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The phenomenon of the parallel evolution is considered with the example of the myobiid mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Myobiidae) and the jerboas (Rodentia: Dipodoidea). According to recent phylogenetic studies of the superfamily Dipodoidea it is separated into 4 family: Allactagidae, Dipodidae, Zapodidae and Sminthidae (Shenbrot e. a., 1995). The myobiid mites of the subenus Dipodomyobia (11 species) of the genus Cryptomyobia are known as specific parasites associated with jerboas of the families Dipodidae and Allactagidae. One more species (Radfordia ewingi) considered as incertae sedis species within the genus Radfordia is found on the jerboas of the family Zapodidae. The myobiid mites are apparently absent on the members of the family Sminthidae. The reconstruction of phylogeny of the myobiid subgenus Dipodomyobia was carried out by the cladistic method (software PAUP 3.0 s). The analysis was based on 13 morphological characters. At the first step of analysis 42 parsimonious trees have been obtained. The strict consensus tree displays one distinct cluster, which incorporates mites of the allactaga species of group restricted to the jerboa family Allactagidae, and several plesions, species of which are usually refferred to as dipi species group and associated with the family Dipodidae (fig. 1). At the second step of analysis, two characters, which appeared as homoplasies at the first step of analysis were excluded, and one new characters (structure of male genital shield) was additionally included. Single cladogram obtained displays two general clusters and one plesion. The first cluster comprises the allactaga species group (parasites of Allactagidae). The second cluster incorporates the dipi species group, the parasites of subfamilies Dipodinae and Paradipodinae of Dipodidae). The plesion is represented by one species Cryptomyobia baranovae being a specific parasite of Salpingotus crassicauda (Cardiocraninae, Dipodidae). There is the high level congruence between the pattern of myobiid cladogram and jerboas phylogeny proposed by Shenbrot (1992) (fig. 2). The position of one species C. paradipi (the parasite of Paradipus ctenodactylus, single representative of subfam. Paradipodinae) does not fit to this phylogenetic system of the jerboas. This mite species belongs to the claster dipi. All others myobiid species of this group are the parasites of the subfamily Dipodinae. In the cladogram of jerboas, the subfam. Paradipodinae is a sister group of Cardiocraninae, but not of Dipodinae, as it is suggested by the parasitological data. If sinapomorphies in the node Paradipodinae--Cardiocraninae are not correct (as Shenbrot admitted), there would be a complete congruence between the phylogenetic pattern of myobiid and of jerboas. The general phylogeny of Dipodoidea based on citogenetical data was proposed by Vorontsov e. a. (1971). 3 families only were recognized within Dipodoidea: Zapodidae, Sminthidae and Dipodidae. The latter family included 3 subfamilies: Dipodinae, Cardiocraninae and Allactaginae. The version of the jerboa phylogeny proposed in the present paper based on parasitological data corresponds in general lines to the hypotesis of Vorontsov e. a. (1971). The myobiid mites are absent on Sminthidae, they are represented by one species incertae sedis on Zapodidae, and by the subgenus Dipodomyobia on others jerboas (Dipodidae sensu Vorontsov e. a.). According to the parasitological data, the subfamilies Dipodinae and Allactaginae are the sister groups, because the myobiid mites of the subgenus Dipodomyobia parazitise on the jerboas of these taxa only. The subfamily Paradipodinae (sensu Shenbrot) is a sister group for Dipodinae, as far as species C. paradipi is the sister species to other members of the dipi group. The subfamily Cardiocraninae is a sister group for the node Dipodinae-Paradipodinae and also should be included to Dipodidae, because the aberrant species C. baranovae is obviously related to the dipi species group.  相似文献   

