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A6 cells, a kidney derived epithelial cell line, when cultured either on a collagen-coated substrate or on polycarbonate substrate without collagen form confluent monolayers that are similar in cell density and overall morphology. However, the transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) of monolayers grown on the collagen-coated substrate is ninefold higher than that of monolayers grown without collagen. A comparative freeze-fracture study showed that this large difference in TER is not related to the length or number of tight junction strands but to differences in the specific conductance of individual strands. This conductance was obtained considering the TER, the linear junctional density and the mean number of tight junction strands. We estimated the specific linear conductance of the tight junction strands to be 2.56 × 10−7 S/cm for cells grown on collagen and 30.3 × 10−7 S/cm for the cells grown without collagen. We also examined changes in distribution and phosphorylation states of the zonula occludens associated protein, ZO-1, during monolayer formation. Immunocytochemistry reveals that the distribution of ZO-1 follows a similar time course and pattern independent of the presence or absence of collagen. While the amount of ZO-1 expression is identical in cells grown on both substrates, this protein is phosphorylated to a greater extent during the initial stages of confluence in cells cultured on collagen. We suggest that the phosphorylation levels of ZO-1 in A6 cells at the early stages of monolayer formation may determine the final molecular structure and specific conductance of the tight junctions strands. Received: 18 September 1996/Revised: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

This study shows that resealing of opened tight junctions (TJs) is impaired by interaction with oligopeptides homologous to the external domain of chick occludin. The experiments were carried out with confluent A6 cell monolayers grown on collagen supports under stable transepithelial electrical resistance (TER). The monolayers were bathed on the apical side with a 75 mm KCl solution and on the basolateral side by NaCl-Ringer's solution. TJ opening was induced by basolateral Ca2+ removal and was characterized by a marked drop of TER. The reintroduction of Ca2+ triggered junction resealing as indicated by an elevation of TER to control values. Custom-made peptides SNYYGSGLSY (corresponding to the residues 100 to 109) and SNYYGSGLS (residues 100 to 108), homologous to segments of the first external loop of chick occludin molecule, impaired junction resealing when the peptides were included in the apical bathing fluid (concentrations in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 mg/ml). Peptide removal from the apical solution usually triggered a slow recovery of TER, indicating a slow recovery of the TJ seal. Changes in localization of ZO-1, a cytoplasmic protein that underlies the membrane at the TJs, were evaluated immunocytochemically following Ca2+ removal and reintroduction. The presence or absence of the oligopeptides showed no influence on the pattern of change of ZO-1 localization. These observations support the hypothesis that the TJ seal results from the interaction of specific homologous segments of occludin on the surface of adjacent cells. Additionally, our results show that small peptides homologous to segments of the occludin first external loop can be used as specific reagents to manipulate the permeability of tight junctions. Received: 4 December 1998/Revised: 22 January 1999  相似文献   

This study focuses, in A6 cell monolayers, on the role of protein kinases in the dynamics of tight junction (TJ) opening and closing. The early events of TJ dynamics were evaluated by the fast Ca++-switch assay (FCSA), which consisted of opening the TJs by removing basolateral Ca++ (Ca++ bl), and closing them by returning Ca++ bl to normal values. Changes in TJ permeability can be reliably gauged through changes of transepithelial electrical conductance (G) determined in the absence of apical Na+. The FCSA allows the evaluation of the effects of drugs and procedures acting upon the mechanism controlling the TJs. The time courses of TJ opening and closing in response to the FCSA followed single-exponential time courses. A rise of apical Ca++ (Ca++ ap) causes a reduction of TJ opening rate in an FCSA or even a partial recuperation of G, an effect that is interpreted as mediated by Ca++ ap entering the open TJs. Protein kinase C (PKC) inhibition by H7 at low concentrations caused a reduction of the rate of junction opening in response to Ca++ bl removal, without affecting junction closing, indicating that PKC in this preparation is a key element in the control of TJ opening dynamics. H7 at 100 μm completely inhibits TJ opening in response to Ca++ bl withdrawal. Subsequent H7 removal caused a prompt inhibition release characterized by a sharp G increase, a process that can be halted again by H7 reintroduction into the bathing solution. Differently from the condition in which Ca++ is absent from the apical solution, in which H7 halts the process of G increase in response to a FCSA, when Ca++ is present in the apical solution, addition of H7 during G increase in an FCSA not only induces a halt of the G increase but causes a marked recuperation of the TJ seal, indicated by a drop of G, suggesting a cooperative effect of Ca++ and H7 on the TJ sealing process. Staurosporine, another PKC inhibitor, differently from H7, slowed both G increase and G decrease in an FCSA. Even at high concentrations (400 nm) staurosporine did not completely block the effect of Ca++ withdrawal. These discrepancies between H7 and staurosporine might result from distinct PKC isoforms participating in different steps of TJ dynamics, which might be differently affected by these inhibitors. Immunolocalizations of TJ proteins, carried out in conditions similar to the electrophysiological experiments, show a very nice correlation between ZO-1 and claudin-1 localizations and G alterations induced by Ca++ removal from the basolateral solution, both in the absence and presence of H7. Received: 18 April 2001/Revised: 16 July 2001  相似文献   

