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This study addresses the molecular mechanisms underlying the action of subthalamic nucleus high frequency stimulation (STN-HFS) in the treatment of Parkinson''s disease and its interaction with levodopa (L-DOPA), focusing on the striatum. Striatal gene expression profile was assessed in rats with nigral dopamine neuron lesion, either treated or not, using agilent microarrays and qPCR verification. The treatments consisted in anti-akinetic STN-HFS (5 days), chronic L-DOPA treatment inducing dyskinesia (LIDs) or the combination of the two treatments that exacerbated LIDs. STN-HFS modulated 71 striatal genes. The main biological processes associated with the differentially expressed gene products include regulation of growth, of apoptosis and of synaptic transmission, and extracellular region is a major cellular component implicated. In particular, several of these genes have been shown to support survival or differentiation of striatal or of dopaminergic neurons. These results indicate that STN HFS may induce widespread anatomo-functional rearrangements in the striatum and create a molecular environment favorable for neuroprotection and neuroplasticity. STN-HFS and L-DOPA treatment share very few common gene regulation features indicating that the molecular substrates underlying their striatal action are mostly different; among the common effects is the down-regulation of Adrb1, which encodes the adrenergic beta-1- receptor, supporting a major role of this receptor in Parkinson''s disease. In addition to genes already reported to be associated with LIDs (preprodynorphin, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, metabotropic glutamate receptor 4, cannabinoid receptor 1), the comparison between DOPA and DOPA/HFS identifies immunity-related genes as potential players in L-DOPA side effects.  相似文献   

Thalamic deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective treatment for tremor, but the mechanisms of action remain unclear. Previous studies of human thalamic neurons to noted transient rebound bursting activity followed by prolonged inhibition after cessation of high frequency extracellular stimulation, and the present study sought to identify the mechanisms underlying this response. Recordings from 13 thalamic neurons exhibiting low threshold spike (LTS) bursting to brief periods of extracellular stimulation were made during surgeries to implant DBS leads in 6 subjects with Parkinson''s disease. The response immediately after cessation of stimulation included a short epoch of burst activity, followed by a prolonged period of silence before a return to LTS bursting. A computational model of a population of thalamocortical relay neurons and presynaptic axons terminating on the neurons was used to identify cellular mechanisms of the observed responses. The model included the actions of neuromodulators through inhibition of a non-pertussis toxin sensitive K+ current (IKL), activation of a pertussis toxin sensitive K+ current (IKG), and a shift in the activation curve of the hyperpolarization-activated cation current (Ih). The model replicated well the measured responses, and the prolonged inhibition was associated most strongly with changes in IKG while modulation of IKL or Ih had minimal effects on post-stimulus inhibition suggesting that neuromodulators released in response to high frequency stimulation are responsible for mediating the post-stimulation bursting and subsequent long duration silence of thalamic neurons. The modeling also indicated that the axons of the model neurons responded robustly to suprathreshold stimulation despite the inhibitory effects on the soma. The findings suggest that during DBS the axons of thalamocortical neurons are activated while the cell bodies are inhibited thus blocking the transmission of pathological signals through the network and replacing them with high frequency regular firing.  相似文献   

Extracellular recordings were used to characterize responses to cutaneous mechanical stimulation of 78 neurons in the rat nucleus submedius (SM). Thirty-nine of these units were activated by some type of cutaneous mechanical stimulation. Eighteen cells were activated exclusively by noxious stimuli. In 13 of these cells, responses were of swift onset and relatively rapid termination following stimulus application. In contrast, in three neurons responses were delayed both in onset and termination, and in two the response was immediate, but the markedly increased evoked activity outlasted stimulus application by 13 min. Receptive fields (RFs) of these nociceptive neurons were generally large, although none were bilateral. Four SM neurons were activated by innocuous stimuli, but their maximal response was obtained only after noxious stimulation. Responses of all of these neurons were of immediate onset and recovery, and their RFs were large (two were bilateral). Twelve SM neurons were activated maximally by innocuous stimuli. Responses of seven of these cells were immediate in onset and termination, while that of three were delayed in both onset and termination. Two of the 12 innocuous-only neurons quickly became unresponsive to repeated stimulus applications, and could be reactivated only after a rest period during which no stimuli were applied. RFs of these units were also generally large, and in three cases were bilateral. Five SM neurons responded by decreasing, or completely ceasing, their firing subsequent to noxious-only (n = 2), or innocuous-only (n = 3) stimulation. Four of these units had large RFs (two were bilateral). The remaining 39 SM neurons could not be activated by any type of mechanical cutaneous stimulation we tried.

