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The conformations of all the nucleotides in the hexamer d(CGTACG)2 have been determined using time-dependent one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs) and the program NUCFIT (see previous article). The glycosidic torsion angles are well determined, the fraction of the C2' endo state for the sugar puckers is less well determined, and the pseudorotation phase angle is poorly determined by the NOEs. The average glycosidic torsion angle is -107 +/- 9 degrees, and the deoxyriboses of the purine residues have a higher fraction of the C2' endo state than those of the pyrimidine residues. There is good agreement between the one- and two-dimensional NOE data. Of the helical parameters, the local rise and twist are moderately well determined, but the roll and tilt of the bases are not well described. The overall structure belongs to the B family of conformations, as previously described by Gronenborn et al. (Biochem. J. (1984) 221, 723-736), but there are significant differences which can be ascribed to the improved treatment of the spin-diffusion and motional averaging possible with the program NUCFIT. The results obtained using NUCFIT are compared with those from restrained energy minimisation calculations using distance restraints obtained from NUCFIT.  相似文献   

The determination of the solution structure of two self-complementary oligomers d(ATGACGTCAT)2 (CG10) and d(GAAAACGTTTTC)2 (CG12), both containing the 5'-pur-ACGT-pyr-3' sequence, is reported. The impact of the base context on the conformation of the central CpG site has been examined by a combined approach of: (a) 2D 1H-NMR and 31P-NMR; (b) molecular mechanics under experimental constraints; (c) back-calculations of NOESY spectra and iterative refinements of distances; and (d) 3D-homology search of the central tetrad ACGT within the complete oligonucleotides. A full NMR study of each fragment is achieved by means of standard 2D experiments: NOESY, 2D homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy, double-quantum-filtered COSY and heteronuclear 1H-31P correlation. Sugar phase angle, epsilon-zeta difference angle and NOE-derived distances are input as experimental constraints to generate molecular models by energy minimization with the help of jumna. The morass program is used to iteratively refine the structures obtained. The similarity of the two ACGTs within the whole oligonucleotides is investigated. Both the decamer and the dodecamer adopt a B-like DNA conformation. However, the helical parameters within this conformational type are significantly different in CG12 and CG10. The central CpG step conformation is not locked by its nearest environment (5'A and 3'T) as seen from the structural analysis of ACGT in the two molecules. In CG12, despite the presence of runs of A-T pairs, CpG presents a high twist of 43 degrees and a sugar phase at the guanine of about 180 degrees, previously observed in other ACGT-containing-oligomers. Conversely, ACGT in CG10 exhibits strong inclinations, positive rolls, a flat profile of sugar phase, twist and glycosidic angles, as a result of the nucleotide sequence extending beyond the tetrad. The structural specificity of CG10 and its flexibility (as reflected by its energy) are tentatively related to the process of recognition of the cyclic AMP response element by its cognate protein.  相似文献   

Hydration of the RNA duplex r(CGCAAAUUUGCG)2 determined by NMR.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
M R Conte  G L Conn  T Brown    A N Lane 《Nucleic acids research》1996,24(19):3693-3699
The so-called spine of hydration in the minor groove of AnTn tracts in DNA is thought to stabilise the structure, and kinetically bound water detected in the minor groove of such DNA species by NMR has been attributed to a narrow minor groove [Liepinsh, E., Leupin, W. and Otting, G. (1994) Nucleic Acids Res. 22, 2249-2254]. We report here an NMR study of hydration of an RNA dodecamer which has a wide, shallow minor groove. Complete assignments of exchangeable protons, and a large number of non-exchangeable protons in r(CGCAAAUUUGCG)2 have been obtained. In addition, ribose C2'-OH resonances have been detected, which are probably involved in hydrogen bonds. Hydration at different sites in the dodecamer has been measured using ROESY and NOESY experiments at 11.75 and 14.1 T. Base protons in both the major and minor grooves are in contact with water, with effective correlation times for the interaction of approximately 0.5 ns, indicating weak hydration, in contrast to the hydration of adenine C2H in the homologous DNA sequence. NOEs to H1' in the minor groove are consistent with hydration water present that is not observed in the analogous DNA sequence. Hydration kinetics in nucleic acids may be determined by chemical factors such as hydrogen-bonding more than by simple conformational factors such as groove width.  相似文献   

In studies of some sequence dependent structural factors and stabilizing effects of oligonucleotides the octanucleotide d(pG-A-T-C-T-T-T-T) was of particular interest in view of the presence of an endonuclease cleavage site. Its chemical synthesis is reported as well as the structural effects in CD spectral properties of the octanucleotide and of some related compounds.  相似文献   

