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Sequenced genomes of dissimilatory sulfur-oxidizing and sulfate-reducing bacteria containing genes coding for DsrAB, the enzyme dissimilatory sulfite reductase, inevitably also contain the gene coding for the 12-kDa DsrC protein. DsrC is thought to have a yet unidentified role associated with the activity of DsrAB. Here we report the solution structure of DsrC from the sulfur-oxidizing purple sulfur bacterium Allochromatium vinosum determined with NMR spectroscopy in reducing conditions, and we describe the redox behavior of two conserved cysteine residues upon transfer to an oxidizing environment. In reducing conditions, the DsrC structure is disordered in the highly conserved carboxy-terminus. We present multiple lines of evidence that, in oxidizing conditions, a strictly conserved cysteine (Cys111) at the penultimate position in the sequence forms an intramolecular disulfide bond with Cys100, which is conserved in DsrC in all organisms with DsrAB. While an intermolecular Cys111-Cys111 disulfide-bonded dimer is rapidly formed under oxidizing conditions, the intramolecularly disulfide-bonded species (Cys100-Cys111) is the thermodynamically stable form of the protein under these conditions. Treatment of the disulfidic forms with reducing agent regenerates the monomeric species that was structurally characterized. Using a band-shift technique under nondenaturing conditions, we obtained evidence for the interaction of DsrC with heterohexameric DsrEFH, a protein encoded in the same operon. Mutation of Cys100 to serine prevented formation of the DsrC species assigned as an intramolecular disulfide in oxidizing conditions, while still allowing formation of the intermolecular Cys111-Cys111 dimer. In the reduced form, this mutant protein still interacted with DsrEFH. This was not the case for the Cys111Ser and Cys100Ser/Cys111Ser mutants, both of which also did not form protein dimers. Our observations highlight the central importance of the carboxy-terminal DsrC cysteine residues and are consistent with a role as a sulfur-substrate binding/transferring protein, as well as with an electron-transfer function via thiol-disulfide interchanges.  相似文献   

Beclin-1, originally identified as a Bcl-2 binding protein, is an evolutionarily conserved protein required for autophagy. The direct interaction between Beclin-1 and Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL provides a potential convergence point for apoptosis and autophagy, two programmed cell death processes. Given the functional significance of the interaction between Beclin-1 and Bcl-2/Bcl-xL, we performed detailed biochemical and structural characterizations of this interaction. We demonstrated that the Bcl-xL-binding domain of Beclin-1 contains a BH3 domain. Therefore, Beclin-1 is a new member of the BH3-only family proteins. The structure of Bcl-xL in complex with the Beclin-1 BH3 domain was determined at high resolution by NMR spectroscopy. Although similar to other known BH3 domains, the Beclin-1 BH3 domain displays its own distinct features in the complex with Bcl-xL. Systematic analysis of all known Bcl-xL/BH3 domain complexes helped us to identify the molecular basis underlying the capacity of Bcl-xL to recognize diverse target sequences.  相似文献   

We studied the interaction of hematopoietic cell kinase SH3 domain (HckSH3) with an artificial 12-residue proline-rich peptide PD1 (HSKYPLPPLPSL) identified as high affinity ligand (K(D)=0.2 muM). PD1 shows an unusual ligand sequence for SH3 binding in type I orientation because it lacks the typical basic anchor residue at position P(-3), but instead has a tyrosine residue at this position. A basic lysine residue, however, is present at position P(-4). The solution structure of the HckSH3:PD1 complex, which is the first HckSH3 complex structure available, clearly reveals that the P(-3) tyrosine residue of PD1 does not take the position of the typical anchor residue but rather forms additional van der Waals interactions with the HckSH3 RT loop. Instead, lysine at position P(-4) of PD1 substitutes the function of the P(-3) anchor residue. This finding expands the well known ligand consensus sequence +xxPpxP by +xxxPpxP. Thus, software tools like iSPOT fail to identify PD1 as a high-affinity HckSH3 ligand so far. In addition, a short antiparallel beta-sheet in the RT loop of HckSH3 is observed upon PD1 binding. The structure of the HckSH3:PD1 complex reveals novel features of SH3 ligand binding and yields new insights into the structural basics of SH3-ligand interactions. Consequences for computational prediction tools adressing SH3-ligand interactions as well as the biological relevance of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The structures of a dimeric mutant of the Lac repressor DNA-binding domain complexed with the auxiliary operators O2 and O3 have been determined using NMR spectroscopy and compared to the structures of the previously determined Lac-O1 and Lac-nonoperator complexes. Structural analysis of the Lac-O1 and Lac-O2 complexes shows highly similar structures with very similar numbers of specific and nonspecific contacts, in agreement with similar affinities for these two operators. The left monomer of the Lac repressor in the Lac-O3 complex retains most of these specific contacts. However, in the right half-site of the O3 operator, there is a significant loss of protein-DNA contacts, explaining the low affinity of the Lac repressor for the O3 operator. The binding mode in the right half-site resembles that of the nonspecific complex. In contrast to the Lac-nonoperator DNA complex where no hinge helices are formed, the stability of the hinge helices in the weak Lac-O3 complex is the same as in the Lac-O1 and Lac-O2 complexes, as judged from the results of hydrogen/deuterium experiments.  相似文献   

