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The hypothesis was put forward that, along with the regulation of mass center projection, the system of upright posture control stabilizes the deviation of pressure center from the position of the mass center projection. The regularities in the behavior of the trajectories of pressure center and mass center projection were analysed. Experimental evidence was obtained supporting the validity of the hypothesis. The structure of the control system that corresponds to the new understanding of the variables being regulated during the maintenance of vertical posture was considered.  相似文献   

Footwear devices that shift foot center of pressure (COP), thereby impacting lower-limb biomechanics to produce clinical benefit, have been studied regarding degenerative diseases of knee and hip joints, exhibiting evidence of clinical success. Ability to purposefully affect trunk biomechanics has not been investigated for this type of footwear. Fifteen healthy young male subjects underwent gait and electromyography analysis using a biomechanical device that shifts COP via moveable convex elements attached to the shoe sole. Analyses were performed in three COP configurations for pairwise comparison: (1) neutral (control) (2) laterally deviated, and (3) medially deviated. Sagittal and frontal-plane pelvis and spine kinematics, external oblique activity, and frontal and transverse-plane lumbar moments were affected by medio-lateral COP shift. Transverse-plane trunk kinematics, activity of the lumbar longissimus, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominus, and quadratus lumborum, and sagittal-plane lumbar moment, were not significantly impacted. Two linear mixed effects models assessed predictive impact of (I) COP location, and (II) trunk kinematics and neuromuscular activity, on the significant lumbar moment parameters. The COP was a significant predictor of all modeled frontal and transverse-plane lumbar moment parameters, while pelvic and spine rotation, and lumbar longissimus activity were significant predictors of one frontal-plane lumbar moment parameter. Model results suggest that, although trunk biomechanics and muscle activity were altered by COP shift, COP offset influences lumbar kinetics directly, or via lower-limb changes not assessed in this study, but not by means of alteration of trunk kinematics or muscle activity. Further study may reveal implications in treatment of low back pain.  相似文献   

Seiza is one of the most commonly used sitting postures in various enrichment lessons of Japanese origin. It is reported that Seiza with large knee flexion produces harmful effects on the cartilage of knee joints and hemodynamics of the lower legs. This study aimed at examining the influence of Seiza on tissue oxygenation kinetics of the lower limbs, plantar somatic and cutaneous sensation, and the center of foot pressure (COP) sway using 10 young adults. COP sway was measured for 1 min just after sitting on a chair for 10 min (pre-test), after 30-min Seiza (post-test 1), and 5 min after Seiza (post-test 2). To evaluate the COP sway, we used 4 body sway factors; unit time sway factor (F1), front-back sway factor (F2), left-right sway factor (F3) and high frequency band power spectrum factor (F4). Physiological parameters (i.e., tissue oxygenation kinetics in the lower legs and sensation on the sole) were measured during 30-min Seiza (continuously on tissue oxygenation, and at 1 min intervals on sensation), and for 1 min just before each COP test (pre-test, post-test 1 and 2).Oxygenated hemoglobin/myoglobin (Hb/Mb) concentration decreased markedly and deoxygenated Hb/Mb concentration increased markedly, resulting in reaching a plateau state at around 7 min. Tissue Hb/Mb index changed little during Seiza. Proprioceptive perception thresholds increased rapidly about 17 min after Starting Seiza. Means of 3 COP sway factors of F1, F2 and F4 were significantly higher in post-test 1 than in pre-test and post-test 2. In conclusion, a marked decrease in tissue oxygen concentration of the lower legs within 4-5 min, and an increase of proprioceptive perception thresholds in the sole at about 17 min are induced by Seiza. Although wiggle and quick body sway in the antero-posterior axis increases markedly in an upright posture just after maintaining Seiza for 30 min, sway recovers after sitting on a chair for 5 min.  相似文献   