Aureolic acid group compounds, such as chromomycin A3(CHM) and mithramycin (MIT), are known as antitumor drugs. Recently we isolated a novel aureolic acid group antitumor drug, UCH9, from Streptomyces sp. The chemical structure of UCH9 is unique in that mono- (A ring) and tetrasaccharide (B-E rings) segments and a longer hydrophobic sidechain are attached to the chromophore, while di- and trisaccharide segments and a methyl group are attached to it in the cases of CHM and MIT. It has been shown by two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis that the three drugs cause DNA unwinding, UCH9 causing less than the others. A photo-CIDNP experiment has revealed that UCH9 binds to the minor groove of DNA. The structure of the UCH9-d(TTGGCCAA)2 complex has been determined by 1H NMR and simulated annealing calculations. The obtained structure indicates that UCH9 binds as a dimer to the minor groove of d(TTGGCCAA)2, like CHM and MIT, but that the structural change in DNA induced on binding of UCH9 is moderate in comparison with those on binding of the other two drugs. It turns out that the dimer structure of UCH9, stabilized presumably through a hydrophobic interaction involving the A, D and E rings and the hydrophobic sidechain is different from that of CHM and thus DNA can interact with UCH9 in the minor groove with a moderate structural change.  相似文献   

Proton NMR studies at 500 MHz in aqueous solution were carried out on the G-G chelated deoxytrinucleosidediphosphate platinum complex cis-Pt(NH3)2[d(GpCpG], on the uncoordinated trinucleotide d(GpCpG) and on the constituent monomers cis-Pt(NH3)2[d(Gp)]2, cis-Pt(NH3)2[d(pG)]2, d(Gp), d(pCp) and d(pG). Complete NMR spectral assignments are given and chemical shifts and coupling constants are analysed to obtain an impression of the detailed structure of d(GpCpG) and the distortion of the structure due to chelation with [cis-Pt(NH3)2]2+. Platination of the guanosine monophosphates affects the sugar conformational equilibrium to favour the N conformation of the deoxyribose ring. This feature is also apparent in ribose mononucleotides and is possibly caused by an increased anomeric effect. In cis-Pt(NH3)2[d(pG)]2 the phase angle of pseudorotation of the S-type sugar ring is 20 degrees higher than in 'free' d(pG) which might be an indication for an ionic interaction between the positive platinum and the negatively charged phosphate. It appears that d(GpCpG) reverts from a predominantly random coil to a normal right-handed B-DNA-like single-helical structure at lower temperatures, whereas the conformational features of cis-Pt(NH3)2[d(GpCpG)] are largely temperature-independent. In the latter compound much conformational freedom along the backbone angles is seen. The cytosine protons and deoxyribose protons exhibit almost no shielding effect as should normally be exerted by the guanine bases in stacking positions. This is interpreted in terms of a 'turning away' of the cytosine residue from both chelating guanines. Conformational features of cis-Pt(NH3)2[d(GpCpG)[ are compared with the 'bulge-out' of the ribose-trinucleotide m6(2)ApUpm6(2)A.  相似文献   

In order to obtain insight into the repair mechanism of DNA containing thymine photo-dimer, the conformation of the duplex d(GCGTTGCG) x d(CGCAACGC) with a thymine dimer incorporated has been studied by proton NMR and the results are compared with NMR data of the parent octamer. Two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (2D NOE) spectroscopy and two-dimensional homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy have been applied to assign all the non-exchangeable base protons and most of the deoxyribose protons of both duplexes. From these experiments it is clear that indeed a cis-syn cyclobutane-type thymine photodimer is formed by the irradiation of this oligonucleotide with ultraviolet light. Comparison of 2D NOE spectra and the 1H chemical shifts of the damaged and the intact DNA duplexes reveals that formation of a thymine dimer induces small distortions of the B-DNA structure, the main conformational change occurring at the site of the thymine dimer.  相似文献   

Structural polymorphism is one of the important issues with regard to G-quadruplexes because the structural diversity may significantly affect their biological functions in vivo and their physical property in nano-material. A series of oligonucleotides with four repeat guanines sequence [d(G4Tn)3G4 (n = 1–6)] were designed. In this study, the effects of loop length on the formation of structures of G-quadruplex were investigated through the result of CD (circular dichroism) and 20% non-denatured polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our studies demonstrate that the length of loop in 100 mM KCl solution could predict the conformation of G-quadruplex.  相似文献   

