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A genome wide scan was performed on a total of 2093 Italian Holstein proven bulls genotyped with 50K single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), with the objective of identifying loci associated with fertility related traits and to test their effects on milk production traits. The analysis was carried out using estimated breeding values for the aggregate fertility index and for each trait contributing to the index: angularity, calving interval, non-return rate at 56 days, days to first service, and 305 day first parity lactation. In addition, two production traits not included in the aggregate fertility index were analysed: fat yield and protein yield. Analyses were carried out using all SNPs treated separately, further the most significant marker on BTA14 associated to milk quality located in the DGAT1 region was treated as fixed effect. Genome wide association analysis identified 61 significant SNPs and 75 significant marker-trait associations. Eight additional SNP associations were detected when SNP located near DGAT1 was included as a fixed effect. As there were no obvious common SNPs between the traits analyzed independently in this study, a network analysis was carried out to identify unforeseen relationships that may link production and fertility traits.  相似文献   

Complex vertebral malformation (CVM) is an autosomal recessive inherited defect in the Holstein breed. It causes intra-uterine mortality through the entire gestation period leading to repeat breeding and involuntary culling of cows and thereby economic losses. The defect was first reported in Denmark in 1999 and a direct DNA test for the defect has been available since February 2001. The aim of this study was to investigate if Holstein bulls heterozygous for the CVM gene had reduced reproductive performance, measured as non-return rate (NRR) and in a daughter fertility index. All genotyped Swedish Holstein bulls born between 1995 and 1999 were included. Altogether 228 bulls were analysed, of which 53 bulls, i.e. 23%, were confirmed CVM carriers. A statistically significant difference between carriers and non-carriers in the relative breeding value for NRR was observed for 168 days NRR (101.1 ± 0.9 vs. 103.1 ± 0.6, p < 0.05). There was no difference for 28 days NRR whereas the difference approached significance for 56 days NRR. No significant effect of the paternal CVM genotype on the daughter fertility index was shown probably due to the complexity of traits this index is composed of. In conclusion, the study showed that carriers of the CVM defect have an inferior NRR compared with non-carriers.  相似文献   

The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) is a Class C G-protein coupled receptor that regulates food intake and assimilation. However, studies on the relationship between CaSR gene and growth traits in cattle are deficient. The aim of this study was to examine the association of the CaSR polymorphism with growth traits in cattle breeds. Four novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and one previously reported SNP (NC_007299.5: g.67630865T>C, 67638409G>C, 67660395G>C, 67661546C>G, and 67661892A>C) were identified in the bovine CaSR gene using DNA sequencing and PCR-SSCP methods in 520 individuals from three representative breeds. The three SNP P4_2, P7_1, and P7_4 in LX, QC, and JX cattle populations belonged to intermediate genetic diversity (0.25?相似文献   

The multiple-SNP analysis has been studied by many researchers, in which the effects of multiple SNPs are simultaneously estimated and tested in a multiple linear regression. The multiple-SNP association analysis usually has higher power and lower false-positive rate for detecting causative SNP(s) than single marker analysis (SMA). Several methods have been proposed to simultaneously estimate and test multiple SNP effects. In this research, a fast method called MEML (Mixed model based Expectation-Maximization Lasso algorithm) was developed for simultaneously estimate of multiple SNP effects. An improved Lasso prior was assigned to SNP effects which were estimated by searching the maximum joint posterior mode. The residual polygenic effect was included in the model to absorb many tiny SNP effects, which is treated as missing data in our EM algorithm. A series of simulation experiments were conducted to validate the proposed method, and the results showed that compared with SMMA, the new method can dramatically decrease the false-positive rate. The new method was also applied to the 50k SNP-panel dataset for genome-wide association study of milk production traits in Chinese Holstein cattle. Totally, 39 significant SNPs and their nearby 25 genes were found. The number of significant SNPs is remarkably fewer than that by SMMA which found 105 significant SNPs. Among 39 significant SNPs, 8 were also found by SMMA and several well-known QTLs or genes were confirmed again; furthermore, we also got some positional candidate gene with potential function of effecting milk production traits. These novel findings in our research should be valuable for further investigation.  相似文献   