Electrical stimulation of the ventrolateral orbital cortex (VLO) was employed to examine frontal cortical projections of 21 SM neurons. Ten of these units were activated, although all of them synaptically rather than antidromically, and two were inhibited. There was no clear-cut relationship between neuronal location, physiological type, RF site, or VLO stimulation effects among the 39 SM neurons.

These results provide further support for the involvement of SM neurons in nociceptive information signaling, and suggest additionally that the role of the nucleus is not limited to nociception but encompasses a wider range of cutaneous sensations.  相似文献   

The biophysical and morphological characteristics of acutelyisolated neurons from the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract(rNST) were investigated under current clamp conditions andcompared with the results obtained from neurons recorded inbrain slices. The passive membrane properties of the isolatedneurons were similar to rNST neurons in brain slices and theneurons maintained their morphological characteristics althoughtheir dendritic tree was truncated. The isolated neurons alsoretained their characteristic repetitive firing properties.In addition we also noted developmental changes in the intrinsicmembrane properties of the isolated neurons, such as a shorteningin action potential duration, decrease in membrane time constantand input resistance, that occurred when these parameters werecompared in neurons isolated from young (5–10 days) andolder animals. These enzymatically dispersed neurons thereforeretained both the membrane properties and morphology observedin the intact brainstem and in vitro brain slice preparation.The use of this isolated neuron preparation provides a basisfor further study of rNST neurobiology. Chem. Senses 21: 729–737,1996  相似文献   

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) is a potential remedial therapy for drug craving and relapse, but the mechanism is poorly understood. We investigated changes in neurotransmitter levels during high frequency stimulation (HFS) of the unilateral NAc on morphine-induced rats. Sixty adult Wistar rats were randomized into five groups: the control group (administration of saline), the morphine-only group (systematic administration of morphine without electrode implantation), the morphine-sham-stimulation group (systematic administration of morphine with electrode implantation but not given stimulation), the morphine-stimulation group (systematic administration of morphine with electrode implantation and stimulation) and the saline-stimulation group (administration of saline with electrode implantation and stimulation). The stimulation electrode was stereotaxically implanted into the core of unilateral NAc and microdialysis probes were unilaterally lowered into the ipsilateral ventral tegmental area (VTA), NAc, and ventral pallidum (VP). Samples from microdialysis probes in the ipsilateral VTA, NAc, and VP were analyzed for glutamate (Glu) and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The levels of Glu were increased in the ipsilateral NAc and VP of morphine-only group versus control group, whereas Glu levels were not significantly changed in the ipsilateral VTA. Furthermore, the levels of GABA decreased significantly in the ipsilateral NAc, VP, and VTA of morphine-only group when compared with control group. The profiles of increased Glu and reduced GABA in morphine-induced rats suggest that the presence of increased excitatory neurotransmission in these brain regions. The concentrations of the Glu significantly decreased while the levels of GABA increased in ipsilateral VTA, NAc, and VP in the morphine-stimulation group compared with the morphine-only group. No significant changes were seen in the morphine-sham stimulation group compared with the morphine-only group. These findings indicated that unilateral NAc stimulation inhibits the morphine-induced rats associated hyperactivation of excitatory neurotransmission in the mesocorticolimbic reward circuit.  相似文献   

We obtained a viable culture of sympathetic neurons of the superior cervical ganglion of neonatal rats. Electrophysiological experiments (patch-clamp in the whole-cell configuration) showed that the cultured neurons generated action potentials after intercellular stimulation by long-lasting pulses of depolarizing current. In some neurons, background impulse electrical activity and evoked postsynaptic currents suppressed by applications of benzohexonium were observed.  相似文献   

Simultaneous electrophysiological and fluorescent imaging recording methods were used to study the role of changes of membrane potential or current in regulating the intracellular calcium concentration. Changing environmental conditions, such as the light-dark cycle, can modify neuronal and neural network activity and the expression of a family of circadian clock genes within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the location of the master circadian clock in the mammalian brain. Excitatory synaptic transmission leads to an increase in the postsynaptic Ca2+ concentration that is believed to activate the signaling pathways that shifts the rhythmic expression of circadian clock genes. Hypothalamic slices containing the SCN were patch clamped using microelectrodes filled with an internal solution containing the calcium indicator bis-fura-2. After a seal was formed between the microelectrode and the SCN neuronal membrane, the membrane was ruptured using gentle suction and the calcium probe diffused into the neuron filling both the soma and dendrites. Quantitative ratiometric measurements of the intracellular calcium concentration were recorded simultaneously with membrane potential or current. Using these methods it is possible to study the role of changes of the intracellular calcium concentration produced by synaptic activity and action potential firing of individual neurons. In this presentation we demonstrate the methods to simultaneously record electrophysiological activity along with intracellular calcium from individual SCN neurons maintained in brain slices.  相似文献   

