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The relation between a ratio scale obtained by magnitude estimationand a category scale of the odour intensity of 1-butanol wasstudied, together with individual variations in the ratio scale.Series of solutions of butanol in water in small bottles werepresented to a panel for judgement, half using the method ofmagnitude estimation, the other half a category scale. Plotswere made of the category scale against the ratio scale, andthe ratio scales of individual members of the panel were analysed.A power function exponent of 0.48 was found for the panel'sratio scale, with individual values ranging from 0.25 to 0.49.The category scale was curved relative to the ratio scale; variabilityof the magnitude estimates was approximately proportional tothe magnitude estimates; and a small time-order error was found.Odour intensity exhibits the three tested characteristics ofa prothetic continuum, and the variability of individual exponentswas not as great as sometimes suggested.  相似文献   

本文观察比较了体色正常及体色异常褐牙鲆 (Paralichthysolivaceus)皮肤中黑色素胞和鳞片的发生及演变过程。结果显示仔鱼鱼体两侧皮肤中最先出现星状幼体型黑色素胞 ,随着变态发育 ,有眼侧皮肤中成体型黑色素胞逐渐替代幼体型黑色素胞 ;而无眼侧皮肤中 ,幼体型黑色素胞逐渐退化崩解 ,成体型黑色素胞不出现 ,无眼侧皮肤逐渐失去色素变为白色。体色异常现象出现于变态后期 ,白化和黑化现象几乎同时发生。白化个体有眼侧皮肤中成体型黑色素胞不能正常替代幼体型黑色素胞 ,逐渐失去色素形成白色斑块。黑化个体无眼侧皮肤中成体型黑色素胞则非正常地出现 ,逐渐替代幼体黑色素胞形成黑斑。约 30日龄变态完成时 ,体色异常现象已经显著 ,已能明显区分体色正常和异常个体。 6 0日龄左右 ,幼鱼皮肤开始长出形态较为原始的圆鳞。体色正常个体有眼侧皮肤上的圆鳞会逐渐发育成栉鳞 ,无眼侧则维持圆鳞。对比分析体色异常个体的鳞片形态 ,发现有眼侧白化部位的鳞片仍为圆鳞 ,而无眼侧黑化部位的鳞片则发育为栉鳞。同时 ,通过对体色正在恢复中的白化牙鲆的鳞片观察表明 ,伴随着白化部位色素的恢复 ,该部位的圆鳞会逐渐转变为栉鳞。由此推断色素的发生与鳞片的发育密切相关  相似文献   


An historical treatment of a number of principal events is given. This leads to an assessment of the current research approach in hydrobiology and its success in the development of process orientated ecosystem component models. With the contemporaneous development of similar models in hydrodynamics it is possible to link the two disciplines into an interactive framework. The recent work in the Hartbeespoort Dam project, Lake le Roux and Burrinjack Reservoir, Western Australia shows how valuable this approach has become, particularly as regards defining, with greater precision, the effects of variation in stability in the uppermixed layer of reservoirs upon the accumulation and dispersion of algal communities.  相似文献   

分子标记在植物学中的应用及前景   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
1 引言随着近年来分子生物学的发展,遗传标记的种类已越来越多,不只局限于传统的形态标记,分子标记尤其显示出独特的优越性,并被广泛地应用于植物学研究的各个领域。那么什么叫标记呢?King和Stansfield〔1〕将其定义为代表一个位于染色体上已知位点的基因或一种清晰的表型性状。总的来说,分子标记目前主要应用于两方面:一是作为基因,尤其是一些重要农艺性状基因如抗虫、抗病基因或数量性状基因的检测尺度,要做到这点,首先必须确定与目的基因紧密连锁的分子标记;二是作为种群分析、种质资源分析及遗传育种的研究依据。2 分子标记的种类及…  相似文献   

云南菌种资源信息系统的开发与应用*   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用程序设计语言与数据库引擎,开发了“云南菌种资源信息系统”。信息系统包含了云南大学微生物所菌种资源库保藏的1万余株菌种的信息及相关资料,系统的开发不仅为菌种资源库的管理提供了方便,还能为有关科研工作及应用开发提供科学准确的资料。  相似文献   

Traditional methods of acquiring mass data limit the ability to collect large samples from across populations of some pinnipeds, or to sample without great disturbance to the animals. In order to collect substantial samples of mass data from the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) population in Erebus Bay, Antarctica, we developed the equipment and methods for estimating the mass of Weddell seals using digital photographs. Resulting regression models predict the mass of adult female seals to within ±13.8% of estimated mass, and ±25.9% of estimated mass for pups. We show the protocols developed are repeatable and efficient enough to be applied to a large number of animals in a relatively short period of time and may be useful for studies of other marine mammals. We caution that prediction intervals exist around mass estimates and must be accounted for when estimates are applied to biological questions. In a limited application of the method, differences in mass transfer between experienced and inexperienced maternal females and their pups were detected when prediction error variance around mass estimates was explicitly included. Similar mass‐estimation methods may therefore be useful in consideration of biological questions requiring large samples of mass previously unattainable.  相似文献   

