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Carbon sequestration in soils that have previously been depleted of organic matter due to agriculture is an important component of global strategies to mitigate rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Extensive areas of low productivity farmland have been abandoned from agriculture in eastern North America and elsewhere over the past century, and are naturally regenerating to temperate forests. We investigated the soil carbon sequestration potential of such lands by sampling adjacent mature forest and agricultural field sites, and replicated chronosequences of forest succession on Podzol, Brunisol, and Luvisol soil types that are considered ‘marginal’ for agriculture and have been abandoned extensively across southeastern Ontario, Canada. Total soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks to 10 cm depth were approximately 32% and 18% lower, respectively, in agricultural fields compared to mature forests. Furthermore, carbon stocks across our 100-year chronosequences increased most within the 0–5 cm soil depth interval, tended to increase within the 5–10 cm interval, and were unaltered within the 10–20 cm interval. Soil type had little effect on the potential magnitude or rates of soil carbon sequestration (~10 g C m?2 y?1 in the top 10 cm), perhaps because all sites shared a common vegetation successional pattern. Finally, our investigations of the ‘labile’ free-light carbon and nitrogen fractions in the Brunisol soil type indicated no increases across the chronosequence, implying that soil carbon accumulation was primarily in more recalcitrant pools. Our results indicate that each of these low productivity soil types can be moderate carbon sinks for a century following agricultural abandonment, and strongly suggest that time since abandonment is more important than soil type in determining the potential magnitude of carbon sequestration within this climatic region.  相似文献   

Vrede K 《Microbial ecology》2005,49(2):245-256
Limitation of bacterioplankton production by nutrients and temperature was investigated in eight temperate lakes in summer. Six of the lakes were resampled in autumn. The lakes differ in nutrient content, water color, and concentration of dissolved organic carbon. Nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, and organic carbon) were added alone and in all possible combinations to filtered lake water inoculated with bacteria from the lake. After incubation for 36–40 h at in situ temperatures (ranging from 7 to 20°C), the response in bacterioplankton production was determined. The effect of increased temperature on bacterioplankton growth was also tested. Bacterioplankton production was often limited by phosphorus alone, organic carbon alone, or the two in combination. Phosphorus limitation of bacterioplankton production was more common in the summer, whereas limitation by organic carbon was more frequently observed in the autumn. There was a close balance between limitation by phosphorus and organic carbon in the epilimnion in the summer. In the hypolimnion in the summer, bacterioplankton growth was primarily phosphorus-limited. The effect of phosphorus additions decreased with increasing phosphorus concentrations in the lakes. However, there were no correlations between the effect of added organic carbon and water color, dissolved organic carbon concentration, or phosphorus concentration. When temperature was low (in the hypolimnion in the summer, and throughout the water column in the autumn) temperature also limited bacterioplankton production. Thus, temperature and inorganic nutrients or organic compounds can limit bacterioplankton growth both alone and simultaneously. However, at low temperatures, temperature is the most important factor influencing bacterioplankton growth.  相似文献   

