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Due to shortcomings of conventional hearing aid technology, such as unsatisfactory sound quality due to limited frequency range and undesired distortion, occlusion of the outer ear canal, and acoustic feedback with high amplification, but also psychological aspects of stigmatization, a significant of patients in need of hearing aids are actually not wearing them. Active hearing implants can be distinguished in: (1) impedance transformation implants (ITI), (2) cochlear amplifier implants (CAI), (3) cochlear implants (CI), and (4) brain stem implants (BSI). Whereas ITI are designed for patients with middle ear hearing loss, CAI are intended to restore hearing in patients with inner ear hearing loss. Advantages of CAI may be: (1) improved sound fidelity, (2) no occlusion of the outer ear canal, (3) no feedback, and (4) invisibility. However, not all features are true for every device. CI replace inner ear function in deaf or almost deaf patients. This article gives an overview on the range of active hearing implants to restore hearing and outlines the future use of computer and robot aided surgery.  相似文献   

A sustained effort in biochemical, biophysical and physiological research is devoted to the characterization of the transfer of ions and molecules between biological membranes and their aqueous environment. The transported molecules include compounds with substantial structural and physico-chemical differences. It is widely assumed that the biological activity of these compounds arises as a result of binding to active sites in membrane-bound proteins, while the lipid background is considered to play a more passive role. In the simple, symmetric, four-state carrier model for transport of a single solute, transport is down the concentration gradient of that solute. However, a simple modification of this model results in transport up the solute concentration gradient.  相似文献   

The antennal hearing organs of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster boost their sensitivity by an active mechanical process that, analogous to the cochlear amplifier of vertebrates, resides in the motility of mechanosensory cells. This process nonlinearly improves the sensitivity of hearing and occasionally gives rise to self-sustained oscillations in the absence of sound. Time series analysis of self-sustained oscillations now unveils that the underlying dynamical system is well described by a generalization of the van-der-Pol oscillator. From the dynamic equations, the underlying amplification dynamics can explicitly be derived. According to the model, oscillations emerge from a combination of negative damping, which reflects active amplification, and a nonlinear restoring force that dictates the amplitude of the oscillations. Hence, active amplification in fly hearing seems to rely on the negative damping mechanism initially proposed for the cochlear amplifier of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, significant progress has been made in the understanding of the hearing mechanism. The identification of genes involved in deafness has begun and is now progressing rapidly. To date, at least 36 genes are known and exploration of their functions has already begun. Indeed, cloning deafness genes is only the first step towards the understanding of the hearing process.  相似文献   

Data from literature related to nonlinearities of the peripheral part of the hearing system are collected and extended by results from measurements of acoustical responses, masking, cubic difference tones and Zwicker tones. The data indicate 40 dB as a significant value for the dynamic range in neurophysiology as well as for the sensation level in psychoacoustics dividing the total level range into two areas of different characteristics. A preliminary model assuming that the outer hair cells act as an amplifier which contains saturation (corresponding to 40 dB) and feed back to sensitize the inner hair cells is used to describe the measured effects at least qualitatively.  相似文献   

The homotrimeric copper-containing nitrite reductase (NiR) contains one type-1 and one type-2 copper center per monomer. Electrons enter through the type-1 site and are shuttled to the type-2 site where nitrite is reduced to nitric oxide. To investigate the catalytic mechanism of NiR the effects of pH and nitrite on the turnover rate in the presence of three different electron donors at saturating concentrations were measured. The activity of NiR was also measured electrochemically by exploiting direct electron transfer to the enzyme immobilized on a graphite rotating disk electrode. In all cases, the steady-state kinetics fitted excellently to a random-sequential mechanism in which electron transfer from the type-1 to the type-2 site is rate-limiting. At low [NO(-)(2)] reduction of the type-2 site precedes nitrite binding, at high [NO(-)(2)] the reverse occurs. Below pH 6.5, the catalytic activity diminished at higher nitrite concentrations, in agreement with electron transfer being slower to the nitrite-bound type-2 site than to the water-bound type-2 site. Above pH 6.5, substrate activation is observed, in agreement with electron transfer to the nitrite-bound type-2 site being faster than electron transfer to the hydroxyl-bound type-2 site. To study the effect of slower electron transfer between the type-1 and type-2 site, NiR M150T was used. It has a type-1 site with a 125-mV higher midpoint potential and a 0.3-eV higher reorganization energy leading to an approximately 50-fold slower intramolecular electron transfer to the type-2 site. The results confirm that NiR employs a random-sequential mechanism.  相似文献   

