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Lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) are nearly immortalized B lymphocytes that are used as long-lasting supply of human cells for studies on gene expression analyses. However, studies on the stability of the cellular features of LCLs are scarce. To address this issue, we measured gene expression in LCLs with different passage numbers and observed that gene expression substantially changed within 10 passages. In particular, the expression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), a well-known housekeeping gene, varied considerably during subculture; thus, the use GAPDH as an internal control may be unsuitable. In conclusion, this study highlights the need for exercising caution during determination of gene expression in LCLs.  相似文献   

Previous reports have shown that DNA methylation profiles within primary human malignant tissues are altered when these cells are transformed into cancer cell lines. However, it is unclear if similar differences in DNA methylation profiles exist between DNA derived from peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and corresponding Epstein-Barr Virus transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). To assess the utility of LCLs as a resource for methylation studies we have compared DNA methylation profiles in promoter and 5/ regions of 318 genes in PBL and LCL sample pairs from patients with type 1 diabetes with or without nephropathy. We identified a total of 27 (~8%) genes that revealed different DNA methylation profiles in PBL compared with LCL-derived DNA samples. In conclusion, although the profiles for most promoter regions were similar between PBL-LCL pairs, our results indicate that LCL-derived DNA may not be suitable for DNA methylation studies at least in diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

Novel Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) strains with deletion of either EBER1 or EBER2 and corresponding revertant viruses were constructed and used to infect B lymphocytes to make lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). The LCLs were used in microarray expression profiling to identify genes whose expression correlates with the presence of EBER1 or EBER2. Functions of regulated genes identified in the microarray analysis include membrane signaling, regulation of apoptosis, and the interferon/antiviral response. Although most emphasis has previously been given to EBER1 because it is more abundant than EBER2, the differences in cell gene expression were greater with EBER2 deletion. In this system, deletion of EBER1 or EBER2 had little effect on the EBV transformation frequency of primary B cells or the growth of the resulting LCLs. Using the recombinant viruses and novel EBER expression vectors, the nuclear redistribution of rpL22 protein by EBER1 in 293 cells was confirmed, but in LCLs almost all of the cells had a predominantly cytoplasmic expression of this ribosomal protein, which was not detectably changed by EBER1. The changes in LCL gene expression identified here will provide a basis for identifying the mechanisms of action of EBER RNAs.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is involved in development and in human diseases. Genomic DNA derived from lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) is commonly used to study DNA methylation. There are potential confounding factors regarding the use of LCL-derived DNA, however, such as Epstein-Barr (EB) viral infection and artifacts induced during cell culture. Recently, several groups compared the DNA methylation status of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and LCLs and concluded that the DNA methylation profiles between them might be consistent. To confirm and extend theses results, we performed a comprehensive DNA methylation analysis using both PBLs and LCLs derived from the same individuals. Using the luminometric methylation assay, we revealed that the global DNA methylation level was different between PBLs and LCLs. Furthermore, the direction of change was not consistent. Comparisons of genome-wide DNA methylation patterns of promoter regions revealed that methylation profiles were largely conserved between PBLs and LCLs. A preliminary analysis in a small number of samples suggested that the methylation status of an LCL may be better correlated with PBLs from the same individual than with LCLs from other individuals. Expectedly, DNA methylation in promoter regions overlapping with CpG islands was associated with gene silencing in both PBLs and LCLs. With regard to methylation differences, we found that hypermethylation was more predominant than hypomethylation in LCLs compared with PBLs. These findings suggest that LCLs should be used for DNA methylation studies with caution as the methylation patterns of promoter regions in LCLs are not always the same as those in PBLs.Key words: DNA methylation, lymphoblastoid cell lines, peripheral blood leukocytes, LUMA, promoter tiling array, gene expression  相似文献   

