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花的衰老与切花保鲜   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
花的衰老与切花保鲜李宪章(中国科学院植物研究所北京100044)FLOWERSENESCENCEANDPRESERVATIONOFCUTFLOWERS¥LiXian-zhang(InstituteofBotany,AcademiaSinica,Bei...  相似文献   

乙烯在切花衰老中的作用(综述)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
切花衰老是基因表达激活和蛋白质合成受到高度调控的过程。切花衰老所伴随的生理生化变化包括水解酶活性上升、大分子物质降解、呼吸作用增强和类似呼吸跃变的乙烯合成剧增等。乙烯的生成及其作用是切花衰老研究中十分重要的内容。本文综述乙烯在切花衰老过程中调控作用的研究现状。  相似文献   

鸢尾切花保鲜的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对影响切花保鲜的pH值、切口处理、糖分、细菌数等的实验研究,初步探讨了不同配方保鲜剂对鸢尾切花保鲜的影响。  相似文献   

鲜切花保鲜相关调控基因研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对切花保鲜相关调控基因:ACC氧化酶基因(CAO),ACC合成酶基因(ACS),ert-1基因和切花保鲜相关调控因子;乙醇、乙醛、DPSS和钴等做一综述。  相似文献   

用不同浓度ZnCl2溶液处理月季切花,以0.01%浓度保鲜效果最好,能延长切花瓶插寿命3d;同时,ZnCl2处理可使月季切花花枝硬挺,提高观赏价值。  相似文献   

含矮壮素的保鲜剂对非洲菊切花衰老的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
含矮壮素的保鲜剂能增加非洲菊切花瓶插衰老过程中SOD、CAT、POD的活性,削弱MDA含量的增加和的O-2生成速率,减少蛋白质的降解,降低脯氨酸含量和水分散失,维持膜结构的相对稳定性,延长切花瓶插寿命4 d左右.  相似文献   

1-MCP对东方百合开放与衰老的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以东方系列百合(Lilium spp.)‘西伯利亚’品种为材料,研究了1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)对百合切花质膜透性、乙烯释放量、丙二醛含量、可溶性蛋白质含量等生理指标的影响。结果表明:1-MCP可延缓百合切花花瓣质膜相对透性的增加,延长百合切花瓶插寿命;降低百合花瓣乙烯释放量,推迟乙烯峰的出现;降低百合花瓣丙二醛含量,对可溶性蛋白含量的变化无明显影响。本研究结果说明1-MCP对东方百合切花的保鲜有一定效果,确定了1-MCP处理东方百合的最佳使用浓度为0.01μL/L。  相似文献   

烯效唑(S-3307)对非洲菊切花保鲜的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以非洲菊(GerberajamesoniiBolus)切花为材料,以保鲜基本液(BP,20gL-1蔗糖 200mgL-1柠檬酸 150mgL-18-羟基喹啉柠檬酸盐)和添加30mgL-1烯效唑(S-3307)的基本液(BP S-3307)作对比实验,通过对切花外部形态观察和切花衰老过程中一些生理生化指标测定,探讨了S-3307对非洲菊切花的保鲜效果。结果表明,S-3307处理使切花的瓶插寿命比对照(蒸馏水)延长了4.3d,比BP处理延长了2.3d,而弯颈率分别仅为对照和BP处理的9.6%和28.8%。说明S-3307可增强切花的吸水能力,增加花枝的鲜重,延缓了切花花瓣中蛋白质的降解和抗氧化酶SOD和CAT活性的下降,并减少了游离脯氨酸和MDA的积累,维持膜结构的相对稳定性,从而延缓了非洲菊切花的衰老和提高了切花瓶插期间的观赏品质。  相似文献   

三唑酮对玫瑰切花衰老指标的影响(简报)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
三唑酮处理的玫瑰切花MDA含量降低,POD活性维持在较高水平,蛋白质含量提高,SOD活性变化不大。表明三唑酮可以延缓脂膜过氧化,降低膜的透过性,具有延缓玫瑰切花衰老的作用。  相似文献   

不同保鲜液对郁金香切花保鲜及其贮藏的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

月季切花瓶插过程中,内源腐胺在前2天略有增加,内源亚精胺、精胺、多胺总量则呈下降趋势,乙烯释放速率在第3天达到最高峰;多胺抑制剂甲基乙醛-双咪腙处理抑制了亚精胺、精胺的合成,增加了乙烯的释放速率;乙烯抑制剂氨氧乙酸处理推迟腐胺高峰的到来,降低了乙烯的释放速率,而且在瓶插期的前2天内源亚精胺、精胺含量较高。结果表明,具乙烯跃变型特征的月季切花衰老过程中,多胺与乙烯在其生物合成过程中相互竞争S-腺苷甲硫氨酸作为其合成的前体。  相似文献   

四种鲜切花保鲜剂的筛选   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文研究了四种鲜切花(唐菖蒲、月季、康乃馨和鹤望兰)的保鲜剂配方,观测各种保鲜剂对切花外观品质和瓶插寿命的影响,从中筛选出各种鲜切花的较佳保鲜剂,并讨论了组成保鲜剂配方的各种成分(糖、杀菌剂、有机酸、无机盐、乙烯抑制剂和拮抗剂以及植物生长调节剂)的作用。  相似文献   

