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The patterns of visual attention allocation were investigated in healthy subjects (n = 43) and patients with focal brain lesions (n = 17) using the original method developed for eye tracking in patients while memorizing a series of stimulatory image triplets. Two processes were estimated: delayed reproduction and recognition of stimuli in a series of consecutive visually similar distractors. In healthy subjects both processes correlated to a great extent (r = 0.6; p = 0.00001). The most significant disorders of voluntary verbal reproduction were observed when the left hemisphere of the brain was affected. The overall effectiveness of recognition in the case of brain damage decreased without significant dependence on the lateralization of the focus. Some correlation was observed between realized and remembered information and the patterns of visual fixations (concentrated on the semantic parts of the image or chaotically distributed in the space of stimulus exposure). Ineffective patterns of visual fixation in patients were more often observed in the area contralateral to the lesion. These contralateral stimuli were reproduced and recognized less efficiently in comparison with the central and ipsilateral images. Complete ignoring of the contralateral image in the triplet was observed both in the absence of visual fixation and in combination with the diffuse pattern.  相似文献   

S Wang  M Fukuchi  C Koch  N Tsuchiya 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41040
While a single approaching object is known to attract spatial attention, it is unknown how attention is directed when the background looms towards the observer as s/he moves forward in a quasi-stationary environment. In Experiment 1, we used a cued speeded discrimination task to quantify where and how spatial attention is directed towards the target superimposed onto a cloud of moving dots. We found that when the motion was expansive, attention was attracted towards the singular point of the optic flow (the focus of expansion, FOE) in a sustained fashion. The effects were less pronounced when the motion was contractive. The more ecologically valid the motion features became (e.g., temporal expansion of each dot, spatial depth structure implied by distribution of the size of the dots), the stronger the attentional effects. Further, the attentional effects were sustained over 1000 ms. Experiment 2 quantified these attentional effects using a change detection paradigm by zooming into or out of photographs of natural scenes. Spatial attention was attracted in a sustained manner such that change detection was facilitated or delayed depending on the location of the FOE only when the motion was expansive. Our results suggest that focal attention is strongly attracted towards singular points that signal the direction of forward ego-motion.  相似文献   

The temporal contingency of feedback is an essential requirement of successful human-computer interactions. The timing of feedback not only affects the behavior of a user but is also accompanied by changes in psychophysiology and neural activity. In three fMRI experiments we systematically studied the impact of delayed feedback on brain activity while subjects performed an auditory categorization task. In the first fMRI experiment, we analyzed the effects of rare and thus unexpected delays of different delay duration on brain activity. In the second experiment, we investigated if users can adapt to frequent delays. Therefore, delays were presented as often as immediate feedback. In a third experiment, the influence of interaction outage was analyzed by measuring the effect of infrequent omissions of feedback on brain activity. The results show that unexpected delays in feedback presentation compared to immediate feedback stronger activate inter alia bilateral the anterior insular cortex, the posterior medial frontal cortex, the left inferior parietal lobule and the right inferior frontal junction. The strength of this activation increases with the duration of the delay. Thus, delays interrupt the course of an interaction and trigger an orienting response that in turn activates brain regions of action control. If delays occur frequently, users can adapt, delays become expectable, and the brain activity in the observed network diminishes over the course of the interaction. However, introducing rare omissions of expected feedback reduces the system’s trustworthiness which leads to an increase in brain activity not only in response to such omissions but also following frequently occurring and thus expected delays.  相似文献   

KCNE1-KCNE5 are single membrane-spanning proteins that associate with voltage-gated potassium channels to diversify their function. Other than the KCNQ1/KCNE1 complex, little is known about how KCNE proteins work. We focus on KCNE2, which associates with KCNQ1 to form K channels critical for gastric acid secretion in parietal cells. We use cysteine (Cys)-scanning mutagenesis to probe the functional role of residues along the KCNE2 transmembrane domain (TMD) in modulating KCNQ1 function. There is an α-helical periodicity in how Cys substitutions along the KCNE2 TMD perturb KCNQ1 pore conductance/ion selectivity. However, positions where Cys substitutions perturb KCNQ1 gating kinetics cluster to the extracellular end and cytoplasmic half of the KCNE2 TMD. This is the first systematic perturbation analysis of a KCNE TMD. We propose that the KCNE2 TMD adopts an α-helical secondary structure with one face making intimate contact with the KCNQ1 pore domain, while the contacts with the KCNQ1 voltage-sensing domain appear more dynamic.  相似文献   