DNA methylation is involved in development and in human diseases. Genomic DNA derived from lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) is commonly used to study DNA methylation. There are potential confounding factors regarding the use of LCL-derived DNA, however, such as Epstein-Barr (EB) viral infection and artifacts induced during cell culture. Recently, several groups compared the DNA methylation status of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and LCLs and concluded that the DNA methylation profiles between them might be consistent. To confirm and extend theses results, we performed a comprehensive DNA methylation analysis using both PBLs and LCLs derived from the same individuals. Using the luminometric methylation assay, we revealed that the global DNA methylation level was different between PBLs and LCLs. Furthermore, the direction of change was not consistent. Comparisons of genome-wide DNA methylation patterns of promoter regions revealed that methylation profiles were largely conserved between PBLs and LCLs. A preliminary analysis in a small number of samples suggested that the methylation status of an LCL may be better correlated with PBLs from the same individual than with LCLs from other individuals. Expectedly, DNA methylation in promoter regions overlapping with CpG islands was associated with gene silencing in both PBLs and LCLs. With regard to methylation differences, we found that hypermethylation was more predominant than hypomethylation in LCLs compared with PBLs. These findings suggest that LCLs should be used for DNA methylation studies with caution as the methylation patterns of promoter regions in LCLs are not always the same as those in PBLs.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: While the use of cDNA microarrays for functional genomic analysis has become commonplace, relatively little attention has been placed on false positives, i.e. the likelihood that a change in measured radioactive or fluorescence intensity may reflect a change in gene expression when, in fact, there is none. Since cDNA arrays are being increasingly used to rapidly distinguish biomarkers for disease detection and subsequent assay development (Wellman et al., Blood, 96, 398-404, 2000), the impact of false positives can be significant. For the use of this technology, it is necessary to develop quantitative criteria for reduction of false positives with radioactively-labeled cDNA arrays. RESULTS: We used a single source of RNA (HuT78 T lymphoma cells) to eliminate sample variation and quantitatively examined intensity ratios using radioactively labeled cDNA microarrays. Variation in intensity ratios was reduced by processing microarrays in side-by-side (parallel mode) rather than by using the same microarray for two hybridizations (sequential mode). Based on statistical independence, calculation of the expected number of false positives as a function of threshold showed that a detection limit of [log(2)R] >0.65 with agreement from three replicates could be used to identify up- or down-modulated genes. Using this quantitative criteria, gene expression differences between two related T lymphoma cell lines, HuT78 and H9, were identified. The relevance of these findings to the known functional differences between these cell types is discussed.  相似文献   

Instability of Mex- phenotype in human lymphoblastoid cell lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) had extremely low activities of O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (O6-AGT), and were classified as Mex-. They were highly sensitive to cell killing by 1-(4-amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)-methyl-3-(2-chloroethyl)-3-nitrosoure a hydrochloride (ACNU), whereas NMO2, a Mex+ LCL with a high O6-AGT activity, was resistant to the agent. Small fractions of these Mex- LCLs survived the treatment with 10 micrograms/ml of ACNU for 24 h, and the surviving cells were found to be resistant to subsequent treatments with the agent. In addition, they contained O6-AGT activities comparable to that of NMO2 and were therefore regarded as Mex+. These results suggest that the Mex- phenotype in LCLs is unstable.  相似文献   

Adaptive response is a term used to describe the ability of a low, priming dose of ionizing radiation to modify the effects of a subsequent higher, challenge dose, but it has been observed to be highly variable in both presence and magnitude. To examine this variability, 10 human lymphoblastoid cell lines were screened for adaptability to 137Cs radiation by determining the frequency of micronuclei in binucleated cells. Of these, six adapted, three did not adapt and one was synergistic. The assay was then repeated on each of the cell lines to test for reproducibility. Five cell lines showed the same result both times; four of these adapted and one did not.To determine whether fluctuations in the cell cycle distribution in the irradiated population of cells could alter the adaptive response, and therefore explain some of the observed variability, two of the cell lines were tested for adaptation after enriching the population, by synchronization, for a given cell cycle stage. In both cell lines, the direction of the response was altered when the distribution of cells within the cell cycle was changed, suggesting that the adaptive response can be affected by cell cycle stage at the time of irradiation.  相似文献   