The present study aimed to characterize the role of protein kinase C (PKC) on the dynamics of tight junction (TJ) opening and closing in the frog urinary bladder. The early events of TJ dynamics were evaluated by the fast Ca++ switch assay (FCSA), which consisted in opening the TJs by removing basolateral Ca++ ([Ca++] bl ), and closing them by returning [Ca++] bl to normal values. Changes in TJ permeability can be reliably gauged through changes of transepithelial electrical conductance (G) determined in the absence of apical Na+. The FCSA allows the appraisal of drugs and procedures acting upon the mechanism controlling the TJs. The time courses of TJ opening and closing in an FCSA were shown to follow single exponential time courses. PKC inhibition by H7 (100 μm) caused a reduction of the rate of junction opening in response to removing [Ca++] bl , without affecting junction closing, indicating that PKC is a key element in the control of TJ opening dynamics in this preparation. H7 at 250 μm almost completely inhibits TJ opening in response to basolateral Ca++ withdrawal. Subsequent H7 removal caused a prompt inhibition release characterized by a sharp G increase which, however, once started cannot be stopped by H7 reintroduction, Ca++ being necessary to allow TJ recovery. A step rise of apical Ca++ concentration ([Ca++] ap ) causes a reduction of the rate of TJ opening in a FCSA, an effect that is believed to be mediated by apical Ca++ entering the open TJs. The specific condition of having Ca++ only in the apical solution and the TJs located midway between the Ca++ source (apical solution) and the Ca++-binding sites presumably located at the zonula adhaerens, might configure a situation in which a control feedback loop is set up. A rise of [Ca++] ap during the phase of G increase in an FCSA causes a transient recovery of G followed by a subsequent escape phase where G increases again. Oscillations of G also appear in response to a rise of apical Ca++. Both escape and oscillations result from the properties of the TJ regulatory feedback loop. In conclusion, the present results indicate that PKC plays a key role in TJ opening in response to extracellular Ca++ withdrawal without major effect on the reverse process. In addition, PKC inhibition by H7 not only prevents TJ opening in response to basolateral Ca++ removal but induces a prompt blockade of TJ oscillations induced by apical Ca++, oscillations which reappear again when H7 is removed. Received: 9 May 2000/Revised: 30 August 2000  相似文献   