The hylid frog genus Scinax ranges from southern Mexico to eastern Argentina. The 84 recognized species are currently arranged in five groups: the Scinax rubra , Scinax rostrata , Scinax catharinae , Scinax staufferi , and Scinax perpusilla species groups. Although a few species groups are distinctive, compelling evidence of monophyly is lacking for three groups, and their interrelationships remain virtually unknown. With the objective of testing the monophyly of the species groups and exploring their interrelationships, a cladistic analysis was performed, employing 86 characters from osteology, myology, adult and larval external morphology, reproductive biology, and karyotypes taken from 36 representative species of the five species groups plus eight outgroup taxa. The analysis of the resulting data matrix shows moderately well-supported (as assessed through Bremer support and parsimony jackknifing) S. catharinae and S. rostrata species groups. The S. staufferi species group is polyphyletic, as currently composed, given that some of its species are nested within the S. catharinae species group. The only representative of the S. perpusilla species group is the sister species of the S. catharinae species group. Although weakly supported, the representatives of the S. rostrata and S. staufferi species groups are nested, separately, within the S. rubra species group. In order to have a taxonomy consistent with these results, it is proposed not to recognize the S. rubra group but to recognize a more inclusive rubra clade that includes all studied exemplars of the former S. rubra group, plus some of the S. staufferi group and all of the S. rostrata group. Similarly, a catharinae clade is recognized, within which all studied exemplars of the S. catharina e group (that now includes Scinax berthae and Scinax agilis ) and the one studied representative of the S. perpusilla group are included.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the species of true frogs (Rana) from North, South, and Central America were investigated based on the sequences of approximately 2 kb from the mitochondrial genome, sampled from most of the described species, as well as eight undescribed species. This analysis, combined with previous studies of the phylogeny of New World Rana, served as the basis for a revised classification of the group. The American species of Rana are not monophyletic; the western North American Amerana is more closely related to the R. temporaria group of Eurasia (together, these frogs form the group Laurasiarana). The remaining species from the Americas form the monophyletic group Novirana, which includes: R. sylvatica; Aquarana (the R. catesbeiana group); Ranula (the R. palmipes group, including the mostly upland Levirana species and the mostly lowland Lithobates species); Torrentirana (the R. tarahumarae group, or Zweifelia, plus R. sierramadrensis), Stertirana (the R. montezumae group, or Lacusirana, plus R. pipiens), Nenirana (the R. areolata group), and Scurrilirana (most of the southern and tropical leopard frogs). The mitochondrial sequences supported many of the previous hypotheses of relationships of New World Rana, although there were some differences involving the placement of the species R. pipiens, R. sierramadrensis, and R. sylvatica. Parametric bootstrap analyses indicated significant support for the relationships inferred from the mtDNA sequences, and rejected the previous hypotheses of relationships for these three species.  相似文献   

By using multinuclear (1H, 13C, 17O, 95Mo, 183W) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1D and 2D), D-gulonic acid is found to form ten and seven complexes, respectively, with tungsten(VI) and molybdenum(VI), in aqueous solution, depending on pH and metal-ligand molar ratios. Two isomeric 1:2 (metal-ligand) complexes involving the carboxylate and the adjacent OH group are present in the pH range 2-9. At intermediate and high pH, molybdate forms a 2:1 tetradentate complex involving the four secondary hydroxyl groups, whereas tungstate forms one 2:1 terdentate species. At low and intermediate pH values, three 2:1 complexes are found for both metals, involving the carboxylate group and three secondary hydroxyl groups, as well as a 5:2 species involving the carboxylate group and all the secondary hydroxyl groups; the concentration of this species increases in time mainly at the expense of 2:1 and 1:2 complexes. Tungstate can also form two additional species, probably a 5:2 species involving the carboxylate group and all the hydroxyl groups, and a 2:1 pentadentate species involving the carboxylate group and all the secondary hydroxyl groups. In alkaline solutions, tungstate is able to form an additional 2:1 pentadentate complex involving all the hydroxyl groups.  相似文献   

A new species‐group of the dobsonfly genus Protohermes is proposed, the Protohermes xanthodes species‐group. Three species from eastern Asia belonging to the new species‐group are redescribed and illustrated. Phylogenetic relationships among the species in this group, as well as the biogeography of these species, are discussed on the basis of a cladistic analysis.  相似文献   

Uses of 16 species of Hibiscus, section Furcaria DC, are discussed, with particular reference to kenaf (H. cannabinus L.) and roselle (H. sabdariffa L.), the two most important species grown commercially as fiber plants. Other uses of this versatile group include use as ornamentals and employment of various plant parts as food, medicine, wood for musical instruments, and in superstitious rites. Comparative morphology of certain vegetative and floral parts of 11 species and seeds of 12 species is discussed. Reaction of plants of 11 species to root-knot nematodes is reported. Ratings varied from highly susceptible to highly resistant; kenaf was more susceptible to nematodes than the other 10 species. Suggested origins, distribution, and genetic relationships of kenaf, roselle, and related species are treated.  相似文献   

Abstract. The umbellatarum species group of the genus Anthaxia Eschscholtz of the Mediterranean region is characterized. A key is provided to distinguish this group from some superficially similar groups occurring in the same region, and to the five species and one subspecies referable to the group. Two new species, scylla and hamata are described. A.inculta ab. boissyi Obenberger is recognized as a distinct species and a lectotype is designated. A.domina Abeille is made a subspecies of umbellatarum (Fabricius). A.inculta ab. karamani Obenberger is found to be a colour form of cichorii (Olivier), not of umbellatarum as previously regarded. The other species belonging to the group is lusitanica Obenberger. All species belonging to the group are described.  相似文献   

