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Proteins perform essential cellular functions as part of protein complexes, often in conjunction with RNA, DNA, metabolites and other small molecules. The genome encodes thousands of proteins but not all of them are expressed in every cell type; and expressed proteins are not active at all times. Such diversity of protein expression and function accounts for the level of biological intricacy seen in nature. Defining protein-protein interactions in protein complexes, and establishing the when, what and where of potential interactions, is therefore crucial to understanding the cellular function of any protein—especially those that have not been well studied by traditional molecular genetic approaches. We generated a large-scale resource of affinity-tagged expression-ready clones and used co-affinity purification combined with tandem mass-spectrometry to identify protein partners of nearly 5,000 Drosophila melanogaster proteins. The resulting protein complex “map” provided a blueprint of metazoan protein complex organization. Here we describe how the map has provided valuable insights into protein function in addition to generating hundreds of testable hypotheses. We also discuss recent technological advancements that will be critical in addressing the next generation of questions arising from the map.  相似文献   

The detection of low affinity interactions between proteins and ligands by biophysical methods is challenging. It is often necessary to use competition methods that are time consuming and require well characterized known binders. A mass spectrometry approach is presented for identifying low affinity protein-ligand binding which does not require direct detection of the parent protein-ligand complex but depends on characteristic changes observed in the protein mass spectrum. We observe that on titration of ligand there are characteristic ‘charge-state shifts’ which manifest as changes in the relative intensities of protein peaks that correlate with the degree of protein-ligand complex formation. We suggest that use of this phenomenon will be particularly suitable for the identification of low affinity complexes where the intensity of any complex ion would be close to noise.  相似文献   

Chang IF 《Proteomics》2006,6(23):6158-6166
In recent years, MS has been widely used to study protein complex in eukaryotes. The identification of interacting proteins of a particular target protein may help defining protein-protein interaction and proteins of unknown functions. To isolate protein complexes, high-speed ultracentrifugation, sucrose density-gradient centrifugation, and coimmunoprecipitation have been widely used. However, the probability of getting nonspecific binding is comparatively high. Alternatively, by use of one- or two-step (tandem affinity purification) epitope-tag affinity purification, protein complexes can be isolated by affinity or immunoaffinity columns. These epitope-tags include protein A, hexahistidine (His), c-Myc, hemaglutinin (HA), calmodulin-binding protein, FLAG, maltose-binding protein, Strep, etc. The isolated protein complex can then be subjected to protease (i.e., trypsin) digestion followed by an MS analysis for protein identification. An example, the epitope-tag purification of the Arabidopsis cytosolic ribosomes, is addressed in this article to show the success of the application. Several representative protein complexes in eukaryotes been isolated and characterized by use of this approach are listed. In this review, the comparison among different tag systems, validation of interacting relationship, and choices of MS analysis method are addressed. The successful rate, advantages, limitations, and challenges of the epitope-tag purification are also discussed.  相似文献   

High-level recombinant expression of protein kinases in eukaryotic cells or Escherichia coli commonly gives products that are phosphorylated by autocatalysis or by the action of endogenous kinases. Here, we report that phosphorylation occurred on serine residues adjacent to hexahistidine affinity tags (His-tags) derived from several commercial expression vectors and fused to overexpressed kinases. The result was observed with a variety of recombinant kinases expressed in either insect cells or E. coli. Multiple phosphorylations of His-tagged full-length Aurora A, a protein serine/threonine kinase, were detected by mass spectrometry when it was expressed in insect cells in the presence of okadaic acid, a protein phosphatase inhibitor. Peptide mapping by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry detected phosphorylations on all three serine residues in an N-terminal tag, alpha-N-acetyl-MHHHHHHSSGLPRGS. The same sequence was also phosphorylated, but only at a low level, when a His-tagged protein tyrosine kinase, Pyk2 was expressed in insect cells and activated in vitro. When catalytic domains of Aurora A and several other protein serine/threonine kinases were expressed in E. coli, serines in the affinity tag sequence GSSHHHHHHSSGLVPRGS were also variably phosphorylated. His-Aurora A with hyperphosphorylation of the serine residues in the tag aggregated and resisted thrombin-catalyzed removal of the tag. Treatment with alkaline phosphatase partly restored sensitivity to thrombin. The same His-tag sequence was also detected bearing alpha-N-d-gluconoylation in addition to multiple phosphorylations. The results show that histidine-tag sequences can receive complicated posttranslational modification, and that the hyperphosphorylation and resulting heterogeneity of the recombinant fusion proteins can interfere with downstream applications.  相似文献   