S Ikuta  R Eritja  B E Kaplan  K Itakura 《Biochemistry》1987,26(18):5646-5650
One- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect experiments demonstrate that a single hydrogen bond between a T imino proton and purine N3 is sufficient to hold the base pair dPu.dT in d(CGPuAATTTCG) by a Watson-Crick fashion rather than a Hoogsteen type. In addition, the dPu.dT base pair is well stacked with neighboring base pairs. The spin-lattice relaxation measurements at 30 and 35 degrees C of two decamers, d(CGPuAATTTCG) and d(CGAAATTTCG), reveal that the elimination of two single hydrogen bonds of dA.dT base pairs (due to the substitution of adenine for purine) in the sequence results in an increase in the overall imino proton exchange rate from 7 to 36 s-1 at the site of mismatch.  相似文献   

M R Conte  G L Conn  T Brown    A N Lane 《Nucleic acids research》1997,25(13):2627-2634
The thermodynamic stability of nine dodecamers (four DNA and five RNA) of the same base composition has been compared by UV-melting. TheDeltaG of stabilisation were in the order: r(GACUGAUCAGUC)2>r(CGCAAATTTGCG)2 approximately r(CGCAUAUAUGCG)2>d(CGCAAATTTGCG)2 approximately r(CGCAAAUUUGCG)2>d(CGCATATATGCG)2 approximately d(GACTGATCAGTC)2>r(CGCUUUAAAGCG)2 approximately d(CGCTTTAAAGCG)2. Compared with the mixed sequences, both r(AAAUUU) and r(UUUAAA) are greatly destablising in RNA, whereas in DNA, d(TTTAAA) is destabilising but d(AAATTT) is stabilising, which has been attributed to the formation of a special B'structure involving large propeller twists of the A-T base pairs. The solution structure of the RNA dodecamer r(CGCAAAUUUGCG)2has been determined using NMR and restrained molecular dynamics calculations to assess the conformational reasons for its stability in comparison with d(CGCAAATTTGCG)2. The structures refined to a mean pairwise r.m.s.d. of 0.89+/-0.29 A. The nucleotide conformations are typical of the A family of structures. However, although the helix axis displacement is approximately 4.6 A into the major groove, the rise (3.0 A) and base inclination ( approximately 6 degrees ) are different from standard A form RNA. The extensive base-stacking found in the AAATTT tract of the DNA homologue that is largely responsible for the higher thermodynamic stability of the DNA duplex is reduced in the RNA structure, which may account for its low relative stability.  相似文献   

The self-complementary octamers d(CGCTAGCG) and d(CGaCTAGCG) (aC, arabinofuranosylcytidine) were studied by means of NMR spectroscopy. It is shown that d(CGaCTAGCG), under suitable conditions of oligonucleotide concentration, ionic strength and temperature, exclusively adopts a hairpin structure. However, under the same experimental conditions (5 mM DNA, no added salt, 295 K) d(CGCTAGCG) mainly adopts a B-DNA-type duplex. At lower temperatures (less than or equal to 290 K) the hairpin form of d(CGaCTAGCG) occurs in slow exchange with an intact B-DNA-type duplex. When the DNA concentration of d(CGCTAGCG) is dramatically reduced (less than or equal to 0.5 mM) the hairpin form becomes highly favoured at the expense of the dimer. Moreover, proton-chemical-shift considerations indicate that the structural features of the hairpin structure of d(CGCTAGCG) mimic, in part, those of the modified octamer d(CGaCTAGCG), i.e. a loop comprising only the two central residues with the thymine located into the minor groove (Pieters, J. M. L., de Vroom, E., van der Marel, G. A., van Boom, J. H., Koning, T. M. G., Kaptein, R. and Altona, C. unpublished results). Thermodynamic analysis of d(CGCTAGCG) yields an average Tmd value of 342 K (1 M DNA) and a delta Hod value of -266 kJ/mol for the dimer/coil transition and an average Tmh value of 321 K and delta Hoh - 102 kJ/mol for the hairpin/coil equilibrium. For the duplex/coil equilibrium of d(CGaCTAGCG) an average Tmd value of 336 K (1 M DNA) and delta Hod value of -253 kJ/mol are deduced. The hairpin/coil transition of d(CGaCTAGCG) is characterized by a delta Hoh value of -104 kJ/mol and an average Tmh value of 331 K. It is concluded that incorporation of an arabinofuranosylcytidine in the octamer d(CGaCTAGCG) results in stabilization of the hairpin form, whereas the dimer is destablized by two aC.dG base pairs.  相似文献   