Background: Footwear-generated medio-lateral foot center of pressure manipulation has been shown to have potential positive effects on gait parameters of hip osteoarthritis patients, ultimately reducing maximum joint reaction forces. The objective of this study was to investigate effects of medio-lateral foot center of pressure manipulation on muscle activity of hip-spanning and back muscles during gait in bilateral hip osteoarthritis patients. Methods: Foot center of pressure was shifted along the medio-lateral foot axis using a foot-worn biomechanical device allowing controlled center of pressure manipulation. Sixteen female bilateral hip osteoarthritis patients underwent electromyography analysis while walking in the device set to three parasagittal configurations: neutral (control), medial, and lateral. Seven hip-spanning muscles (Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Maximus, Tensor Fascia Latae, Rectus Femoris, Semitendinosis, Biceps Femoris, Adductor Magnus) and one back muscle (Erector Spinae) were analyzed. Magnitude and temporal parameters were calculated. Results: The amplitude and temporal parameter varied significantly between foot center of pressure positions for 5 out of 8 muscles each for either the more or less symptomatic leg in at least one subphase of the gait cycle. Conclusion: Medio-lateral foot center of pressure manipulation significantly affects neuromuscular pattern of hip and back musculature during gait in female hip bilateral osteoarthritis patients.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how wave-induced platform motion effects postural stability when handling loads. Twelve participants (9 male, 3 female) performed a sagittal lifting/lowering task with a 10 kg load in different sea conditions off the coast of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Trunk kinematics and foot center of force were measured using the Lumbar Motion Monitor and F-Scan foot pressure system respectively. During motion conditions, significant decreases in trunk velocities were accompanied by significant increases in individual foot center of pressure velocities. These results suggest that during lifting and lowering loads in moving environments, the reaction to the wave-induced postural disturbance is accompanied by a decrease in performance speed so that the task can be performed more cautiously to optimize stability.  相似文献   

In bilateral shoulder flexion with the arms moving from the sides of the body to the horizontal level while standing, no preceding activation of the triceps surae (TS) with respect to focal muscles has been found. Considering that preceding activation would offer a useful indicator of anticipatory postural control, it was attempted to induce preceding activation by limiting the anterior displacement range of the center of foot pressure in the anteroposterior direction (CoPap). Subjects were 13 healthy young adults. The 50% anterior range of CoPap displacement caused by shoulder flexion was calculated, and the floor inclined by the subject’s weight when CoPap extended beyond that range. Subjects were instructed not to incline the floor during shoulder flexion. Under the limitation condition, the ankle and knee joints plantarflexed and extended at 1.1°, respectively, with no hip movement; that is, the whole body inclined backward by pivoting at the ankle. This limitation resulted in preceding muscle activation of TS as well as erector spinae and biceps femoris, and no significant differences in onset time were seen between these muscles. These results demonstrated that by limiting CoPap anterior displacement, preceding activation of TS could be induced with backward inclination of the whole body.  相似文献   

