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The DNMT2 enzyme methylates tRNA-Asp at position C38. Because there is no tRNA-Dnmt2 cocrystal structure available, we have mapped the tRNA binding site of DNMT2 by systematically mutating surface-exposed lysine and arginine residues to alanine and studying the tRNA methylation activity and binding of the corresponding variants. After mutating 20 lysine and arginine residues, we identified eight of them that caused large (>4-fold) decreases in catalytic activity. These residues cluster within and next to a surface cleft in the protein, which is large enough to accommodate the tRNA anticodon loop and stem. This cleft is located next to the binding pocket for the cofactor S-adenosyl-l-methionine, and the catalytic residues of DNMT2 are positioned at its walls or bottom. Many of the variants with strongly reduced catalytic activity showed only a weak loss of tRNA binding or even bound better to tRNA than wild-type DNMT2, which suggests that the enzyme induces some conformational changes in the tRNA in the transition state of the methyl group transfer reaction. Manual placement of tRNA into the structure suggests that DNMT2 mainly interacts with the anticodon stem and loop.  相似文献   

Arsenic (III) methyltransferase (AS3MT) is a cysteine (Cys)-rich enzyme that catalyzes the biomethylation of arsenic. To investigate how these crucial Cys residues promote catalysis, we used matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) to analyze Cys residues in recombinant human arsenic (III) methyltransferase (hAS3MT). We detected two disulfide bonds, Cys250-Cys32 and Cys368-Cys369, in hAS3MT. The Cys250-Cys32 disulfide bond was reduced by glutathione (GSH) or other disulfide bond reductants before the enzymatic methylation of arsenite (iAs3+). In addition to exposing residues around the active sites, cleavage of the Cys250-Cys32 pair modulated the conformation of hAS3MT. This adjustment may stabilize the binding of S-Adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) and favor iAs3+ binding to hAS3MT. Additionally, we observed the intermediate of Cys250-S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy), suggesting that Cys250 is involved in the transmethylation. In recovery experiments, we confirmed that trivalent arsenicals were substrates for hAS3MT, methylation of arsenic occurred on the enzyme, and an intramolecular disulfide bond might be formed after iAs3+ was methylated to dimethylarsinous acid (DMA3+). In this work, we clarified both the functional roles of GSH and the crucial Cys residues in iAs3+ methylation catalyzed by hAS3MT.  相似文献   

Enzymatic methylation of arsenic is a detoxification process in microorganisms but in humans may activate the metalloid to more carcinogenic species. We describe the first structure of an As(III) S-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase by X-ray crystallography that reveals a novel As(III) binding domain. The structure of the methyltransferase from the thermophilic eukaryotic alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae reveals the relationship between the arsenic and S-adenosylmethionine binding sites to a final resolution of ~1.6 ?. As(III) binding causes little change in conformation, but binding of SAM reorients helix α4 and a loop (residues 49-80) toward the As(III) binding domain, positioning the methyl group for transfer to the metalloid. There is no evidence of a reductase domain. These results are consistent with previous suggestions that arsenic remains trivalent during the catalytic cycle. A homology model of human As(III) S-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase with the location of known polymorphisms was constructed. The structure provides insights into the mechanism of substrate binding and catalysis.  相似文献   

The transport cycle in the glutamate transporter (GlT) is catalyzed by the cotransport of three Na+ ions. However, the positions of only two of these ions (Na1 and Na2 sites) along with the substrate have been captured in the crystal structures reported for both the outward-facing and the inward-facing states of Gltph. Characterizing the third ion binding site (Na3) is necessary for structure-function studies attempting to investigate the mechanism of transport in GlTs at an atomic level, particularly for the determination of the sequence of the binding events during the transport cycle. In this study, we report a series of molecular dynamics simulations performed on various bound states of Gltph (the apo state, as well as in the presence of Na+, the substrate, or both), which have been used to identify a putative Na3 site. The calculated trajectories have been used to determine the water accessibility of potential ion-binding residues in the protein, as a prerequisite for their ion binding. Combined with conformational analysis of the key regions in the protein in different bound states and several additional independent simulations in which a Na+ ion was randomly introduced to the interior of the transporter, we have been able to characterize a putative Na3 site and propose a plausible binding sequence for the substrate and the three Na+ ions to the transporter during the extracellular half of the transport cycle. The proposed Na3 site is formed by a set of highly conserved residues, namely, Asp312, Thr92, and Asn310, along with a water molecule. Simulation of a fully bound state, including the substrate and the three Na+ ions, reveals a stable structure—showing closer agreement to the crystal structure when compared to previous models lacking an ion in the putative Na3 site. The proposed sequence of binding events is in agreement with recent experimental models suggesting that two Na+ ions bind before the substrate, and one after that. Our results, however, provide additional information about the sites involved in these binding events.  相似文献   

