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We investigated the enzymic activity of bilirubin oxidase when it is suspended as a lyophilized powder in a low-water system. The enzyme required buffer salts and a source of water to show activity. This study investigated the complete range of water thermodynamic activity (a(w)) by combining the use of salt hydrates and two-phase systems with concentrated solutes in the aqueous phase. When free water was added, activity reached a maximum at a defined water content, but this maximum increased with buffer content, suggesting that there was competition for water with the buffer salts from which the enzyme was lyophilized. Alternatively, a range of salt hydrates was used, each able to fix the water activity (a(w)) at a different value. By providing water to the organic solvent phase in this way, the dependency of enzyme activity upon a(w) was investigated and shown to be independent of buffer concentration. However, the optimum a(w) was uncertain because the available a(w) range for salt hydrates is < or = 0.90. Investigation of the remaining water activity range was made possible by using an a(w) depressor (sorbitol) to lower the a(w) of a two-phase system. The optimum a(w) for the bilirubin oxidase activity in this two-phase system was a(w) = 0.936, independent of buffer concentration. The study therefore confirmed the need to control the water 'available' to low-water systems and the dependence of enzyme activity on water thermodynamic activity (a(w)) not water content.  相似文献   

The performance of lipases from Candida rugosa and wheat germ have been investigated in three reaction media using three acetate hydrolyses as model reactions (ethyl acetate, allyl acetate, and prenyl acetate). The effect of substrate properties and water content were studied for each system (organic solvent, biphasic system, and reverse micelles). Not unexpectedly, the effect of water content is distinct for each system, and the optimal water content for enzyme activity is not always the same as that for productivity. A theoretical model has been used to simulate and predict enzyme performance in reverse micelles, and a proposed partitioning model for biphasic systems agrees well with experimental results. While the highest activities observed were in the micellar system, productivity in microemulsions is limited by low enzyme concentrations. Biphasic systems, however, support relatively good activity and productivity. The addition of water to dry organic solvents, combined with the dispersion of lyophilized enzyme powders in the solvent, resulted in significant enzyme aggregation, which not surprisingly limits the applicability of the "anhydrous" enzyme suspension approach. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Salt hydrates very frequently are utilized as in situ water activity buffers in reaction mixtures of enzymes in nonaqueous media. In addition to buffering water activity, there is evidence that salt hydrates also often affect initial rates in other ways. This has been generally overlooked or thought to be related to water transfer effects. Here we show that salt hydrates can have important acid-base effects on enzymes in nonaqueous media. We performed transesterification reactions in n-hexane and in supercritical ethane catalyzed by cross-linked crystals of subtilisin, differing in the method used to set a(W), and confirmed that the presence of salt hydrate pairs significantly affected the catalytic performance of the enzyme. However, in the presence of a solid-state acid-base buffer, salt hydrates had no effect on enzymatic activity. Direct evidence for the acid-base effects of salt hydrates was obtained by testing their effect on the protonation state of an organo-soluble H(+)/Na(+) indicator. The four salt hydrate pairs tested affected the indicator to very different extents. By promoting the exchange of H(+) for Na(+), salt hydrates will tend to affect the ionization state of acidic residues in the protein and, hence, enzymatic activity. In fact, salt hydrates were able to affect the pH memory of subtilisin lyophilized from different aqueous pHs, bringing about up to 20-fold enhancements and up to 5-fold decreases in catalytic activity. The possibility of such acid-base effects need to be considered in all experiments using salt hydrates to control water activity.  相似文献   

