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Summary Electron microscopy of ultra-thin sections of Hippophaë rhamnoides root nodules has been carried out in order to elucidate the nature of the endophyte. The organism is seen as a branching, septate filament approximately 0.6 microns in diameter bearing on its terminal ends spherical sub-divided vesicles 3–4 microns in diameter. In the mature nodule the vesicles are the most prominent endophyte form and appear to be formed by swelling of the hyphal tips. It is concluded that the endophyte is an actinomycete closely related to but not identical with that of Alnus glutinosa.  相似文献   

Summary The mature vesicle of the Hippophaë rhamnoides root nodule endophyte is spherical, approximately 3–4 m in diameter and exhibits a high degree of apparently random septation. Electron micrographs are presented which show that this vesicular form in the endophytic development within the host cell originates as a swelling of the hyphal tip. The young vesicle is non-septate and in general attains a minimum diameter of 3 m before septation becomes evident. The number of septa then increases with vesicle maturity.  相似文献   

Plants host multiple symbionts that interact with each other affecting plant performance and regulating their establishment. Here, we analyzed how the association with Epichloë endophytes affects belowground colonization by Dark Septate Endophytes (DSE) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the grass Bromus auleticus. Epichloë-symbiotic (E+) and Epichloë-non symbiotic (E−) plants were sampled from a long-term experimental plot and colonization structures were analyzed in the roots. We also examined the influence of Epichloë exudates on the in vitro growth of DSE Microdochium bolleyi isolated from roots. Epichloë symbiosis increased AMF colonization, although differences were not significant. Despite the lack of differences in total DSE colonization, in concordance with in vitro findings, a higher significant abundance of microsclerotia was observed in E+ plants. A negative correlation between total mycorrhizal and DSE was found. Our findings show a more uniform root colonization pattern in E+ plants, suggesting a root symbiosis modulating role.  相似文献   

Summary Roots with open apical organization are defined by not having specific tiers of initial cells in the root apical meristem; those with closed apical organization have specific initial tiers to which all cell files can be traced. An example of the clear organization of closed roots is the development protocol of the root cap and protoderm. The key event in differentiating these tissues is the T-division, a periclinal division of the root cap/protoderm (RCP) initial that establishes a module. Each module comprises two packets, the protoderm and peripheral root cap. Consecutive T-divisions of the same RCP initial produce up to five modules on average in a lineage of cells in white clover (Trifolium repens cv. Ladino), with all lineages around the circumference of the root dividing in waves to form one module prior to the next. On average, clover has approximately 32 axial protoderm and peripheral root cap cells in each module, and 32 RCP lineages. The occurrence of RCP T-divisions in white clover, a root with open apical organization, and the subsequent modular construction of the root cap and protoderm, provides a link between open and closed roots and suggests a common developmental feature that most roots of seed plants may share independent of their root meristem organization type. The open apical organization of the white clover root varies from roots with closed apical organization in that the RCP initials occur in staggered positions instead of connected to discrete tiers, and the peripheral root cap and columella daughter cells form additional layers of cells. White clover also forms root hairs on all protoderm cells irrespective of their position relative to the underlying cortical cells.Abbreviations RAM root apical meristem - RCP root cap protoderm - prc peripheral root cap  相似文献   

Soil salinization is detrimental to plant growth and yield in agroecosystems worldwide. Epichloë endophytes, a class of clavicipitaceous fungi, enhance the resistance of host plants to saline-alkali stress. This study explored the effects of the systemic fungal endophyte Epichloë coenophiala on the root microbial community and growth performance of tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) growing under different saline-alkali stress conditions. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted to analyze the direct and indirect effects (mediated by root microbial community diversity and soil properties) of the endophyte on the growth of tall fescue under saline-alkali stress. The endophyte-infected plants produced higher shoot and root biomass compared to endophyte-free plants under saline-alkali stress (200 and 400 mM). Endophyte infection increased the fungal community diversity and altered its composition in the roots, decreasing the relative abundance of Ascomycota and increasing that of Glomeromycota. Furthermore, endophyte infection decreased the bacterial community diversity and the relative abundance of dominant Proteobacteria. SEM showed that endophyte infection increased the shoot and root biomass under saline-alkali stress (200 and 400 mM) by increasing the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in the roots, and soil total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Therefore, it is important to examine aboveground microbes as factors influencing plant growth in saline-alkali stress by affecting belowground microbes and soil chemical properties.  相似文献   

We describe here aspects of the anatomy of two “Epulopiscium” morphotypes, unusually large bacteria that are not yet cultured and that reproduce by the internal generation of two or more vegetative daughter cells. Two morphotypes, A and B, which are enteric symbionts of several species of herbivorous surgeonfish (Acanthuridae), were collected around the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, preserved there, and later stained for light microscopy. Some samples were examined by electron microscopy. In both morphotypes, countless discrete nucleoplasms or nucleoids were found to occupy a single shallow layer just beneath the surface all around these organisms. At each end of the morphotype B cells, a membrane-bound compartment containing dense cords of chromatin was observed. When these were found at each end of growing daughter cells, no polar compartments were then found in their mother organism. Electron micrographs of sections of morphotype A symbionts show that their outermost region is composed of tightly packed coated vesicles, each surrounded by a thin, dense, spacious capsule. Near the surface of type A organisms the remains of broken vesicles, broken capsules, and a finely fibrous matrix fuse to form a fabric that serves as the cell wall. Morphotype B organisms, however, were observed to have a distinct, morphologically continuous outer wall. Received: 3 December 1997 / Accepted: 11 June 1998  相似文献   

