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For 22 carcass traits, we identified 16 QTLs (based on data for pig resource population no. 214, including 180 F2 hybrids of 3 Yorkshire boars and 8 Meishan sows) and mapped them with the use of 39 microsatellite marker loci on chromosomes 4, 6, 7, 8 and 13. Five QTLs were highly significant (P < or = 0.01 at chromosome level): for skin weight (on chromosome 7 at SW1856 and on chromosome 13 at SW1495), skin percentage (on chromosome 7 between SW2155 and SW1856 and on chromosome 13 between SW1495 and SW520), and ratio of leg and butt to carcass (on chromosome 4 at SW1996). The remaining 11 QTLs were significant (P < or = 0.05 at chromosome level): for backfat thickness at shoulder, loin eye width, loin eye height, fat meat weight, lean meat weight, skin weight, bone weight, skin percentage, fat meat percentage, and ratio of lean meat to fat meat. The proportion of phenotypic variance explained by these QTLs ranged from 0.06% (QTL for loin eye width on chromosome 8 between SW1037 and SW1953) to 18.04% (QTL for ratio of lean meat to fat meat on chromosome 7 between SW252 and SW581). Seven of the QTLs reported here are novel.  相似文献   

以3个品种(长白猪、大白猪、松辽黑猪)16个公猪家系共计368头仔猪组成资源群体,在猪2、7和8号染色体上共选取35个微卫星标记,采用基于线性混合模型的方差组分分析方法,对影响与猪白细胞、红细胞和血小板相关的共计18项血常规指标的数量性状基因座(quantitative trait loci,QTL)进行了检测.通过似然比检验,并以自由度为2的卡方分布作为检验统计量的分布,共发现22个在P〈5%水平下显著的QTL,其中在2号染色体上有9个,分别影响白细胞总数、中性粒细胞数、平均红细胞体积、血红蛋白含量、平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度、血小板总数、平均血小板体积、血小板分布宽度和血小板压积,在7号染色体有7个,分别影响白细胞总数、中性粒细胞数、平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度、血红蛋白含量、血小板总数、平均红细胞体积和红细胞分布宽度变异,在8号染色体上有6个,分别影响中性粒细胞百分比、淋巴细胞百分比、平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度、血小板总数、血小板压积和平均红细胞体积.为尽可能地避免由于多重检验所造成的假阳性率的升高,我们采用了控制假检出率(false discovery rate,FDR)的方法来对这22个QTL进行进一步检验,发现有14个达到FDR〈5%显著水平,其中又有9个达到FDR〈1%显著水平.  相似文献   

