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The present study deals with five genera of hepatics in Africa, Isotachis Mitt., Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph., Tritomaria Schiffn. ex Loeske, Gymnocoleopsis (Schust.) Schust. and Lophozia (Dum.) Dum. All African populations of the genus Isotachis Mitt. are considered to be one species, I. aubertii (Schwaegr.) Mitt. Four species of Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph. (s.l.), A. auritum (Lehm.) Steph., A. piligerum (Nees) Spruce, A. subcomplicatum (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Steph. and A. minutum (Schreb.) Schust., and two species of Tritomaria Schiffn. et Loeske, T. camerunensis S. Arnell and T. exsecta (Schrad.) Schiffn. ex Loeske occur in Africa. Gymmocoleopsis multiflora (Steph.) Schust. represents a genus and species hitherto unreported for the African flora. Finally, five Lophozia (Dum.) Dum. species, L. argentina (Steph.) Schust., L. capensis S. Arnell, L. decolorans (Limpr.) Steph., L. hedbergii S. Arnell and L. tristaniana (S. Arnell) Váňa, are reported from central and southern Africa; two of these (L. argentina (Steph.) Schust. and L. decolorans (Limpr.) Steph.) represent the first reports from Africa.  相似文献   

Seven species ofBucania Hall 1847 from the Ordovician of Estonia are presented, also taking into consideration Pleistocene drift material from Germany, and their stratigraphical and geographical distributions are revised. The Middle Ordovician speciesBucania latissima Koken 1897 andBucania salpinx Koken 1897 are tentatively assigned toMegalomphala Ulrich inUlrich &Scofield 1897, while the Lower Ordovician speciesBucania macera Koken inKoken &Perner 1925 is placed inSalpingostoma Roemer 1876. The Middle OrdovicianBucania czekanowskii (Schmidt 1858) and the Upper OrdovicianBucania radiata (d’Eichwald 1856) were earlier considered conspecific, but based on study of the type material they are here considered distinct species.Salpingostoma cornu (Koken 1897), commonly referred to this genus because of the trema, is here transferred toBucania. Two Upper Ordovician specimens ofBucania display wide and abruptly flaring apertures morphologically far removed from other species of the genus.  相似文献   

Andert’s (1911) inoceramids (Bivalvia) from the topmost Turonian and Lower and lowermost Middle Coniacian (Cretaceous) of the Kreibitz-Zittauer area (Saxony and northern Bohemia) are revised, partially redescribed and newly illustrated. Ten species are discussed. Of the forms described as new byAndert,Inoceramus weiset is shown to represent deformed representatives ofCremnoceramus crassus (Petrascheck), andI. winkholdioides Andert should probably be synonymized withC. brongniarti (Mantell).Andert’s interpretation ofFlegel’s (1904) species, i.e.I. frechi andI. glaziae, is not correct; the former should be referred toMytiloides scupini (Heinz), while the latter includesC. inconstans (Woods),I. vistulensis Walaszczyk,C. rotundatus (Tröger nonFiege), andM. cf.turonicus Walaszczyk. The speciesI. subquadratus Andert representsC. rotundatus (Tröger nonFiege), and hisI. cuvieri var.planus is referred toC. inconstans (Woods) and toC. cf.transilvanicus (Simionescu). The speciesI. protractus Scupin is referred toC. waltersdorfensis (Andert). The main source localities toAndert (1911), i. e. Sonnenberg near Waltersdorf and “Dachsloch” quarry near Innozenzidorf (Czech: Lesne), are of latest Late Turonian/Early Coniacian (theMytiloides scupini andCremnoceramus rotundatus Zones) and late Early Coniacian (C. deformis- C. crassus Zone) age respectively. The third locality, i. e. railway cutting at Tannenberg station (Czech: Jedlová), is probably or late Early Coniacian or early Middle Coniacian age.  相似文献   