C. L. Wenzel  T. L. Rost 《Protoplasma》2001,218(3-4):203-213
Summary The peripheral root cap and protoderm inArabidopsis thaliana are organized into modular packets of cells derived from formative T-divisions of the root cap/protoderm (RCP) initials and subsequent proliferative divisions of their daughter cells. Each module consists of protoderm and peripheral root cap packets derived from the same periclinal T-division event of an RCP initial. Anatomical analyses are used to interpret the history of extensively coordinated cell divisions producing this modular construction. Within a given layer of root cap, the columella and RCP initials divided in a centrifugal sequence from the innermost columella initials toward the RCP initials. All RCP initials in the lineages around the circumference of the root divided nearly simultaneously in waves to form one module prior to the next wave of initial divisions forming a younger module. The peripheral root cap and protoderm packets within each module completed four rounds of proliferative divisions in the axial plane to produce, on average, 16 cells per packet in the basalmost modules in axial view. Peripheral root cap and protoderm cells predominantly in the T-type (trichoblast) lineages also underwent radial divisions as they were displaced basipetally. The regularity in the cellular pattern within the modules suggests a timing mechanism controlling highly coordinated cell division in the initials and their daughter cells.Abbreviations RAM root apical meristem - RCP root cap protoderm - prc peripheral root cap  相似文献   

We have previously shown the importance of endogenous tumor necrosis factor (TNF) production for the curative effectiveness of low-dose melphalan (L-phenylalanine mustard) for mice bearing a large MOPC-315 tumor. In the current study we demonstrate that low-dose melphalan is actually associated with enhanced expression of mRNA for TNFα in the s.c. tumor nodule. Moreover, the expression of mRNA for interferon γ (IFNγ) and interleukin-12 (IL-12; p40) is also elevated at the tumor site. However, while elevation in the expression of mRNA for TNFα and IFNγ is evident within 24 h after the chemotherapy, elevation in the expression of mRNA for IL-12(p40) is first evident 72 h after the chemotherapy. Moreover, neutralizing anti-IFNγ mAb, like neutralizing anti-TNF mAb but not neutralizing anti-IL-12 mAb, reduced the curative effectiveness of low-dose melphalan for MOPC-315 tumor bearers. Studies into the mechanism through which IFNγ mediates its antitumor effect in low-dose-melphalan-treated MOPC-315 tumor-bearing mice revealed that MOPC-315 tumor cells, which are not sensitive to the direct antitumor effects of TNF, display some sensitivity to the antiproliferative activity of high concentrations of IFNγ. However, unlike TNFα, IFNγ is unable to promote the generation of anti-MOPC-315 cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity and, in fact, exerts an inhibitory activity on CTL generation. Taken together, our studies illustrate that low-dose melphalan therapy of MOPC-315 tumor bearers is associated with the rapid elevation in the expression of mRNA for IFNγ and TNF, two cytokines which are important for the curative effectiveness of low-dose melphalan, and which mediate their antitumor effect, in part, through distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

A Sequence Recall Task with disyllabic stimuli contrasting either for the location of prosodic prominence or for the medial consonant was administered to 150 subjects equally divided over five language groups. Scores showed a significant interaction between type of contrast and language group, such that groups did not differ on their performance on the consonant contrast, while two language groups, Dutch and Japanese, significantly outperformed the three other language groups (French, Indonesian and Persian) on the prosodic contrast. Since only Dutch and Japanese words have unpredictable stress or accent locations, the results are interpreted to mean that stress “deafness” is a property of speakers of languages without lexical stress or tone markings, as opposed to the presence of stress or accent contrasts in phrasal (post-lexical) constructions. Moreover, the degree of transparency between the locations of stress/tone and word boundaries did not appear to affect our results, despite earlier claims that this should have an effect. This finding is of significance for speech processing, language acquisition and phonological theory.  相似文献   

From analysis of the properties of the pupal esterase (p-esterase) in Drosophila virilis, it is concluded that it is heat stable, its electrophoretic detection depends on culture density, its expression is stage specific, and it is not a variant of esterase 2. It was also demonstrated that p-esterase, like esterase 6, is activated by injections of the juvenile hormone into larvae. Heat treatment of heat-resistant D. virilis stocks led to decreased activities of the juvenile hormone dependent esterases but did not affect those of the heat-sensitive stocks. It is suggested that heat resistance in D. virilis is related to some functional features of the system of modifier genes controlling the phenotypic expression of esterases.  相似文献   

