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Dear Editor, Self-incompatibility (SI) is a genetic mechanism through which flowering plants prevent self-pollination to ensure out- crossing and genetic diversity. In Brassica sp., this mechanism is controlled by the self-incompatibility (S) locus, in which, the stigmatic 'S-locus receptor kinase (SRK)' recognizes the 'S-locus cysteine rich protein (SCR)' from the self-pollen to elicit an active rejection response. This results in blocking of compatibil- ity factors from being delivered to the site of pollen attachment leading to self-pollen rejection (Chapman and Goring, 2010). In contrast, following recognition of compatible signals from the cross-pollen or compatible pollen (CP), the stigma releases its resources such as water and nutrients to the dry pollen so that the pollen tube can germinate and penetrate the stigmatic cuticle leading to successful fertilization. Thus, an incompatible or self-pollen is fully capable of eliciting a compatible response, but is actively rejected before compatible responses can occur.  相似文献   

It has long been known that leaf senescence can be induced in many plant species by detaching leaves and placing them in the darkness. It recently has been shown that entire Arabidopsis plants placed in the darkness are not induced to senesce, as judged by visible yellowing and certain molecular markers. Here, we show that when individual Arabidopsis leaves are darkened, but not when entire plants are darkened, senescence is induced in the covered leaves. This induction of senescence is highly localized. The phenomenon is leaf age dependent in that it occurs more rapidly and strongly in older leaves than in younger ones, as is the case with many forms of induced senescence. Whole adult plants placed in darkness, in contrast, show delayed senescence, although seedlings lacking primary leaves do not. These observations imply that the light status of the entire plant affects the senescence of individual leaves. A model summarizing the results is presented.  相似文献   

Promotion of the Growth of Self-Incompatible Pollen Tubes in Lily by cAMP   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cyclic AMP, forskolin and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine promotedthe elongation of self-incompatible pollen tubes in Lilium longiflorum.It appears that a functional cAMP-regulated system that involvesadenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase is present in the lilystyle and is involved in the regulation of elongation of self-incompatiblepollen tubes. (Received January 21, 1993; Accepted June 19, 1993)  相似文献   

Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is an inherited metabolic disorder biochemically characterized by the accumulation of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and their branched-chain keto acids (BCKAs) in blood and other tissues. Neurological dysfunction is usually present in the affected patients, but the mechanisms of brain damage in this disease are not fully understood. Considering that brain energy metabolism seems to be altered in MSUD, the main objective of this study was to investigate the in vitro effect of BCAAs and BCKAs on creatine kinase activity, a key enzyme of energy homeostasis, in brain cortex of young rats. BCAAs, but not their BCKAs, significantly inhibited creatine kinase activity at concentrations similar to those found in the plasma of MSUD patients (0.5–5 mM). Considering the crucial role creatine kinase plays in energy homeostasis in brain, if this effect also occurs in the brain of MSUD patients, it is possible that inhibition of this enzyme activity may contribute to the brain damage found in this disease.  相似文献   

The present experiment, involving both the in vivo injection of abscislc acid (ABA) Into apple (Malus domestica Brohk.) fruits and the in vivo Incubation of fruit tissues in ABA-contalnlng medium, revealed that ABA activates both soluble and cell wall-bound acid invertases. Immunoblottlng and enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assays showed that this ABA-induced acid invertase activation is Independent of the amount of enzyme present. The acid Invertase activation induced by ABA is dependent on medium pH, time course, ABA dose, living tissue and developmental stage. Two isomers of cls-(+)-ABA, (-)-ABA and trans- ABA, had no effect on acid invertases, showing that ABA-induced acid invertase activation is specific to physiologically active cis-(+)ABA. Protein kinase inhlbltors K252a and H7 as well as acid phosphatase Increased the ABA-Induced effects. These data indicate that ABA specifically activates both soluble and cell wall-bound acid Invertases by a posttranslational mechanism probably Involving reversible protein phosphorylatlon, and this may be one of the mechanisms by which ABA Is Involved In regulating fruit development.  相似文献   

In the Brassicaceae, compatible pollen–pistil interactions result in pollen adhesion to the stigma, while pollen grains from unrelated plant species are largely ignored. There can also be an additional layer of recognition to prevent self-fertilization, the self-incompatibility response, whereby self pollen grains are distinguished from nonself pollen grains and rejected. This pathway is activated in the stigma and involves the ARM repeat–containing 1 (ARC1) protein, an E3 ubiquitin ligase. In a screen for ARC1-interacting proteins, we have identified Brassica napus Exo70A1, a putative component of the exocyst complex that is known to regulate polarized secretion. We show through transgenic studies that loss of Exo70A1 in Brassica and Arabidopsis thaliana stigmas leads to the rejection of compatible pollen at the same stage as the self-incompatibility response. A red fluorescent protein:Exo70A1 fusion rescues this stigmatic defect in Arabidopsis and is found to be mobilized to the plasma membrane concomitant with flowers opening. By contrast, increased expression of Exo70A1 in self-incompatible Brassica partially overcomes the self pollen rejection response. Thus, our data show that the Exo70A1 protein functions at the intersection of two cellular pathways, where it is required in the stigma for the acceptance of compatible pollen in both Brassica and Arabidopsis and is negatively regulated by Brassica self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