Cyclo(1,5)-Ac-Pen-Arg-Gly-Asp-Cys-NH2 (3) is a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and restrained molecular dynamics were used to study the conformations of 3. Elucidation of RGD conformations in 3 will increase the understanding of interaction between the RGD-sequence with GPIIb/IIIa.  相似文献   

We have determined by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance studies and molecular mechanics calculations the three dimensional solution structure of the non-selfcomplementary oligonucleotide, d(GAGGAGGCACG). d(CGTGCGTCCTC) in which the central base pair is G.G. This is the first structural determination of a G.G mismatch in a oligonucleotide. Two dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectra show that the bases of the mismatched pair are stacked into the helix and that the helix adopts a classical B-DNA form. Spectra of the exchangeable protons show that the two guanosines are base paired via their imino protons. For the non-exchangeable protons and for some of the exchangeable protons nuclear Overhauser enhancement build up curves at short mixing times have been measured. These give 84 proton-proton distances which are sensitive to the helix conformation. One of the guanosines adopts a normal anti conformation while the other is syn or close to syn. All non-terminal sugars are C2' endo. These data sets were incorporated into the refinement of the oligonucleotide structure by molecular mechanics calculations. The G.G mismatch shows a symmetrical base pairing structure. Although the mismatch is very bulky many of its features are close to that of normal B-DNA. The mismatch induces a small lateral shift in the helix axis and the sum of the helical twist above and below the mismatch is close to that of B-DNA.  相似文献   

The conformational transition of the polypeptide chain elongation factor G (EF-G) induced by interaction with guanine nucleotide has been investigated by means of the spin-labeling technique. Various spin-label probes were attached specifically to the sulfhydryl group of the protein that is essential for binding to ribosomes, and the effects of these ligands on the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra were examined. It was found that the ESR spectra of EF-G labeled with nitroxide maleimide reagents were modified by the addition of various guanine nucleotides such as GDP, GTP and, to a lesser extent, by Gpp(NH)p and Gpp(CH2)p, indicating that conformational changes accompany the binding of nucleotide ligand. However, the ESR spectra of labeled EF-G-GDP and EF-G-GTP were almost identical. On the other hand, when EF-G was labeled with nitroxide iodoacetamide reagents, a clear difference in the ESR spectra of EF-G-GDP and EF-G-GTP derivatives was observed. In this case, the spectral shape of the spin-labeled EF-G in the presence of GTP or its analogs, Gpp(NH)p or Gpp(CH2)p, was quite similar to that of free, unliganded EF-G derivative. These results, together with those previously obtained using hydrophobic probes (Arai, Arai, & Kaziro (1975) J. Biochem. 78, 243-246) demonstrate the existence of an EF-G-guanine nucleotide binary complex. They also indicate that there is a substantial difference in conformation between free EF-G, EF-G-GDP, and EF-G-GTP near the active site essential for interaction with ribosomes.  相似文献   

A complete relaxation matrix approach employing a matrix eigenvalue/eigenvector solution to the Bloch equations is used to evaluate the NMR solution structure of a tandemly positioned G.A double mismatch decamer oligodeoxyribonucleotide duplex, d(CCAAGATTGG)2. An iterative refinement method using a hybrid relaxation matrix combined with restrained molecular dynamics calculations is shown to provide structures having good agreement with the experimentally derived structures. Distances incorporated into the MD simulations have been calculated from the relaxation rate matrix evaluated from a hybrid NOESY volume matrix whose elements are obtained from the merging of experimental and calculated NOESY intensities. Starting from both A- and B-DNA and mismatch syn and anti models, it is possible to calculate structures that are in good atomic RMS agreement with each other (less than 1.6 A RMS) but differ from the reported crystal structure (greater than 3.6 A). Importantly, the hybrid matrix derived structures are in excellent agreement with the experimental solution conformation as determined by comparison of the 200-ms simulated and experimental NOESY spectra, while the crystallographic data provide spectra that are grossly different.  相似文献   


Conformational studies on poly d(CGCGCGTTAATT) in solution by circular dichroism spectroscopy are reported. The polynucleotide exhibits B conformation in sodium chloride solution and on addition of NiCl2 a B-Z transition is observed. NiCl2 titrations carried out in the presence of 5M NaCl show a midpoint of transition at 2.25 mM NiCl2 and a complete (maximum conversion to Z form) transition at 16 mM NiCl2. In 60% alcohol the polynucleotide remains in B conformation. The polynucleotide isomerizes into ψ and A conformations in the presence of spermidine and spermine respectively. The thermodynamic parameters calculated from the melting profiles using a two state model show that the polynucleotide is almost equally stable in its B and Z conformations.  相似文献   

