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The genus Blumea (Asteroideae, Asteraceae) comprises about 100 species, including herbs, shrubs, and small trees. Previous studies have been unable to resolve taxonomic issues and the phylogeny of the genus Blumea due to the low polymorphism of molecular markers. Therefore, suitable polymorphic regions need to be identified. Here, we de novo assembled plastomes of the three Blumea species Boxyodonta, B. tenella, and B. balsamifera and compared them with 26 other species of Asteroideae after correction of annotations. These species have quadripartite plastomes with similar gene content, genome organization, and inverted repeat contraction and expansion comprising 113 genes, including 80 protein‐coding, 29 transfer RNA, and 4 ribosomal RNA genes. The comparative analysis of codon usage, amino acid frequency, microsatellite repeats, oligonucleotide repeats, and transition and transversion substitutions has revealed high resemblance among the newly assembled species of Blumea. We identified 10 highly polymorphic regions with nucleotide diversity above 0.02, including rps16‐trnQ, ycf1, ndhF‐rpl32, petN‐psbM, and rpl32‐trnL, and they may be suitable for the development of robust, authentic, and cost‐effective markers for barcoding and inference of the phylogeny of the genus Blumea. Among these highly polymorphic regions, five regions also co‐occurred with oligonucleotide repeats and support use of repeats as a proxy for the identification of polymorphic loci. The phylogenetic analysis revealed a close relationship between Blumea and Pluchea within the tribe Inuleae. At tribe level, our phylogeny supports a sister relationship between Astereae and Anthemideae rooted as Gnaphalieae, Calenduleae, and Senecioneae. These results are contradictory to recent studies which reported a sister relationship between “Senecioneae and Anthemideae” and “Astereae and Gnaphalieae” or a sister relationship between Astereae and Gnaphalieae rooted as Calenduleae, Anthemideae, and then Senecioneae using nuclear genome sequences. The conflicting phylogenetic signals observed at the tribal level between plastidt and nuclear genome data require further investigation.  相似文献   



The magnoliids with four orders, 19 families, and 8,500 species represent one of the largest clades of early diverging angiosperms. Although several recent angiosperm phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyly of magnoliids and suggested relationships among the orders, the limited number of genes examined resulted in only weak support, and these issues remain controversial. Furthermore, considerable incongruence resulted in phylogenetic reconstructions supporting three different sets of relationships among magnoliids and the two large angiosperm clades, monocots and eudicots. We sequenced the plastid genomes of three magnoliids, Drimys (Canellales), Liriodendron (Magnoliales), and Piper (Piperales), and used these data in combination with 32 other angiosperm plastid genomes to assess phylogenetic relationships among magnoliids and to examine patterns of variation of GC content.  相似文献   

The nuclear genome of eukaryotes contains large amounts of cytoplasmic organelle DNA (nuclear integrants of organelle DNA [norgs]). The recent sequencing of many mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes has enabled investigation of the potential role of norgs in endosymbiotic evolution. In this article, we describe a new polymerase chain reaction-based method that allows the identification and evolutionary study of recent and older norgs in a range of eukaryotes. We tested this method in the genus Nicotiana and obtained sequences from seven nuclear integrants of plastid DNA (nupts) totaling 25 kb in length. These nupts were estimated to have been transferred 0.033 to 5.81 million years ago. The spectrum of mutations present in the potential protein-coding sequences compared with the noncoding sequences of each nupt revealed that nupts evolve in a nuclear-specific manner and are under neutral evolution. Indels were more frequent in noncoding regions than in potential coding sequences of former chloroplastic DNA, most probably due to the presence of a higher number of homopolymeric sequences. Unexpectedly, some potential protein-coding sequences within the nupts still contained intact open reading frames for up to 5.81 million years. These results suggest that chloroplast genes transferred to the nucleus have in some cases several millions of years to acquire nuclear regulatory elements and become functional. The different factors influencing this time frame and the potential role of nupts in endosymbiotic gene transfer are discussed.  相似文献   

Nuclear-encoded plant FtsZ genes are derived from endosymbiotic gene transfer of cyanobacteria-like genes. The green lineage (Chloroplastida) and red lineage (Rhodophyta) feature FtsZ1 and FtsZ2 or FtsZB and FtsZA, respectively, which are involved in plastid division. These two proteins show slight differences and seem to heteropolymerize to build the essential inner plastid division ring. A third gene, encoding FtsZ3, is present in glaucophyte and charophyte algae, as well as in land plants except ferns and angiosperms. This gene was probably present in the last common ancestor of the organisms united by having a primary plastid (Archaeplastida) and was lost during vascular plant evolution as well as in the red and green algae. The presence/absence pattern of FtsZ3 mirrors that of a full set of Mur genes and the peptidoglycan wall encoded by them. Based on these findings, we discuss a role for FtsZ3 in the establishment or maintenance of plastid peptidoglycan shells.  相似文献   

