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以高产陆地棉栽培品种中棉所12和8891的杂交组合湘杂棉2号为材料,采用单粒传法构建了含有180个家系的重组自交系(RILs)群体。本研究的目的是分析产量及其构成因子的相互关系并进行相应的QTL定位。重组自交系群体、两亲本和F1于2002年、2003年分别种植于南京农业大学江浦实验农场和江苏省灌云棉花基地。收获每行中间五株的籽棉并考察产量及产量构成因子性状。调查的产量及产量构成因子性状包括单株籽棉产量、单株皮棉产量、单株铃数、铃重、衣分、衣指和籽指。筛选了4,106对SSR引物和384个AFLP引物组合,分别得到127和18个多态位点;此外,2个RAPD引物、1个SRAP引物组合以及来自亲本8891的显性黄花药基因P1也被用来作为标记检测群体基因型。最终共获得149个多态位点,其中132个位点分布于26个染色体/连锁群,覆盖865.20cM,约占棉花基因组的18.57%,标记间平均距离6.55cM。利用此遗传图谱结合重组自交系群体3个环境下的产量及产量构成因子性状,应用QTLCartographer2.0的复合区间作图法进行单位点QTL定位。对各环境资料的分离分析共定位出34个QTL,而利用三环境平均值的联合分析定位出15个QTL。本研究定位的QTL可为棉花产量育种提供信息,其中衣分QTLqLP-A10-1在联合分析及分离分析下的两个环境都能检测到,可能对标记辅助选择有实际应用价值。通径分析结果表明,各产量构成因子中,铃数对皮棉产量贡献最大,这与产量构成因素性状在F1的杂种优势表现一致;因此,在棉花育种上,可优先考虑单株铃数并结合其它产量构成因素进行品种选育和杂交组合选配。  相似文献   

Cotton is the world’s leading cash crop, and genetic improvement of fiber yield and quality is the primary objective of cotton breeding program. In this study, we used various approaches to identify QTLs related to fiber yield and quality. Firstly, we constructed a four-way cross (4WC) mapping population with four base core cultivars, Stoneville 2B, Foster 6, Deltapine 15 and Zhongmiansuo No.7 (CRI 7), as parents in Chinese cotton breeding history and identified 83 QTLs for 11 agronomic and fiber quality traits. Secondly, association mapping of agronomical and fiber quality traits was based on 121 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers using a general linear model (GLM). For this, 81 Gossypium hirsutum L. accessions including the four core parents and their derived cultivars were grown in seven diverse environments. Using these approaches, we successfully identified 180 QTLs significantly associated with agronomic and fiber quality traits. Among them were 66 QTLs that were identified via linkage disequilibrium (LD) and 4WC family-based linkage (FBL) mapping and by previously published family-based linkage (FBL) mapping in modern Chinese cotton cultivars. Twenty eight and 44 consistent QTLs were identified by 4WC and LD mapping, and by FBL and LD mapping methods, respectively. Furthermore, transmission and variation of QTL-alleles mapped by LD association in the three breeding periods revealed that some could be detected in almost all Chinese cotton cultivars, suggesting their stable transmission and some identified only in the four base cultivars and not in the modern cultivars, suggesting they were missed in conventional breeding. These results will be useful to conduct genomics-assisted breeding effectively using these existing and novel QTL alleles to improve yield and fiber qualities in cotton.  相似文献   

A population of 178 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed using a single seed descendant from a cross between G. hirsutum. acc DH962 and G. hirsutum. cv Jimian5, was used to construct a genetic map and to map QTL for fiber and yield traits. A total of 644 polymorphic loci were used to construct a final genetic map, containing 616 loci and spanning 2016.44 cM, with an average of 3.27 cM between adjacent markers. Statistical analysis revealed that segregation distortion in the intraspecific population was more serious than that in the interspecific population. The RIL population and the two parents were phenotyped under 8 environments (two locations, six years), revealing a total of 134 QTL, including 64 for fiber qualities and 70 for yield components, independently detected in seven environments, explaining 4.40–15.28% of phenotypic variation (PV). Among the 134 QTL, 9 common QTL were detected in more than one environment, and 22 QTL and 19 new QTL were detected in combined analysis (E9). A total of 26 QTL hotspot regions were observed on 13 chromosomes and 2 larger linkage groups, and some QTL clusters related to fiber qualities or yield components were also observed. The results obtained in the present study suggested that to map accurate QTL in crops with larger plant types, such as cotton, phenotyping under multiple environments is necessary to effectively apply the obtained results in molecular marker-assisted selection breeding and QTL cloning.  相似文献   