By estimating the deflection velocity from the center of foot pressure (COP), this study aims to prove that the characteristics of the backward stepping reaction in the elderly are related to the strength of the antigravity muscles. The participants in this study were 10 elderly (average age 75.6+/-7.6 years) and 13 young (average age 22.0+/-2.6 years) subjects. Using force plate analysis, we measured the shift in the deflection velocity (V-RMS) and the maximum deflection velocity (V-MAX) from the beginning of the COP movement to the onset of the stepping reaction. Furthermore, we measured the strength of the antigravity muscles using a hand-held dynamometer. We correlated the V-RMS, V-MAX, and the rate of change of the deflection velocity (MAX/RMS) with muscular strength. When compared with the young subjects, the elderly showed significantly lower values of V-RMS (p<0.05) and significantly higher values of MAX/RMS (p<0.01). Furthermore, when compared with the young subjects, the elderly showed significantly lower values of muscular strength for all muscles studied (p<0.001). We established a significant correlation between the V-RMS, MAX/RMS, and muscular strength by carrying out a regression analysis (V-RMS: gluteus maximus (r=0.50, p<0.05) and rectus abdominis (r=0.48, p<0.05); MAX/RMS: adductor magnus (r=-0.66, p<0.001) and flexor digitorum longus (r=-0.62, p<0.01)). Differences were observed in the V-RMS and MAX/RMS during the backward stepping reaction; it was proposed that these differences were related to the age and muscular strength of the subjects. Therefore, further investigations should be undertaken in order to understand the effects of aging on the stepping reaction. In other words, the change-in-support strategy, including the preparatory phase of the stepping reaction, and its relationship with muscular strength should be further investigated.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine gender differences in 4 body-sway factors of the center of foot pressure (CFP) during a static upright posture and the influence of alcohol intake on them. Four body-sway factors were interpreted in previous studies using factor analysis (the principal factor method and oblique solution by promax-rotation) on 220 healthy young males and females as follows; unit time sway, front-back sway, left-right sway and high frequency band power. The CFP measurement for 1 min was carried out twice with 1 min rest. The measurements of blood pressure, heart rate, whole body reaction time, standing on one leg with eyes closed, and CFP were carried out before and after the alcohol intake using 11 healthy young males and females. The measurement device used was an Anima's stabilometer G5500. The data sampling frequency was 20 Hz. Reliability of 4 body-sway factors was very high. Significant gender differences were found in the left-right sway and the high frequency band power factors, but the influence on body-sway is, as a whole, can be disregarded. These four sway factors can determine the influence of alcohol intake as efficient as 32 sway parameters.  相似文献   

In polarizing and migrating 3T3/Balb mouse fibroblasts, the centrioles are located between the nucleus and the leading edge of the cell. In cells within the monolayer and in migrating cells, the centrioles have a random orientation towards the substrate. In polarized cells, that still remain in the monolayer, one centriole may be perpendicular to the substrate plane in 70% of cases. Upon polarization and migration of fibroblasts, the number of microtubules, which radiate from the centriolar region, increases. These data support a hypothesis that the number of microtubules in the cell centre characterizes the rate of their renovation in the cytoplasm. It is concluded that the cell centre is strongly involved in polarization and migration of fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Translocation catalyzed by elongation factor G occurs after the peptidyltransferase reaction on the large ribosomal subunit. Deacylated tRNA in the P-site stimulates multiple turnover GTPase activity of EF-G. We suggest that the allosteric signal from the peptidyltransferase center that activates EF-G may involve the alteration in the conformation of elongation factor binding center of the ribosome. The latter consists of the moveable GTPase-associated center and the sarcin-ricin loop that keeps its position on the ribosome during translation elongation. The position of the GTPase-associated center was altered by mutagenesis. An insertion of additional base pair at positions C1030/G1124 was lethal and affected function of EF-G, but not that of EF-Tu. Structure probing revealed a putative allosteric signal pathway connecting the P-site with the binding site of the elongation factors. The results are consistent with the different structural requirements for EF-G and EF-Tu function, where the integrity of the path between the peptidyltransferase center and both GTPase-associated center and sarcin-ricin loop is important for EF-G binding.  相似文献   

The pressure distribution on the plantar surface of the foot may provide insights into the stresses within the subsurface tissues of patients with diabetes mellitus and peripheral neuropathy (PN) who are at risk for skin breakdown. The purposes of this study were to (1) estimate the stress distribution in the subsurface soft tissue from a measured surface pressure distribution and determine any differences between values in the forefoot and rearfoot, and (2) determine the relationship between maximum shear stress (MSS) (magnitude and depth) and characteristics of the pressure distribution. The measured in-shoe pressure distributions during walking characterized by the peak plantar pressure and maximum pressure gradient on the plantar surface of the feet for 20 subjects with diabetes, PN and history of a mid foot or forefoot plantar ulcer were analyzed. The effects of peak pressure and maximum pressure gradient at the peak pressure location on the stress components in the subsurface soft tissue were studied using a potential function method to estimate the subsurface tissue stress. The calculated MSSs are larger in magnitude and located closer to the surface in the forefoot, where most skin breakdown occurs, compared to the rearfoot. In addition, the MSS (magnitude and depth) is highly correlated with the pressure gradient (r=-0.77 & 0.61) and the peak pressure (r=-0.61 & 0.91). The peak pressure and the maximum pressure gradient obtained from the surface pressure distribution appear to be important variables to identify where MSSs are located in the subsurface tissues on the plantar foot that may lead to skin break down.  相似文献   