Two different immobilisation techniques for lipases were investigated: adsorption on to Accurel EP-100 and deposition on to Celite. The specific activities were in the same order of magnitude, 2.9 (mol min–1 mg protein) when Celite was used as support and 2.3 (mol min–1 mg–1 protein) when Accurel EP-100 was used as support, even if the amount of lipase loaded differed by 2 orders of magnitude. Immobilisation on Accurel EP-100 was the preferred technique since 40–100 times more protein can be loaded/per g carrier, thus yielding a more active catalyst. The water activity profiles in lipase catalysed esterification were influenced by the amount of protein adsorbed to Accurel EP-100. Higher protein loading (40 mg g–1) resulted in a bell-shaped water activity profile with highest specific activity (6.1 mol min–1 mg–1 protein) at a w=0.11, while an enzyme preparation with low protein loading (4 mg g–1) showed highest specific activity at a w=0.75.  相似文献   

Kinetics of lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of esters were modeled using reactant activities for aqueous-organic, biphasic systems. By using thermodynamic activities of the substrates in ordinary rate equations, the kinetic parameters were corrected for the contribution of substrate-solvent interactions and a uniform quantification of the substrates for lipase attached to the interface can be achieved. The kinetic parameters, on the basis of their thermodynamic activities, should be constant in different systems, provided that the solvents do not interfere with the binding of the substrates to the enzyme nor affect the catalytic mechanism. Experimental and computational methods on how to obtain the thermodynamic activities of the substrates are presented. Initial rates were determined for Pseudomonas cepacia lipase (PcL)-catalyzed hydrolysis of decyl chloroacetate in dynamic emulsions with various solvents. The thermodynamic equilibrium and corrected kinetic constants for this reaction appeared to be similar in various systems. The kinetics of PcL in an isooctane-aqueous biphasic system could be adequately described with the rate equation for a ping-pong mechanism. The observed inhibitory effect of decanol appeared to be a consequence of this mechanism, allowing the backreaction of the decanol with the chloroacetyl-enzyme complex. The kinetic performance of PcL in systems with toluene, dibutyl ether, and methyl isobutyl ketone could be less well described. The possible causes for this and for the remaining differences in corrected kinetic parameters are discussed. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The influence of the thermodynamic activity of water (a(w))on the synthesis of triolein catalyzed by Mucor miehei lipase was investigated. Its effect on the equilibrium and on the rates of the different reactions present, esteification and mono- and diglyceride isomerization, was evaluated through measurements made in controlled water activity atmosphere. The apparent equilibrium constants were measured from the concentration of the different species as a function of the intial glycerol-to oleic-acid ratio using all the values at once with a multi-response nonlinear regression technique. Rate constants were determined from kinetic measurements and non-linear regression uning the variation of the concentration of all significant species in the system. Except for the synthesis of diolein from monoolein, which shows a maximum for a(w) approximately 0.5, the apparent rate constants of the various reactions are not significantly affected by the value of the water activity. The equilibrium is shifted to-ward the synthesis of triolein for low values of a(w), indicating that in the design of a process for triglyceride synthesis, using M. miehei lipase as a catalyst, the water activity can be lowered to extreme values to favor the synthesis, without any sacrifice on the productivity of the process. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The mycelium-bound Mucor circinelloides lipase was used for the synthesis of esters of saccharides and fatty acids in 37 ml reactor equipped with magnetic stirrer and water activity sensor. Either di-n-pentyl ether or the mixture of di-n-pentyl and petroleum ethers were applied as reaction media. Water activity sensor provided on-line monitoring of this parameter and control of continuous processes of ester synthesis. It was found that two natural antioxidants, i.e. carotene and astaxanthin activated this lipase in organic solvents that could be beneficial for the synthesis of esters of compounds sensitive to oxidation, e.g. polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

The influence on lipase activity in water of a pretreatment on Candida rugosa lipase using water miscible and immiscible solvents was studied. The lipase activity in the hydrolysis of esteric substrates in aqueous media increases when the lipase was previously treated with various nearly anhydrous organic media. This activation, which was irreversible, was higher for longer pretreatment times. It was dependent on the pretreatment medium (water activity and solvent used). A relation between variations in the emission intensity and the activities of treated and untreated lipases was found. Activating pretreatment did not shift the peak of fluorescence emission but gave rise to variations in the secondary protein structure by increasing the helical nature. A similar increment in the hydrolysis rate in water can be obtained with the addition of an appropriate amount of solvent (acetonitrile or n-heptane) to the aqueous reaction medium.  相似文献   

