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Nitrogen-fixation in the littoral benthos of an oligotrophic lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Blue-green algae are common in the benthos of Mirror Lake, New Hampshire (U. S. A.) — on macrophytes and on the lake bottom-and are probably responsible for the variable, sometimes high rates of N-fixation that detected by a series of acetylene-reduction assays during September and October.  相似文献   

In enclosure experiments in the littoral zone of Lake Constance, Germany, juvenile cyprinids showed significantly reduced somatic growth in the shallow eulittoral zone (0·5 m depth) compared to the sublittoral zone (1·6 m depth). Growth was especially reduced in larger and more deep-bodied fish groups, providing evidence that this is due to increased hydrodynamic stress, induced by ship and wind waves, in the shallow habitats compared to the deep habitat. Other factors such as water temperature and food availability seemed to be of minor importance for the observed growth differences. Gillnet catches at the experimental site and an adjacent site showed that most juvenile cyprinids, including the species from the enclosure study, bream Abramis brama and dace Leuciscus leuciscus , nonetheless prefer shallow habitats compared to deeper sublittoral habitats. Juvenile cyprinids in Lake Constance may prefer these shallow habitats as refuges against larger piscivorous predators, mainly perch Perca fluviatilis , despite the cost in terms of reduced somatic growth indicating that juvenile cyprinids first of all optimize survival rate instead of somatic growth rate.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - Fish assemblage structures and environmental properties (e.g., water quality, sediment condition and prey abundance) were compared between tidal marshes, dominated by the...  相似文献   

Patterns in the epilithic community of a lake littoral   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The algae and sedentary macroinvertebrates on the upper surface of stones from the littoral of Crosemere were investigated over 13 months. This lake is one of a series of eutrophic meres of glacial origin in the English Midlands. 2. Stones were taken from shallow and deep areas in the littoral and from areas shaded by bankside trees and those away from trees. This gave four habitat types: open/shallow; open/deep; shade/shallow; shade/deep. Epilithic algae and sedentary macroinvertebrates from the upper surfaces of the stones were quantified monthly for each habitat type. 3. Chlorophyll a and ash-free dry mass both showed a strong seasonal pattern common to all habitat types, with a spring peak declining to a summer minimum, followed by a small autumn recovery, and a winter minimum. 4. In terms of percentage cover, Cladophora glomerata showed a markedly different pattern. There were strong differences between habitat types, with shaded stones from the shallows, in particular, having very sparse Cladophora cover. In the open, Cladophora cover was high in summer and low at other times. 5. The invertebrate community was dominated by retreat-dwelling larvae of the psychomyiid caddis, Tinodes waeneri, and four species of chironomids with tube-building larvae, Cricotopus sylvestris, Microtendipes pedellus, Glyptotendipes pallens and Endochironomus albipennis. For Tinodes, Cricotopus and Microtendipes, peaks of density occurred chiefly beneath trees in spring and summer. 6. The seasonal pattern of algal abundance showed little relationship with that of invertebrate biomass. The ratio of chlorophyll a to ash-free dry mass also declined in summer, despite the higher invertebrate biomass. This indicated that grazing was not the dominant factor diminishing algal abundance seasonally. It seems likely that algae were limited chiefly by physical factors, such as light and temperature, and by nutrients, particularly nitrates, which decline in summer in the epilimnion of the lake. 7. Grazing may have contributed to spatial patchiness of algae in summer, however, particularly that of Cladophora. The scarcity of Cladophora on shallow, shaded stones coincided with a high abundance of Tinodes on these stones in early summer. Riparian trees could thus have affected epilithic algae, not only by shading but also indirectly through the supply of grazers.  相似文献   

Carbon flow in the littoral food web of an oligotrophic lake   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
James  Mark R.  Hawes  Ian  Weatherhead  Mark  Stanger  Carmen  Gibbs  Max 《Hydrobiologia》2000,441(1):93-106
Benthic food web dynamics and carbon flow were examined in the littoral zone of Lake Coleridge, a large deep oligotrophic lake, using radioactive and stable isotope techniques in conjunction with analyses of stomach contents of the fauna. We specifically address two hypotheses: (1) that macrophytes only contribute to the carbon flow to higher trophic levels when they have decayed; and (2) that epiphytic algae is the major source of carbon for macroinvertebrates, and thus fish, with only minor contributions from phytoplankton or terrestrial sources. Epiphytic diatoms were a major component of the stomach contents of the gastropod snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum, and of chironomids. Animal remains were also common in the diet of some chironomids, while amorphous organic matter predominated in the stomachs of oligochaetes. A variety of epiphytic algal taxa was found in trichopteran larvae. Feeding rate of P. antipodarum measured with radioactive tracers increased by 10× on decayed macrophytes (Elodea) compared with live material, while feeding rates on characean algae increased by a factor of 3 when decayed material was presented. However, assimilation rates were less than 20% on decayed material compared with 48–52% on live material. Potential carbon sources were easily distinguished based on their 13C values, although isotopic ratios showed significant variation among sites. Epiphytic algae showed less variation among sites than macrophytes and were depleted by 4–5 compared with macrophytes. Detrital material, organic matter in the sediments and plankton were significantly depleted in 13C relative to macrophytes and slightly depleted relative to epiphytic algae. Most macroinvertebrate taxa showed a similar pattern among sites to macrophytes and epiphytic algae. P. antipodarum and chironomids were slightly enriched compared with epiphytic algae. Ratios for the common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) were generally consistent with a diet dominated by chironomids, while there was some evidence for terrestrial inputs for koaro (Galaxias brevipinnis) and juvenile brown trout. Epiphytic algae appear to underpin much of the production in the littoral zone of this oligotrophic lake, with trichopteran and chironomid larvae mediating carbon flows from algae to fish. Macrophytes do not make a major contribution directly to carbon flow to higher trophic levels even when decayed. The lack of a direct link between macrophytes and higher trophic levels is due to the faunal composition, including a lack of large herbivores.  相似文献   

