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Seasonal variations of zooplankton communities and their interactions with phytoplankton and environmental parameters were studied over a twelve‐month period in Lake Guiers (Senegal, West Africa). Zooplankton was most abundant during the warm and rainy season corresponding to the flood event (July to October) with peaks for rotifers and cyclopoid copepods in July–August and September–October, respectively. Filamentous cyanobacteria were the dominant phytoplankton during the warm season (August to November), while diatoms were dominant during the cool season (December to April). Temperature increase and river flooding both played an important role in these successions, favoring intense development of cyanobacteria and cyclopoid copepods. Trophic interactions also seem to be an important factor in structuring of the plankton community. Overall, the plankton composition displayed a trend toward a eutrophication state. Our study confirms the existence of seasonality in zooplankton communities and the importance of using biological indicators such as phyto‐ and zooplankton to monitor water quality, in particular in tropical freshwater ecosystems. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a toxic bloom-forming cyanobacterium that occurs at tropical and temperate latitudes. Despite several reports from Africa, no data were previously available about its dynamics or toxic potential there. We therefore carried out a 1-year survey of the dynamics of C. raciborskii in the main water reservoir in Senegal, Lake Guiers. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii never formed a bloom in this lake during the period studied, but was dominant during the dry season. The only observed bloom-forming species was a diatom, Fragilaria sp., which displayed a seasonal pattern contrary to that exhibited by C. raciborskii. Principal component analysis applied to environmental and phytoplankton data showed that high C. raciborskii biomasses were mainly related to high temperature and water column stability. Tests for C. raciborskii species-related toxicity and/or toxin synthesis were performed on 21 isolated clones. All the strains isolated tested negative in mouse toxicity bioassays, toxin analysis (MS/MS) and tests for known cylindrospermopsin genes (ps, pks). The limited number of isolates studied, and the occurrence of toxic and nontoxic clones in natural cyanobacterial populations, mean that we cannot conclude that there is no C. raciborskii-associated health risk in this drinking water reservoir.  相似文献   

An understanding of the evolutionary history and dynamics of invasive species is required for the construction of predictive models of future spread and the design of biological management measures. The black rat (Rattus rattus) is a major vertebrate invader with a worldwide distribution. Despite the severe ecological, economic and health impacts of this species, its evolutionary history has been little studied. We carried out extensive specimen sampling in Senegal, West Africa, and used microsatellite markers to describe the pattern and processes of invasion in this large continental area. The genetic data obtained were combined with historical knowledge concerning the presence of this species in Senegal. Data were analysed by a combination of Bayesian clustering and approximate Bayesian computation methods. The invasion pathways closely paralleled the history of human trade routes in Senegal. In several places, we detected the occurrence of multiple introductions from genetically different sources. Long‐distance migration between towns and villages was also observed. Our findings suggest that genetic bottlenecks and admixture have played a major role in shaping the genetics of invasive black rats. These two processes may generate genetic novelty and favour rapid evolution along the invasion pathways.  相似文献   

The tool-behavior of chimpanzees were studied at the Mt. Assirik, in the Parc National du Niokolo-Koba, Senegal from December 1982 to June 1983 and from February 1985 to January 1986. Five leaf-stalks to obtain termites ofMacrotermes subhyalinus species and four sticks to obtain honey (this is the first report on the use of tools to obtain honey by wild chimpanzees in far western Africa) were found; we also report the first evidence of tools probably used as hammers to break open hard-shelled fruits ofAdansonia digitata. We conclude that Mt. Assirik chimpanzees provide evidence of a certain cultural behavior related to the use of stones.  相似文献   



High malaria transmission heterogeneity in an urban environment is basically due to the complex distribution of Anopheles larval habitats, sources of vectors. Understanding 1) the meteorological and ecological factors associated with differential larvae spatio-temporal distribution and 2) the vectors dynamic, both may lead to improving malaria control measures with remote sensing and high resolution data as key components. In this study a robust operational methodology for entomological malaria predictive risk maps in urban settings is developed.