A technique of continuous water activity control was used to examine the effects of water activity on enzyme catalysis in organic media. Esterification catalyzed by Rhizopus arrhizus lipase was preferably carried out at a water activity of 0.33, which resulted in both maximal initial reaction rate and a high yield. When Pseudomonas lipase was used as catalyst it was beneficial to start the reaction at high water activity (giving the optimal reaction rate with this enzyme) and then shift to a lower water activity toward the end of the reaction to obtain a high yield. The apparent equilibrium constant of the reaction was influenced by the water activity of the organic solvent. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The total interaction energies for a large number of water proton configurations in the unit cell of hydrate structure I consisting of 46 molecules are compared for qualitatively different water models, such as SPC/E, TIP4P, TIP5P, TIP 3f and AMOEBA. All calculations were carried out using the TINKER molecular modelling package. The Ewald summation method with metallic tin-foil boundary conditions is used to account for long-range electrostatic interactions. It was established that there is a high correlation between the energies calculated using the five water models (interaction potentials). The average correlation coefficient for all pairs of potentials is equal to 0.91. Analogous calculations were carried out to evaluate the consistency of the different water models with respect to a new property of the ice-like system: the hydrogen-bond-reversal asymmetry. It was established that, for all water models, there is relatively high correlation between the energy differences for proton configurations with opposite direction of all hydrogen bonds. In this case, the average correlation coefficient is 0.77. Data for the TIP4P potential differ noticeably from the others, especially owing to the variation in the total interaction energy. The validity and usefulness of simple discrete models of inter-molecular interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

The activity and enantioselectivity of lipase 1 from Candida rugosa and of a chimera enzyme obtained by replacing the lid of isoform 1 with the lid of isoform 3 were compared in organic solvents. The alcoholysis of chloro ethyl 2-hydroxy hexanoate with methanol and of vinyl acetate with 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol were used as model reactions in different reaction conditions. The chimera enzyme was less active and enantioselective than the wildtype in all the conditions tested. A rationale for such decreases could be that the chimera lipase has a lower proportion of enzyme molecules in the open form. This might lead to a hindered access to the enzyme active site, thus affecting the catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Fusarium solani cutinase and Candida cylindracea lipase were used to catalyze a transesterification reaction in a continuous gas/solid bioreactor. In this system, a solid phase composed of a packed enzymatic preparation was continuously percolated with carrier gas which fed substrate and removed reaction products simultaneously. Different conditions of immobilization were used and compared to the results obtained with a nonsupported enzyme. The enzymatic activity was found to be highly dependent of a key parameter: water activity (a(w)). Biocatalyst stability was greatly influenced by water activity and the choice of immobilization technique for the enzymatic material. For free and adsorbed enzymes, water requirements exhibited optima which corresponded to the complete hydration coverage of the protein. These optima presented a good correlation with the isotherm sorption curves obtained for the different preparations. In this work are reported the results concerning the possibility of using a continuous system able to operate at controlled water activity in a heterogeneous medium. Lipolytic enzyme in such a system appears to be a new process for the biotransformation of volatile esters. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A water activity control system for enzymatic reactions in organic media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A water activity control system for enzymatic synthesis in organic media, for litre-scale reactors has been constructed. Water activity, a(w), is a key factor when using enzymes in non-conventional media and the optimum value varies for different enzymes. The control system consists of a water activity sensor in the headspace of a jacketed glass reactor (equipped with narrow steel tubes to introduce air), gas-washing bottles containing blue silica gel (a(w)=0) and water (a(w)=1), a PC to monitor water activity and a programmable logic controller (PLC) to control the water activity. The system was evaluated by adjusting water activity in the medium, with a deviation from the set point of less than +/-0.05. Synthesis of cetyl palmitate, under controlled water activity and catalysed by two different lipase preparations, namely, Novozym 435 (immobilised Candida antarctica lipase B) and immobilised Candida rugosa lipase, were also performed. Novozym 435 catalyses reactions very well at extremely low water activity while C. rugosa lipase shows low activity for a(w)<0.5.  相似文献   