Behavioral studies support the concept of an auditory spatial attention gradient by demonstrating that attentional benefits progressively diminish as distance increases from an attended location. Damage to the right inferior parietal cortex can induce a rightward attention bias, which implicates this region in the construction of attention gradients. This study used event-related potentials (ERPs) to define attention-related gradients before and after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to the right inferior parietal cortex. Subjects (n = 16) listened to noise bursts at five azimuth locations (left to right: -90°, -45°, 0° midline, +45°, +90°) and responded to stimuli at one target location (-90°, +90°, separate blocks). ERPs as a function of non-target location were examined before (baseline) and after 0.9 Hz rTMS. Results showed that ERP attention gradients were observed in three time windows (frontal 230–340, parietal 400–460, frontal 550–750 ms). Significant transient rTMS effects were seen in the first and third windows. The first window had a voltage decrease at the farthest location when attending to either the left or right side. The third window had on overall increase in positivity, but only when attending to the left side. These findings suggest that rTMS induced a small contraction in spatial attention gradients within the first time window. The asymmetric effect of attended location on gradients in the third time window may relate to neglect of the left hemispace after right parietal injury. Together, these results highlight the role of the right inferior parietal cortex in modulating frontal lobe attention network activity.  相似文献   

Recent studies conducted in our laboratory have demonstrated that a special type of song phrase (‘sexy’ phrases) containing bipartite syllables composed of abrupt frequency falls and short silences stimulate female canaries to solicit for copulation. The study was undertaken to determine whether sexy phrases also facilitated other aspects of the reproductive activity of the female canary, namely, nest-building and egg-laying. During the first experiment, we studied the effect of sexy and non-sexy songs on copulation solicitation displays in 1-year-old females without reproductive experience and in mature females with previous reproductive experience. We confirmed that sexy songs elicited more sexual responses than did non-sexy songs in yearlings and in mature females. During the second experiment, we studied the effect of male songs on nest-building activities and egg-laying in 1-year-old inexperienced females, and in mature, experienced females. The songs of conspecific males significantly triggered and increased nest-building behaviour in female canaries whatever their age or reproductive experience. In contrast, song effects on egg-laying were only found in young females. One-year-old inexperienced females exposed to sexy or non-sexy songs laid more eggs and laid earlier than did 1-year-old inexperienced controls; no such differences were observed in mature, experienced females. The efficiency of songs in promoting nest-building or egg-laying appeared to be unrelated to their efficiency in eliciting sexual responses. No difference was found between females exposed to sexy songs and females exposed to non-sexy songs; differences were only found between control and the two groups of song-exposed females. This result demands further experiments in order to determine whether other song phrase types may account for the stimulating effects of male song on female nest-building and egg-laying.  相似文献   

Humans can anticipate and prepare for uncertainties to achieve a goal. However, it is difficult to maintain this effort over a prolonged period of time. Inappropriate behavior is impulsively (or mindlessly) activated by an external trigger, which can result in serious consequences such as traffic crashes. Thus, we examined the neural mechanisms underlying such impulsive responding using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Twenty-two participants performed a block-designed sustained attention to response task (SART), where each task block was composed of consecutive Go trials followed by a NoGo trial at the end. This task configuration enabled us to measure compromised preparation for NoGo trials during Go responses using reduced Go reaction times. Accordingly, parametric modulation analysis was conducted on fMRI data using block-based mean Go reaction times as an online marker of impulsive responding in the SART. We found that activity in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the bilateral intraparietal sulcus (IPS) was positively modulated with mean Go reaction times. In addition, activity in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) was negatively modulated with mean Go reaction times, albeit statistically weakly. Taken together, spontaneously reduced activity in the right DLPFC and the IPS and spontaneously elevated activity in the MPFC and the PCC were associated with impulsive responding in the SART. These results suggest that such a spontaneous transition of brain activity pattern results in impulsive responding in monotonous situations, which in turn, might cause human errors in actual work environments.  相似文献   