Elevation in intracellular Ca2+ acting via protein kinase C (PKC) is shown to regulate tight junction resistance in T84 cells, a human colon cancer line and a model Cl secretory epithelial cell. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187, which was used to increase the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, caused a decrease in tight junction resistance in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Dual Na+/mannitol serosal-to-mucosal flux analysis performed across the T84 monolayers treated with 2 μm A23187 revealed that A23187 increased both fluxes and that in the presence of ionophore there was a linear relationship between the Na+ and mannitol fluxes with a slope of 56.4, indicating that the decrease in transepithelial resistance was due to a decrease in tight junction resistance. Whereas there was no effect of 0.1 μm A23187, 1 or 2 μm produced a 55% decrease in baseline resistance in 1 hr and 10 μm decreased resistance more than 80%. The A23187-induced decrease in tight junction resistance was partially reversible by washing 3 times with a Ringer's-HCO3 solution containing 1% BSA. The A23187 effect on resistance was dependent on intracellular Ca2+; loading the T84 cells with the intracellular Ca2+ chelator BAPTA significantly reduced the decrease in tight junction resistance caused by A23187. This intracellular Ca2+ effect was mediated by protein kinase C and not calmodulin. While the protein kinase C antagonist H-7 totally prevented the action of A23187 on tight junction resistance, the Ca2+/calmodulin inhibitor W13 did not have any effect. Sphingosine, another inhibitor of PKC, partially reduced the A23187-induced decline in tight junction resistance. The PKC agonist PMA mimicked the A23187 effect on resistance, although the effect was delayed up to 1 hr after exposure. In addition, however, PMA also caused an earlier increase in resistance, indicating it had an additional effect in addition to mimicking the effect of elevating Ca2+. The effects of a phospholipase inhibitor (mepacrine) and of inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism (indomethacin for the cyclooxygenase pathway, NDGA for the lipoxygenase pathway, and SKF 525A for the epoxygenase pathway) on the A23187 action were also examined. None of these agents altered the A23187-induced decrease in resistance. Monolayers exposed to 2 μm A23187 for 1 hr were stained with fluorescein conjugated phalloidin, revealing that neighboring cells did not part one from another and that A23187 did not have a detectable effect on distribution of F-actin in the perijunctional actomyosin ring. The results indicate that elevation in intracellular Ca2+ decreases tight junction resistance in the T84 monolayer, acting through protein kinase C by a mechanism which does not involve visible changes in the perijunctional actomyosin ring. Received: 14 July 1995/Revised: 25 September 1995  相似文献   

The role of 3′,5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), protein kinase A (PKA), protein kinase C (PKC) and phosphatases in the regulation of the taurine influx via the β-system in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells has been investigated. The taurine uptake by the β-system in Ehrlich cells is inhibited when PKC is activated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and when protein phosphatases are inhibited by calyculin A (CLA). On the other hand, taurine uptake by the β-system is stimulated by an increased level of cAMP or following addition of N6,2′-O-dibutyryl-3′,5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (dbcAMP). The effect of dbcAMP is partially blocked by addition of the protein kinase inhibitor H-89, and suppressed in the presence of CLA. It is proposed that the β-system in the Ehrlich cells exists in three states of activity: State I, where a PKC phosphorylation site on the transporter or on a regulator is phosphorylated and transport activity is low. State II, where the PKC phosphorylation site is dephosphorylated and transport activity is normal. State III, representing a state with high transport activity, induced by an elevated cellular cAMP level. Apparently, cAMP preferentially stimulates taurine transport when the β-system is in State II. Received: 8 September/Revised: 9 November 1995  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJs) are cell-to-cell contacts made of strands, which appear as ridges on P faces and complementary furrows on E faces on freeze fracture replicas. Evidences and opinions on whether these strands are composed of either membrane-bound proteins or lipid micelles are somewhat varied. In the present work we alter the lipid composition of Madin-Darby canine kidney monolayers using a novel approach, while studying (i) their transepithelial electrical resistance, a parameter that depends on the degree of sealing of the TJs; (ii) the apical-to-basolateral flux of 4 kD fluorescent dextran (JDEX), that reflects the permeability of the intercellular spaces; (iii) the ability of TJs to restrict apical-to-basolateral diffusion of membrane lipids; and (iv) the pattern of distribution of endogenous and transfected occludin, the sole membrane protein presently known to form part of the TJs. We show that changing the total composition of phospholipids, sphingolipids, cholesterol and the content of fatty acids, does not alter TER nor the structure of the strands. Interestingly, enrichment with linoleic acid increases the JDEX by 631%. The fact that this increase is not reflected in a decrease of TER, suggests that junctional strands do not act as simple resistive elements but may contain mobile translocating mechanisms. Received: 7 November 1997/Revised: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

Occludin is a transmembrane protein of the tight junction with two extracellular loops. Our previous demonstration that the extracellular loops are adhesive suggested the possibility that they contribute to localizing occludin at the tight junction. To address this question, truncated forms of occludin were generated in which one or both of the extracellular loops were deleted. These constructs were expressed in both occludin-null Rat-1 fibroblasts and in MDCK epithelial cells. The patterns of sensitivity to proteinase K suggested all constructs were present on the plasma membrane and retained the normal topology. In fibroblasts, all truncated forms of occludin colocalized with ZO-1 at regions of cell-cell contact, demonstrating that even in the absence of tight junctions cytoplasmic interactions with ZOs is sufficient to cluster occludin. In MDCK cell monolayers, both full-length and occludin lacking the first extracellular loop colocalized with ZO-1 at the tight junction. In contrast, constructs lacking the second, or both, extracellular loops were absent from tight junctions and were found only on the basolateral cell surface. By freeze-fracture electron microscopic analysis, overexpression of full length occludin induced side-to-side aggregation of fibrils within the junction, while excess occludin on the lateral membrane did not form fibrils. These results suggest that the second extracellular domain is required for stable assembly of occludin in the tight junction and that occludin influences the structural organization of the paracellular barrier. Received: 26 June 2000/Revised: 25 September 2000  相似文献   

