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The hipparions from the late Miocene locality Nikiti-2 (NIK), Macedonia, Greece are described and compared with those from the other Greek and Eurasian localities. Two species have been determined, the medium-sized Hipparion dietrichi and the small-sized Hipparion macedonicum, while a third large-sized Hipparion is also recognized. The scanty material of the latter species indicates similarities with Hipparion proboscideum, as well as with Hipparion mediterraneum and it is referred to as Hipparion sp. The locality is dated to early Turolian as this is proved by the resemblance of the hipparions from “Nikiti 2” faunal assemblage with those from the neighbouring localities of “Ravin des Zouaves 5” and “Prochoma 1”, of Axios Valley, Greece. Interesting differences, which are inferred by the comparison of the studied material with those of Axios Valley, Samos and Turkey, are also discussed.  相似文献   

New bovid material from the Upper Miocene site of Çorakyerler (Çankırı basin, Anatolia, Turkey) is described and compared here. The described taxon is identified as a representative of the stem caprine genus Qurliqnoria, previously known from the peri-Tibetan area exclusively. The stronger horn-core divergence, weaker anterior keel, smoother horn-core surface, stronger lateral horn-core curvature, stronger and thicker interfrontal suture, less flexed and less pneumatized frontals, and smaller supraorbital foramina differentiate the Çorakyerler Qurliqnoria from the type and only known species of the genus, Q. cheni from China, and demand the erection of a new species, Qurliqnoria chorakensis n. sp. A review of other late Miocene bovid records allows the recognition of Qurliqnoria in Sinap Tepe (Turkey) and Platania (Greece), suggesting a westward propagation of the genus during the Vallesian.  相似文献   

Two cytotypes (2n = 36 and 38) of blind mole rats, Nannospalax xanthodon (Nordmann, 1840), from the Ayd?n and Manisa provinces in Turkey were investigated. Conventional chromosome staining, Ag-NOR staining and C-banding analysis were carried out. From the cytogenetic point of view, the particular phylogenetic position of these populations is supported by their low diploid numbers only, and the Cbanding pattern and the NORs distribution seem generally similar to populations with higher chromosome numbers. Several autosomal pairs with centromeric dark Cbands were observed in the 2n=36 cytotype. One autosomal pair possessed an interstitial dark C-band on the short arm; another pair possessed an interstitial dark Cband on the long arm. Whole C-heterochromatic short arms were observed in three subtelocentric autosomal pairs in the 2n=38 cytotype. Most of the other autosomal pairs possessed centromeric dark C-bands. Distinct dark C-bands were observed also in the presumed X chromosomes of both the cytotypes. The Ag-NOR regions were found on three autosomal pairs of both the cytotypes. These sites were located in telomeric areas of the short arms of two subtelocentric and one submetacentric pair.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen grains in the atmosphere of Bozüyük were investigated over a 2 yr period from 2000 to 2001 using a Durham sampler. A total number of pollen grains of 5 170 pollen grains belonging to 32taxa were identified and recorded along with some unidentified pollen grains. Of all the pollen grains, 78.66%were arboreal, 19.20% were non-arboreal, and 2.12% were unidentified. The majority of pollen grains investigated were Pinus, Platanus, Quercus, Cupressaceae, Poaceae, Fagus, Salix, Rosaceae, Urticaceae,Asteraceae, and Chenopodiaceae. The maximum number of pollen grains was recorded in May.  相似文献   

Dietary, therapeutical, and other ethnobotanical uses of the wild plants grown in the Beypazari, Aya§, and Güdül district towns of Ankara were investigated. Information was collected by oral interviews, with 400 individuals participating in 25 selected sites. The demographic characteristics of the informants were cross-linked with the recorded plant data for purposes of statistical analysis by SPSS software. The results indicated that 82% of the informants recognized the use of wild plants for food and home remedies. Both the breadth and scope of knowledge on the use of wild plants increased significantly with the advancing age of the informants, but there was no significant correlation between the knowledge of the informants and their educational status. Altogether, the authors recorded 192 uses for wild plants in the surveyed area; these emanating from 85 plant species belonging to 31 plant families. Among the most popular uses for wild plants were for medicines (115 citations) or food (70 citations). Only 7 plants fell in the miscellaneous category.  相似文献   

