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Tropomyosin is a coiled-coil protein that binds head-to-tail along the length of actin filaments in eukaryotic cells, stabilizing them and providing protection from severing proteins. Tropomyosin cooperatively regulates actin's interaction with myosin and mediates the Ca2+ -dependent regulation of contraction by troponin in striated muscles. The N-terminal and C-terminal ends are critical functional determinants that form an "overlap complex". Here we report the solution NMR structure of an overlap complex formed of model peptides. In the complex, the chains of the C-terminal coiled coil spread apart to allow insertion of 11 residues of the N-terminal coiled coil into the resulting cleft. The plane of the N-terminal coiled coil is rotated 90 degrees relative to the plane of the C terminus. A consequence of the geometry is that the orientation of postulated periodic actin binding sites on the coiled-coil surface is retained from one molecule to the next along the actin filament when the overlap complex is modeled into the X-ray structure of tropomyosin determined at 7 Angstroms. Nuclear relaxation NMR data reveal flexibility of the junction, which may function to optimize binding along the helical actin filament and to allow mobility of tropomyosin on the filament surface as it switches between regulatory states.  相似文献   

Recent efforts to design de novo or redesign the sequence and structure of proteins using computational techniques have met with significant success. Most, if not all, of these computational methodologies attempt to model atomic-level interactions, and hence high-resolution structural characterization of the designed proteins is critical for evaluating the atomic-level accuracy of the underlying design force-fields. We previously used our computational protein design protocol RosettaDesign to completely redesign the sequence of the activation domain of human procarboxypeptidase A2. With 68% of the wild-type sequence changed, the designed protein, AYEdesign, is over 10 kcal/mol more stable than the wild-type protein. Here, we describe the high-resolution crystal structure and solution NMR structure of AYEdesign, which show that the experimentally determined backbone and side-chains conformations are effectively superimposable with the computational model at atomic resolution. To isolate the origins of the remarkable stabilization, we have designed and characterized a new series of procarboxypeptidase mutants that gain significant thermodynamic stability with a minimal number of mutations; one mutant gains more than 5 kcal/mol of stability over the wild-type protein with only four amino acid changes. We explore the relationship between force-field smoothing and conformational sampling by comparing the experimentally determined free energies of the overall design and these focused subsets of mutations to those predicted using modified force-fields, and both fixed and flexible backbone sampling protocols.  相似文献   

CHD7 is a member of the chromodomain helicase DNA binding domain (CHD) family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling enzymes. It is mutated in CHARGE syndrome, a multiple congenital anomaly condition. CHD7 is one of a subset of CHD proteins, unique to metazoans that contain the BRK domain, a protein module also found in the Brahma/BRG1 family of helicases. We describe here the NMR solution structure of the two BRK domains of CHD7. Each domain has a compact betabetaalphabeta fold. The second domain has a C-terminal extension consisting of two additional helices. The structure differs from those of other domains present in chromatin-associated proteins.  相似文献   

Structure-based drug design is underway to inhibit the S100B-p53 interaction as a strategy for treating malignant melanoma. X-ray crystallography was used here to characterize an interaction between Ca2+-S100B and TRTK-12, a target that binds to the p53-binding site on S100B. The structures of Ca2+-S100B (1.5-Å resolution) and S100B-Ca2+-TRTK-12 (2.0-Å resolution) determined here indicate that the S100B-Ca2+-TRTK-12 complex is dominated by an interaction between Trp7 of TRTK-12 and a hydrophobic binding pocket exposed on Ca2+-S100B involving residues in helices 2 and 3 and loop 2. As with an S100B-Ca2+-p53 peptide complex, TRTK-12 binding to Ca2+-S100B was found to increase the protein's Ca2+-binding affinity. One explanation for this effect was that peptide binding introduced a structural change that increased the number of Ca2+ ligands and/or improved the Ca2+ coordination geometry of S100B. This possibility was ruled out when the structures of S100B-Ca2+-TRTK-12 and S100B-Ca2+ were compared and calcium ion coordination by the protein was found to be nearly identical in both EF-hand calcium-binding domains (RMSD = 0.19). On the other hand, B-factors for residues in EF2 of Ca2+-S100B were found to be significantly lowered with TRTK-12 bound. This result is consistent with NMR 15N relaxation studies that showed that TRTK-12 binding eliminated dynamic properties observed in Ca2+-S100B. Such a loss of protein motion may also provide an explanation for how calcium-ion-binding affinity is increased upon binding a target. Lastly, it follows that any small-molecule inhibitor bound to Ca2+-S100B would also have to cause an increase in calcium-ion-binding affinity to be effective therapeutically inside a cell, so these data need to be considered in future drug design studies involving S100B.  相似文献   

