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A crosstransplantation study between genetically matched angiotensin AT1 receptor knockout and wild-type mice revealed that renal AT1 receptors are required for the development of angiotensin II-induced hypertension (). However, in this experimental setting, hypertension-related left ventricular hypertrophy seemed to depend on blood pressure elevation rather than on the expression of AT1 receptors in the heart.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior and habitat use of the king angelfish, Holacanthus passer, was studied in the southern Sea of Cortés, México. H. passer fed on benthic communities (algae and sessile invertebrates) and in the water column (mainly feces from the damselfish Chromis atrilobata). Although there were not significant differences in feeding rate between sexes, coprophagy was more common in males, while grazing was more common in females. Spatial distribution of size classes followed a pattern of decreasing size with increasing depth. Feeding rate was significantly different among habitats: small females had a higher feeding rate on the bottom, big females and small males had similar feeding rates from the bottom to 3m above the bottom, and big males had higher feeding rates from 5m above the bottom to the surface. Habitat was clearly partitioned, and there was significant habitat overlap only between big females and small males. The abundance of H. passer was partly explained (34% of the total variance) by the abundance of the damselfish C. atrilobata. There was a clear trophic association between C. atrilobata schools and H. passer feeding damselfish feces in the water column. The sex ratio male:female of H. passer populations was >1 at several sites, an unusual pattern for a protogynous fish. The sex ratio on the H. passer water column stock was also biased towards males at most sites. Although there is a positive relationship between C. atrilobata abundance and H. passer, there are factors other than damselfish abundance which cause this dominance of males.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon exhibit a partially heritable polymorphism in which the morphs are distinguished by the duration and location of the sea-phase of their life-cycle. These morphs co-occur, albeit in characteristically different proportions, in most Scottish rivers and in both the spring and autumn spawner runs; early running fish being generally associated with upland spawning locations while late running fish are associated with lowland spawning. Thus, differences in riverine and marine environment appear to be linked to differences in the relative abundance of the morphs, rather than to the specific morph which is optimally adapted. In this paper, we report a model-based synthetic study aimed at understanding the key dynamic elements which determine the long-term stability of this polymorphism, and thus determine the relative abundance of the various sea-age morphs. Given the recent accumulation of evidence for a genetic basis for the polymorphism, we argue that the key dynamic mechanism which equalises the realized fitness of the sea-age morphs must be one or more morph-specific density dependencies in the riverine phase of the life-history. We explore a number of specific mechanisms, firmly based in known salmon biology, by which such morph-specific density dependence could occur and investigate the robustness of the co-existence which they imply. We conclude that the co-occurrence of multiple sea-age morphs of Atlantic salmon in Scottish rivers is a stable genetic polymorphism, maintained by some combination of physical separation and asymmetric competition between spawners of different morphs or the riverine stages of their offspring or both.  相似文献   

C Stawski  F Geiser 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40278
The proportion of organisms exposed to warm conditions is predicted to increase during global warming. To better understand how bats might respond to climate change, we aimed to obtain the first data on how use of torpor, a crucial survival strategy of small bats, is affected by temperature in the tropics. Over two mild winters, tropical free-ranging bats (Nyctophilus bifax, 10 g, n = 13) used torpor on 95% of study days and were torpid for 33.5±18.8% of 113 days measured. Torpor duration was temperature-dependent and an increase in ambient temperature by the predicted 2°C for the 21st century would decrease the time in torpor to 21.8%. However, comparisons among Nyctophilus populations show that regional phenotypic plasticity attenuates temperature effects on torpor patterns. Our data suggest that heterothermy is important for energy budgeting of bats even under warm conditions and that flexible torpor use will enhance bats’ chance of survival during climate change.  相似文献   