Swim bladder extensions and hearing ability were examined in the temperate reef fish Polyprion oxygeneios (hapuka). Using the auditory evoked potential (AEP) technique, hearing thresholds were determined in four age-classes of hapuka, from larvae to juveniles. The youngest age-class had poor hearing abilities, with lowest thresholds of 132 dB re 1 μPa, and a narrow auditory bandwidth (100–800 Hz). Hearing ability improved significantly throughout the remainder of their first year, including decreases in thresholds of up to 27 dB, and an increase in auditory bandwidth (up to 1,000 Hz). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to investigate structural mechanisms that may account for this ontogenetic improvement in hearing. These showed rostral extensions of the swim bladder developing early in the juvenile stage, and extending with increasing age closer to the otic capsule. It is suggested that this indirect connection between the swim bladder and the otic capsule could impart pressure sensitivity closer to the inner ear, accounting for the increase in sensitivity seen during development, although further investigation of older fish is required for conclusive evidence. The improvement in hearing ability in hapuka could be potentially related to a unique life history of extended pelagic durations up to 4 years.  相似文献   

A geometrically constrained enzyme system is presented which is capable of driving a substance, which acts as a coenzyme to one of the enzymes of the system, against a concentration gradient. The energy for the process would be derived from the breakdown of the substrate for the enzyme-coenzyme system. If auxin-like substances act in the manner of a coenzyme in plants, then the mechanism presented might serve as a model to explain the polar transport of such substances in plants.  相似文献   

I S Krishnan  R D Dua 《FEBS letters》1985,185(2):267-271
Preliminary chemical modification studies indicated the presence of tyrosine, carboxyl, arginine, histidine and the absence of serine and sulfhydryl residues at or near the active site of Clostridium pasteurianum glutamine synthetase. The conditions for tyrosine modification with tetranitromethane were optimized. The inactivation kinetics follow pseudo-first-order kinetics with respect to enzyme and second order with respect to modifier per active site. There was no inactivation at pH 6.5 suggesting the absence of thiol oxidation. The synthetase and transferase reactions followed the same pattern of inactivation on enzyme modification and both were equally protected by glutamate plus ATP. Thus tyrosine residues are present at the active site of the enzyme and are essential for both transferase and synthetase activities.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli UvrD protein is a 3' to 5' SF1 helicase required for DNA repair as well as DNA replication of certain plasmids. We have shown previously that UvrD can self-associate to form dimers and tetramers in the absence of DNA, but that a UvrD dimer is required to form an active helicase-DNA complex in vitro. Here we have used pre-steady state, chemical quenched flow methods to examine the kinetic mechanism for formation of the active, dimeric helicase-DNA complex. Experiments were designed to examine the steps leading to formation of the active complex, separate from the subsequent DNA unwinding steps. The results show that the active dimeric complex can form via two pathways. The first, faster path involves direct binding to the DNA substrate of a pre-assembled UvrD dimer (dimer path), whereas the second, slower path proceeds via sequential binding to the DNA substrate of two UvrD monomers (monomer path), which then assemble on the DNA to form the dimeric helicase. The rate-limiting step within the monomer pathway involves dimer assembly on the DNA. These results show that UvrD dimers that pre-assemble in the absence of DNA are intermediates along the pathway to formation of the functional dimeric UvrD helicase.  相似文献   

