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Caspases are cysteine proteases that play a critical role in the initiation and regulation of apoptosis. These enzymes act in a cascade to promote cell death through proteolytic cleavage of intracellular proteins. Since activation of apoptosis is implicated in human diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, caspases are targets for drugs designed to modulate their action. Active caspases are heterodimeric enzymes with two symmetrically arranged active sites at opposite ends of the molecule. A number of crystal structures of caspases with peptides or proteins bound at the active sites have defined the mechanism of action of these enzymes, but molecular information about the active sites before substrate engagement has been lacking. As part of a study of peptidyl inhibitors of caspase-3, we crystallized a complex where the inhibitor did not bind in the active site. Here we present the crystal structure of the unoccupied substrate-binding site of caspase-3. No large conformational differences were apparent when this site was compared with that in enzyme-inhibitor complexes. Instead, the 1.9 A structure reveals critical side chain movements in a hydrophobic pocket in the active site. Notably, the side chain of tyrosine204 is rotated by approximately 90 degrees so that the phenol group occupies the S2 subsite in the active site. Thus, binding of substrate or inhibitors is impeded unless rotation of this side chain opens the area. The positions of these side chains may have important implications for the directed design of inhibitors of caspase-3 or caspase-7.  相似文献   

High-resolution 1 H-NMR spectroscopy at 600 MHz has been used to investigate the conformational transitions of the histidine-binding protein J of Salmonella Typhinmrium in solution as a function of pH and of l-histidine concentration. The dissociation constant for the binding of l-histidine to histidine-binding protein J increases from 6.0 × 10?8 to 5.1 × 10?7 M in going from pH 5.57 to 8.00. The conformation of this protein as observed by 1H-NMR also changes over this range of pH. However, when l-histidine is bound, the changes in conformation with pH are much smaller. Also, the pk for the single histidyl residue in histidine-binding protein J changes from 6.75 in the absence of l-histidine to 6.52 when l-histidine is bound. Earlier work in this laboratory resulted in the identification of several proton resonances believed to be at or near the l-histidine-binding site. Two of these resonances have been assigned to a tyrosine and the single histidyl residue in the histidine-binding protein J molecule.  相似文献   

Zinc-mediated inhibition is implicated in global caspase regulation, with relief of zinc-mediated inhibition central to both small-molecule and natively induced caspase activation. As an initiator, caspase-9 regulates the upstream stages of the apoptotic caspase cascade, making it a critical control point. Here we identify two distinct zinc-binding sites on caspase-9. The first site, composed of H237, C239, and C287, includes the active site dyad and is primarily responsible for zinc-mediated inhibition. The second binding site at C272 is distal from the active site. Given the amino-acid conservation in both regions, these sites appear to be present across the caspase family underscoring the importance of zinc-mediated regulation of this class of enzymes.  相似文献   

Chemical recognition plays an important role for the survival and reproduction of many insect species. Odorant binding proteins (OBPs) are the primary components of the insect olfactory mechanism and have been documented to play an important role in the host-seeking mechanism of mosquitoes. They are “transport proteins” believed to transport odorant molecules from the external environment to their respective membrane targets, the olfactory receptors. The mechanism by which this transport occurs in mosquitoes remains a conundrum in this field. Nevertheless, OBPs have proved to be amenable to conformational changes mediated by a pH change in other insect species. In this paper, the effect of pH on the conformational flexibility of mosquito OBPs is assessed computationally using molecular dynamics simulations of a mosquito OBP “CquiOBP1” bound to its pheromone 3OG (PDB ID: 3OGN). Conformational twist of a loop, driven by a set of well-characterized changes in intramolecular interactions of the loop, is demonstrated. The concomitant (i) closure of what is believed to be the entrance of the binding pocket, (ii) expansion of what could be an exit site, and (iii) migration of the ligand towards this putative exit site provide preliminary insights into the mechanism of ligand binding and release of these proteins in mosquitoes. The correlation of our results with previous experimental observations based on NMR studies help us provide a cardinal illustration on one of the probable dynamics and mechanism by which certain mosquito OBPs could deliver their ligand to their membrane-bound receptors at specific pH conditions.  相似文献   

