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Saccharomyces cerevisiae Srs2 helicase was shown to displace Rad51 in vitro upon translocation on single-stranded DNA. This activity is sufficient to account for its antirecombination effect and for the elimination of otherwise dead-end recombination intermediates. Roles for the helicase activity are yet unknown. Because cells lacking Srs2 show increased incidence of mitotic crossovers, it was postulated that Srs2 promotes synthesis-dependent strand annealing (SDSA) by unwinding the elongating invading strand from the donor strand. We report here that synthetic DNA structures that mimic D loops are good substrates for the Srs2 helicase activity, that Srs2 translocates on RPA-coated ssDNA, and, furthermore, that the helicase activity is largely stimulated by the presence of Rad51 nucleoprotein filaments on double-stranded DNA. These properties strongly support the idea that Srs2 actively prevents crossovers by promoting SDSA.  相似文献   


Proper repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) is key to ensure proper chromosome segregation. In this study, we found that the deletion of the SRS2 gene, which encodes a DNA helicase necessary for the control of homologous recombination, induces aberrant chromosome segregation during budding yeast meiosis. This abnormal chromosome segregation in srs2 cells accompanies the formation of a novel DNA damage induced during late meiotic prophase I. The damage may contain long stretches of single-stranded DNAs (ssDNAs), which lead to aggregate formation of a ssDNA binding protein, RPA, and a RecA homolog, Rad51, as well as other recombination proteins inside of the nuclei, but not that of a meiosis-specific Dmc1. The Rad51 aggregate formation in the srs2 mutant depends on the initiation of meiotic recombination and occurs in the absence of chromosome segregation. Importantly, as an early recombination intermediate, we detected a thin bridge of Rad51 between two Rad51 foci in the srs2 mutant, which is rarely seen in wild type. These might be cytological manifestation of the connection of two DSB ends and/or multi-invasion. The DNA damage with Rad51 aggregates in the srs2 mutant is passed through anaphases I and II, suggesting the absence of DNA damage-induced cell cycle arrest after the pachytene stage. We propose that Srs2 helicase resolves early protein-DNA recombination intermediates to suppress the formation of aberrant lethal DNA damage during late prophase I.


The expression of theSRS2 gene, which encodes a DNA helicase involved in DNA repair inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, was studied using anSRS2-lacZ fusion integrated at the chromosomalSRS2 locus. It is shown here that this gene is expressed at a low level and is tightly regulated. It is cell-cycle regulated, with induction probably being coordinated with that of the DNA-synthesis genes, which are transcribed at the G1-S boundary. It is also induced by DNA-damaging agents, but only during the G2 phase of the cell cycle; this distinguishes it from a number of other repair genes, which are inducible throughout the cycle. During meiosis, the expression ofSRS2 rises at a time nearly coincident with commitment to recombination. Sincesrs2 null mutants are radiation sensitive essentially when treated in G1, the mitotic regulation pattern described here leads us to postulate that either secondary regulatory events limit Srs2 activity to G1 cells or Srs2 functions in a repair mechanism associated with replication.  相似文献   

Suppressors of the methyl methanesulfonate sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae diploids lacking the Srs2 helicase turned out to contain semidominant mutations in Rad5l, a homolog of the bacterial RecA protein. The nature of these mutations was determined by direct sequencing. The 26 mutations characterized were single base substitutions leading to amino acid replacements at 18 different sites. The great majority of these sites (75%) are conserved in the family of RecA-like proteins, and 10 of them affect sites corresponding to amino acids in RecA that are probably directly involved in ATP reactions, binding, and/or hydrolysis. Six mutations are in domains thought to be involved in interaction between monomers; they may also affect ATP reactions. By themselves, all the alleles confer a rad5l null phenotype. When heterozygous, however, they are, to varying degrees, negative semidominant for radiation sensitivity; presumably the mutant proteins are coassembled with wild-type Rad51 and poison the resulting nucleofilaments or recombination complexes. This negative effect is partially suppressed by an SRS2 deletion, which supports the hypothesis that Srs2 reverses recombination structures that contain either mutated proteins or numerous DNA lesions.  相似文献   