The Juan Fernández Archipelago is located 667 km west of central Chile (33°S) in the Pacific Ocean. It is composed of three islands: Robinson Crusoe (ex-Masatierra), Santa Clara and Marinero Alejandro Selkirk (ex-Masafuera).The first botanical collections were made 250 years after its discovery and colonization. These studies showed the great importance of ferns in the vascular flora of the islands. Of the 53 species described up to the present, 23 are endemic (45%), with one endemic monotypic genus, Thyrsopteris, whose only species is T. elegans Kunze (Dicksoniaceae).During a period of 4 years, I have studied the flora of the islands. There has been surprisingly little change in the distribution of the ferns, considering the devastation of the angiosperm flora. Some species have even increased their abundance, especially the tree ferns. Nevertheless, the more delicate species and those with a more restricted habitat have been reduced in abundance.Ten of the endemic species (43%) are in danger of extinction, such as Asplenium macrosorum and Ophioglossum fernandezianum, four are vulnerable (17%), including Blechnum schottii and Polypodium intermedium, and nine (40%), including Pteris berteroana and Blechnum cycadifolium are not endangered.  相似文献   

长株潭城市群生态绿心地区地处南方红壤丘陵区的中心地带, 植被区划上属中亚热带常绿阔叶林北部植被亚地带。该区植被以次生林为主, 植被类型复杂多样, 在南方红壤丘陵区现状植被中具有典型代表性, 可为区域植被演替动态和植被恢复研究提供良好的平台。该研究采用统一、规范的方法设置了50个样方, 对区内主要植被类型的物种组成、数量特征、生境信息等进行调查。计算乔木层、灌木层和草本层物种重要值, 运用《中国植被志》编研规范进行植被类型划分和命名, 描述群落物种组成和特征, 并提供10个植被型、22个群系、33个群丛共50个样方的原始数据, 包括森林样方43个, 灌丛样方5个, 草地样方1个, 沼泽样方1个。  相似文献   

Literature on the nature and possible causes of föhn illness is reviewed. Seven physiological and psychological aspects of human well-being were solicited from 1828 residents of southern Alberta by telephone interview. Data were evaluated to determine if well-being was weather related. Meteorological parameters included eight 48-h weather types, temperature, humidity, wind and pressure. The expected increase in föhn illness symptoms during the frequent warm chinook and decrease at times of cold non-chinook weather were not present. However, with the cool chinook (temperature slightly below freezing) many people claimed additional irritability and, to a lesser extent, more pain in their joints, headaches and nervousness. Several adverse symptoms were positively correlated with wind velocity. However, no widespread chinook illness comparable to the föhn illness was found.  相似文献   

L. Bergmann  Ch. Berger 《Planta》1966,69(1):58-69
Zusammenfassung Im Dunkeln angezogene Zellkulturen von Nicotiana tabacum var. Samsun enthalten zahlreiche kleine Plastiden mit Stärkekörnern. In den Plastiden sind keine Pigmente nach weisbar. Im Stroma der Plastiden sind nur wenige isolierte Thylakoide und einige Tubuli und Vesikel zu erkennen. Prolamellarkörper, die für die Plastiden im Dunkeln angezogener Blätter charakteristisch sind, wurden nicht beobachtet.Im Licht ergrünen die Kulturen, und gleichzeitig wandeln sich die Plastiden in photosynthetisch aktive Chloroplasten um, die kleine Granastapel aus 4–8 Thylakoiden enthalten.Diese Umwandlung wird — im Gegensatz zur Chloroplastenentwicklung in Blättern — nur durch den blauen Anteil des sichtbaren Lichtes induziert.
Light-color and differentiation of plastids in cell cultures of Nicotiana tabacum var. Samsun
Summary Dark grown cells in cultures of Nicotiana tabacum var. Samsun contain numerous small plastids with starch granules and without any detectable traces of pigments. The submicroscopic structure of these plastids consists of only a few isolated thylacoids, some vesiculi, and tubuli. Prolamellar bodies, characteristic of plastids in dark grown leaves, were not observed. In light the cells start to synthesize chlorophyll and the plastids are transformed into photosynthetic active chloroplasts which possess grana composed of stacks of 4–8 lamellae. It has been shown that this transformation is — in contrast to the development of the chloroplasts in leaves — caused only by the blue region of the visible light.

Cells from the slime variant of Neurospora crassa were broken in isotonic conditions by use of triethanolamine buffer plus EDTA. After removal of large membranous structures by low-speed centrifugation, chitosomes and secretory vesicles were separated by means of gel filtration, precipitation of membranous contaminants with Concanavalin A, and centrifugation in sucrose or glycerol gradients. Polypeptidic composition of fractions enriched in secretory vesicles or chitosomes was found to be distinct. By these criteria we concluded that chitosomes and secretory vesicles represent different populations of microvesicles. Both microvesicular populations appeared free of endoplasmic reticulum and vacuolar contaminants as demonstrated by determination of appropriate enzymatic markers.Abbreviations ER Endoplasmic reticulum - UDP-GlcNAc uridine-5-diphosphate N-acetyl glucosamine - GlcNAc N-acetyl glucosamine - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PMSF phenyl methyl sulfonyl fluoride - EDTA ethylene diamino tetraacetic acid Investigador Nacional de Mexico. On leave from the Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados (IPN), and the Universidad de Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico  相似文献   

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