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Complex I deficiency is commonly associated with mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation diseases. Mutations in nuclear genes encoding structural subunits or assembly factors of complex I have been increasingly identified as the cause of the diseases. One such factor, NDUFAF2, is a paralog of the NDUFA12 structural subunit of the enzyme, but the mechanism by which it exerts its function remains unknown. Herein, we demonstrate that the Neurospora crassa NDUFAF2 homologue, the 13.4L protein, is a late assembly factor that associates with complex I assembly intermediates containing the membrane arm and the connecting part but lacking the N module of the enzyme. Furthermore, we provide evidence that dissociation of the assembly factor is dependent on the incorporation of the putative regulatory module composed of the subunits of 13.4 (NDUFA12), 18.4 (NDUFS6), and 21 (NDUFS4) kDa. Our results demonstrate that the 13.4L protein is a complex I assembly factor functionally conserved from fungi to mammals.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial translation involves a complex interplay of ancient bacteria-like features and host-derived functionalities. Although the basic components of the mitochondrial translation apparatus have been recognized, very few protein factors aiding in recruiting ribosomes on mitochondria-encoded messenger RNA (mRNAs) have been identified in higher plants. In this study, we describe the identification of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) MITOCHONDRIAL TRANSLATION FACTOR1 (MTL1) protein, a new member of the Pentatricopeptide Repeat family, and show that it is essential for the translation of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit7 (nad7) mRNA. We demonstrate that mtl1 mutant plants fail to accumulate the Nad7 protein, even though the nad7 mature mRNA is produced and bears the same 5′ and 3′ extremities as in wild-type plants. We next observed that polysome association of nad7 mature mRNA is specifically disrupted in mtl1 mutants, indicating that the absence of Nad7 results from a lack of translation of nad7 mRNA. These findings illustrate that mitochondrial translation requires the intervention of gene-specific nucleus-encoded PPR trans-factors and that their action does not necessarily involve the 5′ processing of their target mRNA, as observed previously. Interestingly, a partial decrease in nad7 intron 2 splicing was also detected in mtl1 mutants, suggesting that MTL1 is also involved in group II intron splicing. However, this second function appears to be less essential for nad7 expression than its role in translation. MTL1 will be instrumental to understand the multifunctionality of PPR proteins and the mechanisms governing mRNA translation and intron splicing in plant mitochondria.Translation is the fundamental process decoding the genetic message present on mRNAs into proteins. In plant cells, mRNA translation occurs in the cytoplasm but also in two organelles, mitochondria and plastids. Because of their prokaryotic origin, the translation machineries operating in these two organelles share many characteristics with the bacterial translation apparatus (Bonen, 2004; Barkan, 2011). However, most of these bacteria-like features have been modified throughout evolution, and current organellar translation systems cooperate with numerous nucleus-encoded eukaryotic trans-factors. The divergence from bacteria is particularly obvious in plant mitochondria, notably because mitochondrial mRNAs lack the typical Shine and Dalgarno (SD) motif in their 5′ leaders and alternative start codons other than AUG are often used to initiate translation (Bonen, 2004). Proteomic and bioinformatic analyses allowed the identification of most proteins and RNA factors forming the core of the plant mitochondrial translation machinery, including translation initiation and elongation factors as well as ribosomal proteins (Bonen, 2004; Bonen and Calixte, 2006). However, the dynamics of this machinery remains largely obscure. In particular, nothing is known about the recruitment of mitochondrial ribosomes on 5′ untranslated regions in the absence of the SD motif and about the recognition of the correct translation initiation codon by the small