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Histone gene expression is restricted to the S-phase of the cell cycle. Control is at multiple levels and is mediated by the integration of regulatory signals in response to cell cycle progression and the onset of differentiation. The H4 gene promoter is organized into a series of independent and overlapping regulatory elements which exhibit selective, phosphorylation-dependent interactions with multiple transactivation factors. The three-dimensional organization of the promoter and, in particular, its chromatin structure, nucleosome organization, and interactions with the nuclear matrix may contribute to interrelationships of activities at multiple promoter elements. Molecular mechanisms are discussed that may participate in the coordinate expression of S-phase-specific core and H1 histone genes, together with other genes functionally coupled with DNA replication.  相似文献   

Coordination of cell division timing is crucial for proper cell fate specification and tissue growth. However, the differential regulation of cell division timing across or within cell types during metazoan development remains poorly understood. To elucidate the systems‐level genetic architecture coordinating division timing, we performed a high‐content screening for genes whose depletion produced a significant reduction in the a synchrony of d ivision between s ister cells (ADS) compared to that of wild‐type during Caenorhabditis elegans embryogenesis. We quantified division timing using 3D time‐lapse imaging followed by computer‐aided lineage analysis. A total of 822 genes were selected for perturbation based on their conservation and known roles in development. Surprisingly, we find that cell fate determinants are not only essential for establishing fate asymmetry, but also are imperative for setting the ADS regardless of cellular context, indicating a common genetic architecture used by both cellular processes. The fate determinants demonstrate either coupled or separate regulation between the two processes. The temporal coordination appears to facilitate cell migration during fate specification or tissue growth. Our quantitative dataset with cellular resolution provides a resource for future analyses of the genetic control of spatial and temporal coordination during metazoan development.  相似文献   

Mathematical models of cell cycle regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cell division cycle is a fundamental process of cell biology and a detailed understanding of its function, regulation and other underlying mechanisms is critical to many applications in biotechnology and medicine. Since a comprehensive analysis of the molecular mechanisms involved is too complex to be performed intuitively, mathematical and computational modelling techniques are essential. This paper is a review and analysis of recent approaches attempting to model cell cycle regulation by means of protein-protein interaction networks.  相似文献   

Trimethyltin chloride induced age-related suppression of cell division and cell cycle kinetics in human peripheral blood lymphocytes cultured in RPMI 1640 culture medium supplemented with human AB serum, phytohemagglutinin and bromodeoxyuridine. A high frequency of M1 (first metaphase) cells was seen in cultures treated with a high dose (C 1 = 1.0 g per culture) and in lymphocytes from donors in the age range 40–70 years. The delay in cell division and cell cycle kinetics may indicate a longer duration in DNA synthesis induced by trimethyltin chloride in aged lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis checkpoint in budding yeast delays progression through the cell cycle in response to stimuli that prevent bud formation. Central to the checkpoint mechanism is Swe1 kinase: normally inactive, its activation halts cell cycle progression in G2. We propose a molecular network for Swe1 control, based on published observations of budding yeast and analogous control signals in fission yeast. The proposed Swe1 network is merged with a model of cyclin-dependent kinase regulation, converted into a set of differential equations and studied by numerical simulation. The simulations accurately reproduce the phenotypes of a dozen checkpoint mutants. Among other predictions, the model attributes a new role to Hsl1, a kinase known to play a role in Swe1 degradation: Hsl1 must also be indirectly responsible for potent inhibition of Swe1 activity. The model supports the idea that the morphogenesis checkpoint, like other checkpoints, raises the cell size threshold for progression from one phase of the cell cycle to the next.  相似文献   

The tissues of multicellular organisms are made of differentiated cells arranged in organized patterns. This organization emerges during development from the coupling of dynamic intra- and intercellular regulatory networks. This work applies the methods of information theory to understand how regulatory network structure both within and between cells relates to the complexity of spatial patterns that emerge as a consequence of network operation. A computational study was performed in which undifferentiated cells were arranged in a two dimensional lattice, with gene expression in each cell regulated by identical intracellular randomly generated Boolean networks. Cell–cell contact signalling between embryonic cells is modeled as coupling among intracellular networks so that gene expression in one cell can influence the expression of genes in adjacent cells. In this system, the initially identical cells differentiate and form patterns of different cell types. The complexity of network structure, temporal dynamics and spatial organization is quantified through the Kolmogorov-based measures of normalized compression distance and set complexity. Results over sets of random networks that operate in the ordered, critical and chaotic domains demonstrate that: (1) ordered and critical networks tend to create the most information-rich patterns; (2) signalling configurations in which cell-to-cell communication is non-directional mostly produce simple patterns irrespective of the internal network domain; and (3) directional signalling configurations, similar to those that function in planar cell polarity, produce the most complex patterns, but only when the intracellular networks function in non-chaotic domains.  相似文献   

The division of plastids is an important part of plastid differentiation and development and in distinct cell types, such as leaf mesophyll cells, results in large populations of chloroplasts. The morphology and population dynamics of plastid division have been well documented, but the molecular controls underlying plastid division are largely unknown. With the isolation of Arabidopsis mutants in which specific aspects of plastid and proplastid division have been disrupted, the potential exists for a detailed knowledge of how plastids divide and what factors control the rate of division in different cell types. It is likely that knowledge of plant homologues of bacterial cell division genes will be essential for understanding this process in full. The processes of plastid division and expansion appear to be mutually independent processes, which are compensatory when either division or expansion are disrupted genetically. The rate of cell expansion appears to be an important factor in initiating plastid division and several systems involving rapid cell expansion show high levels of plastid division activity. In addition, observation of plastids in different cell types in higher plants shows that cell-specific signals are also important in the overall process in determining not only the differentiation pathway of plastids but also the extent of plastid division. It appears likely that with the exploitation of molecular techniques and mutants, a detailed understanding of the molecular basis of plastid division may soon be a reality.  相似文献   