杀虫双和杀螟丹选育对小菜蛾抗药性的形成及其抗性机制   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:24  
陈之浩  刘传秀 《昆虫学报》1993,36(4):409-418
用杀虫双和杀螟丹在实验室以点滴法处理小菜蛾Plutella xylostella L.四龄幼虫,以连续继代药剂淘汰选育其抗药性。至35代,药剂汰选的小菜蛾对杀虫双和杀螟丹的抗药性较选育前正常品系分别提高了51倍和25倍。其抗药性的形成发展均呈S形,可认为已成为抗性品系。以有机磷、氨基甲酸酯、拟除虫菊酯及有机氮等11种杀虫剂测试抗杀虫双小菜蛾品系和抗杀螟丹小菜蛾品系对常用药剂的敏感度结果表明:对杀虫双、杀螟丹和杀虫环之间有较严重的正交互抗性;对敌敌艮、马拉硫磷和杀螟松有轻微交互抗性产生;对溴氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯、氯菊酯和灭多威、久效威等药剂更加敏感,呈负交互抗性。用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)法测定表明,抗药性产生与特异性酯酶的形成有一定关系。用比色法和酸度法测定,抗性品系的乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)活性降低,羧酸酯酶(CarE)活性无差异。加增效剂Pb和SV1:于四龄幼虫表皮,对抗杀虫双小菜蛾晶系分别有6.28及1.45倍的增效作用;对抗杀螟丹小菜蛾品系分别有4.85及1.39倍的增效作用,可见多功能氧化酶(MFO)为小菜蛾抗杀虫双和抗杀螟丹的重要因子。  相似文献   

The species composition of phytoflagellates in the Salton Sea has recently been the subject of intense investigation as part of an analysis of the Salton Sea ecosystem. The Salton Sea, an inland sea occupying 980 km2 in southern California, has become a major stopping point for migratory birds along the Pacific Flyway. The increasing salinity of the sea, currently at 44 gm L−1, and its eutrophic condition (average depth is nine meters, with a high nutrient load contributed by agricultural drainage from the surrounding farmlands) have contributed to a stressed ecosystem. Massive fish kills and bird kills, including such endangered birds as the brown pelican, have become a recurring problem. Although previous investigations have noted the presence of at least two phytoflagellates implicated in fish mortality, little attention has been paid the to the identities of the smaller flagellates observed growing in the sea and their possible contribution to the fish and bird population mortality. Using freshly collected field samples as well as enrichment culture techniques, we report the occurrence of several genera of cryptomonads in the Salton Sea, including representatives from the genera Chroomonas , Hemiselmis , Leucocryptos , Plagioselmis , Storeatula and Teleaulax.  相似文献   

The adult leaf of Carludovica palmata consists of a plicate lamina, adaxial hastula, petiole, and sheath. The leaf is unusual in the angiosperms because about two-thirds of the apical meristem is utilized in its initiation. The adult leaf requires about 4–5 plastochrons to mature. Shortly after its initiation the adult leaf and apical meristem collectively appear pyramid-shaped and various parts of the mature adult leaf may be traced back to particular portions of the pyramid. Plications develop by differential growth within the lamina, not by splitting of leaf tissue. Quantitative studies indicate that certain regions of the developing adult leaf elongate more rapidly or slowly than other regions depending upon the stage of leaf development. The adult leaf of C. palmata develops differently from those of previously studied palms in various ways. It therefore appears less justifiable to consider the superficial similarity between the adult leaves of various Cyclanthaceae (particularly those of Carludovica sensu strictu) and those of fan palms as evidence of especial affinity between the Cyclanthaceae and Palmae. Juvenile leaves of C. palmata differ from adult leaves both in their mode of origin and appearance at maturity. The juvenile leaf appears homologous to the entire adult leaf.  相似文献   

角鲨烯是几类常见甾醇的前体物质,具有重要的生物活性和广泛的食药价值。由于对海洋野生动物及渔业资源的保护,角鲨烯的商业化生产受到了极大限制。寻找新的可持续来源的角鲨烯资源十分重要。本文主要阐述了角鲨烯的生物活性、来源及其应用,分析了不同生物来源角鲨烯的生物合成途径与常见的提取工艺,提出了利用微生物,尤其是微藻进行高价值角鲨烯绿色生产的经济可行性。文章以期为角鲨烯的工业化生产与应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

啤酒酵母的开发应用及其制代可可粉的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了啤酒酵母营养的成分和医用价值,概述了国内外开发应用啤酒酵母的研究功态,研究了用啤酒酵母加工代可可粉的工艺路线和方法,同时回收了啤酒,测定了代可可粉的营养成分,并用之加工巧克力和可可饮料,结果表明,其效果与天然可可粉类同。  相似文献   

海洋微生物天然活性物质的开发应用进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
综合课题研究和国内外文献资料报道概括了海洋微生物及其天然活性物质的开发和应用现状、海洋微生物天然活性物质的研究开发方法及其开发和应用前景。  相似文献   

Category ratings are a popular device for assessing preferences and for guiding efforts in the development of new products. They are frequently misinterpreted or misused, however, because their use is so closely analogized to the process of fundamental measurement. Unlike physical measures, psychological scales such as category ratings are strongly affected by situational or contextual factors which must be carefully controlled and fully understood for proper use of the scale. Category ratings are affected by stimulus range and frequency, number of stimuli and number of categories, as well as by stimulus sequence. Implications for appropriate use of the scale in sensory evaluation are addressed.  相似文献   

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