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The tobacco mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase NPK1 localizes to the equatorial region of phragmoplasts by interacting with kinesin-like protein NACK1. This leads to activation of NPK1 kinase at late M phase, which is necessary for cell plate formation. Until now, its localization during interphase has not been reported. We investigated the subcellular localization of NPK1 in tobacco-cultured BY-2 cells at interphase using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and fusion to green fluorescent protein (GFP). Fluorescence of anti-NPK1 antibodies and GFP-fused NPK1 were detected only in the nuclei of BY-2 cells at interphase. Examination of the amino acid sequence of NPK1 showed that at the carboxyl-terminal region in the regulatory domain, which contains the binding site of NACK1, NPK1 contained a cluster of basic amino acids that resemble a bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS). Amino acid substitution mutations in the critical residues in putative NLS caused a marked reduction in nuclear localization of NPK1 in BY-2 cells, indicating that this sequence is functional in tobacco BY-2 cells. We also found that the 64-amino acid sequence at the carboxyl terminus that contains NLS sequence is essential for interaction with NACK1, and that mutations in the NLS sequence prevented NPK1 from interacting with NACK1. Thus, the amino acid sequence at the carboxyl-terminal region of NPK1 has dual functions for nuclear localization during interphase and binding NACK1 in M phase.  相似文献   

Human mast cell tryptases represent a subfamily of trypsin-like serine proteinases implicated in asthma. Unlike beta-tryptases, alpha-tryptases apparently are proteolytically inactive. We have solved the 2.2A crystal structure of mature human alpha1-tryptase. It reveals a frame-like tetrameric architecture that, surprisingly, does not require heparin-binding for stability. In marked contrast to beta2-tryptase, the Ser214-Gly219 segment, which normally provides the template for substrate binding, is kinked in alpha-tryptase, thereby blocking its non-primed subsites. This so far unobserved subsite distortion is incompatible with productive substrate binding and processing. alpha-Tryptase apparently is trapped in this off-conformation by repulsions and attractions of the Asp216 side-chain. However, proteolytic activity could be generated by an induced-fit mechanism.  相似文献   

Mouse Nkrp1a receptor is a C‐type lectin‐like receptor expressed on the surface of natural killer cells that play an important role against virally infected and tumor cells. The recently solved crystal structure of Nkrp1a raises questions about a long loop region which was uniquely extended from the central region in the crystal. To understand the functional significance of the loop, the solution structure of Nkrp1a using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was determined. A notable difference between the crystal and NMR structure of Nkrp1a appears in the conformation of the long loop region. While the extended loop points away from the central core and mediates formation of a domain swapped dimer in the crystal, the solution structure is monomeric with the loop tightly anchored to the central region. The findings described the first solution structure in the Nkrp1 family and revealed intriguing similarities and differences to the crystal structure. Proteins 2016; 84:1304–1311. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

PSD-Zip45 (also named Homer 1c/Vesl-1L) is a synaptic scaffolding protein, which interacts with neurotransmitter receptors and other scaffolding proteins to target them into post-synaptic density (PSD), a specialized protein complex at the synaptic junction. Binding of the PSD-Zip45 to the receptors and scaffolding proteins results in colocalization and clustering of its binding partners in PSD. It has an Ena/VASP homology 1 (EVH1) domain in the N terminus for receptor binding, two leucine zipper motifs in the C terminus for clustering, and a linking region whose function is unclear despite the high level of conservation within the Homer 1 family. The X-ray crystallographic analysis of the largest fragment of residues 1-163, including an EVH1 domain reported here, demonstrates that the EVH1 domain contains an alpha-helix longer than that of the previous models, and that the linking part included in the conserved region of Homer 1 (CRH1) of the PSD-Zip45 interacts with the EVH1 domain of the neighbour CRH1 molecule in the crystal. The results suggest that the EVH1 domain recognizes the PPXXF motif found in the binding partners, and the SPLTP sequence (P-motif) in the linking region of the CRH1. The two types of binding are partly overlapped in the EVH1 domain, implying a mechanism to regulate multimerization of Homer 1 family proteins.  相似文献   