Selective attention and memory seem to be related in human experience. This appears to be the case as well in simple model organisms such as the fly Drosophila melanogaster. Mutations affecting olfactory and visual memory formation in Drosophila, such as in dunce and rutabaga, also affect short-term visual processes relevant to selective attention. In particular, increased optomotor responsiveness appears to be predictive of visual attention defects in these mutants.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To further explore the possible overlap between memory and visual attention systems in the fly brain, we screened a panel of 36 olfactory long term memory (LTM) mutants for visual attention-like defects using an optomotor maze paradigm. Three of these mutants yielded high dunce-like optomotor responsiveness. We characterized these three strains by examining their visual distraction in the maze, their visual learning capabilities, and their brain activity responses to visual novelty. We found that one of these mutants, D0067, was almost completely identical to dunce1 for all measures, while another, D0264, was more like wild type. Exploiting the fact that the LTM mutants are also Gal4 enhancer traps, we explored the sufficiency for the cells subserved by these elements to rescue dunce attention defects and found overlap at the level of the mushroom bodies. Finally, we demonstrate that control of synaptic function in these Gal4 expressing cells specifically modulates a 20–30 Hz local field potential associated with attention-like effects in the fly brain.


Our study uncovers genetic and neuroanatomical systems in the fly brain affecting both visual attention and odor memory phenotypes. A common component to these systems appears to be the mushroom bodies, brain structures which have been traditionally associated with odor learning but which we propose might be also involved in generating oscillatory brain activity required for attention-like processes in the fly brain.  相似文献   

Postmortem changes in catecholamines, indoleamines, and their metabolites in rat brain regions following decapitation were determined by LCEC. In the three regions studied neurotransmitter levels declined after decapitation, whereas the metabolite levels increased. Microwave irradiation at 10 kW rapidly inactivated brain enzymes and thus prevented the postmortem changes.  相似文献   

The coordination of visual attention among social partners is central to many components of human behavior and human development. Previous research has focused on one pathway to the coordination of looking behavior by social partners, gaze following. The extant evidence shows that even very young infants follow the direction of another''s gaze but they do so only in highly constrained spatial contexts because gaze direction is not a spatially precise cue as to the visual target and not easily used in spatially complex social interactions. Our findings, derived from the moment-to-moment tracking of eye gaze of one-year-olds and their parents as they actively played with toys, provide evidence for an alternative pathway, through the coordination of hands and eyes in goal-directed action. In goal-directed actions, the hands and eyes of the actor are tightly coordinated both temporally and spatially, and thus, in contexts including manual engagement with objects, hand movements and eye movements provide redundant information about where the eyes are looking. Our findings show that one-year-olds rarely look to the parent''s face and eyes in these contexts but rather infants and parents coordinate looking behavior without gaze following by attending to objects held by the self or the social partner. This pathway, through eye-hand coupling, leads to coordinated joint switches in visual attention and to an overall high rate of looking at the same object at the same time, and may be the dominant pathway through which physically active toddlers align their looking behavior with a social partner.  相似文献   

Physiological high frequency activities (HFA) are related to various brain functions. Factors, however, regulating its frequency have not been well elucidated in humans. To validate the hypothesis that different propagation modes (thalamo-cortical vs. cortico-coritcal projections), or different terminal layers (layer IV vs. layer II/III) affect its frequency, we, in the primary somatosensory cortex (SI), compared HFAs induced by median nerve stimulation with those induced by electrical stimulation of the cortex connecting to SI. We employed 6 patients who underwent chronic subdural electrode implantation for presurgical evaluation. We evaluated the HFA power values in reference to the baseline overriding N20 (earliest cortical response) and N80 (late response) of somatosensory evoked potentials (HFASEP(N20) and HFASEP(N80)) and compared those overriding N1 and N2 (first and second responses) of cortico-cortical evoked potentials (HFACCEP(N1) and HFACCEP(N2)). HFASEP(N20) showed the power peak in the frequency above 200 Hz, while HFACCEP(N1) had its power peak in the frequency below 200 Hz. Different propagation modes and/or different terminal layers seemed to determine HFA frequency. Since HFACCEP(N1) and HFA induced during various brain functions share a similar broadband profile of the power spectrum, cortico-coritcal horizontal propagation seems to represent common mode of neural transmission for processing these functions.  相似文献   