Biocatalytic activities of bromelain preparations were carried out in proteolytic (4500 units g–1), lipolytic (67 units g–1) and, more particularly, in fatty acid ester synthetic reactions. The ester synthesis reactions were studied and several thermodynamic parameters and non-biological reference reactions were also investigated. Only temperature had a strong influence on the maximum reaction yield (30% after 10 days) and revealed that thermal catalysis, which exists in esterification, raises doubts concerning the real biocatalytic activity of the plant extract. When this thermal catalysis is taken into account, the intrinsic lipase activity of the bromelain preparations in esterification reactions is nil.  相似文献   

Adsorption and desorption isotherms of two commercial enzyme preparations of papain and bromelain were determined with a Dynamic Vapor System. The Guggenheim-Anderson-deBoer (GAB) modeling of the obtained sorption isotherms allowed the definition of different levels of hydration of those samples. Afterward, these enzyme preparations were used as biocatalysts in water and solvent-free esterification and alcoholysis reactions. The evolution of the obtained fatty acid ester level as a function of the initial hydration level of the biocatalyst, i.e., thermodynamic water activity (a(w)) and water content, was studied. The results show an important correlation between the initial hydration level of the biocatalyst and its catalytic activity during the lipase-catalyzed synthesis reactions. Thus, the Carica papaya lipase (crude papain preparation) catalytic activity is highly dependent on the biocatalyst hydration state. The optimized synthesis reaction yield is obtained when the a(w) value of the enzyme preparation is stabilized at 0.22, which corresponds to 2% water content. This optimal level of hydration occurs on the linear part of the biocatalyst's sorption isotherm, where the water molecules can form a mono- or multiple layer with the protein network. The synthesis reaction yield decreases when the a(w) of the preparation is higher than 0.22, because the excess water molecules modify the system equilibrium leading to the reverse and competitive reaction, i.e., hydrolysis. These results show also that an optimal storage condition for the highly hydrophilic crude papain preparation is a relative humidity strictly lower than 70% to avoid an irreversible structural transition leading to a useless biocatalyst. Concerning the bromelain preparation, no effect of the hydration level on the catalytic activity during esterification reactions was observed. This biocatalyst has too weak a catalytic activity which makes it difficult to observe any differences. Furthermore, the bromelain preparation is far more hydrophobic as it adsorbs only 18 g of water per 100 g of dry material at a(w) around 0.90. No deliquescence of this enzymatic preparation is observed at this a(w) value.  相似文献   

Alpha-chymotrypsin was made more hydrophilic by modifying 11 (out of 16) ε-amino groups with pyromellitic dianhydride. The hydrophilic preparation was precipitated with n-propanol. This preparation gave significantly higher initial rates at the optimum aw (127.51 nmol mg?1 min?1 in n-octane and 21.30 nmol mg?1 min?1 in acetonitrile at aw=0.33) compared with the lyophilized preparation (53.50 nmol mg?1 min?1 in n-octane and 0.26 nmol mg?1 min?1 in acetonitrile at aw=0.97). FT-IR showed that the precipitate of modified alpha-chymotrypsin has a higher content of alpha-helices and beta-sheets compared to the lyophilized powder.  相似文献   

The water activity equilibration over saturated salt solutions was monitored in the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]amide and in two organic solvents (methyl tert-butylether and n-hexane). Water uptake by the ionic liquid was comparable to that in polar organic solvents. Furthermore, the kinetic resolution of (R,S)-1-phenylethanol catalysed by a lipase from Pseudomonas sp. had a higher selectivity in the ionic liquid at low water activities (aW<0.53) than in methyl tert-butylether. At 60–90 °C E-values of about E150 occured in the ionic liquid, while the enantioselectivity drops to values of 4 in methyl tert-butylether at the same temperatures.  相似文献   