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology - Temporal lobe epilepsy is a severe disorder of the central nervous system associated with an imbalance of excitation and inhibition in the...  相似文献   

目的:通过丘脑底核脑深部电刺激术治疗帕金森病,观察其肌肉僵直、静止性震颤、运动迟缓等症状的改善情况。方法:选取以丘脑底核为刺激靶点收治的帕金森病患者8例,对比手术前后患者肌强直、静止性震颤、运动迟缓等症状的改善情况,并进行UPDRS评分。结果:接受丘脑底核脑深部电刺激术治疗帕金森病6个月后,患者肌肉僵直、静止性震颤、运动迟缓等临床主症的改善上效果良好;与手术前相比,患者术后UPDRS评分均有所降低,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);患者术后美多巴服用量显著减少,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);患者术后没有产生永久性的并发症以及较明显的临床症状;但对大量油脂性渗出及典型面具性面容的治疗上未见明显疗效。结论:丘脑底核脑深部电刺激术治疗帕金森氏病,可以使帕金森病主要临床症状肌肉僵直、静止震颤及运动迟缓得到明显改善,显著减少美多巴服药量,具有安全可靠的疗效,对临床具有指导意义,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

Awakening during deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery may be stressful to patients. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect on MER signals and their applicability to subthalmic nucleus (STN) DBS surgery for patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) under sedation with propofol and fentanyl. Sixteen consecutive patients with PD underwent STN-DBS surgery with propofol and fentanyl. Their MER signals were achieved during the surgery. To identify the microelectrodes positions, the preoperative MRI and postoperative CT were used. Clinical profiles were also collected at the baseline and at 6 months after surgery. All the signals were slightly attenuated and contained only bursting patterns, compared with our previous report. All electrodes were mostly located in the middle one third part of the STN on both sides of the brain in the fused images. Six months later, the patients were improved significantly in the medication-off state and they met with less dyskinesia and less off-duration. Our study revealed that the sedation with propofol and fentanyl was applicable to STN-DBS surgery. There were no significant problems in precise positioning of bilateral electrodes. The surgery also improved significantly clinical outcomes in 6-month follow-up.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol (PI) breakdown represents a powerful system participating in the transduction mechanism of some neurotransmitters and growth factors and producing two second messengers, diacylglycerol and inositol trisphosphate. The transformation of PC12 neuroblastoma cells into neuron-like cells induced by nerve growth factor (NGF) is preceded by a rapid stimulation of PI breakdown; however, it was not known whether PI breakdown mediates actions of other members of the neurotrophin family. The present study analyzed the effects of NGF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) on PI breakdown in primary cultures of embryonic rat brain cells. Cultures were grown for 7 days; PI was then labeled by incubating cultures with myo-[3H]inositol, which then were exposed acutely to growth factors. BDNF and NT-3, but not NGF, elevated the levels of labeled inositol phosphates within 10-15 min after addition to the cultures in a dose-dependent manner. ED50 values for BDNF and NT-3 were 12.4 and 64.5 ng/ml, respectively. Comparable effects were found in cultures of cortical, striatal, and septal cells. The actions of BDNF and NT-3 probably reflect actions on neurons, because no effects were seen in cultures of nonneuronal cells. In contrast, basic fibroblast growth factor induced a marked stimulation of PI breakdown in cultures of nonneuronal cells. K252b, which selectively blocks neurotrophin actions by inhibiting trk-type receptor proteins, prevented the PI breakdown mediated by BDNF and NT-3. The findings suggest that rapid and specific induction of PI breakdown is involved in the signal transduction of BDNF and NT-3, and they provide evidence that cortical neurons are functionally responsive to BDNF and NT-3 during development.  相似文献   