ribosomal subunit. The high degree of sequence divergence among 5′ leaders of mitochondrial genes suggests a ribosome recruitment mechanism involving gene-specific cis-sequences and trans-factors (Hazle and Bonen, 2007; Choi et al., 2012). Up to now, only two proteins belonging to the Pentatricopeptide Repeat (PPR) family have been found to promote mitochondrial translation in higher plants (Uyttewaal et al., 2008b; Manavski et al., 2012). How they facilitate translation is still unclear, as for the few characterized PPR proteins shown to participate in plastid translation (Fisk et al., 1999; Schmitz-Linneweber et al., 2005; Cai et al., 2011; Zoschke et al., 2012, 2013). The plastid PENTATRICOPEPTIDE REPEAT PROTEIN10 (PPR10) protein of maize (Zea mays) is the only one for which the function has been elucidated at the molecular level. It was shown that, upon binding, PPR10 impedes the formation of a stem-loop structure in the 5′ leader of the ATP synthase subunit c (atpH) mRNA, permitting the recruitment of ribosomes through the liberation of an SD motif (Prikryl et al., 2011).PPR proteins represent a large family of RNA-binding proteins that has massively expanded in terrestrial plants (Barkan and Small, 2014). Most eukaryotes encode a handful of these proteins, whereas plant nuclear genomes express over 400 PPR proteins that are almost exclusively predicted to target mitochondria and/or plastids (Lurin et al., 2004; O’Toole et al., 2008). This family of proteins is characterized by the succession of tandem degenerate motifs of approximately 35 amino acids (Small and Peeters, 2000; Lurin et al., 2004). Based on the length of these repeats, the PPR family has been divided into two groups of roughly equal size in higher plants. P-type PPR proteins contain only successions of canonical 35-amino acid repeats (P), whereas PLS PPR proteins are composed of sequential repeats of P, short (S), and long (L) PPR motifs. P-type PPR proteins were shown to participate in various aspects of organellar RNA processing, whereas PLS PPR proteins have been almost exclusively associated with C-to-U RNA editing (for review, see Barkan and Small, 2014; Hammani and Giegé, 2014). Recent crystal structures showed that PPR motifs adopt an antiparallel helix-turn-helix fold whose repetition forms a solenoid-like structure (Ringel et al., 2011; Howard et al., 2012; Ban et al., 2013; Yin et al., 2013; Coquille et al., 2014; Gully et al., 2015). PPR tracks organize highly specific interaction domains that were shown to associate with single-stranded RNAs (Schmitz-Linneweber et al., 2005; Beick et al., 2008; Uyttewaal et al., 2008a; Williams-Carrier et al., 2008; Pfalz et al., 2009; Cai et al., 2011; Hammani et al., 2011; Prikryl et al., 2011; Khrouchtchova et al., 2012; Manavski et al., 2012; Zhelyazkova et al., 2012; Ke et al., 2013; Yin et al., 2013). The mechanism of sequence-specific RNA recognition by PPR proteins was recently uncovered, and combinations involving amino acid 6 of one motif and amino acid 1 of the subsequent motif correlate strongly with the identity of the RNA base to be bound (Barkan et al., 2012; Takenaka et al., 2013; Yagi et al., 2013).Besides those involved in RNA editing, few mitochondria-targeted PPR proteins have been characterized to date. Thus, our knowledge of the mechanisms governing the production and the expression of mitochondrial RNAs in higher plants is very limited. In this analysis, we describe the function of a novel mitochondria-targeted PPR protein of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) called MITOCHONDRIAL TRANSLATION FACTOR1 (MTL1). Genetic and biochemical analyses indicate that MTL1 is essential for the translation of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit7 (nad7) mRNA. Effectively, the Nad7 protein does not accumulate to detectable levels in mtl1 mutants, and this absence correlates with a lack of association of nad7 mature mRNA with mitochondrial polysomes. Interestingly, a partial but significant decrease in nad7 intron 2 splicing was also detected in mtl1 mutants, suggesting that the MTL1 protein is also involved in group II intron splicing. Since the decrease in splicing was only partial, this second function of MTL1 appears less essential for nad7 expression than its role in translation.  相似文献   