Apoptotic defects endow tumor cells with survival advantages. Such defects allow the cellular stress response to take the path of cytoprotective autophagy, which either precedes or effectively blocks an apoptotic cascade. Inhibition of the cytoprotective autophagic response shifts the cells toward apoptosis, by interfering with an underlying molecular mechanism of cytoprotection. The current study has identified such a mechanism that is centered on the regulation of caspase-8 activity. The study took advantage of Bax-/- Hct116 cells that are TRAIL-resistant despite significant DISC processing of caspase-8, and of the availability of a caspase-8-specific antibody that exclusively detects the caspase-8 large subunit or its processed precursor. Utilizing these biological tools, we investigated the expression pattern and subcellular localization of active caspase-8 in TRAIL-mediated autophagy and in the autophagy-to-apoptosis shift upon autophagy inhibition. Our results suggest that the TRAIL-mediated autophagic response counter-balances the TRAIL-mediated apoptotic response by the continuous sequestration of the large caspase-8 subunit in autophagosomes and its subsequent elimination in lysosomes. The current findings are the first to provide evidence for regulation of caspase activity by autophagy and thus broaden the molecular basis for the observed polarization between autophagy and apoptosis.Key words: apoptosis, autophagy, caspase-8, lysosome, TRAIL  相似文献   

为研究臭椿酮(Ailanthone,AIL)诱导人黑色素瘤A375细胞凋亡的作用及作用机制,以人黑色素瘤A375细胞为研究对象,采用MTT法测定AIL对人黑色素瘤A375细胞生长增殖的抑制作用。用倒置相差显微镜观察AIL对A375细胞形态的影响,用荧光倒置显微镜观察Hoechst33258染色后AIL对A375细胞核的影响,用AnnexinV-FITC/PI双染法检测AIL诱导A375细胞凋亡的作用,用分光光度法检测caspase-3和caspase-9的活性,Westernblot检测p-PI3Kβ(Ser1070),PI3Kβ,p-Akt(Ser473)和Akt蛋白表达水平的变化,接着用PI3K抑制剂LY294002进行干预,进一步验证AIL对PI3K/Akt信号通路及细胞凋亡的影响。实验结果表明,AIL能够明显抑制A375细胞增殖,使A375细胞数目变少、附着力和透光性减弱,AIL能够诱导A375细胞凋亡,使其细胞核染色质发生固缩并呈现高亮,且使A375细胞早期及晚期凋亡率均增加,AIL作用后能够使caspase-3和caspase-9活性增加,AIL能够抑制PI3K和Akt蛋白磷酸化,从而使PI3K/Akt信号通路失活。较AIL单独作用,AIL和LY294002共同作用后对PI3K和Akt蛋白磷酸化的抑制作用增强且诱导凋亡作用增加,进一步说明AIL通过失活PI3K/Akt信号通路来诱导A375细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

Summary The origin of the molecular asymmetry of biological systems has been speculated upon extensively, and has been the object of numerous inconclusive experimental studies. That circularly polarized light (CPL) might have been the cause of this asymmetry was suggested in 1874 (van't Hoff 1897; Le Bel 1874). During the daylight morning (AM) there is a significant component of left (L) CPL in skylight, which reverses to right (R) CPL in the afternoon (PM) (Wolstencroft 1985). The rates or photochemical reactions of LCPL and RCPL are different for the R (right) and S (left) forms of chiral molecules (Flores et al. 1977). At sunset the ambient temperature at the surface of the earth is approximately 10°C higher than at sunrise. Most chemical reactions proceed faster at higher temperatures and for each 10°C rise in temperature chemical reaction rates increase by a factor of 1.8–4.1 (Taylor 1925). It is proposed that the combination of these four factors, LCPL in the AM compared to the RCPL in the PM, the different rates of photochemical reaction of the R and the S forms of an R-S racemic mixture with RCPL (and LCPL), the higher PM temperature, and the faster reaction rates in the PM could lead to a substantial deviation from equality in the degradation and formation of R and S enantiomeric forms of chiral molecules.  相似文献   

A mechanism for repressor action   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  

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