Thecoatcolorisanimportantcharacteristicofapigbreed,andcanbeclassifiedintomanytypes.Thecolorvariationsareeitherduetothedistributionofmelanocytesintheskinortotheabilityofmelano-cytestoproducemelaningranules.Thesynthesisofmelaninoriginatedfromtheformationofneuralcrest-derivedcells,whichhavetwomigrationroutes[1,2].Themelanocytesaretheramificationswhiletheneuralcrest-derivedcellsmigrateviadorsalroute[3].Andtheyprovidethefactoryformelaninsynthesis.Al-thoughtherearemanykindsofpigmentsinvertebralanim…  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity within and among three breeds of sheep: Corriedale, Merino and Creole. Sheep from the three breeds (Merino n = 110, Corriedale n = 108 and Creole n = 10) were genotyped using the Illumina Ovine SNP50 beadchip®. Genetic diversity was evaluated by comparing the minor allele frequency (MAF) among breeds. Population structure and genetic differentiation were assessed using STRUCTURE software, principal component analysis (PCA) and fixation index (FST). Fixed markers (MAF = 0) that were different among breeds were identified as specific breed markers. Using a subset of 18,181 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), PCA and STUCTURE analysis were able to explain population stratification within breeds. Merino and Corriedale divergent lines showed high levels of polymorphism (89.4% and 86% of polymorphic SNPs, respectively) and moderate genetic differentiation (FST = 0.08) between them. In contrast, Creole had only 69% polymorphic SNPs and showed greater genetic differentiation from the other two breeds (FST = 0.17 for both breeds). Hence, a subset of molecular markers present in the OvineSNP50 is informative enough for breed assignment and population structure analysis of commercial and Creole breeds.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt is a destructive disease with international consequences for cotton production. Breeding broad-spectrum resistant cultivars is considered to be one of the most effective means for reducing crop losses. A resistant cotton cultivar, 60182, was crossed with a susceptible cultivar, Jun-mian 1, to identify markers for Verticillium resistance genes and validate the mode of its inheritance. Genetic segregation analysis for Verticillium wilt resistance was evaluated based upon infected leaf percentage in the seedling stage using major gene-polygene mixed inheritance models and joint analysis of P1, P2, F1, B1, B2 and F2 populations obtained from the cultivar cross. We found that resis-tance of upland cotton cultivar 60182 to isolates BP2, VD8 and T9, and their isoconcentration mixture was controlled by two major genes with additive-dominance-epistatic effects, and the inheritance of the major gene was dominant. Furthermore, a genetic linkage map was constructed using F2 segregating population and resistance phenotypic data were obtained using F2︰3 families inoculated with different isolates and detected in different developmental stages. The genetic linkage map with 139 loci was comprised of 31 linkage groups covering 1165 cM, with an average distance of 8.38 cM between two markers, or 25.89% of the cotton genome length. From 60182, we found 4 QTL on chromosome D7 and 4 QTL on D9 for BP2, 5 QTL on D7 and 9 QTL on D9 for VD8, 4 QTL on D7 and 5 QTL on D9 for T9 and 3 QTL on D7 and 7 QTL on D7 for mixed pathogens. The QTL mapping results revealed that QTL clusters with high contribution rates were screened simultaneously on chromosomes D9 and D7 by multiple interval mapping (CIM), whether from resistance phenotypic data from different developmental stages or for different isolates. The result is consistent with the genetic model of two major genes in 60182 and suggests broad-spectrum resistance to both defoliating isolates of V. dahliae and nondefoliating iso-lates. The markers associated with resistance QTL may facilitate the use of Verticillium wilt resistance genes in improving breeding programs for cotton.  相似文献   

Grain dimensions (length, breadth and length/breadth ratio) are important quality attributes of Basmati rice for its high consumer acceptance. Earlier we identified two significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) intervals on chromosomes 1 and 7 for grain dimensions in Basmati rice using a population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from cross between Basmati variety Pusa 1121 and a short grain non-aromatic variety Pusa 1342. For fine mapping of these QTLs, 184 F6 RILs were grown and phenotyped in the normal rice growing season at two different locations. Forty-nine new SSR markers targeting these QTL intervals were tested and nine were found polymorphic between the parents. Using revised genetic maps adding new markers, the grain length QTL qGRL1.1 on chromosome 1 was narrowed down to 108?kbp from the earlier reported 6,133?kbp. There were total 13 predicted gene models in this interval which includes the probable candidate gene for the exceptionally high grain length of Basmati variety Pusa 1121. Similarly, two tandem QTL intervals qGRL7.1 and qGRL7.2 on chromosome 7 were merged into a single one narrowed down to 2,390?kbp from the earlier reported length of 5,269?kbp. This region of chromosome 7 also has co-localized QTLs for grain breadth and length to breadth ratio. SSR markers tightly linked to the QTL at a map distance of ??0.2?cM were developed for the qGRL1.1 and qGRL7.1 loci that could be used for marker-assisted breeding. Validation of earlier published markers for the grain length gene GS3 on chromosome 3 showed no difference between Pusa 1121 and Pusa 1342, highlighting the significance of qGRL1.1 and qGRL7.1 for the extra grain length of Basmati variety Pusa 1121.  相似文献   

We report on the construction of a high-resolution comparative map of porcine chromosome 17 (SSC17) focusing on evolutionary breakpoints with human chromosomes. The comparative map shows high homology with human chromosome 20 but suggests more limited homologies with other human chromosomes. SSC17 is of particular interest in studies of chromosomal organization due to the presence of QTLs that affect meat quality and carcass composition. A total of 158 pig ESTs available in databases or developed by the Sino-Danish Pig Genome Sequencing Consortium were mapped using the INRA-University of Minnesota porcine radiation hybrid panel. The high-resolution map was further anchored by fluorescence in situ hybridization. This study confirmed the extensive conservation between SSC17 and HSA20 and enabled the gene order to be determined. The homology of the SSC17 pericentromeric region was extended to other human chromosomes (HSA4, HSA8) and the chromosomal breakpoint boundaries were accurately defined. In total 15 breakpoints were identified.  相似文献   