Beclin-1, originally identified as a Bcl-2 binding protein, is an evolutionarily conserved protein required for autophagy. The direct interaction between Beclin-1 and Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL provides a potential convergence point for apoptosis and autophagy, two programmed cell death processes. Given the functional significance of the interaction between Beclin-1 and Bcl-2/Bcl-xL, we performed detailed biochemical and structural characterizations of this interaction. We demonstrated that the Bcl-xL-binding domain of Beclin-1 contains a BH3 domain. Therefore, Beclin-1 is a new member of the BH3-only family proteins. The structure of Bcl-xL in complex with the Beclin-1 BH3 domain was determined at high resolution by NMR spectroscopy. Although similar to other known BH3 domains, the Beclin-1 BH3 domain displays its own distinct features in the complex with Bcl-xL. Systematic analysis of all known Bcl-xL/BH3 domain complexes helped us to identify the molecular basis underlying the capacity of Bcl-xL to recognize diverse target sequences.  相似文献   

Type 1 pili from uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains mediate bacterial attachment to target receptors on the host tissue. They are composed of up to 3000 copies of the subunit FimA, which form the stiff, helical pilus rod, and the subunits FimF, FimG, and FimH, which form the linear tip fibrillum. All subunits in the pilus interact via donor strand complementation, in which the incomplete immunoglobulin-like fold of each subunit is complemented by insertion of an N-terminal extension from the following subunit. We determined the NMR structure of a monomeric, self-complemented variant of FimF, FimFF, which has a second FimF donor strand segment fused to its C-terminus that enables intramolecular complementation of the FimF fold. NMR studies on bimolecular complexes between FimFF and donor strand-depleted variants of FimF and FimG revealed that the relative orientations of neighboring domains in the tip fibrillum cover a wide range. The data provide strong support for the intrinsic flexibility of the tip fibrillum. They lend further support to the hypothesis that this flexibility would significantly increase the probability that the adhesin at the distal end of the fibrillum successfully targets host cell receptors.  相似文献   

Efficient formation of specific intermolecular interactions is essential for self-assembly of biological structures. The foldon domain is an evolutionarily optimized trimerization module required for assembly of the large, trimeric structural protein fibritin from phage T4. Monomers consisting of the 27 amino acids comprising a single foldon domain subunit spontaneously form a natively folded trimer. During assembly of the foldon domain, a monomeric intermediate is formed on the submillisecond time scale, which provides the basis for two consecutive very fast association reactions. Mutation of an intermolecular salt bridge leads to a monomeric protein that resembles the kinetic intermediate in its spectroscopic properties. NMR spectroscopy revealed essentially native topology of the monomeric intermediate with defined hydrogen bonds and side-chain interactions but largely reduced stability compared to the native trimer. This structural preorganization leads to an asymmetric charge distribution on the surface that can direct rapid subunit recognition. The low stability of the intermediate allows a large free-energy gain upon trimerization, which serves as driving force for rapid assembly. These results indicate different free-energy landscapes for folding of small oligomeric proteins compared to monomeric proteins, which typically avoid the transient population of intermediates.  相似文献   

