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We investigated the meiotic role of Srs2, a multi-functional DNA helicase/translocase that destabilises Rad51-DNA filaments and is thought to regulate strand invasion and prevent hyper-recombination during the mitotic cell cycle. We find that Srs2 activity is required for normal meiotic progression and spore viability. A significant fraction of srs2 mutant cells progress through both meiotic divisions without separating the bulk of their chromatin, although in such cells sister centromeres often separate. Undivided nuclei contain aggregates of Rad51 colocalised with the ssDNA-binding protein RPA, suggesting the presence of persistent single-strand DNA. Rad51 aggregate formation requires Spo11-induced DSBs, Rad51 strand-invasion activity and progression past the pachytene stage of meiosis, but not the DSB end-resection or the bias towards interhomologue strand invasion characteristic of normal meiosis. srs2 mutants also display altered meiotic recombination intermediate metabolism, revealed by defects in the formation of stable joint molecules. We suggest that Srs2, by limiting Rad51 accumulation on DNA, prevents the formation of aberrant recombination intermediates that otherwise would persist and interfere with normal chromosome segregation and nuclear division.


The expression of theSRS2 gene, which encodes a DNA helicase involved in DNA repair inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, was studied using anSRS2-lacZ fusion integrated at the chromosomalSRS2 locus. It is shown here that this gene is expressed at a low level and is tightly regulated. It is cell-cycle regulated, with induction probably being coordinated with that of the DNA-synthesis genes, which are transcribed at the G1-S boundary. It is also induced by DNA-damaging agents, but only during the G2 phase of the cell cycle; this distinguishes it from a number of other repair genes, which are inducible throughout the cycle. During meiosis, the expression ofSRS2 rises at a time nearly coincident with commitment to recombination. Sincesrs2 null mutants are radiation sensitive essentially when treated in G1, the mitotic regulation pattern described here leads us to postulate that either secondary regulatory events limit Srs2 activity to G1 cells or Srs2 functions in a repair mechanism associated with replication.  相似文献   

The expression of theSRS2 gene, which encodes a DNA helicase involved in DNA repair inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, was studied using anSRS2-lacZ fusion integrated at the chromosomalSRS2 locus. It is shown here that this gene is expressed at a low level and is tightly regulated. It is cell-cycle regulated, with induction probably being coordinated with that of the DNA-synthesis genes, which are transcribed at the G1-S boundary. It is also induced by DNA-damaging agents, but only during the G2 phase of the cell cycle; this distinguishes it from a number of other repair genes, which are inducible throughout the cycle. During meiosis, the expression ofSRS2 rises at a time nearly coincident with commitment to recombination. Sincesrs2 null mutants are radiation sensitive essentially when treated in G1, the mitotic regulation pattern described here leads us to postulate that either secondary regulatory events limit Srs2 activity to G1 cells or Srs2 functions in a repair mechanism associated with replication.  相似文献   