In a study of the fishes of the Büyük Menderes River Basin, Aegean region of Turkey, two populations of Chondrostoma were found which showed clearly distinctive characters: the population from the Upper B. Menderes (I??kl? Lake) was attributed to C. meandrense Elvira, 1987, while the population from the Çine Stream in the Lower B. Menderes River basin proved to be a hitherto undescribed species: Chondrostoma turnai sp. n. Altogether 24 metric and 7 meristic parameters were compared. The new species is distinguished from C. meandrense and all other cogeners by a combination of the number of lateral line scales, the number of scale rows between the lateral line and the dorsal-fin origin, the number of scale rows of the lateral line and pelvic-fin origin, and the number of gill rakers on the first gill arch.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:811C213D-BEDD-4C8C-AE57-BFFA7964781A  相似文献   

Gündüz  Ertunç 《Hydrobiologia》1990,199(3):237-241
A new species of Ilyocryptus Sars from Bafra Balikgölü in Samsun, is described and figured. The shape and armature of Ilyocryptus samsuni n.sp. resembles I. sordidus (Liévin), but I. samsuni n.sp. differs from I. sordidus (Liévin) by the absence of ramified setae along the valve rims, and the occurrence of complete moulting.This study was supported by Hacettepe University Research Foundation, Project HÜAF 85 01 007 03.This study was supported by Hacettepe University Research Foundation, Project HÜAF 85 01 007 03.  相似文献   


A Paddyfield Warbler was mist-netted at Van in eastern Anatolia on 8.5 1987. This is the second record for Turkey.  相似文献   

The gonadal structure and cycle of the Leguminaia whaetleyi is described for the first time indicating that 5% of this species is simultaneous hermaphrodite. A total of 420 individuals were collected in monthly samples from October 2008 to September 2009 in G?lba?? Lake, Turkey. Calculation of the condition index and histological examination of the gonads showed that gametogenesis began in January. Spawning occurred between May and August with one maximum peak in July. Annual maximum oocytes size peaked in July. The population consisted of simultaneous hermaphrodite individuals. Sex ratio of L. whaetleyi was significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (P< 0.05), and also female biased sex ratio was recorded. In hermaphrodite specimens, male and female follicles were mixed in the visceral mass but can be clearly distinguished by light microscopy study. L. whaetleyi appears to be a dioecious species in which 25 specimens were simultaneous hermaphrodite and under certain environmental conditions may be capable of self-fertilization. This suggests that detailed studies on sex ratio of L. whaetleyi may be helpful in understanding unionid phylogeny.  相似文献   

Seventy-four hominoid primary teeth have been recovered from the middle Miocene site of Pa?alar, Turkey, constituting the largest sample of deciduous teeth for any species of fossil ape. Morphological features that characterize the permanent teeth of Griphopithecus alpani from the site have also been identified in some of these deciduous teeth, including a lingual pillar on the di(1)s. These features plus the overwhelming preponderance of G. alpani permanent teeth at the site suggest that all of the deciduous teeth belong to this species. Contrary to the situation in the permanent teeth, nothing in the morphology of the primary dentition suggests the representation of a second species. The age profile of the non-adult hominoids was reconstructed based on the degree and type of wear recorded on the dp4s, the most abundant deciduous tooth in the sample, assuming a similar eruption chronology to that of Pan troglodytes. This analysis indicates underrepresentation of very young individuals in the sample and high mortality for individuals belonging to the 3-5-years age cohort, a situation that could be due to the effects of stress related to weaning. The coefficient of variation and range-index values obtained for the majority of tooth types are equal to or greater than the comparable values in a sample of P. troglodytes, in some cases at much smaller sample sizes. One possible explanation for this is that there was greater sexual dimorphism in the G. alpani deciduous dentition than in Pan, which would mirror the condition of the permanent dentition.  相似文献   