On the basis of allozyme and cultivation data, and of additional herbarium material, a taxonomic and nomenclatural revision ofTaraxacum sect.Piesis A.J. Richards exKirschner et?těpánek is provided. The section is made up of halophilous, sexually reproducing taxa. InT. stenocephalum Boiss. etKotschy,T. pindicum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., andT. perenne Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a tetraploid chromosome number has been recorded, representing the only known case of sexuality at the tetraploid level in the genus. The complex ofT. stenocephalum, includes some geographically and morphologically extreme populations treated as subspecies: subsp.gumusanicum (Soest)Kirschner et?těpánek, comb. nov., subsp.magnum Kirschner et?těpánek, subsp. nov., and subsp.daralagesicum (Schischk.)Kirschner et?těpánek, comb. nov. In addition toT. bessarabicum (Hornem.)Hand.-Mazz., a widely distributed Eurasian species,T. stenocephalum, a complex centred in Transcaucasia and Anatolia, andT. pachypodum H. Lindb., a North African endemic, four new species are described:T. salsum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a diploid endemic confined to E Crimea,T. perenne Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a tetraploid sexual species known only from SW Crimea,T. pindicum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a remarkable tetraploid endemic to the Pindos Mts., Greece, andT. salsitatis Kirschner, ?těpänek etYirdirimli, sp. nov., an Anatolian diploid species. Furthermore, a hybrid betweenT. salsum andT. bessarabicum from Crimea (documented on the basis of allozyme data elsewhere) is given a binomial,T. xmesohalobium Kirschner et?těpánek, nothosp. nov.  相似文献   

The sphinctozoid sponge generaFania Senowbari-Daryan 1990 andSpica Termier &Termier 1977 are preoccupied.Fania is replaced byFanthalamia nom. nov. andSpica by the younger synonymFistulispongia Termier &Termier 1977. The invalid subfamily name FaniinaeSenowbari-Daryan 1990 is replaced by Fanthalamiinae n. subfam. The invalid family and subfamily names SpicidaeTermier &Termier 1977 and SpicinaeSenowbari-Daryan 1990 respectively are replaced by FistulispongiidaeTermier atTermier 1977 and FistulispongiinaeSenowbari-Daryan 1990. The generaWaagenium de Laubenfels 1957 andCatubria Merla 1931 were previously overlooked.Waagenium DeLaubenfels 1957 is a younger synonym ofColospongia Laube 1865. The position ofCatubria Merla 1931 is uncertain. Most probablyCatubria is an alga.  相似文献   

In the years 1976–1981 we studied chromosome counts and karyotypic formulae of the following 29 species of plants from 41 localities (of these 6 from Bohemia, 32 from Moravia, 3 from Slovakia):Batrachium baudotii (Godron) F. W. Schultz,Chenopodium rubrum L.,C. polyspermum L.,C. murale L.,C. ficifolium Sm.,C. opulifolium Schrader ex DC. inLam. et DC.,C. strictum Roth [subsp.strictum, subsp.glaucophyllum (Aellen)Aellen inJust etAellen, subsp.striatiforme Uotila],Arenaria grandiflora L.,Illecebrum verticillatum L.,Spergula morisonii Boreau inDuchartre,Spergularia marginata (DC. inLam. et DC.)Kittel S. marina (L.)Griseb.,S. rubra (L.) J. etC. Presl,Silene conica L.,Sisymbrium loeselii L.,S. volgense Bieb. exE. Fourn.,S. orientale L. [subsp. orientale, subsp.macroloma (A. Pomel)Dvo?ák],S. officinale (L.)Scop.,Descurainia sophia (L.)Webb exPrantl inEngler etPrantl,Nasturtium officinale R. Br. inAiton,Barbarea arcuata (Opiz inPresl J. et C.)Reichenb.,Lunaria annua L.,Soldanella montana Willd.,S. carpatica Vierh. inUrban etGraebner,Lotus tenuis Waldst. etKit. exWilld.,L. uliginosus Schkuhr,Trigonella monspeliaca L.,Geranium sibiricum L.,Lactuca tatarica (L.)C. A. Meyer.  相似文献   