LRP16作为macro domain 家族成员,可识别、结合poly(ADP-ribose),参与DNA损伤修复的早期反应. 但究竟LRP16通过其何种氨基酸位点识别、结合poly(ADP ribose)(PAR)尚不十分清楚.本研究首先通过对LRP16蛋白的结构分析,查找LRP16结合PAR的候选氨基酸位点,然后利用丙氨酸扫描技术构建系列LRP16(点)突变体, 并且进行原核蛋白表达与纯化,将获得的蛋白质进行斑点杂交实验,检测LRP16突变体蛋白与PAR的结合活性.测序结果显示,LRP16点突变基因序列成功插入到原核表达载体pGEX-6p-1中|斑点杂交实验显示,LRP16中第160位D和第161位I突变成A后,其与PAR结合能力明显减弱,而第181位G、183位V、184位D同时突变为A,LRP16与PAR的结合活性有部分减弱. 结果表明,LRP16中第160位和第161位的氨基酸是其与PAR结合的关键位点.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic integral membrane enzyme isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase (ICMT) methylates the carboxylate of a lipid-modified cysteine at the C terminus of its protein substrates. This is the final post-translational modification of proteins containing a CAAX motif, including the oncoprotein Ras, and therefore, ICMT may serve as a therapeutic target in cancer development. ICMT has no discernible sequence homology with soluble methyltransferases, and aspects of its catalytic mechanism are unknown. For example, how both the methyl donor S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet), which is water-soluble, and the methyl acceptor isoprenylcysteine, which is lipophilic, are recognized within the same active site is not clear. To identify regions of ICMT critical for activity, we combined scanning mutagenesis with methyltransferase assays. We mutated nearly half of the residues of the ortholog of human ICMT from Anopheles gambiae and observed reduced or undetectable catalytic activity for 62 of the mutants. The crystal structure of a distantly related prokaryotic methyltransferase (Ma Mtase), which has sequence similarity with ICMT in its AdoMet binding site but methylates different substrates, provides context for the mutational analysis. The data suggest that ICMT and Ma MTase bind AdoMet in a similar manner. With regard to residues potentially involved in isoprenylcysteine binding, we identified numerous amino acids within transmembrane regions of ICMT that dramatically reduced catalytic activity when mutated. Certain substitutions of these caused substrate inhibition by isoprenylcysteine, suggesting that they contribute to the isoprenylcysteine binding site. The data provide evidence that the active site of ICMT spans both cytosolic and membrane-embedded regions of the protein.  相似文献   

Retinal guanylyl cyclase (RetGC)-activating proteins (GCAPs) regulate visual photoresponse and trigger congenital retinal diseases in humans, but GCAP interaction with its target enzyme remains obscure. We mapped GCAP1 residues comprising the RetGC1 binding site by mutagenizing the entire surface of GCAP1 and testing the ability of each mutant to bind RetGC1 in a cell-based assay and to activate it in vitro. Mutations that most strongly affected the activation of RetGC1 localized to a distinct patch formed by the surface of non-metal-binding EF-hand 1, the loop and the exiting helix of EF-hand 2, and the entering helix of EF-hand 3. Mutations in the binding patch completely blocked activation of the cyclase without affecting Ca2+ binding stoichiometry of GCAP1 or its tertiary fold. Exposed residues in the C-terminal portion of GCAP1, including EF-hand 4 and the helix connecting it with the N-terminal lobe of GCAP1, are not critical for activation of the cyclase. GCAP1 mutants that failed to activate RetGC1 in vitro were GFP-tagged and co-expressed in HEK293 cells with mOrange-tagged RetGC1 to test their direct binding in cyto. Most of the GCAP1 mutations introduced into the “binding patch” prevented co-localization with RetGC1, except for Met-26, Lys-85, and Trp-94. With these residues mutated, GCAP1 completely failed to stimulate cyclase activity but still bound RetGC1 and competed with the wild type GCAP1. Thus, RetGC1 activation by GCAP1 involves establishing a tight complex through the binding patch with an additional activation step involving Met-26, Lys-85, and Trp-94.  相似文献   