We studied the expression, distribution, and phosphorylation of the tight junction (TJ) protein occludin in confluent MDCK cell monolayers following three procedures for opening and resealing of TJs. When Ca2+ is transiently removed from the culture medium, the TJs open and the cells separate from each other, but the occludin band around each cell is retained. When Ca2+ is reintroduced, the TJs reseal. When the monolayers are exposed to prolonged Ca2+ starvation the cells maintain contact, but occludin disappears from the cell borders and can be detected only in a cytoplasmic compartment. When Ca2+ is reintroduced, new TJs are assembled and the transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) is reestablished in about 20 hr. Monolayers treated with the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) show a different pattern of TJ opening: the cell-cell contact is maintained but the TJ strand network, as seen in freeze-fracture replicas, becomes discontinuous. Occludin is still localized at the cell periphery, but in a pattern of distribution that matches the discontinuous TJ. These TJs do not reseal even 24 hr after removal of the TPA. Western blot analysis showed that the 62–65 kD double band of occludin did not change with these treatments. However, in vivo phosphorylation analysis showed that the TPA treatment reduced the phosphorylation levels of occludin, while the prolonged Ca2+ starvation completely dephosphorylated the two occludin bands. In addition, a highly phosphorylated 71 kD band that immunoprecipitates with occludin is not present when TJ is opened by the Ca2+ removal. Phosphoaminoacid analysis showed that the 62–65 kD occludin bands are phosphorylated on serine and threonine, while the 71 kD band was phosphorylated exclusively on serine. Our results provide further evidence that phosphorylation of occludin is an important step in regulating TJ formation and permeability. Received: 28 December 1998/Revised: 8 April 1999  相似文献   

It is well known, that in mammalian small intestine, cAMP increases Cl permeability of the apical membrane of enterocytes as part of its secretory action. Paradoxically, this is usually accompanied by an increase of the transepithelial resistance. In the present study we report that in the presence of bumetanide (to block basolateral Cl uptake) cAMP always decreased the transepithelial resistance. We examined whether this decrease in resistance was due to a cAMP-dependent increase of the paracellular electrolyte permeability in addition to the increase of the Cl permeability of the apical cell membrane. We used diffusion potentials induced by serosal replacement of NaCl, and transepithelial current passage to evoke transport number effects. The results revealed that cAMP (but not carbachol) could increase the Cl permeability of the tight junctions in rat ileum. Moreover, we observed a variation in transepithelial resistance of individual tissue preparations, inversely related to the cation selectivity of the tissue, suggesting that Na+ permeability of the tight junctions can vary between preparations. Received: 7 September 1996/Revised: 5 November 1996  相似文献   

Bending the MDCK Cell Primary Cilium Increases Intracellular Calcium   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
We tested the hypothesis that the primary cilium of renal epithelia is mechanically sensitive and serves as a flow sensor in MDCK cells using differential interference contrast and fluorescence microscopy. Bending the cilium, either by suction with a micropipette or by increasing the flow rate of perfusate, causes intracellular calcium to substantially increase as indicated by the fluorescent indicator, Fluo-4. This calcium signal is initiated by Ca2+-influx through mechanically sensitive channels that probably reside in the cilium or its base. The influx is followed by calcium release from IP3-sensitive stores. The calcium signal then spreads as a wave from the perturbed cell to its neighbors by diffusion of a second messenger through gap junctions. This spreading of the calcium wave points to flow sensing as a coordinated event within the tissue, rather than an isolated phenomenon in a single cell. Measurement of the membrane potential difference by microelectrode during perfusate flow reveals a profound hyperpolarization during the period of elevated intracellular calcium. We conclude that the primary cilium in MDCK cells is mechanically sensitive and responds to flow by greatly increasing intracellular calcium. Received: 4 April 2001/Revised: 28 June 2001  相似文献   

