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In the pygmy mouse, Mus dunni, the entire Y chromosome and the short arm of the X and distal region of its long arm are constitutively heterochromatic. Different banding studies on somatic chromosomes revealed the GC nature of the distally located heterochromatin of the long arms of both the X and Y chromosomes. The short arm of the X and the rest of the Y are AT-rich. During meiosis, the long arms of the X and Y paired extensively, sometimes more than half of the Y pairing with the X. This observation is in disagreement with that of Pathak and Hsu (1976) who reported end-to-end pairing between the long arm of the X and the short arm of the Y. The orientation observed by us is favourable to a successful meiotic recombination but whether this takes place remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

The Indian pygmy field mouse, Mus terricolor, is a tiny, yet economically and ecologically important crop pest found throughout South-East Asia. There are no systematic reports exploring its reproductive physiology. We report the presence of distinct periods of annual reproductive activity and quiescence in M. terricolor. Body weight in males and females, relative weights of testis, epididymis and seminal vesicle in males, ovarian and uterine weight in females, gonadal histomorphic changes, testicular and ovarian cholesterol, sialic acid in epididymis, fructose in seminal vesicle, uterine protein content, melatonin in males and females, testosterone in males, estradiol, and progesterone in females were studied over a period of three years in both wild-caught and lab-acclimated mice. The number of Graafian follicles and corpora lutea, and plasma estradiol and progesterone, along with relative weights of ovary and uterus in females exhibited a peak in the months of October–January, compared to June. Based on histomorphic and hormonal status, the major reproductively active season is the winter (short-day breeding). There is a brief period of sub-maximal reproductive activity in April. M. terricolor is reproductively inactive in the summer, monsoons, and autumn. The results establish M. terricolor as a seasonal breeder in the field, with interesting implications for pest management.  相似文献   

Comment on: Sebestova J, et al. Cell Cycle 2012; 11:3011-8.  相似文献   

The extent to which alleles can disperse across a hybrid zone depends on the selection they are subjected to in the hybrid genetic background or, for those that are selectively neutral, on their ability to escape from the unfavourable environment by recombination. Three markers spanning a 45 cM segment in the center of the X chromosome were used to investigate the degree to which selection against X chromosome linked genes helps to maintain the barrier to gene flow in the hybrid zone between Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. musculus in Denmark. The introgression of all the sex chromosome specific markers was more limited than that of the autosomal enzymes (Idh1, Amy, Gpd1, Pgm1, Es1, Es2, Mpi, Np1, Es10, Sod1) and the mitochondrial DNA. The cline for DXPas2, which is in the center of the X chromosome, is extremely steep and shows that certain genes located in this region are strongly selected against in the hybrid background. The clines of the other two X-linked markers, Hprt and DXPas1, and of the Y chromosome are not as abrupt and all three have similar asymmetric introgression patterns. Although the musculus variants appear to behave in much the same way as those of the autosomal genes, the domesticus variants do not introgress. The results show that X-linked and to a lesser extent Y-linked genes are more strongly selected against in the hybrid genome than the mitochondrial genome or the different autosomal loci. This suggests that co-adapted gene systems involving the sex chromosomes may play an important role in the hybrid breakdown between the two subspecies.  相似文献   

We investigated habitat selection of Mus minutoides in northeastern Swaziland. We used powder tracking to determine how M. minutoides selected habitat at a fine scale and a broader path scale. At the fine scale, we measured per cent cover of grass and shrubs, the number of forbs and visual obstruction (VO) at five evenly spaced points along a mouse's pathway and at a paired random location. At the path scale, we calculated the relative displacement (RD) of each path as the ratio of the distance from the start to the end point of the path to the total length of the path (values near one indicate less preference). We found that M. minutoides were positively associated with increases in visual obstruction, grass cover, and shrub cover at the fine scale, but not at the path scale. Our results indicate that M. minutoides selection of vegetative features at the path scale is not as important as their fine‐scale selection of vegetative structure. In addition, the shrub encroachment on our study site may be directly beneficial to M. minutoides at the fine scale. Our results provide us with an increased understanding of the basic ecology of M. minutoides and information on their response to a changing landscape.  相似文献   

