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The peripheral nervous system in vertebrates is composed of repeating metameric units of spinal nerves. During development, factors differentially expressed in a rostrocaudal pattern in the somites confine the movement of spinal motor axons and neural crest cells to the rostral half of the somitic sclerotome. The expression patterns of transmembrane ephrin-B ligands and interacting EphB receptors suggest that these proteins are likely candidates for coordinating the segmentation of spinal motor axons and neural crest cells. In vitro, ephrin-B1 has indeed been shown to repel axons extending from the rodent neural tube (Wang & Anderson, 1997). In avians, blocking interactions between EphB3 expressed by neural crest cells and ephrin-B1 localized to the caudal half of the somite in vivo resulted in loss of the rostrocaudal patterning of trunk neural crest migration (Krull et al., 1997). The role of ephrin-B1 in patterning spinal motor axon outgrowth in avian embryos was investigated. Ephrin-B1 protein was found to be expressed in the caudal half-sclerotome and in the dermomyotome at the appropriate time to interact with the EphB2 receptor expressed on spinal motor axons. Treatment of avian embryo explants with soluble ephrin-B1, however, did not perturb the segmental outgrowth of spinal motor axons through the rostral half-somite. In contrast, under the same treatment conditions with soluble ephrin-B1, neural crest cells migrated aberrantly through both rostral and caudal somite halves. These results indicate that the interaction between ephrin-B1 and EphB2 is not required for patterning spinal motor axon segmentation. Even though spinal motor axons traverse the same somitic pathway as neural crest cells, different molecular guidance mechanisms appear to influence their movement.  相似文献   

Summary This study investigates the nutritional requirements ofXenopus laevis neural crest cells and melanophores developing in vitro. A comparison is made between the growth and differentiation of cells in serum-containing medium and a chemically defined, serum-free medium that we have designed. Our chemically defined medium is more efficient than serum-supplemented medium in promoting proliferation of these cells. Several supplements are required to enhance culture development. These include insulin, α-melanocyte stimulating hormone, somatotropin, luteotrophic hormone, linoleic acid, uridine, and putrescine. In addition, collagen and fibronectin provide the most conductive environment tested for cell migration and adhesion. This work was supported by establishment and major equipment grants from the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research to N. C. M. Nadine C. Milos is a Heritage Medical Research Scholar of the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research.  相似文献   

Metazoans are composed of a finite number of recognisable cell types. Similar to the relationship between species and ecosystems, knowledge of cell type diversity contributes to studies of complexity and evolution. However, as with other units of evolution, the cell type often resists definition. This review proposes guidelines for characterising cell types and discusses cell homology and the various developmental pathways by which cell types arise, including germ layers, blastemata (secondary development/neurulation), stem cells, and transdifferentiation. An updated list of cell types is presented for a familiar, albeit overlooked model taxon, adult Homo sapiens, with 411 cell types, including 145 types of neurons, recognised. Two methods for organising these cell types are explored. One is the artificial classification technique, clustering cells using commonly accepted criteria of similarity. The second approach, an empirical method modeled after cladistics, resolves the classification in terms of shared features rather than overall similarity. While the results of each scheme differ, both methods address important questions. The artificial classification provides compelling (and independent) support for the neural crest as the fourth germ layer, while the cladistic approach permits the evaluation of cell type evolution. Using the cladistic approach we observe a correlation between the developmental and evolutionary origin of a cell, suggesting that this method is useful for predicting which cell types share common (multipotential) progenitors. Whereas the current effort is restricted by the availability of phenotypic details for most cell types, the present study demonstrates that a comprehensive cladistic classification is practical, attainable, and warranted. The use of cell types and cell type comparative classification schemes has the potential to offer new and alternative models for therapeutic evaluation.  相似文献   

Wnt signalling regulates cell proliferation and cell fate determination during embryogenesis. However, little is known about the developmental role of one Wnt family member, Wnt‐3, during avian development. To investigate the possible functions of Wnt‐3, its expression pattern was determined using whole‐mount in situ hybridization. Wnt‐3 is expressed in important signalling centres, including the dorsal neural tube, Hensen's node and the AER (apical ectodermal ridge). Most interestingly, Wnt‐3 is expressed in the dorsal neural tube as a gradient, with the strongest expression anterior in the trunk. Furthermore, this study showed that Wnt‐3 and Wnt‐3a play a different role in neural crest lineages derived from different axial level of neural tube. Wnt‐3 might be involved in proliferation of neural crest lineages, whereas Wnt‐3a plays an important role in melanogenesis in vagal. However, both Wnt‐3 and Wnt‐3a cause a significant increase in melanogenesis in the trunk neural crest lineage.  相似文献   