Soil salinization is one of the major problems in global agricultural production. Cotton is a pioneer crop with regard to salt stress tolerance, and can be used for saline-alkali land improvement. The large-scale detection of salt tolerance traits in cotton accessions, and the identification of elite quantitative trait loci (QTLs)/genes for salt-tolerance have been very important in salt tolerance breeding. Here, 43 advanced salt-tolerant and 31 highly salt-sensitive cultivars were detected by analyzing ten salt tolerance related traits in 304 upland cotton cultivars. Among them, 11 advanced salt-tolerance and eight highly salt-sensitive cultivars were consistent with previously reported results. Association analysis of ten salt-tolerance related traits and 145 SSRs was performed, and a total of 95 significant associations were detected; 17, 41, and 37 of which were associated with germinative index, seedling stage physiological index, and four seedling stage biochemical indexes, respectively. Of these associations, 20 SSR loci were simultaneously associated with two or more traits. Furthermore, we detected 117 elite alleles associated with salt-tolerance traits, 4 of which were reported previously. Among these loci, 44 (37.60%) were rare alleles with a frequency of less than 5%, 6 only existed in advanced salt-tolerant cultivars, and 2 only in highly salt-sensitive cultivars. As a result, 13 advanced salt-tolerant cultivars were selected to assemble the optimal cross combinations by computer simulation for the development of salt-tolerant accessions. This study lays solid foundations for further improvements in cotton salt-tolerance by referencing elite germplasms, alleles associated with salt-tolerance traits, and optimal crosses.  相似文献   

水稻生物学产量及其构成性状的QTL定位   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
刘桂富  杨剑  朱军 《遗传学报》2006,33(7):607-616
QTL的加性效应、加性×加性上位性效应及它们与环境的互作效应是数量性状的重要遗传分量.利用IR64/Azucena的125个DH品系为群体,分析了水稻生物学产量及其两个构成性状干草产量和谷粒产量的遗传组成.用基于混合模型的复合区间作图(MCIM)方法进行QTL定位.检测到12个位点有加性主效应,27个位点涉及双位点互作,18个位点存在环境互作.结果表明水稻生物学产量和它的两个构成性状普遍存在上位性效应和QE互作效应.此外,还探讨了性状间相关的遗传基础.发现4个QTLs和一对上位性QTLs可能与生物学产量与干草产量之间的正相关有关.3个QTL可能与干草产量与谷粒产量之间的负相关有关.这些结果可能部分地解释了这3个性状相关的遗传原因.通过对水稻生物学产量及其两个构成性状所定位QTL的分析,加深了对数量性状QTL的认识.首先,QTL的上位性效应和QE互作效应是普遍存在的;其次,QTL的多效性或紧密连锁可能是遗传相关的原因,当QTL对两个性状作用的方向相同时可导致正向遗传相关,反之则为负向遗传相关,当有些QTL表现为同向作用而另一些QTL表现为反向作用时,则可削弱性状间的遗传相关性;第三,复合性状的QTL效应可分解为其组成性状的QTL效应,如果QTL对各组成性状的效应方向相反而相互抵消,可使复合性状的QTL效应不易被检测;第四,加性效应的QTL常参预构成上位性效应,而具有上位性效应的QTL并非都有加性主效应,表明忽略上位性的QTL定位方法会降低检测QTL的功效;最后,鉴别不同类型的QTL效应有利于指导育种实践,选择主效QTL适用于多环境,QE互作QTL适用于特定环境,对上位性QTL应强调选择基因组合而并非单个基因.  相似文献   