This video will guide you through the process of culturing rat cortical neurons in the presence of a glial feeder layer, a system known as a bilaminar or co-culture model. This system is suitable for a variety of experimental needs requiring either a glass or plastic growth substrate and can also be used for culture of other types of neurons.Rat cortical neurons obtained from the late embryonic stage (E17) are plated on glass coverslips or tissue culture dishes facing a feeder layer of glia grown on dishes or plastic coverslips (known as Thermanox), respectively. The choice between the two configurations depends on the specific experimental technique used, which may require, or not, that neurons are grown on glass (e.g. calcium imaging versus Western blot). The glial feeder layer, an astroglia-enriched secondary culture of mixed glia, is separately prepared from the cortices of newborn rat pups (P2-4) prior to the neuronal dissection.A major advantage of this culture system as compared to a culture of neurons only is the support of neuronal growth, survival, and differentiation provided by trophic factors secreted from the glial feeder layer, which more accurately resembles the brain environment in vivo. Furthermore, the co-culture can be used to study neuronal-glial interactions1.At the same time, glia contamination in the neuronal layer is prevented by different means (low density culture, addition of mitotic inhibitors, lack of serum and use of optimized culture medium) leading to a virtually pure neuronal layer, comparable to other established methods1-3. Neurons can be easily separated from the glial layer at any time during culture and used for different experimental applications ranging from electrophysiology4, cellular and molecular biology5-8, biochemistry5, imaging and microscopy4,6,7,9,10. The primary neurons extend axons and dendrites to form functional synapses11, a process which is not observed in neuronal cell lines, although some cell lines do extend processes.A detailed protocol of culturing rat hippocampal neurons using this co-culture system has been described previously4,12,13. Here we detail a modified protocol suited for cortical neurons. As approximately 20x106 cells are recovered from each rat embryo, this method is particularly useful for experiments requiring large numbers of neurons (but not concerned about a highly homogenous neuronal population). The preparation of neurons and glia needs to be planned in a time-specific manner. We will provide the step-by-step protocol for culturing rat cortical neurons as well as culturing glial cells to support the neurons.Download video file.(75M, mov)  相似文献   



There appears to be an overlap between the limbic system, which is modulated by subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson''s disease (PD), and the brain network that mediates theory of mind (ToM). Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of STN DBS on ToM of PD patients and to correlate ToM modifications with changes in glucose metabolism.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To this end, we conducted 18FDG-PET scans in 13 PD patients in pre- and post-STN DBS conditions and correlated changes in their glucose metabolism with modified performances on the Eyes test, a visual ToM task requiring them to describe thoughts or feelings conveyed by photographs of the eye region. Postoperative PD performances on this emotion recognition task were significantly worse than either preoperative PD performances or those of healthy controls (HC), whereas there was no significant difference between preoperative PD and HC. Conversely, PD patients in the postoperative condition performed within the normal range on the gender attribution task included in the Eyes test. As far as the metabolic results are concerned, there were correlations between decreased cerebral glucose metabolism and impaired ToM in several cortical areas: the bilateral cingulate gyrus (BA 31), right middle frontal gyrus (BA 8, 9 and 10), left middle frontal gyrus (BA 6), temporal lobe (fusiform gyrus, BA 20), bilateral parietal lobe (right BA 3 and right and left BA 7) and bilateral occipital lobe (BA 19). There were also correlations between increased cerebral glucose metabolism and impaired ToM in the left superior temporal gyrus (BA 22), left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 13 and BA 47) and right inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47). All these structures overlap with the brain network that mediates ToM.


These results seem to confirm that STN DBS hinders the ability to infer the mental states of others and modulates a distributed network known to subtend ToM.  相似文献   

Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN DBS) has become an accepted treatment for patients experiencing the motor complications of Parkinson''s disease (PD). While its successes are becoming increasingly apparent, the mechanisms underlying its action remain unclear. Multiple studies using radiotracer-based imaging have investigated DBS-induced regional changes in neural activity. However, little is known about the effect of DBS on connectivity within neural networks; in other words, whether DBS impacts upon functional integration of specialized regions of cortex. In this work, we report the first findings of fMRI in 10 subjects with PD and fully implanted DBS hardware receiving efficacious stimulation. Despite the technical demands associated with the safe acquisition of fMRI data from patients with implanted hardware, robust activation changes were identified in the insula cortex and thalamus in response to therapeutic STN DBS. We then quantified the neuromodulatory effects of DBS and compared sixteen dynamic causal models of effective connectivity between the two identified nodes. Using Bayesian model comparison, we found unequivocal evidence for the modulation of extrinsic (between region), i.e. cortico-thalamic and thalamo-cortical connections. Using Bayesian model parameter averaging we found that during voluntary movements, DBS reversed the effective connectivity between regions of the cortex and thalamus. This casts the therapeutic effects of DBS in a fundamentally new light, emphasising a role in changing distributed cortico-subcortical interactions. We conclude that STN DBS does impact upon the effective connectivity between the cortex and thalamus by changing their sensitivities to extrinsic afferents. Furthermore, we confirm that fMRI is both feasible and is tolerated well by these patients provided strict safety measures are adhered to.  相似文献   

