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Nutritional factors are known to influence metabolism and toxicity of several metals in animal experiments, but relevant human data are scarce and inconclusive. In this work, we tested the hypothesis that dietary calcium influences lead metabolism in humans. Blood lead concentrations were used as indicators of lead exposure and metabolism. Two groups of peasant women living in similar conditions in two different regions in Yugoslavia (100 in each) were chosen as subjects for this purpose. In region A, the dietary calcium intake was about 940 mg, and in region B about two times lower, i.e., 450 mg/day. The average blood lead concentration was significantly lower in women from region A (69 micrograms/L) than from region B (83 micrograms/L). Our results support the assumption that adequate calcium intake might be one of the preventive measures for decreasing lead absorption. This new evidence, sought for some time by nutritionists and toxicologists, needs further international confirmation.  相似文献   

Blood lead levels of 619 healthy and nonoccupationally exposed inhabitants of central and rural parts of Ankara, (297 females and 322 males) ages 2–80, were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Lead also was determined in the whole blood samples from 66 (all male) occupationally exposed adults. The blood lead levels were significantly higher (p<0.05) among children (16.95 μg/100 mL as a geometric mean) than the subdivided age groups of adults (geometric means by decades of age group were ranged from 8.39 μg/100 mL to 14.34 μg/100mL). The levels were lower among young adults and gradually to reach a plateau at the 50–59 age group. Although females had lower lead blood levels than males, sex difference was insignificant (p>0.05).  相似文献   

The relationship between blood lead (Pb) and serum levels of calcium and of neural nutrients such as thiamine and magnesium (Mg) has been determined in a Nigerian population that is occupationally exposed to Pb. Forty-seven male Pb workers were recruited as test subjects and 25 males unexposed to Pb served as controls. The test subjects were classified into three groups, based on severity of exposure to Pb. Blood lead (BPb) and the serum levels of Mg, thiamine, and calcium were determined in both test subjects and controls. The mean blood Pb level was not significantly higher in Pb workers. In contrast, Mg and thiamine levels were significantly decreased (p<0.05; p<0.01, respectively). However, the calcium level was not significantly lower in test subjects than in controls. Also, there was a significant negative correlation between serum thiamine and blood Pb levels (r=-0.50; p<0.01). Furthermore, there was a significant negative correlation between serum calcium and BPb levels (r=-0.41; p<0.01). This study has shown that relatively low BPb levels can enhance Pb absorption and also potentiate Pb neurotoxicity in the presence of decreased serum thiamine and Mg levels.  相似文献   

The accumulation of Cd in the kidneys is enhanced markedly if chelating agents that contain SH-groups like 2,3 dimercaptopropanol (BAL) are injected immediately after the metal. This is not a transient effect but persists for more than 3 d. It is less pronounced at higher chelate doses or when the pH of urine is increased. Our experiments indicate that chelating agents, which form unstable complexes at acid pH and are able to pass through the cell membrane, will cause metal accumulation in the kidneys.  相似文献   

An ayurvedic medicine, Liv-52, was studied as a prophylactic agent against beryllium-induced toxicity in rats. Administration of berylliumper se caused severe degenerative and necrotic changes in kidneys, liver, and uterus. Beryllium exposure also reduced glycogen content, activities of alkaline phosphatase, succinate-dehydrogenase, and adenosine-triphosphatase in these organs. On the contrary, activities of acid phosphatase and glucose-6-phosphatase showed marginal increase. Liv-52-primed rats exhibited comparatively less marked toxic effects.  相似文献   

The concentrations of cadmium, lead, selenium, and zinc in blood and seminal plasma were determined in 76 Singapore males. Except for zinc, the concentrations were generally higher in blood than in seminal plasma (cadmium, 1.31 μg/L vs 0.61 μg/L; lead, 82.6 μg/L vs 12.4 μg/L, and selenium, 163.6 μg/L vs 71.5 μg/L). The mean concentration of zinc in seminal plasma was more than 30 times higher than in blood (202 mg/L vs 6.2 mg/L). Significant positive correlations were found between the concentrations in blood and seminal plasma for the two essential trace elements: selenium (r=0.45,p<0.001) and zinc (r=0.25,p<0.05). However, no relationships were found between the concentrations in blood and seminal plasma for two toxic metals (cadmium and lead). Significant inverse correlations were observed between Cd and Zn (r=−0.40,p<0.01), and Pb and Se (r=−0.32,p<0.05) in blood, whereas significant positive correlations were noted between Cd and Se (r=0.45,p<0.01), Cd and Zn (r=0.35,p<0.05), and Se and Zn (r=0.57,p<0.001) in seminal plasma. The physiological significance of these relationships are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Cells like fibroblasts and osteoblasts are oriented by different extracellular guiding signals like an electric field, a bent surface, and a periodically stretched surface. An automatic controller is responsible for the cell alignment. The controller contains both a deterministic and a stochastic signal. The following machine properties were determined: (1) The angle dependence of the cellular signal transformer is cos 2(psi 0 - psi). (2) The set point of the automatic controller is psi 0 = +/- 90 degrees. The cells like to orient their long axis perpendicular to the direction of the applied guiding signal. (3) The signal transformer measures the extracellular signal in a quadratic fashion. The cells cannot register the sign of the guiding field. (4) The stochastic signal in the automatic controller can be quantified by a characteristic time (approximately 130 min for fibroblasts). (5) The extracellular signal is registered in cell-made standards (ratio of the deterministic and stochastic signal equals one): 0.3 +/- 0.05 V/mm for human fibroblasts (electric field) and 85 +/- 3 microns for human fibroblasts and osteoblasts (cyclindrically bent surface). (6) The lag-time in the signal transduction system of fibroblasts is approximately 4 min.  相似文献   