Xiangzamian 2 (XZM2) is the most widely cultivated cotton hybrid in China. By crossing two parents Zhongmiansuo 12 and 8891 and upon subsequent selfings, we got F8 and F9 populations having 180 recombinant inbred lines. Ten plant architecture traits were investigated in two years with this population. A genetic map was constructed mainly with SSR markers. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) conditioning plant architecture traits were determined at the single-locus and double-locus levels. The results showed that epistastic effects as well as additive effects of QTL played an important role as the genetic basis of cotton plant architecture. The QTL detected in our research might provide new information on improving plant architecture traits. The polymorphism of molecular markers between ZMS12 and 8891 were quite limited, while significant differences between their phenotypes were found and the hybrid XZM2 expressed high heterosis in yield. All these could be partly explained by the effect of epistatic QTL.  相似文献   

利用重组自交系和SSR标记进行陆地棉株型QTL的鉴定和定位   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过中棉所12与8891的杂交及多代自交,获得由180个家系构成的重组自交系F8、F9群体。重组自交系群体、两亲本及F1于2002、2003两年种植;对株型性状进行了研究,两年共调查了10个株型形状。利用该重组自交系群体,采用SSR为主体的分子标记构建了遗传连锁图,并对株型性状进行了单位点和双位点水平的QTL定位。结果表明,QTL加性效应和上位性互作效应作为棉花重组自交系株型性状的遗传基础起着重要作用;中棉所12与8891间多态性位点偏少,而表型差异较大且其杂交种湘杂棉二号有很强的杂种优势,QTL互作可部分解释这一现象:结合对产量品质性状的研究结果,认为上位性可能是湘杂棉二号杂种优势的重要遗传基础。  相似文献   

对海岛棉产量和早熟性状进行QTL初步定位,为分子标记辅助育种提供依据。利用5200多对SSR引物筛选海岛棉品种新海3号和Giza82间的多态性引物,获得107对。以多态性引物检测新海3号×Giza82的190个F2:3家系,获得120个多态性位点。利用JoinMap3.0分析软件构建了一个包含22个连锁群,74个标记,标记间平均距离12.06 cM,全长893 cM,覆盖海岛棉基因组20.12%的分子标记遗传连锁图谱。采用复合区间作图法检测到21个与海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状有关的QTL,其中早熟性状检测到12个QTL,分别位于1、3、5、6、11、17、22共7个连锁群上;产量性状检测到9个QTL,分别位于1、4、5、6、7、16、22共7个连锁群上。研究结果为海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状的分子设计育种提供了有用的信息。  相似文献   

Addicive effects, additive by additive epistatic effects, and their environmental interactions of QTLs are important genetic components of quantitative traits. Genetic architecture underlying rice biomass yield and its two component traits (straw yield and grain yield) were analyzed for a population of 125 DH lines from an inter-subspecific cross of IR64/Azucena. The mixed-model based composite interval mapping approach (MCIM) was used to detect QTLs, There were 12 QTLs detected with additive main effects, 27 QTLs involved in digenic interaction with aa and/or aae effects, and 18 QTLs affected by environments with ae and/or aae effects. It was revealed that epistatic effects and QE interaction effects existed on biomass yield and its component traits in rice. In addition, the genetic basis of relationships among these traits were investigated. Four QTLs and one pair of epistatic QTLs were detected to be responsible for the positive correlation between biomass yield and straw yield. Three QTLs might be responsible for the negative correlation between straw yield and grain yield. This result could partially explain the genetic basis of correlation among the three traits, and provide useful information for genetic improvement of these traits by marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Improving yield is a major objective for cotton breeding schemes, and lint yield and its three component traits (boll number, boll weight and lint percentage) are complex traits controlled by multiple genes and various environments. Association mapping was performed to detect markers associated with these four traits using 651 simple sequence repeats (SSRs). A mixed linear model including epistasis and environmental interaction was used to screen the loci associated with these four yield traits by 323 accessions of Gossypium hirsutum L. evaluated in nine different environments. 251 significant loci were detected to be associated with lint yield and its three components, including 69 loci with individual effects and all involved in epistasis interactions. These significant loci explain ∼ 62.05% of the phenotypic variance (ranging from 49.06% ∼ 72.29% for these four traits). It was indicated by high contribution of environmental interaction to the phenotypic variance for lint yield and boll numbers, that genetic effects of SSR loci were susceptible to environment factors. Shared loci were also observed among these four traits, which may be used for simultaneous improvement in cotton breeding for yield traits. Furthermore, consistent and elite loci were screened with −Log10 (P-value) >8.0 based on predicted effects of loci detected in different environments. There was one locus and 6 pairs of epistasis for lint yield, 4 loci and 10 epistasis for boll number, 15 loci and 2 epistasis for boll weight, and 2 loci and 5 epistasis for lint percentage, respectively. These results provided insights into the genetic basis of lint yield and its components and may be useful for marker-assisted breeding to improve cotton production.  相似文献   