Dersechste Beitrag aus der Serie der vorbereiteten Studien über die SubfamilieJungermannioideae (Jungermanniaceae, Hepaticae) enthält die taxonomische Bearbeitung des Subg.Solenostoma (Mitt.)Amak. (GattungJungermannia L. emend.Dum.) in Europa (inkl. Kaukasus und Kleinasien) und Nordamerika. Im genannten Gebiet kommen 10 Arten vor, u. zw.J. caespiticia Lindenb.,J. caucasica Váňa,J. confertissima Nees,J. gracillima Sm.,J. handelii (Schiffn.)Amak.,J. jenseniana Grolle,J. lignicola (Schiffn.)Grolle,J. pyriflora Steph.,J. rubra Gott. exUnd. undJ. sphaerocarpa Hook. Die ArtJ. confertissima Nees (bisher alsSolenostoma levieri (Steph.)Steph. bezeichnet) gehört zu der SektionDesmorhiza Amak., alle anderen Arten gehören zu der SektionSolenostoma.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are reported for 14 species collected in Cuba. The first chromosome records are reported forAlbizzia cubana Britton etWilson (2n=26),Atkinsia cubensis (Britton etWilson)Howard (2n=26),Caesalpinia violacea (Mill.)Standl. (2n=24),Colubrina ferruginosa Brongn. (2n=24). Chromosome numbers of the following species were confirmed:Albizzia lebbeck (L.)Benth. (2n=26),Canavalia maritima (Aubl.)Thouars (2n=22),Casuarina equisetifolia Forst. (2n=18),Cedrela mexicana M.J. Roem. (2n=56),Delonix regia (Bojer)Raf. (2n=28),Guazuma tomentosa H.B.K. (2n=16),Lysiloma bahamense Benth. (2n=26),L. latisiliqua (L.)Benth. (2n=26),Samanea saman (Jacq.)Merrill (2n=26),Thespesia populnea (L.)Soland (2n=26).  相似文献   

The gene of an l-rhamnose isomerase (RhaA) from Bacillus subtilis was cloned to the pET28a(+) and then expressed in the E. coli ER2566. The expressed enzyme was purified with a specific activity of 3.58 U/mg by His-Trap affinity chromatography. The recombinant enzyme existed as a 194 kDa tetramer and the maximal activity was observed at pH 8.0 and 60°C. The RhaA displayed activity for l-rhamnose, l-lyxose, l-mannose, d-allose, d-gulose, d-ribose, and l-talose, among all aldopentoses and aldohexoses and it showed enzyme activity for l-form monosaccharides such as l-rhamnose, l-lyxose, l-mannose, and l-talose. The catalytic efficiency (k cat/K m) of the recombinant enzyme for l-rhamnose, l-lyxose, and l-mannose were 7,460, 1,013, and 258 M/sec. When l-xylulose 100 g/L and l-fructose 100 g/L were used as substrates, the optimum concentrations of RpiB were determined with 6 and 15 U/mL, respectively. The l-lyxose 40 g/L was produced from l-xylulose 100 g/L by the enzyme during 60 min, while l-mannose 25 g/L was produced from l-fructose 100 g/L for 80 min. The results suggest that RhaA from B. subtilis is a potential producer of l-form monosaccharides.  相似文献   

Four species of the genusBrachysporium Sacc. emend.Mason etHughes are treated in this paper from Czechoslovakia:B. nigrum (Link)Hughes,B. obovatum (Berk.)Sacc. and two new species,B. abietinum Hol.-Jech. andB. brevius Hol.-Jech.  相似文献   

