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Cross inoculations were made with Frankia spp. from the nodules of non-leguminous plants belonging to different families, genera and species. The results showed that there are no apparent host specificity in these strains. Under general cases, many strains can nodulate plants in different families, genera and species, but there also are some special results. Both infective ability of the same strains on diffierent host and the different strains on the same host are different. Different isolates from the same host plant were found in certain cases to have various degrees of infectivity. If the original host plant was replaced by others, both these Frankia infective ability and nitrogenase activity in new symbiotic system were lower. The strains that are higher N2-fixing activity in the nodules of the original host also possess stronger N2-fixing activity in the nodules of other hosts. Under test condition, there are positive correlation between the number of the nodules of host plants and N2-fixing activity of the root nodules. The morphology of the spores of the strains in the nodules of new host plant also change more or less.  相似文献   

Response of N2-Fixing Cyanobacteria to Salt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of salt on photosynthetic activity, acetylene reduction, and related activities was examined in two species of cyanobacteria, Nostoc muscorum and Calothrix scopulorum. Photosynthesis was more resistant to high salt concentration than was N2 fixation. The salt resistance of both activities increased after a period of exposure of the cells to salinity. The transfer of electrons via ferredoxin and ferredoxin-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reductase was found to be extremely sensitive to salt. In comparison, the transfer of reducing power by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, isocitric dehydrogenase, and photosystem 1 was less affected by NaCl, whereas glutamine synthetase exhibited higher tolerance to salt.  相似文献   

The attachment of Rhizobium japonicum 61A89 and Rhizobium spp. 32H1 to the roots of wheat and rice seedlings is analyzed in terms of an equilibrium model. A Langmuir adsorption isotherm describes the binding. Strain 61A89 binds to a greater extent than does strain 32H1, and the equilibrium constants for each strain binding to wheat are strongly temperature dependent. Both time-dependent dissociation and association, predicted by an equilibrium model, have been found. The dissociation rate constant for 32H1 is approximately twice that of 61A89, and each is weakly temperature dependent. The rate equation for the binding of exponentially growing 61A89 to wheat roots has been solved as a function of time. Theory and experiment both indicate that the binding at very short times is much less than the equilibrium values. The binding of Azotobacter vinelandii 12837 to wheat roots has also been measured. Root-associated Azotobacter fixes nitrogen, whereas under aerobic growth conditions, root-associated 61A89 and 32H1 do not. The effect of metabolic inhibitors and antibiotics on the binding of Rhizobia and Azotobacter was examined.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence from different sources that prolonged high N deposition causes a shift from nitrogen (N) limitation to nitrogen and phosphorus (P) co-limitation or even P limitation in many terrestrial ecosystems. However, the number of ecosystems where the type of limitation has been directly tested by longer-term full-factorial field experiments is very limited. We conducted a 5-year fertilization experiment with N and P in the Lüneburger Heide (NW Germany) to test the hypothesis that, following decades of elevated atmospheric N inputs, plant growth in dry lowland heaths may have shifted from N to N–P co-limitation or P limitation. We also tested whether the plant tissue N:P ratio reflects the type of nutrient limitation in a continental lowland heathland. Experimental plots dominated by Calluna vulgaris received regular additions of N (50 kg N ha−1 y−1), P (20 kg P ha−1 y−1), a combination of both, or water only (control) from 2004 to 2008. Over the whole study period, a highly significant positive N effect on shoot length was found, thus indicating N limitation. We conclude that a clear shift from N limitation to N–P co-limitation or P limitation has not yet occurred. Tissue N:P ratios showed a high temporal variability and no relationship between tissue N:P ratio and the shoot length response of Calluna to nutrient addition was found. The N:P tool is thus of limited use at the local scale and within the range of N:P ratio observed in this study, and should only be used as a rough indicator for the prediction of the type of nutrient limitation in lowland heathland on a larger geographical scale with a broader interval of N:P ratio.  相似文献   