A Shinohara  H Ogawa  T Ogawa 《Cell》1992,69(3):457-470
The RAD51 gene of S. cerevisiae is involved in mitotic recombination and repair of DNA damage and also in meiosis. We show that the rad51 null mutant accumulates meiosis-specific double-strand breaks (DSBs) at a recombination hotspot and reduces the formation of physical recombinants. Rad51 protein shows structural similarity to RecA protein, the bacterial strand exchange protein. Furthermore, we have found that Rad51 protein is similar to RecA in its DNA binding properties and binds directly to Rad52 protein, which also plays a crucial role in recombination. These results suggest that the Rad51 protein, probably together with Rad52 protein, is involved in a step to convert DSBs to the next intermediate in recombination. Rad51 protein is also homologous to a meiosis-specific Dmc1 protein of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

R Padmore  L Cao  N Kleckner 《Cell》1991,66(6):1239-1256
In synchronous cultures of S. cerevisiae undergoing meiosis, an early event in the meiotic recombination pathway, site-specific double strand breaks (DSBs), occurs early in prophase, in some instances well before tripartite synaptonemal complex (SC) begins to form. This observation, together with previous results, supports the view that events involving DSBs are required for SC formation. We discuss the possibility that the mitotic pathway for recombinational repair of DSBs served as the primordial mechanism for connecting homologous chromosomes during the evolution of meiosis. DSBs disappear during the period when tripartite SC structure is forming and elongating (zygotene); presumably, they are converted to another type of recombination intermediate. Neither DSBs nor mature recombinant molecules are present when SCs are full length (pachytene). Mature reciprocally recombinant molecules arise at the end of or just after pachytene. We suggest that the SC might coordinate recombinant maturation with other events of meiosis.  相似文献   

Interaction of human recombination proteins Rad51 and Rad54.   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The cDNA for human protein HsRad54, which is a structural homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae recombination/repair protein Rad54, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. As demonstrated by analysis in vitro and in vivo, HsRad54 protein interacts with human Rad51 recombinase. The interaction is mediated by the N-terminal domain of HsRad54 protein, which interacts with both free and DNA-bound HsRad51 protein.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae SRS2 encodes an ATP-dependent DNA helicase that is needed for DNA damage checkpoint responses and that modulates the efficiency of homologous recombination. Interestingly, strains simultaneously mutated for SRS2 and a variety of DNA repair genes show low viability that can be overcome by inactivating homologous recombination, thus implicating inappropriate recombination as the cause of growth impairment in these mutants. Here, we report on our biochemical characterization of the ATPase and DNA helicase activities of Srs2. ATP hydrolysis by Srs2 occurs efficiently only in the presence of DNA, with ssDNA being considerably more effective than dsDNA in this regard. Using homopolymeric substrates, the minimal DNA length for activating ATP hydrolysis is found to be 5 nucleotides, but a length of 10 nucleotides is needed for maximal activation. In its helicase action, Srs2 prefers substrates with a 3' ss overhang, and approximately 10 bases of 3' overhanging DNA is needed for efficient targeting of Srs2 to the substrate. Even though a 3' overhang serves to target Srs2, under optimized conditions blunt-end DNA substrates are also dissociated by this protein. The ability of Srs2 to unwind helicase substrates with a long duplex region is enhanced by the inclusion of the single-strand DNA-binding factor replication protein A.  相似文献   