Carp MKK4 (cMKK4) cDNA was isolated from an ovary cDNA library. cMKK4 mRNA was ubiquitously distributed in various tissues of adult carp. Sequence analysis revealed that cMKK4 lacks a nuclear export signal sequence, unlike mammalian and frog MEKs (ERK activator) and cMKK6 (carp p38 activator), where it plays an important role in anchoring these MAP kinase activators to the cytoplasm. cMKK4 protein was found to be diffused throughout the cell, whereas cMEK1 and cMKK6 proteins were seen exclusively in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Swt1 is an RNA endonuclease that plays an important role in quality control of nuclear messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs) in eukaryotes; however, its structural details remain to be elucidated. Here, we report the crystal structure of the C-terminal (CT) domain of Swt1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which shares common characteristics of higher eukaryotes and prokaryotes nucleotide binding (HEPN) domain superfamily. To study in detail the full-length protein structure, we analyzed the low-resolution architecture of Swt1 in solution using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) method. Both the CT domain and middle domain exhibited a good fit upon superimposing onto the molecular envelope of Swt1. Our study provides the necessary structural information for detailed analysis of the functional role of Swt1, and its importance in the process of nuclear mRNP surveillance.  相似文献   

Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (KARI; EC catalyzes two steps in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. Amino acid sequence comparisons across species reveal that there are two types of this enzyme: a short form (Class I) found in fungi and most bacteria, and a long form (Class II) typical of plants. Crystal structures of each have been reported previously. However, some bacteria such as Escherichia coli possess a long form, where the amino acid sequence differs appreciably from that found in plants. Here, we report the crystal structure of the E. coli enzyme at 2.6 A resolution, the first three-dimensional structure of any bacterial Class II KARI. The enzyme consists of two domains, one with mixed alpha/beta structure, which is similar to that found in other pyridine nucleotide-dependent dehydrogenases. The second domain is mainly alpha-helical and shows strong evidence of internal duplication. Comparison of the active sites between KARI of E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and spinach shows that most residues occupy conserved positions in the active site. E. coli KARI was crystallized as a tetramer, the likely biologically active unit. This contrasts with P. aeruginosa KARI, which forms a dodecamer, and spinach KARI, a dimer. In the E. coli KARI tetramer, a novel subunit-to-subunit interacting surface is formed by a symmetrical pair of bulbous protrusions.  相似文献   

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) binds to the GDNF family co-receptor alpha1 (GFRalpha1) and activates RET receptor tyrosine kinase. GFRalpha1 has a putative domain structure of three homologous cysteine-rich domains, where domains 2 and 3 make up a central domain responsible for GDNF binding. We report here the 1.8 A crystal structure of GFRalpha1 domain 3 showing a new protein fold. It is an all-alpha five-helix bundle with five disulfide bridges. The structure was used to model the homologous domain 2, the other half of the GDNF-binding fragment, and to construct the first structural model of the GDNF-GFRalpha1 interaction. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we identified closely spaced residues, Phe213, Arg224, Arg225 and Ile229, comprising a putative GDNF-binding surface. Mutating each one of them had slightly different effects on GDNF binding and RET phosphorylation. In addition, the R217E mutant bound GDNF equally well in the presence and absence of RET. Arg217 may thus be involved in the allosteric properties of GFRalpha1 or in binding RET.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Rap1 induces integrin activation via an inside-out signaling pathway mediated by the Rapl-interacting adaptor mol- ecule (RIAM). Blocking this pathway may suppress tumor metastasis and other diseases that are related to hyperactive integrins. However, the molecular basis for the specific recognition of RIAM by Rap1 remains largely unknown. Herein we present the crystal structure of an active, GTP-bound GTPase domain of Rap1 in complex with the Ras association (RA)-pleckstrin homology (PH) structural module of RIAM at 1.65 A. The structure reveals that the recognition of RIAM by Rap1 is governed by side-chain interactions. Several side chains are critical in determining specificity of this recognition, particularly the Lys31 residue in Rap1 that is oppositely charged compared with the Glu31/Asp31 residue in other Ras GTPases. Lys31 forms a salt bridge with RIAM residue Glu212, making it the key specificity determinant of the interaction. We also show that disruption of these interactions results in reduction of Rapl:RIAM association, leadingto a loss of co-clustering and cell adhesion. Our findings elucidate the molecular mechanism by which RIAM med- iates Rapl-induced integrin activation. The crystal structure also offers new insight into the structural basis for the specific recruitment of RA-PH module-containing effector proteins by their smaU GTPase partners.  相似文献   