As the oldest extant lineages of land plants, bryophytes provide a living laboratory in which to evaluate morphological adaptations associated with early land existence. In this paper we examine reproductive and structural innovations in the gametophyte and sporophyte generations of hornworts, liverworts, mosses and basal pteridophytes. Reproductive features relating to spermatogenesis and the architecture of motile male gametes are overviewed and evaluated from an evolutionary perspective. Phylogenetic analyses of a data set derived from spermatogenesis and one derived from comprehensive morphogenetic data are compared with a molecular analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial small subunit rDNA sequences. Although relatively small because of a reliance on water for sexual reproduction, gametophytes of bryophytes are the most elaborate of those produced by any land plant. Phenotypic variability in gametophytic habit ranges from leafy to thalloid forms with the greatest diversity exhibited by hepatics. Appendages, including leaves, slime papillae and hairs, predominate in liverworts and mosses, while hornwort gametophytes are strictly thalloid with no organized external structures. Internalization of reproductive and vegetative structures within mucilage-filled spaces is an adaptive strategy exhibited by hornworts. The formative stages of gametangial development are similar in the three bryophyte groups, with the exception that in mosses apical growth is intercalated into early organogenesis, a feature echoed in moss sporophyte ontogeny. A monosporangiate, unbranched sporophyte typifies bryophytes, but developmental and structural innovations suggest the three bryophyte groups diverged prior to elaboration of this generation. Sporophyte morphogenesis in hornworts involves non-synchronized sporogenesis and the continued elongation of the single sporangium, features unique among archegoniates. In hepatics, elongation of the sporophyte seta and archegoniophore is rapid and requires instantaneous wall expandability and hydrostatic support. Unicellular, spiralled elaters and capsule dehiscence through the formation of four regular valves are autapomorphies of liverworts. Sporophytic sophistications in the moss clade include conducting tissue, stomata, an assimilative layer and an elaborate peristome for extended spore dispersal. Characters such as stomata and conducting cells that are shared among sporophvtes of mosses, hornworts and pteridophytes are interpreted as parallelisms and not homologies. Our phylogenetic analysis of three different data sets is the most comprehensive to date and points to a single phylogenetic solution for the evolution of basal embryophytes. Hornworts are supported as the earliest divergent embryophyte clade with a moss/liverwort clade sister to tracheophytes. Among pteridophytes, lycophytes are monophyletic and an assemblage containing ferns, Equisetum and psilophytes is sister to seed plants. Congruence between morphological and molecular hypotheses indicates that these data sets are tracking the same phylogenetic signal and reinforces our phylogenetic conclusions. It appears that total evidence approaches are valuable in resolving ancient radiations such as those characterizing the evolution of early embryophytes. More information on land plant phylogeny can be found at: http: //www.science.siu.edu/ landplants/index.html.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The genome sequence of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), one of the most important vegetable crops, has recently been decoded. We address implications of the tomato genome for plant breeding, genomics and evolutionary studies, and its potential to fuel future crop biology research.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) have been widely used for studies on phylogenetic relationships and molecular evolutionary biology. Here, the complete mitogenome sequence of Spilosoma lubricipedum (Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Arctiinae) was determined (total length 15,375 bp) and phylogenetic analyses S. lubricipedum were inferred from available noctuid sequence data. The mitogenome of S. lubricipedum was found to be highly A + T-biased (81.39%) and exhibited negative AT- and GC-skews. All 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) were initiated by ATN codons, except for cox1 with CGA. All tRNAs exhibited typical clover-leaf secondary structures, except for trnS1. The gene order of the S. lubricipedum mitogenome was trnM-trnI-trnQ-nad2. The A + T-rich region of S. lubricipedum contained several conservative features common to noctuid insects. Phylogenetic analysis within Noctuoidea was carried out based on mitochondrial data. Results showed that S. lubricipedum belonged to Erebidae and the Noctuoidea insects could be divided into five well-supported families (Notodontidae + (Erebidae + (Nolidae + (Euteliidae + Noctuidae)))).  相似文献   