The serotonin transporter (SERT) regulates extracellular levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) in the brain by facilitating uptake of released 5-hydroxytryptamine into neuronal cells. SERT is the target for widely used antidepressant drugs, including imipramine, fluoxetine, and (S)-citalopram, which are competitive inhibitors of the transport function. Knowledge of the molecular details of the antidepressant binding sites in SERT has been limited due to lack of structural data on SERT. Here, we present a characterization of the (S)-citalopram binding pocket in human SERT (hSERT) using mutational and computational approaches. Comparative modeling and ligand docking reveal that (S)-citalopram fits into the hSERT substrate binding pocket, where (S)-citalopram can adopt a number of different binding orientations. We find, however, that only one of these binding modes is functionally relevant from studying the effects of 64 point mutations around the putative substrate binding site. The mutational mapping also identify novel hSERT residues that are crucial for (S)-citalopram binding. The model defines the molecular determinants for (S)-citalopram binding to hSERT and demonstrates that the antidepressant binding site overlaps with the substrate binding site.  相似文献   

Incubation of anoxic salt marsh sediment slurries with 10 mM As(V) resulted in the disappearance over time of the As(V) in conjunction with its recovery as As(III). No As(V) reduction to As(III) occurred in heat-sterilized or formalin-killed controls or in live sediments incubated in air. The rate of As(V) reduction in slurries was enhanced by addition of the electron donor lactate, H(inf2), or glucose, whereas the respiratory inhibitor/uncoupler dinitrophenol, rotenone, or 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide blocked As(V) reduction. As(V) reduction was also inhibited by tungstate but not by molybdate, sulfate, or phosphate. Nitrate inhibited As(V) reduction by its action as a preferred respiratory electron acceptor rather than as a structural analog of As(V). Nitrate-respiring sediments could reduce As(V) to As(III) once all the nitrate was removed. Chloramphenicol blocked the reduction of As(V) to As(III) in nitrate-respiring sediments, suggesting that nitrate and arsenate were reduced by separate enzyme systems. Oxidation of [2-(sup14)C]acetate to (sup14)CO(inf2) by salt marsh and freshwater sediments was coupled to As(V). Collectively, these results show that reduction of As(V) in sediments proceeds by a dissimilatory process. Bacterial sulfate reduction was completely inhibited by As(V) as well as by As(III).  相似文献   

Residues Tyr59, Gly78, Ser79, Met103, Gln107, Ile136 and Glu137 in human arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase (hAS3MT) were deduced to form a potential hydrogen bond network around S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) from the sequence alignment between Cyanidioschyzon merolae arsenite S-adenosylmethyltransferase (CmArsM) and hAS3MT. Herein, seven mutants Y59A, G78A, S79A, M103A, Q107A, I136A and E137A were obtained. Their catalytic activities and conformations were characterized and models were built. Y59A and G78A were completely inactive. Only 7.0%, 10.6% and 13.8% inorganic arsenic (iAs) was transformed to monomethylated arsenicals (MMA) when M103A, Q107A and I136A were used as the enzyme. The Vmax (the maximal velocity of the reaction) values of M103A, Q107A, I136A and E137A were decreased to 8%, 22%, 15% and 50% of that of WT-hAS3MT, respectively. The KM(SAM) (the Michaelis constant for SAM) values of mutants M103A, I136A and E137A were 15.7, 8.9 and 5.1 fold higher than that of WT-hAS3MT, respectively, indicating that their affinities for SAM were weakened. The altered microenvironment of SAM and the reduced capacity of binding arsenic deduced from KM(As) (the Michaelis constant for iAs) value probably synergetically reduced the catalytic activity of Q107A. The catalytic activity of S79A was higher than that of WT despite of the higher KM(SAM), suggesting that Ser79 did not impact the catalytic activity of hAS3MT. In short, residues Tyr59 and Gly78 significantly influenced the catalytic activity of hAS3MT as well as Met103, Ile136 and Glu137 because they were closely associated with SAM-binding, while residue Gln107 did not affect SAM-binding regardless of affecting the catalytic activity of hAS3MT. Modeling and our experimental results suggest that the adenine ring of SAM is sandwiched between Ile136 and Met103, the amide group of SAM is hydrogen bonded to Gly78 in hAS3MT and SAM is bonded to Tyr59 with van der Waals, cation-π and hydrogen bonding contacts.  相似文献   