The Tele-epidemiology approach, i.e., 1) intensive ground measurements (Anopheles larval habitats and Human Biting Rate, or HBR), 2) selection of the most appropriate satellite data (for mapping and extracting environmental and meteorological information), and 3) use of statistical models taking into account the spatio-temporal data variability has been applied in Dakar, Senegal.


First step was to detect all water bodies in Dakar. Secondly, environmental and meteorological conditions in the vicinity of water bodies favoring the presence of Anopheles gambiae s.l. larvae were added. Then relationship between the predicted larval production and the field measured HBR was identified, in order to generate An. gambiae s.l. HBR high resolution maps (daily, 10-m pixel in space).

Discussion and Conclusion

A robust operational methodology for dynamic entomological malaria predictive risk maps in an urban setting includes spatio-temporal variability of An. gambiae s.l. larval habitats and An. gambiae s.l. HBR. The resulting risk maps are first examples of high resolution products which can be included in an operational warning and targeting system for the implementation of vector control measures.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate whether self-rated health status (SRH) and subjective health complaints (SHC) of urban Chinese women are associated with their health-promoting lifestyles (HPL).MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional study on 8142 eligible Chinese participants between 2012 and 2013. Demographic and SHC data were collected. Each subject completed the SRH questionnaire and the Chinese version of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile-II (HPLP-II). Correlation and binary regression analyses were performed to examine the associations of SRH and SHC with HPL.ResultsBoth SRH and HPL of urban Chinese women were moderate. The most common complaints were fatigue (1972, 24.2%), eye discomfort (1571, 19.3%), and insomnia (1542, 18.9%). Teachers, highly educated subjects and elderly women had lower SRH scores, while college students and married women had better HPL. All items of HPLP-II were positively correlated with SRH (r = 0.127-0.533, P = 0.000) and negatively correlated with SHC to a significant extent (odds ratio [OR] = 1.40-11.37).ConclusionsAspects of HPL, particularly stress management and spiritual growth, are associated with higher SRH and lower SHC ratings among urban Chinese women. Physical activity and health responsibility are additionally related to reduced fatigue and nervousness. We believe that these findings will be instrumental in encouraging researchers and urban women to adopt better health-promoting lifestyles with different priorities in their daily lives.  相似文献   



We explore the association between bone T-scores, used in osteoporosis diagnosis, and functional status since we hypothesized that bone health can impact elderly functional status and indirectly independence.


In a cross-sectional study (2005–2006) on community dwelling elderly (> = 75 years) from Herne, Germany we measured bone T-scores with Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry, and functional status indexed by five geriatric tests: activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, test of dementia, geriatric depression score and the timed-up-and-go test, and two pooled indexes: raw and standardized. Generalized linear regression was used to determine the relationship between T-scores and functional status.


From 3243 addresses, only 632 (19%) completed a clinical visit, of which only 440 (male∶female, 243∶197) could be included in analysis. T-scores (−0.99, 95% confidence interval [CI], −1.1–0.9) predicted activities of daily living (95.3 CI, 94.5–96.2), instrumental activities of daily living (7.3 CI, 94.5–96.2), and timed-up-and-go test (10.7 CI, 10.0–11.3) (P< = 0.05). Pooled data showed that a unit improvement in T-score improved standardized pooled functional status (15 CI, 14.7–15.3) by 0.41 and the raw (99.4 CI, 97.8–101.0) by 2.27 units. These results were limited due to pooling of different scoring directions, selection bias, and a need to follow-up with evidence testing.


T-scores associated with lower functional status in community-dwelling elderly. Regular screening of osteoporosis as a preventive strategy might help maintain life quality with aging.  相似文献   



The nutritional aetiology of obesity remains unclear, especially with regard to the role of dairy products in developing countries.


To examine whether milk/milk product consumption is associated with obesity and high waist circumference among adult Indians.


Information on plain milk, tea, curd and buttermilk/lassi consumption assessed using a Food Frequency Questionnaire was obtained from the cross-sectional sib-pair designed Indian Migration Study (3698 men and 2659 women), conducted at four factory locations across north, central and south India. The anthropometric measures included were Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference (WC). Mixed-effect logistic regression models were conducted to accommodate sib-pair design and adjust for potential confounders.


