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Spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) during overnight polygraphic recording was performed in 11 healthy subjects. The total spectrum power, power of the VLF, LF and HF spectral bands and the mean R-R were evaluated. Compared to Stage 2 and Stage 4 non-REM sleep, the total spectrum power was significantly higher in REM sleep and its value gradually increased in the course of each REM cycle. The value of the VLF component (reflects slow regulatory mechanisms, e.g. the renin-angiotensin system, thermoregulation) was significantly higher in REM sleep than in Stage 2 and Stage 4 of non-REM sleep. The LF spectral component (linked to the sympathetic modulation) was significantly higher in REM sleep than in Stage 2 and Stage 4 non-REM sleep. On the contrary, a power of the HF spectral band (related to parasympathetic activity) was significantly higher in Stage 2 and Stage 4 non-REM than in REM sleep. The LF/HF ratio, which reflects the sympathovagal balance, had its maximal value during REM sleep and a minimal value in synchronous sleep. The LF/HF ratio significantly increased during 5-min segments of Stage 2 non-REM sleep immediately preceding REM sleep compared to 5-min segments of Stage 2 non-REM sleep preceding the slow-wave sleep. This expresses the sympathovagal shift to sympathetic predominance occurring before the onset of REM sleep. A significant lengthening of the R-R interval during subsequent cycles of Stage 2 non-REM sleep was documented, which is probably related to the shift of sympathovagal balance to a prevailing parasympathetic influence in the course of sleep. This finding corresponds to a trend of a gradual decrease of the LF/HF ratio in subsequent cycles of Stage 2 non-REM sleep.  相似文献   

Fetal heart rate and gasping were monitored in a chronically-catheterized fetal piglet which became asphyxiated during delivery. This piglet was the fourth to be delivered in a litter of seven. Prior to delivery of the second piglet in the litter (which was next to the affected piglet in the uterine horn), blood pH and pO(2) values were within normal limits and heart rate changes were restricted to acceleration during uterine contractions. After expulsion of the second piglet in the litter, fetal heart rate became very irregular and fetal gasping became pronounced. Terminally, periods of severe bradycardia (with gasping) which occurred late in or after uterine contractions were observed between periods when the fetal heart rate was increased. These late decelerations followed a pattern similar to those seen in asphyxiated human infants.  相似文献   

The present studyexamined two contrasting multilevel model structures to describe thedevelopmental (longitudinal) changes in strength and aerobic power inchildren: 1) an additive polynomial structure and 2) a multiplicativestructure with allometric body size components. On the basis of themaximum log-likelihood criterion, the multiplicative "allometric"model was shown to be superior to the additive polynomial model whenfitted to the data from two published longitudinal studies and toprovide more plausible solutions within and beyond the range ofobservations.The multilevel regression analysis ofstudy 1 confirmed that aerobic powerdevelops approximately in proportion to body mass,m1/3. Theanalyses from study 2 identified asignificant increase in quadriceps and biceps strength, in proportionto body size, plus an additional contribution from age, centered atabout peak height velocity (PHV). The positive "age" term forboys suggested that at PHV the boys were becoming stronger in thequadriceps and biceps in relation to their body size. In contrast, thegirls' age term was either negligible (quadriceps) or negative(biceps), indicating that at PHV the girls' strength was developing inproportion to or, in the case of the biceps, was becoming weaker inrelation to their body size.


Reaction time (RT) and performance accuracy in hierarchical visual stimulus recognition at local and global levels were studied in 95 healthy 5-6, 6-7, 7-8 and 9-10-year-old children and 10 adults. Task performance of all examined subjects, both children and adults, was faster and more accurate during global feature recognition (global advantage effect), with increased RT to incongruent stimuli in local condition (global interference effect). Significant inter-individual differences were found in the youngest group (5-6-year-olds): 7 children from the total number of 37 subjects failed to show the global advantage and global interference effects. Significant progressive shifts in performance accuracy during hierarchical stimulus recognition at both local and global levels were observed in the period between 6-7 and 7-8 years and then between 9-10 years and adulthood. The time course of age-dependent changes in recognition time was different for the global and local features of the hierarchical stimuli: the RT significantly decreased in every successive age group for local feature recognition beginning from 6-7-year-old children, whereas there was no significant difference between 7-8 and 9-10-year-old children in the RT of the recognition of the global feature. In the two younger groups (5-6 and 6-7 years), the stimulus type affected performance in a specific manner: RT increased to both incongruent and neutral stimuli irrespective of the level of the target feature. It was assumed that nonlinear developmental trends in hierarchical stimulus recognition parameters depend on both maturation of visual information processing and development of executive functions, especially those related to selection of relevant signals.  相似文献   