Drought is a major environmental constraint to crop distribution and productivity. Stem water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) buffer wheat grain yield against conditions unfavorable for photosynthesis during the grain filling stage. In this study, 262 winter wheat accessions and 209 genome-wide SSR markers were collected and used to undertake association analysis based on a mixed linear model (MLM). The WSC in different internodes at three growth stages and 1000-grain weight (TGW) were investigated under four environmental regimes (well-watered, drought stress during the whole growth period, and two levels of terminal drought stress imposed by chemical desiccation under the well-watered and drought stress during the whole growth period conditions). Under diverse drought stress conditions, WSC in lower internodes showed significant positive correlations with TGW, especially at the flowering stage under well-watered conditions and at grain filling under drought stress. Sixteen novel WSC-favorable alleles were identified, and five of them contributed to significantly higher TGW. In addition, pyramiding WSC favorable alleles was not only effective for obtaining accessions with higher WSC, but also for enhancing TGW under different water regimes. During the past fifty years of wheat breeding, WSC was selected incidentally. The average number of favorable WSC alleles increased from 1.13 in the pre-1960 period to 4.41 in the post-2000 period. The results indicate a high potential for using marker-assisted selection to pyramid WSC favorable alleles in improving WSC and TGW in wheat.  相似文献   

陆地棉产量性状QTLs的分子标记及定位   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
用我国的高产栽培品种泗棉3号和美国栽培品种TM-1为材料,构建F2和F2∶3作图群体,应用301对SSR引物和1040个RAPD引物,对产量性状QTLs进行了分子标记筛选,结果共筛选出了37对SSR多态性引物和10个RAPD多态性引物的49个位点,鉴定出了控制产量性状变异的主效QTLs。定位于第9染色体的连锁群,分别具有控制铃重、衣分和籽指的主效QTLs,铃重的2个QTLs分别解释F2∶3群体表型变异的18.2%和21.0%;在F2群体检测到的1个衣分QTL解释表型变异的25%,另一个衣分QTL在F2群体和F2∶3群体都检测到,解释F2群体衣分的24.9%的表型变异,解释F2∶3群体衣分的5.9%的表型变异;在F2∶3群体铃重的一个QTL的同一位置同时检测到一个籽指QTL,它解释15.6%的表型变异,是一因多效或是紧密连锁的两个QTLs,有待进一步研究。本研究标记的产量性状主效QTLs可用于棉花产量性状的标记辅助选择。  相似文献   

对海岛棉产量和早熟性状进行QTL初步定位,为分子标记辅助育种提供依据.利用5200多对SSR引物筛选海岛棉品种新海3号和Giza82间的多态性引物,获得107对.以多态性引物检测新海3号×Giza82的190个F2∶3家系,获得120个多态性位点.利用JoinMap3.0分析软件构建了一个包含22个连锁群,74个标记,标记间平均距离12.06cM,全长893cM,覆盖海岛棉基因组20.12%的分子标记遗传连锁图谱.采用复合区间作图法检测到21个与海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状有关的QTL,其中早熟性状检测到12个QTL,分别位于1、3、5、6、11、17、22共7个连锁群上;产量性状检测到9个QTL,分别位于1、4、5、6、7、16、22共7个连锁群上.研究结果为海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状的分子设计育种提供了有用的信息.  相似文献   

