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The study of ontogenetic and morphological changes in different species of the brachiopod genus Caryona COOPER (Terebratulidae) from the Lower Callovian‐Lower Oxfordian of northern France shows a succession (and an interference) of processes which vary according to the characters studied. This is an example of “mosaic evolution”;. The ontogenetic changes result from heterochrony, especially acceleration and hypermorphism. The main phylogenetic tendency is peramorphosis in most characters. This evolutionary pattern agrees with phyletic gradualism.

Moreover, analysis of the internal characters demonstrates the limited value of these in discrimination of the various genera.  相似文献   

The rhynchonellid brachiopod species Cryptopora lovisati(Dreger, 1911) has been identified in the Middle Miocene sandy deposits of France, and its ontogeny and variability are described. This is the first record of the genus Cryptopora Jeffreys from France, although several species of Cryptopora have been already reported from other regions of Europe. Being known since the Lower Palaeocene, Cryptopora is widely distributed in modern seas, ranging from about 60 m down to over 4000 m, and is represented by six extant and about 12 fossil species. C. lovisati has been interpreted as relatively shallow water species living attached to the sediment by a long pedicle. The affinity between C. lovisati and Recent C. curiosa Cooper is discussed.  相似文献   

A quantitative method of species "point" area analysis is considered that provides the interpolation of species distribution to the whole territory on the basis of its relationships with climatic and relief variables. It is shown that application of standart statistical interpolation techniques is incorrect. The proposed approach is based on interpolation onto the whole territory the species-specific relations with environmental variables detected in single "points". The basic method for the task proves to be the factor analysis. Within the scope of the study, we have considered the methods for quantitative representation of species relationships with climatic and relief variables. The analysis efficiency is demonstrated by an example of three species of brown frogs: Rana temporaria, R. arvalis u R. amurensis.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean gobiid genus Chromogobius (Teleostei-Perciformes) is redefined with additional information on lateral-line system and skeleton. The value of meristic features, colouration, squamation, and relative number of cephalic lateral-line papillae is shown for species and subspecies definition. Two species are recognized and described, the mediolittoral Ch. quadrivittatus (Steindachner, 1863) (type species) and the more offshore Ch. zebratus (Kolombatovic, 1891), with the latter being divided into the two subspecies Ch. z. zebratus (from Split, Adriatic Sea) and Ch. z. levanticus subsp. n . (Mediterranean coast of Israel; possibly Tyrrhenian Sea). Osteological confirmation for placing Chromogobius in the Gobiidae is provided, and Chromogobius shown to have affinity with certain South African species (Gobius nudiceps, G. caffer, G. natalensis, G. agulhensis, and Acentrogobius multi-fasciatus), as well as occupying an intermediate position between the Mediterranean Zebrus zebrus and Didogobius bentuvii.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were sequenced for 52 species from 32 genera and eight subtribes of Anthemideae. Phylogenetic analyses of ITS data generated trees that are largely incongruent with the recent classification of Anthemideae; most of the subtribes examined are not resolved as monophyletic. However, ITS trees are congruent with morphological, isozyme, phytochemical, and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction site data in supporting a Mediterranean origin for Argyranthemum, the largest endemic genus of the Atlantic oceanic islands. A combined analysis of ITS sequences and cpDNA restriction sites indicates that Argyranthemum is sister to the other three genera of Chrysantheminae (i.e., Chrysanthemum, Heteranthemis, and Ismelia). Times of divergence of Argyranthemum inferred from the ITS sequences ranged between 0.26 and 2.1 million years ago (mya) and are lower than values previously reported from isozyme and cpDNA data (1.5-3.0 mya). It is likely that rate heterogeneity of the ITS sequences in the Anthemideae accounts for the low divergence-time estimates. Comparison of data for 20 species in Argyranthemum and Chrysantheminae indicates that the cpDNA restriction site approach provided much more phylogenetic information than ITS sequences. Thus, restriction site analyses of the entire chloroplast genome remain a valuable approach for studying recently derived island plants.  相似文献   

The specific status of the damsel fish Chromis chromis (L) is discussed and it is suggested that Chromis chromis is retained for Mediterranean specimens and that Chromis lirnbatus is re-introduced for the East Atlantic form. Behavioural and morphological differences which distinguish these two species are given. A key to these and other East Atlantic Chromis is provided, the species are described and their geographical range discussed.  相似文献   

