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Sun L  Kim YJ  Sun J 《Biometrics》2004,60(3):637-643
Doubly censored failure time data arise when the survival time of interest is the elapsed time between two related events and observations on occurrences of both events could be censored. Regression analysis of doubly censored data has recently attracted considerable attention and for this a few methods have been proposed (Kim et al., 1993, Biometrics 49, 13-22; Sun et al., 1999, Biometrics 55, 909-914; Pan, 2001, Biometrics 57, 1245-1250). However, all of the methods are based on the proportional hazards model and it is well known that the proportional hazards model may not fit failure time data well sometimes. This article investigates regression analysis of such data using the additive hazards model and an estimating equation approach is proposed for inference about regression parameters of interest. The proposed method can be easily implemented and the properties of the proposed estimates of regression parameters are established. The method is applied to a set of doubly censored data from an AIDS cohort study.  相似文献   

Kim YJ 《Biometrics》2006,62(2):458-464
In doubly censored failure time data, the survival time of interest is defined as the elapsed time between an initial event and a subsequent event, and the occurrences of both events cannot be observed exactly. Instead, only right- or interval-censored observations on the occurrence times are available. For the analysis of such data, a number of methods have been proposed under the assumption that the survival time of interest is independent of the occurrence time of the initial event. This article investigates a different situation where the independence may not be true with the focus on regression analysis of doubly censored data. Cox frailty models are applied to describe the effects of covariates and an EM algorithm is developed for estimation. Simulation studies are performed to investigate finite sample properties of the proposed method and an illustrative example from an acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) cohort study is provided.  相似文献   

Regression with censored data   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
MILLER  RUPERT; HALPERN  JERRY 《Biometrika》1982,69(3):521-531

Semiparametric analysis of transformation models with censored data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

GOETGHEBEUR  ELS; RYAN  LOUISE 《Biometrika》1995,82(4):821-833
We propose a method to analyse competing risks survival datawhen failure types are missing for some individuals. Our approachis based on a standard proportional hazards structure for eachof the failure types, and involves the solution to estimatingequations. We present consistent and asymptotically normal estimatorsof the regression coefficients and related score tests. An appealingfeature is that individuals with known failure types make thesame contributions as they would to a standard proportionalhazards analysis. Contributions of individuals with unknownfailure types are weighted according to the probability thatthey failed from the cause of interest. Efficiency and robustnessare discussed. Results are illustrated with data from a breastcancer trial.  相似文献   

Mahé C  Chevret S 《Biometrics》1999,55(4):1078-1084
Multivariate failure time data are frequently encountered in longitudinal studies when subjects may experience several events or when there is a grouping of individuals into a cluster. To take into account the dependence of the failure times within the unit (the individual or the cluster) as well as censoring, two multivariate generalizations of the Cox proportional hazards model are commonly used. The marginal hazard model is used when the purpose is to estimate mean regression parameters, while the frailty model is retained when the purpose is to assess the degree of dependence within the unit. We propose a new approach based on the combination of the two aforementioned models to estimate both these quantities. This two-step estimation procedure is quicker and more simple to implement than the EM algorithm used in frailty models estimation. Simulation results are provided to illustrate robustness, consistency, and large-sample properties of estimators. Finally, this method is exemplified on a diabetic retinopathy study in order to assess the effect of photocoagulation in delaying the onset of blindness as well as the dependence between the two eyes blindness times of a patient.  相似文献   