中鲤亚属的分支系统学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于外部形态特征和内部骨骼特征对鲤科鲤属中鲤亚属进行了分支系统学分析,内群包括中鲤亚属的全部5种和鲤亚属的2种鱼类,外群采用乌原鲤。在鲤属鱼类和外群间共有48个性状存在变化。系统发育分析采用PAUP^*软件的Parsimony和Bootstrap两种方式的Branch-and-Bound算法,排除不能极化的特征和特有离征之后,还有28个特征可用,由这28个特征可得到唯一的系统树,树长69,一致性系数0.7246,排除无用特征的一致性系数0.6122,保留系数0.6346。由5种中鲤组成的中鲤亚属明显不构成一个单系群。结果表明:中鲤亚属是一个复系群,该类元应该被撤销。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Anopheles marshallii group of mosquitoes consists of four chromosomally typed species of which three have already been described and named. The fourth chromosomal species, formally known as species E, is described here as Anopheles kosiensis from Kosi Bay, Zululand, South Africa. A photograph of the X chromosome is given. The taxonomic status of Anopheles pitchfordi , a synonym of marshallii , is discussed.  相似文献   

The potential aggressiveness of nine ant species belonging to the same community was estimated by means of two laboratory approaches: individual confrontations and group confrontations. Interspecific aggressiveness was not directly related to size of species in individual tests, although in group tests mortality of smaller ants increased with increasing size difference between the opponents. Tempo was related to the defense strategy of species (low-tempo species used immobility as a mechanism to avoid attacks, while high-tempo species tended to escape when coming into contact with more aggressive ones), but not with their potential aggressiveness: the most aggressive ants in individual and group tests were both low-tempo and high-tempo species when only these two categories were considered. No specific level of aggression was related to the subfamily to which the species belong (both myrmicines and formicines dominated in individual and group tests) or to the degree of taxonomic similarity between species.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogeny of the species from the Trechus brucki clade (previously Trechus uhagoni group)based on fragments of four mitochondrial genes and one nuclear gene is given. We describe Trechus (Trechus) bouillonisp. n. from the western pre-Pyrenees: Sierras de Urbasa-Andía, Navarra, Spain. The species was collected in mesovoid shallow substratum (mss), a subterranean environment. Molecular as well as morphological evidences demonstrate that the new species belongs to the Trechus brucki clade. A narrow endemic species of high altitude in western French Pyrenees merged with Trechus brucki Fairmaire, 1862a, Trechus bruckoidessp. n., is described. A lectotype is designated for Trechus brucki and Trechus planiusculus Fairmaire, 1862b (junior synonym of Trechus brucki). The species group is redefined based on molecular and morphological characters, and renamed as the brucki group, as Trechus brucki was the first described species of the clade. A unique synapomorphy of the male genitalia, a characteristic secondary sclerotization of the sperm duct, which is shared by all the species of the brucki group sensu novo, is described and illustrated. The Trechus brucki group sensu novo is composed of Trechus beusti (Schaufuss, 1863), Trechus bouillonisp. n., Trechus brucki, Trechus bruckoidessp. n., Trechus grenieri Pandellé, 1867, T. uhagoni uhagoni Crotch, 1869, T. uhagoni ruteri Colas, 1935 and Trechus pieltaini Jeannel, 1920. We discuss the taxonomy of the group and provide illustrations of structures showing the differences between the species, along with distribution data and biogeographical comments.  相似文献   

Amblyospora species and other aquatic Microsporidia were isolated from mosquitoes, black flies, and copepods and the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene was sequenced. Comparative phylogenetic analysis showed a correspondence between the mosquito host genera and their Amblyspora parasite species. There is a clade of Amblyospora species that infect the Culex host group and a clade of Amblyospora that infect the Aedes/Ochlerotatus group of mosquitoes. Parathelohania species, which infect Anopheles mosquitoes, may be the sister group to the Amblyospora in the same way that the Anopheles mosquitoes are thought to be the sister group to the Culex and Aedes mosquitoes. In addition, by sequence analysis of small subunit rDNA from spores, we identified the alternate copepod host for four species of Amblyospora. Amblyospora species are specific for their primary (mosquito) host and each of these mosquito species serves as host for only one Amblyospora species. On the other hand, a single species of copepod can serve as an intermediate host to several Amblyospora species and some Amblyospora species may be found in more than one copepod host. Intrapredatorus barri, a species within a monotypic genus with Amblyospora-like characteristics, falls well within the Amblyospora clade. The genera Edhazardia and Culicospora, which do not have functional meiospores and do not require an intermediate host, but which do have a lanceolate spore type which is ultrastructurally very similar to the Amblyospora spore type found in the copepod, cluster among the Amblyospora species. In the future, the genus Amblyospora may be redefined to include species without obligate intermediate hosts. Hazardia, Berwaldia, Larssonia, Trichotuzetia, and Gurleya are members of a sister group to the Amblyospora clades infecting mosquitoes, and may be representatives of a large group of aquatic parasites.  相似文献   