Plants use the family of phytochrome photoreceptors to sense their light environment in the red/far-red region of the spectrum. Phytochrome A (phyA) is the primary photoreceptor that regulates germination and early seedling development. This phytochrome mediates seedling de-etiolation for the developmental transition from heterotrophic to photoauxotrophic growth. High intensity far-red light provides a way to specifically assess the role of phyA in this process and was used to isolate phyA-signaling intermediates. fhy1 and pat3 (renamed fhy1-3) are independently isolated alleles of a gene encoding a phyA signal transduction component. FHY1 is a small 24 kDa protein that shows no homology to known functional motifs, besides a small conserved septin-related domain at the C-terminus, a putative nuclear localization signal (NLS) and a putative nuclear exclusion signal (NES). Here we demonstrate that the septin-related domain is important for FHY1 to transmit phyA signals. Moreover, the putative NLS and NES of FHY1 are indeed involved in its nuclear localization and exclusion. Nuclear localization of FHY1 is needed for it to execute responses downstream of phyA. Together with the results from global expression analysis, our findings point to an important role of FHY1 in phyA signaling through its nuclear translocation and induction of gene expression.  相似文献   

BRCA1 is a DNA damage response protein and functions in the nucleus to stimulate DNA repair and at the centrosome to inhibit centrosome overduplication in response to DNA damage. The loss or mutation of BRCA1 causes centrosome amplification and abnormal mitotic spindle assembly in breast cancer cells. The BRCA1-BARD1 heterodimer binds and ubiquitinates γ-tubulin to inhibit centrosome amplification and promote microtubule nucleation; however regulation of BRCA1 targeting and function at the centrosome is poorly understood. Here we show that both N and C termini of BRCA1 are required for its centrosomal localization and that BRCA1 moves to the centrosome independently of BARD1 and γ-tubulin. Mutations in the C-terminal phosphoprotein-binding BRCT domain of BRCA1 prevented localization to centrosomes. Photobleaching experiments identified dynamic (60%) and immobilized (40%) pools of ectopic BRCA1 at the centrosome, and these are regulated by the nuclear export receptor CRM1 (chromosome region maintenance 1) and BARD1. CRM1 mediates nuclear export of BRCA1, and mutation of the export sequence blocked BRCA1 regulation of centrosome amplification in irradiated cells. CRM1 binds to undimerized BRCA1 and is displaced by BARD1. Photobleaching assays implicate CRM1 in driving undimerized BRCA1 to the centrosome and revealed that when BRCA1 subsequently binds to BARD1, it is less well retained at centrosomes, suggesting a mechanism to accelerate BRCA1 release after formation of the active heterodimer. Moreover, Aurora A binding and phosphorylation of BRCA1 enhanced its centrosomal retention and regulation of centrosome amplification. Thus, CRM1, BARD1 and Aurora A promote the targeting and function of BRCA1 at centrosomes.  相似文献   

NUAK1 is a serine/threonine kinase member of the AMPK-α family. NUAK1 regulates several processes in tumorigenesis; however, its regulation and molecular targets are still poorly understood. Bioinformatics analysis predicted that the majority of NUAK1 localizes in the nucleus. However, there are no studies about the regulation of NUAK1 subcellular distribution. Here, we analyzed NUAK1 localization in several human cell lines, mouse embryo fibroblasts, and normal mouse tissues. We found that NUAK1 is located in the nucleus and also in the cytoplasm. Through bioinformatics analysis and studies comparing subcellular localization of wild type and NUAK1 mutants, we identified a conserved bipartite nuclear localization signal at the N-terminal domain of NUAK1. Based on mass spectrometry analysis, we found that NUAK1 interacts with importin-β members including importin-β1 (KPNB1), importin-7 (IPO7), and importin-9 (IPO9). We confirmed that importin-β members are responsible for NUAK1 nuclear import through the inhibition of importin-β by Importazole and the knockdown of either IPO7 or IPO9. In addition, we found that oxidative stress induces NUAK1 cytoplasmic accumulation, indicating that oxidative stress affects NUAK1 nuclear transport. Thus, our study is the first evidence of an active nuclear transport mechanism regulating NUAK1 subcellular localization. These data will lead to investigations of the molecular targets of NUAK1 according to its subcellular distribution, which could be new biomarkers or targets for cancer therapies.  相似文献   