Phylogenetic resolution is often low within groups of recently diverged taxa due to a paucity of phylogenetically informative characters. We tested the relative utility of seven noncoding cpDNA regions and a pair of homoeologous nuclear genes for resolving recent divergences, using tetraploid cottons (Gossypium) as a model system. The five tetraploid species of Gossypium are a monophyletic assemblage derived from an allopolyploidization event that probably occurred within the last 0.5-2 million years. Previous analysis of cpDNA restriction site data provided only partial resolution within this clade despite a large number of enzymes employed. We sequenced three cpDNA introns (rpl16, rpoC1, ndhA) and four cpDNA spacers (accD-psaI, trnL-trnF, trnT-trnL, atpB-rbcL) for a total of over 7 kb of sequence per taxon, yet obtained only four informative nucleotide substitutions (0.05%) resulting in incomplete phylogenetic resolution. In addition, we sequenced a 1.65-kb region of a homoeologous pair of nuclear-encoded alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genes. In contrast with the cpDNA sequence data, the Adh homoeologues yielded 25 informative characters (0.76%) and provided a robust and completely resolved topology that is concordant with previous cladistic and phenetic analyses. The enhanced resolution obtained using the nuclear genes reflects an approximately three- to sixfold increase in nucleotide substitution rate relative to the plastome spacers and introns.  相似文献   

Plastid genomes of higher plants contain a conserved set of ribosomal protein genes. Although plastid translational activity is essential for cell survival in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), individual plastid ribosomal proteins can be nonessential. Candidates for nonessential plastid ribosomal proteins are ribosomal proteins identified as nonessential in bacteria and those whose genes were lost from the highly reduced plastid genomes of nonphotosynthetic plastid-bearing lineages (parasitic plants, apicomplexan protozoa). Here we report the reverse genetic analysis of seven plastid-encoded ribosomal proteins that meet these criteria. We have introduced knockout alleles for the corresponding genes into the tobacco plastid genome. Five of the targeted genes (ribosomal protein of the large subunit22 [rpl22], rpl23, rpl32, ribosomal protein of the small subunit3 [rps3], and rps16) were shown to be essential even under heterotrophic conditions, despite their loss in at least some parasitic plastid-bearing lineages. This suggests that nonphotosynthetic plastids show elevated rates of gene transfer to the nuclear genome. Knockout of two ribosomal protein genes, rps15 and rpl36, yielded homoplasmic transplastomic mutants, thus indicating nonessentiality. Whereas Δrps15 plants showed only a mild phenotype, Δrpl36 plants were severely impaired in photosynthesis and growth and, moreover, displayed greatly altered leaf morphology. This finding provides strong genetic evidence that chloroplast translational activity influences leaf development, presumably via a retrograde signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Contrasting modes and tempos of genome evolution in land plant organelles   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Despite inhabiting the same cell lineage for roughly a billion years and being dependent on the same nucleus for most of their gene products and genetic control, the two organelle genomes of land plants exhibit remarkably different tempos and patterns of evolutionary change. With a few notable exceptions, chloroplast genomes are highly conserved in size and gene arrangement, whereas mitochondrial genomes vary enormously in size and organization. Conversely, nucleotide substitution rates are on average several times higher in chloroplast DNA than in mitochondrial DNA. Mechanistic and selective forces underlying these differences are only poorly understood.  相似文献   

Analyses of complete genomes indicate that insertion sequences (ISs) are abundant and widespread in hyperthermophilic archaea, but few experimental studies have measured their activities in these hosts. As a way to investigate the impact of ISs on Sulfolobus genomes, we identified seven transpositionally active ISs in a widely distributed Sulfolobus species, and measured their functional properties. Six of the seven were found to be distinct from previously described ISs of Sulfolobus, and one of the six could not be assigned to any known IS family. A type II 'Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Element' (MITE) related to one of the ISs was also recovered. Rates of transposition of the different ISs into the pyrEF region of their host strains varied over a 250-fold range. The Sulfolobus ISs also differed with respect to target-site selectivity, although several shared an apparent preference for the pyrEF promoter region. Despite the number of distinct ISs assayed and their molecular diversity, only one demonstrated precise excision from the chromosomal target region. The fact that this IS is the only one lacking inverted repeats and target-site duplication suggests that the observed precise excision may be promoted by the IS itself. Sequence searches revealed previously unidentified partial copies of the newly identified ISs in the Sulfolobus tokodaii and Sulfolobus solfataricus genomes. The structures of these fragmentary copies suggest several distinct molecular mechanisms which, in the absence of precise excision, inactivate ISs and gradually eliminate the defective copies from Sulfolobus genomes.  相似文献   