Pro-survival proteins in the B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) family have a defined specificity profile for their cell death-inducing BH3-only antagonists. Solution structures of myeloid cell leukaemia-1 (Mcl-1) in complex with the BH3 domains from Noxa and Puma, two proteins regulated by the tumour suppressor p53, show that they bind as amphipathic α-helices in the same hydrophobic groove of Mcl-1, using conserved residues for binding. Thermodynamic parameters for the interaction of Noxa, Puma and the related BH3 domains of Bmf, Bim, Bid and Bak with Mcl-1 were determined by calorimetry. These unstructured BH3 domains bind Mcl-1 with affinities that span 3 orders of magnitude, and binding is an enthalpically driven and entropy-enthalpy-compensated process. Alanine scanning analysis of Noxa demonstrated that only a subset of residues is required for interaction with Mcl-1, and these residues are localised to a short highly conserved sequence motif that defines the BH3 domain. Chemical shift mapping of Mcl-1:BH3 complexes showed that Mcl-1 engages all BH3 ligands in a similar way and that, in addition to changes in the immediate vicinity of the binding site, small molecule-wide structural adjustments accommodate ligand binding. Our studies show that unstructured peptides, such as the BH3 domains, behave like their structured counterparts and can bind tightly and selectively in an enthalpically driven process.  相似文献   

The B-box type 2 domain is a prominent feature of a large and growing family of RING, B-box, coiled-coil (RBCC) domain-containing proteins and is also present in more than 1500 additional proteins. Most proteins usually contain a single B-box2 domain, although some proteins contain tandem domains consisting of both type 1 and type 2 B-boxes, which actually share little sequence similarity. Recently, we determined the solution structure of B-box1 from MID1, a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase that is mutated in X-linked Opitz G/BBB syndrome, and showed that it adopted a betabetaalpha RING-like fold. Here, we report the tertiary structure of the B-box2 (CHC(D/C)C(2)H(2)) domain from MID1 using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. This MID1 B-box2 domain consists of a short alpha-helix and a structured loop with two short anti-parallel beta-strands and adopts a tertiary structure similar to the B-box1 and RING structures, even though there is minimal primary sequence similarity between these domains. By mutagenesis, ESI-FTICR and ICP mass spectrometry, we show that the B-box2 domain coordinates two zinc atoms with a 'cross-brace' pattern: one by Cys175, His178, Cys195 and Cys198 and the other by Cys187, Asp190, His204, and His207. Interestingly, this is the first case that an aspartic acid is involved in zinc atom coordination in a zinc-finger domain, although aspartic acid has been shown to coordinate non-catalytic zinc in matrix metalloproteinases. In addition, the finding of a Cys195Phe substitution identified in a patient with X-linked Opitz GBBB syndrome supports the importance of proper zinc coordination for the function of the MID1 B-box2 domain. Notably, however, our structure differs from the only other published B-box2 structure, that from XNF7, which was shown to coordinate one zinc atom. Finally, the similarity in tertiary structures of the B-box2, B-box1 and RING domains suggests these domains have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Box H/ACA small nucleolar (sno) ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) are responsible for the formation of pseudouridine in a variety of RNAs and are essential for ribosome biogenesis, modification of spliceosomal RNAs, and telomerase stability. A mature snoRNP has been reconstituted in vitro and is composed of a single RNA and four proteins. However, snoRNP biogenesis in vivo requires multiple factors to coordinate a complex and poorly understood assembly and maturation process. Among the factors required for snoRNP biogenesis in yeast is Shq1p, an essential protein necessary for stable expression of box H/ACA snoRNAs. We have found that Shq1p consists of two independent domains that contain casein kinase 1 phosphorylation sites. We also demonstrate that Shq1p binds the pseudourydilating enzyme Cbf5p through the C-terminal domain, in synergy with the N-terminal domain. The NMR solution structure of the N-terminal domain has striking homology to the ‘Chord and Sgt1’ domain of known Hsp90 cochaperones, yet Shq1p does not interact with the yeast Hsp90 homologue in vitro. Surprisingly, Shq1p has stand-alone chaperone activity in vitro. This activity is harbored by the C-terminal domain, but it is increased by the presence of the N-terminal domain. These results provide the first evidence of a specific biochemical activity for Shq1p and a direct link to the H/ACA snoRNP.  相似文献   