Annual nitrogen and phosphorus budgets for the whole North Sea taking into account the most recent data available were established. The area considered has a total surface of approximately 700,000km2 and corresponds to the definition by OSPARCOM (Oslo and Paris Commission) with the exclusion of the Skagerrak and Kattegat areas. Input and output fluxes were determined at the marine, atmospheric, sediment and continental boundaries, and riverine inputs based on river flows and nutrient concentrations at the river–estuary interface were corrected for possible estuarine retention. The results showed that the North Sea is an extremely complex system subjected to large inter-annual variability of marine water circulation and freshwater land run-off. Consequently, resulting total N (TN) and P (TP) fluxes are extremely variable from 1 year to another and this has an important influence on the budget of these elements. Total inputs to the North Sea are 8870±4860kTNyear–1 and 494±279kTPyear–1. Denitrification is responsible for the loss of 23±7% of the TN inputs while sediment burial is responsible for the retention of only of 2±2% of the TP input. For TN, due to the large variability on marine and estuarine fluxes, and to the uncertainty related to the denitrification rate, it was concluded that the North Sea could either be a source (1930kTNyear–1) or a sink (1700kTNyear–1) for the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. For TP it was concluded that the North Sea is mostly a source (–4 to 52kTPyear–1) for the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Secondary growth via successive cambia has been intriguing researchers for decades. Insight into the mechanism of growth layer formation is, however, limited to the cellular level. The present study aims to clarify secondary growth via successive cambia in the mangrove species Avicennia marina on a macroscopic level, addressing the formation of the growth layer network as a whole. In addition, previously suggested effects of salinity on growth layer formation were reconsidered. METHODS: A 1-year cambial marking experiment was performed on 80 trees from eight sites in two mangrove forests in Kenya. Environmental (soil water salinity and nutrients, soil texture, inundation frequency) and tree characteristics (diameter, height, leaf area index) were recorded for each site. Both groups of variables were analysed in relation to annual number of growth layers, annual radial increment and average growth layer width of stem discs. KEY RESULTS: Between trees of the same site, the number of growth layers formed during the 1-year study period varied from only part of a growth layer up to four growth layers, and was highly correlated to the corresponding radial increment (0-5 mm year(-1)), even along the different sides of asymmetric stem discs. The radial increment was unrelated to salinity, but the growth layer width decreased with increasing salinity and decreasing tree height. CONCLUSIONS: A patchy growth mechanism was proposed, with an optimal growth at distinct moments in time at different positions around the stem circumference. This strategy creates the opportunity to form several growth layers simultaneously, as observed in 14 % of the studied trees, which may optimize tree growth under favourable conditions. Strong evidence was provided for a mainly endogenous trigger controlling cambium differentiation, with an additional influence of current environmental conditions in a trade-off between hydraulic efficiency and mechanical stability.  相似文献   

Different effects of estrogen on synaptic plasticity have [corrected] been reported. Here, we summarise effects of low, gonad-derived serum estrogen concentrations, of intermediate concentrations, provided by hippocampal cells, and of pharmacological doses of estrogen on synapses and spines and on the expression of synaptic proteins. No effects of low concentrations were found. To study the effects of hippocampus-derived estradiol, we inhibited hippocampal estrogen synthesis by treatment of hippocampal cell cultures with letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor. Alternatively, we used siRNA against Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR). Spines, synapses, and synaptic proteins were significantly down regulated in response to letrozole and in siRNA-StAR transfected cells. Application of high pharmacological doses of estradiol promoted only synaptophysin expression, a presynaptic protein, but did not increase the number of boutons. Our results point to an essential role of endogenous hippocampal estrogen in hippocampal synaptic plasticity rather than to a direct influence of estrogens derived from peripheral sources, such as the gonads.  相似文献   

Habitat specialists inhabiting scarce and scattered habitat patches pose interesting questions related to dispersal such as how specialized terrestrial mammals do to colonize distant patches crossing hostile matrices. We assess dispersal patterns of the southern water vole (Arvicola sapidus), a habitat specialist whose habitat patches are distributed through less than 2% of the study area (overall 600 km2) and whose populations form a dynamic metapopulational network. We predict that individuals will require a high ability to move through the inhospitable matrix in order to avoid genetic and demographic isolations. Genotypes (N = 142) for 10 microsatellites and sequences of the whole mitochondrial Control Region (N = 47) from seven localities revealed a weak but significant genetic structure partially explained by geographic distance. None of the landscape models had a significant effect on genetic structure over that of the Euclidean distance alone and no evidence for efficient barriers to dispersal was found. Contemporary gene flow was not severely limited for A. sapidus as shown by high migration rates estimates (>10%) between non-neighbouring areas. Sex-biased dispersal tests did not support differences in dispersal rates, as shown by similar average axial parent-offspring distances, in close agreement with capture-mark-recapture estimates. As predicted, our results do not support any preferences of the species for specific landscape attributes on their dispersal pathways. Here, we combine field and molecular data to illustrate how a habitat specialist mammal might disperse like a habitat generalist, acquiring specific long-distance dispersal strategies as an adaptation to patchy, naturally fragmented, heterogeneous and unstable habitats.  相似文献   