One clone encoding glycoside hydrolases was identified through functional screening of a rumen bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. Of the 68 open reading frames (ORFs) predicted, one ORF encodes a novel endo-β-1,4-xylanase with two catalytic domains of family GH43 and two cellulose-binding modules (CBMs) of family IV. Partial characterization showed that this endo-xylanase has a greater specific activity than a number of other xylanases over a wide temperature range at neutral pH and could be useful in some industrial applications.The ruminal microbes possess a repertoire of hydrolases, including glycosyl hydrolases and esterases, which mediate hydrolysis and subsequent fermentation of the diets (mainly cellulose, xylan, amylopectin, amylose, pectin) (10, 18). Thus, the ruminal microbiome has been recognized as a rich source of enzymes important not only for feed and animal industries but also for the bioenergy industry (20, 26). However, this enzyme source is largely untapped because the majority of ruminal microbes remain uncultured (17). Activity-based metagenomics enables direct identification of genes and enzymes of interest by screening metagenomic libraries for desired heterologous phenotypic traits expressed in a surrogate bacterial host. Collectively, previous studies have identified 12 esterases, 10 endoglucanases, two lipases, one cyclodextrinase, one polyphenol oxidase, and one unique multifunctional glycosyl hydrolase from ruminal metagenomic libraries (2, 6, 8-9, 21, 23). These studies provided further evidence that the ruminal microbiome contains a rich source of glycosyl hydrolases possessed by as-yet-uncultured microbes. The objective of this study was to examine a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library constructed previously from the ruminal samples collected from Chinese Holstein cows for hydrolases.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate heritabilities for and genetic correlations among different pathogen-specific mastitis traits. The traits were unspecific mastitis, which is all mastitis treatments regardless of the causative pathogen as well as mastitis caused by Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Escherichia coli, coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus uberis. Also groups of pathogens were investigated, Gram-negative v. Gram-positive and contagious v. environmental pathogens. Data from 168 158 Danish Holstein cows calving first time between 1998 and 2006 were used in the analyses. Variances and covariances were estimated using uni- and bivariate threshold models via Gibbs sampling. Posterior means of heritabilities of pathogen-specific mastitis were lower than the heritability of unspecific mastitis, ranging from 0.035 to 0.076 for S. aureus and S. uberis, respectively. The heritabilities of groups of pathogen ranged from 0.053 to 0.087. Genetic correlations among the pathogen-specific mastitis traits ranged from 0.45 to 0.77. These estimates tended to be lowest for bacteria eliciting very different immune responses, which can be considered as the overall pleiotropic effect of genes affecting resistance to a specific pathogen, and highest for bacteria sharing characteristics regarding immune response. The genetic correlations between the groups of pathogens were high, 0.73 and 0.83. Results showed that the pathogen-specific traits used in this study should be considered as different traits. Genetic evaluation for pathogen-specific mastitis resistance may be beneficial despite lower heritabilities than unspecific mastitis because a pathogen-specific mastitis trait is a direct measure of an udder infection, and because the cost of a mastitis case caused by different pathogens has been shown to differ greatly. Sampling bias may be present because there were not pathogen information on all mastitis treatments and because some farms do not record pathogen information. Therefore, improved recording of pathogen information and mastitis treatments in general is critical for a successful genetic evaluation of udder health. Also, economic values have to be specified for each pathogen-specific trait separately.  相似文献   

Studies are being conducted on the applicability of genomic data to improve the accuracy of the selection process in livestock, and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) provide valuable information to enhance the understanding on the genetics of complex traits. The aim of this study was to identify genomic regions and genes that play roles in birth weight (BW), weaning weight adjusted for 210 days of age (WW), and long-yearling weight adjusted for 420 days of age (LYW) in Canchim cattle. GWAS were performed by means of the Generalized Quasi-Likelihood Score (GQLS) method using genotypes from the BovineHD BeadChip and estimated breeding values for BW, WW, and LYW. Data consisted of 285 animals from the Canchim breed and 114 from the MA genetic group (derived from crossings between Charolais sires and ½ Canchim + ½ Zebu dams). After applying a false discovery rate correction at a 10% significance level, a total of 4, 12, and 10 SNPs were significantly associated with BW, WW, and LYW, respectively. These SNPs were surveyed to their corresponding genes or to surrounding genes within a distance of 250 kb. The genes DPP6 (dipeptidyl-peptidase 6) and CLEC3B (C-type lectin domain family 3 member B) were highlighted, considering its functions on the development of the brain and skeletal system, respectively. The GQLS method identified regions on chromosome associated with birth weight, weaning weight, and long-yearling weight in Canchim and MA animals. New candidate regions for body weight traits were detected and some of them have interesting biological functions, of which most have not been previously reported. The observation of QTL reports for body weight traits, covering areas surrounding the genes (SNPs) herein identified provides more evidence for these associations. Future studies targeting these areas could provide further knowledge to uncover the genetic architecture underlying growth traits in Canchim cattle.  相似文献   