Centrosomes are major microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs) that play an important role in chromosome segregation during cell division. Centrosomes provide a stable anchor for microtubules, constituting the centers of the spindle poles in mitotic cells, and determining the orientation of cell division. However, visualization of centrosomes is challenging because of their small size. Especially in mouse tissues, it has been extremely challenging to observe centrosomes belonging to a specific cell type of interest among multiple comingled cell types. To overcome this obstacle, we generated a tissue‐specific centrosome indicator. In this mouse line, a construct containing a floxed neomyocin resistance gene with a triplicate polyA sequence followed by an EGFP‐Centrin1 fusion cassette was knocked into the Rosa locus. Upon Cre‐mediated excision, EGFP‐Centrin1 was expressed under the control of the Rosa locus. Experiments utilizing mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) demonstrated the feasibility of real‐time imaging, and showed that EGFP‐Centrin1 expression mirrored the endogenous centrosome cycle, undergoing precisely one round of duplication through the cell cycle. Moreover, experiments using embryo and adult mouse tissues demonstrated that EGFP‐Centrin1 specifically mirrors the localization of endogenous centrosomes. genesis 54:286–296, 2016. © 2016 The Authors. Genesis Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Organ size is determined by cell number and size, and involves two fundamental processes: cell proliferation and cell expansion. Although several plant hormones are known to play critical roles in shaping organ size by regulating the cell cycle, it is not known whether brassinosteroids (BRs) are also involved in regulating cell division. Here we identified a rice T-DNA insertion mutant for organ size, referred to as xiao, that displays dwarfism and erect leaves, typical BR-related phenotypes, together with reduced seed setting. XIAO is predicted to encode an LRR kinase. The small stature of the xiao mutant resulted from reduced organ sizes due to decreased cell numbers resulting from reduced cell division rate, as supported by the observed co-expression of XIAO with a number of genes involved in cell cycling. The xiao mutant displayed a tissue-specific enhanced BR response and greatly reduced BR contents at the whole-plant level. These results indicated that XIAO is a regulator of BR signaling and cell division. Thus, XIAO may provide a possible connection between BRs and cell-cycle regulation in controlling organ growth.  相似文献   

Individual phospholipids were assayed in exponentially growing and G1-arrested temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was observed that cdc28 cells which are known to arrest at ‘start’ when shifted to their non-permissive temperature, resulted in a 40% decrease in phosphatidylinositol (PI) level while the phosphatidylserine (PS) content was doubled in these cells. The reduced level of PI was restored in cdc4 and cdc7 mutants which are known to arrest past the ‘start’. The increase in PS level in cdc8 mutant which was probably to compensate the intrinsic charging of membrane environment, was also reduced in cdc4 and cdc7 mutants. Our results demonstrate that PI may play a role in yeast cell division and growth that the abnormalities of cdc28 could also be related to PI decrease.  相似文献   

A formalism based on piecewise-linear (PL) differential equations, originally due to Glass and Kauffman, has been shown to be well-suited to modelling genetic regulatory networks. However, the discontinuous vector field inherent in the PL models raises some mathematical problems in defining solutions on the surfaces of discontinuity. To overcome these difficulties we use the approach of Filippov, which extends the vector field to a differential inclusion. We study the stability of equilibria (called singular equilibrium sets) that lie on the surfaces of discontinuity. We prove several theorems that characterize the stability of these singular equilibria directly from the state transition graph, which is a qualitative representation of the dynamics of the system. We also formulate a stronger conjecture on the stability of these singular equilibrium sets.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis culminates in the final separation, or abscission, of the two daughter cells at the end of cell division. Abscission relies on an organelle, the midbody, which forms at the intercellular bridge and is composed of various proteins arranged in a precise stereotypic pattern. The molecular mechanisms controlling midbody organization and function, however, are obscure. Here we show that proper midbody architecture requires cross-regulation between two cell division kinases, Citron kinase (CIT-K) and Aurora B, the kinase component of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC). CIT-K interacts directly with three CPC components and is required for proper midbody architecture and the orderly arrangement of midbody proteins, including the CPC. In addition, we show that CIT-K promotes Aurora B activity through phosphorylation of the INCENP CPC subunit at the TSS motif. In turn, Aurora B controls CIT-K localization and association with its central spindle partners through phosphorylation of CIT-K''s coiled coil domain. Our results identify, for the first time, a cross-regulatory mechanism between two kinases during cytokinesis, which is crucial for establishing the stereotyped organization of midbody proteins.  相似文献   

The goal of systems biology is to generate models for predicting how a system will react under untested conditions or in response to genetic perturbations. This paper discusses experimental and analytical approaches to deriving causal relationships in gene regulatory networks.  相似文献   

Methods for modeling cellular regulatory networks as diverse as differential equations and Boolean networks co-exist, however, without much closer correspondence to each other. With the example system of the fission yeast cell cycle control network, we here discuss these two approaches with respect to each other. We find that a Boolean network model can be formulated as a specific coarse-grained limit of the more detailed differential equations model for this system. This demonstrates the mathematical foundation on which Boolean networks can be applied to biological regulatory networks in a controlled way.  相似文献   

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