Symbiotic N2-fixing tree species can accelerate ecosystem N dynamics through decomposition feedbacks via both direct and indirect pathways. Direct pathways include the production of readily decomposed leaf litter and increased N supply to decomposers, whereas indirect pathways include increased tissue N and altered detrital dynamics of non-fixing vegetation. To evaluate the relative importance of direct and indirect pathways, we compared 3-year decomposition and N dynamics of N2-fixing red alder leaf litter (2.34% N) to both low-N (0.68% N) and high-N (1.21% N) litter of non-fixing Douglas-fir, and decomposed each litter source in four forests dominated by either red alder or Douglas-fir. We also used experimental N fertilization of decomposition plots to assess elevated N availability as a potential mechanism of N2-fixer effects on litter mass loss and N dynamics. Direct effects of N2-fixing red alder on decomposition occurred primarily as faster N release from red alder than Douglas-fir litter. Direct increases in N supply to decomposers via experimental N fertilization did not stimulate decomposition of either species litter. Fixed N indirectly influenced detrital dynamics by increasing Douglas-fir tissue and litter N concentrations, which accelerated litter N release without accelerating mass loss. By increasing soil N, tissue N, and the rate of N release from litter of non-fixers, we conclude that N2-fixing vegetation can indirectly foster plant–soil feedbacks that contribute to the persistence of elevated N availability in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Insect herbivory of ovules and seeds is known to have a negative impact on individual plant reproductive success by reducing overall seed set. Although this seed set reduction has been well documented in plant populations found in native habitats, little work has been done on populations found in restored habitats. In a 4-year study (2001–2004), I investigated the herbivory of the Gelechiid moth ( Coleotechnites eryngiella ) of Eryngium yuccifolium populations in native and restored prairies. Data were collected from 20 E. yuccifolium populations (10 native prairies/10 restored prairies) in Illinois. Percent herbivory and percent seed set were determined for each population. From 2001 to 2004, percent herbivory in prairie restorations ranged from 0 to 93 and percent seed set ranged from 2 to 82. In native prairies, percent herbivory ranged from 0 to 98 and percent seed set ranged from 0 to 71. No differences were found between native and restored prairies for percent herbivory or percent seed set. However, significant differences were found among years for percent seed set. This study shows that the antagonistic effects of insect herbivory can reach similar levels in restored and native prairies.  相似文献   

Non-nodular tissue of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) plants grown hydroponically in the absence of added N have a 15N abundance close to that of atmospheric N2. In contrast, nodules are usually enriched in 15N. In this paper, we report measurements of the 15N abundance of foliar tissue and nodules of soybeans inoculated with 11 variably efficient strains of Rhizobum japonicum and grown hydroponically with no added N. The efficiency of the 11 symbioses varied over a wide range as judged by a 16-fold difference in N content. The degree of 15N enrichment of nodules was closely correlated with N2-fixing efficiency (milligrams N fixed per milligram N in the nodules).

These results confirm prior preliminary data based on six variably efficient R. japonicum strains. The strong correlation between NN enrichment of soybean nodules and N2-fixing efficiency is consistent with the hypothesis that new nodule tissue is synthesized from a pool of recently fixed N within the same nodule.


Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAL3 was grown in a chemostat with N2 and mixtures of xylose and gluconate. Xylose was oxidized to xylonate, which was accumulated in the culture supernatants. Biomass yields and carbon from gluconate incorporated into biomass increased with the rate of xylose oxidation. By using metabolic balances it is demonstrated that extracellular xylose oxidation led N2-fixing G. diazotrophicus cultures to increase the efficiency of energy generation.  相似文献   

Nodulated and non-nodulated (not inoculated) soybeans (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Wells) were grown in controlled environments with N2 or nonlimiting levels of NO3, respectively, serving as sole source of nitrogen. The efficiency of the N2-fixing plants was compared with that of the nitrate-supplied plants on the basis of both plant age and plant size. Efficiency evaluations of the plants were expressed as the ratio of moles of carbon respired by the whole plant to the moles of nitrogen incorporated into plant material.

Continuous 24-hour CO2 exchange measurements on shoot and root systems made at the beginning of flowering (28 days after planting) indicated that N2-fixing plants respired 8.28 moles of carbon per mole of N, fixed from dinitrogen, while nitrate-supplied plants respired only 4.99 moles of carbon per mole of nitrate reduced. Twenty-one-day-old nitrate-supplied plants were even more efficient, respiring only 3.18 moles of carbon per mole of nitrate reduced. The decreased efficiency of the N2-fixing plants was not due to plant size since, on a dry weight basis, the 28-day-old N2-fixing plants were intermediate between the 28- and 21-day-old nitrate-supplied plants.