Case-cohort designs and analysis for clustered failure time data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lu SE  Shih JH 《Biometrics》2006,62(4):1138-1148
Case-cohort design is an efficient and economical design to study risk factors for infrequent disease in a large cohort. It involves the collection of covariate data from all failures ascertained throughout the entire cohort, and from the members of a random subcohort selected at the onset of follow-up. In the literature, the case-cohort design has been extensively studied, but was exclusively considered for univariate failure time data. In this article, we propose case-cohort designs adapted to multivariate failure time data. An estimation procedure with the independence working model approach is used to estimate the regression parameters in the marginal proportional hazards model, where the correlation structure between individuals within a cluster is left unspecified. Statistical properties of the proposed estimators are developed. The performance of the proposed estimators and comparisons of statistical efficiencies are investigated with simulation studies. A data example from the Translating Research into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) study is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Clustered interval‐censored data commonly arise in many studies of biomedical research where the failure time of interest is subject to interval‐censoring and subjects are correlated for being in the same cluster. A new semiparametric frailty probit regression model is proposed to study covariate effects on the failure time by accounting for the intracluster dependence. Under the proposed normal frailty probit model, the marginal distribution of the failure time is a semiparametric probit model, the regression parameters can be interpreted as both the conditional covariate effects given frailty and the marginal covariate effects up to a multiplicative constant, and the intracluster association can be summarized by two nonparametric measures in simple and explicit form. A fully Bayesian estimation approach is developed based on the use of monotone splines for the unknown nondecreasing function and a data augmentation using normal latent variables. The proposed Gibbs sampler is straightforward to implement since all unknowns have standard form in their full conditional distributions. The proposed method performs very well in estimating the regression parameters as well as the intracluster association, and the method is robust to frailty distribution misspecifications as shown in our simulation studies. Two real‐life data sets are analyzed for illustration.  相似文献   

Semiparametric regression analysis for clustered failure time data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cai  T.; Wei  L. J.; Wilcox  M. 《Biometrika》2000,87(4):867-878

Summary .   We consider methods for estimating the effect of a covariate on a disease onset distribution when the observed data structure consists of right-censored data on diagnosis times and current status data on onset times amongst individuals who have not yet been diagnosed. Dunson and Baird (2001, Biometrics 57, 306–403) approached this problem using maximum likelihood, under the assumption that the ratio of the diagnosis and onset distributions is monotonic nondecreasing. As an alternative, we propose a two-step estimator, an extension of the approach of van der Laan, Jewell, and Petersen (1997, Biometrika 84, 539–554) in the single sample setting, which is computationally much simpler and requires no assumptions on this ratio. A simulation study is performed comparing estimates obtained from these two approaches, as well as that from a standard current status analysis that ignores diagnosis data. Results indicate that the Dunson and Baird estimator outperforms the two-step estimator when the monotonicity assumption holds, but the reverse is true when the assumption fails. The simple current status estimator loses only a small amount of precision in comparison to the two-step procedure but requires monitoring time information for all individuals. In the data that motivated this work, a study of uterine fibroids and chemical exposure to dioxin, the monotonicity assumption is seen to fail. Here, the two-step and current status estimators both show no significant association between the level of dioxin exposure and the hazard for onset of uterine fibroids; the two-step estimator of the relative hazard associated with increasing levels of exposure has the least estimated variance amongst the three estimators considered.  相似文献   

This paper discusses multivariate interval-censored failure time data that occur when there exist several correlated survival times of interest and only interval-censored data are available for each survival time. Such data occur in many fields. One is tumorigenicity experiments, which usually concern different types of tumors, tumors occurring in different locations of animals, or together. For regression analysis of such data, we develop a marginal inference approach using the additive hazards model and apply it to a set of bivariate interval-censored data arising from a tumorigenicity experiment. Simulation studies are conducted for the evaluation of the presented approach and suggest that the approach performs well for practical situations.  相似文献   

On the linear transformation model for censored data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FINE  J. P.; YING  Z.; WEI  L. G. 《Biometrika》1998,85(4):980-986

Approximate methods using ranks for regression with censored data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PEITITT  A. N. 《Biometrika》1983,70(1):121-132

In clinical trials of chronic diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, cancer, or cardiovascular diseases, the concept of quality-adjusted lifetime (QAL) has received more and more attention. In this paper, we consider the problem of how the covariates affect the mean QAL when the data are subject to right censoring. We allow a very general form for the mean model as a function of covariates. Using the idea of inverse probability weighting, we first construct a simple weighted estimating equation for the parameters in our mean model. We then find the form of the most efficient estimating equation, which yields the most efficient estimator for the regression parameters. Since the most efficient estimator depends on the distribution of the health history processes, and thus cannot be estimated nonparametrically, we consider different approaches for improving the efficiency of the simple weighted estimating equation using observed data. The applicability of these methods is demonstrated by both simulation experiments and a data example from a breast cancer clinical trial study.  相似文献   

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