Studying alterations in biophysical and biochemical behavior of enzymes in the presence of organic solvents and the underlying cause(s) has important implications in biotechnology. We investigated the effects of aqueous solutions of polar organic solvents on ester hydrolytic activity, structure and stability of a lipase. Relative activity of the lipase monotonically decreased with increasing concentration of acetone, acetonitrile, and DMF but increased at lower concentrations (upto ~20% v/v) of dimethylsulfoxide, isopropanol, and methanol. None of the organic solvents caused any appreciable structural change as evident from circular dichorism and NMR studies, thus do not support any significant role of enzyme denaturation in activity change. Change in 2D [15N, 1H]‐HSQC chemical shifts suggested that all the organic solvents preferentially localize to a hydrophobic patch in the active‐site vicinity and no chemical shift perturbation was observed for residues present in protein's core. This suggests that activity alteration might be directly linked to change in active site environment only. All organic solvents decreased the apparent binding of substrate to the enzyme (increased Km); however significantly enhanced the kcat. Melting temperature (Tm) of lipase, measured by circular dichroism and differential scanning calorimetry, altered in all solvents, albeit to a variable extent. Interestingly, although the effect of all organic solvents on various properties on lipase is qualitatively similar, our study suggest that magnitudes of effects do not appear to follow bulk solvent properties like polarity and the solvent effects are apparently dictated by specific and local interactions of solvent molecule(s) with the protein.  相似文献   

Biocatalytic transesterification of methylmethacrylate is possible in many different solvents. The reaction rate is readily controlled by variation in solvent physical properties. The reaction proceeds better in hydrophobic solvents, and activity can be restored in hydrophilic solvents by the addition of water. We have now demonstrated that supercritical carbon dioxide is not a good solvent for the reaction between 2-ethlhexanol and methylmethacrylate. It apperars that the supercritical carbon dioxide may either alter the pH of the microaqueous environment associated with the protein or reversibly form covalent complexes with free amine groups on the surface of the enzyme. Although supercritical carbon dioxide is a poor solvent for acrylate transesterification, many other supercritical fluids (ethane, ethylene, sulfur hexafluoride, and fluoroform) are better than most conventional solvents. In supercritical ethane it is possible to control the activity of the enzyme by changing pressure, and the enzyme appears to follow Michaelis-Menten Kinetics. We find that sulfur hexafluoride, the first anhydrous inorganic solvent in which biocatalytic activity has been reported, is a better solvent than any conventional or supercritical organic fluid tested.  相似文献   

The effect of water activity (a(w)) and immobilization on fatty acid (FA) selectivity of Burkholderia (formerly Pseudomonas) cepacia, Rhizomucor miehei, Candida antarctica (type B), and Candida rugosa lipases in esterification reactions was determined. Studies were based on measuring ester formation in multicompetitive reaction mixtures containing either the homologous series of even carbon number n-chain saturated FA (C4-C18) or a series of n-chain (un)saturated FA (C18:X, where X = 0-3 double bonds) as cosubstrates with 1,3-propanediol in ter-butyl methyl ether at a(w) of 0.19, 0.69, and 0.90. Activity and FA selectively patterns were similar for free and Celite-adsorbed lipases in response to changes in a(w'), although specific effects were observed for selectivity of B. cepacia and C. rugosa lipases toward C16 and C4/C6 FA, respectively. Also, selectivity toward unsaturated C18:X FA as a group was modulated by changes in a(w) for three of the four lipase studied. Resin-fixed lipases from R. miehei and C. antarctica exhibited profound differences in activity and FA selectively in response to changes in a(w'), relative to free and Celite-bound forms. These findings suggest that FA selectivity for lipid modification is influenced by a(w) and immobilization, but that each lipase has a characteristic response to these factors in a manner that cannot be predicted.  相似文献   

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