The calculated efficiencies were predominantly a reflection of root-system respiration. N2-fixing plants lost 25% of their daily net photosynthetic input of carbon through root-system respiration, compared with 16% for 28-day-old nitrate-supplied plants and 12% for 21-day-old nitrate-supplied plants. Shoot dark respiration was similar for all three plant groups, varying between 7.9% and 9.0% of the apparent photosynthate.

The increased respiratory loss by the roots of the N2-fixing plants was not compensated for by increased net photosynthetic effectiveness. Canopy photosynthesis expressed on a leaf area basis was similar for 28-day-old N2-fixing plants (15.5 milligrams CO2 square decimeter per hour) and 21-day-old nitrate-supplied plants (14.5 milligrams CO2 square decimeter per hour). Both were similar in total canopy leaf area. The larger nitrate-supplied plants (28-day-old) had lower photosynthetic rates (12.5 milligrams CO2 square decimeter per hour), presumably due to self-shading of the leaves.

These data indicate that, during the early stages of plant development, dependence solely on N2-fixation is an expensive process compared to nitrate reduction in nitrate-supplied plants, since the N2-fixing plants retained 8% to 12% less of their photosynthate as dry matter.


The mechanisms by which invasive species affect native communities are not well resolved. For example, invasive plants may influence other species through competition, altered ecosystem processes, or other pathways. We investigated one potential mechanism by which invasive plants may harm native species, allelopathy. Specifically, we explored whether native tree species respond differently to potential allelopathic effects of two invasive plant species. We assessed the separate effects of Lolium arundinaceam (tall fescue) and Elaeagnus umbellata (autumn olive) on three common successional tree species: Acer saccharinum (silver maple), Populus deltoides (eastern cottonwood), and Platanus occidentalis (sycamore). Tall fescue and autumn olive are widely planted and highly invasive or persistent throughout North America where they often grow in forest edges, old fields, and other sites colonized by pioneering tree species. In an exploratory greenhouse experiment, we applied aqueous extracts derived from soil, leaf litter, or live leaves to native trees. We compared these treatments to a sterile water control and also to minced leaves leached in water, a common, but potentially less realistic method of testing for allelopathy. For all tree species, minced leaves from tall fescue reduced the probability that seedlings emerged, and minced leaves of autumn olive reduced the number of days to emergence. During other demographic stages, the three native tree species diverged in their responses to the invasive plants. Platanus occidentalis exhibited the widest range of responses, with reduced root biomass due to minced tissue from both invasive species, reduced days to emergence and marginally reduced survival from minced tall fescue, and reduced leaf biomass from tall fescue leaf litter. Populus deltoides appeared insensitive to most extracts, although survival was marginally increased with application of minced or fresh leaf extracts from autumn olive. In addition, minced tall fescue shortened the time to seedling emergence for Acer saccharinum, potentially a positive effect. Overall, results suggest that allelopathy may be one mechanism underlying the negative impacts of tall fescue and autumn olive on other plant species, but that effects can depend strongly upon the source of allelochemicals and the tree species examined.  相似文献   

We provide here a comparative genome analysis of 31 strains within the genus Paenibacillus including 11 new genomic sequences of N2-fixing strains. The heterogeneity of the 31 genomes (15 N2-fixing and 16 non-N2-fixing Paenibacillus strains) was reflected in the large size of the shell genome, which makes up approximately 65.2% of the genes in pan genome. Large numbers of transposable elements might be related to the heterogeneity. We discovered that a minimal and compact nif cluster comprising nine genes nifB, nifH, nifD, nifK, nifE, nifN, nifX, hesA and nifV encoding Mo-nitrogenase is conserved in the 15 N2-fixing strains. The nif cluster is under control of a σ70-depedent promoter and possesses a GlnR/TnrA-binding site in the promoter. Suf system encoding [Fe–S] cluster is highly conserved in N2-fixing and non-N2-fixing strains. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the nif cluster enabled Escherichia coli JM109 to fix nitrogen. Phylogeny of the concatenated NifHDK sequences indicates that Paenibacillus and Frankia are sister groups. Phylogeny of the concatenated 275 single-copy core genes suggests that the ancestral Paenibacillus did not fix nitrogen. The N2-fixing Paenibacillus strains were generated by acquiring the nif cluster via horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from a source related to Frankia. During the history of evolution, the nif cluster was lost, producing some non-N2-fixing strains, and vnf encoding V-nitrogenase or anf encoding Fe-nitrogenase was acquired, causing further diversification of some strains. In addition, some N2-fixing strains have additional nif and nif-like genes which may result from gene duplications. The evolution of nitrogen fixation in Paenibacillus involves a mix of gain, loss, HGT and duplication of nif/anf/vnf genes. This study not only reveals the organization and distribution of nitrogen fixation genes in Paenibacillus, but also provides insight into the complex evolutionary history of nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Mannose is not a suitable substrate for N2-fixing Azotobacter vinelandii. However, when H2 gas is provided, A. vinelandii can grow mixotrophically with H2 as the energy source and mannose as the carbon source (T.-Y. Wong and R. J. Maier, J. Bacteriol. 163:528-533, 1985). In this report, seven sugars were used to determine whether A. vinelandii could derive energy from these sugars for mannose utilization. Supplementation of fructose- or galactose-limited medium with mannose did not influence the biomass produced by N2-fixing A. vinelandii. The presence of mannose in glucose- or maltose-limited cultures increased cell yield slightly. The addition of mannose decreased the total biomass in the melibiose-limited culture slightly. Mannose was a potent inhibitor of growth when sucrose or turanose was used as the primary sugar. The inhibitory effect of mannose on utilization of sucrose and turanose seems to be related to the energy requirement of the N2-fixing processes.  相似文献   