Kwon Y  Chi P  Roh DH  Klein H  Sung P 《DNA Repair》2007,6(10):1496-1506
Rad54, a member of the Swi2/Snf2 protein family, works in concert with the RecA-like recombinase Rad51 during the early and late stages of homologous recombination. Rad51 markedly enhances the activities of Rad54, including the induction of topological changes in DNA and the remodeling of chromatin structure. Reciprocally, Rad54 promotes Rad51-mediated DNA strand invasion with either naked or chromatinized DNA. Here, using various Saccharomyces cerevisiae rad51 and rad54 mutant proteins, mechanistic aspects of Rad54/Rad51-mediated chromatin remodeling are defined. Disruption of the Rad51-Rad54 complex leads to a marked attenuation of chromatin remodeling activity. Moreover, we present evidence that assembly of the Rad51 presynaptic filament represents an obligatory step in the enhancement of the chromatin remodeling reaction. Interestingly, we find a specific interaction of the N-terminal tail of histone H3 with Rad54 and show that the H3 tail interaction domain resides within the amino terminus of Rad54. These results suggest that Rad54-mediated chromatin remodeling coincides with DNA homology search by the Rad51 presynaptic filament and that this process is facilitated by an interaction of Rad54 with histone H3.  相似文献   

An open question in meiosis is whether the Rad51 recombination protein functions solely in meiotic recombination or whether it is also involved in the chromosome homology search. To address this question, we have performed three-dimensional high-resolution immunofluorescence microscopy to visualize native Rad51 structures in maize male meiocytes. Maize has two closely related RAD51 genes that are expressed at low levels in differentiated tissues and at higher levels in mitotic and meiotic tissues. Cells and nuclei were specially fixed and embedded in polyacrylamide to maintain both native chromosome structure and the three dimensionality of the specimens. Analysis of Rad51 in maize meiocytes revealed that when chromosomes condense during leptotene, Rad51 is diffuse within the nucleus. Rad51 foci form on the chromosomes at the beginning of zygotene and rise to approximately 500 per nucleus by mid-zygotene when chromosomes are pairing and synapsing. During chromosome pairing, we consistently found two contiguous Rad51 foci on paired chromosomes. These paired foci may identify the sites where DNA sequence homology is being compared. During pachytene, the number of Rad51 foci drops to seven to 22 per nucleus. This higher number corresponds approximately to the number of chiasmata in maize meiosis. These observations are consistent with a role for Rad51 in the homology search phase of chromosome pairing in addition to its known role in meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

G. T. Milne  T. Ho    D. T. Weaver 《Genetics》1995,139(3):1189-1199
RAD52 function is required for virtually all DNA double-strand break repair and recombination events in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To gain greater insight into the mechanism of RAD52-mediated repair, we screened for genes that suppress partially active alleles of RAD52 when mutant or overexpressed. Described here is the isolation of a phenotypic null allele of SRS2 that suppressed multiple alleles of RAD52 (rad52B, rad52D, rad52-1 and KlRAD52) and RAD51 (KlRAD51) but failed to suppress either a rad52δ or a rad51δ. These results indicate that SRS2 antagonizes RAD51 and RAD52 function in recombinational repair. The mechanism of suppression of RAD52 alleles by srs2 is distinct from that which has been previously described for RAD51 overexpression, as both conditions were shown to act additively with respect to the rad52B allele. Furthermore, overexpression of either RAD52 or RAD51 enhanced the recombination-dependent sensitivity of an srs2δ RAD52 strain, suggesting that RAD52 and RAD51 positively influence recombinational repair mechanisms. Thus, RAD52-dependent recombinational repair is controlled both negatively and positively.  相似文献   

The expression of theSRS2 gene, which encodes a DNA helicase involved in DNA repair inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, was studied using anSRS2-lacZ fusion integrated at the chromosomalSRS2 locus. It is shown here that this gene is expressed at a low level and is tightly regulated. It is cell-cycle regulated, with induction probably being coordinated with that of the DNA-synthesis genes, which are transcribed at the G1-S boundary. It is also induced by DNA-damaging agents, but only during the G2 phase of the cell cycle; this distinguishes it from a number of other repair genes, which are inducible throughout the cycle. During meiosis, the expression ofSRS2 rises at a time nearly coincident with commitment to recombination. Sincesrs2 null mutants are radiation sensitive essentially when treated in G1, the mitotic regulation pattern described here leads us to postulate that either secondary regulatory events limit Srs2 activity to G1 cells or Srs2 functions in a repair mechanism associated with replication.  相似文献   