Rb protein inhibits both cell cycle progression and apoptosis. Interaction of specific cellular proteins, including E2F1, with Rb C-terminal domains mediates cell cycle regulation. In contrast, the nuclear N5 protein associates with an Rb N-terminal domain with unknown function. The N5 protein contains a region of sequence similarity to the death domain of proteins involved in apoptotic signaling. We demonstrate here that forced N5 expression potently induces apoptosis in several tumor cell lines. Mutation of conserved residues within the death domain homology compromise N5-induced apoptosis, suggesting that it is required for normal function. Endogenous N5 protein is specifically altered in apoptotic cells treated with ionizing radiation. Furthermore, dominant interfering death domain mutants compromise cellular responses to ionizing radiation. Finally, physical association with Rb protein inhibits N5-induced apoptosis. We propose that N5 protein plays a role in the regulation of apoptosis and that Rb directly coordinates cell proliferation and apoptosis by binding specific proteins involved in each process through distinct protein binding domains.  相似文献   

The type VI secretion system (T6SS) of Gram-negative bacteria has been implicated in microbial competition; however, which components serve purely structural roles, and which serve as toxic effectors remains unresolved. Here, we present evidence that VgrG-3 of the Vibrio cholerae T6SS has both structural and toxin activity. Specifically, we demonstrate that the C-terminal extension of VgrG-3 acts to degrade peptidoglycan and hypothesize that this assists in the delivery of accessory T6SS toxins of V. cholerae. To avoid self-intoxication, V. cholerae expresses an anti-toxin encoded immediately downstream of vgrG-3 that inhibits VgrG-3-mediated lysis through direct interaction.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether specific protein phosphorylation events are induced in Papaver rhoeas pollen as a consequence of the self-incompatibility (SI) response. Pollen grown in vitro in the presence of 32P-orthophosphate was challenged with biologically active recombinant S proteins, and pollen proteins were extracted and analyzed. The results provide strong evidence that the increased phosphorylation of a 26-kD protein of pl 6.2, p26, is specifically induced by the SI response. This phosphorylation event occurs in living pollen tubes and was observed specifically when pollen was challenged with S proteins that are incompatible with the S alleles carried by the pollen and not when pollen was challenged with compatible or incompatible heat-denatured S proteins. Further characterization demonstrated that p26 comprises two phosphoproteins, p26.1 and p26.2, that are found in soluble and microsomal fractions, respectively. Increased phosphorylation of p26.1 is implicated in the SI response and appears to be Ca2+ and calmodulin dependent. These data argue for the involvement of a Ca2+-dependent protein kinase requiring calmodulin-like domains, whose activation comprises an intracellular signal mediating the SI response in P. rhoeas pollen.  相似文献   

The potential for cross-talk between the adenyl cyclase and phosphoinositide (PPI) lipid second messenger system was investigated in astrocytes cultured from neonatal rat brain. Glutamate-stimulated PPI turnover, measured by the formation of total inositol phosphates from myo-[3H]inositol-labeled lipids, was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by the elevation of intracellular cyclic AMP levels produced either by stimulation of the isoproterenol receptor linked to adenyl cyclase or by its direct activation by forskolin. N6,2'-O-Dibutyryl cyclic AMP, an analogue that can also activate cyclic AMP-dependent kinase, inhibited glutamate-stimulated PPI turnover in a concentration-dependent manner as well, a result suggesting that cyclic AMP-dependent kinase is involved in mediating the inhibition. Inclusion of an inhibitor of cyclic AMP-dependent kinase, 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2 methylpiperazine dihydrochloride or N-(2-guanidinoethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide hydrochloride, blocked the cyclic AMP-mediated inhibition in a concentration-dependent manner, a finding further supporting this hypothesis. The site of inhibition of the phosphoinositol lipid pathway by cyclic AMP was probed using a digitonin-permeabilized cell system. Guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), a nonhydrolyzable analogue of GTP, stimulated PPI turnover and potentiated glutamate-stimulated PPI turnover, and guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiodiphosphate) inhibited glutamate-stimulated PPI turnover in these cells, results providing evidence that glutamate receptors are coupled to phospholipase C by a guanine nucleotide binding protein in astrocytes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的:探讨蛋白酶体抑制剂乳胞素(LAC)对LPS诱导的人关节软骨细胞炎症反应的抑制作用.方法:体外培养原代人关节软骨细胞,分为四组,即对照组、LPS组(100 ng/mL LPS处理6小时)、LAC组(5μM LAC处理1小时)和LAC+LPS组(5μMLAC预处理1小时后,给予LPS处理6小时),分别用ELISA和western blot检测和比较各组细胞内20s蛋白酶体,NF-κB,TNF-α和iNOS的含量.结果:LPS处理后的人关节软骨细胞内20s蛋白酶体,NF-κB,TNF-α和iNOS的表达均较对照组显著升高(P<0.05),LAC+LPS组以上指标较LPS组均显著降低(P<0.05),而LAC组和LAC+LPS组以上指标与对照组比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论:LAC可显著抑制LPS诱导的人关节软骨细胞炎症反应.  相似文献   