Pyelonephritis-associated pili (pap) allow uropathogenic Escherichia coli to bind to epithelial cells and play an important role in urinary tract infection. Expression of pap is controlled by a phase-variation mechanism, based on the two distinct heritable states that are the result of adenine N6-methylation in either of the two GATC sequences in its regulatory region. The methylation status of these two sequences is sensed by the action of two proteins, Lrp and PapI, and they play a central role in determining pap gene expression in both phase-ON and phase-OFF cells. We used modern NMR techniques to determine the solution structure and backbone dynamics of PapI. We found its overall fold resembles closely that of the winged helix-turn-helix family of DNA-binding proteins. We determined that PapI possesses its own DNA-binding activity, albeit non-sequence-specific, independent of Lrp. PapI appears to bind to DNA with a K(d) in the 10 microM range. Possible mechanisms by which PapI might participate in the regulation of the pap operon are discussed in light of these new findings.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the potent 95 residue anti-HIV protein scytovirin has been determined and two carbohydrate-binding sites have been identified. This unique protein, containing five structurally important disulfide bonds, demonstrates a novel fold with no elements of extended regular secondary structure. Scytovirin contains two 39 residue sequence repeats, differing in only three amino acid residues, and each repeat has primary sequence similarity to chitin binding proteins. Both sequence repeats form similarly structured domains, with the exception of one region. The result is two carbohydrate-binding sites with substantially different affinities. The unusual fold clusters aromatic residues in both sites, suggesting a binding mechanism similar to other known hevein-like carbohydrate-binding proteins but differing in carbohydrate specificity. Scytovirin, originally isolated from the cyanobacterium Scytonema varium, holds potential as an HIV entry inhibitor for both therapeutic and prophylactic anti-HIV applications. The high-resolution structural studies reported are an important initial step in unlocking the therapeutic potential of scytovirin.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria use a needle-like protein assembly, the type III secretion apparatus, to inject virulence factors into target cells to initiate human disease. The needle is formed by the polymerization of approximately 120 copies of a small acidic protein that is conserved among diverse pathogens. We previously reported the structure of the BsaL needle monomer from Burkholderia pseudomallei by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and others have determined the crystal structure of the Shigella flexneri MxiH needle. Here, we report the NMR structure of the PrgI needle protein of Salmonella typhimurium, a human pathogen associated with food poisoning. PrgI, BsaL, and MxiH form similar two helix bundles, however, the electrostatic surfaces of PrgI differ radically from those of BsaL or MxiH. In BsaL and MxiH, a large negative area is on a face formed by the helix alpha1-alpha2 interface. In PrgI, the major negatively charged surface is not on the "face" but instead is on the "side" of the two-helix bundle, and only residues from helix alpha1 contribute to this negative region. Despite being highly acidic proteins, these molecules contain large basic regions, suggesting that electrostatic contacts are important in needle assembly. Our results also suggest that needle-packing interactions may be different among these bacteria and provide the structural basis for why PrgI and MxiH, despite 63% sequence identity, are not interchangeable in S. typhimurium and S. flexneri.  相似文献   

Ion pairs are ubiquitous in X-ray structures of coiled coils, and mutagenesis of charged residues can result in large stability losses. By contrast, pKa values determined by NMR in solution often predict only small contributions to stability from charge interactions. To help reconcile these results we used triple-resonance NMR to determine pKa values for all groups that ionize between pH 1 and 13 in the 33 residue leucine zipper fragment, GCN4p. In addition to the native state we also determined comprehensive pKa values for two models of the GCN4p denatured state: the protein in 6 M urea, and unfolded peptide fragments of the protein in water. Only residues that form ion pairs in multiple X-ray structures of GCN4p gave large pKa differences between the native and denatured states. Moreover, electrostatic contributions to stability were not equivalent for oppositely charged partners in ion pairs, suggesting that the interactions between a charge and its environment are as important as those within the ion pair. The pH dependence of protein stability calculated from NMR-derived pKa values agreed with the stability profile measured from equilibrium urea-unfolding experiments as a function of pH. The stability profile was also reproduced with structure-based continuum electrostatic calculations, although contributions to stability were overestimated at the extremes of pH. We consider potential sources of errors in the calculations, and how pKa predictions could be improved. Our results show that although hydrophobic packing and hydrogen bonding have dominant roles, electrostatic interactions also make significant contributions to the stability of the coiled coil.  相似文献   