C. J. O. Harrison 《Ibis》1966,108(4):573-583
The larks (Alaudidae) tend to be taxonomically arranged in a large number of small genera. There appear to be few characters which will separate the genera Alauda, Galerida and Lullula, and in recent times additional species have been placed in the first two genera without a reappraisal of the characters by which each genus is defined. Ten species are involved and originally these belonged to eight different genera. In this group of ten species of eight genera as at present, six morphological generic characters are examined separately: the length of the tenth primary in relation to the roundness of the wing, the length of the hind claw, the profile of the crest, the conspicuousness of the superciliary stripe, the thickness and taper of the bill, and the length of tertiaries and secondaries. All ten species show these characters, and the variation in any single character is fairly evenly graded through the group without marked discontinuity. The succession of species within the gradation varies from one character to another. It is not possible to find any group of characters which will subdivide the group of species. Little is known of the behaviour of the ten species but examination of song-flight suggests that such characters may also show a gradation without obvious subdivision. It is considered that the present data do not justify the retention of the present genera for these species, and that it would be preferable to group them under the earliest generic name, Alauda. The characters defining the Alauda group are listed and the relation of Chersophilus duponti to the group is discussed.  相似文献   

The Geonemertes problem (Nemertea)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Janet  Moore  Ray  Gibson 《Journal of Zoology》1981,194(2):175-201
A new genus of monostiliferous hoplonemerteans, Pantinonemertes gen. nov., provides evidence for the separate evolution of terrestrial nemerteans. The genus is established for two new species found in Australia, P. enalios sp. nov., an intertidal form, and P. winsori sp. nov., which lives in fallen timber in the supralittoral brackish water regions of mangrove swamps. One only of the known species of land nemerteans, Geonemertes agricola from Bermuda, closely resembles these two species morphologically and is transferred to the new genus as Pantinonemertes agricola .
A re-examination of all the known species of Geonemertes has shown that two major groups can be distinguished on the basis of morphological characters. In one group the rhynchocoel musculature is in two distinct layers, a frontal organ is present, the mid-dorsal blood vessel has a single vascular plug, and the flame cells are binucleate and reinforced with cuticular support bars. It comprises the genus Pantinonemertes gen, nov, and the Pelaensis or Indopacific group of terrestrial nemerteans, for which the generic name Geonemertes is retained. In the second major group the rhynchocoel musculature is composed of interwoven longitudinal and circular fibres, there is no frontal organ, the mid-dorsal blood vessel bears two vascular plugs, and the flame cells are mononucleate and lack support bars. Five genera, three of which are new, are distinguished in this group. Australian species are united in the genus Argonemertes gen. nov., and New Zealand forms comprise the genus Antiponemertes gen. nov., while Acteonemertes bathamae from New Zealand and the Auckland and Ocean Islands remains in a separate genus. Geonemertes nightingaleensis is transferred to a new genus, Katechonemertes gen. nov., and for Geonemertes chalicophora a previously used generic name, Leptonemertes , is adopted.
A key to the terrestrial, brackish-water and marine nemertean species described in the present paper is provided.  相似文献   

21 species of bloodsuckling midges were recorded from the Kishert region of the Perm district. During the period of investigation the group obsoletus was most abundant, then the group pulicaris and fascipennis. There was noted a poor adaptation of midges to different biotopes and high ecological plasticity of mass species. Specific composition of midges attacking man and domestic animals is more diverse as compared to species attacking birds. Food specialisation is more distinct in ornithophilous species.  相似文献   