The unique photochromic absorption behavior of phytochromes (Phys) depends on numerous reversible interactions between the bilin chromophore and the associated polypeptide. To help define these dynamic interactions, we determined by NMR spectroscopy the first solution structure of the chromophore-binding cGMP phosphodiesterase/adenylcyclase/FhlA (GAF) domain from a cyanobacterial Phy assembled with phycocyanobilin (PCB). The three-dimensional NMR structure of Synechococcus OS-B′ cyanobacterial Phy 1 in the red-light-absorbing state of Phy (Pr) revealed that PCB is bound to Cys138 of the GAF domain via the A-ring ethylidene side chain and is buried within the GAF domain in a ZZZsyn,syn,anti configuration. The D ring of the chromophore sits within a hydrophobic pocket and is tilted by approximately 80° relative to the B/C rings by contacts with Lys52 and His169. The solution structure revealed remarkable flexibility for PCB and several adjacent amino acids, indicating that the Pr chromophore has more freedom in the binding pocket than anticipated. The propionic acid side chains of rings B and C and Arg101 and Arg133 nearby are especially mobile and can assume several distinct and energetically favorable conformations. Mutagenic studies on these arginines, which are conserved within the Phy superfamily, revealed that they have opposing roles, with Arg101 and Arg133 helping stabilize and destabilize the far-red-light-absorbing state of Phy (Pfr), respectively. Given the fact that the Synechococcus OS-B′ GAF domain can, by itself, complete the Pr → Pfr photocycle, it should now be possible to determine the solution structure of the Pfr chromophore and surrounding pocket using this Pr structure as a framework.  相似文献   

Centrin, an EF-hand calcium-binding protein, has been shown to be involved in the duplication of centrosomes, and Sfi1 (Suppressor of fermentation-induced loss of stress resistance protein 1) is one of its centrosomal targets. There are three isoforms of human centrin, but here we only considered centrin 2 (HsCen2). This protein has the ability to bind to any of the ∼ 25 repeats of human Sfi1 (hSfi1) with more or less affinity. In this study, we mainly focused on the 17th repeat (R17-hSfi1-20), which presents the highest level of similarity with a well-studied 17-residue peptide (P17-XPC) from human xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C protein, another centrin target for DNA repair. The only known structure of HsCen2 was resolved in complex with P17-XPC. The 20-residue peptide R17-hSfi1-20 exhibits the motif L8L4W1, which is the reverse of the XPC motif, W1L4L8. Consequently, the dipole of the helix formed by this motif has a reverse orientation. We wished to ascertain the impact of this reversal on the structure, dynamics and affinity of centrin. To address this question, we determined the structure of C-HsCen2 [the C-terminal domain of HsCen2 (T94-Y172)] in complex with R17-hSfi1-20 and monitored its dynamics by NMR, after having verified that the N-terminal domain of HsCen2 does not interact with the peptide. The structure shows that the binding mode is similar to that of P17-XPC. However, we observed a 2 -Å translation of the R17-hSfi1-20 helix along its axis, inducing less anchorage in the protein and the disruption of a hydrogen bond between a tryptophan residue in the peptide and a well-conserved nearby glutamate in C-HsCen2. NMR dynamic studies of the complex strongly suggested the existence of an unusual calcium secondary binding mode in calcium-binding loop III, made possible by the uncommon residue composition of this loop. The secondary metal site is only populated at high calcium concentration and depends on the type of bound ligand.  相似文献   

The 53-amino-acid trypsin inhibitor 1 from Nicotiana alata (T1) belongs to the potato type II family also known as the PinII family of proteinase inhibitors, one of the major families of canonical proteinase inhibitors. T1 contains four disulfide bonds, two of which (C4-C41 and C8-C37) stabilize the reactive-site loop. To investigate the influence of these two disulfide bonds on the structure and function of potato II inhibitors, we constructed two variants of T1, C4A/C41A-T1 and C8A/C37A-T1, in which these two disulfide bonds were individually removed and replaced by alanine residues. Trypsin inhibition assays show that wild-type T1 has a Ki of < 5 nM, C4A/C41A-T1 has a weaker Ki of ∼ 350 nM, and the potency of the C8A/C37A variant is further decreased to a Ki of ∼ 1.8 μM. To assess the influence of the disulfide bonds on the structure of T1, we determined the structure and dynamics of both disulfide variants by NMR spectroscopy. The structure of C4A/C41A-T1 and the amplitude of intrinsic flexibility in the reactive-site loop resemble that of the wild-type protein closely, despite the lack of the C4-C41 disulfide bond, whereas the timescale of motions is markedly decreased. The rescue of the structure despite loss of a disulfide bond is due to a previously unrecognized network of interactions, which stabilizes the structure of the reactive-site loop in the region of the missing disulfide bond, while allowing intrinsic motions on a fast (picosecond-nanosecond) timescale. In contrast, no comparable interactions are present around the C8-C37 disulfide bond. Consequently, the reactive-site loop becomes disordered and highly flexible in the structure of C8A/C37A-T1, making it unable to bind to trypsin. Thus, the reactive-site loop of T1 is stabilized differently by the C8-C37 and C4-C41 disulfide bonds. The C8-C37 disulfide bond is essential for the inhibitory activity of T1, whereas the C4-C41 disulfide bond is not as critical for maintaining the three-dimensional structure and function of the molecule but is responsible for maintaining flexibility of the reactive-site loop on a microsecond-nanosecond timescale.  相似文献   

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