Seagrasses and eutrophication   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This review summarizes the historic, correlative field evidence and experimental research that implicate cultural eutrophication as a major cause of seagrass disappearance. We summarize the underlying physiological responses of seagrass species, the potential utility of various parameters as indicators of nutrient enrichment in seagrasses, the relatively sparse available information about environmental conditions that exacerbate eutrophication effects, and the better known array of indirect stressors imposed by nutrient over-enrichment that influence seagrass growth and survival. Seagrass recovery following nutrient reductions is examined, as well as the status of modeling efforts to predict seagrass response to changing nutrient regimes.The most common mechanism invoked or demonstrated for seagrass decline under nutrient over-enrichment is light reduction through stimulation of high-biomass algal overgrowth as epiphytes and macroalgae in shallow coastal areas, and as phytoplankton in deeper coastal waters. Direct physiological responses such as ammonium toxicity and water-column nitrate inhibition through internal carbon limitation may also contribute. Seagrass decline under nutrient enrichment appears to involve indirect and feedback mechanisms, and is manifested as sudden shifts in seagrass abundance rather than continuous, gradual changes in parallel with rates of increased nutrient additions. Depending on the species, interactions of high salinity, high temperature, and low light have been shown to exacerbate the adverse effects of nutrient over-enrichment. An array of indirect effects of nutrient enrichment can accelerate seagrass disappearance, including sediment re-suspension from seagrass loss, increased system respiration and resulting oxygen stress, depressed advective water exchange from thick macroalgal growth, biogeochemical alterations such as sediment anoxia with increased hydrogen sulfide concentrations, and internal nutrient loading via enhanced nutrient fluxes from sediments to the overlying water. Indirect effects on trophic structure can also be critically important, for example, the loss of herbivores, through increased hypoxia/anoxia and other habitat shifts, that would have acted as “ecological engineers” in promoting seagrass survival by controlling algal overgrowth; and shifts favoring exotic grazers that out-compete seagrasses for space. Evidence suggests that natural seagrass population shifts are disrupted, slowed or indefinitely blocked by cultural eutrophication, and there are relatively few known examples of seagrass meadow recovery following nutrient reductions.Reliable biomarkers as early indicators of nutrient over-enriched seagrass meadows would benefit coastal resource managers in improving protective measures. Seagrasses can be considered as “long-term" integrators (days to weeks) of nutrient availability, especially through analyses of their tissue content, and of activities of enzymes such as nitrate reductase and alkaline phosphatase. The ratio of leaf nitrogen content to leaf mass has also shown promise as a “nutrient pollution indicator” for the seagrass Zostera marina, with potential application to other species. In modeling efforts, seagrass response to nutrient loading has proven difficult to quantify beyond localized areas because long-term data consistent in quality are generally lacking, and high inter-annual variability in abundance and productivity depending upon stochastic meteorological and hydrographic conditions.Efforts to protect remaining seagrass meadows from damage and loss under eutrophication, within countries and across regions, are generally lacking or weak and ineffective. Research needs to further understand about seagrasses and eutrophication should emphasize experimental studies to assess the response of a wider range of species to chronic, low-level as well as acute, pulsed nutrient enrichment. These experiments should be conducted in the field or in large-scale mesocosms following appropriate acclimation, and should emphasize factor interactions (N, P, C; turbidity; temperature; herbivory) to more closely simulate reality in seagrass ecosystems. They should scale up to address processes that occur over larger scales, including food-web dynamics that involve highly mobile predators and herbivores. Without any further research, however, one point is presently very clear: Concerted local and national actions, thus far mostly lacking, are needed worldwide to protect remaining seagrass meadows from accelerating cultural eutrophication in rapidly urbanizing coastal zones.  相似文献   

Climate, tree species traits, and soil fertility are key controls on forest productivity. However, in most forest ecosystems, natural and human disturbances, such as wind throw, fire, and harvest, can also exert important and lasting direct and indirect influence over productivity. We used an ecosystem model, PnET-CN, to examine how disturbance type, intensity, and frequency influence net primary production (NPP) across a range of forest types from Minnesota and Wisconsin, USA. We assessed the importance of past disturbances on NPP, net N mineralization, foliar N, and leaf area index at 107 forest stands of differing types (aspen, jack pine, northern hardwood, black spruce) and disturbance history (fire, harvest) by comparing model simulations with observations. The model reasonably predicted differences among forest types in productivity, foliar N, leaf area index, and net N mineralization. Model simulations that included past disturbances minimally improved predictions compared to simulations without disturbance, suggesting the legacy of past disturbances played a minor role in influencing current forest productivity rates. Modeled NPP was more sensitive to the intensity of soil removal during a disturbance than the fraction of stand mortality or wood removal. Increasing crown fire frequency resulted in lower NPP, particularly for conifer forest types with longer leaf life spans and longer recovery times. These findings suggest that, over long time periods, moderate frequency disturbances are a relatively less important control on productivity than climate, soil, and species traits.  相似文献   