孙家梅  张玲敏  徐芳 《昆虫学报》2009,52(12):1356-1365
【目的】 对中国白蛉亚科(Phlebotominae)昆虫进行数值分类研究, 探索其在系统发育过程中的亲缘关系。【方法】 选取中国白蛉40个蛉种作为分类单元以及白蛉的68项形态特征为分类指标, 进行系统聚类分析。【结果】 聚类分析结果与传统属级及白蛉属Phlebotomus的亚属级分类一致。司蛉属Sergentomyia的亚属分类与传统分类有一些区别, 聚类分析将司蛉属分为8类, 其中尼克组nicnic group与司蛉亚属subgenus Sergentomyia和传统分类一致; 泉州司蛉S. quanzhouensis和唐氏司蛉S. tangi聚入帕蛉亚属subgenus Parrotomyia; 尹氏司蛉S. yini聚入新蛉亚属subgenus Neophlebotomus, 应氏司蛉S. iyengari、马来司蛉S. malayensis、吐鲁番司蛉S. turfanensis、兰州司蛉S. lanzhouensis和南京司蛉S. nankingensis聚为一类; 歌乐山司蛉S. koloshanensis、方亮司蛉S. fanglianensis和云南司蛉S. yunnanensis与尼克组nicnic group聚成一类, 此类群和此属中其他蛉种系统发育关系距离远。【结论】 中国白蛉亚科昆虫的聚类分析结果与传统分类基本一致, 验证了传统分类系统的可靠性, 并揭示了传统分类中一些蛉种不确定分类问题。司蛉属聚类分析结果与传统分类有差别, 提示有个别蛉种需重新考虑其分类地位。  相似文献   

Eleven species of the Scilla siberica alliance, a well defined monophyletic group within the "genus by tradition" Scilla , have been investigated embryologically with special reference to embryo sac and endosperm development. Data are now available for 15 out of 20 known species. In most species embryo sacs develop according to the bisporic Allium-type, only in Scilla rosenii according to the tetrasporic Drusa-type. Endosperm development is either nuclear or helobial (in 10 and 4 species respectively, unknown in 1). The taxonomic significance of these traits is evaluated after character polarisation by out-group comparison. Among the out-group taxa, S. persica may be considered as the sister group of the S. siberica alliance because only these two groups have an Allium-type embryo sac, a synapomorphy derived from the plesiomorphic Polygonurn-type. The Drusa-type in S. rosenii is an autapomorphy for that species and evolved from an Allium-type embryo sac. S. rosenii is distinct from its sister species S. koenigii , previously thought to be conspecific. Nuclear endosperm is considered to be plesiomorphic rather than apomorphic within the S. siberica alliance, with respect to its occurrence in the presumed sister group and other outgroup taxa (S. hohenackeri group, S. bifolia alliance), but some doubt remains because of a helobial endosperm occurring in the out-group taxon S. messeniaca . The distribution of other synapomorphies within the S. siberica alliance suggests that a helobial endosperm evolved as a synapomorphy for S. bithynica, S. melaina and S. mischtschenkoana , but as a parallel trait in S. leepii . Species status for S. leepii is supported.  相似文献   

HUGHES, L. & RICHARDS, A. J., 1989. Isozymes and the status of Taraxacum (Asteraceae) agamospecies. Genetic identities I and Similarity Indices SI are calculated between 12 samples of Taraxacum, on the basis of 40 isozymes at 15 loci for 10 enzyme systems. Samples included three polyploid agamospermous populations from northern England (group 1), three sexual diploid populations from south-central France (group 2), and six accessions of ‘primitive’ diploid self-compatible sexual taxa from southern Europe and Australia. Samples could be assigned to eight species, classified in seven sections of the genus. Two clusters of high relationship were evident. All the group 1 and group 2 species were very closely related, with pairwise comparisons for I in excess of 0.93. The three group 3 accessions identified as T. bessarabicum showed pairwise comparisons for SI in excess of 0.71. Comparisons for SI between the other group 3 species, and between all the group 3 species and the group 1 and 2 species were all very low, not exceeding 0.45. It is concluded that dissimilarity between samples as assessed by isozymes is probably related to the time of evolutionary divergence of those samples. Although allopolyploid, and morphologically very diverse, the group 1 agamospecies may have very recently diverged asexually from a common stock. The group 2 diploids may have resulted from rediploidization and regained sexuality from the same originally agamospermous stock. In areas of Europe in which such ‘modern’ sexuality is common, it is probable that all ‘modern’ Taraxaca, including at least five sections of the genus, should be included within a single taxon. In contrast, ‘primitive’ self-compatible sexual species in group 3 appear to have diverged from each other several million years ago, and with the exception of the disjunct accessions of T. bessarabicum, are genetically highly distinct. Such species should be maintained in the taxonomies of all areas. It is probable that an agamospecies classification of ‘modern’Taraxacum will continue to convey much useful information in areas, such as northern Europe, in which sexuality is absent.  相似文献   

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