We investigated the formation of X-shaped molecules consisting of joint circular minichromosomes (joint molecules) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by two-dimensional neutral/neutral gel electrophoresis of psoralen-cross-linked DNA. The appearance of joint molecules was found to be replication dependent. The joint molecules had physical properties reminiscent of Holliday junctions or hemicatenanes, as monitored by strand displacement, branch migration, and nuclease digestion. Physical linkage of the joint molecules was detected along the entire length of the minichromosome and most likely involved newly replicated sister chromatids. Surprisingly, the formation of joint molecules was found to be independent of Rad52p as well as of other factors associated with a function in homologous recombination or in the resolution of stalled replication intermediates. These findings thus imply the existence of a nonrecombinational pathway(s) for the formation of joint molecules during the process of DNA replication or minichromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination represents an important means for the error-free elimination of DNA double-strand breaks and other deleterious DNA lesions from chromosomes. The Rad51 recombinase, a member of the RAD52 group of recombination proteins, catalyzes the homologous recombination reaction in the context of a helical protein polymer assembled on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that is derived from the nucleolytic processing of a primary lesion. The assembly of the Rad51-ssDNA nucleoprotein filament, often referred to as the presynaptic filament, is prone to interference by the single-strand DNA-binding factor replication protein A (RPA). The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad52 protein facilitates presynaptic filament assembly by helping to mediate the displacement of RPA from ssDNA. On the other hand, disruption of the presynaptic filament by the Srs2 helicase leads to a net exchange of Rad51 for RPA. To understand the significance of protein-protein interactions in the control of Rad52- or Srs2-mediated presynaptic filament assembly or disassembly, we have examined two rad51 mutants, rad51 Y388H and rad51 G393D, that are simultaneously ablated for Rad52 and Srs2 interactions and one, rad51 A320V, that is differentially inactivated for Rad52 binding for their biochemical properties and also for functional interactions with Rad52 or Srs2. We show that these mutant rad51 proteins are impervious to the mediator activity of Rad52 or the disruptive function of Srs2 in concordance with their protein interaction defects. Our results thus provide insights into the functional significance of the Rad51-Rad52 and Rad51-Srs2 complexes in the control of presynaptic filament assembly and disassembly. Moreover, our biochemical studies have helped identify A320V as a separation-of-function mutation in Rad51 with regards to a differential ablation of Rad52 interaction.Homologous recombination (HR)3 helps maintain genomic stability by eliminating DNA double-strand breaks induced by ionizing radiation and chemical reagents, by restarting damaged or collapsed DNA replication forks, and by elongating shortened telomeres especially when telomerase is dysfunctional (13). Accordingly, defects in HR invariably lead to enhanced sensitivity to genotoxic agents, chromosome aberrations, and tumor development (4, 5). In meiosis also, HR helps mediate the linkage of homologous chromosome pairs via arm cross-overs, thus ensuring the proper segregation of chromosomes at the first meiotic division (6). Accordingly, HR mutants exhibit a plethora of meiotic defects, including early meiotic cell cycle arrest, aneuploidy, and inviability.Much of the knowledge regarding the mechanistic basis of HR has been derived from studies of model organisms, such as