The effects of low temperature storage on the physiology of cut rose flowers ( Rosa hybridaL. cv. Mercedes) were studied. Extension of cold storage or increase in temperature (from 3 to 8°C) was accompanied by shortening of vase life and advancement of petal senescence, as reflected in an advance in the timing of the rise in ethylene production and an increase in membrane permeability (ion leakage). Although storage at a relative humidity (RH) of 65% reduced petal water content by 20% in comparison with flowers stored at 95% RH, it did not shorten vase life. The progression of petal senescence was measured during storage at 3°C and during aging at 22°C. Both ethylene production rates and membrane microviscosity measured by fluorescence depolarization increased with time at 3°C and at 22°C, but more slowly at 3°C. At 3°C membrane permeability measured by ion leakage did not increase. Following cold storage the rate of ethylene production in the petals was increased by up to eight times the rate in unstored flowers. Silver thiosulphate extended the vase life of both stored and fresh flowers equally by 2 days, but did not increase the life of stored flowers to that of treated fresh flowers. It is concluded that the primary effect of cold storage on roses is to slow down senescence and that the continued slow senescence leads to shorter vase life. The possible occurrence of sequential processes during senescence and the effects of temperature on these processes is discussed.  相似文献   

不同保鲜剂对非洲菊切花的保鲜效应   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
探讨不同保鲜剂对非洲菊切花的瓶插寿命、观赏品质以及生理生化指标的影响。结果表明,在供试7组保鲜剂中,以处理7(T7):20g/L Suc+200mg/L 8-HQC+150mg/L CA+75 mg/L KH2PO4·3H2O+1g/L CaCl2的保鲜效果最佳,可显著延长非洲菊切花瓶插寿命;T7处理有利于减缓花瓣组织pH上升、花青素含量下降及花瓣细胞膜相对透性的上升,从而延长瓶插寿命。  相似文献   

Dihydrozeatin, at 4×10–5 M, delayed the senescence of carnation flowers while tZ, at the same concentration, accelerated it. cis-Zeatin was ineffective. The DHZ derivatives as well as the Z derivatives gave responses very similar to those observed for the parent free bases. While additional experimentation with radiolabelled derivatives is clearly called for, the similarity between the responses observed for the respective derivatives and the free bases, suggests that in the carnation flower there is a great deal of metabolic interconversion.Abbreviations DHZ dihydrozeatin - DHZR ribosyldihydrozeatin - DHZOG glucosyl-O-dihydrozeatin - DHZ9G glucosyl-9-dihydrozeatin - DHZROG glucosyl-O-ribosyldihydrozeatin - cZ cis-zeatin - tZ trans-zeatin - ZR ribosylzeatin - Z9G glucosyl-9-zeatin - ZOG glucosyl-O-zeatin - ZROG glucosyl-O-ribosylzeatin  相似文献   

长安麦饭石在月季切花上的保鲜效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在40g/L蔗糖+50mg/L SA 100mg/L Vc的保鲜液中,加入37μS/cm的长安麦饭石(CHMS),能更好的保持月季切花较高的吸水能力,增强切花花朵膜损伤修复能力,增大花朵开放直径,增加盛开前花枝的鲜重,提高切花瓶插期的观赏品质,延长瓶插寿命。本试验也证明了水杨酸(SA)与8-羟基喹啉(8-HQ)对月季切花有相似的保鲜效果。  相似文献   

月季切花衰老过程中多胺与膜脂过氧化的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以月季切花为材料,研究了月季切花瓶插过程中多胺含量的变化,外源多胺处理对月季药花体内多胺含量的影响以及多胺与膜脂过氧化的关系。结果表明,月季切花瓶插衰老过程中腐胺在前2d略有增加,亚精胺和精胺均呈下降趋势;外源亚精胺和精胺处理均能增加切花体内多胺含量,并能延缓切花衰老和改善切花品质;且亚精胺和精胺处理降低了MDA含量的积累和膜相对透性的上升趋势。  相似文献   

Visible symptoms of tepal senescence in cut Iris x hollandica (cv. Blue Magic) flowers were delayed by placing one cut daffodil flower (Narcissus pseudonarcissus, cv. Carlton) in the same vase. Addition of mucilage, exuded by daffodil stems, to the vase water had the same effect as the flowering daffodil stem. The active compound in the mucilage was identified as narciclasine (using LC/MS, GC/MS, 1H and 13C-NMR, and comparison with an authentic sample of narciclasine). The delay of senescence, either by mucilage or purified narciclasine, was correlated with a delayed increase in protease activity, and with a considerable reduction of maximum protease activity. Narciclasine did not affect in vitro protease activity, but is known to inhibit protein synthesis at the ribosomal level. Its effects on senescence and protease activity were similar to those of cycloheximide (CHX), another inhibitor of protein synthesis, but the effective narciclasine concentration was about 100 times lower than that of CHX. It is concluded that the delay of Iris tepal senescence by daffodil stems is due to narciclasine in daffodil mucilage, which apparently inhibits the synthesis of proteins involved in senescence.  相似文献   

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