The Anopliidae is one of the most diverse families in the brachiopod suborder Chonetidina. All previous attempts to work out the phylogeny and taxonomy of this family assume that the group is monophyletic. Great phylogenetic significance has been placed on the presence or absence of a single key feature, such as radial external ornament or accessory lateral septa of the brachial valve. In order to evaluate previous classifications of the family and the characters on which they are based, we performed a cladistic analysis of 23 anopliid taxa, two outgroup taxa, Rugosochonetes and Waagenites and three problematic taxa, Trichochonetes, Airtonia and Davoustia whose inclusion within the Anopliidae has been controversial. A single most parsimonious tree was obtained, with a length of 157, CI=0.28 and RI=0.47. The results do not support previous bipartite divisions of the family. In addition, the analysis is inconsistent with the presumption of monophyly for this family. Rather, it supports restriction of the Anopliidae to a clade united by small adult length, removing several large taxa from the family and confirming the non‐anopliid status of Airtonia and Davoustia.  相似文献   

In two Francisella species (F. tularensis and F. novicida) neuraminidase activity, heretofore unknown, was detected. The enzyme exhibited specificity with respect to the substrates used in the investigation, neutralizing natural mucins, but not other compounds (glycoproteins and glycoproteins). All F. tularensis strains were found to have enzymatic activity irrespective of their subspecies, but neuraminidase activity was higher in the strains belonging to the American subspecies. Experimentally obtained F. tularensis noncapsular variants possessed higher neuraminidase activity than the capsular parent strains. The conclusion on the possible role of this enzyme in F. tularensis colonization of the host body was made.  相似文献   

The isoprenoid quinone composition of 17 strains representing nine species or sub-species of the genus Campylobacter was investigated. All strains produced similar respiratory quinone patterns consisting of unsaturated menaquinones with six isoprene units and a novel unidentified quinone. Mass spectral analysis indicate the unknown compound has six isoprene units and a formula C42H58O2. The present study indicates respiratory quinones may be useful generic markers for Campylobacter.  相似文献   

Western Europe is a reinvasion zone for the riverine dragonfly genus Calopteryx (Insecta: Odonata). Reinvasion may have been from central West Asia or from the West Mediterranean refugium. Phylogenetic relationships of West Mediterranean and West European taxa of the genus Calopteryx from different localities were inferred from sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of the nuclear ribosomal RNA genes. Twenty-six taxa belonging to the species groups C. splendens, C. meridionalis, C. haemorrhoidalis, C. virgo, C. xanthostoma, and C. exul were analyzed, with two North American species, C. amata and C. aequabilis, as outgroup. Sequence data and phylogenetic analyses were used to infer biogeographical patterns. The ribosomal spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and the intervening 5.8S rDNA gene were amplified by PCR and sequenced. The ITS2 sequences of the West Mediterranean and West European calopterygids show no length variation but the ITS1 region was slightly variable in length. The sequence variation for ITS1 and ITS2 regions between different West Mediterranean and West European calopterygids was 14.5 and 6.1%, respectively. Phylogenetic relationships inferred from ITS sequences only partly confirm morphological data. A monophyletic origin of all West Mediterranean and West European species emerged. They are separated into two main clades; the splendens-like forms and the virgo/meridionalis/haemorrhoidalis group. Intraspecific variability, indicating different stages of speciation, was detected only in West Mediterranean representatives (e.g., C. xanthostoma) but not in invasive representatives in West Europe. The North African endemic C. exul is more closely related to the Italian C. s. caprai than to C. splendens sensu strictu. Based on the present information, Cretan populations are the only splendens-like taxa in addition to C. s. caprai that deserve subspecies status.  相似文献   

The authors demonstrated the presence of neuraminidase in Past. pestis. Optimal conditions for its formation and detection were chosen. Extracellular form of neuraminidase was revealed. An increase of cultivation temperature led to the elevation of the neuraminidase activity in Past. pestis cells. Neuraminidase was revealed in bacteria affiliated to Past. pestis (causative agents of pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica).  相似文献   

The effect of propanide, linuron and 3,4-dichloroaniline on soil organisms was studied. Two strains of Pseudomonas aurantiaca 1 and 7, were isolated from soil; they decomposed propanide yielding 3,4-dichloroaniline. These strains, as well as a number of collection cultures belonging to the Pseudomonas genus, could transform 3,4-dichloroaniline at a rate of 0-100 per cent during 48 hours. A certain correlation existed between this transformation ability and the level of total oxidase activity. All the strains of Pseudomonas studied in this work were characterized by a low peroxidase activity, and no strict correlation was detected between its level and the ability to transform 3,4-dichloroaniline.  相似文献   

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