In the avian hindbrain, premigratory neural crest cells undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis) in rhombomeres 3 and 5 (r3, r5). Here, we have attempted to analyze the significance of the loss of neural crest cells from these odd-numbered rhombomeres. When apoptosis is prevented in r3 and r5, r3 crest migrate into the first arch and r5 into the third arch. Interestingly, these extra neural crest cells contributed to the formation of ectopic muscle attachment sites that are also found in those species in which r3 and r5 neural crest cells do not undergo apoptosis. Thus, apoptosis in the odd-numbered rhombomeres appears to be an evolutionarily derived mechanism that is required to eliminate r3 and r5 crest migration into first and third arches and thereby remove these muscle attachment sites.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells play many key roles in embryonic development, as demonstrated by the abnormalities that result from their specific absence or dysfunction. Unfortunately, these key cells are particularly sensitive to abnormalities in various intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as genetic deletions or ethanol‐exposure that lead to morbidity and mortality for organisms. This review discusses the role identified for a segment of neural crest in regulating the morphogenesis of the heart and associated great vessels. The paradox is that their derivatives constitute a small proportion of cells to the cardiovascular system. Findings supporting that these cells impact early cardiac function raises the interesting possibility that they indirectly control cardiovascular development at least partially through regulating function. Making connections between insults to the neural crest, cardiac function, and morphogenesis is more approachable with technological advances. Expanding our understanding of early functional consequences could be useful in improving diagnosis and testing therapies. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:227–250, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the developing embryo, axon growth and guidance depend on cues that include diffusible molecules. We have shown previously that the branchial arches and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) are growth‐promoting and chemoattractant for young embryonic cranial motor axons. HGF is produced in the branchial arches of the embryo, but a number of lines of evidence suggest that HGF is unlikely to be the only factor involved in the growth and guidance of these axons. Here we investigate whether other neurotrophic factors could be involved in the growth of young cranial motor neurons in explant cultures. We find that brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) and cardiotrophin‐1 (CT‐1) all promote the outgrowth of embryonic cranial motor neurons, while glial cell line‐derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and neurotrophin‐3 (NT‐3) fail to affect outgrowth. We next examined whether HGF and the branchial arches had similar effects on motor neuron subpopulations at different axial levels. Our results show that HGF acts as a generalized rather than a specific neurotrophic factor and guidance cue for cranial motor neurons. Although the branchial arches also had general growth‐promoting effects on all motor neuron subpopulations, they chemoattracted different axial levels differentially, with motor neurons from the caudal hindbrain showing the most striking response. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 51: 101–114, 2002  相似文献   

Loss of Twist function in the cranial mesenchyme of the mouse embryo causes failure of closure of the cephalic neural tube and malformation of the branchial arches. In the Twist(-/-) embryo, the expression of molecular markers that signify dorsal forebrain tissues is either absent or reduced, but those associated with ventral tissues display expanded domains of expression. Dorsoventral organization of the mid- and hindbrain and the anterior-posterior pattern of the neural tube are not affected. In the Twist(-/-) embryo, neural crest cells stray from the subectodermal migratory path and the late-migrating subpopulation invades the cell-free zone separating streams of cells going to the first and second branchial arches. Cell transplantation studies reveal that Twist activity is required in the cranial mesenchyme for directing the migration of the neural crest cells, as well as in the neural crest cells within the first branchial arch to achieve correct localization. Twist is also required for the proper differentiation of the first arch tissues into bone, muscle, and teeth.  相似文献   

In this review article I explore the suitability of human epidermal neural crest stem cells (hEPI‐NCSC) for translational medicine. hEPI‐NCSC are multipotent somatic stem cells that are derived from the embryonic neural crest. hEPI‐NCSC are located in the bulge of hair follicles where they persist postnatally and into adulthood. Because of their location in the hairy skin and their migratory behavior, hEPI‐NCSC can be easily isolated as a highly pure population of stem cells without the need for purification. Furthermore they can be expanded ex vivo into millions of stem cells, they do not form tumors in vivo, and they can undergo directed differentiation into crest and noncrest‐derived cell types of clinical relevance. Taken together, these characteristics make hEPI‐NCSC attractive candidates for cell‐based therapies, drug discovery, and disease modeling. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:221–226, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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