Recent advances in high-throughput genotyping technologies have provided the opportunity to map genes using associations between complex traits and markers. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) based on either a single marker or haplotype have identified genetic variants and underlying genetic mechanisms of quantitative traits. Prompted by the achievements of studies examining economic traits in cattle and to verify the consistency of these two methods using real data, the current study was conducted to construct the haplotype structure in the bovine genome and to detect relevant genes genuinely affecting a carcass trait and a meat quality trait. Using the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip, 942 young bulls with genotyping data were introduced as a reference population to identify the genes in the beef cattle genome significantly associated with foreshank weight and triglyceride levels. In total, 92,553 haplotype blocks were detected in the genome. The regions of high linkage disequilibrium extended up to approximately 200 kb, and the size of haplotype blocks ranged from 22 bp to 199,266 bp. Additionally, the individual SNP analysis and the haplotype-based analysis detected similar regions and common SNPs for these two representative traits. A total of 12 and 7 SNPs in the bovine genome were significantly associated with foreshank weight and triglyceride levels, respectively. By comparison, 4 and 5 haplotype blocks containing the majority of significant SNPs were strongly associated with foreshank weight and triglyceride levels, respectively. In addition, 36 SNPs with high linkage disequilibrium were detected in the GNAQ gene, a potential hotspot that may play a crucial role for regulating carcass trait components.  相似文献   


An oligonucleotide microarray—which allows for parallel genotyping of many SNPs in genes involved in cow milk protein biosynthesis—was used to identify which of the 16 candidate SNPs are associated with milk performance traits in Holstein cows. Four hundred cows were genotyped by the developed and validated microarray. Significant associations were found between four single SNPs, namely DGAT1 (acyloCoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase), LTF (lactoferrin), CSN3 (kappa-casein), and GHR (growth hormone receptor) and with fat and protein yield and percentage. Many significant associations between combined genotypes (two SNPs) and milk performance traits were found. The associations between the combined genotypes DGAT1/LTF and DGAT1/LEPTIN analyzed traits are presented as examples.

The microarray based on APEX (Arrayed Primer Extension) is a fast and reliable method for multiple SNP analysis of potential application in marker-assisted selection. After further development, the chip may prospectively be used for dairy cattle paternity analysis and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

中国荷斯坦牛白细胞黏附缺陷症PCR-RFLP检测方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验根据已知牛染色体上CD18编码基因序列设计引物,提取牛血液和精液DNA,可扩增出338bp的DNA片段,将PCR产物克隆到pMD18-T载体中,对阳性重组质粒进行测序,确定为牛的CD18基因。由于CD18基因的383位碱基由A变为G,而引起牛白细胞黏附缺陷症(BLAD),通过对济南市11个奶牛场356头奶牛及53头荷斯坦种公牛进行了BLAD的PCR-RFLP检测,共检出3头杂合母牛(携带者),占检测母牛群的0.84%,在荷斯坦公牛中只检测到一种基因型,没有发现隐性突变基因的携带者。  相似文献   