The flowering plant genus Oenothera is uniquely suited for studying molecular mechanisms of speciation. It assembles an intriguing combination of genetic features, including permanent translocation heterozygosity, biparental transmission of plastids, and a general interfertility of well-defined species. This allows an exchange of plastids and nuclei between species often resulting in plastome–genome incompatibility. For evaluation of its molecular determinants we present the complete nucleotide sequences of the five basic, genetically distinguishable plastid chromosomes of subsection Oenothera (=Euoenothera) of the genus, which are associated in distinct combinations with six basic genomes. Sizes of the chromosomes range from 163 365 bp (plastome IV) to 165 728 bp (plastome I), display between 96.3% and 98.6% sequence similarity and encode a total of 113 unique genes. Plastome diversification is caused by an abundance of nucleotide substitutions, small insertions, deletions and repetitions. The five plastomes deviate from the general ancestral design of plastid chromosomes of vascular plants by a subsection-specific 56 kb inversion within the large single-copy segment. This inversion disrupted operon structures and predates the divergence of the subsection presumably 1 My ago. Phylogenetic relationships suggest plastomes I–III in one clade, while plastome IV appears to be closest to the common ancestor.  相似文献   

Background and AimsExtant plant groups with a long fossil history are key elements in understanding vascular plant evolution. Horsetails (Equisetum, Equisetaceae) have a nearly continuous fossil record dating back to the Carboniferous, but their phylogenetic and biogeographic patterns are still poorly understood. We use here the most extensive phylogenetic analysis to date as a framework to evaluate their age, biogeography and genome size evolution.MethodsDNA sequences of four plastid loci were used to estimate divergence times and investigate the biogeographic history of all extant species of Equisetum. Flow cytometry was used to study genome size evolution against the framework of phylogenetic relationships in Equisetum.Key ResultsOn a well-supported phylogenetic tree including all extant Equisetum species, a molecular clock calibrated with multiple fossils places the node at which the outgroup and Equisetum diverged at 343 Mya (Early Carboniferous), with the first major split among extant species occurring 170 Mya (Middle Jurassic). These dates are older than those reported in some other recent molecular clock studies but are largely in agreement with a timeline established by fossil appearance in the geological record. Representatives of evergreen subgenus Hippochaete have much larger genome sizes than those of deciduous subgenus Equisetum, despite their shared conserved chromosome number. Subgenus Paramochaete has an intermediate genome size and maintains the same number of chromosomes.ConclusionsThe first divergences among extant members of the genus coincided with the break-up of Pangaea and the resulting more humid, warmer climate. Subsequent tectonic activity most likely involved vicariance events that led to species divergences combined with some more recent, long-distance dispersal events. We hypothesize that differences in genome size between subgenera may be related to the number of sperm flagellae.  相似文献   

Essentially all of the sequences in the pea (Pisum sativum) genome which reassociate with single copy kinetics at standard (Tm -25°C) criterion follow repetitive kinetics at lower temperatures (about Tm-35°C). Analysis of thermal stability profiles for presumptive single copy duplexes show that they contain substantial mismatch even when formed at standard criterion. Thus most of the sequences in the pea genome which are conventionally defined as single copy are actually fossil repeats — that is, they are members of extensively diverged (mutuated) and thus presumably ancient families of repeated sequences. Coding sequences as represented by a cDNA probe prepared from poly-somal poly(A) + mRNA reassociate with single copy kinetics regardless of criterion and do not form mismatched duplexes. The coding regions thus appear to be composed of true single copy sequences but they cannot represent more than a few percent of the pea genome. Ancient diverged repeats are present, but not a prominent feature of the smaller mung bean (Vigna radiata) genome. An extension of a simple evolutionary model is proposed in which these and other differences in genome organization are considered to reflect different rates of sequence amplification or genome turnover during evolution. The model accounts for some of the differences between typical plant and animal genomes.  相似文献   



Nucleomorphs are residual nuclei derived from eukaryotic endosymbionts in chlorarachniophyte and cryptophyte algae. The endosymbionts that gave rise to nucleomorphs and plastids in these two algal groups were green and red algae, respectively. Despite their independent origin, the chlorarachniophyte and cryptophyte nucleomorph genomes share similar genomic features such as extreme size reduction and a three-chromosome architecture. This suggests that similar reductive evolutionary forces have acted to shape the nucleomorph genomes in the two groups. Thus far, however, only a single chlorarachniophyte nucleomorph and plastid genome has been sequenced, making broad evolutionary inferences within the chlorarachniophytes and between chlorarachniophytes and cryptophytes difficult. We have sequenced the nucleomorph and plastid genomes of the chlorarachniophyte Lotharella oceanica in order to gain insight into nucleomorph and plastid genome diversity and evolution.