Cancer cells have broken circadian clocks when compared to their normal tissue counterparts. Moreover, it has been shown in breast cancer that disruption of common circadian oscillations is associated with a more negative prognosis. Numerous studies, focused on canonical circadian genes in breast cancer cell lines, have suggested that there are no mRNA circadian-like oscillations. Nevertheless, cancer cell lines have not been extensively characterized and it is unknown to what extent the circadian oscillations are disrupted. We have chosen representative non-cancerous and cancerous breast cell lines (MCF-10A, MCF-7, ZR-75-30, MDA-MB-231 and HCC-1954) in order to determine the degree to which the circadian clock is damaged. We used serum shock to synchronize the circadian clocks in culture. Our aim was to initially observe the time course of gene expression using cDNA microarrays in the non-cancerous MCF-10A and the cancerous MCF-7 cells for screening and then to characterize specific genes in other cell lines. We used a cosine function to select highly correlated profiles. Some of the identified genes were validated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and further evaluated in the other breast cancer cell lines. Interestingly, we observed that breast cancer and non-cancerous cultured cells are able to generate specific circadian expression profiles in response to the serum shock. The rhythmic genes, suggested via microarray and measured in each particular subtype, suggest that each breast cancer cell type responds differently to the circadian synchronization. Future results could identify circadian-like genes that are altered in breast cancer and non-cancerous cells, which can be used to propose novel treatments. Breast cell lines are potential models for in vitro studies of circadian clocks and clock-controlled pathways.  相似文献   

Genetic inheritance of gene expression in human cell lines   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:40       下载免费PDF全文
Combining genetic inheritance information, for both molecular profiles and complex traits, is a promising strategy not only for detecting quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for complex traits but for understanding which genes, pathways, and biological processes are also under the influence of a given QTL. As a primary step in determining the feasibility of such an approach in humans, we present the largest survey to date, to our knowledge, of the heritability of gene-expression traits in segregating human populations. In particular, we measured expression for 23,499 genes in lymphoblastoid cell lines for members of 15 Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) families. Of the total set of genes, 2,340 were found to be expressed, of which 31% had significant heritability when a false-discovery rate of 0.05 was used. QTLs were detected for 33 genes on the basis of at least one P value <.000005. Of these, 13 genes possessed a QTL within 5 Mb of their physical location. Hierarchical clustering was performed on the basis of both Pearson correlation of gene expression and genetic correlation. Both reflected biologically relevant activity taking place in the lymphoblastoid cell lines, with greater coherency represented in Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database (KEGG) pathways than in Gene Ontology database pathways. However, more pathway coherence was observed in KEGG pathways when clustering was based on genetic correlation than when clustering was based on Pearson correlation. As more expression data in segregating populations are generated, viewing clusters or networks based on genetic correlation measures and shared QTLs will offer potentially novel insights into the relationship among genes that may underlie complex traits.  相似文献   

Mechanisms through which tissues are formed and maintained remain unknown but are fundamental aspects in biology. Tissue-specific gene expression is a valuable tool to study such mechanisms. But in many biomedical studies, cell lines, rather than human body tissues, are used to investigate biological mechanisms Whether or not cell lines maintain their tissue-specific characteristics after they are isolated and cultured outside the human body remains to be explored. In this study, we applied a novel computational method to identify core genes that contribute to the differentiation of cell lines from various tissues. Several advanced computational techniques, such as Monte Carlo feature selection method, incremental feature selection method, and support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, were incorporated in the proposed method, which extensively analyzed the gene expression profiles of cell lines from different tissues. As a result, we extracted a group of functional genes that can indicate the differences of cell lines in different tissues and built an optimal SVM classifier for identifying cell lines in different tissues. In addition, a set of rules for classifying cell lines were also reported, which can give a clearer picture of cell lines in different issues although its performance was not better than the optimal SVM classifier. Finally, we compared such genes with the tissue-specific genes identified by the Genotype-tissue Expression project. Results showed that most expression patterns between tissues remained in the derived cell lines despite some uniqueness that some genes show tissue specificity.  相似文献   