After controlling for potential confounders, the risk of being obese (BMI≥25 kg/m2) was lower among women (OR = 0.57;95%CI:0.43−0.76;p≤0.0001) and men (OR = 0.67;95%CI: 0.51−0.87;p = 0.005), and the risk of a high WC (men: >90 cm; women: >80 cm) was lower among men (OR = 0.71;95%CI:0.54−0.93;p = 0.005) and women (OR = 0.79;95%CI:0.59−1.05;p>0.05) who consume ≥1 portions of plain milk daily than those who do not consume any milk. The inverse association between daily plain milk consumption and obesity was also confirmed in sibling-pair analyses. Daily tea consumption of ≥1 portion was associated with obesity (OR = 1.51;95%CI:1.00−2.25;p>0.050) and high WC (OR = 1.65;95%CI:1.08−2.51;p>0.019) among men but not among women but there was no strong evidence of association of curd and buttermilk/lassi consumption with obesity and high waist circumference among both men and women.


The independent, inverse association of daily plain milk consumption with the risk of being obese suggests that high plain milk intake may lower the risk of obesity in adult Indians. However, this is an observational finding and uncontrolled confounding cannot be excluded as an explanation for the association. Therefore, confirmatory studies are needed to clarify this relationship.  相似文献   

There is a surge in chronic diseases in the developing world, driven by a high prevalence of cardio-metabolic risk factors. This study described differences in prevalence of obesity and cardio-metabolic risk factors between urban and rural settlements in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. This comparative cross-sectional study included 672 participants (median age 50 years), of which 312 were from Kumasi (urban) and 360 from Jachie-Pramso (rural). Demographic, anthropometric and other cardio-metabolic risk factors were gathered and venous blood samples were drawn for biochemical assays. Results suggested significant differences in diastolic blood pressure (80.0 mmHg vs 79.5 mmHg; p = 0.0078), and fasting blood sugar (5.0 mmo/l vs 4.5 mmol/l; p < 0.0001) between the two groups. Further differences in anthropometric measures suggested greater adiposity amongst participants in the urban area. Participants in the urban area were more likely than rural participants, to have high total cholesterol and LDL-c (p < 0.0001 respectively). Risk factors including BMI ≥ 25 (p < 0.0001), BMI ≥ 30 (p < 0.0001), high waist circumference (p < 0.0001), high waist-to-height ratio (p < 0.0001) and alcohol consumption (p = 0.0186) were more prevalent amongst participants in the urban area. Markers of adiposity were higher amongst females than males in both areas (p < 0.05). In the urban area, hypertension, diabetes and lifestyle risk factors were more prevalent amongst males than females. Differences in risk factors by urban / rural residence remained significant after adjusting for gender and age. Obesity and cardio-metabolic risk factors are more prevalent amongst urban settlers, highlighting an urgent need to avert the rise of diet and lifestyle-related chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Anopheles pharoensis Theobald was found to be the prevalent man-biting anopheline mosquito in the central area of the Senegal River delta.
2. Blood-fed females of An.pharoensis were obtained during September-December 1987 from mosquito bednets in the village of Souhlloul, near the Boundoum dam, 70 km NE of St Louis.
3. Dried mosquito specimens were identified morphologically and each thorax processed using monoclonal antibody against the circum-sporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum.
4. Five An.pharoensis out of 912 examined were sporozoite positive, while ninety-eight An.gambiae Giles sensu lato were all negative. This finding strongly supports the local importance of An.pharoensis as a malaria vector.
5. Successful use of pyrethroid-impregnated bednets against malaria transmission in this situation has helped to achieve more than 90% reduction of malaria prevalence.  相似文献   