In order to investigate systematically substrate and cofactor-induced conformational changes in the enzyme dehydroquinate synthase (DHQS), eight structures representing a series of differently liganded states have been determined in a total of six crystal forms. DHQS in the absence of the substrate analogue carbaphosphonate, either unliganded or in the presence of NAD or ADP, is in an open form where a relative rotation of 11-13 degrees between N and C-terminal domains occurs.Analysis of torsion angle difference plots between sets of structures reveals eight rearrangements that appear relevant to domain closure and a further six related to crystal packing. Overlapping 21 different copies of the individual N and C-terminal DHQS domains further reveals a series of pivot points about which these movements occur and illustrates the way in which widely separated secondary structure elements are mechanically inter-linked to form "composite elements", which propagate structural changes across large distances.This analysis has provided insight into the basis of DHQS ligand-initiated domain closure and gives rise to the proposal of an ordered sequence of events involving substrate binding, and local rearrangements within the active site that are propagated to the hinge regions, leading to closure of the active-site cleft.  相似文献   

The neurotransmitter glycine is removed from the synaptic cleft by two Na(+)-and Cl(-)-dependent transporters, the glial (GLYT1) and neuronal (GLYT2) glycine transporters. GLYT2 lacks a conserved cysteine in the first hydrophilic loop (EL1) that is reactive to [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl] methanethiosulfonate (MTSET) in related transporters. A chimeric GLYT2 (GLYT2a-EL1) that contains GLYT1 sequences in this region, including the relevant cysteine, was sensitive to the reagent, and its sensitivity was decreased by co-substrates. We combined cysteine-specific biotinylation to detect transporter-reagent interactions with MTSET inactivation assays and temperature dependence analysis to study the mechanism by which Cl(-), Na(+), and glycine reduce methanethiosulfonate reagent inhibition. We demonstrate a Na(+) protective effect rather than an increased susceptibility to the reagent exerted by Li(+), as reported for the serotonin transporter. The different inhibition, protection, and reactivation properties between GLYT2a-EL1 and serotonin transporter suggest that EL1 is a source of structural heterogeneity involved in the specific effect of lithium on serotonin transport. The protection by Na(+) or Cl(-) on GLYT2a-EL1 was clearly dependent on temperature, suggesting that EL1 is not involved in ion binding but is subjected to ion-induced conformational changes. Na(+) and Cl(-) were required for glycine protection, indicating the necessity of prior ion interaction with the transporter for the binding of glycine. We conclude that EL1 acts as a fluctuating hinge undergoing sequential conformational changes during the transport cycle.  相似文献   

Flavodoxins, noncovalent complexes between apoflavodoxins and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), are useful models to investigate the mechanism of protein/flavin recognition. In this respect, the only available crystal structure of an apoflavodoxin (that from Anabaena) showed a closed isoalloxazine pocket and the presence of a bound phosphate ion, which posed many questions on the recognition mechanism and on the potential physiological role exerted by phosphate ions. To address these issues we report here the X-ray structure of the apoflavodoxin from the pathogen Helicobacter pylori. The protein naturally lacks one of the conserved aromatic residues that close the isoalloxazine pocket in Anabaena, and the structure has been determined in a medium lacking phosphate. In spite of these significant differences, the isoallozaxine pocket in H. pylori apoflavodoxin appears also closed and a chloride ion is bound at a native-like FMN phosphate site. It seems thus that it is a general characteristic of apoflavodoxins to display closed, non-native, isoalloxazine binding sites together with native-like, rather promiscuous, phosphate binding sites that can bear other available small anions present in solution. In this respect, both binding energy hot spots of the apoflavodoxin/FMN complex are initially unavailable to FMN binding and the specific spot for FMN recognition may depend on the dynamics of the two candidate regions. Molecular dynamics simulations show that the isoalloxazine binding loops are intrinsically flexible at physiological temperatures, thus facilitating the intercalation of the cofactor, and that their mobility is modulated by the anion bound at the phosphate site.  相似文献   