The effect of cadmium on zinc absorption was studied using an isolated vascularly and luminally perfused rat intestinal preparation.65Zn as well as Zn and Cd (both as the chloride salt) were added to the luminal perfusion medium (LPM) at varying concentrations. Over a 90-min period, the amount of Zn appearing in the vascular perfusion medium (VPM) and that retained by the tissue post-perfusion was estimated. Cd at all levels studied (0.03, 0.10, 1.0, and 10.0 μg/mL) reduced the amount of Zn appearing in the VPM in comparison with control perfusions (no detectable Cd in the LPM) when the initial Zn concentration was 5 μg/mL. Similarly, with an initial Zn concentration of 10 or 20 μg/mL, the amount of Zn appearing in the VPM was reduced when the Cd concentration was 0.1 or 1.0 μg/mL. With these same Zn concentrations, the amount of Zn retained by the tissue was higher when the Cd concentration was 10 μg/mL. These results demonstrate that Cd at low concentrations is capable of reducing Zn appearance in the VPM.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the methylation of arsenic in rabbits by ip injection of periodate-oxidized adenosine (PAD) prior to an iv injection of74As-arsenate (AsV; 0.4 mg As/kg body wt) caused a marked increase in the retention of74As in both the cellular organelles and the soluble fractions of liver and kidney. One day after exposure, almost 30% of the arsenic in the liver and about 40% of the arsenic in the kidney was recovered in the nuclear fraction. In the liver nuclei, the inhibition of the methylation increased the74As content of the insoluble fraction and most of this arsenic was protein-bound. The major part of the soluble intranuclear74As was in the form of AsIII, formed by reduction of the administered AsV. In the liver, PAD also caused a pronounced increase in the74As content of the microsomal fraction. In the kidneys, where most of the arsenic was present as AsV, there was a marked accumulation of arsenic in the mitochondria.  相似文献   

A double label procedure with57Co and58Co has been developed for detailed in vivo studies of erythrocyte survival. A well-type Ge detector is used in the measurements. The activities necessary for these experiments are very low, and the associated dose received by the test persons can be neglected.  相似文献   

We studied in the rat the effects of the drug etretinate (Tigason), given at three doses 3, 10, and 30 mg/kg body wt for 1 mo, on the concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, S, P, Cu, and Zn in the plasma, brain, thymus, heart, liver, lung, kidney, testicle, muscle, and bone. The elements were simultaneously determined in tissues after nitric acid dissolution by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry using a JY 48 instrument. At the dose of 3 mg/kg, etretinate did not induce any statistically significant modifications of the element distribution. At the dose of 10 mg/kg, the main observed modifications were in plasma an increase of copper (+38%) and a decrease of zinc (-25%). At the highest dose of 30 mg/kg, some variations of the concentrations of elements in tissues were observed. But, on no account did retinoids induce an alteration of the mineral composition of bone, despite obvious macroscopic bone alterations.  相似文献   

Most of the cancer cells arrested in the microcirculation during hematogenous metastasis are rapidly killed; one major mechanism is surface-membrane rupture, associated with the mechanical deformation of cancer cells in capillaries. The feasibility of increasing the susceptibility of cancer cells to lethal, deformation-associated trauma by doxorubicin, was tested in an in vitro mechanical model system, by filtering suspensions of L1210 leukemia cells through 8-μm pore-size Nuclepore® membranes, with or without prior incubation with 10-7M doxorubicin. The results showed that mechanically-induced loss of cancer cells immediately after filtration was increased from 18 to 55% in cells previously exposed to doxorubicin for 48 h. The results indicate the feasibility of chemotherapeutic enhancement of the mechanical killing-action of the microvasculature as a potential rate-regulator of hematogenous metastasis.  相似文献   

Nickel ions produce selective damage in heterochromatic regions of chromosomes. Male Chinese hamster embryo cells, which have heterochromatin along the entire long arm of the X-chromosome, exhibit an unusually high incidence of nickel-induced transformation compared with female cells of the same species. However, 3-methylcholanthrene, a carcinogen that produces a random distribution of chromosome damage, transforms female and male cells equally. Other species that do not have as much heterochromatin on the X-chromosome exhibit similar incidences of nickel-induced tumors in males and females. Four out of five of the male nickel-transformed Chinese hamster cell lines exhibit a deletion of the heterochromatic long arm of the X-chromosome as the only common karyotypic aberration. This result indicates that a deletion of a heterochromatic chromosomal region may be an important feature of the nickel-induced carcinogenic process. All of the male nickel transformed cells lines are able to form tumors in athymic nude mice.  相似文献   