Previous studies have shown that plant mitochondrial movements are myosin-based along actin filaments, which undergo continuous turnover by the exchange of actin subunits from existing filaments. Although earlier studies revealed that actin filament dynamics are essential for many functions of the actin cytoskeleton, there are little data connecting actin dynamics and mitochondrial movements.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We addressed the role of actin filament dynamics in the control of mitochondrial movements by treating cells with various pharmaceuticals that affect actin filament assembly and disassembly. Confocal microscopy of Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs expressing GFP-FABD2 as an actin filament reporter showed that mitochondrial distribution was in agreement with the arrangement of actin filaments in root hairs at different developmental stages. Analyses of mitochondrial trajectories and instantaneous velocities immediately following pharmacological perturbation of the cytoskeleton using variable-angle evanescent wave microscopy and/or spinning disk confocal microscopy revealed that mitochondrial velocities were regulated by myosin activity and actin filament dynamics. Furthermore, simultaneous visualization of mitochondria and actin filaments suggested that mitochondrial positioning might involve depolymerization of actin filaments on the surface of mitochondria.


Base on these results we propose a mechanism for the regulation of mitochondrial speed of movements, positioning, and direction of movements that combines the coordinated activity of myosin and the rate of actin turnover, together with microtubule dynamics, which directs the positioning of actin polymerization events.  相似文献   

DURING meiosis in the females of many species, spindle assembly occurs in the absence of the microtubule-organizing centers called centrosomes. In the absence of centrosomes, the nature of the chromosome-based signal that recruits microtubules to promote spindle assembly as well as how spindle bipolarity is established and the chromosomes orient correctly toward the poles is not known. To address these questions, we focused on the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC). We have found that the CPC localizes in a ring around the meiotic chromosomes that is aligned with the axis of the spindle at all stages. Using new methods that dramatically increase the effectiveness of RNA interference in the germline, we show that the CPC interacts with Drosophila oocyte chromosomes and is required for the assembly of spindle microtubules. Furthermore, chromosome biorientation and the localization of the central spindle kinesin-6 protein Subito, which is required for spindle bipolarity, depend on the CPC components Aurora B and Incenp. Based on these data we propose that the ring of CPC around the chromosomes regulates multiple aspects of meiotic cell division including spindle assembly, the establishment of bipolarity, the recruitment of important spindle organization factors, and the biorientation of homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic flagellum (or cilium) is a broadly conserved organelle that provides motility for many pathogenic protozoa and is critical for normal development and physiology in humans. Therefore, defining core components of motile axonemes enhances understanding of eukaryotic biology and provides insight into mechanisms of inherited and infectious diseases in humans. In this study, we show that component of motile flagella 22 (CMF22) is tightly associated with the flagellar axoneme and is likely to have been present in the last eukaryotic common ancestor. The CMF22 amino acid sequence contains predicted IQ and ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities (AAA) motifs that are conserved among CMF22 orthologues in diverse organisms, hinting at the importance of these domains in CMF22 function. Knockdown by RNA interference (RNAi) and rescue with an RNAi-immune mRNA demonstrated that CMF22 is required for propulsive cell motility in Trypanosoma brucei. Loss of propulsive motility in CMF22-knockdown cells was due to altered flagellar beating patterns, rather than flagellar paralysis, indicating that CMF22 is essential for motility regulation and likely functions as a fundamental regulatory component of motile axonemes. CMF22 association with the axoneme is weakened in mutants that disrupt the nexin-dynein regulatory complex, suggesting potential interaction with this complex. Our results provide insight into the core machinery required for motility of eukaryotic flagella.  相似文献   

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  • •The interaction network of NDUFAB1 reveal associations with 9 known LYRM proteins as well as more than 20 other proteins involved in mitochondrial respiratory chain complex and mitochondrial ribosome assembly.
  • •The LYRM protein AltMiD51 is required for the stability of assembly factor MALSU1 and optimal assembly of the mitoribosome.
  • •LYRM2 is important for integration of the N-module into respiratory chain complex I.

Abstract: The multi-subunit enzyme complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain is an assembly of nuclear and organ-ellar encoded proteins with distinct roles and functions. The nuclear encoded 28.5 kDa iron-sulfur protein is located at the centre of electron transfer to ubiquinone. Functional importance and regulatory tolerance of this subunit were investigated in transgenic tobacco plants carrying antisense constructs driven by the CaMV 35S promoter. In all of the regenerated transgenics vegetative growth is undisturbed, while in many transformants flower development is abnormal and pollen fertility is reduced. Maximal observed suppression of the steady-state 28.5 kDa mRNA level reaches only about 30%. Apparently, further reduction is lethal to the vegetative tobacco plants, suggesting that the 28.5 kDa subunit is regulated from the steady-state level onwards with little tolerance and no additional possibilities for compensation. This contrasts with the higher flexibility of the NADH-binding subunit of complex I, which vegetatively survives a 70% reduction of its mRNA level.  相似文献   