Until recently, studies to characterize the intestinal epithelial Na+/H+ exchangers had to be done in nonepithelial, mutated fibroblasts. In these cells, detection of any Na+/H+ exchange activity requires prior acid loading. Furthermore, most of these experiments used intracellular pH changes to measure NHE activity. Because changes in pH i only approximate Na+/H+ exchange activity, and may be confounded by alterations in buffering capacity and/or non-NHE contributions to pH regulation, we have used 22[Na] unidirectional apical to cell uptake to measure activities specific to NHE2 or NHE3. Furthermore, we performed these measurements under basal, nonacid-stimulated conditions to avoid bias from this nonphysiological experimental precondition. Both brush border NHEs, when expressed in the well-differentiated, intestinal villuslike Caco-2 subclone, C2bbe (C2), localize to the C2 apical domain and are regulated by second messengers in the same way they are regulated in vivo. Increases in intracellular calcium and cAMP inhibit both isoforms, while phorbol ester affects only NHE3. NHE2 inhibition by cAMP and Ca++ involves changes to both K Na and V max . In contrast, the same two second messengers inhibit NHE3 by a decrease in V max exclusively. Phorbol ester activation of protein kinase C alters both V max and K Na of NHE3, suggesting a multilevel regulatory mechanism. We conclude that NHE2 and NHE3, in epithelial cells, are basally active and are differentially regulated by signal transduction pathways. Received: 28 January 1999/Revised: 18 May 1999  相似文献   

The lateral intercellular spaces (LIS) of MDCK cell epithelia grown on permeable supports are about 0.4 pH units acidic to the bathing solutions, presumably because of buffering by the fixed negative charges on the surface of the lateral cell membranes. To test the hypothesis that fixed buffers are responsible for the acidity, a theoretical and experimental approach was developed for the determination of the concentration and pK of the fixed buffer constituted by the glycocalyx. The pH of the solution in the LIS was measured by ratiometric fluorescence microscopy while the buffer concentration or composition of the bathing solutions was altered. In addition, the divalent cation Sr2+ was added to the perfusion solutions to displace protons from the fixed buffer sites for the determination of the fixed buffer properties. We conclude that the LIS contain 3.7 mm of pK 6.2 fixed buffer and that this buffer is responsible for the acidic microenvironment in the LIS. Received: 9 April 1998/Revised: 28 July 1998  相似文献   

The diffusion coefficients of four solutes ranging in molecular weight from 238 to 10,000 in the lateral intercellular spaces (LIS) of cultured kidney cells (MDCK) grown on permeable supports were determined from the spread of fluorescence produced after the release of caged compounds by a pulse from a UV laser. Two types of experiments were performed: measurement of the rate of change of fluorescence after releasing a caged fluorophore, and measurement of the change in fluorescence of a relatively static fluorescent dye produced by the diffusion of an uncaged ligand for the dye. Fluorescence intensity was determined by photon-counting the outputs of a multichannel photomultiplier tube. Diffusion coefficients were determined in free solution as well as in the LIS of MDCK cells grown on permeable supports and the hindrance factor, θ, determined from the ratio of the free solution diffusivity to that in the LIS. The hindrance factors for 3000-MW dextran, 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (HPTS, MW 524) and N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N′-2-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES, MW 238) were not significantly different from 1. The diffusion of 10,000-MW dextran was substantially reduced in the LIS with a θ of 5.6 ± 0.3. Enzymatic digestion by neuraminidase of the sialic acid residues of the glycosylation groups in the LIS increased the diffusivity of the 10,000-MW dextran 1.8-fold indicating hindrance by the glycocalyx. We conclude that small solutes, such as Na+ and Cl, would not be significantly restricted in their diffusion in the LIS and that solute concentration gradients could not develop along the LIS under physiologic conditions. Received: 7 October 1999  相似文献   