The SMK box riboswitch, which represents one of three known classes of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)-responsive riboswitches, regulates gene expression in bacteria at the level of translation initiation. In contrast to most riboswitches, which contain separate domains responsible for ligand recognition and gene regulation, the ligand-binding and regulatory domains of the SMK box riboswitch are coincident. This property was exploited to allow the first atomic-level characterization of a functionally intact riboswitch in both the ligand-bound state and the ligand-free state. NMR spectroscopy revealed distinct mutually exclusive RNA conformations that are differentially populated in the presence or in the absence of the effector metabolite. Isothermal titration calorimetry and in vivo reporter assay results revealed the thermodynamic and functional consequences of this conformational equilibrium. We present a comprehensive model of the structural, thermodynamic, and functional properties of this compact RNA regulatory element.  相似文献   

The Bombyx mori pheromone-binding protein (BmorPBP) undergoes a pH-dependent conformational transition from a form at basic pH, which contains an open cavity suitable for ligand binding (BmorPBPB), to a form at pH 4.5, where this cavity is occupied by an additional helix (BmorPBPA). This helix α7 is formed by the C-terminal dodecapeptide 131-142, which is flexibly disordered on the protein surface in BmorPBPB and in its complex with the pheromone bombykol. Previous work showed that the ligand-binding cavity cannot accommodate both bombykol and helix α7. Here we further investigated mechanistic aspects of the physiologically crucial ejection of the ligand at lower pH values by solution NMR studies of the variant protein BmorPBP(1-128), where the C-terminal helix-forming tetradecapeptide is removed. The NMR structure of the truncated protein at pH 6.5 corresponds closely to BmorPBPB. At pH 4.5, BmorPBP(1-128) maintains a B-type structure that is in a slow equilibrium, on the NMR chemical shift timescale, with a low-pH conformation for which a discrete set of 15N-1H correlation peaks is NMR unobservable. The full NMR spectrum was recovered upon readjusting the pH of the protein solution to 6.5. These data reveal dual roles for the C-terminal tetradecapeptide of BmorPBP in the mechanism of reversible pheromone binding and transport, where it governs dynamic equilibria between two locally different protein conformations at acidic pH and competes with the ligand for binding to the interior cavity.  相似文献   

Computational protein design procedures were applied to the redesign of the entire sequence of a 51 amino acid residue protein, Drosophila melanogaster engrailed homeodomain. Various sequence optimization algorithms were compared and two resulting designed sequences were experimentally evaluated. The two sequences differ by 11 mutations and share 22% and 24% sequence identity with the wild-type protein. Both computationally designed proteins were considerably more stable than the naturally occurring protein, with midpoints of thermal denaturation greater than 99 degrees C. The solution structure was determined for one of the two sequences using multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy, and the structure was found to closely match the original design template scaffold.  相似文献   

The Brinker (Brk) nuclear repressor is a major element of the Drosophila Decapentaplegic morphogen signaling pathway. Its N-terminal part has weak homology to the Antennapedia homeodomain and binds to GC-rich DNA sequences. We have investigated the conformation and dynamics of the N-terminal 101 amino acid residues of Brk in the absence and in the presence of cognate DNA by solution NMR spectroscopy. In the absence of DNA, Brk is unfolded and highly flexible throughout the entire backbone. Addition of cognate DNA induces the formation of a well-folded structure for residues R46 to R95. This structure consists of four helices forming a helix-turn-helix motif that differs from homeodomains, but has similarities to the Tc3 transposase, the Pax-6 Paired domain, and the human centromere-binding protein. The GC-rich DNA recognition can be explained by specific major groove hydrogen bonds from the N-terminal end of helix alpha3. The transition from a highly flexible, completely unfolded conformation in the absence of DNA to a well-formed structure in the complex presents a very extreme case of the "coupling of binding and folding" phenomenon.  相似文献   

