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Cycle inhibiting factor (Cif) is produced by pathogenic intracellular bacteria and injected into the host cells via a type III secretion system. Cif is known to interfere with the eukaryotic cell cycle by inhibiting the function of cullin RING E3 ubiquitin ligases (CRLs). Cullin proteins form the scaffold protein of CRLs and are modified with the ubiquitin-like protein Nedd8, which exerts important conformational control required for CRL activity. Cif has recently been shown to catalyze the deamidation of Gln40 in Nedd8 to Glu. Here, we addressed how Nedd8 deamidation inhibits CRL activity. Our results indicate that Burkholderia pseudomallei Cif (also known as CHBP) inhibits the deconjugation of Nedd8 in vivo by inhibiting binding of the deneddylating COP9 signalosome (CSN) complex. We provide evidence that the reduced binding of CSN and the inhibition of CRL activity by Cif are due to interference with Nedd8-induced conformational control, which is dependent on the interaction between the Nedd8 hydrophobic patch and the cullin winged-helix B subdomain. Of note, mutation of Gln40 to Glu in ubiquitin, an additional target of Cif, inhibits the interaction between the hydrophobic surface of ubiquitin and the ubiquitin-binding protein p62/SQSTM1, showing conceptually that Cif activity can impair ubiquitin/ubiquitin-like protein non-covalent interactions. Our results also suggest that Cif may exert additional cellular effects by interfering with the association between ubiquitin and ubiquitin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The phosphoinositide phosphatase SopB is one of the effectors injected by Salmonellatyphimurium (S.typhimurium) that diversifies its function through a ubiquitin-dependent differential localization. However, it is unclear which E3 ubiquitin ligase is responsible for ubiquitination of SopB. Based on the E1-E2-E3 trio of enzymes responsible for the ubiquitin activation and translocation to substrate proteins, we constructed an in vitro assay of SopB ubiquitination. Using this assay, we purified an E3 ubiquitin ligase, TRAF6, from the Henle-407 S100 extraction that may be responsible for the ubiquitination of SopB. To investigate the functional correlation of TRAF6, we showed that recombinant TRAF6 specifically ubiquitinates SopB in a dose-dependent manner in vitro. Upon infection, the ubiquitination of SopB was absolutely blocked by TRAF6 deletion, as shown in Traf6−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) compared with Traf6+/+ MEFs. However, the ectopic expression of TRAF6 in Traf6−/− MEFs rescued the two species of ubiquitin-conjugated SopB, which strengthens the role of TRAF6 in SopB ubiquitination. The analysis of E2 revealed that UbcH5c and not other E2 conjugating enzymes are required for TRAF6-mediated SopB ubiquitination both in vitro and in vivo. In summary, these results suggest the relevance of UbcH5c/TRAF6 in SopB during S.typhimurium infection and thereby imply that S.typhimurium has evolved a mechanism of utilizing the host’s E3 ubiquitin ligase to modify and modulate the function of its effector protein in order to ensure pathogen and host cell survival.  相似文献   

TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP) is a RING-dependent ubiquitin ligase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP) was initially identified as a TRAF1- and TRAF2-binding partner that inhibited NF-kappaB activation without a known mechanism. Inspection of the TRIP sequence revealed an N-terminal RING domain, which is found in many E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligases. We show that TRIP is a RING-dependent Ub ligase that undergoes auto-ubiquitination and requires an intact RING domain. Both TRIP and its RING mutant interact with TRAF1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, but failed to interact with CYLD and NIK. Stable expression of TRIP or a RING mutant did not affect IKK activation induced by TNF or IL-1 and had no affect on TNF-induced apoptosis. Similarly, RANKL-induced signaling and osteoclastogenesis were not affected by TRIP or its RING mutant. Interestingly, TRIP expression was down regulated during the late stages of osteoclastogenesis. Taken together, our results demonstrate that TRIP is a novel RING-dependent Ub ligase and a binding partner for TRAFs.  相似文献   

The B-box type 2 domain is a prominent feature of a large and growing family of RING, B-box, coiled-coil (RBCC) domain-containing proteins and is also present in more than 1500 additional proteins. Most proteins usually contain a single B-box2 domain, although some proteins contain tandem domains consisting of both type 1 and type 2 B-boxes, which actually share little sequence similarity. Recently, we determined the solution structure of B-box1 from MID1, a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase that is mutated in X-linked Opitz G/BBB syndrome, and showed that it adopted a betabetaalpha RING-like fold. Here, we report the tertiary structure of the B-box2 (CHC(D/C)C(2)H(2)) domain from MID1 using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. This MID1 B-box2 domain consists of a short alpha-helix and a structured loop with two short anti-parallel beta-strands and adopts a tertiary structure similar to the B-box1 and RING structures, even though there is minimal primary sequence similarity between these domains. By mutagenesis, ESI-FTICR and ICP mass spectrometry, we show that the B-box2 domain coordinates two zinc atoms with a 'cross-brace' pattern: one by Cys175, His178, Cys195 and Cys198 and the other by Cys187, Asp190, His204, and His207. Interestingly, this is the first case that an aspartic acid is involved in zinc atom coordination in a zinc-finger domain, although aspartic acid has been shown to coordinate non-catalytic zinc in matrix metalloproteinases. In addition, the finding of a Cys195Phe substitution identified in a patient with X-linked Opitz GBBB syndrome supports the importance of proper zinc coordination for the function of the MID1 B-box2 domain. Notably, however, our structure differs from the only other published B-box2 structure, that from XNF7, which was shown to coordinate one zinc atom. Finally, the similarity in tertiary structures of the B-box2, B-box1 and RING domains suggests these domains have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Funneling auxin action: specificity in signal transduction   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

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