In a small polytrophic and meromictic lake (Fischkaltersee,Iffeldorf lake district, Upper Bavaria, FRG) artificial destratificationwas installed to increase water quality. During this procedure,viable biomass of algae in the water column almost doubled.This increase was not paralled by an adequate increase in primaryproduction. Artificial destratification caused a total and enduringdecrease of cyanophytes after one species, Oscillatoria limnetica,bloomed for a very short period of time, probably due to elevatedconcentrations of several chemical compounds after destroyingthe monimolimnion. The cyanophytes were replaced by variousspecies of coccal and tetrasporal chloro-phytes, centric diatomsand small cryptophytes. Two kinds of mechanisms, responsiblefor this structural shift, are discussed: advantages for greenalgae and diatoms as well as disadvantages for cyanophytes.  相似文献   

Two collections of submerged wood were made from the Mushroom Research Centre in northern Thailand. One collection comprising 100 samples was made from an artificial lake, which had been made by damming a stream running through a secondary forest. The other collection comprising 90 samples was made from an adjacent non dammed shallow stream running through a similar forest. A total of 68 fungal taxa were recorded during the study and the Shannon–Weiner index (H′) was applied to evaluate the diversities of freshwater fungi. Sørensen’s index (S′) was calculated to evaluate the similarity of different fungal communities. The variation of freshwater fungi on submerged wood between lentic and lotic habitat is discussed and compared with previous studies. A dramatic decrease in species richness and diversity, with significantly changed species composition were observed in the artificial lake as compared to the non dammed stream.  相似文献   

In situ mesocosm experiments were performed under summer (1997) and winter (1999) conditions in the littoral zone of a subtropical lake in Florida, USA. The objective was to quantify phosphorus (P) accumulation by various components of the community after adding pulsed doses of dissolved inorganic P. A short-term experiment also was done to quantify the rate of P loss from the water column, with simultaneous use of an inert tracer to confirm that P depletion was not due to leakage of the tanks. In the experiments, added P was rapidly removed from the water; samples collected 3–4 days after adding spikes of near 100 μg l?1 P contained little or no soluble reactive P. In the short-term experiment, we documented that the half-life of added P was approximately 6–8 h in the water column, and that the tanks were not exchanging water with the surrounding lake. Little of the added P ended up in plankton, rooted vascular plants, or sediments. The main sink for P was periphyton, including surface algal mats, benthic algal mats and detritus, and epiphyton. In the summer 1997 experiment, the periphyton was intimately associated with a non-rooted plant (Utricularia), which also may have sequestered P from the water. Structure of the littoral community varied between summer and winter, and this influenced which periphyton component accounted for most of the P removal. In regard to P mass balances, we accounted for 54% of the added P in 1997, when coarse sampling was done. In 1999, when there was more detailed sampling of the community, 92% of the added P was located in various community components. Subtropical littoral periphyton can be a large sink for P, as long as depth and underwater irradiance conditions favor its growth.  相似文献   