A combination of enclosure nutrient enrichment experiments and historical data analysis was used to identify the factors controlling seasonal dynamics and competition of the phytoplankton community in the Curonian lagoon (Southeast Baltic Sea). Experiments using different nutrient (N, P and Si) manipulations were performed in 10-l enclosures for 48 h. Changes in chlorophyll a concentrations, inorganic nutrient concentrations, and plankton cell density were monitored. Results revealed that phytoplankton development in the lagoon is strongly affected by ambient physical factors (wind, temperature). Nutrient limitation, however, also plays an important role in seasonal succession mechanisms showing quite distinct seasonal development patterns. Based on the data, available phytoplankton seasonal succession in the Curonian lagoon could be described as composed by three phases corresponding to different domination and regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

The frequency and extent of water limitation to aboveground net primary production (ANPP) in a mesic grassland in NE Kansas (Konza Prairie, USA) was assessed with an 8-year irrigation experiment. Since 1991, transects spanning upland and lowland sites in annually burned, ungrazed tallgrass prairie were provided with supplemental water to satisfy evapotranspirational demands. This protocol minimized water limitations during the growing season, as well as interannual variability in water stress. Irrigation of this mesic grassland increased ANPP in 6 of 8 years by an average of 26% when compared to control transects. Although interannual variation in ANPP was greater in uplands than lowlands at nominal levels of precipitation, reducing interannual variability in water availability via irrigation eliminated topographic differences; the irrigation protocol also reduced interannual variability in ANPP by as much as 40%. The addition of supplemental water enabled us to extend the relationship between annual precipitation and ANPP in grasslands to precipitation levels (average, 1153 mm; maximum, 1346 mm) similar to those experienced by more mesic grasslands that today exist only as remnants several hundred kilometers east of Kansas. This relationship was linear (r 2= 0.81), with maximum ANPP (738 g/m2) similar to values reported for sites in Illinois and Wisconsin. After 8 years of irrigation, production of the C3 forb component was twice that in control sites. These results indicate that water limitations in grasslands at the western edge of the presettlement extent of tallgrass prairie affect ANPP in most years and that this high frequency of water limitation may lead to greater dominance of the C4 grasses than is seen in more eastern grassland sites. Received 18 January 2000; accepted 19 July 2000.  相似文献   

The relationship between species richness (SR) and aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) is still a central and debated issue in community ecology. Previous studies have often emphasized the relationship of alpha diversity (number of species identity) to the mean ANPP with respect to the SR-ANPP relationship while neglecting the contribution of beta diversity (dissimilarity in species composition) to the mean ANPP and to the stability of ANPP (coefficient of ANPP: CV of ANPP). In this study, we used alpha and beta diversity, mean ANPP and the CV of ANPP collected from 159 sites and belonging to three vegetation types in the Xinjiang temperate grassland to first examine their trends along climatic factors and among different vegetation types and then test the relationship among alpha (beta) diversity and mean ANPP and the CV of ANPP. Our results showed that in the Xinjiang temperate grasslands, alpha diversity was positively and linearly correlated with MAP but unimodally correlated with MAT. Meanwhile, beta diversity was unimodally correlated with MAP but linearly correlated with MAT. Relative to desert steppe, meadow steppe and typical steppe had the highest alpha and beta diversity, respectively. Except for ANPP exhibiting a quadratic relationship with MAP, no significant relationship was found among ANPP, the CV of ANPP and climatic factors. ANPP and the CV of ANPP also exhibited no apparent patterns in variation among different vegetation types. Our results further showed that mean ANPP was closely associated with alpha diversity. Both linear and unimodal relationships were detected between alpha diversity and mean ANPP, but their particular form was texture-dependent. Meanwhile, the CV of ANPP was positively correlated with beta diversity. Our results indicated that in addition to incorporating alpha diversity and mean ANPP, incorporating beta diversity and the CV of ANPP could expand our understanding of the SR-ANPP relationship.  相似文献   