A growing number of evidence indicates that cancer-testis antigens (CTA) can be used as specific targets for immune therapy of malignant melanoma. The aim of this study was to provide a basis for selecting the most suitable CTA by analyzing the mRNA expression profile of genes encoding CTA in melanoma cell lines. We used a real-time quantitative PCR to measure the expression level for the following genes: GAGE1, NY-ESO-1, MAGEA1, PASD, SCP1, SEMG1, SPANXA, SSX1, and PRAME. The objects of study were cell lines mel P, mel Si, mel Mtp, mel Il, mel Hn, mel Ibr, and mel Kor obtained from patients diagnosed with disseminated melanoma. We established that the highest frequency of occurrence and the highest expression level had the following genes: GAGE1, NY-ESO-1, MAGEA1, SCP1, SPANXA, SSX1, and PRAME. Their mRNA translation products can be promising candidates for immunotherapy.  相似文献   

A number of human lymphoblastoid cells were examined concerning their ability to produce spontaneously liberated and virus-induced interferon (IFN). It was found that, in addition to B cells, various T and nonT-nonB lymphoblastoid cells responded well to Sendai virus infection to form IFN, the characterization of which has been recently reported (20). One B lymphoblastoid cell line from an infectious mononucleosis (IM) patient produced a large amount of IFN-alpha and might become an alternative source of IFN production. Among 68 cell lines examined, 35 cell lines liberated 10 U/ml or more of IFN spontaneously in culture fluid. The presence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome or its activation appears to have no correlation with the spontaneous liberation of IFN. Spontaneously produced IFN from three cell lines was characterized as IFN-alpha. Comparatively higher amounts of IFN were produced in cells from IM patients than those from Burkitt's lymphoma cases or healthy adults. Spontaneously produced IFN was detected more easily in cells transformed by EBV alone than in those transformed by EBV and a tumor promoter, TPA.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms for establishing and reactivating monocytes and macrophages from latency by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), human monocyte cell lines were infected and HCMV gene expression was investigated. Indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) with monoclonal antibody to HCMV major immediate early (MIE) IE1 or IE2 proteins revealed that HCMV MIE genes were expressed at low levels in relatively more differentiated THP-1 cells with TPA treatment after virus infection (posttreatment). Less differentiated cells such as U937 or HL60 did not support MIE gene expression even after TPA treatment. If THP-1 cells were pretreated before virus infection with TPA and became differentiated at the time of HCMV infection, MIE gene expression increased by 5-6 fold. Therefore, the relative degree of monocyte cell differentiation appears to be an important factor for regulating HCMV gene expression. Further IFA studies using monoclonal antibodies specific for IE1 or IE2 proteins indicate that the sequence and general pattern of IE1 and IE2 gene expression in THP-1 cells treated with TPA were similar to those in permissive human fibroblast cells with some delay in time. Formation of the replication compartment detected with monoclonal antibody to HCMV polymerase accessory protein UL44 in THP-1 cells suggests a fully productive replication process of HCMV in these cells. Monocytes are known to be induced to differentiate by hydrocortisone (HC), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha or interferon (IFN)-gamma. HC, which is known to stimulate HCMV replication in permissive human fibroblast (HF) cells, enhanced HCMV gene expression by 2-3 fold in TPA-pre or posttreated THP-1 cells, but TNF-alpha or IFN-gamma had little effect. Nitric oxide (NO) is released by immune cells in the defense against foreign stimuli and was shown to inhibit HCMV gene expression in HF cells. Increasing NO by nitroprusside significantly reduced HCMV gene expression in THP-1 cells. Therefore, it appears that the expression of HCMV immediate early genes in THP-1 cells treated with TPA closely resembles those in permissive HF cells.  相似文献   

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