Doppel (Dpl) protein is a paralog of the prion protein (PrP) that shares 25% sequence similarity with the C-terminus of PrP, a common N-glycosylation site and a C-terminal signal peptide for attachment of a glycosylphophatidyl inositol anchor. Whereas PrPC is highly expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), Dpl is detected mostly in testes and its ectopic expression in the CNS leads to ataxia as well as Purkinje and granule cell degeneration in the cerebellum. The mechanism through which Dpl induces neurotoxicity is still debated. In the present work, primary neuronal cultures derived from postnatal cerebellar granule cells of wild-type and PrP-knockout FVB mice were used in order to investigate the molecular events that occur upon exposure to Dpl. Treatment of cultured cerebellar neurons with recombinant Dpl produced apoptosis that could be prevented by PrP co-incubation. When primary neuronal cultures from Bax-deficient mice were incubated with Dpl, no apoptosis was observed, suggesting an important role of Bax in triggering neurodegeneration. Similarly, cell survival increased when recDpl-treated cells were incubated with an inhibitor of caspase-3, which mediates apoptosis in mammalian cells. Together, our findings raise the possibility that Bax and caspase-3 feature in Dpl-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

Doppel (Dpl) protein is a paralog of the prion protein (PrP) that shares 25% sequence similarity with the C-terminus of PrP, a common N-glycosylation site and a C-terminal signal peptide for attachment of a glycosylphophatidyl inositol anchor. Whereas PrPC is highly expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), Dpl is detected mostly in testes and its ectopic expression in the CNS leads to ataxia as well as Purkinje and granule cell degeneration in the cerebellum. The mechanism through which Dpl induces neurotoxicity is still debated. In the present work, primary neuronal cultures derived from postnatal cerebellar granule cells of wild-type and PrP-knockout FVB mice were used in order to investigate the molecular events that occur upon exposure to Dpl. Treatment of cultured cerebellar neurons with recombinant Dpl produced apoptosis that could be prevented by PrP co-incubation. When primary neuronal cultures from Bax-deficient mice were incubated with Dpl, no apoptosis was observed, suggesting an important role of Bax in triggering neurodegeneration. Similarly, cell survival increased when recDpl-treated cells were incubated with an inhibitor of caspase-3, which mediates apoptosis in mammalian cells. Together, our findings raise the possibility that Bax and caspase-3 feature in Dpl-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

Apoptosis, often also termed “programmed cell death,” occurs in normal development in the brain and spinal cord. Important to concepts of disease and potential intervention is the exciting finding that apoptosis is also found after neurotrauma and in a number of neurodegenerative diseases. Although the precise mechanism of neuronal cell loss remains unknown, much emphasis has been placed recently on the activation of cell death protease cascades within the cell. How these cascades may be activated, especially from extracellular influences, is currently poorly understood. Thrombin, the multifunctional coagulation protease, is an early phase modulator at sites of tissue injury and has been shown to induce cell death in neurons by an apoptotic mechanism by activating its receptor, PAR-1. Using a model motor neuronal cell line, NSC19, which we have shown undergoes apoptosis after treatment with classic apoptosis inducers such as the topoisomerase inhibitors camptothecin and etoposide, we unambiguously found that nanomolar thrombin induced characteristic signs of apoptosis. Strikingly, endonucleolysis was accompanied by an increase in caspase-3-like activity in cellular extracts, which correlated with both detection of caspase-induced signature cleavage of the cortical cytoskeleton component nonerythroid spectrin (α-fodrin) and identification of increased accessibility of a caspase cleavage domain, using an antibody (Ab127) made against a synthetic peptide KGDEVD. Demonstrating that thrombin activation of death proteases was linked to cell death, we were able to inhibit thrombin-induced apoptosis by using a caspase family inhibitor, benzyloxycarbonyl-Asp-(oMe)-flouromethyl ketone (Boc-D-FMK). These novel results demonstrate that thrombin serves as an extracellular “death signal” to activate intracellular protease pathways. These pathways lead to apoptotic cell death and can be modulated by inhibiting caspase activity downstream to PAR-1. Published 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 36: 64–80, 1998
  • 1 This is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    The structure of the ferrous nitric oxide form of native sperm whale myoglobin has been determined by X-ray crystallography to 1.7 Å resolution. The nitric oxide ligand is bent with respect to the heme plane: the Fe-N-O angle is 112°. This angle is smaller than those observed in model compounds and in lupin leghemoglobin. The exact angle appears to be influenced by the strength of the proximal bond and hydrogen bonding interactions between the distal histidine and the bound ligand. Specifically, the Nϵ atom of histidine64 is located 2.8 Å away from the nitrogen atom of the bound ligand, implying electrostatic stabilization of the FeNO complex. This interpretation is supported by mutagenesis studies. When histidine64 is replaced with apolar amino acids, the rate of nitric oxide dissociation from myoglobin increases tenfold. Proteins 30:352–356, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