The location, structure and protein environment of the Mn4Ca2+ cluster, which catalyses the light-driven, water-splitting reaction of photosystem II, has been revealed by X-ray crystallography. However, owing to the low resolutions of the crystal structures reported to date, and the possibility of radiation damage at the catalytic centre, the precise position of each metal ion remains unknown. To some extent, these problems have been overcome by applying spectroscopic techniques like extended X-ray absorption fine structure. Taking into account the most recent results obtained with these two X-ray-based techniques, we have attempted to refine models of the structure of the Mn4Ca2+ cluster and its protein environment.  相似文献   

New direct acting antivirals (DAAs) such as daclatasvir (DCV; BMS‐790052), which target NS5A function with picomolar potency, are showing promise in clinical trials. The exact nature of how these compounds have an inhibitory effect on HCV is unknown; however, major resistance mutations appear in the N‐terminal region of NS5A that include the amphipathic helix and domain 1. The dimeric symmetry of these compounds suggests that they act on a dimer of NS5A, which is also consistent with the presence of dimers in crystals of NS5A domain 1 from genotype 1b. Genotype 1a HCV is less potently affected by these compounds and resistance mutations have a greater effect than in the 1b genotypes. We have obtained crystals of domain 1 of the important 1a NS5A homologue and intriguingly, our X‐ray crystal structure reveals two new dimeric forms of this domain. Furthermore, the high solvent content (75%) makes it ideal for ligand‐soaking. Daclatasvir (DCV) shows twofold symmetry suggesting NS5A dimers may be of physiological importance and serve as potential binding sites for DCV. These dimers also allow for new conformations of a NS5A expansive network which could explain its operation on the membranous web. Additionally, sulfates bound in the crystal structure may provide evidence for the previously proposed RNA binding groove, or explain regulation of NS5A domain 2 and 3 function and phosphorylation, by domain 1.  相似文献   

Phytochromes are light-sensing macromolecules that are part of a two component phosphorelay system controlling gene expression. Photoconversion between the Pr and Pfr forms facilitates autophosphorylation of a histidine in the dimerization domain (DHp). We report the low-resolution structure of a bacteriophytochrome (Bph) in the catalytic (CA) Pr form in solution determined by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Ab initio modeling reveals, for the first time, the domain organization in a typical bacteriophytochrome, comprising an chromophore binding and phytochrome (PHY) N terminal domain followed by a C terminal histidine kinase domain. Homologous high-resolution structures of the light-sensing chromophore binding domain (CBD) and the cytoplasmic part of a histidine kinase sensor allows us to model 75% of the structure with the remainder comprising the phytochrome domain which has no 3D representative in the structural database. The SAXS data reveal a dimeric Y shaped macromolecule and the relative positions of the chromophores (biliverdin), autophosphorylating histidine residues and the ATP molecules in the kinase domain. SAXS data were collected from a sample in the autophosphorylating Pr form and reveal alternate conformational states for the kinase domain that can be modeled in an open (no-catalytic) and closed (catalytic) state. This model suggests how light-induced signal transduction can stimulate autophosphorylation followed by phosphotransfer to a response regulator (RR) in the two-component system.  相似文献   