Ribose-binding protein is a bifunctional soluble receptor found in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. Interaction of liganded binding protein with the ribose high affinity transport complex results in the transfer of ribose across the cytoplasmic membrane. Alternatively, interaction of liganded binding protein with a chemotactic signal transducer, Trg, initiates taxis toward ribose. We have generated a functional map of the surface of ribose-binding protein by creating and analyzing directed mutations of exposed residues. Residues in an area on the cleft side of the molecule including both domains have effects on transport. A portion of the area involved in transport is also essential to chemotactic function. On the opposite face of the protein, mutations in residues near the hinge are shown to affect chemotaxis specifically.  相似文献   

The feasibility of multi-affinity ligand surfaces in biomolecular interaction analysis-mass spectrometry (BIA/MS) was explored in this work. Multi-protein affinity surfaces were constructed by utilizing antibodies to beta-2-microglobulin, cystatin C, retinol binding protein, transthyretin, serum amyloid P and C-reactive protein. In the initial experiments, all six antibodies were immobilized on a single site (flow cell) on the sensor chip surface, followed by verification of the surface activity via separate injections of purified proteins. After an injection of diluted human plasma aliquot over the antibodies-derivatized surfaces, and subsequent MALDI-TOF MS analysis, signals representing five out of the six targeted proteins were observed in the mass spectra. Further, to avoid the complexity of the spectra, the six proteins were divided into two groups (according to their molecular weight) and immobilized on two separate surfaces on a single sensor chip, followed by an injection of human plasma aliquot. The resulting mass spectra showed signals from all proteins. Also, the convolution resulting from the multiply charged ion species was eliminated. The ability to create such multi-affinity surfaces indicates that smaller-size ligand areas/spots can be employed in the BIA/MS protein interaction screening experiments, and opens up the possibilities for construction of novel multi-arrayed SPR-MS platforms and methods for high-throughput parallel protein interaction investigations.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying disease is key for expediting the development of novel therapeutic interventions. Disease mechanisms are often mediated by interactions between proteins. Insights into the physical rewiring of protein–protein interactions in response to mutations, pathological conditions, or pathogen infection can advance our understanding of disease etiology, progression, and pathogenesis and can lead to the identification of potential druggable targets. Advances in quantitative mass spectrometry (MS)‐based approaches have allowed unbiased mapping of these disease‐mediated changes in protein–protein interactions on a global scale. Here, we review MS techniques that have been instrumental for the identification of protein–protein interactions at a system‐level, and we discuss the challenges associated with these methodologies as well as novel MS advancements that aim to address these challenges. An overview of examples from diverse disease contexts illustrates the potential of MS‐based protein–protein interaction mapping approaches for revealing disease mechanisms, pinpointing new therapeutic targets, and eventually moving toward personalized applications.  相似文献   

Oxidative crosslinking of cysteines introduced by site-specific mutagenesis is a powerful tool for structural analysis of proteins, but the approach has been limited to studies in vitro. We recently reported that intact cells of Escherichia coli could be treated with Cu(II)-(o-phenanthroline)3 or molecular iodine in a way that left unperturbed flagellar function or general chemotactic response, yet crosslinks were quantitatively formed between select cysteines in adjoining transmembrane helices of chemoreceptor Trg. This suggested that oxidative crosslinking might be utilized for structural analysis in vivo. Thus, we used our comprehensive collection of Trg derivatives, each containing a single cysteine at one of the 54 positions in the two transmembrane segments of the receptor monomer to characterize patterns of crosslinking in vivo and in vitro for this homodimeric protein. We found that in vivo crosslinking compared favorably as a technique for structural analysis with the more conventional in vitro approach. Patterns of crosslinking generated by oxidation treatments of intact cells indicated extensive interaction of transmembrane segment 1 (TM1) with its homologous partner (TM1') in the other subunit and a more distant placement of TM2 and TM2', the same relationships identified by crosslinking in isolated membranes. In addition, the same helical faces for TM1-TM1' interaction and TM2-TM2' orientation were identified in vivo and in vitro. The correspondence of the patterns also indicates that structural features identified by analysis of in vitro crosslinking are relevant to the organization of the chemoreceptor in its native environment, the intact, functional cell. It appears that the different features of the two functionally benign treatments used for in vivo oxidations can provide insights into protein dynamics.  相似文献   