A Fede  A Labhardt  W Bannwarth  W Leupin 《Biochemistry》1991,30(48):11377-11388
We have investigated the interaction of the bisbenzimidazole derivative Hoechst 33258 with the self-complementary dodecadeoxynucleotide duplex d(GTGGAATTCCAC)2 using one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. To monitor the extent of complex formation, we used the imino proton region of the 1D 1H NMR spectra acquired in H2O solution. These spectra show that the DNA duplex loses its inherent C2v symmetry upon addition of the drug, indicating that the two molecules form a kinetically stable complex on the NMR time scale (the lifetime of the complex has been measured to be around 450 ms). We obtained sequence-specific assignments for all protons of the ligand and most protons of each separate strand of the oligonucleotide duplex using a variety of homonuclear 2D 1H NMR experiments. The aromatic protons of the DNA strands, which are symmetrically related in the free duplex, exhibit exchange cross peaks in the complex. This indicates that the drug binds in two equivalent sites on the 12-mer, with an exchange rate constant of 2.2 +/- 0.2 s-1. Twenty-five intermolecular NOEs were identified, all involving adenine 2 and sugar 1' protons of the DNA and protons in all four residues of the ligand, indicating that Hoechst 33258 is located in the minor groove at the AATT site. Only protons along the same edge of the two benzimidazole moieties of the drug show NOEs to DNA protons at the bottom of the minor groove. Using molecular mechanics, we have generated a unique model of the complex using distance constraints derived from the intermolecular NOEs. We present, however, evidence that the piperazine group may adopt at least two locally different conformations when the drug is bound to this dodecanucleotide.  相似文献   


The double helical structure of the self-complementary DNA-RNA-DNA hybrid d(CG)r(CG) d(CG) was studied in solution by 500 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The non-exchangeable base protons and the (deoxy)ribose H1′, H2′ and H2″ protons were unambiguously assigned using 2D-J-correlated (COSY) and 2D-NOE (NOESY) spectroscopy techniques. A general strategy for the sequential assignment of 1H-NMR spectra of (double) helical DNA and RNA fragments by means of 2D-NMR methods is presented.

Conformational analysis of the sugar rings of d(CG)r(CG)d(CG) at 300 K shows that the central ribonucleotide part of the helix adopts an A-type double helical conformation. The 5′- and 3′-terminal deoxyribose base pairs, however, take up the normal DNA-type conformation. The A-to-B transition in this molecule involves only one (deoxyribose) base pair. It is shown that this A-to-B conformational transition can only be accomodated by two specific sugar pucker combinations for the junction base pair, i.e. N·S (C3′-endo-C2′-endo, 60%, where the pucker given first is that assigned to the junction nucleotide residue of the strand running 5′ → 3′ from A-RNA to B-DNA) and S·S (C2′-endo-C2′-endo, 40%).  相似文献   


Supercoiling-induced structural transition of the d(C24GC21,) · d(G21CG24) sequence in plasmid DNA in the presence of Mg2+ at neutral pH results in alterations of efficiencies of not only single-quantum (pyrimidine[6–4]pyrimidone adducts) but also two-quantum (alkalisensitive lesions of dG residues) photomodifications of nucleoside residues within this sequence. The generation of both types of photoreactions was achieved by the application of high-intensity laser UV radiation (intensity ~ 1011 W/m2, pulse duration ~ 10?8 s, λ= 266 nm) for irradiation of a plasmid DNA The modification extent sufficient for analysis of photoreaction efficiency distributions along both strands of the insert (photofootprinting) was obtained by the action of a single nanosecond pulse of laser UV radiation. The pattern of a laser photofootprinting is consistent with the d(C) · d(G) · d(G) triplex formation in the presence of Mg2+ within the insert and shows some details of this triplex structure.  相似文献   

The binding of mithramycin A to d(ACCCGGGT)2 has been investigated by one- and two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy. Titration of the drug into the octamer solution results in loss of the oligonucleotide C2 symmetry at stoichiometric ratios less than 4 drug molecules per duplex. However, at a ratio of 4:1 (drug/duplex), the C2 symmetry of the oligonucleotide is restored. From these data it is evident that more than one complex forms at ratios less than 4:1 while only one complex predominates at the ratio 4:1. This is the first report of a DNA octamer which binds 4 large drug molecules. These results are compared to those we have recently reported for mithramycin binding to d(ATGCAT)2, where only a single, bound complex is observed, with a stoichiometry of 2:1.  相似文献   

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