Over-pronation has been cited as a key contributor to many types of running injuries. However, the roles of the extrinsic foot muscles during running have not been adequately identified. The purpose of this study was to examine the muscle functional (mf) MRI and EMG responses to perturbations of the foot by running in varus, neutral and valgus wedged shoes. Ten males ran at 3.6 m/s in specially constructed shoes for 5 min with T2-weighted mfMRI collected before and after each run. The change in T2 from before to after each run characterized the level of metabolic activity in each of muscle. Kinematic and EMG data were also collected while subjects ran on a treadmill. There were no T2 differences across the three shoe conditions. In contrast, there was significantly less EMG activity in the tibialis anterior and soleus while wearing the neutral shoe. Overall, the results did not support the theory that muscle activity would increase as the degree of eversion increased. It also appears that surface EMG was more sensitive to differences between conditions than mfMRI. However, this study illustrated that mfMRI may be a useful tool for quantifying muscle activity in cases where surface EMG is inadequate.  相似文献   

R M Krupka 《Biochemistry》1966,5(6):1988-1997

Plantar pressure measurement provides important information about the structure and function of the foot and is a helpful tool to evaluate patients with foot complaints. In general, average and maximum plantar pressure of 6–11 areas under the foot are used to compare groups of subjects. However, masking the foot means a loss of important information about the plantar pressure distribution pattern. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop and test a simple method that normalizes the plantar pressure pattern for foot size, foot progression angle, and total plantar pressure. Moreover, scaling the plantar pressure to a standard foot opens the door for more sophisticated analysis techniques such as pattern recognition and machine learning.Twelve subjects walked at preferred and half of the preferred walking speed over a pressure plate. To test the method, subjects walked in a straight line and in an approaching angle of approximately 40°. To calculate the normalized foot, the plantar pressure pattern was rotated over the foot progression angle and normalized for foot size.After normalization, the mean shortest distance between the contour lines of straight walking and walking at an angle had a mean of 0.22 cm (SD: 0.06 cm) for the forefoot and 0.14 cm (SD: 0.06 cm) for the heel. In addition, the contour lines of normalized feet for the various subjects were almost identical.The proposed method appeared to be successful in aligning plantar pressure of various feet without losing information.  相似文献   

Prominent conservative treatment options for medial-compartment knee osteoarthritis include footwear that reduces knee adduction moment (KAM) correlated with detrimental loads in the medial compartment of the knee, thus providing clinical benefit. The proposed mechanism by which they reduce KAM is a lateral shift in foot center of pressure (COP) and a consequent shortening of the knee lever arm (KLA), thereby reducing KAM, which can be simply calculated as KLA multiplied by the frontal plane ground reaction force (FP-GRF). The present study investigated this mechanism for a unique biomechanical device capable of shifting COP by means of moveable convex elements attached to the shoe. Fourteen healthy young male subjects underwent gait analysis in two COP configurations of the device for comparison: (1) laterally and (2) medially deviated. Average midstance KLA and KAM were decreased by 8.2% and 8.7%, respectively, in the lateral COP compared to medial. Ground reaction force parameters, frontal plane knee angle (FP-KA), and spine lateral flexion angle (SLF) did not differ between COP configurations. No study parameters differed for terminal stance. Linear mixed effects models showed that COP and FP-GRF components, but not FP-KA and SLF, were significant predictors of KLA. In addition, KLA and FP-GRF were significant predictors of KAM; although, FP-GRF did not change significantly with medio-lateral COP shift, while KLA did. This suggests that the mechanism by which the study device reduces KAM is primarily through shortening of KLA brought on by a lateral shift in COP.  相似文献   

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