Proteomics, an interface of rapidly evolving advances in physics and biology, is rapidly developing and expanding its potential applications to molecular and cellular biology. Application of proteomics tools has contributed towards identification of relevant protein biomarkers that can potentially change the strategies for early diagnosis and treatment of several diseases. The emergence of powerful mass spectrometry-based proteomics technique has added a new dimension to the field of medical research in liver, heart diseases and certain forms of cancer. Most proteomics tools are also being used to study physiological and pathological events related to reproductive biology. There have been attempts to generate the proteomes of testes, sperm, seminal fluid, epididymis, oocyte, and endometrium from reproductive disease patients. Here, we have reviewed proteomics based investigations in humans over the last decade, which focus on delineating the mechanism underlying various reproductive events such as spermatogenesis, oogenesis, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, embryo development. The challenge is to harness new technologies like 2-DE, DIGE, MALDI-MS, SELDI-MS, MUDPIT, LC–MS etc., to a greater extent to develop widely applicable clinical tools in understanding molecular aspects of reproduction both in health and disease.  相似文献   

UBXD1 is a member of the poorly understood subfamily of p97 adaptors that do not harbor a ubiquitin association domain or bind ubiquitin-modified proteins. Of clinical importance, p97 mutants found in familial neurodegenerative conditions Inclusion Body Myopathy Paget's disease of the bone and/or Frontotemporal Dementia and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis are defective at interacting with UBXD1, indicating that functions regulated by a p97-UBXD1 complex are altered in these diseases. We have performed liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis of UBXD1-interacting proteins to identify pathways in which UBXD1 functions. UBXD1 displays prominent association with ERGIC-53, a hexameric type I integral membrane protein that functions in protein trafficking. The UBXD1-ERGIC-53 interaction requires the N-terminal 10 residues of UBXD1 and the C-terminal cytoplasmic 12 amino acid tail of ERGIC-53. Use of p97 and E1 enzyme inhibitors indicate that complex formation between UBXD1 and ERGIC-53 requires the ATPase activity of p97, but not ubiquitin modification. We also performed SILAC-based quantitative proteomic profiling to identify ERGIC-53 interacting proteins. This analysis identified known (e.g. COPI subunits) and novel (Rab3GAP1/2 complex involved in the fusion of vesicles at the cell membrane) interactions that are also mediated through the C terminus of the protein. Immunoprecipitation and Western blotting analysis confirmed the proteomic interaction data and it also revealed that an UBXD1-Rab3GAP association requires the ERGIC-53 binding domain of UBXD1. Localization studies indicate that UBXD1 modules the sub-cellular trafficking of ERGIC-53, including promoting movement to the cell membrane. We propose that p97-UBXD1 modulates the trafficking of ERGIC-53-containing vesicles by controlling the interaction of transport factors with the cytoplasmic tail of ERGIC-53.  相似文献   

The two-state model of receptor activation, in which a receptor population exists in equilibrium between a single on-state and a single off-state, has long been considered a viable model for the signaling behavior of bacterial chemoreceptors. Here, we show that this simple, homogeneous two-state model is adequate for a pure receptor population with just one adaptation state, but fails to account quantitatively for the observed linear relationship between the apparent attractant affinity (K(1/2)) and kinase activity (V(obs)(apo)) as the adaptation state is varied. Further analysis reveals that the available data are instead consistent with a heterogeneous two-state model in which covalent modification of receptor adaptation sites changes the microscopic properties of the on-state or off-state. In such a system, each receptor molecule retains a single on-state and off-state, but covalent adaptation generates a heterogeneous population of receptors exhibiting a range of different on-states or off-states with different microscopic parameters and conformations. It follows that covalent adaptation transforms the receptor from a simple, two-state toggle switch into a variable switch. In order to identify the microscopic parameters most sensitive to covalent adaptation, six modified, two-state models were examined in which covalent adaptation alters a different microscopic parameter. The analysis suggests that covalent adaptation primarily alters the ligand-binding affinity of the receptor off-state (K(D1)). By contrast, models in which covalent adaptation alters the ligand-binding affinity of the receptor on-state, the maximal kinase stimulation of the on-state or off-state, cooperative interactions between receptors, or the assembly of the receptor-kinase signaling complex are inconsistent with the available evidence. Overall, the findings support a heterogeneous two-state model in which modification of the receptor adaptation sites generates a population of receptors with heterogeneous off-states differing in their attractant affinities.In the process of testing the effects of covalent adaptation on the assembly of the receptor-kinase signaling complex, a new method for estimating the stoichiometric ratio of receptor and CheA in the ternary signaling complex was devised. This method suggests that the ratio of receptor dimers to CheA dimers in the assembled complex is 6:1 or less.  相似文献   