Changes in somatotypes of European males between 17 and 24 years   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to examine the possible changes in somatotype of young males, 14 boys who had been somatotyped annually from 11 to 18 years by the Health-Carter anthropometric rating method were re-somatotyped at 24 years. The analysis focused on years 17, 18 and 24. Discriminant analysis, somatotype dispersion indices and distances, and the I-index were used to analyze the data. The findings showed a significant shift in somatotype from ectomorphmesomorph towards endo-mesomorphy between 17 and 24 years. This shift was greater than that observed by Zuk ('58), and was in the same direction. It is hypothesized that the somatotypes of males become more endo-mesomorphic from 17 years to the mid-twenties.  相似文献   

Requirements for a fragment of a random process taken for spectral analysis are formulated. It has been demonstrated that both the random process and its periodic components should be stationary within the fragment selected. Only in this case will the results of spectral analysis reflect the actual characteristics of the process studied. Variations in the depth of breathing and other factors have been shown to cause modulatory fluctuations of the HF and LF waves of the cardiac rhythm. The modulatory fluctuations are expressed as the VLF peak in the heart rate variability spectrum, the position of the peak on the frequency axis and its amplitude being determined by the frequency and depth of modulation, respectively. Depending on the modulation depth and the ratio between the modulation period and the length of the sample studied, spectral analysis of the same process may yield considerably different results. The ambiguity of the results of spectral analysis is the cause of discrepancy about the nature of individual spectral components of heart rate variability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the limitation for applying a linear model to the cardiorespiratory control system. Four subjects performed the two types of exercise bouts, constant (CONST) and pseudorandom (PRBS) exercise, on an electrically braked cycle ergometer at three different work rates. The target work rate of CONST were set to 80, 100, 120% of the individual anaerobic threshold (AT). In PRBS, the work rates were varied between +/- 10% of the individual AT around the respective target work rates of CONST. Although the spectral density of beat-to-beat heart rate fluctuations showed the conventional patterns for most cases, there was no obvious difference between CONST and PRBS. These results indicated that the variation of +/- 10% of AT did not affect the heart rate variation as the output response, suggesting a dilemma inevitable to apply a linear model based on the transfer function.  相似文献   

Submersion injuries of children younger than 5 years in 4 urban Utah counties from 1984 through 1988 were studied retrospectively to identify associated risk factors. Infants younger than 1 year had the highest rates of both submersion injuries and deaths. The incidence of bathtub drownings was 2 to 3 times higher than reported national rates. All bathtub drownings occurred while the victim was bathing with a young sibling (10 months to 7 years of age) without adult supervision. All drownings in pools and moving bodies of water (rivers, irrigation ditches) resulted from unintentional falls into the water rather than from swimming and wading activities. Drowning prevention strategies should focus on educating parents about the risk of young children bathing with siblings in the absence of adult supervision and fencing regulations for pools and open bodies of moving water.  相似文献   

目的 探索乌鲁木齐市3~5岁儿童口腔微生物与肠道微生物的菌群构成及多样性等差异。 方法 从本团队前期流行病学调查的乌鲁木齐市3~5岁儿童中,按调查时间顺序随机抽取12名儿童。分别收集唾液及粪便样本共计24份,分为口腔微生物组和肠道微生物组。利用16S V3-V4区设计引物来进行PCR扩增,使用MiSeq测序仪进行二代测序,比较两组的微生物构成及多样性差异。 结果 门水平上:放线菌门(t=5.98,P结论 放线菌门、变形菌门、TM7在口腔中丰度较高;厚壁菌门在肠道中丰度较高。口腔和肠道微生物在菌群功能上差异较大。奈瑟菌属、卟啉单胞菌属、Catenibacterium等可能为某些全身系统性疾病的标志性菌属。  相似文献   