The rich and relatively diverse fossil mammalian assemblage from Gökler is of special importance for understanding of faunal evolution in Central Anatolia. Large mammals were not recovered, but insectivores and rodents are abundant. The assemblage of rodents is studied in detail and comprises mainly diversified cricetids. Dormice are abundant, but are represented by only one species. Squirrels are represented only by few specimens and also beaver remains were identified. Spanocricetodon sinuosus is referred to a new genus Latocricetodon nov. gen that is tentatively assigned to the Pseudocricetodontinae. Newly named species are Cricetodon goklerensis sp. nov., Democricetodon haltmari sp. nov., Eumyarion lukasi sp. nov. and Glirudinus matusi sp. nov. The rodent assemblage is assigned to local zone C which is correlated to the European biounit MN2 (early Miocene). Our biochronological assessment is supported by radiometric dating from two volcanic ash layers.


LSID http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:3414DB1E-0C5E-4154-BE5E-02A9ED183B1A

Cricetodon goklerensis

LSID http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:1B658872-6C10-4355-B87C-3E6277AF4EDA

Democricetodon haltmari

LSID http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:9B13F956-7F8C-406A-9970-1F5E999E54C6

Eumyarion lukasi

LSID http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:34DED87E-855F-4969-AB84-10BED5C572BF

Glirudinus matusi

LSID http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:798ECB9A-E3B5-4C38-B5B3-FEB17AF734FE  相似文献   


The composition of the freshwater mollusc fauna from Lake Sapanca (Marmara region, NW Turkey) is described. The occurrence of Sadleriana fluminensis (Hydrobiidae) is a new record for Turkey. The origin of several species from the former catchment basin of the Lower Danube (the “Dardanelles River”) is discussed.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(8):1041-1056
The Rhinocerotidae material from the early Pleistocene Tetoiu Formation of Colțești (southwestern Romania) is here described for the first time. The rhinoceros is documented by calcaneus and second, third, and fourth metatarsals, probably belonging to the same individual. The morphology and the dimensions of these specimens enable us to record the presence of Stephanorhinus jeanvireti, a relatively rare rhinoceros usually reported from late Pliocene European localities and recently considered a junior synonym of Selatus. Nevertheless, the taxon Rhinoceros elatus is here regarded as a nomen dubium and the name Sjeanvireti is retained in order to maintain nomenclatural stability, being it based on much more diagnostic material. In Romania, Sjeanvireti has been listed within a few late Pliocene faunal assemblages, but the rhinoceros remains are fragmentary and isolated bones. The Colțești find is among the best documented records of Sjeanvireti in Romania. The biochronological distribution of Sjeanvireti is mainly confined within the MNQ16 (early and early middle Villafranchian), and its first occurrence is doubtfully reported in late MNQ15 faunas. The record of Colțești (MNQ17/MNQ18) represents, instead, the last occurrence of this taxon in Europe.  相似文献   

Onychopterocheilus sarikamisensis sp. n. is described and illustrated from eastern Turkey. The species is related to O. hellenicus (Morawitz, 1885) but differs by the shape of the clypeus and antennae, and by the pale colouration of the maculations.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A3E75353-EC16-458F-908FAB9240E8016B  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Cucullanus angeli n. sp., is described from specimens recovered from the intestine of Vieja intermedia (Günther, 1862) from the Lacantun River, State of Chiapas, Mexico. It is characterized largely by having an unusual distinct unpaired median papilla present on anterior cloacal lip in the male and the situation of phasmids (close to eighth pair of papillae); it is further characterized by equal spicules (length 175-475 microm), distribution of caudal papillae, a preanal sucker surrounded by first and second pair of papillae, and conical tail in both sexes, ending in small terminal digitiform process (being more conspicuous in the female).  相似文献   