Trinucleotide repeat expansions are the mutational cause of at least 15 genetic diseases. In vitro, single-stranded triplet repeat DNA forms highly stable hairpins, depending on repeat sequence, and a strong correlation exists between hairpin-forming ability and the risk of expansion in vivo. Hairpins are viewed, therefore, as likely mutagenic precursors to expansions. If a helicase unwinds the hairpin, it would be less likely to expand. Previous work indicated that yeast Srs2 DNA helicase selectively blocks expansions in vivo (Bhattacharyya, S., and Lahue, R. S. (2004) Mol. Cell. Biol. 24, 7324-7330). For example, srs2 mutants, including an ATPase-defective point mutant, exhibit substantially higher expansion rates than wild type controls. In contrast, mutation of another helicase gene, SGS1, had little effect on expansion rates. These findings prompted the idea that Srs2 might selectively unwind triplet repeat hairpins. In this study, DNA helicase assays were performed with purified Srs2, Sgs1, and Escherichia coli UvrD (DNA helicase II). Srs2 shows substantially faster unwinding than Sgs1 or UvrD on partial duplex substrates containing (CTG) x (CTG) sequences, provided that Srs2 encounters the triplet repeat DNA immediately on entering the duplex. Srs2 was also faster at unwinding (CAG) x (CAG)- and (CCG) x (CCG)-containing substrates and an intramolecular (CTG) x (CTG) hairpin. In contrast, all three enzymes unwind about equally well control substrates with either Watson-Crick base pairs or mismatched substrates with non-CNG repeats. Overall, the selective unwinding activity of Srs2 on triplet repeat hairpin DNA helps explain the genetic evidence that Srs2, not the RecQ homolog Sgs1, is a preferred helicase for preventing expansions.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae SRS2 encodes an ATP-dependent DNA helicase that is needed for DNA damage checkpoint responses and that modulates the efficiency of homologous recombination. Interestingly, strains simultaneously mutated for SRS2 and a variety of DNA repair genes show low viability that can be overcome by inactivating homologous recombination, thus implicating inappropriate recombination as the cause of growth impairment in these mutants. Here, we report on our biochemical characterization of the ATPase and DNA helicase activities of Srs2. ATP hydrolysis by Srs2 occurs efficiently only in the presence of DNA, with ssDNA being considerably more effective than dsDNA in this regard. Using homopolymeric substrates, the minimal DNA length for activating ATP hydrolysis is found to be 5 nucleotides, but a length of 10 nucleotides is needed for maximal activation. In its helicase action, Srs2 prefers substrates with a 3' ss overhang, and approximately 10 bases of 3' overhanging DNA is needed for efficient targeting of Srs2 to the substrate. Even though a 3' overhang serves to target Srs2, under optimized conditions blunt-end DNA substrates are also dissociated by this protein. The ability of Srs2 to unwind helicase substrates with a long duplex region is enhanced by the inclusion of the single-strand DNA-binding factor replication protein A.  相似文献   


Sirtuins are NAD+-dependent protein deacylases and ADP-ribosyltransferases that are involved in a wide range of cellular processes including genome homeostasis and metabolism. Sirtuins are expressed in human and mouse oocytes yet their role during female gamete development are not fully understood. Here, we investigated the role of a mammalian sirtuin member, SIRT7, in oocytes using a mouse knockout (KO) model. Sirt7 KO females have compromised fecundity characterized by a rapid fertility decline with age, suggesting the existence of a diminished oocyte pool. Accordingly, Sirt7 KO females produced fewer oocytes and ovulated fewer eggs. Because of the documented role of SIRT7 in DNA repair, we investigated whether SIRT7 regulates prophase I when meiotic recombination occurs. Sirt7 KO pachynema-like staged oocytes had approximately twofold increased γH2AX signals associated with regions with unsynapsed chromosomes. Consistent with the presence of asynaptic chromosome regions, Sirt7 KO oocytes had fewer MLH1 foci (~one less), a mark of crossover-mediated repair, than WT oocytes. Moreover, this reduced level of crossing over is consistent with an observed twofold increased incidence of aneuploidy in Metaphase II eggs. In addition, we found that acetylated lysine 18 of histone H3 (H3K18ac), an established SIRT7 substrate, was increased at asynaptic chromosome regions suggesting a functional relationship between this epigenetic mark and chromosome synapsis. Taken together, our findings demonstrate a pivotal role for SIRT7 in oocyte meiosis by promoting chromosome synapsis and have unveiled the importance of SIRT7 as novel regulator of the reproductive lifespan.


Trinucleotide repeats (TNRs) undergo frequent mutations in families afflicted with certain neurodegenerative disorders and in model organisms. TNR instability is modulated both by the repeat tract itself and by cellular proteins. Here we identified the Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA helicase Srs2 as a potent and selective inhibitor of expansions. srs2 mutants had up to 40-fold increased expansion rates of CTG, CAG, and CGG repeats. The expansion phenotype was specific, as mutation rates at dinucleotide repeats, at unique sequences, or for TNR contractions in srs2 mutants were not altered. Srs2 is known to suppress inappropriate genetic recombination; however, the TNR expansion phenotype of srs2 mutants was largely independent of RAD51 and RAD52. Instead, Srs2 mainly functioned with DNA polymerase delta to block expansions. The helicase activity of Srs2 was important, because a point mutant lacking ATPase function was defective in blocking expansions. Purified Srs2 was substantially better than bacterial UvrD helicase at in vitro unwinding of a DNA substrate that mimicked a TNR hairpin. Disruption of the related helicase gene SGS1 did not lead to excess expansions, nor did wild-type SGS1 suppress the expansion phenotype of an srs2 strain. We conclude that Srs2 selectively blocks triplet repeat expansions through its helicase activity and primarily in conjunction with polymerase delta.  相似文献   