the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetic analyses in S. cerevisiae have led to the identification of the RAD52 group of genes, namely, RAD50, RAD51, RAD52, RAD54, RAD55, RAD57, RAD59, RDH54, MRE11, and XRS2 (1), that are needed for the successful execution of HR. Each member of the RAD52 group of genes has an orthologue in higher eukaryotes, including humans, and mutations in any of these genes cause defects in HR and repair of double-strand breaks.The DNA pairing and strand invasion step of the HR reaction is mediated by RAD51-encoded protein, which is orthologous to the Escherichia coli recombinase RecA (2). Like RecA, Rad51 polymerizes on ssDNA, derived from the nucleolytic processing of a primary lesion such as a double-strand break, to form a right-handed nucleoprotein filament, often referred to as the presynaptic filament (3, 7). The presynaptic filament engages dsDNA, conducts a search for homology in the latter, and catalyzes DNA joint formation between the recombining ssDNA and dsDNA partners upon the location of homology (1, 3). As such, the timely and efficient assembly of the presynaptic filament is indispensable for the successful execution of HR.Because the nucleation of Rad51 onto ssDNA is a rate-limiting process, presynaptic filament assembly is prone to interference by the single-strand DNA-binding protein replication protein A (RPA) (1, 3, 7). In reconstituted biochemical systems, the addition of Rad52 counteracts the inhibitory action of RPA (8, 9). Consistent with the biochemical results, in both mitotic and meiotic cells, the recruitment of Rad51 to double-strand breaks is strongly dependent on Rad52 (1012). This effect of Rad52 on Rad51 presynaptic filament assembly has been termed a “recombination mediator” function (13).Interestingly, genetic studies have shown that the Srs2 helicase fulfills the role of an anti-recombinase. Specifically, mutations in Srs2 often engender a hyper-recombinational phenotype and can also help suppress the DNA damage sensitivity of rad6 and rad18 mutants, because of the heightened HR proficiency being able to substitute for the post-replicative DNA repair defects of these mutant cells (2, 14). Importantly, in reconstituted systems, Srs2 exerts a strong inhibitory effect on Rad51-mediated reactions in a manner that is potentiated by RPA. Biochemical and electron microscopic analyses have provided compelling evidence that Srs2 acts by disassembling the presynaptic filament, to effect the replacement of Rad51 by RPA (15, 16). The ability of Srs2 to dissociate the presynaptic filament relies on its ATPase activity, revealed using mutant variants, K41A and K41R, that harbor changes in the Walker type A motif involved in ATP engagement. Accordingly, the srs2 K41A and srs2 K41R mutants are biologically inactive (17).In both yeast two-hybrid and biochemical analyses, a complex of Rad51 with either Rad52 or Srs2 can be captured (1, 16). Using yeast two-hybrid-based mutagenesis, several rad51 mutant alleles, A320V, Y388H, and G393D, that engender a defect in the yeast two-hybrid association with Rad52 have been found (18). Here we document our biochemical studies demonstrating the inability of these rad51 mutant proteins to physically and functionally interact with Rad52. Interestingly, we find that two of these rad51 mutants, namely, Y388H and G393D, are also defective in Srs2 interaction. Accordingly, these mutant rad51 proteins form presynaptic filaments that are resistant to the disruptive action of Srs2. Our results thus emphasize the role of Rad51-Rad52 and Rad51-Srs2 interactions in the regulation of Rad51 presynaptic filament assembly and maintenance, and they also reveal the presence of overlapping Rad52 and Srs2 interaction motifs in Rad51. In these regards, our biochemical studies have identified the A320V change as a separation-of-function mutation in Rad51.  相似文献   