Postnatal developmental changes in hapatic microsomal UDP-glucuronyltransferase were studied in the rat. The previously reported postnatal decline in the capacity of microsomal fractions to glucuronidate p-nitrophenol was found to be observable in unperturbed preparations only at non-saturating concentrations of the substrate UDP-glucuronic acid. At saturating concentrations of UDP-glucuronic acid, activity is identical in newborns and adults. Kinetic analysis revealed that the enzyme from liver of newborns has a much higher affinity for UDP-glucuronic acid than does the enzyme in adults, but the same activity at Vmax. On the other hand, the enzyme from adult liver microsomal fractions can be activated by the physiological allosteric effector UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, whereas the enzyme from newborns is largely unaffected by it. Thus it appears that the number of enzyme active sites is not changing; rather, the enzyme is maturing to a more highly regulable form. There were also differences between the enzymes in newborns and adults in their response to perturbation of the membrane-lipid environment by detergent and phospholipase A. Possible interpretations of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Maximal oxygen uptake (Vo2 max) of 85 healthy kindergarten children, 46 boys and 39 girls, aged 5 and 6 years, was determined by means of track running. Their physique, skinfold thickness, grip and back muscle strength, and performances of 25 m-run, 50 m-run, standing broad jump, and 5 min-endurance run were also measured. Skinfold thickness of girls was significantly larger than that of boys. Boys were significantly superior to girls in all the motor performances. The Vo2 max per unit of body weight was 49.46 ml/kg/min for boys and 46.30 ml/kg/min for girls, the sex difference being significant at the 0.001 level. The correlation coefficient between Vo2 max per kg body weight and 5 min-endurance run performance was 0.417 for boys and 0.049 for girls, while that between absolute Vo2 max and body weight was 0.899 for boys and 0.563 for girls. The regression equation of the absolute value of Vo2 max (liter/min) on body weight (kg) was: Y=0.051X-0.025 for boys and Y=0.024 + 0.408 for girls, the regression coefficient of boys being twice as large as that of girls. It appears that at ages 5-6 sex differences are exhibited ont only in muscle strength and agility but also in endurance run and aerobic work capacity.  相似文献   

We investigated the structure and expression of three S-alleles of Petunia hybrida in self-incompatible varieties and in a pseudo-self-compatible line in which the self-incompatibility response is defective. Comparison of derived amino acid sequences from different gametophytic S-alleles revealed a pattern of sequence conservation and variability that was highly nonrandom. In self-incompatible varieties, petunia S-locus mRNA accumulates preferentially in styles during the transition from bud self-compatibility to self-incompatibility. S-Allele sequences homologous to the cloned S1 allele were present in a pseudo-self-compatible variety, and were expressed at levels indistinguishable from those observed in a self-incompatible line homozygous for the S1 allele. Taken together, our data indicate that (1) limited sequence differences may confer allelic specificity, (2) S-locus mRNAs accumulate in a precise organ-specific pattern during floral development, and (3) the ability to inhibit the growth of incompatible pollen tubes appears to require a threshold accumulation of the stylar gene product, along with the participation of as yet undefined pollen gene products.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We report on the potential DNA binding modes and spectral characteristics of the cell-permeant far red fluorescent DNA dye, DRAQ5, in solution and bound within intact cells. Our aim was to determine the constraints for its use in flow cytometry and bioimaging. METHODS: Solution characteristics and quantum yields were determined by spectroscopy. DRAQ5 binding to nuclear DNA was analyzed using fluorescence quenching of Hoechst 33342 dye, emission profiling by flow cytometry, and spectral confocal laser scanning microscopy of the complex DRAQ5 emission spectrum. Cell cycle profiling utilized an EGFP-cyclin B1 reporter as an independent marker of cell age. Molecular modeling was used to explore the modes of DNA binding. RESULTS: DRAQ5 showed a low quantum yield in solution and a spectral shift upon DNA binding, but no significant fluorescence enhancement. DRAQ5 caused a reduction in the fluorescence intensity of Hoechst 33342 in live cells prelabeled with the UV excitable dye, consistent with molecular modeling that suggests AT preference and an engagement of the minor groove. In vivo spectral analysis of DRAQ5 demonstrated shifts to longer wavelengths upon binding with DNA. Analysis of spectral windows of the dual emission peaks at 681 and 707 nm in cells showed that cell cycle compartment recognition was independent of the far red-near IR emission wavelengths monitored. CONCLUSIONS: The study provides new clues to modes of DNA binding of the modified anthraquinone molecule in vivo, and its AT base-pair selectivity. The combination of low quantum yield but high DNA affinity explains the favorable signal-to-noise profile of DRAQ5-nuclear fluorescence. The robust nature of cell cycle reporting using DRAQ5, even when restricted spectral windows are selected, facilitates the analysis of encroaching spectral emissions from other fluorescent reporters, including GFP-tagged proteins.  相似文献   

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