Play behavior in juvenile primates, rats and other species is sexually dimorphic, with males showing more play than females. In mice, sex differences in juvenile play have only been examined in out-bred CD-1 mice. In this strain, contrary to other animals, male mice display less play soliciting than females. Using an established same-sex dyadic interaction test, we examined play in in-bred C57BL/6J (B6) 21-day-old mice. When paired with non-siblings, males tended to be more social than females, spending more time exploring the test cage. Females displayed significantly more anogenital sniffing and solicited play more frequently than did males. To determine if the origin of the sex difference was sex chromosome genes or gonadal sex, next we used the four core genotype mouse. We found significant interactions between gonadal sex and genotype for several behaviors. Finally, we asked if sibling pairs (as compared to non-siblings) would display qualitatively or quantitatively different behavior. In fact, XX females paired with a sibling were more social and less exploratory or investigative, whereas XY males exhibited less investigative and play soliciting behaviors in tests with siblings. Many neurobehavioral disorders, like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are sexually dimorphic in incidence and patients interact less than normal with other children. Our results suggest that sex chromosome genes interact with gonadal hormones to shape the development of juvenile social behavior, and that social context can drastically alter sex differences. These data may have relevance for understanding the etiology of sexually dimorphic disorders such as ASD.  相似文献   

An XXY sex chromosome anomaly in the mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Endo  T Watanabe  T Fujita 《Génome》1991,34(1):41-43
A cryptorchid male mouse with 41,XXY chromosome constitution was found in 300 male offspring that were born to our XO mice breeding colony. This individual had small testes with no sign of spermatogenesis at autopsy at 10 months of age.  相似文献   

The mouse oocyte expresses a polypeptide of Mr 120,000 that cross-reacts with an antibody to the brain membrane skeletal protein adducin. Immunofluorescence localization showed a bright chromosomal staining reaction in metaphase I and metaphase II oocytes. Following in vitro fertilization the maternal chromosomes lost their immunoreactivity during pronuclear development. The fertilizing sperm chromatin and male pronucleus did not show any detectable staining reaction. Bright chromosomal fluorescence was again observed in the first mitotic metaphase when both maternal and paternal chromosomes gave a positive staining reaction. In contrast to the immunoreactivity of the maternal meiotic chromosomes, the meiotic chromosomes of male germ line cells failed to exhibit any detectable staining reaction and this difference was confirmed by immunolabeling of oocyte and spermatocyte karyotypes. Mitotic chromosomes in preimplantation embryos, fetal liver, adult intestinal epithelium, and MDCK cells also failed to show any detectable labeling reaction. The results suggest that expression of the immunoreactive chromosomal adducin may be a unique feature of oogenesis.  相似文献   

T. Sharma 《Genetica》1996,97(3):331-338
Mus booduga and Mus terricolor both have 2n=40. Unlike M. booduga, with all acrocentric chromosomes, M. terricolor invariably has large submetacentric X and acrocentric Y due to an increase of heterochromatin. In contrast to the conservative karyotype of the co-existing sibling species booduga, three chromosome types of terricolor are found in different populations and their divergent karyotypes have autosomal heterochromatin variations established in the homozygous condition. The average genetic distance determined from electrophoretic study of 20 protein loci ranges from lowest (D=0.106) between chromosome types I & II to highest (D=0.185) between types II & III. In terricolor, booduga and M. m. tytleri high mean values of variations per locus (range A=1.604 to 1.928) and heterozygosity per individual per locus (range H=0.180 to 0.336) have been observed. Sequence divergence of 0.39 to 1.2%, calculated from restriction profiles of mtDNA, shows that the terricolor chromosome types have diverged recently. Hybridizations between type I females and type III males gave a preponderance of males in the F1 with varying degrees of sterility. The terricolor complex is an interesting system for critical probing for the role of heterochromatin in the process of speciation. MtDNA, protein loci and AT-rich musculus-related major and minor satellite DNA data indicate that progenitors of the booduga-terricolor lineage might have evolved simultaneously with the caroli-cookii-cervicolor lineage in the evolution of the subgenus Mus.  相似文献   