Common wheat is one of the most important crops in China, which is the largest producer in the world. A set of 230 cultivars was used to identify yield-related loci by association mapping. This set was tested for seven yield-related traits, viz. plant height (PH), spike length (SL), spikelet number per spike (SNPS), kernel number per spike (KNPS), thousand-kernel weight (TKW), kernel weight per spike (KWPS), and sterile spikelet number (SSN) per plant in four environments. A total of 106 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers distributed on all 21 chromosomes were used to screen the set. Twenty-one and 19 of them were associated with KNPS and TKW, respectively. Association mapping detected 73 significant associations across 50 SSRs, and the phenotypic variation explained (R2) by the associations ranged from 1.54 to 23.93%. The associated loci were distributed on all chromosomes except 4A, 7A, and 7D. Significant and potentially new alleles were present on 8 chromosomes, namely1A, 1D, 2A, 2D, 3D, 4B, 5B, and 6B. Further analysis showed that genetic effects of associated loci were greatly influenced by association panels, and the R2 of crucial loci were lower in modern cultivars than in the mini core collection, probably caused by strong selection in wheat breeding. In order to confirm the results of association analysis, yield-related favorable alleles Xgwm135-1A138, Xgwm337-1D186, Xgwm102-2D144, and Xgwm132-6B128 were evaluated in a double haploid (DH) population derived from Hanxuan10 xLumai14.These favorable alleles that were validated in various populations might be valuable in breeding for high-yield.  相似文献   

棉花高品质纤维性状QTLs的分子标记筛选及其定位   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
利用7235、TM-1亲本(P1、P2),以及(7235×TM-1)F1、F2(南京和美国2个环境)与F23(南京和海南2个环境)家系群体,根据F2与F23的纤维品质性状表现,构建了纤维强度、细度与长度的极值DNA混合池,通过221对SSR引物、1840个RAPD引物对亲本和极值DNA混合池筛选,共得到了13个多态性标记,其中8个标记可能与高强有关,1个标记与低强有关;3个标记与麦克隆值有关;1个与绒长有关.进一步通过F2分离群体检测,连锁分析表明与高强有关的8个标记(2个SSR标记和6个RAPD标记)紧密连锁,覆盖15.5cM.这一高强纤维的QTL,4个环境中均以FSR1933为最近,相距不超过0.6cM,能解释35%的F2变异,53.8%的F23的表型变异,是目前纤维强度单个QTL效应最大的,多个环境下稳定,可以直接用于标记辅助育种.单体测验表明,该在棉花的第10染色体上.麦克隆值的一个主效QTL标记FMR1603,在F2中能解释7.8%的变异,在F23中能解释25.4%的变异,同样表现环境稳定.纤维长度的一个标记FLR11550,在3个环境中预测到,最大能解释9.5%  相似文献   

Short rotation coppice (SRC) willows (Salix spp.) are fast-growing woody plants which can achieve high biomass yields over short growth cycles with low agrochemical inputs. Biomass from SRC willow is already used for heat and power, but its potential as a source of lignocellulose for liquid transport biofuels has still to be assessed. In bioethanol production from lignocellulose, enzymatic saccharification is used as an approach to release glucose from cellulose in the plant cell walls. In this study, 138 genotypes of a willow mapping population were used to examine variation in enzymatic glucose release from stem biomass to study relationships between this trait and biomass yield traits and to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with enzymatic saccharification yield. Significant natural variation was found in glucose yields from willow stem biomass. This trait was independent of biomass yield traits. Four enzyme-derived glucose QTL were mapped onto chromosomes V, X, XI, and XVI, indicating that enzymatic saccharification yields are under significant genetic influence. Our results show that SRC willow has strong potential as a source of bioethanol and that there may be opportunities to improve the breeding programs for willows for increasing enzymatic saccharification yields and biofuel production.  相似文献   

Mapping QTL for Grain Yield and Plant Traits in a Tropical Maize Population   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The vast majority of reported QTL mapping for maize (Zea mays L.) traits are from temperate germplasm and, also, QTL by environment interaction (QTL × E) has not been thoroughly evaluated and analyzed in most of these papers. The maize growing areas in tropical regions are more prone to environmental variability than in temperate areas, and, therefore, genotype by environment interaction is of great concern for maize breeders. The objectives of this study were to map QTL and to test their interaction with environments for several traits in a tropical maize population. Two-hundred and fifty-six F2:3 families evaluated in five environments, a genetic map with 139 microsatellites markers, and the multiple-environment joint analysis (mCIM) were used to map QTL and to test QTL × E interaction. Sixteen, eight, six, six, nine, and two QTL were mapped for grain yield, ears per plant, plant lodging, plant height, ear height, and number of leaves, respectively. Most of these QTL interacted significantly with environments, most of them displayed overdominance for all traits, and genetic correlated traits had a low number of QTL mapped in the same genomic regions. Few of the QTL mapped had already been reported in both temperate and tropical germplasm. The low number of stable QTL across environments imposes additional challenges to design marker-assisted selection in tropical areas, unless the breeding programs could be directed towards specific target areas.  相似文献   