This article examines the so-called “Arctic exception,” Article 234 of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Article 234 is intended to give the coastal state of ice-covered sea areas the necessary powers to prevent, reduce, and control vessel source pollution, which poses a particular risk to the highly sensitive Arctic marine environment. The aim of this article is to present a thorough interpretation of Article 234 in order to eventually evaluate the provision's significance for Arctic navigation, specifically in the Canadian Arctic and the Northwest Passage.  相似文献   

Theoreticians predict that animal 'personality' traits may be maladaptive if fixed throughout different contexts, so the present study aimed to test whether these traits are fixed or plastic. Rainbow trout (Onchorhyncus mykiss) were given emboldening or negative experiences in the forms of watching bold or shy individuals responding to novelty or winning or losing fights to examine whether prior experience affected boldness. Bold individuals that lost fights or watched shy demonstrators became more shy by increasing their latency to approach a novel object, whereas shy observers that watched bold demonstrators remained cautious and did not modify their responses to novelty. Shy winners became bolder and decreased their latency to approach a novel object, but shy losers also displayed this shift. In comparison, control groups showed no change in behaviour. Bold fishes given negative experiences reduced their boldness which may be an adaptive response; however, shy fishes may base their strategic decisions upon self-assessment of their relative competitive ability and increase their boldness in situations where getting to resources more quickly ensures they outcompete better competitors.  相似文献   

Body composition in vertebrates is known to show phenotypic plasticity, and changes in organ masses are usually rapid and reversible. One of the most rapid and reversible changes is the transformation of the female avian reproductive organs before breeding. This provides an excellent system to investigate the effects of plasticity in organ size on basal metabolic rate (BMR) through relationships between organ masses and BMR. We compared body composition of female European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) during various reproductive stages over 3 yr and investigated the pattern of changes in reproductive and nonreproductive organ mass during follicular development and ovulation. Furthermore, we analyzed the relationship between organ mass and resting metabolic rate (RMR) in nonbreeding, laying, and chick-rearing females. Our analysis revealed marked variation in organ masses between breeding stages but no consistent pattern among years except for kidney and pectoralis muscle. Furthermore, changes in nonreproductive organs did not parallel the cycle of growth and regression of the reproductive organs. The oviduct gained 62% of its 22-fold increase in mass in only 3 d, and oviduct regression was just as rapid and began even before the final egg of the clutch was laid, with 42% of the oviduct mass lost before laying of the final egg. In laying females, 18% of variation in mass-corrected RMR was explained by the mass of the oviduct (r2=0.18, n=80, P<0.0005), while pectoralis muscle mass in nonbreeding individuals and liver and gizzard mass in chick-rearing females were the only organs significantly related to RMR (r2=0.31-0.44). We suggest that the nonreproductive organs are affected more by changes in local ecological conditions than the reproductive state itself and that the activity and maintenance cost of the oviduct is high enough that selection has led to a very tight size-function relationship for this organ.  相似文献   

The role of trace elements in lithogenesis is still unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the levels of elements in urinary stones and in the urine and hair of stone formers to identify these elements that have synergic correlations in studied materials and may contribute to lithogenesis. A total of 219 consecutive patients with idiopathic upper urinary tract stones were prospectively enrolled in the study. Urine and hair samples were collected from all patients. The content of the stone was evaluated using atomic absorption spectrometry, spectrophotometry, and colorimetric methods. The analysis of 29 elements in stones and hair and 21 elements in urine was performed using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. The strength of correlation was described with the value of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The positive correlation between concentration of sodium, potassium, magnesium, barium, vanadium, zinc, silicon, phosphorus, and iodine in phosphate stones was observed. Only a few incidental correlations between the composition of stones and the distribution of elements in urine and in hair were found. There were 109 positive two-element correlations between two materials. The most common were observed for vanadium, aluminum, lead, cobalt, and molybdenum. Two-element positive correlations for all samples were established only for three elements: vanadium, lead, and aluminum. Results indicate that analysis of particular elements in hair and urine cannot predict the composition of urinary stones. This study showed, for the first time, correlations between the levels of vanadium, lead, and aluminum in the stones, urine, and hair of stone formers.  相似文献   