Nickel is a potent carcinogen and, at high concentrations, is toxic to mammalian cells. The effects associated with nickel exposure are well-documented but its mechanism of action in the cell has not yet been fully described. In order to understand the metabolic fate of nickel in mammalian cells, a variant cell population has been selected that continues to grow and divide in the presence of nickel chloride concentrations that are toxic to the parental cell line (Balb/c-3T3 mouse fibroblasts). Nickel resistance is not caused by altered uptake of nickel from the medium or increased clearance from the cells and is not associated with changes in metallothionein expression. Compared to the normal cells, the nickel resistant cells have a decreased number of chromosomes and numerous centromeric fusions. The expression of some proteins and the distribution of nickel bound by various proteins are altered in the nickel resistant cells. Preliminary results indicate that the nickel resistant phenotype may be transferred by genomic DNA-mediated transfection into a recipient NIH-3T3 cell line. Current investigations are directed at identifying a gene responsible for nickel resistance.  相似文献   

The capability of lead to interfere with the first and/or second phase of enzymatic reaction of biotransformation has been investigated in ten lead workers and in ten controls by studying the steroid hormone sulfation andd-glucaric acid (GA) urinary excretion. No statistical differences have been found for the total amount of urinary steroids, whereas a decrease of about 50% was observed for the sulfated fraction in lead workers. The mean value for the GA excretion in the exposed subjects (1.8±0.7 mmol/mol creatinine) was significantly lower than in the control group (4.4±0.8 mmol/mol creatinine). In spite of the small number of investigated subjects, it can be hypothesized that an interaction of lead with sulfotransferase exists. The decreased GA excretion does not prove an altered activity of microsomal enzymes, although inhibition of microsomal activity following lead exposure was previously reported.  相似文献   

A rapid cyclic instrumental neutron activation analysis (CINAA) method has been used to determine the selenium content of 27 duplicate diet samples from each of the 27 districts surrounding Pinhel, Portugal. The accuracy and precision of the CINAA method have been evaluated by analyzing certified reference materials and observed to be within ±5–10% for samples containing at least 40 ppb of selenium. The detection limit has been found to vary between 26–42 ppb selenium depending on the sample composition. The average daily dietary intake has been calculated as 37 μg of selenium per day.  相似文献   

INAA has been used for the determination of Na, Mg, Al, Cl, K, Sc, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Mo, and W in grains of rice, wheat, and barley, which were collected from different plant fields in Iraq. Samples and standards were irradiated in the IRT-5000 reactor, at neutron fluxes of 2 × 1013 cm−2·s−1 and 3.2 × 1011 cm−2·s−1. Interferences of photopeaks with each other were considered, and reaction interferences were calculated and determined experimentally. Accuracy of our method was assessed by the analysis of IAEA standards Wheat Flour and Bovine liver. A good agreement has been achieved between the present results and recommended values. The precision and detection limit were determined for all elements in all types of grain.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a cupruretic agent, N,N'-bis-(2 amino ethyl)-1,3-propanediamine HCl or 2,3,2-tetramine HCl (TETA), in the induction of copper (Cu) deficiency and the ability of a Cu-deficient diet in the maintenance of the depressed Cu status 10 wk after TETA treatment were examined in this study. In the first experiment, 42 male New Zealand White rabbits, 35 d of age, were randomly divided into three dietary treatments: a copper (Cu)-deficient (2.3 mg Cu/kg diet), a Cu-adequate (13.5 mg Cu/kg diet), and a commercial ration (21.6 mg Cu/kg diet) group. A single oral dose of 100 mg of 2,3,2-tetramine HCl TETA/kg body wt/d were administered to half of the rabbits from each treatment group for 10 d while the remaining rabbits were untreated. In the second experiment, 10 similar rabbits were assigned to three treatments: Cu-deficient plus TETA (n = 4); Cu-adequate plus TETA (n = 3); and Cu-adequate alone (n = 3). The rabbits were fed a TETA dose of 100 mg/d for three 4-d periods over 3 wk, and thereafter maintained on the diets for another 10 wk. Rabbits from the first experiment fed Cu-deficient diet and treated with TETA demonstrated cardiac hypertrophy and markedly reduced plasma and liver Cu concentrations that indicated that the animals were Cu-deficient. Significant elevations (twofold) in low density lipoprotein (LDL) protein, cholesterol, triglyceride, and apolipoprotein B (apo B) concentrations were observed in TETA treated rabbits fed Cu-deficient diet. In the second experiment, the plasma LDL protein level remained elevated, the plasma Cu level was reduced 45%, and the Cu level of the heart when expressed as microgram/g dry tissue was reduced, 10 wk post TETA treatment in rabbits maintained on Cu-deficient diet. Thus, Cu deficiency and hyperlipoproteinemia was rapidly induced by TETA and was still evident 10 wk posttreatment in rabbits maintained on a Cu-deficient diet.  相似文献   

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