We examined the effect of respiratory acidosis on the Na-HCO3 cotransporter activity in primary cultures of the proximal tubule of the rabbit exposed to 10% CO2 for 5 min, 2, 4, 24 and 48 hr. Cells exposed to 10% CO2 showed a significant increase in Na-HCO3 cotransporter activity (expressed as % of control levels, 5 min: 142 ± 6, 2 hr: 144 ± 13, 4 hr: 145 ± 11, 24 hr: 150 ± 15, 48 hr: 162 ± 24). The increase in activity was reversible after 48 hr. The role of protein kinase C (PKC) on the stimulatory effect of respiratory acidosis on the cotransporter was examined in presence of PKC inhibitor calphostin C or in presence of PKC depletion. Both calphostin C and PKC depletion prevented the effect of 10% CO2 for 5 min or 4 hr to increase the activity of the cotransporter. 10% CO2 for 5 min or 4 hr increased total and particulate fraction PKC activity. To examine the role of phosphotyrosine kinase (PTK) on the increase in cotransporter activity we studied the effect of two different inhibitors, 2-hydroxy-5-(2,5-dihydroxylbenzyl) aminobenzoic acid (HAC) and methyl 2,5-dihydroxycinnamate (DHC) which inhibit phosphotyrosine kinase in basolateral membranes. Cells were pretreated either with vehicle or HAC or DHC and then exposed to 10% CO2 for 5 min or 4 hr. In cells treated with vehicle, 10% CO2 significantly increased cotransporter activity as compared to control cells exposed to 5% CO2. This stimulation by 10% CO2 was completely prevented by HAC or DHC at 5 min (5% CO2: 1.8 ± 0.2, 10% CO2: 2.6 ± 0.2, 10% CO2+ HAC: 1.6 ± 0.2, 10% CO2: +DHC: 2.0 ± 0.3 pH unit/min) and also at 4 hr. The protein synthesis inhibitors actinomycin D and cycloheximide appear to prevent the effect of 10% CO2 for 4 hr on the cotransporter. Our results show that early respiratory acidosis stimulates the Na-HCO3 cotransporter through PKC and PTK-dependent mechanisms and the late effect appears to be mediated through protein synthesis. Received: 28 March 1997/Revised: 22 December 1997  相似文献   

The water permeability of the apical and basolateral cell membranes and the compliance of the lateral intercellular spaces (LIS) of MDCK monolayers were measured on confluent cultures grown on permeable supports. Cell membrane water permeabilities were determined, using quantitative differential interference light microscopy, from the rate of cell volume decrease after exposure to a hyperosmotic bathing solution. Both membranes exhibited osmotic water permeabilities (POSM) of ∼10 μm/sec, comparable to that of unmodified lipid bilayers. The compliance of the cell membranes forming the lateral intercellular space (LIS) between cells was determined from the pressure-volume relation. Confocal microscopy of fluorescent labeling of the basolateral cell membranes was used to delineate the LIS geometry as transepithelial hydrostatic pressure was varied. The LIS were poorly deformable as a function of transepithelial hydrostatic pressure until a pressure of ≥8 cm H2O (basolateral > apical) was reached where catastrophic failure of intercellular connections occurred. The compliance of the LIS was calculated from the geometry changes at pressures <8 cm H2O and ranged from 0.05–0.11 cm H2O−1, comparable to that previously predicted in mathematical models of the rat proximal tubule. Received: 10 January 1996/Revised: 9 May 1996  相似文献   

Cell Surface Area Regulation and Membrane Tension   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The beautifully orchestrated regulation of cell shape and volume are central themes in cell biology and physiology. Though it is less well recognized, cell surface area regulation also constitutes a distinct task for cells. Maintaining an appropriate surface area is no automatic side effect of volume regulation or shape change. The issue of surface area regulation (SAR) would be moot if all cells resembled mammalian erythrocytes in being constrained to change shape and volume using existing surface membrane. But these enucleate cells are anomalies, possessing no endomembrane. Most cells use endomembrane to continually rework their plasma membrane, even while maintaining a given size or shape. This membrane traffic is intensively studied, generally with the emphasis on targeting and turnover of proteins and delivery of vesicle contents. But surface area (SA) homeostasis, including the controlled increase or decrease of SA, is another of the outcomes of trafficking. Our principal aims, then, are to highlight SAR as a discrete cellular task and to survey evidence for the idea that membrane tension is central to the task. Cells cannot directly ``measure' their volume or SA, yet must regulate both. We posit that a homeostatic relationship exists between plasma membrane tension and plasma membrane area, which implies that cells detect and respond to deviations around a membrane tension set point. Maintenance of membrane strength during membrane turnover, a seldom-addressed aspect of SA dynamics, we examine in the context of SAR. SAR occurs in both animal and plant cells. The review shows the latter to be a continuing source of groundbreaking work on tension-sensitive SAR, but is principally slanted to animal cells. Received: 1 May 2000/Revised: 14 August 2000  相似文献   