The interaction of bilirubin with collagen in the significance of jaundice incidence have been previously reported and investigated. The novel peptide sequences containing bilirubin binding domain was identified and located to develop a basis for further studies investigating the interactions of collagen with bilirubin in the present study. In this study an intricate interaction between bilirubin and collagen was characterized and their binding domain has been established using in-gel digestion and LC–MS/MS analysis based on the collagen sequencing and peptide mass fingerprinting. The biotinylated bilirubin derivatives bind to α1(I) chain but not to α2(I) chains which clearly designates that bilirubin shows greater affinity to α1 chains of collagen. The intact proteins collected after analyzing the resulting complex mixture of peptides was used for peptide mapping. Using the electrospray method, among the other peptide sequence information obtained, the molecular weight of collagen alpha-2(I) chain was obtained by locating a 130 kDa weight peptide sequences with greater pi value (9.14) with 1,364 amino acid residues and collagen alpha-1(I) chain with 1,463 amino acid residues with 138.9 kDa molecular weight. This information leads to locate the exact sequence of these helices focussing on the domain identification. The total charge of the peptide domain sequences infers that the bilirubin participates in the electrostatic mode of interaction with collagen peptide. Moreover, other modes of interactions such as hydrogen bonding, covalent interactions and hydrophobic interactions are possible.  相似文献   

Transporters of the SLC34 family (NaPi-IIa,b,c) catalyze uptake of inorganic phosphate (Pi) in renal and intestinal epithelia. The transport cycle requires three Na+ ions and one divalent Pi to bind before a conformational change enables translocation, intracellular release of the substrates, and reorientation of the empty carrier. The electrogenic interaction of the first Na+ ion with NaPi-IIa/b at a postulated Na1 site is accompanied by charge displacement, and Na1 occupancy subsequently facilitates binding of a second Na+ ion at Na2. The voltage dependence of cotransport and presteady-state charge displacements (in the absence of a complete transport cycle) are directly related to the molecular architecture of the Na1 site. The fact that Li+ ions substitute for Na+ at Na1, but not at the other sites (Na2 and Na3), provides an additional tool for investigating Na1 site-specific events. We recently proposed a three-dimensional model of human SLC34a1 (NaPi-IIa) including the binding sites Na2, Na3, and Pi based on the crystal structure of the dicarboxylate transporter VcINDY. Here, we propose nine residues in transmembrane helices (TM2, TM3, and TM5) that potentially contribute to Na1. To verify their roles experimentally, we made single alanine substitutions in the human NaPi-IIa isoform and investigated the kinetic properties of the mutants by voltage clamp and 32P uptake. Substitutions at five positions in TM2 and one in TM5 resulted in relatively small changes in the substrate apparent affinities, yet at several of these positions, we observed significant hyperpolarizing shifts in the voltage dependence. Importantly, the ability of Li+ ions to substitute for Na+ ions was increased compared with the wild-type. Based on these findings, we adjusted the regions containing Na1 and Na3, resulting in a refined NaPi-IIa model in which five positions (T200, Q206, D209, N227, and S447) contribute directly to cation coordination at Na1.  相似文献   

促肝细胞再生磷酸酶-3(PRL-3)是重要的肿瘤转移相关基因,其转录调控机制一直未被阐明.应用TRED在线分析系统共获得3种可能的人PRL-3基因启动子区域.通过与人基因组序列进行比对,发现其中3号启动子序列距离人PRL-3基因距离最近,位于该基因上游约1 kb的DNA区域,与5′端非翻译区域邻接.在线Consite分析系统发现,-500 bp至-451bp之间存在Snail结合的核心寡核苷酸序列CACCTG.运用分子克隆的方法获得PRL-3基因启动子2段区域-699 bp至299bp及-642 bp至-383 bp区域,后者具有Snail结合位点核心寡核苷酸序列CACCTG.构建具有荧光素酶报告基因的pGL3载体并检测其启动子活性.-699~299 bp区域与-642~-383 bp区域的DNA片段在SW480、SW620、CNE2、293A细胞中均具有启动子活性,其中含有Snail结合位点核心寡核苷酸序列CACCTG的短片段活性强于较完整的序列.染色质免疫沉淀结合PCR扩增技术及凝胶迁移阻滞实验确定PRL-3基因启动子区域具有Snail结合位点.研究确定,PRL-3基因的启动子位于转录起始位点上游700 bp与下游300 bp的DNA区域,PRL-3基因启动子存在转录因子Snail结合元件.  相似文献   

