculum. Moreover, the nitrogen fixation efficiency was variable among these isolates (either recombinant or not), with significantly high, low, or similar efficiencies compared to the two original strains and no significant difference between recombinant and nonrecombinant isolates. These data suggested that 15 years after their introduction, nitrogen-fixing bacteria remain in the soil but that closely related inoculant strains may not evolve in the same way, either genetically or symbiotically. In a context of increasing agronomical use of microbial inoculants (for biological control, nitrogen fixation, or plant growth promotion), this result feeds the debate on the consequences associated with such practices.  相似文献   



Geographic selection mosaics, in which species exert different evolutionary impacts on each other in different environments, may drive diversification in coevolving species. We studied the potential for geographic selection mosaics in plant-mycorrhizal interactions by testing whether the interaction between bishop pine (Pinus muricata D. Don) and one of its common ectomycorrhizal fungi (Rhizopogon occidentalis Zeller and Dodge) varies in outcome, when different combinations of plant and fungal genotypes are tested under a range of different abiotic and biotic conditions.  相似文献   

Industrial timber plantations severely impact biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Forest fragments survive within plantations, but their conservation value in highly deforested landscapes in Southeast Asia is poorly understood. In this study, we compared bird assemblages in acacia plantations and fragmented forests in South Sumatra to evaluate each habitat’s potential conservation value. To clarify the impact of habitat change, we also analyzed the response of feeding guild composition. Five habitat types were studied: large logged forest (LLF), burnt logged forest (BLF), remnant logged forest (RLF), 4-year-old acacia plantation (AP4), and 1-year-old acacia plantation (AP1). Estimated species richness (Chao 2) was highest in LLF then AP4 and BLF, while AP1 and RLF had lower estimated species richness. Community composition was roughly divided into two groups by non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination: acacia plantation and logged forest. Sallying substrate-gleaning insectivores, such as drongos, broadbills, and some flycatchers, were restricted to LLF, whereas acacia plantation hosted many terrestrial frugivores, such as doves. Although fragmented forests in our study site lacked several common tropical forest species, these fragments provide an important habitat for some sallying and terrestrial insectivores. A network of small riparian remnant forests could be a complementary habitat for some species, while the conservation value of burnt forest might be low. In conclusion, the highly fragmented forests in plantations are suboptimal habitats for birds but are still very important, because large primary forest blocks have been nearly lost in the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Angiosperm trees generally form tension wood on the upper sides of leaning stems. The formation of tension wood is an important response to gravitational stimulus. Gibberellin appears to be involved in the differentiation of secondary xylem, but it remains unclear whether gibberellin plays a key role in the formation of tension wood and plant gravitropism. Therefore, a study was designed to investigate the effects of gibberellin and of inhibitors of the synthesis of gibberellin, namely paclobutrazole and uniconazole-P, on the formation of tension wood and negative stem gravitropism in Acacia mangium seedlings. Methods Gibberellic acid (GA(3)), paclobutrazole and uniconazole-P were applied to seedlings via the soil in which they were growing. Distilled water was applied similarly as a control. Three days after such treatment, seedlings were tilted at an angle of 45° from the vertical, and samples of stems were collected for analysis 2 weeks, 2 months and 6 months after tilting. The effects of treatments on the stem recovery degree (Ro) were analysed as an index of the negative gravitropism of seedlings, together the width of the region of tension wood in the upper part of inclined stems. Key Results It was found that GA(3) stimulated the negative gravitropism of tilted seedling stems of A. mangium, while paclobutrazole and uniconazole-P inhibited recovery to vertical growth. Moreover, GA(3) stimulated the formation of tension wood in tilted A. mangium seedlings, while paclobutrazole and uniconazole-P strongly suppressed the formation of tension wood, as assessed 2 weeks after tilting. Conclusions The results suggest that gibberellin plays an important role at the initial stages of formation of tension wood and in stem gravitropism in A. mangium seedlings in response to a gravitational stimulus.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of mycelial exudation in time and space are crucial for the assessment of ectomycorrhizal involvement in biogeochemical processes. Knowledge of exudation from mycelia of ectomycorrhizal fungi is still limited, especially for fungi in symbiosis with a host. Pinus sylvestris seedlings colonized by Hebeloma crustuliniforme were grown in aseptic multicompartment dishes. This novel system enabled identification of exudates originating only from extramatrical mycelium. At harvest, hyphal density and numbers were estimated using microscopic imaging. A fractal geometric approach was adopted for calculation of exudation rates. The main compounds identified were oxalate and ferricrocin. The exudation rate for oxalate was 19 +/- 3 fmol per hyphal tip h(-1) (mean +/- standard error of the mean) or 488 +/- 95 fmol hyphal mm(-2) h(-1). Ferricrocin rates were approx. 10 000 times lower. The fractal dimension (D) of the mycelia was 1.4 +/- 0.1, suggesting an explorative growth. Potassium nutrition was a significant regulatory factor for ferricrocin but not oxalate. The results suggest that hyphal exudation may alter the chemical conditions of soil microsites and affect mineral dissolution. Calculations also indicated that oxalate exudation may be a significant carbon sink.  相似文献   

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