The effector protein AvrP is secreted by the flax rust fungal pathogen (Melampsora lini) and recognized specifically by the flax (Linum usitatissimum) P disease resistance protein, leading to effector‐triggered immunity. To investigate the biological function of this effector and the mechanisms of specific recognition by the P resistance protein, we determined the crystal structure of AvrP. The structure reveals an elongated zinc‐finger‐like structure with a novel interleaved zinc‐binding topology. The residues responsible for zinc binding are conserved in AvrP effector variants and mutations of these motifs result in a loss of P‐mediated recognition. The first zinc‐coordinating region of the structure displays a positively charged surface and shows some limited similarities to nucleic acid‐binding and chromatin‐associated proteins. We show that the majority of the AvrP protein accumulates in the plant nucleus when transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana cells, suggesting a nuclear pathogenic function. Polymorphic residues in AvrP and its allelic variants map to the protein surface and could be associated with differences in recognition specificity. Several point mutations of residues on the non‐conserved surface patch result in a loss of recognition by P, suggesting that these residues are required for recognition.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the physical characteristics and crystalline structure of 2-hydroxy-N-[3(5)-pyrazolyl]-1,4-naphthoquinone-4-imine (PNQ), a new active compound against Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of American trypanosomiasis. Methods used included differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry, hot stage microscopy, polarized light microscopy (PLM), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and high-resolution X-ray powder diffraction (HR-XRPD). According to PLM and HR-XRPD data, PNQ crystallized as red oolitic crystals (absolute methanol) or prisms (dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO]-water) with the same internal structure. The findings obtained with HR-XRPD data (applying molecular location methods) showed a monoclinic unit cell [a = 18.4437(1) A, b = 3.9968(2) A, c = 14.5304(1) A, alpha = 90 degrees , beta = 102.71(6) degrees , gamma = 90 degrees , V = 1044.9(1) A(3), Z = 4, space group P2(1)/c], and a crystal structure (excluding H-positions) described by parallel layers in the direction of the b-axis, with molecules held by homochemical (phenyl-phenyl and pyrazole-pyrazole) van der Waals interactions. In addition, FTIR spectra displayed the NH-pyrazole stretch overlapped with the OH absorption at 3222 cm(-1), typical of -NH and -OH groups associated through H-bondings; and a carbonyl stretching absorption at 1694 cm(-1), indicating a nonextensively H-bonded quinonic C=O, which was in accordance with the solved crystal structure of PNQ. The existence of such cohesive forces shed light on the thermoanalytical data, which revealed that PNQ is a stable solid, unaffected by oxygen that decomposed without melting above 260 degrees C.  相似文献   

The membrane protein interacting with kinase C1 (PICK1) plays a trafficking role in the internalization of neuron receptors such as the amino‐3‐hydroxyl‐5‐methyl‐4‐isoxazole‐propionate (AMPA) receptor. Reduction of surface AMPA type receptors on neurons reduces synaptic communication leading to cognitive impairment in progressive neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer disease. The internalization of AMPA receptors is mediated by the PDZ domain of PICK1 which binds to the GluA2 subunit of AMPA receptors and targets the receptor for internalization through endocytosis, reducing synaptic communication. We planned to block the PICK1‐GluA2 protein–protein interaction with a small molecule inhibitor to stabilize surface AMPA receptors as a therapeutic possibility for neurodegenerative diseases. Using a fluorescence polarization assay, we identified compound BIO124 as a modest inhibitor of the PICK1‐GluA2 interaction. We further tried to improve the binding affinity of BIO124 using structure‐aided drug design but were unsuccessful in producing a co‐crystal structure using previously reported crystallography methods for PICK1. Here, we present a novel method through which we generated a co‐crystal structure of the PDZ domain of PICK1 bound to BIO124.  相似文献   

Three different medium-resolution structures of the human water channel aquaporin-1 (AQP1) have been solved by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) during the last two years. Recently, the structure of the strongly related bovine AQP1 was solved by X-ray crystallography at higher resolution, allowing a validation of the original medium-resolution structures, and providing a good indication for the strengths and limitations of state of the art cryo-EM methods. We present a detailed comparison between the different models, which shows that overall, the structures are highly similar, deviating less than 2.5 A from each other in the helical backbone regions. The two original cryo-EM structures, however, also show a number of significant deviations from the X-ray structure, both in the backbone positions of the transmembrane helices and in the location of the amino acid side-chains facing the pore. In contrast, the third cryo-EM structure that included information from the X-ray structure of the homologous bacterial glycerol facilitator GlpF and that was subsequently refined against cryo-EM AQP1 data, shows a root mean square deviation of 0.9A from the X-ray structure in the helical backbone regions.  相似文献   

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