The chemical and biological characteristics of Lake Guiers (Senegal) have changed markedly since the impoundment of the Senegal River (Diama and Manantali dams) and subsequent development of irrigated agriculture in the nineteen eighties. On a longitudinal transect of 10 stations (from south to north), the environmental characteristics and the spatial variability of physicochemical variables, phytoplankton and zooplankton communities were studied. Within a marked south‐north gradient, the southern stations were characterized by the highest conductivity and pH and by the lowest values of suspended solids, chlorophyll‐a concentrations and phytoplankton abundance (mainly Chlorophycea, Cyanobacteria and Bacillariophycea). The spatial distribution of zooplankton showed a clear distinction between the southern zone, characterized by the presence of the rotifers Brachionus falcatus and Conochiloides sp., the cladoceran Bosmina longirostris, the cyclopoid Thermocyclops neglectus and the calanoid Pseudodiaptomus hessei. A co‐inertia analysis clearly showed that environmental factors and phytoplankton drives the spatial distribution of zooplankton communities. The comparison of our data with previous studies suggests a marked change in the biological communities since the impoundment of the Senegal River, with rarefaction of P. hessei and proliferation of the cyclopoid Mesocyclops ogunnus. Several hypotheses are discussed to explain these biological changes. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

BackgroundCo-infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) may lead to accelerated hepatic disease progression with higher rates of liver cirrhosis and liver-related mortality compared with HBV mono-infection. Co or super-infection with hepatitis Delta virus (HDV) may worsen the liver disease and complicate treatment possibilities.MethodsIn this cross-sectional study we included HIV-infected individuals who had a routine blood analysis performed at an HIV clinic in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau between the 28th of April and 30th of September 2011. All patients were interviewed, had a clinical exam performed and had a blood sample stored. The patients'' samples were tested for HBV and HDV serology, and HBV/HDV viral loads were analyzed using in-house real-time PCR methods.ResultsIn total, 576 patients (417 HIV-1, 104 HIV-2 and 55 HIV-1/2) were included in this study. Ninety-four (16.3%) patients were HBsAg positive of whom 16 (17.0%) were HBeAg positive. In multivariable logistic regression analysis, CD4 cell count <200 cells/ µl and animist religion were significantly associated with HBsAg positivity. Due to scarcity of available plasma, virological analyses were not performed for eight patients. HBV DNA was detected in 42 of 86 samples (48.8%) positive for HBsAg and genotyping was performed in 26 patients; 25 of whom had genotype E and one genotype D. Among 9 patients on antiretroviral treatment (ART), one patient had the [L180M, M204V] mutation associated with lamivudine resistance. Among the HBsAg positive patients 25.0% were also positive for anti-HDV and 4/9 (44.4%) had detectable HDV RNA.ConclusionHBV and HDV were frequent co-infections among HIV positive patients in Guinea-Bissau and chronic infection was associated with severe immunosuppression. Lamivudine was widely used among HBsAg positive patients with the risk of developing resistant HBV.  相似文献   

Abstract. Songhaica nigeriana gen. et sp.n. is described from tropical rain forest in Nieria. Sminthurus stylifer Murphy from wooded Savanna and cultivated soils in Gambia also belongs in this new genus.  相似文献   

A new species of pycnogonid, Endeis picta sp. nov. , is described from the coast of Ghana, occuring in a Balanus tintinnabulum fouling community on a ship's hull. The species is close to E. straughani Clark.  相似文献   



Although child undernutrition and stunting has been decreasing worldwide while obesity rates increase, these extreme conditions might coexist in families from low- and middle-income countries. We examined the association between maternal and child anthropometric indicators using a population representative sample.


4,258 non-pregnant women and their children <60 months who participated in the 2006 Brazilian Demographic Health Survey. We compared the distributions of two nutritional indexes of children, height-for-age (HAZ) and body mass index-for age (BAZ) z-scores, by categories of maternal height, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference (WC). Adjusted mean differences and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were estimated from linear regression, taking into account the complex survey design. We also examined the associations of maternal anthropometry with the prevalence of child stunting (HAZ<−2) and overweight/obesity (BAZ>2).


HAZ was positively associated with maternal height and WC in a linear fashion. After adjustment, for sociodemographic characteristics, children whose mothers'' height was<145 cm had 1.2 lower HAZ than children whose mothers were ≥160 cm tall (p-trend<0.0001). After further adjustment for maternal height and maternal BMI, children of mothers with a waist circumference ≥88 cm had 0.3 higher HAZ than those of mothers with WC<80 cm (p-trend<0.01). Adjusted prevalence ratios and 95% CI for stunting by the categories of maternal height (<145, 145–149, 150–154, 155–159 and ≥160 cm) were, respectively, 2.95 (1.51;5.77), 2.29 (1.33;3.93), 1.09 (0.63;1.87), and 0.89 (0.45;1.77), (p-trend = 0.001). BAZ was positively associated with maternal BMI and WC.