In animals with heteromorphic sex chromosomes, all sex differences originate from the sex chromosomes, which are the only factors that are consistently different in male and female zygotes. In mammals, the imbalance in Y gene expression, specifically the presence vs. absence of Sry, initiates the differentiation of testes in males, setting up lifelong sex differences in the level of gonadal hormones, which in turn cause many sex differences in the phenotype of non-gonadal tissues. The inherent imbalance in the expression of X and Y genes, or in the epigenetic impact of X and Y chromosomes, also has the potential to contribute directly to the sexual differentiation of non-gonadal cells. Here, we review the research strategies to identify the X and Y genes or chromosomal regions that cause direct, sexually differentiating effects on non-gonadal cells. Some mouse models are useful for separating the effects of sex chromosomes from those of gonadal hormones. Once direct “sex chromosome effects” are detected in these models, further studies are required to narrow down the list of candidate X and/or Y genes and then to identify the sexually differentiating genes themselves. Logical approaches to the search for these genes are reviewed here.  相似文献   

Female mammals have two X chromosomes and males have a single X and a smaller, male-determining Y chromosome. The dosage of X-linked gene products is equalized between the sexes by the genetic inactivation of one X chromosome in females. The characteristics of the mechanism of X-chromosome inactivation differ in eutherian and metatherian mammals, and it has been suggested that the metatherian system represents a more primitive stage. The present study of monotreme sex chromosomes and X-chromosome inactivation suggests that the prototherian mammals may represent an even more primitive stage. There is extensive G-band homology between the monotreme X and Y chromosomes, and differences in the patterns of replication of the two X chromosomes in females suggest that X inactivation is tissue specific and confined to the unpaired segment of the X. On the basis of these results, we propose a model for the differentiation of mammalian sex chromosomes and the evolution of the mechanism of X-chromosome inactivation. This model involves a gradual reduction of the Y chromosome and an accompanying gradual recruitment of (newly unpaired) X-linked loci under the control of a single inactivation center.  相似文献   

A J Solari 《Genetics》1969,61(1):Suppl:113-Suppl:120

We studied the phylogeography of the strict savannah pygmy mice Mus (Nannomys) minutoides in West Central Africa. A total of 846 base pairs of the cytochrome b sequence were obtained for 66 individuals collected in Gabon, Cameroon, Republic of Congo and Central African Republic. These sequences were compared to those of M. minutoides from other African countries and to eight other species of the genus Mus. We performed maximum likelihood, Bayesian and nested clade analyses, as well as neutrality tests and time estimates. We show that M. minutoides is a well‐differentiated monophyletic species that separated from other pygmy mice 1.17 Myr ago. A distinct West Central African M. minutoides clade diverged early from the other African populations of the species, with a more recent common ancestor dating 0.14 Myr. West Central African populations are globally homogeneous, despite the present fragmentation of savannahs by the rain forest. However, our analyses show an unexpected vicariance between geographically close savannahs, embedded in the rain forest in Central Gabon. One of these populations is genetically more similar to very distant peripheral populations than to three closely neighbouring populations situated on both sides of the Ogooué River. A non‐river geographical barrier probably persisted in this area, durably isolating these local populations. This hypothesis about the history of the savannah landscape should be testable through the biogeographical analysis of other strict savannah small mammal species.  相似文献   

Birds show female heterogamety, with ZZ males and ZW females. It is still not clear whether the W is female-determining, or whether two doses of the Z chromosomes are male-determining, or both. This question could easily be settled by the sexual phenotypes of ZZW and ZO birds, in the same way that the sexual phenotypes of XXY and XO showed that the Y is male determining in humans, but that the dosage of an X-borne gene determines sex in Drosophila. However, despite extensive searches, no ZZW or ZO diploid birds have been satisfactorily documented, so we must assume that these genotypes are embryonic lethals. Given that ZW and ZZ are viable and the W contains few genes it is not clear why this should be so. Here I propose that sex chromosome aneuploids are lethal in chicken because, to achieve dosage compensation, a locus on the W chromosome controls the upregulation of genes on the Z in ZW females. ZO birds would therefore have only half the normal dose of Z-linked gene product and ZZW would have twice the amount, both of which would undoubtedly be incompatible with life. Reports of other aneuploids and triploids are also consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

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