    Apoptosis in response to developmental cues and stress stimuli is mediated by caspases that are regulated by the Bcl-2 protein family. Although caspases 2 and 9 have each been proposed as the apical caspase in that pathway, neither is indispensable for the apoptosis of leukocytes or fibroblasts. To investigate whether these caspases share a redundant role in apoptosis initiation, we generated caspase-2(-/-)9(-/-) mice. Their overt phenotype, embryonic brain malformation and perinatal lethality mirrored that of caspase-9(-/-) mice but were not exacerbated. Analysis of adult mice reconstituted with caspase-2(-/-)9(-/-) hematopoietic cells revealed that the absence of both caspases did not influence hematopoietic development. Furthermore, lymphocytes and fibroblasts lacking both remained sensitive to diverse apoptotic stimuli. Dying caspase-2(-/-)9(-/-) lymphocytes displayed multiple hallmarks of caspase-dependent apoptosis, including the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, and their demise was antagonized by several caspase inhibitors. These findings suggest that caspases other than caspases 2 and 9 can promote cytochrome c release and initiate Bcl-2-regulated apoptosis.  相似文献   

    3-Phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) catalyzes the reversible conversion of 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PG) and ATP to 1,3-diphosphoglycerate (1,3-diPG) and ADP in the presence of magnesium ions. PGK is a single polypeptide chain arranged in two domains, with an active site located in the interdomain cleft. The large distance between the binding sites for 3-PG and ATP, deduced from the crystallographic structures of the binary complexes, gave rise to the hypothesis that this enzyme undergoes a hinge-bending domain motion from open to closed conformation during catalysis. However, no direct experimental evidence exists for the "closed" conformation in the presence of both substrates. In this study, several PGK mutants with single tryptophans placed in various location were used as intrinsic fluorescent probes to examine the extent and delocalization of conformational changes induced by the binding of 3-PG, 1,3-diPG, ADP, ATP, and PNP-AMP (nonhydrolyzable analogue of ATP), and by 3-PG and PNP-AMP together. The results showed that only the probes situated in the hinge and in parts of each domain close to the hinge reflect substrate-induced conformational changes. Binding of substrates to one domain was found to induce spectral perturbation of the probes in the opposite domain, indicating a transmission of conformational changes between the domains. A combination of both substrates generated much larger fluorescence changes than the individual substrates. The binding constants were determined for each substrate using probes situated in different locations.  相似文献   

    The structural and dynamic properties of the oxoglutarate carrier were investigated by introducing a single tryptophan in the Trp-devoid carrier in position 184, 190 or 199 and by monitoring the fluorescence spectra in the presence and absence of the substrate oxoglutarate. In the absence of substrate, the emission maxima of Arg190Trp, Cys184Trp and Leu199Trp are centered at 342, 345 and 348 nm, respectively, indicating that these residues have an increasing degree of solvent exposure. The emission intensity of the Arg190Trp and Cys184Trp mutants is higher than that of Leu199Trp. Addition of substrate increases the emission intensity of Leu199Trp, but not that of Cys184Trp and Arg190Trp. A 3D model of the oxoglutarate carrier was built using the structure of the ADP/ATP carrier as a template and was validated with the experimental results available in the literature. The model identifies Lys122 as the most likely candidate for the quenching of Trp199. Consistently, the double mutant Lys122Ala-Leu199Trp exhibits a higher emission intensity than Leu199Trp and does not display further fluorescence enhancement in response to substrate addition. Substitution of Lys122 with Cys and evaluation of its reactivity with a sulphydryl reagent in the presence and absence of substrate confirms that residue 122 is masked by the substrate, likely through a substrate-induced conformational change.  相似文献   