Clarifying spatial variations in aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and precipitation-use efficiency (PUE) of grasslands is critical for effective prediction of the response of terrestrial ecosystem carbon and water cycle to future climate change. Though the combination use of remote sensing products and in situ ANPP measurements, we quantified the effects of climatic [mean annual precipitation (MAP) and precipitation seasonal distribution (PSD)], biotic [leaf area index (LAI)] and abiotic [slope gradient, aspect, soil water storage (SWS) and other soil physical properties] factors on the spatial variations in ANPP and PUE across different grassland types (i.e., meadow steppe, typical steppe and desert steppe) in the Loess Plateau. Based on the study, ANPP increased exponentially with MAP for the entire temperate grassland; suggesting that PUE increased with increasing MAP. Also PSD had a significant effect on ANPP and PUE; where more even PSD favored higher ANPP and PUE. Then MAP, more than PSD, explained spatial variations in typical steppe and desert steppe. However, PSD was the dominant driving factor of spatial variations in ANPP of meadow steppe. This suggested that in terms of spatial variations in ANPP of meadow steppe, change in PSD due to climate change was more important than that in total annual precipitation. LAI explained 78% of spatial PUE in the entire Loess Plateau temperate grassland. As such, LAI was the primary driving factor of spatial variations in PUE. Although the effect of SWS on ANPP and PUE was significant, it was nonetheless less than that of precipitation and vegetation. We therefore concluded that changes in vegetation structure and consequently in LAI and/or altered pattern of seasonal distribution of rainfall due to global climate change could significantly influence ecosystem carbon and water cycle in temperate grasslands.  相似文献   

Patterns of initial photosynthetic CO2 incorporation were determinedfor some seagrasses and were related to activities of primarycarbon fixing enzymes, carbonic anhydrase activities, and 13Cvalues. According to the incorporation patterns, Cymodocea nodosa wasa C4 species while Thalassia hemprichli and Thalassodendronciliatum were C3 plants. Halophila stipulacea showed an unusualincorporation pattern which could be viewed as intermediatebetween typical C3 and C4 pathways. The activity ratios of ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RUBPcase) to phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase (PEPcase) were about 3 for Thalassodendron ciliatumand 1 for Cymodocea nodosa and Halophila stipulacea. The lattervalue, which is intermediate to ratios found in terrestrialC3 and C4 plants, may correlate with the incorporation patternsfound for Halophila stipulacea. Since the C4 seagrass lackedthe Kranz anatomy, it may, in addition, point to a flexibleincorporation potential for these plants. The high 13C values found in these and other seagrasses didnot correlate with their photosynthetic pathways as in terrestrialplants. This discrepancy is probably due to a ‘closedsystem’ type of photosynthesis in which CO2 is efficientlyutilized. The C3 species which utilize CO2 enzymatically must convertexogenous HCO-3 to CO2 internally. Even though carbonic anhydraseactivities were very low, conversion rates seemed to be sufficientfor high rates of photosynthesis. Since enzymatic fixation ratesapproached photosynthetic rates even at CO2 saturation, thelimitation for these seagrasses to express their high photosyntheticpotential is most probably the HCO3 uptake system.  相似文献   

Adenylylsulfate reductase was purified from Chlorobium limicola. The most important properties of the enzyme were compared with those of APS reductases from Thiocapsa, thiobacilli and sulfate-reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

Cylindrotheca fusiformis is shown to be able to convert glycolate to glycerate via tartronic semialdehyde as well as by the better known route involving transamination to glycine. Enzymes related to photorespiration were compared in light-dark synchronized cultures ofC. fusiformis kept in continuous light in a complete synthetic seawater medium or starved for nitrogen or silicon. Glycolate oxidation remained constant throughout the cell cycle and was unaflected by starvation. Transamination of glyoxylate was stimulated by light, inhibited during nitrogen starvation, and dramatically stimulated by reintroduction of nitrate to the medium. Glyoxylate carboligase was also stimulated by light and inhibited during nitrogen-starvation but only partially recovered activity after reintroduction of nitrate.Non Standard Abbreviations DCIP dichlorophenol indophenol - ETS electron transport system  相似文献   