水稻产量及其构成因子对空气CO2浓度增高响应的QTL分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自由空气CO2浓度增加设施(Free air carbon dioxide enrichment.FACE)使得实际地模拟未来植物生长所处的CO2浓度增加环境变为可能。FACE下.作物生长和产量发生不同程度的加速和提高,而分析作物产量因子对CO2浓度增加响应的遗传基础将有利于对CO2环境变化做出敏感响应的遗传特性的认识,有利于适合未来空气CO2浓度增加环境的高产品种的培育。以粳稻品种Asominori与籼稻品种IR24的杂交组合所衍生的染色体片段置换系(CSSLs)为材料进行田间试验,分别在FACE(约570umol CO2/mol)和正常大气(约370umol CO2/mol)下对籽粒产量及其构成因子等数量性状位点(QTL)进行了分析。结果表明,在FACE下,Asominori和IR24的有效穗数、穗粒数和单株籽粒产量均显著高于对照下的,并且FACE下,65个置换系的变幅范围均大于对照下的;在第1.2,4,6.7,9和12染色体上检测到LOD值在2.5—5.7范围内的控制上述产量性状的20个QTL.其中有3个可以同时在FACE和正常大气下检测到.其余的则只是在某一种CO2环境下检测到。此外,还检测到2个QTL(qFT12 and qGP4)存在着与环境的加性互作效应。可以推论.空气中CO2浓度的增加诱导了部分对CO2浓度敏感的QTL表达,控制水稻产量性状的QTL与CO2增加的环境发生了互作效应。预计利用分子标记辅助育种途径可以培育出适用于未来CO2浓度增加环境下的高产水稻品种。  相似文献   

The need for climate change mitigation and to meet increasing energy demands has led to a rise in the land area under bioenergy crops in many countries. There are concerns that such large-scale land conversion will conflict with food production and impact on the environment. Perennial biomass crops could be grown on more marginal agricultural land. However, for sustainable solutions, biomass yields will need to be sufficient and the wider implications of land-use changes considered. Here, focusing on Miscanthus in England as an example, we combined an empirical model with GIS to produce a yield map and estimated regional energy generation potentials after masking out areas covered by environmental and socio-economic factors which could preclude the planting of energy crops. Agricultural land quality and the distributions of currently grown food crops were then taken into account. Results showed that: (i) regional contrasts occur in the importance of different factors affecting biomass planting; (ii) areas with the highest biomass yields co-locate with food producing areas on high grade land, and; (iii) when such high grade land and unsuitable areas are excluded, a policy-related scenario for increased planting on 350,000 ha utilised 4–28% (depending on the region) of lower grade land and would not necessarily greatly impact on UK food security. We conclude that the GIS-based yield and suitability mapping described here can help identify important issues in bioenergy generation potentials and land use implications at regional or finer spatial scales that would be missed in analyses at the national level.  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性及其在鸡QTL定位上的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
聂庆华  张细权  雷明明 《遗传》2003,25(6):729-734
单核苷酸多态性是指DNA序列上的单个碱基变异,它具有分布广、多态信息含量大、易于检测和统计分析等优点,能较好用于基因图谱构建和数量性状QTL定位研究,被称为继RFLP和微卫星标记之后的第3代基因遗传标记。本文综述了单核苷酸多态性的性质及检测技术、利用候选基因SNP进行鸡QTL定位研究的现状,并对未来SNP的应用前景进行了展望。Abstract:Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) refers to the change of single nucleotide in DNA sequence.Because of its high density in genomes and easy in detection and analysis statistically,SNP can be used in genetic linkage map construction and QTL mapping.Here,the characters and detecting technology of SNP,as well as the status and foreground of the use of candidate gene SNP in chicken QTL mapping are introduced.  相似文献   

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