A key step toward the discovery of a gene related to a trait is the finding of an association between the trait and one or more haplotypes. Haplotype analyses can also provide critical information regarding the function of a gene; however, when unrelated subjects are sampled, haplotypes are often ambiguous because of unknown linkage phase of the measured sites along a chromosome. A popular method of accounting for this ambiguity in case-control studies uses a likelihood that depends on haplotype frequencies, so that the haplotype frequencies can be compared between the cases and controls; however, this traditional method is limited to a binary trait (case vs. control), and it does not provide a method of testing the statistical significance of specific haplotypes. To address these limitations, we developed new methods of testing the statistical association between haplotypes and a wide variety of traits, including binary, ordinal, and quantitative traits. Our methods allow adjustment for nongenetic covariates, which may be critical when analyzing genetically complex traits. Furthermore, our methods provide several different global tests for association, as well as haplotype-specific tests, which give a meaningful advantage in attempts to understand the roles of many different haplotypes. The statistics can be computed rapidly, making it feasible to evaluate the associations between many haplotypes and a trait. To illustrate the use of our new methods, they are applied to a study of the association of haplotypes (composed of genes from the human-leukocyte-antigen complex) with humoral immune response to measles vaccination. Limited simulations are also presented to demonstrate the validity of our methods, as well as to provide guidelines on how our methods could be used.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is a common enteric pathogen associated with diarrheal diseases. There are some reports of G. lamblia infection among different breeds of cattle in recent years worldwide. However, it is yet to know whether cattle in Jiangxi province, southeastern China is infected with G. lamblia. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the prevalence and examine the multilocus genotypes of G. lamblia in cattle in Jiangxi province. A total of 556 fecal samples were collected from 3 cattle breeds (dairy cattle, beef cattle, and buffalo) in Jiangxi province, and the prevalence and genotypes of G. lamblia were determined by the nested PCR amplification of the beta-giardin (bg) gene. A total of 52 samples (9.2%) were positive for G. lamblia. The highest prevalence of G. lamblia was detected in dairy cattle (20.0%), followed by that in beef cattle (6.4%), and meat buffalo (0.9%). Multilocus sequence typing of G. lamblia was performed based on sequences of the bg, triose phosphate isomerase and glutamate dehydrogenase loci, and 22, 42, and 52 samples were amplifiable, respectively, forming 15 MLGs. Moreover, one mixed G. lamblia infection (assemblages A and E) was found in the present study. Altogether, 6 novel assemblage E subtypes (E41*–E46*) were identified for the first time. These results not only provided baseline data for the control of G. lamblia infection in cattle in this southeastern province of China, but also enriched the molecular epidemiological data and genetic diversity of G. lamblia in cattle.  相似文献   

秦川牛和中国荷斯坦牛POU1F1基因多态性研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
严林俊  刘波  房兴堂  陈宏  张润锋  鲍斌  张海军 《遗传》2006,28(11):1371-1375
采用PCR-RFLP技术研究了秦川牛(QQ)和中国荷斯坦牛(HC)共计218头个体POU1F1基因的多态性。结果表明: 秦川牛及中国荷斯坦牛群体POU1F1-HinfⅠ基因座的451 bp 的PCR产物经限制性酶HinfⅠ消化后表现多态, 其等位基因A/B频率分别为0.232/0.768、0.132/0.868; 两个群体AA、AB和BB 3种基因型的频率分别为0.030/0.403/0.567、0.007/0.251/0.742。在该基因座秦川牛群体处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态, 中国荷斯坦牛群体处于不平衡状态。它们在该基因座的杂合度、有效等位基因数、Shannon信息熵、多态信息含量分别为0.356/1.553/0.541/0.292、0.229/1.297/0.390/0.203; 秦川牛群体的位点杂合度、有效等位基因数、Shannon信息熵、多态信息含量均大于中国荷斯坦牛群体。  相似文献   

Detecting genes associated with milk fat composition could provide valuable insights into the complex genetic networks of genes underling variation in fatty acids synthesis and point towards opportunities for changing milk fat composition via selective breeding. In this study, we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for 22 milk fatty acids in 784 Chinese Holstein cows with the PLINK software. Genotypes were obtained with the Illumina BovineSNP50 Bead chip and a total of 40,604 informative, high-quality single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were used. Totally, 83 genome-wide significant SNPs and 314 suggestive significant SNPs associated with 18 milk fatty acid traits were detected. Chromosome regions that affect milk fatty acid traits were mainly observed on BTA1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26 and 27. Of these, 146 SNPs were associated with more than one milk fatty acid trait; most of studied fatty acid traits were significant associated with multiple SNPs, especially C18:0 (105 SNPs), C18 index (93 SNPs), and C14 index (84 SNPs); Several SNPs are close to or within the DGAT1, SCD1 and FASN genes which are well-known to affect milk composition traits of dairy cattle. Combined with the previously reported QTL regions and the biological functions of the genes, 20 novel promising candidates for C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, C14:1, C14 index, C18:0, C18:1n9c, C18 index, SFA, UFA and SFA/UFA were found, which composed of HTR1B, CPM, PRKG1, MINPP1, LIPJ, LIPK, EHHADH, MOGAT1, ECHS1, STAT1, SORBS1, NFKB2, AGPAT3, CHUK, OSBPL8, PRLR, IGF1R, ACSL3, GHR and OXCT1. Our findings provide a groundwork for unraveling the key genes and causal mutations affecting milk fatty acid traits in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