We observed a strong, positive association of maternal and child nutritional status. Mothers of low stature had children with lower stature, mothers with central obesity had taller children, and mothers with overall or abdominal obesity had children with higher BAZ.  相似文献   

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) often remains clinically silent and therefore undiagnosed until a progressed stage is reached. Our aim was to estimate the prevalence of CKD in a primary care setting in Switzerland. A multicenter, cross-sectional study with randomly selected general practitioners was performed. Adults visiting their general physician’s cabinet during defined periods were asked to participate. Baseline information was reported on a questionnaire, urine and blood samples were analyzed in a central laboratory. Renal status was assessed using the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) classification. Extrapolation of results to national level was adjusted for age and gender. One thousand individuals (57% females) with a mean age of 57±17 years were included. Overall, 41% of the patients had normal estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and albumin creatinine ratio (ACR), whereas 36% of the subjects had slightly reduced excretory renal function with physiological albuminuria based on normal ACR. Almost one fourth of the subjects (23%) had either a substantially reduced eGFR or high levels of ACR. About 10% of the patients had a substantially reduced eGFR of <60 ml/min/1.73 m2, and 17% showed relevant proteinuria (ACR >30 mg/g creatinine). Extrapolation to national level suggests that about 18% of primary care patients may suffer from CKD. CKD prevalence in a primary care population is therefore high, and preventive interventions may be advisable, in particular as CKD prevalence is likely to rise over the next decades.  相似文献   



In the context of rapid changes regarding practices related to delivery in Africa, we assessed maternal and perinatal adverse outcomes associated with the mode of delivery in 41 referral hospitals of Mali and Senegal.

Study Design

Cross-sectional survey nested in a randomised cluster trial (1/10/2007–1/10/2008). The associations between intended mode of delivery and (i) in-hospital maternal mortality, (ii) maternal morbidity (transfusion or hysterectomy), (iii) stillbirth or neonatal death before Day 1 and (iv) neonatal death between 24 hours after birth and hospital discharge were examined. We excluded women with immediate life threatening maternal or fetal complication to avoid indication bias. The analyses were performed using hierarchical logistic mixed models with random intercept and were adjusted for women''s, newborn''s and hospitals'' characteristics.


Among the 78,166 included women, 2.2% had a pre-labor cesarean section (CS) and 97.8% had a trial of labor. Among women with a trial of labor, 87.5% delivered vaginally and 12.5% had intrapartum CS. Pre-labor CS was associated with a marked reduction in the risk of stillbirth or neonatal death before Day 1 as compared with trial of labor (OR = 0.2 [0.16–0.36]), though we did not show that maternal mortality (OR = 0.3 [0.07–1.32]) and neonatal mortality after Day 1 (OR = 1.3 (0.66–2.72]) differed significantly between groups. Among women with trial of labor, intrapartum CS and operative vaginal delivery were associated with higher risks of maternal mortality and morbidity, and neonatal mortality after Day 1, as compared with spontaneous vaginal delivery.


In referral hospitals of Mali and Senegal, pre-labor CS is a safe procedure although intrapartum CS and operative vaginal delivery are associated with increased risks in mothers and infants. Further research is needed to determine what aspects of obstetric care contribute to a delay in the provision of intrapartum interventions so that practices may be made safer when they are needed.  相似文献   

This study explores the relation between household socioeconomic status (SES) and participation in urban and periurban agriculture (UPA) in three West African cities. We used a structured questionnaire to survey 700 randomly selected households: 250 in Kano, Nigeria, 250 in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, and 200 in Sikasso, Mali. Multiple correspondence analysis was applied on household asset variables to create an index of assets which was used as a proxy for household SES. The results showed no significant differences in households’ rate of participation in UPA across socioeconomic groups. Participation in UPA was rather significantly (P < 0.001) and positively related to household size. Interestingly, the analysis revealed that field crop cultivation and gardening were more common among households in the low and medium SES groups while those in the high SES group were more likely to keep livestock.  相似文献   

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