NMR spectroscopy has proven to be a powerful tool for the structure determination of protein/RNA complexes. However, the quality of these structures depends critically on the number of unambiguous intermolecular and intra-RNA nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) constraints that can be derived. This number is often limited due to exchange phenomena that can cause signal line broadening and the fact that unambiguous NOE assignments are challenging in systems that exchange between different conformations in the intermediate to fast exchange limit. These exchange processes can include exchange between free and bound form, as well as exchange of the ligand between different binding sites on the protein. Furthermore, for the large class of RNA metabolizing proteins that bind repetitive low-complexity RNA sequences in multiple register, exchange of the protein between these overlapping binding sites introduces additional exchange pathways. Here, we describe the strategy we used to overcome these exchange processes and to reduce significantly the line width of the RNA resonances in complexes of the RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) of the polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) in complex with pyrimidine tracts and hence allowed a highly precise structure determination. This method could be employed to derive structures of other protein/single-stranded nucleic acid complexes by NMR spectroscopy. Furthermore, we have determined the affinities of the individual RRMs of PTB for pyrimidine tracts of different length and sequence. These measurements show that PTB binds preferentially to long pyrimidine tracts that contain cytosine and hence confirm the structure of PTB in complex with RNA. Furthermore, they provide quantitative insight into the question of which pyrimidine sequences within alternatively spliced pre-mRNAs will be preferentially bound by PTB.  相似文献   

We have determined the structure of the reduced form of the DsbA oxidoreductase from Vibrio cholerae. The reduced structure shows a high level of similarity to the crystal structure of the oxidized form and is typical of this class of enzyme containing a thioredoxin domain with an inserted alpha-helical domain. Proteolytic and thermal stability measurements show that the reduced form of DsbA is considerably more stable than the oxidized form. NMR relaxation data have been collected and analyzed using a model-free approach to probe the dynamics of the reduced and oxidized states of DsbA. Akaike's information criteria have been applied both in the selection of the model-free models and the diffusion tensors that describe the global motions of each redox form. Analysis of the dynamics reveals that the oxidized protein shows increased disorder on the pico- to nanosecond and micro- to millisecond timescale. Many significant changes in dynamics are located either close to the active site or at the insertion points between the domains. In addition, analysis of the diffusion data shows there is a clear difference in the degree of interdomain movement between oxidized and reduced DsbA with the oxidized form being the more rigid. Principal components analysis has been employed to indicate possible concerted movements in the DsbA structure, which suggests that the modeled interdomain motions affect the catalytic cleft of the enzyme. Taken together, these data provide compelling evidence of a role for dynamics in the catalytic cycle of DsbA.  相似文献   

The Rcs signalling pathway controls a variety of physiological functions like capsule synthesis, cell division or motility in prokaryotes. The Rcs regulation cascade, involving a multi-step phosphorelay between the two membrane-bound hybrid sensor kinases RcsC and RcsD and the global regulator RcsB, is, up to now, one of the most complicated regulatory systems in bacteria. To understand the structural basis of Rcs signal transduction, NMR spectroscopy was employed to determine the solution structure of the RcsC C terminus, possessing a phosphoreceiver domain (RcsC-PR), and a region previously described as a long linker between the histidine kinase domain of RcsC (RcsC-HK) and the RcsC-PR. We have found that the linker region comprises an independent structural domain of a new alpha/beta organization, which we named RcsC-ABL domain (Alpha/Beta/Loop). The ABL domain appears to be a conserved and unique structural element of RcsC-like kinases with no significant sequence homology to other proteins. The second domain of the C terminus, the RcsC-PR domain, represents a well-folded CheY-like phosphoreceiver domain with the central parallel beta-sheet covered with two alpha-helical layers on both sides. We have mapped the interaction of RcsC-ABL and RcsC-PR with the histidine phosphotransfer domain (HPt) of RcsD. In addition we have characterized the interaction with and the conformational effects of Mg2+ and the phosphorylation mimetic BeF(-)(3) on RcsC-ABL and RcsC-PR.  相似文献   

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