It was previously assumed, on the basis of changes in the ultraviolet absorption spectrum and of increase in ionizable sulfhydryl groups, that during excitation the proteins of excitable structures undergo some structural rearrangements, and these rearrangements may be similar to those designated by the term transconformation. In the present experiments, it was observed that electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves from rat, guinea pig, frog, and crab causes a decrease in their fluorescence. The peaks of the emission and activation spectra correspond to those attributed to proteins. Denaturing agents, such as urea, were also found to decrease the fluorescence of nerve extracts. It is, therefore, probable that the decrease in fluorescence, associated with the excited state, is due to a change in the configuration of the nerve proteins. The fluorescent method is applicable not only to tissue extracts but allows the observation of surviving nerve fibers before, during, and after stimulation. It showed that fluorescence of the fibers decreases invariably during stimulation and tends to return to the control level during restoration. The reduction in fluorescence is quantitatively related to the number of stimuli received by the nerve.  相似文献   

Abstract: Casein kinase II (CKII) is a protein kinase acting in the intracellular cascade of reactions activated by growth factor receptors, and that has a profound influence on cell proliferation and survival. In this investigation, we studied the changes in the activity and levels of CKII in the rat brain exposed to 10. 15 and 20 min of transient forebrain ischemia followed by variable periods of reperfusion. The cytosolic CKII activity decreased during reperfusion by ∼ 30 and ∼ 50% in the selectively vulnerable areas, striatum and the CA1 region of the hippocampus, respectively. In the resistant CA3 region of hippocampus and neocortex, the activity increased by ∼ 20 and ∼ 60%, respectively. The postischemic changes in CKII activity were dependent on the duration of the ischemic insult. The levels of CKII did not change after ischemia, suggesting that the enzyme is modulated by covalent modification or is interacting with an endogenous inhibitor/activator. Treatment of the cytosolic fraction from cortex of rats exposed to ischemia and 1 h of reperfusion with agarose-bound phosphatase decreased the activity of CKII to control levels, suggesting that CKII activation after ischemia involves a phosphorylation of the enzyme. The correlation between postischemic CKII activity and neuronal survival implies that preservation or activation of CKII activity may be important for neuronal survival after cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

Constrained Coding Regions (CCRs) in the human genome have been derived from DNA sequencing data of large cohorts of healthy control populations, available in the Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) [1]. They identify regions depleted of protein-changing variants and thus identify segments of the genome that have been constrained during human evolution. By mapping these DNA-defined regions from genomic coordinates onto the corresponding protein positions and combining this information with protein annotations, we have explored the distribution of CCRs and compared their co-occurrence with different protein functional features, previously annotated at the amino acid level in public databases.As expected, our results reveal that functional amino acids involved in interactions with DNA/RNA, protein–protein contacts and catalytic sites are the protein features most likely to be highly constrained for variation in the control population. More surprisingly, we also found that linear motifs, linear interacting peptides (LIPs), disorder–order transitions upon binding with other protein partners and liquid–liquid phase separating (LLPS) regions are also strongly associated with high constraint for variability. We also compared intra-species constraints in the human CCRs with inter-species conservation and functional residues to explore how such CCRs may contribute to the analysis of protein variants. As has been previously observed, CCRs are only weakly correlated with conservation, suggesting that intraspecies constraints complement interspecies conservation and can provide more information to interpret variant effects.  相似文献   

When 1 mM serotonin, dopamine, or norepinephrine was incubated with a monoamine oxidase preparation (mitochondrial membranes) in the presence of 4 mM sodium bisulfite, 85-95% of the amines were oxidized to the corresponding aldehydes. In the absence of bisulfite, the recoveries were only approximately 30%, and dark colored products were formed during the incubations. The aldehydes derived from tyramine, octopamine, methoxytyramine, and normetanephrine were also prepared by the use of this method. The bisulfite-aldehyde compounds were stable during storage at -20 degrees C. Bisulfite-free aldehyde solutions were made by diethylether extraction. When the aldehydes derived from dopamine or serotonin were incubated with rat brain homogenates, they were found to disappear in an aldehyde dehydrogenase- and aldehyde reductase-independent manner. The disappearance of the latter aldehyde was more pronounced, and the results indicated that this aldehyde may react with both proteins and phospholipids.  相似文献   

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