The apicoplast organelle of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum contains metabolic pathways critical for liver-stage and blood-stage development. During the blood stages, parasites lacking an apicoplast can grow in the presence of isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), demonstrating that isoprenoids are the only metabolites produced in the apicoplast which are needed outside of the organelle. Two of the isoprenoid biosynthesis enzymes are predicted to rely on iron-sulfur (FeS) cluster cofactors, however, little is known about FeS cluster synthesis in the parasite or the roles that FeS cluster proteins play in parasite biology. We investigated two putative FeS cluster synthesis pathways (Isc and Suf) focusing on the initial step of sulfur acquisition. In other eukaryotes, these proteins can be located in multiple subcellular compartments, raising the possibility of cross-talk between the pathways or redundant functions. In P. falciparum, SufS and its partner SufE were found exclusively the apicoplast and SufS was shown to have cysteine desulfurase activity in a complementation assay. IscS and its effector Isd11 were solely mitochondrial, suggesting that the Isc pathway cannot contribute to apicoplast FeS cluster synthesis. The Suf pathway was disrupted with a dominant negative mutant resulting in parasites that were only viable when supplemented with IPP. These parasites lacked the apicoplast organelle and its organellar genome – a phenotype not observed when isoprenoid biosynthesis was specifically inhibited with fosmidomycin. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the Suf pathway is essential for parasite survival and has a fundamental role in maintaining the apicoplast organelle in addition to any role in isoprenoid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Highlights? GRSF1 (G-rich sequence binding factor 1) is a mitochondrial RNA-binding protein ? GRSF1 localizes to granules containing newly synthesized RNA in close proximity to mitochondrial nucleoids ? GRSF1 specifically binds one mRNA and two long noncoding RNAs transcribed from contiguous genes on the light strand of mtDNA ? Loss of GRSF1 leads to misloading of RNAs onto the mitochondrial ribosome and a specific translation defect  相似文献   

Reversible infantile liver failure (RILF) is a unique heritable liver disease characterized by acute liver failure followed by spontaneous recovery at an early stage of life. Genetic mutations in MTU1 have been identified in RILF patients. MTU1 is a mitochondrial enzyme that catalyzes the 2-thiolation of 5-taurinomethyl-2-thiouridine (τm5s2U) found in the anticodon of a subset of mitochondrial tRNAs (mt-tRNAs). Although the genetic basis of RILF is clear, the molecular mechanism that drives the pathogenesis remains elusive. We here generated liver-specific knockout of Mtu1 (Mtu1LKO) mice, which exhibited symptoms of liver injury characterized by hepatic inflammation and elevated levels of plasma lactate and AST. Mechanistically, Mtu1 deficiency resulted in a loss of 2-thiolation in mt-tRNAs, which led to a marked impairment of mitochondrial translation. Consequently, Mtu1LKO mice exhibited severe disruption of mitochondrial membrane integrity and a broad decrease in respiratory complex activities in the hepatocytes. Interestingly, mitochondrial dysfunction induced signaling pathways related to mitochondrial proliferation and the suppression of oxidative stress. The present study demonstrates that Mtu1-dependent 2-thiolation of mt-tRNA is indispensable for mitochondrial translation and that Mtu1 deficiency is a primary cause of RILF. In addition, Mtu1 deficiency is associated with multiple cytoprotective pathways that might prevent catastrophic liver failure and assist in the recovery from liver injury.  相似文献   

By genetic analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans mutants defective in yolk uptake, we have identified new molecules functioning in the endocytosis pathway. Here we describe a novel J-domain-containing protein, RME-8, identified by such genetic analysis. RME-8 is required for receptor-mediated endocytosis and fluid-phase endocytosis in various cell types and is essential for C. elegans development and viability. In the macrophage-like coelomocytes, RME-8 localizes to the limiting membrane of large endosomes. Endocytosis markers taken up by the coelomocytes rapidly accumulate in these large RME-8-positive endosomes, concentrate in internal subendosomal structures, and later appear in RME-8-negative lysosomes. rme-8 mutant coelomocytes fail to accumulate visible quantities of endocytosis markers. These observations show that RME-8 functions in endosomal trafficking before the lysosome. RME-8 homologues are found in multicellular organisms from plants to humans but not in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These sequence homologies suggest that RME-8 fulfills a conserved function in multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

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