Nutrient Limitation in Osmotrophic Protista   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An empirical relation relating specific growth rate in steady-stalesystems to nutrient status with respect to more than one nutrientsimultaneously is proposed. Some ecological implications ofthe model are discussed, in particular with respect to the conceptof luxury consumption and Liebig's law of minimum.  相似文献   

The apple snail Pomacea insularum is an aquatic invasive gastropod native to South America that has the potential to cause harm to aquatic ecosystems, wetland restoration, and agriculture. To predict the potential impact of this snail on aquatic ecosystems, we tested the feeding rate of P. insularum , under laboratory nonchoice experiments, for 3 species of invasive macrophytes and 13 species of native aquatic plants that are important for wetland restoration and health. High levels of consumption were recorded for four native species ( Ceratophyllum demersum , Hymenocallis liriosme , Ruppia maritima , and Sagittaria lancifolia ) and three invasive species ( Colocasia esculenta , Alternanthera philoxeroides , and Eichhornia crassipes ). In contrast, less than 10% of the biomass of Spartina alterniflora , Scirpus californicus , Thalia dealbata , and Typha latifolia was consumed by P. insularum over the test period. The palatability of macrophytes was negatively correlated with dry matter content, making our results generalizable to all regions where this invader may be present. Based on our results, wetland restoration in areas invaded by P. insularum should focus on emergent structural species with low palatability. Apple snails should not be considered as agents of biocontrol for invasive plants; although apple snails fed on invasive plants at a high rate, their consumption of many native species was even greater.  相似文献   

Aboveground Hemiptera and Orthoptera communities were compared among three native and three restored mesic tallgrass prairies along the Platte River in central Nebraska to assess both the relative success of restored sites and the relationship between insect and plant communities. Hemiptera and Orthoptera were sampled using sweep nets in early June, mid-July, and mid-August 2000. Plant species composition was assessed in early June and mid-August. A total of 89 Auchenorrhyncha (71 Cicadellidae, 15 Fulgoroidea, and 3 Membracidae) and 23 orthopterans (15 Acrididae and 8 Tettigoniidae) were collected. Eighty-five plant species were observed in combined study sites. Shannon diversity was significantly higher at restored prairie for Cicadellidae ( H '= 1.38), Fulgoroidea ( H '= 0.796), and Membracidae ( H '= 0.290), which comprised the majority of individual insects collected, but significantly higher at native prairie for Acrididae ( H '= 0.560) and Tettigoniidae ( H '= 0.480) ( p ≤ 0.05). Species richness was comparable except for Acrididae which were significantly higher in restored prairie. Density of insects generally followed species diversity but was only significantly higher in restored areas for Membracidae. The number of remnant-dependent species collected was comparable for both native prairie ( n = 15) and restored prairie ( n = 15). These results suggest that, at least for Hemiptera, differences in insect communities between native and restored prairie may best be explained by the presence of insect host plants rather than by whether a site is native or restored.  相似文献   