Dreissenid mussels are notorious invasive organisms whose establishment is associated with large, ecosystem-scale changes to patterns of productivity in aquatic systems. We investigated how localized impacts of dreissenids affect the potential of littoral substrates to support primary and secondary production using in situ incubations and comparisons of natural mussel-colonized and mussel-free substrates in the littoral zone of a large, shallow lake. We compared dreissenid-colonized and dreissenid-free substrates in terms of nutrient balance, surface area, periphyton loads as well as benthic primary production and respiration rates. Dreissenid-colonized substrates acted as sources of dissolved nutrients to the water column, with mussel mass-specific rates of dissolved phosphorus and ammonia excretion averaging 7.2 ± 5.6 (mean ± SD), and 92.6 ± 64.7 μg/g mussel shell free dry mass/h, respectively. Mussel-colonized substrates also had higher surface area, and supported approximately double the amount of periphyton and organic matter loads compared to mussel-free substrates, as well as having higher rates of primary production and community respiration. We suggest that the localized effects of dreissenids can play an important role in changing whole-ecosystem production patterns, with the extent of dreissenid impacts strongly dependent on lake size and morphometry.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of tidal fluctuations on CO2 and CH4 fluxes from sediment or soil to the atmosphere in the littoral zone of a brackish-water lake during the growing seasons in 2004 and 2005. The dominant plants at the study site formed three sub-zones (Phragmites zone, Juncus zone and Miscanthus zone) across a topographic gradient on the shoreline. In the Phragmites and Juncus zones, we observed a positive correlation between hourly changes in CO2 and CH4 fluxes and changes in the water table. In particular, the magnitude and pattern of daily variation in CO2 and CH4 fluxes were different on days during spring tide and neap tide in the Phragmites and Juncus zones. Variations in CO2 and CH4 fluxes in the Phragmites and Juncus zones over the course of a day during spring tide were correlated with water-table level. We found that the rate of change of the water table, as distinguished from just differences in the water table, was a major environmental factor controlling the CO2 and CH4 fluxes. In the Miscanthus zone during spring tide, soil temperature was the main factor affecting daily variation in CO2 and CH4 fluxes.  相似文献   

  • 1 The resistance and resilience of littoral zone communities to sedimentation will depend both on the extent to which sediment deposition affects productivity, and on interactions within the communities. A series of hypotheses were set up and tested to examine interactions and feedback mechanisms among deposited sediments, periphyton, macrophytes and grazers in a large oligotrophic lake subject to fluctuating sediment loadings.
  • 2 Although sediments incorporated into periphyton reduced light availability to macrophytes, periphytic algae were generally the dominant light absorbing component under natural conditions. When grazers were absent, both sediments incorporated in the periphyton and periphytic algal densities increased, and both were then important in reducing light available to macrophytes.
  • 3 Grazing rate and assimilation efficiency for the dominant grazer, the prosobranch gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum, increased with increasing sediment content under natural lake conditions to reach a maximum at 10 mg sediment cm?2.
  • 4 An increase in sediment incorporation into periphyton films resulted in an increased grazing rate and hence grooming of sediments from macrophytes.
  • 5 Grazing invertebrates can play a major role in maintenance of littoral communities by continuously grooming macrophyte hosts of periphytic algae and settled sediments.

Understanding how a monophyletic lineage of a species diverges into several adaptive forms has received increased attention in recent years, but the underlying mechanisms in this process are still under debate. Postglacial fishes are excellent model organisms for exploring this process, especially the initial stages of ecological speciation, as postglacial lakes represent replicated discrete environments with variation in available niches. Here, we combine data of niche utilization, trophic morphology, and 17 microsatellite loci to investigate the diversification process of three sympatric European whitefish morphs from three northern Fennoscandian lakes. The morphological divergence in the gill raker number among the whitefish morphs was related to the utilization of different trophic niches and was associated with reproductive isolation within and across lakes. The intralacustrine comparison of whitefish morphs showed that these systems represent two levels of adaptive divergence: (1) a consistent littoral–pelagic resource axis; and (2) a more variable littoral–profundal resource axis. The results also indicate that the profundal whitefish morph has diverged repeatedly from the ancestral littoral whitefish morph in sympatry in two different watercourses. In contrast, all the analyses performed revealed clustering of the pelagic whitefish morphs across lakes suggesting parallel postglacial immigration with the littoral whitefish morph into each lake. Finally, the analyses strongly suggested that the trophic adaptive trait, number of gill rakers, was under diversifying selection in the different whitefish morphs. Together, the results support a complex evolutionary scenario where ecological speciation acts, but where both allopatric (colonization history) and sympatric (within watercourse divergence) processes are involved.  相似文献   