Meiosis is a specialized cell division for producing haploid gametes in sexually reproducing organisms. In this study, we have independently identified a novel meiosis protein male meiosis recombination regulator (MAMERR)/4930432K21Rik and showed that it is indispensable for meiosis prophase I progression in male mice. Using super-resolution structured illumination microscopy, we found that MAMERR functions at the same double-strand breaks as the replication protein A and meiosis-specific with OB domains/spermatogenesis associated 22 complex. We generated a Mamerr-deficient mouse model by deleting exons 3–6 and found that most of Mamerr−/− spermatocytes were arrested at pachynema and failed to progress to diplonema, although they exhibited almost intact synapsis and progression to the pachytene stage along with XY body formation. Further mechanistic studies revealed that the recruitment of DMC1/RAD51 and heat shock factor 2–binding protein in Mamerr−/− spermatocytes was only mildly impaired with a partial reduction in double-strand break repair, whereas a substantial reduction in ubiquitination on the autosomal axes and on the XY body appeared as a major phenotype in Mamerr−/− spermatocytes. We propose that MAMERR may participate in meiotic prophase I progression by regulating the ubiquitination of key meiotic proteins on autosomes and XY chromosomes, and in the absence of MAMERR, the repressed ubiquitination of key meiotic proteins leads to pachytene arrest and cell death.  相似文献   

Duplication of DNA during meiosis in baker's yeast   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Rapid chromosome movement during prophase of the first meiotic division has been observed in many organisms. It is generally concomitant with formation of the “meiotic chromosome bouquet,” a special chromosome configuration in which one or both chromosome ends attach to the nuclear envelope and become concentrated within a limited area. The precise function of the chromosomal bouquet is still not fully understood. Chromosome mobility is implicated in homologous chromosome pairing, synaptonemal complex formation, recombination, and resolution of chromosome entanglements. The basic mechanistic module through which forces are exerted on chromosomes is widely conserved; however, phenotypic differences have been reported among various model organisms once movement is abrogated. Movements are transmitted to the chromosome ends by the nuclear membrane-bridging SUN/KASH complex and are dependent on cytoskeletal filaments and motor proteins located in the cytoplasm. Here we review the recent findings on chromosome mobility during meiosis in an animal model system: the Caenorhabditis elegans nematode.  相似文献   

Suppressors of the methyl methanesulfonate sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae diploids lacking the Srs2 helicase turned out to contain semidominant mutations in Rad5l, a homolog of the bacterial RecA protein. The nature of these mutations was determined by direct sequencing. The 26 mutations characterized were single base substitutions leading to amino acid replacements at 18 different sites. The great majority of these sites (75%) are conserved in the family of RecA-like proteins, and 10 of them affect sites corresponding to amino acids in RecA that are probably directly involved in ATP reactions, binding, and/or hydrolysis. Six mutations are in domains thought to be involved in interaction between monomers; they may also affect ATP reactions. By themselves, all the alleles confer a rad5l null phenotype. When heterozygous, however, they are, to varying degrees, negative semidominant for radiation sensitivity; presumably the mutant proteins are coassembled with wild-type Rad51 and poison the resulting nucleofilaments or recombination complexes. This negative effect is partially suppressed by an SRS2 deletion, which supports the hypothesis that Srs2 reverses recombination structures that contain either mutated proteins or numerous DNA lesions.  相似文献   

DNA regions of chromosomes that are replicated during zygotene are not ligated to the body of nuclear DNA on completion of replication. The discontinuities are present only in the strands that are synthesized during premeiotic S and they persist through prophase until the interval of chromosome disjunction. The discontinuities are gaps rather than nicks, and must be shielded in vivo from repair activity during pachytene when gaps elsewhere in the DNA are being repaired. The gaps can nevertheless be cured in isolated prophase nuclei in the presence of added polymerase and ligase.  相似文献   