 Fine mapping was carried out on three putative QTLs (tentatively designated as Hd-1 to Hd-3) of five such QTLs controlling heading date in rice that had been earlier identified using an F2 population derived from a cross between a japonica variety, ‘Nipponbare’, and an indica variety, ‘Kasalath’, using progeny backcrossed with ‘Nipponbare’ as the recurrent parent. One BC3F2 and two BC3F1 plants, in which the target QTL regions were heterozygous and most other chromosomal regions were homozygous for the ‘Nipponbare’ allele, were selected as the experimental material. Self-pollinated progeny (BC3F2 and BC3F3) of the BC3F1 or BC3F2 showed continuous variation in days to heading. By means of progeny testing based on BC3F3 or BC3F4 lines, we determined the genotypes of each BC3F2 or BC3F3 individual at target QTLs. Their segregation patterns fitted Mendelian inheritance ratios. When the results obtained by RFLP analysis and progeny tests were combined, Hd-1, Hd-2 and Hd-3 were mapped precisely on chromosomes 6, 7 and 6, respectively, of a rice RFLP linkage map. The results demonstrated that QTLs can be treated as Mendelian factors. Moreover, these precise locations were in good agreement with the regions estimated by QTL analysis of the initial F2 population, demonstrating the high reliability of QTL mapping using a high-density linkage map. Received: 5 November 1997 / Accepted: 10 February 1998  相似文献   

A genome wide search in European Wild Boar x Swedish Yorkshire (W x Y) inter-cross pigs has earlier identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) for leucocyte number and function on porcine chromosomes 1 and 8 (SSC 1 and 8). To verify the involvement of these chromosomal regions in the regulation of haematocrit (Hem) and haemoglobin (Hb) levels, leucocyte numbers and in vitro leukocyte functions (mitogen induced proliferation and IL-2 production, virus induced interferon-alpha production and neutrophil phagocytosis), animals of different genetic backgrounds were analysed. The animals comprised a back-cross sire family (n=47) of W x Y pigs and six crossbred [Y x Landrace (L)] sire families (n=191). They were genotyped for 16 genetic markers and an interval analysis was performed. On SSC1, a QTL close to S0082 on the q-arm that influenced numbers of white blood cells in L x Y pigs and numbers of band neutrophils and CD8(+) cells in W x Y pigs was identified (P相似文献   

Genome scans in the pig have identified a region on chromosome 2 (SSC2) associated with tenderness. Calpastatin is a likely positional candidate gene in this region because of its inhibitory role in the calpain system that is involved in postmortem tenderization. Novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in calpastatin were identified and used to genotype a population (n = 1042) of Duroc–Landrace–Yorkshire swine for association with longissimus lumborum slice shear force (SSF) measured at days 7 and 14 postmortem. Three genetic markers residing in the calpastatin gene were significantly associated with SSF (P < 0.0005). Haplotypes constructed from markers in the calpastatin gene were significantly associated with SSF (F‐ratio = 3.93; P‐value = 0.002). The levels of normalized mRNA expression of calpastatin in the longissimus lumborum of 162 animals also were evaluated by real‐time RT‐PCR and were associated with the genotype of the most significant marker for SSF (P < 0.02). This evidence suggests that the causative variation alters expression of calpastatin, thus affecting tenderness. In summary, these data provide evidence of several significant, publicly available SNP markers associated with SSF that may be useful to the swine industry for marker assisted selection of animals that have more tender meat.  相似文献   

Melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) gene, one of the important candidate genes for coat color trait, was used to analyze the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in Chinese native pig breeds by PCR-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP). The study had also taken 3 imported pig breeds as control. The results showed that the three mutations G284A, T309C and T364C found in Chinese native pigs were consistent to the mutation found in the European Large Black individuals. However, 68CC or C492T and G728A were only found in the imported individuals, which were obviously different from the Chinese native pigs. Accordingly, we presumed that the coat colors of Chinese native pigs belonged to dominant black color system, which was completely distinct to that of imported pig breeds. Thus it was implied thatMC1R gene was not the principal factor affecting the coat color differences of Chinese native pig breeds, but could be used to trace the molecular evolution of pig breeds.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Atherosclerosis is a fibroproliferative disease which has been attributed to several factors including genetic and molecular alterations. Initial studies have shown genetic alterations at the microsatellite level in the DNA of atherosclerotic plaques. Extending our initial findings, we performed a microsatellite analysis on cerebral atherosclerotic plaques. METHODS: Twenty-seven cerebral atherosclerotic plaques were assessed for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and microsatellite instability (MI) using 25 microsatellite markers located on chromosomes 2, 8, 9 and 17. DNA was extracted from the vessels as well as the respective blood from each patient and subjected to polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Our analyses revealed that specific loci on chromosomes 2, 8, 9 and 17 exhibited a significant incidence of LOH. Forty-six percent of the specimens showed loss of heterozygosity at 2p13-p21, 48% exhibited LOH at 8p12-q11.2, while allelic imbalance was detected in 47% of the cases. The LOH incidence was 39%, 31% and 27% at 17q21, 9q31-34 and 17p13, respectively. Genetic alterations were detected at a higher rate as compared to the corresponding alterations observed in plaques from other vessels. DISCUSSION: This is the first microsatellite analysis using atherosclerotic plaques obtained from cerebral vessels. Our results indicate an elevated mutational rate on specific chromosomal loci, suggesting a potential implication of these regions in atherogenesis.  相似文献   

This study describes (1) the application of new methods to the discovery of informative single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta, (2) a method to resolve the linkage phase of closely linked SNPs and (3) a method to inexpensively genotype them. Finally, it demonstrates that these SNPs provide information that discriminates among O. keta populations from different geographical regions of the northern Pacific Ocean. These informative markers can be used in conjunction with mixed-stock analysis to learn about the spatial and temporal marine distributions of O. keta and the factors that influence the distributions.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping of chicken and human genomes is described, primarily of regions corresponding to human chromosomes 1, 4 and 9. Segments of chicken orthologues of selected human genes were amplified from parental DNA of the East Lansing backcross reference mapping population, and the two parental alleles were sequenced. In about 80% of the genes tested, sequence polymorphism was identified between reference population parental DNAs. The polymorphism was used to design allele-specific primers with which to genotype the backcross panel and place genes on the chicken linkage map. Thirty-seven genes were mapped which confirmed the surprisingly high level of conserved synteny between orthologous chicken and human genes. In several cases the order of genes in conserved syntenic groups differs between the two genomes, suggesting that there may have been more frequent intrachromosomal inversions as compared with interchromosomal translocations during the separate evolution of avian and mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping studies facilitate the identification of genes located in quantitative trait locus (QTL) regions in domestic animals by utilizing information from the human genome. Radiation hybrid (RH) mapping is effective for this purpose because of its high resolution in ordered gene mapping on chromosomes. We constructed an RH map of pig chromosome 7, by adding 23 markers associated with genes. This RH map clearly demonstrated the mosaic of homology between pig chromosome 7 (SSC7) and human chromosomes 6, 14 and 15 at a 'gene' level, and was confirmed by linkage analysis. Clarification of the homology of SSC7 to human chromosomes will contribute to the elucidation of the gene(s) responsible for QTL detected on this chromosome.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were described for the porcine loci for β-glucosidase (GBA) and the β-polypeptide 1 of the Na+, K+-transporting ATPase (ATP1B1). Linkage analyses using a three-generation pedigree provided evidence for the assignment of ATP1B1, GBA and two microsatellite loci (S0001 and S0067) to a previously described linkage group comprising the loci for blood group L (EAL) and an anonymous microsatellite (S0097). The linear order of the six markers was determined with confidence by multipoint analyses and the length of the linkage group was estimated at 88 CM. This linkage group was assigned to pig chromosome 4 on the basis of a previous physical localization of the ATP1B1 gene. In situ hybridization data for S0001 presented in this study were consistent with a localization on chromosome 4 and suggested a regional localization to 4pl2-pl3. The present study reveals conflicting data concerning the genetic localization of the K88 loci controlling the expression of the receptors for the E. coli pilus antigens. One group has reported data suggesting a loose linkage between K88 and EAL, now mapped to chromosome 4, whereas two other groups have found linkage between K88 and the transferrin locus (TF), mapped to chromosome 13 by in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

The serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 1 (SERPINE1) gene encodes plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI), which is the major physiological inhibitor of tissue‐type and urokinase‐type plasminogen activators and plays a role in obesity and insulin resistance in women but not in men. We detected SNP FN396538:g.566G>A in intron 3 and a non‐synonymous substitution NM_213910:c.612A>G in exon 3 (p.Ile159Val) and mapped the gene to position 8.4 cM on the linkage map of chromosome 3. Association analyses were conducted on the 12th–15th generation of the Meishan × Large White (MLW) cross (n = 565), with records for weight at the end of test, lifetime daily gain, test time daily gain, loin depth and backfat depth, as well as on a European wild boar × Meishan (W × M) F2 population (n = 333) with 47 traits recorded for carcass composition and meat quality. Analyses performed across the entire MLW population or in the male animals did not show any trait significantly associated with the loci studied. In female animals, both SNPs were associated with loin depth at nominal P < 0.05 with adjusted P values equal to 0.051 (g.566) and 0.057 (c.612). Differences between homozygotes were up to 0.65 SD. In the entire W × M population and female animals, SERPINE1 was significantly associated at adjusted P < 0.05 in descending order with muscling, growth and fat accretion and in male animals with meat quality (R‐value). In the studied populations, allele effects were in opposite directions, which implies that the SNPs are markers that are in linkage disequilibrium with a causative mutation.  相似文献   

The effect of a previously reported PvuII polymorphism in oestrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) was analysed in an F(2) population of Iberian x Meishan pigs. We tested three hypotheses: (1) that a causal mutation was fixed in the parental populations, (2) that a causal mutation existed that was in complete linkage disequilibrium with the alleles of the PvuII polymorphism and (3) that a causal mutation existed in linkage disequilibrium within each parental population. The third model was the most plausible based on the available data. ESR1 alleles displayed different patterns of linkage disequilibrium with the causal mutation in each of the parental populations and the PvuII polymorphism was clearly not the causal mutation. As a consequence, the use of the ESR1 mutation for selection must be evaluated for a particular pig population before it is applied.  相似文献   



Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers have a wide range of applications in crop genetics and genomics. Due to their polyploidy nature, many important crops, such as wheat, cotton and rapeseed contain a large amount of repeat and homoeologous sequences in their genomes, which imposes a huge challenge in high-throughput genotyping with sequencing and/or array technologies. Allotetraploid Brassica napus (AACC, 2n = 4x = 38) comprises of two highly homoeologous sub-genomes derived from its progenitor species B. rapa (AA, 2n = 2x = 20) and B. oleracea (CC, 2n = 2x = 18), and is an ideal species to exploit methods for reducing the interference of extensive inter-homoeologue polymorphisms (mHemi-SNPs and Pseudo-simple SNPs) between closely related sub-genomes.


Based on a recent B. napus 6K SNP array, we developed a bi-filtering procedure to identify unauthentic lines in a DH population, and mHemi-SNPs and Pseudo-simple SNPs in an array data matrix. The procedure utilized both monomorphic and polymorphic SNPs in the DH population and could effectively distinguish the mHemi-SNPs and Pseudo-simple SNPs that resulted from superposition of the signals from multiple SNPs. Compared with conventional procedure for array data processing, the bi-filtering method could minimize the pseudo linkage relationship caused by the mHemi-SNPs and Pseudo-simple SNPs, thus improving the quality of SNP genetic map. Furthermore, the improved genetic map could increase the accuracies of mapping of QTLs as demonstrated by the ability to eliminate non-real QTLs in the mapping population.


The bi-filtering analysis of the SNP array data represents a novel approach to effectively assigning the multi-loci SNP genotypes in polyploid B. napus and may find wide applications to SNP analyses in polyploid crops.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1559-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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