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) or the internal segment of the globus pallidus (GPi) has recently been recognized as an important form of intervention for alleviating motor symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease, but the mechanism underlying its effectiveness remains unknown. Using a computational model, this paper considers the hypothesis that DBS works by replacing pathologically rhythmic basal ganglia output with tonic, high frequency firing. In our simulations of parkinsonian conditions, rhythmic inhibition from GPi to the thalamus compromises the ability of thalamocortical relay (TC) cells to respond to depolarizing inputs, such as sensorimotor signals. High frequency stimulation of STN regularizes GPi firing, and this restores TC responsiveness, despite the increased frequency and amplitude of GPi inhibition to thalamus that result. We provide a mathematical phase plane analysis of the mechanisms that determine TC relay capabilities in normal, parkinsonian, and DBS states in a reduced model. This analysis highlights the differences in deinactivation of the low-threshold calcium T -current that we observe in TC cells in these different conditions. Alternative scenarios involving convergence of thalamic signals in the cortex are also discussed, and predictions associated with these results, including the occurrence of rhythmic rebound bursts in certain TC cells in parkinsonian states and their drastic reduction by DBS, are stated. These results demonstrate how DBS could work by increasing firing rates of target cells, rather than shutting them down.  相似文献   

Glutamate excitotoxicity is involved in many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Attenuation of glutamate toxicity is one of the therapeutic strategies for AD. Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) is a common ingredient in oriental cuisines. A number of studies suggest that wolfberry has anti-aging properties. In recent years, there is a trend of using dried Wolfberry as food supplement and health product in UK and North America. Previously, we have demonstrated that a fraction of polysaccharide from Wolfberry (LBA) provided remarkable neuroprotective effects against beta-amyloid peptide-induced cytotoxicity in primary cultures of rat cortical neurons. To investigate whether LBA can protect neurons from other pathological factors such as glutamate found in Alzheimer brain, we examined whether it can prevent neurotoxicity elicited by glutamate in primary cultured neurons. The glutamate-induced cell death as detected by lactate dehydrogenase assay and caspase-3-like activity assay was significantly reduced by LBA at concentrations ranging from 10 to 500 μg/ml. Protective effects of LBA were comparable to memantine, a non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist. LBA provided neuroprotection even 1 h after exposure to glutamate. In addition to glutamate, LBA attenuated N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-induced neuronal damage. To further explore whether LBA might function as antioxidant, we used hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as oxidative stress inducer in this study. LBA could not attenuate the toxicity of H2O2. Furthermore, LBA did not attenuate glutamate-induced oxidation by using NBT assay. Western blot analysis indicated that glutamate-induced phosphorylation of c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) was reduced by treatment with LBA. Taken together, LBA exerted significant neuroprotective effects on cultured cortical neurons exposed to glutamate.  相似文献   

To elucidate the molecular events involved in early ischemic neuronal death, we performed two-dimensional proteome profiling of primary cultures of rat cortical neurons following chemical ischemia induced by the administration of sodium azide under glucose-free conditions. Using a lactic dehydrogenase assay and Western blot analysis of dephosporylation of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv2.1, we determined duration of chemical ischemia of 2 h to be the relevant time-point for early ischemic neuronal death. Sixty-one proteins were differentially expressed, and 26 different proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF with Mascot database searching. The proteome data indicated that chemical ischemia altered the expression of 20 proteins that are involved in stress response/chaperone, brain development, cytoskeletal/structural proteins, metabolic enzymes, and calcium ion homeostasis. Western blotting and immunocytochemical studies of the 6-most functionally significant proteins showed that, in the ischemia-treated group, the expression of glucose-related protein 78, heat shock protein 90 alpha, and α-enolase was significantly increased, while the expression of inositol triphosphate receptor 1 and ATP synthase beta subunit was decreased. In addition, the expression of dihydropyrimidinase-like 3 showed a truncated pattern in the ischemia group. The changes in the expression of these proteins might be significant indicators of early ischemic neuronal death.  相似文献   

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