White EJ  Cowan C  Cande WZ  Kaback DB 《Genetics》2004,167(1):51-63
During meiotic prophase a synaptonemal complex (SC) forms between each pair of homologous chromosomes and is believed to be involved in regulating recombination. Studies on SCs usually destroy nuclear architecture, making it impossible to examine the relationship of these structures to the rest of the nucleus. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the meiosis-specific Zip1 protein is found throughout the entire length of each SC. To analyze the formation and structure of SCs in living cells, a functional ZIP1::GFP fusion was constructed and introduced into yeast. The ZIP1::GFP fusion produced fluorescent SCs and rescued the spore lethality phenotype of zip1 mutants. Optical sectioning and fluorescence deconvolution light microscopy revealed that, at zygotene, SC assembly was initiated at foci that appeared uniformly distributed throughout the nuclear volume. At early pachytene, the full-length SCs were more likely to be localized to the nuclear periphery while at later stages the SCs appeared to redistribute throughout the nuclear volume. These results suggest that SCs undergo dramatic rearrangements during meiotic prophase and that pachytene can be divided into two morphologically distinct substages: pachytene A, when SCs are perinuclear, and pachytene B, when SCs are uniformly distributed throughout the nucleus. ZIP1::GFP also facilitated the enrichment of fluorescent SC and the identification of meiosis-specific proteins by MALDI-TOF mass spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The Rrm3 DNA helicase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae interacts with proliferating cell nuclear antigen and is required for replication fork progression through ribosomal DNA repeats and subtelomeric and telomeric DNA. Here, we show that rrm3 srs2 and rrm3 sgs1 mutants, in which two different DNA helicases have been inactivated, exhibit a severe growth defect and undergo frequent cell death. Cells lacking Rrm3 and Srs2 arrest in the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle with 2N DNA content and frequently contain only a single nucleus. The phenotypes of rrm3 srs2 and rrm3 sgs1 mutants were suppressed by disrupting early steps of homologous recombination. These observations identify Rrm3 as a new member of a network of pathways, involving Sgs1 and Srs2 helicases and Mus81 endonuclease, suggested to act during repair of stalled replication forks.  相似文献   

In response to DNA double-strand breaks(DSBs),DNA damage repair factors are recruited to DNA lesions and form nuclear foci.However,the underlying molecular mech...  相似文献   

In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the Srs2/RadH DNA helicase promotes survival after ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, and has been implicated in DNA repair, recombination and checkpoint signalling following DNA damage. A second helicase, Sgs1, is the S.cerevisiae homologue of the human BLM and WRN proteins, which are defective in cancer predisposition and/or premature ageing syndromes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells lacking both Srs2 and Sgs1 exhibit a severe growth defect. We have identified an Srs2 orthologue in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and have investigated its role in responses to UV irradiation and inhibition of DNA replication. Deletion of fission yeast srs2 caused spontaneous hyper-recombination and UV sensitivity, and simultaneous deletion of the SGS1 homologue rqh1 caused a severe growth defect reminiscent of that seen in the equivalent S.cerevisiae mutant. However, unlike in budding yeast, inactivation of the homologous recombination pathway did not suppress this growth defect. Indeed, the homologous recombination pathway was required for maintenance of normal fission yeast viability in the absence of Srs2, and loss of homologous recombination and loss of Srs2 contributed additively to UV sensitivity. We conclude that Srs2 plays related, but not identical, roles in the two yeast species.  相似文献   

The formation of the synapton (synaptonemal complex) was followed by an electron microscopic examination of large samples of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells at various stages of meiosis. Three temperature-sensitive mutants were used, cdc4, cdc5 and cdc7, which undergo a slow but normal meiosis at 25° C. At the restrictive temperature of 34° C, cdc4 and cdc5 arrest at an advanced enough stage of meiosis to allow the study of synapton morphogenesis. Based on the frequencies of nuclear structures, we describe the formation of the central region and central elements of the synapton in the dense body, which may be part of the nucleolus. This process occurs during early meiotic stages, concomittantly with recombination commitment and premeiotic DNA replication. Mature synaptons usually appear after premeiotic S, at the pachytene stage, and later disappear. A possible intermediate stage in this disappearance is found in arrested cdc5 cells, which contain paired lateral elements without central elements. — Following the frequencies of spindle plaque configurations, we conclude that the plaques in meiosis duplicate once at the beginning of the main DNA replication, as is also observed prior to mitosis. In contrast to mitotic cells, however, meiotic plaques remain duplicated for a long period, until the synaptons disappear, and only then separate from each other to form a spindle. During late stages of the first meiotic division, the outer plates of the spindle plaques thicken, to duplicate later and give the second division spindles. The characteristically thick outer plate may have a role in the formations of the ascospore wall.  相似文献   

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