Saururus cernuus, a species belonging to the primitive herbaceousangiosperm family Saururaceae, exhibits high rates of self-sterility.We investigated the structural and functional aspects of pollen-carpelinteractions following cross and self pollination to assessthe tissue specific site and timing of self-sterility and factorsimportant for successful cross pollen tube growth. Self-sterilitywas due to inhibition of self pollen germination at a dry stigma.Self pollination was associated with anomalous foot formation,reduced cell wall expansion and secretory activity of stigmaticpapillae, and callose production in stigmatic papillae. Followinggermination, cross compatible pollen tubes entered a solid coreof transmitting tissue and grew to the base of a short style.Entry of cross pollen tubes into the ovary was coincident withovule enlargement which placed the micropyle in the proximityof cross pollen tube tips. Ovule enlargement also occurred followingself pollination. Cross pollen tubes either entered an exudate-filledmicropyle directly from the style, or growth in the ovary waslocalized to the epidermis of the locule and outer integumentprior to entry into the micropyle. Prior to pollination, thetransmitting tract was void of secretions except for exudatein the micropyle. Growth of pollen tubes on the locule and integumentwas associated with exudate apparently arising from transmittingcells adjacent to growing pollen tubes. The present study providesthe first evidence in a primitive herbaceous species of stigmaticself-incompatibility (SI) in association with a dry stigma,pollination-induced signalling events affecting developmentof carpellary tissues, and micropylar exudates. Copyright 1999Annals of Botany Company SI evolution, dry stigma, exudates, pollen-carpel signalling, Saururaceae.  相似文献   

The opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses two surface organelles, flagella and pili, for motility and adhesion in biotic and abiotic environments. Polar flagellar placement and number are influenced by FlhF, which is a signal recognition particle (SRP)-type GTPase. The FlhF proteins of Bacillus subtilis and Campylobacter jejuni were recently shown to have GTPase activity. However, the phenotypes associated with flhF deletion and/or mutation differ between these organisms and P. aeruginosa, making it difficult to generalize a role for FlhF in pseudomonads. In this study, we confirmed that FlhF of P. aeruginosa binds and hydrolyzes GTP. We mutated FlhF residues that we predicted would alter nucleotide binding and hydrolysis and determined the effects of these mutations on FlhF enzymatic activity, protein dimerization, and bacterial motility. Both hydrolytically active and inactive FlhF point mutants restored polar flagellar assembly, as seen for wild-type FlhF. However, differential effects on flagellar function were observed in single-cell assays of swimming motility and flagellar rotation. These findings indicate that FlhF function is influenced by its nucleotide binding and hydrolytic activities and demonstrate that FlhF affects P. aeruginosa flagellar function as well as assembly.  相似文献   

2-Bromoethanesulfonate (BES) inhibited the reductive dechlorination of chloroethenes in several sediment-free enrichment cultures in the absence of methanogenic archaea. Archaeon-specific PCR primers confirmed the absence of methanogens in the enrichment cultures. BES should not be used to attribute dechlorination activities to methanogens.  相似文献   



IgE specific to worm antigen (SWA) and pre-treatment eosinophil number, are associated with human immunity to re-infection with schistosomes after chemotherapeutic treatment. Treatment significantly elevates circulating IL-5 24-hr post-treatment of Schistosoma mansoni. Here we investigate if praziquantel treatment of human schistosomiasis haematobium also boosts circulating IL-5, the immunological and parasitological factors that predispose to this, and the relationship between these and subsequent immunity to post-treatment re-infection.

Methodology/Principle Findings

The relationship between pre-treatment SWA-IgE, eosinophil number and infection intensity and the 24-hr post-treatment IL-5 boost was investigated in a Malian cohort (aged 5–40 yrs), exposed to S. haematobium. Eotaxin levels were measured at 24-hr post-treatment as a proxy of eosinophil migration. The relationship between the 24-hr post-treatment IL-5 boost and later eosinophil numbers and SWA-IgE levels (9-wk post-treatment) was examined, then investigated in the context of subsequent levels of re-infection (2-yr post-treatment). Circulating IL-5 levels increased 24-hr post-treatment and were associated with pre-treatment infection intensity, SWA-IgE levels, eosinophil number, as well as 24-hr post-treatment eotaxin levels. 24-hr IL-5 levels were, in turn, significantly associated with eosinophil number and elevated SWA-IgE 9-wk later. These SWA-IgE levels were significantly associated with immunity to re-infection.


Early IL-5 production after treatment-induced exposure to S. haematobium worm antigen is positively associated with antigen dose (infection intensity), IgE availability for arming of effector cells at time of treatment and subsequent eosinophil migration response (as indicated by eotaxin levels). The IL-5 produced is positively associated with increased downstream eosinophil number and increases in specific IgE levels, implicating this cytokine boost and its down-stream consequences in the production and maintenance of IgE, and subsequent re-infection immunity.  相似文献   

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