为了探讨BoLA-DRA基因多态性,本研究利用DNA混合池扩增产物直接测序的方法对荷斯坦牛BoLA-DRA基因编码区SNPs进行筛选,并利用生物信息学软件预测该基因m RNA二级结构。结果表明:荷斯坦牛BoLA-DRA基因编码区共有4个SNPs (exon2-A82T,exon2-G116A,exon2-C197T,exon2-C233A)。生物信息学预测结果显示,exon2-A82T、exon2-G116A和exon2-C233A增大了m RNA二级结构的稳定性,而exon2-C197T降低了mRNA二级结构的稳定性。本研究结果可为荷斯坦牛抗病和抗逆性能研究积累更多的分子遗传学数据,并为经济性状相关基因筛选提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Weed seeds may maintain their viability when passing through the digestive tract of cattle and can be therefore dispersed by animal movement or the application of manure. Whether different cattle types of the same species can cause differential weed seed fate is largely unknown to us particularly under non-grazed systems similar to Holstein-Friesian dairy farming. We investigated the effect on the seed survival of four weed species in the digestive tracts of four groups of Holstein cattle: lactating cows, feedlot male calves, dry cows and growing heifers. The weed species used were Cuscuta campestris, Polygonum aviculare, Rumex crispus and Sorghum halepense. Cattle excretion was sampled for recovery and viability of seeds at four 24 hourly intervals after seed intake. The highest seed recovery occurred two days after seed intake in all cattle groups. Averaged over weed species, dry and lactating cows had the lowest and highest seed recovery of 36.4% and 74.4% respectively. No significant differences were observed in seed recovery of the four weed species when their seeds were fed to dry cows. Based on a power model fitted to seed viability data, the estimated time to 50% viability loss after seed intake, over all cattle groups ranged from 65 h (R. crispus) to 76 h (P. aviculare). Recovered seeds from the dung of feedlot male calves showed the highest mortality among cattle groups. Significant correlation was found between seed viability and ruminal pH (r = 0.86; P<0.05). This study shows that management programs aiming to minimize weed infestation caused by livestock should account for the variation amongst cattle groups in seed persistence. Our findings can be used as a guideline for evaluating the potential risk of the spread of weeds via the application of cattle manure.  相似文献   



A haplotype approach to genomic prediction using high density data in dairy cattle as an alternative to single-marker methods is presented. With the assumption that haplotypes are in stronger linkage disequilibrium (LD) with quantitative trait loci (QTL) than single markers, this study focuses on the use of haplotype blocks (haploblocks) as explanatory variables for genomic prediction. Haploblocks were built based on the LD between markers, which allowed variable reduction. The haploblocks were then used to predict three economically important traits (milk protein, fertility and mastitis) in the Nordic Holstein population.


The haploblock approach improved prediction accuracy compared with the commonly used individual single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) approach. Furthermore, using an average LD threshold to define the haploblocks (LD≥0.45 between any two markers) increased the prediction accuracies for all three traits, although the improvement was most significant for milk protein (up to 3.1 % improvement in prediction accuracy, compared with the individual SNP approach). Hotelling’s t-tests were performed, confirming the improvement in prediction accuracy for milk protein. Because the phenotypic values were in the form of de-regressed proofs, the improved accuracy for milk protein may be due to higher reliability of the data for this trait compared with the reliability of the mastitis and fertility data. Comparisons between best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) and Bayesian mixture models also indicated that the Bayesian model produced the most accurate predictions in every scenario for the milk protein trait, and in some scenarios for fertility.


The haploblock approach to genomic prediction is a promising method for genomic selection in animal breeding. Building haploblocks based on LD reduced the number of variables without the loss of information. This method may play an important role in the future genomic prediction involving while genome sequences.  相似文献   

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