海草为指生长于海洋和河口等近海水下一大类的单子叶高等植物统称。论文综述了世界范围海草分离的次生代谢产物及其生物或生理活性。  相似文献   

Grazing-induced plant defences that reduce palatability to herbivores are widespread in terrestrial plants and seaweeds, but they have not yet been reported in seagrasses. We investigated the ability of two seagrass species to induce defences in response to direct grazing by three associated mesograzers. Specifically, we conducted feeding-assayed induction experiments to examine how mesograzer-specific grazing impact affects seagrass induction of defences within the context of the optimal defence theory. We found that the amphipod Gammarus insensibilis and the isopod Idotea chelipes exerted a low-intensity grazing on older blades of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa, which reflects a weak grazing impact that may explain the lack of inducible defences. The isopod Synischia hectica exerted the strongest grazing impact on C. nodosa via high-intensity feeding on young blades with a higher fitness value. This isopod grazing induced defences in C. nodosa as indicated by a consistently lower consumption of blades previously grazed for 5, 12 and 16 days. The lower consumption was maintained when offered tissues with no plant structure (agar-reconstituted food), but showing a reduced size of the previous grazing effect. This indicates that structural traits act in combination with chemical traits to reduce seagrass palatability to the isopod. Increase in total phenolics but not in C:N ratio and total nitrogen of grazed C. nodosa suggests chemical defences rather than a modified nutritional quality as primarily induced chemical traits. We detected no induction of defences in Zostera noltei, which showed the ability to replace moderate losses of young biomass to mesograzers via compensatory growth. Our study provides the first experimental evidence of induction of defences against meso-herbivory that reduce further consumption in seagrasses. It also emphasizes the relevance of grazer identity in determining the level of grazing impact triggering resistance and compensatory responses of different seagrass species.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics influence aquatic ecosystem metabolism with ecological and biogeochemical effects. During microbial degradation, certain DOM molecules...  相似文献   

光呼吸是指植物绿色组织依赖光能吸收O2并释放CO2的过程,它被认为是一个浪费能量的过程。正常生长的C3植物光呼吸可损耗光合产物的25%~30%,在干旱、高温、高光等逆境胁迫下,该损耗可高达50%,因此,显著提高C3植物的生产力可通过减少光呼吸通量来实现。尽管光呼吸对植物生产力的负面影响明显,但它对植物一些必要生理活动可能起着重要作用,其中包括参与光保护、H2O2信号发生、氮代谢、光氧化和抗逆反应等。该文对光呼吸的改造优化需要把握好平衡点与适配度。基于Rubisco改造、CO2浓缩机制(CCM)和光呼吸支路创建的光呼吸改造研究进展进行了综述。通过了解调控光呼吸提高植物光能转化效率方面的最新进展, 可望为光呼吸代谢的分子调控及改良研究提供指导。  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and Photorespiration in Typha latifolia   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Photosynthetic rates of Typha latifolia, the broad-leaved cattail, are the equivalent of rates reported in tropical grasses and other plants which assimilate carbon by the phosphopyruvate carboxylase reaction, but photosynthesis in T. latifolia proceeds by a typical Calvin cycle. Glycolate oxidase, the photorespiratory enzyme, is present in high concentration in this species, but only minor quantities of the assimilated carbon pass through the photorespiratory pathway. However, continued operation of the pathway is apparently essential in the maintenance of assimilatory capacity. Glycolate oxidase function is not closely coupled to stomatal operation in T. latifolia.  相似文献   