Vallesian (early Late Miocene) strata from the recently introduced Cañada section (province of Zaragoza, east Central Spain) have yielded fairly large insectivore assemblages. These show that, after the generally dry Aragonian, the Vallesian gave rise to more humid conditions that were favourable to insectivores, both in number of taxa, and in overall number of specimens. The assemblage of Cañada 8 (Biozone H) is dominated by shrews, whereas the assemblage of Cañada 10 (uppermost Biozone H) contains the oldest record of Desmanella in the area. This seems to signify a bioevent in which after millions of years of absence, talpids return to the area. In addition to the Vallesian assemblages, a small Turolian insectivore fauna has been recovered. On the basis of the rodents, Cañada 12 was assigned to Biozone L, and the insectivore assemblage is very similar to the assemblages from the Teruel basin of that zone. This implies that the discovery of Postpalerinaceus in Cañada 12 is the youngest published record of this large spiny hedgehog.  相似文献   

The Anchitheriinae are an extinct subfamily of Equidae that first appeared in North America near the base of the Miocene. Anchitheriinae are found in subtropical to warm temperate habitats and were long considered to be adapted to eating browse. In Europe the genus Anchitherium first occurred in the MN3 mammal zone and became extinct in MN9. The assemblage from Sandelzhausen (Early/Middle Miocene, boundary MN5) is one of the best dental samples known of Old World Anchitherium. The mesowear method was applied to reconstruct the dietary regime of A. aurelianense from Sandelzhausen. Hierarchical cluster statistics and principal component analysis was performed on mesowear variables. Thirty-five upper cheek teeth of A. aurelianense were analysed, and mesowear signatures compared with those of five ruminant species from Sandelzhausen. The extant analogue species indicate that A. aurelianense at Sandelzhausen had a diet similar in abrasiveness to that of extant mixed feeders and that the Sandelzhausen ruminants all occupied a browsing niche with little or no abrasives in their diet. Knowing now that brachydont anchitheres were able to cope with rather abrasive diets, it is assumed that hypsodont North American equids of the Cormohipparion clade, arriving in Europe successively with the extinction of anchitheres shortly after the “hipparion datum” in the MN9, introduced a new component of competition in their dietary niche. The extinction of the Anchitheriidae can now be better understood as response to this competition.   相似文献   

The present work is focused on the hipparionine remains from the late Miocene to early Pliocene deposits of the Haritalyangar areas, Himachal Pardesh, India. These remains are taxonomically ranked to five genera (Plesiohipparion, Proboscidipparion, Cormohipparion, Sivalhippus, and Eurygnathohippus) and seven species. The described taxa are predominantly known from China, Africa and the Indian subcontinent. Among these, Proboscidipparion is reported for the first time from the Siwaliks; the material assigned to Plesiohipparion sp. is a potential candidate for a new species. Hipparionines from this area have long been poorly known and are helpful to understand the palaeontological context of the Indian Siwalik mammalian fauna. The hipparionines suggest a wide variety of environmental conditions ranging from grasslands to forests.  相似文献   

Summary 1. A quantitative study of the population biology ofPlanaria torva (Müller) living in a productive lake, based on monthly samples over a period of 20 months, is presented. 2. Samples of triclads, their cocoons and other organisms were taken from bricks placed at a shallow depth in the lake. They provided relative information on changes in population size structure and demonstrated the temporal breeding of this triclad. 3. Cocoon production byP. torva began in January and reached a peak in March–April. This was followed by a peak in recently-hatched young during May–June. Adults reached a maximal proportion of the total population in January and most had died by July. 4. Changes in size structure suggest that intra-specific competition occurred during June–July following the recruitment of young. This hypothesis is supported by other independent evidence. 5. Attempts to measure fecundity based on cocoons and young gave very different results attributed to the sampling technique.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(3):178-188
Here, we describe remains of Micromeryx sp. and Hispanomeryx sp. from the middle Miocene locality Catakbağyaka (MN 7/8). This is the first record for Miocene Moschidae for the late middle Miocene in Turkey and verifies the importance of Turkey as a corridor for the dispersal of Eurasian mammals. Furthermore, the record from Catakbağyaka confirms that the sympatric co-occurrence of two Miocene moschid taxa in one locality appears to be a common phenomenon.  相似文献   

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