We utilized strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that exhibit high efficiency of synchrony of meiosis to examine several aspects of meiosis including sporulation, recombination, DNA synthesis, DNA polymerase I and II, and Mg2+-dependent alkaline DNases. The kinetics of commitment to intragenic recombination and sporulation are similar. The synthesis of DNA, as measured directly with diphenylamine, appears to precede the commitment to recombination. Both DNA polymerase I and II activities and total DNA-synthesizing activity in crude extracts increase two- to threefold before the beginning of meiotic DNA synthesis. Increases of 10- to 20-fold over mitotic levels are found for Mg2+-dependent alkaline DNase activity in crude extracts before and during the commitment to meiotic intragenic recombination. Of particular interest is the comparable increase in a nuclease under the control of the RAD52 gene; this enzyme has been identified by the use of antibody raised against a similar enzyme from Neurospora crassa. Since the RAD52 gene is essential for meiotic recombination, the nuclease is implicated in the high levels of recombination observed during meiosis. The effects observed in this report are meiosis specific since they are not observed in an alpha alpha strain.  相似文献   

RecA protein is involved in homology search and strand exchange processes during recombination. Mitotic cells in eukaryotes express one RecA, Rad51, which is essential for the repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs). Additionally, meiotic cells induce the second RecA, Dmc1. Both Rad51 and Dmc1 are necessary to generate a crossover between homologous chromosomes, which ensures the segregation of the chromosomes at meiotic division I. It is largely unknown how the two RecAs cooperate during meiotic recombination. In this review, recent advances on our knowledge about the roles of Rad51 and Dmc1 during meiosis are summarized and discussed.  相似文献   

S L Kelly  J M Parry 《Mutation research》1983,108(1-3):109-120
Irradiation of yeast cultures with ultraviolet light at discrete stages during meiosis produces cyclic variations in sensitivity, i.e. cells are more sensitive to the lethal effects of UV light prior to entry into the meiotic DNA synthesis, and this corresponds to a peak of induction of point mutation. Cells become more resistant to both induced point mutation and lethality as they enter meiotic DNA synthesis, but become more sensitive again during spore formation. The induced level of intragenic recombination rises during the period of commitment to recombination to a level indistinguishable from the full meiotic level of spontaneous intragenic recombination. Induced reciprocal recombination remains above the spontaneous level up to the point of commitment to sporulation.  相似文献   

Eleven suppressors of the radiation sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae diploids lacking the Srs2 helicase were analyzed and found to contain codominant mutations in the RAD51 gene known to be involved in recombinational repair and in genetic recombination. These mutant alleles confer an almost complete block in recombinational repair, as does deletion of RAD51, but heterozygous mutant alleles suppress the defects of srs2::LEU2 cells and are semidominant in Srs2+ cells. The results of this study are interpreted to mean that wild-type Rad51 protein binds to single-stranded DNA and that the semidominant mutations do not prevent this binding. The cloning and sequencing of RAD51 indicated that the gene encodes a predicted 400-amino-acid protein with a molecular mass of 43 kDa. Sequence comparisons revealed homologies to domains of Escherichia coli RecA protein predicted to be involved in DNA binding, ATP binding, and ATP hydrolysis. The expression of RAD51, measured with a RAD51-lacZ gene fusion, was found to be UV- and gamma-ray-inducible, with dose-dependent responses.  相似文献   

The highly conserved Rad51 protein plays an essential role in repairing DNA damage through homologous recombination. In vertebrates, five Rad51 paralogs (Rad51B, Rad51C, Rad51D, XRCC2, and XRCC3) are expressed in mitotically growing cells and are thought to play mediating roles in homologous recombination, although their precise functions remain unclear. Among the five paralogs, Rad51C was found to be a central component present in two complexes, Rad51C-XRCC3 and Rad51B-Rad51C-Rad51D-XRCC2. We have shown previously that the human Rad51C protein exhibits three biochemical activities, including DNA binding, ATPase, and DNA duplex separation. Here we report the use of RNA interference to deplete expression of Rad51C protein in human HT1080 and HeLa cells. In HT1080 cells, depletion of Rad51C by small interfering RNA caused a significant reduction of frequency in homologous recombination. The level of XRCC3 protein was also sharply reduced in Rad51C-depleted HeLa cells, suggesting that XRCC3 is dependent for its stability upon heterodimerization with Rad51C. In addition, Rad51C-depleted HeLa cells showed hypersensitivity to the DNA-cross-linking agent mitomycin C and moderately increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation. Importantly, the radiosensitivity of Rad51C-deficient HeLa cells was evident in S and G(2)/M phases of the cell cycle but not in G(1) phase. Together, these results provide direct cellular evidence for the function of human Rad51C in homologous recombinational repair.  相似文献   

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