In the human body, arsenic is metabolized by methylation. Understanding this process is important and provides insight into the relationship between arsenic and its related diseases. We used the rapid equilibrium kinetic model to study the reaction sequence of arsenite methylation. The results suggest that the mechanism for arsenite methylation is a completely ordered mechanism that is also of general interest in reaction systems with different reductants, such as tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine, cysteine, and glutathione. In the reaction, cysteine residues of recombinant human arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase (hAS3MT) coordinate with arsenicals and involve the methyl transfer step. S-Adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) is the first-order reactant, which modulates the conformation of hAS3MT to a best matched state by hydrophobic interaction. As the second-order reactant, reductant reduces the disulfide bond, most likely between Cys-250 and another cysteine residue of hAS3MT, and exposes the active site cysteine residues for binding trivalent inorganic arsenic (iAs3+) to give monomethylarsonic dicysteine (MADC3+). In addition, the reaction can be extended to further methylate MADC3+ to dimethylarsinic cysteine (DAMC3+). In the methylation reaction, the β-pleated sheet content of hAS3MT is increased, and the hydrophobicity of the microenvironment around the active sites is decreased. Similarly, we confirm that both the high β-pleated sheet content of hAS3MT and the high dissociation ability of the enzyme-AdoMet-reductant improve the yield of dimethylated arsenicals.  相似文献   

The picornaviruses coxsackievirus A24 variant (CVA24v) and enterovirus 70 (EV70) cause continued outbreaks and pandemics of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (AHC), a highly contagious eye disease against which neither vaccines nor antiviral drugs are currently available. Moreover, these viruses can cause symptoms in the cornea, upper respiratory tract, and neurological impairments such as acute flaccid paralysis. EV70 and CVA24v are both known to use 5-N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) for cell attachment, thus providing a putative link between the glycan receptor specificity and cell tropism and disease. We report the structures of an intact human picornavirus in complex with a range of glycans terminating in Neu5Ac. We determined the structure of the CVA24v to 1.40 Å resolution, screened different glycans bearing Neu5Ac for CVA24v binding, and structurally characterized interactions with candidate glycan receptors. Biochemical studies verified the relevance of the binding site and demonstrated a preference of CVA24v for α2,6-linked glycans. This preference can be rationalized by molecular dynamics simulations that show that α2,6-linked glycans can establish more contacts with the viral capsid. Our results form an excellent platform for the design of antiviral compounds to prevent AHC.  相似文献   

Amer1 (APC membrane recruitment protein 1)又称为WTX(Wilms’ tumor X),是首个发现位于X染色体上的抑癌基因.由于其定位的特殊性,Amer1近年来成为研究的热点之一.研究表明,Amer1作为骨架蛋白在细胞内与多种蛋白(APC,β-catenin,Axin等)直接结合,在Wnt信号通路中发挥着重要功能.据报道Amer1/WTX含有3个肿瘤抑制蛋白质APC (adenomatous polyposis coli, APC)的结合位点,对于APC在细胞膜上的定位过程中发挥着重要的作用.但是,通过序列比对发现,Amer1可能存在第4个被忽略的APC的结合位点,定位于A1和A2之间.为了验证该片段能否与APC结合,分别构建了GST-Amer1 (365-375)和His-APC (407+775)两种重组蛋白.通过GST-pull down,证明了这两个片段存在相互作用,并进一步通过ITC (isothermal titration calorimetry) 实验测定了两者结合的亲和力.本研究结果不仅在体外证实了Amer1第4个APC结合位点的存在,也为APC和 Amer1/WTX复合物的结构和功能的研究打下了良好的基础.  相似文献   

利用荧光光谱法、紫外光谱法并结合计算机模拟技术在分子水平上研究了胡椒碱与人血清白蛋白(human serum albumin HSA)的键合作用.同步荧光及紫外光谱图表明,胡椒碱对HSA微环境有影响.位点竞争试验证明,胡椒碱分子键合在HSA的位点Ⅱ区.通过荧光光谱滴定数据求得不同温度下(300K 310K和318 K)药物与蛋白相互作用的结合常数及结合位点数.分子模拟的结果显示了胡椒碱与HSA的键合区域和键合模式,表明药物与蛋白有较强的键合作用;维持药物与蛋白质的相互作用力主要是疏水用,兼有氢键(位于氨基酸残基Arg 257,Arg 222及Arg218位).通过实验数据计算得到的热力学参数(ΔH0与ΔS0的值分别为原33.11 kJ·mol-1和原18.90 J·mol原1·K-1)确定了胡椒碱与HSA分子的相互作用力类型主要为氢键兼范德华力.  相似文献   

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