    The relationship between the structures of protein-ligand complexes existing in the crystal and in solution, essential in the case of fragment-based screening by X-ray crystallography (FBS-X), has been often an object of controversy. To address this question, simultaneous co-crystallization and soaking of two inhibitors with different ratios, Fidarestat (FID; K(d) = 6.5 nM) and IDD594 (594; K(d) = 61 nM), which bind to h-aldose reductase (AR), have been performed. The subatomic resolution of the crystal structures allows the differentiation of both inhibitors, even when the structures are almost superposed. We have determined the occupation ratio in solution by mass spectrometry (MS) Occ(FID)/Occ(594) = 2.7 and by X-ray crystallography Occ(FID)/Occ(594) = 0.6. The occupancies in the crystal and in solution differ 4.6 times, implying that ligand binding potency is influenced by crystal contacts. A structural analysis shows that the Loop A (residues 122-130), which is exposed to the solvent, is flexible in solution, and is involved in packing contacts within the crystal. Furthermore, inhibitor 594 contacts the base of Loop A, stabilizing it, while inhibitor FID does not. This is shown by the difference in B-factors of the Loop A between the AR-594 and AR-FID complexes. A stable loop diminishes the entropic energy barrier to binding, favoring 594 versus FID. Therefore, the effect of the crystal environment should be taken into consideration in the X-ray diffraction analysis of ligand binding to proteins. This conclusion highlights the need for additional methodologies in the case of FBS-X to validate this powerful screening technique, which is widely used.  相似文献   

    Ellis JJ  Jones S 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1518-1526
    Many protein-RNA recognition events are known to exhibit conformational changes from qualitative observations of individual complexes. However, a quantitative estimation of conformational changes is required if protein-RNA docking and template-based methods for RNA binding site prediction are to be developed. This study presents the first quantitative evaluation of conformational changes that occur when proteins bind RNA. The analysis of twelve RNA-binding proteins in the bound and unbound states using error-scaled difference distance matrices is presented. The binding site residues are mapped to each structure, and the conformational changes that affect these residues are evaluated. Of the twelve proteins four exhibit greater movements in nonbinding site residues, and a further four show the greatest movements in binding site residues. The remaining four proteins display no significant conformational change. When interface residues are found to be in conformationally variable regions of the protein they are typically seen to move less than 2 A between the bound and unbound conformations. The current data indicate that conformational changes in the binding site residues of RNA binding proteins may not be as significant as previously suggested, but a larger data set is required before wider conclusions may be drawn. The implications of the observed conformational changes for protein function prediction are discussed.  相似文献   

    The oligopeptide-binding protein OppA provides a useful model system for studying the physical chemistry underlying noncovalent interactions since it binds a variety of readily synthesized ligands. We have studied the binding of eight closely related tripeptides of the type Lysine-X-Lysine, where X is an abnormal amino acid, by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and X-ray crystallography. The tripeptides fall into three series of ligands, which have been designed to examine the effects of small changes to the central side chain. Three ligands have a primary amine as the second side chain, two have a straight alkane chain, and three have ring systems. The results have revealed a definite preference for the binding of hydrophobic residues over the positively charged side chains, the latter binding only weakly due to unfavorable enthalpic effects. Within the series of positively charged groups, a point of lowest affinity has been identified and this is proposed to arise from unfavorable electrostatic interactions in the pocket, including the disruption of a key salt bridge. Marked entropy-enthalpy compensation is found across the series, and some of the difficulties in designing tightly binding ligands have been highlighted.  相似文献   

    p58/ERGIC-53 is a calcium-dependent animal lectin that acts as a cargo receptor, binding to a set of glycoproteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and transporting them to the Golgi complex. It is similar in structure to calcium-dependent leguminous lectins. We have determined the structure of the carbohydrate-recognition domain of p58/ERGIC-53 in its calcium-bound form. The structure reveals localized but large conformational changes in relation to the previously determined metal ion-free structure, mapping mostly to the ligand-binding site. It reveals the presence of two calcium ion-binding sites located 6A apart, one of which has no equivalent in the plant lectins. The second metal ion-binding site present in that class of lectins, binding Mn(2+), is absent from p58/ERGIC-53. The absence of a short loop in the ligand-binding site in this protein suggests that it has adapted to optimally bind the high-mannose Man(8)(GlcNAc)(2) glycan common to glycoproteins at the ER exit stage.  相似文献   

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