Four species of seagrasses, Halophila stipulacea, Thalassodendronciliatum, Halodule uninervis, and Syringodium isoetifolium,were investigated for their ability to utilize and CO2 as exogenous carbon sources for photosynthesis. Ratesof photosynthesis were measured as rates of O2 evolution ina closed system in which the pH was continuously controlled.A computer program was written to calculate the concentrationsof different carbon species as a function of pH and other specifiedexperimental conditions. Bicarbonate as well as CO2 were readily assimilated by all fourseagrass species. Saturating concentrations of , at saturating light intensities, were 0.5–1.8 mM dependingon the species. Rates of photosynthesis under such conditionswere 0.1–0.55 µmol O2 min–1 mg–1 chlorophyll.At saturating CO2 concentrations, i.e. 0.5–1.3 mM, ratesof photosynthesis were 0.22–1.4 µmol CO2 min–1mg–1 chlorophyll. Photosynthetic rates in each specieswere considerably higher when CO2 rather than was supplied at saturating concentrations. The concentration of in natural seawater was found to be saturating, and that of CO2 insufficient forconsiderable photosynthetic rates in these plants under thegiven conditions It was thus concluded that is the major carbon source for photosynthesis in seagrasses.  相似文献   

Forests are major carbon stores on a global scale but there are significant uncertainties about changes in carbon flux through time and the relative contributions of drivers such as land use, climate and atmospheric CO2. We used the dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS to test the relative influence of CO2 increase, temperature increase and management on carbon storage in living biomass in an unmanaged European temperate deciduous forest. The model agreed well with living biomass reconstructed from forest surveys and maximum biomass values from other studies. High-resolution climate data from both historical records and general circulation models were used to force the model and was manipulated for some simulations to allow relative contributions of individual drivers to be assessed. Release from management was the major driver of carbon storage for most of the historical period, whereas CO2 took over as the most important driver in the last 20 years. Relatively, little of the observed historical increase in carbon stocks was attributable to increased temperature. Future simulations using IPCC RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios indicated that carbon stocks could increase by as much as 3 kg C m?2 by the end of the century, which is likely to be driven by CO2 increase. This study suggests that unmanaged semi-natural woodland in Europe can be a major potential carbon sink that has been previously underestimated. Increasing the area of unmanaged forest would provide carbon sink services during recovery from timber extraction, while long-term protection would ensure carbon stocks are maintained.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is considered the dominant limiting nutrient in temperate regions, while phosphorus (P) limitation frequently occurs in tropical regions, but in subtropical regions nutrient limitation is poorly understood. In this study, we investigated N and P contents and N:P ratios of foliage, forest floors, fine roots and mineral soils, and their relationships with community biomass, litterfall C, N and P productions, forest floor turnover rate, and microbial processes in eight mature and old-growth subtropical forests (stand age >80 yr) at Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, China. Average N:P ratios (mass based) in foliage, litter (L) layer and mixture of fermentation and humus (F/H) layer, and fine roots were 28.3, 42.3, 32.0 and 32.7, respectively. These values are higher than the critical N:P ratios for P limitation proposed (16–20 for foliage, ca. 25 for forest floors). The markedly high N:P ratios were mainly attributed to the high N concentrations of these plant materials. Community biomass, litterfall C, N and P productions, forest floor turnover rate and microbial properties were more strongly related to measures of P than N and frequently negatively related to the N:P ratios, suggesting a significant role of P availability in determining ecosystem production and productivity and nutrient cycling at all the study sites except for one prescribed disturbed site where N availability may also be important. We propose that N enrichment is probably a significant driver of the potential P limitation in the study area. Low P parent material may also contribute to the potential P limitation. In general, our results provided strong evidence supporting a significant role for P availability, rather than N availability, in determining ecosystem primary productivity and ecosystem processes in subtropical forests of China.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Tropical forests determine global biogeochemical cycles to a large extent, but control factors for key ecosystem processes such as decomposition remain poorly understood. With a...  相似文献   

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