1. In large deep oligotrophic lakes, the shallow nearshore waters may provide the most important habitat for animals to feed and breed, and it is this area of the lake where humans are most likely to have initial impacts as the shoreline is developed. Nutrients in fertilizers, sediments and sewage effluents are likely to be rapidly intercepted by nearshore algae at the lake edge, having heterogeneous effects nearshore before offshore effects are noted. 2. Here we examined the spatially explicit effects of residential development on nearshore periphyton communities in three large deep oligotrophic lakes that have all experienced modest residential development in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. We demonstrate that substantial nearshore changes in the basal food web are detectable even with low levels of shoreline development. These changes can potentially affect whole‐lake food web dynamics. 3. For our primary study site (Lake Crescent, Washington, USA), we found that algal biomass and accumulation of detritus were higher at developed sites. In addition, both macroinvertebrate and periphyton communities exhibited a shift in composition with more detritivores and filamentous green algae at developed sites. These differences were more pronounced during the spring than at other times of year. 4. A complementary investigation of field patterns in Priest Lake and Lake Pend Oreille (Idaho, USA) suggested that, although spatial and temporal patterns were idiosyncratic, indicators of productivity and the presence of filamentous green algae were generally higher at developed sites across lakes. 5. Stable isotope signatures and water column nutrients were not useful in distinguishing developed and undeveloped sites, increasing the potential usefulness of periphyton monitoring during early stages of lake development. 6. A laboratory investigation suggested that common macroinvertebrate grazers assimilated a much greater proportion of diatoms than the filamentous green algae that are associated with fertilization at developed sites. 7. These findings have at least two clear implications: (i) periphyton may be used to detect human impacts before disturbance is evident in offshore monitoring programmes and (ii) nearshore impacts in response to modest residential development have the potential to disrupt lake food web dynamics.  相似文献   

In the Enonselkä and Laitialanselkä basins of Lake Vesijärvi, perch Perca fluviatilis and roach Rutilus rutilus were abundant in the littoral and in the pelagic zones throughout the summer. In the littoral zone, roach was always more numerous than perch, while perch dominated in the open water. Intraspecific diet overlap values were higher than interspecific values. In the pelagic zone, perch <155 mm fed mainly on the cladoceran Leptodora kindtii , while small bosminids were most important food items for roach. Large perch were piscivorous, feeding mainly on smelt Osmerus eperlanus . In the littoral zone small perch foraged on zooplankton and chironomid larvae and large perch on chironomids and fish (small perch). Small roach fed mainly on bosminids and detritus, while for roach <185 mm macrophytes ( Elodea Canadensis, Lemna trisulca ) were also of importance. Detritus was more common in the food of roach in Laitialanselkä than in Enonselkä. The slower growth rate of roach in Laitialanselkä compared with Enonselkä was probably connected with this. However, considering the latitude of the lake, the growth rate of both roach and perch was relatively fast in both basins. The results indicated that in a large lake both perch and roach are able to utilize effectively the different habitats and diverse food resources. By segregation in food resource utilization they are able to co-exist in large quantities, at the same time maintaining a relatively fast growth rate.  相似文献   

Salinity and inlet distance were the most consistent indicators of species groupings among the 40 most abundant fish species in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida. In contrast to findings of other studies conducted on small juveniles and forage fishes in the IRL, this study suggested that distributions of the more mobile organisms are influenced more by physical conditions than by biological interactions. Consequently, environmentally-corrected single-species models will be more effective in assessing changes in stock abundance and habitat preferences of mobile species in the IRL. Because of the fluctuations in physical conditions in the IRL and other estuaries, it may be inappropriate to use biologically based methods that rely solely on species interactions to assess fish stocks in those systems.  相似文献   

  1. The littoral zone of lakes is used as spawning, shelter, or feeding habitat for many fish species and hence is of key importance for overall lake functioning. Despite this, hardly any studies exist examining the long-term dynamics and response of the littoral fish community, composed mostly of juvenile fish, to environmental change. Here, we study the response of total catch per unit effort (CPUE) and individual species CPUE of such a community to 17 years of oligotrophication and examine whether the species responses can be characterised as synchronous or asynchronous.
  2. We analyse a data set of beach seine catches carried out during morning and twilight, late spring and late summer at three sites in large and deep Lake Constance from 1997 to 2014. Generalised additive mixed models were used to explore changes in CPUE of the overall community and of the most frequently occurring species, and Kendall's W test was applied to examine whether the dynamics of fish species were synchronous or asynchronous.
  3. Species-specific and total CPUE strongly differed between morning and twilight and between spring and summer indicating an important role of behavioural and life cycle adaptations of species for CPUE. In addition, also the CPUE of some species seeking shelter behind larger stones was lower at sites without these.
  4. Total CPUE did not decline suggesting the overall abundance of littoral fish was resilient to declining nutrients. In contrast, fish community composition changed strongly during the study period due to increases in some species (dace, loach, perch) and decreases in others (bream, burbot, chub, ruffe), indicating response diversity of fish to oligotrophication. The type of community dynamics was scale-dependent, whereby significantly synchronous dynamics according to Kendall's W were observed when taking seasonal variability into account. In contrast, significantly asynchronous species dynamics were observed when only the low-frequency variability of species dynamics was considered separately for spring and summer time series.
  5. Resilience of littoral fish total CPUE to oligotrophication might have important consequences for ecosystem dynamics and ecosystem services beyond the littoral zone. As small fish often impose strong predation pressure on zooplankton, their resilience might sustain a high top-down control on zooplankton resulting in a further reduction of zooplankton biomass. This could contribute to delayed food web responses and reduced growth of fish with oligotrophication.

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