A novel peptide was designed which possesses nanomolar affinity of less than 20 nM for streptavidin. Therefore it was termed Nano-tag and has been used as an affinity tag for recombinant proteins. The minimized version of the wild type Nano-tag is a seven-amino acid peptide with the sequence fMDVEAWL. The three-dimensional structure of wild type streptavidin in complex with the minimized Nano-tag was analyzed at atomic resolution of 1.15 A and the details of the binding motif were investigated. The peptide recognizes the same pocket of streptavidin where the natural ligand biotin is bound, but the peptide requires significantly more space than biotin. Therefore the binding loop adopts an "open" conformation in order to release additional space for the peptide. The conformation of the bound Nano-tag corresponds to a 3(10) helix. However, the analysis of the intermolecular interactions of the Nano-tag with residues of the binding pocket of streptavidin reveals astonishing similarities to the biotin binding motif. In principle the three-dimensional conformation of the Nano-tag mimics the binding mode of biotin. Our results explain why the use of the Nano-tag in fusion with recombinant proteins is restricted to their N-terminus and we describe the special significance of the fMet residue for the high affinity binding mode.  相似文献   

Overview: Elucidation of the networks of physical (functional) interactions present in cells and tissues is fundamental for understanding the molecular organization of biological systems, the mechanistic basis of essential and disease-related processes, and for functional annotation of previously uncharacterized proteins (via guilt-by-association or -correlation). After a decade in the field, we felt it timely to document our own experiences in the systematic analysis of protein interaction networks.

Areas covered: Researchers worldwide have contributed innovative experimental and computational approaches that have driven the rapidly evolving field of ‘functional proteomics’. These include mass spectrometry-based methods to characterize macromolecular complexes on a global-scale and sophisticated data analysis tools – most notably machine learning – that allow for the generation of high-quality protein association maps.

Expert commentary: Here, we recount some key lessons learned, with an emphasis on successful workflows, and challenges, arising from our own and other groups’ ongoing efforts to generate, interpret and report proteome-scale interaction networks in increasingly diverse biological contexts.  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that the large desolvation penalty required for polar and charged groups frequently precludes their involvement in electrostatic interactions that contribute strongly to net stability in the folding or binding of proteins in aqueous solution near room temperature. We have previously developed a theoretical framework for computing optimized electrostatic interactions and illustrated use of the algorithm with simplified geometries. Given a receptor and model assumptions, the method computes the ligand-charge distribution that provides the most favorable balance of desolvation and interaction effects on binding. In this paper the method has been extended to treat complexes using actual molecular shapes. The barnase-barstar protein complex was investigated with barnase treated as a target receptor. The atomic point charges of barstar were varied to optimize the electrostatic binding free energy. Barnase and natural barstar form a tight complex (K(d) approximately 10(-14) M) with many charged and polar groups near the interface that make this a particularly relevant system for investigating the role of electrostatic effects on binding. The results show that sets of barstar charges (resulting from optimization with different constraints) can be found that give rise to relatively large predicted improvements in electrostatic binding free energy. Principles for enhancing the effect of electrostatic interactions in molecular binding in aqueous environments are discussed in light of the optima. Our findings suggest that, in general, the enhancements in electrostatic binding free energy resulting from modification of polar and charged groups can be substantial. Moreover, a recently proposed definition of electrostatic complementarity is shown to be a useful tool for examining binding interfaces. Finally, calculational results suggest that wild-type barstar is closer to being affinity optimized than is barnase for their mutual binding, consistent with the known roles of these proteins.  相似文献   