We investigated d-amino acid oxidase (DAO) induction in the popular model yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The product of the putative DAO gene of the yeast expressed in E.?coli displayed oxidase activity to neutral and basic d-amino acids, but not to an l-amino acid or acidic d-amino acids, showing that the putative DAO gene encodes catalytically active DAO. DAO activity was weakly detected in yeast cells grown on a culture medium without d-amino acid, and was approximately doubled by adding d-alanine. The elimination of ammonium chloride from culture medium induced activity by up to eight-fold. l-Alanine also induced the activity, but only by about half of that induced by d-alanine. The induction by d-alanine reached a maximum level at 2?h cultivation; it remained roughly constant until cell growth reached a stationary phase. The best inducer was d-alanine, followed by d-proline and then d-serine. Not effective were N-carbamoyl-d,l-alanine (a better inducer of DAO than d-alanine in the yeast Trigonopsis variabilis), and both basic and acidic d-amino acids. These results showed that S. pombe DAO could be a suitable model for analyzing the regulation of DAO expression in eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the following three mountainOxytropis species:Oxytropis urumovii Jáv. inUrumov, an endemic species of the Pirin (Bulgaria);O. dinarica (Murb.) Wettst. distributed predominantly in Yugoslavia, andO. campestris which is common in the East Alps, but very rare in the Balkans. Three subspecies ofO. dinarica were distinguished: subsp.dinarica, subsp.weberi Chrtek etChrtková, and subsp.velebitica Chrtek etChrtková. In addition, a new combinationO. halleri Bunge exKoch subsp.korabensis (Kümmerle etJáv.)Chrtek etChrtková is given.  相似文献   

From the Silberberg Quarry, type locality of the Silberberg Formation (Martini &Ritzkowski 1968), some planktonic foraminifera are described:Globigerina officinalis Subbotina, Globigerina ouachitaensisHowe &Wallace,G. praebulloides leroyi Blow &Banner, G.praebulloides occlusa Blow &Banner which taxa are here suggested to form intergrading morphotypes within the range of variation of a population dominated byG. officinalis. In addition,G. cf.danvillensis Howe &Wallace is found. The planktonic fauna, together with some elements in the benthonic fauna, suggests a possible correlation with the Danville Landing Member of the Jackson Formation, Louisiana, traditionally ascribed to the Upper Eocene. There is some similarity with European Uppermost Eocene — Lower Oligocene faunas described by various authors. The Silberberg Formation was suggested to be a Neostratotype for the Latdorfian Stage of the Lower Oligocene byMartini &Ritzkowski (1968). It is suggested that the Silberberg Formation may well be coeval with the Upper Priabonian as proposed byCita 1969.  相似文献   

Saxifraga marginata Sternb. is divided into three subspecies:S. m. subsp.marginata, S. m. subsp.bubakii (Rohlena)Chrtek etSoják,S. m. subsp.karadzicensis (Degen etKo?anin)Chrtek etSoják (environments of Skopje, Macedonia).  相似文献   

Für folgende inkorrekte Epitheta schlägt der Autor richtige Namen vor, die in Klammern angeführt sind:Potentilla opizii Dom. (=P. lindackeri Tausch),P. dealbata Bunge (=P. virgata Lehm.),P. poterioides Franch. (=P. limprichtii J. Krause),P. fulgens Wall. exHook. (=P. siemersiana Lehm.),P. labradorica Lehm. (=P. flexuosa Raf.),P. ambigua Camb. (=P. cuneifolia Bertol.),P. anserina ssp.egedii (Wormsk.) Hitt. (=P. anserina ssp.groenlandica Tratt.),P. raddeana (Wolf) Juz. (=P. bertramii Aznav.) undP. bipinnatifida Dougl. exHook. (=P. normalis Bess. exSpreng.). FürP. nudicaulis Boiss. etBal.,P. eremica Wolf undP. sericata Wolf werden nomina nova veröffentlicht. Es werden einige neue Kombinationen angeführt:P. supina L. ssp.paradoxa (Nutt. exTorr. etGray) c.n.,P. hispanica Zimm. ssp.oreodoxa (Soják) c. n. undP. h. ssp.ibrahimiana (Maire) c. n. Strauchige Arten, oft in die GattungPotentilla eingereiht, betrachtet der Autor als eine selbständige GattungPentaphylloides und in dieser Gattung führt er einige neue Kombinationen (5 für Arten, 4 für Hybriden) an.  相似文献   

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