This article examines the provisions in the 2010 Russian–Norwegian Treaty on Maritime Delimitation and Cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean dealing with the management of transboundary hydrocarbon resources. How compatible is the unitization mechanism in the Treaty with Russian and Norwegian legislation? Will there be tension between Russian and Norwegian interpretations? How does Russian and Norwegian legislation support or challenge the concept of a “unit operator” in a cross-border unitization? What are the possible concerns and pitfalls related to mechanisms for consultations and procedures for dispute resolution?  相似文献   

Atmospheric nitrogen deposition has been shown to affect both the structure and the function of heathland ecosystems. Heathlands are semi-natural habitats and, as such, undergo regular management by mowing or burning. Different forms of management remove more or less nutrients from the system, so habitat management has the potential to mitigate some of the effects of atmospheric deposition. Data from a dynamic vegetation model and two field experiments are presented. The first involves nitrogen addition following different forms of habitat management. The second tests the use of habitat management to promote heathland recovery after a reduction in nitrogen deposition. Both modelling and experimental approaches suggest that plant and microbial response to nitrogen is affected by management. Shoot growth and rates of decomposition were lowest in plots managed using more intensive techniques, including mowing with litter removal and a high temperature burn. Field data also indicate that ecosystem recovery from prolonged elevated inputs of nitrogen may take many years, or even decades, even after the removal of plant and litter nitrogen stores which accompanies the more intensive forms of habitat management.  相似文献   

We studied the general problem of interpreting and detecting differences in phenotypic variability among the genotypes at a locus, from both a biological and a statistical point of view. The scales on which we measure interval-scale quantitative traits are man-made and have little intrinsic biological relevance. Before claiming a biological interpretation for genotype differences in variance, we should be sure that no monotonic transformation of the data can reduce or eliminate these differences. We show theoretically that for an autosomal diallelic SNP, when the three corresponding means are distinct so that the variance can be expressed as a quadratic function of the mean, there implicitly exists a transformation that will tend to equalize the three variances; we also demonstrate how to find a transformation that will do this. We investigate the validity of Bartlett’s test, Box’s modification of it, and a modified Levene’s test to test for differences in variances when normality does not hold. We find that, although they may detect differences in variability, these tests do not necessarily detect differences in variance. The same is true for permutation tests that use these three statistics.  相似文献   

Crows, rooks, and ravens (Corvus spp.) display marked morphological and voice similarities that have been hypothesized to stem from competitive interactions, as a case of nonaposematic mimicry. Here, I test predictions of the mimicry hypothesis at the macrovolutionary scale, examining whether species morphological and acoustic traits covary with those of coexisting congeners, and whether phenotypic similarity has facilitated the coexistence of related species after secondary contact. Body size and the temporal patterns of the commonest call display high levels of similarity among sympatric species, even after controlling for the effect of shared climate and habitat, and phylogenetic constraints in the production of variation. When sister species differed in these acoustic and morphological traits, their transition to secondary sympatry was delayed relative to those with more similar traits. No similarity was found in the sexual call of crows, suggesting that convergence occurs only when function does not favour maintenance of species‐specific traits. Crow similarities in morphological and acoustic features may therefore be associated with coevolving interactions with congeners, in line with a broad array of studies documenting convergence among species that interact aggressively or forage communally.  相似文献   

The Southern Ocean provides a habitat for microplankton which is strongly influenced by physical factors. Of these, one of the most important and striking is the formation of sea ice. Organisms in the ice form a unique community with specific properties and adaptations. Material and organisms are exchanged between the water column and the ice during the annual cycle, and ice is an important factor in modifying biogeochemical processes and exchange between ocean and atmosphere. The coupled system, in which a range of organisms alternate between a fluid and a solid medium, provides an interesting exercise in community ecology, and has implications for the assessment of biodiversity in understanding large-scale change.  相似文献   

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