Three field inoculation experiments, two in Florida and one in New Mexico, were conducted with Azospirillum brasilense Cd. Each of the Florida experiments evaluated two crop species. One species in each of the Florida experiments responded to inoculation with a significant dry matter yield increases of 11 to 24% and nitrogen yield increases of 9 to 39%. No inoculation response was noted in the New Mexico experiment. The responding species were Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (sorghum) and the interspecific hybrid between Pennisetum americanum (L.) K. Schum. (pearl millet) and P. purpureum Schumach. (napiergrass). Nonresponding species were pearl millet (Florida) and Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Staph. (New Mexico). Acetylene reduction activity of inoculated plots in Florida was low, showing no increase over the natural uninoculated background rates and, in one case, was negatively correlated with yield. Acetylene reduction activity was not measured in New Mexico. In Florida, A. brasilense populations were found to decline from 5 × 103 to 5 × 102 bacteria g of soil−1 in about 3 weeks (quadratic regressions). Continued decline to less than 102 by week 5 indicated that the inoculated bacteria did not become established in the soil in high numbers. The A. brasilense population declined at about the same rate in the New Mexico experiment. The erractic inoculation responses in these experiments are similar to those observed in earlier work at the University of Florida. The lack of acetylene reduction activity response to inoculation and the rapid population decline of the inoculated bacteria suggest that N2 fixation is not the major mechanism causing yield responses after inoculation.  相似文献   

Anabaena spiroides has the ability to maintain intense biomass production for extensive periods in the epilimnion of a small eutrophic lake characterized by conditions shown to cause photooxidative death in a number of other phytoplankton. By the enhancement of carotenoid synthesis chlorophyll a was protected from photooxidation and prevented from catalyzing other photooxidative reactions within the cells. By temporally separating CO2 and N2 fixation, maximum utilization of photosynthetically active radiation was achieved. Because CO2 fixation was more sensitive than N2 fixation to a high oxygen concentration, the former was maximized during morning hours, before the afternoon buildup of dissolved oxygen. The diurnal partitioning of carbon and N2 fixation has two additional advantages; possible competition for reductant-generating compounds is minimized, and adequate endogenous pools of carbon skeletons are assured to accept newly fixed ammonia. Hence, Anabaena, far from undergoing photooxidative death, appears to utilize a physiological strategy which allows optimization of radiant energy use for reductive processes and dominance of surface waters and shading of deeper phytoplankton during summer blooms.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-fixing Klebsiella and Enterobacter strains isolated from several plants were assayed for fimbriae and for adhesion to plant roots in vitro. All eight Klebsiella strains formed type 3 fimbriae, and five strains also formed type 1 fimbriae; all 21 Enterobacter strains had type 1 fimbriae. Three strains of Klebsiella carrying either type 1, type 3, or no fimbriae were used as model organisms in developing an in vitro adhesion test. Adhesion was assayed with bacterial cells labeled with [3H]leucine. Fifteen N2-fixing strains and the three model strains were compared for adhesion to the roots of seven grasses and five cereals. Type 3-fimbriated Klebsiella strains adhered better than the other strains, and type 3 fimbriae appeared to be major adhesins for the Klebsiella strains. Although variations between plants were observed, no host specificity for bacterial adhesion was found.  相似文献   

Numbers and possible locations of N2-fixing bacteria were investigated in roots of Spartina alterniflora Loisel, which support nitrogenase activity in the undisturbed native habitat. N2-fixing bacteria were recovered in cultures both from S. alterniflora roots and from the surrounding sediment, and they formed a greater proportion of the bacteria recovered from root homogenates than from salt-marsh sediment. N2-fixing bacteria were recovered in high numbers from the rhizoplane of S. alterniflora after roots were treated with 1 or 5% chloramine-T for 1 h or with 1% NaOCl for 1 or 2 h. Immersing S. alterniflora roots in 5% NaOCl for 1 h was more effective in distinguishing bacteria inside the roots since this treatment nearly eliminated N2-fixing bacteria recoverable from the rhizoplane, although high numbers of N2-fixing bacteria were recovered from homogenates of roots treated with 5% NaOCl for 1 h. However, this treatment was less effective with roots of Zea mays L. (Funks G4646) and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (CK-60 A), indicating that techniques to surface sterilize roots should be evaluated for different plants. Bacteria were observed by light and electron microscopy inter- and intracellularly in the cortex and in the aerenchyma of S. alterniflora roots. This study clearly shows that bacteria, including N2 fixers, colonize the interior of roots of S. alterniflora growing in a Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, salt marsh.  相似文献   

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