The pathways by which synaptic vesicle proteins reach their destination are not completely defined. Here we investigated the traffic of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged version of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) in cholinergic SN56 cells, a model system for neuronal processing of this cargo. GFP-VAChT accumulates in small vesicular compartments in varicosities, but perturbation of endocytosis with a dominant negative mutant of dynamin I-K44A impaired GFP-VAChT trafficking to these processes. The protein in this condition accumulated in the cell body plasma membrane and in large vesicular patches therein. A VAChT endocytic mutant (L485A/L486A) was also located at the plasma membrane, however, the protein was not sorted to dynamin I-K44A generated vesicles. A fusion protein containing the VAChT C-terminal tail precipitated the AP-2 adaptor protein complex from rat brain, suggesting that VAChT directly interacts with the endocytic complex. In addition, yeast two hybrid experiments indicated that the C-terminal tail of VAChT interacts with the micro subunit of AP-2 in a di-leucine (L485A/L486A) dependent fashion. These observations suggest that the di-leucine motif regulates sorting of VAChT from the soma plasma membrane through a clathrin dependent mechanism prior to the targeting of the transporter to varicosities.  相似文献   

The in vivo identification and characterization of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are essential to understand cellular events in living organisms. In this review, we focus on protein complementation assays (PCAs) that have been developed to detect in vivo protein interactions as well as their modulation or spatial and temporal changes. The uses of PCAs are increasing, spanning different areas such as the study of biochemical networks, screening for protein inhibitors and determination of drug effects. Emphasis is given to approaches that rely on signals of spectroscopic nature (i.e. fluorescence or luminescence), the ones that are more directly related to bioimaging.  相似文献   

Nakamura T  Dohmae N  Takio K 《Proteomics》2004,4(9):2558-2566
We describe a new approach for the characterization of a digested protein complex with quantitative aspects. Accurate masses of tryptic peptides in the digested complex were acquired by nano-liquid chromatography Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (MS). The conditions of the electrospray ion source were alternated to acquire normal and fragment-ion-rich mass spectra concurrently. This, alternating-scan method, which includes no tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), allowed us to retain the integrity of the mass chromatograms and averted missed peptides due to MS and MS/MS switching. Tentative assignments of accurate peptide masses were verified with the concurrently acquired fragment-ion-rich spectra, and the identities of the protein components were established. For each identified protein component, mass chromatograms attributable to the validated accurate peptide masses were extracted, and the peak areas of multiple mass chromatograms were standardized. The standardized peak areas appeared to reasonably reflect the molar ratio of the protein components in standard mixtures. This new approach was successfully applied to the characterization of a cyanobacterial photosystem II complex preparation. A clear difference in the standardized peak areas was observed between the two groups of identified components, namely eight stoichiometric photosystem II proteins and two minor copurified phycobiliproteins.  相似文献   

A modified shrinking core model (MSCM) has been used to describe the mechanism for the degradation of Protein A resin particles taking place under continuous chromatographic operation. The model is based on the hypothetical shrinkage of the boundary layer of the resin particles, which house the active Protein A ligands within their pores. The caustic during the sanitization phase of chromatography has been determined to cause the Protein A ligand degradation. Protein A resins provided by manufacturers possess unique caustic stability, which has been used in MSCM to appraise the ligand degradation. The kinetic model utilized semiempirical parameters including diffusion constant, rate constant, stoichiometric factor, and reaction order. The parameters were estimated from column breakthrough experiments to simulate continuous Protein A chromatography for three distinct resins. The reaction order has been identified as the key parameter for predicting the degradation kinetics. The recorded reaction orders vary for three different resins with the resin B showing the highest reaction order of 4 and lowest being 1.65 for the resin C. The model can predict the effects of caustic on resin performance and displayed that minimal degradation of the resins A and B occurred, when exposed to 0.1?N and 0.2N NaOH, retaining up to 96% binding capacity after 240?cycles. The adsorption study conducted for the resin B demonstrated the dynamic physical and chemical changes transpiring through the life cycle of the resin, further supported the degradation model. The performance data demonstrate that the resin B exhibits the desirable performance, with higher reaction order indicating slower resin degradation, higher binding capacities, and increased sustenance of this binding capacity for extended duration. The degradation model can be extended to build effective cleaning strategies for continuous downstream processing.  相似文献   

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