The L. oceanica nucleomorph genome was found to consist of three linear chromosomes totaling ~610 kilobase pairs (kbp), much larger than the 373 kbp nucleomorph genome of the model chlorarachniophyte Bigelowiella natans. The L. oceanica plastid genome is 71 kbp in size, similar to that of B. natans. Unexpectedly long (~35 kbp) sub-telomeric repeat regions were identified in the L. oceanica nucleomorph genome; internal multi-copy regions were also detected. Gene content analyses revealed that nucleomorph house-keeping genes and spliceosomal intron positions are well conserved between the L. oceanica and B. natans nucleomorph genomes. More broadly, gene retention patterns were found to be similar between nucleomorph genomes in chlorarachniophytes and cryptophytes. Chlorarachniophyte plastid genomes showed near identical protein coding gene complements as well as a high level of synteny.


We have provided insight into the process of nucleomorph genome evolution by elucidating the fine-scale dynamics of sub-telomeric repeat regions. Homologous recombination at the chromosome ends appears to be frequent, serving to expand and contract nucleomorph genome size. The main factor influencing nucleomorph genome size variation between different chlorarachniophyte species appears to be expansion-contraction of these telomere-associated repeats rather than changes in the number of unique protein coding genes. The dynamic nature of chlorarachniophyte nucleomorph genomes lies in stark contrast to their plastid genomes, which appear to be highly stable in terms of gene content and synteny.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-374) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



The genus Cuscuta L. (Convolvulaceae), commonly known as dodders, are epiphytic vines that invade the stems of their host with haustorial feeding structures at the points of contact. Although they lack expanded leaves, some species are noticeably chlorophyllous, especially as seedlings and in maturing fruits. Some species are reported as crop pests of worldwide distribution, whereas others are extremely rare and have local distributions and apparent niche specificity. A strong phylogenetic framework for this large genus is essential to understand the interesting ecological, morphological and molecular phenomena that occur within these parasites in an evolutionary context.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of the entoprocts Loxocorone allax and Loxosomella aloxiata were determined. Both species carry the typical gene set of metazoan mt genomes and have similar organizations of their mt genes. However, they show differences in the positions of two tRNA(Leu) genes. Additionally, the tRNA(Val) gene, and half of the long non-coding region, is duplicated and inverted in the Loxos. aloxiata mt genome. The initiation codon of the Loxos. aloxiata cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene is expected to be ACG rather than AUG. The mt gene organizations in these two entoproct species most closely resemble those of mollusks such as Katharina tunicata and Octopus vulgaris, which have the most evolutionarily conserved mt gene organization reported to date in mollusks. Analyses of the mt gene organization in the lophotrochozoan phyla (Annelida, Brachiopoda, Echiura, Entoprocta, Mollusca, Nemertea, and Phoronida) suggested a close phylogenetic relationship between Brachiopoda, Annelida, and Echiura. However, Phoronida was excluded from this grouping. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the sequences of mt protein-coding genes suggested a possible close relationship between Entoprocta and Phoronida, and a close relationship among Brachiopoda, Annelida, and Echiura.  相似文献   

Classical genetic studies show that gene conversion can favour some alleles over others. Molecular experiments suggest that gene conversion could favour GC over AT basepairs, leading to the concept of biased gene conversion towards GC (BGC(GC)). The expected consequence of such a process is the GC-enrichment of DNA sequences under gene conversion. Recent genomic work suggests that BGC(GC) affects the base composition of yeast, invertebrate and mammalian genomes. Hypotheses for the mechanisms and evolutionary origin of such a strange phenomenon have been proposed. Most BGC(GC) events probably occur during meiosis, which has implications for our understanding of the evolution of sex and recombination.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of the diverse lifestyles adopted by urochordates has attracted intense interest because it may effect the evolutionary history of vertebrates. Here, we report the complete mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequence of the pelagic thaliacean doliolid Doliolum nationalis. The doliolid mt genome shares the unusual tRNAs of trnM(uau) and trnG(ucu) with other ascidians, such as Halocynthia and Ciona. On the other hand, the gene order of the doliolid mt genome is significantly different from that of any ascidian species or vertebrate reported to date. Phylogenetic analyses of the amino acid sequences of 12 protein-coding genes strongly support the sister-grouping of doliolids and the Phlebobranch ascidian Ciona, with the Stolidobranch ascidian alocynthia as the outgroup, thereby providing strong support for the paraphyly of ascidians, as has been suggested by 18S rDNA studies. Given the paraphyletic nature of ascidians, it seems likely that the common ancestor of ascidians and thaliaceans was sessile, as are the present-day ascidians, and that the thaliaceans subsequently evolved a pelagic lifestyle.  相似文献   

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