Amiloride-sensitive, Na+-dependent, DIDS-insensitive cytoplasmic alkalinization is observed after hypertonic challenge in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. This was assessed using the fluorescent pH-sensitive probe 2′,7′-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5,6-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). A parallel increase in the amiloride-sensitive unidirectional Na+ influx is also observed. This indicates that hypertonic challenge activates a Na+/H+ exchanger. Activation occurs after several types of hypertonic challenge, is a graded function of the osmotic challenge, and is temperature-dependent. Observations on single cells reveal a considerable variation in the shrinkage-induced changes in cellular pH i , but the overall picture confirms the results from cell suspensions. Shrinkage-induced alkalinization and recovery of cellular pH after an acid load, is strongly reduced in ATP-depleted cells. Furthermore, it is inhibited by chelerythrine and H-7, inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC). In contrast, Calyculin A, an inhibitor of protein phosphatases PP1 and PP2A, stimulates shrinkage-induced alkalinization. Osmotic activation of the exchanger is unaffected by removal of calcium from the experimental medium, and by buffering of intracellular free calcium with BAPTA. At 25 mm HCO 3, but not in nominally HCO 3-free medium, Na+/H+ exchange contributes significantly to regulatory volume increase in Ehrlich cells. Under isotonic conditions, the Na+/H+ exchanger is activated by ionomycin, an effect which may be secondary to ionomycin-induced cell shrinkage. Received: 2 March 1995/Revised: 29 September 1995  相似文献   

The microenvironment near the apical membrane of MDCK cells was studied by quantitation of the fluorescence of wheat germ agglutin attached to fluorescein (WGA). WGA was shown to bind to sialic acid residues attached to galactose at the α-2,3 position in the glycocalyx on the apical membrane. Young MDCK cells (5–8 days after splitting) showed a patchy distribution of WGA at stable sites that returned to the same locations after removal of sialic acid residues by neuraminidase treatment. Other lectins also showed stable binding to patches on the apical membrane of young cells. The ratio of WGA fluorescence emission at two excitation wavelengths was used to measure near-membrane pH. The near-membrane pH was markedly acidic to the pH 7.4 bathing solution in both young and older cells (13–21 days after splitting). Patches on the apical membrane of young cells exhibited a range of near-membrane pH values with a mean ±sem of 6.86 ± 0.04 (n= 121) while the near-membrane pH of older cells was 6.61 ± 0.04 (n= 120) with a uniform WGA distribution. We conclude that the distribution of lectin binding sites in young cells reflects the underlying nonrandom location of membrane proteins in the apical membrane and that nonuniformities in the pH of patches may indicate regional differences in membrane acid-base transport as well as in the location of charged sugars in the glycocalyx. Received: 15 December 1999/Revised: 16 March 2000  相似文献   

We evaluated mechanisms which mediate alterations in intracellular biochemical events in response to transient mechanical stimulation of colonic smooth muscle cells. Cultured myocytes from the circular muscle layer of the rabbit distal colon responded to brief focal mechanical deformation of the plasma membrane with a transient increase in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+] i ) with peak of 422.7 ± 43.8 nm above an average resting [Ca2+] i of 104.8 ± 10.9 nm (n= 57) followed by both rapid and prolonged recovery phases. The peak [Ca2+] i increase was reduced by 50% in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, while the prolonged [Ca2+] i recovery was either abolished or reduced to ≤15% of control values. In contrast, no significant effect of gadolinium chloride (100 μm) or lanthanum chloride (25 μm) on either peak transient or prolonged [Ca2+] i recovery was observed. Pretreatment of cells with thapsigargin (1 μm) resulted in a 25% reduction of the mechanically induced peak [Ca2+] i response, while the phospholipase C inhibitor U-73122 had no effect on the [Ca2+] i transient peak. [Ca2+] i transients were abolished when cells previously treated with thapsigargin were mechanically stimulated in Ca2+-free solution, or when Ca2+ stores were depleted by thapsigargin in Ca2+-free solution. Pretreatment with the microfilament disrupting drug cytochalasin D (10 μm) or microinjection of myocytes with an intracellular saline resulted in complete inhibition of the transient. The effect of cytochalasin D was reversible and did not prevent the [Ca2+] i increases in response to thapsigargin. These results suggest a communication, which may be mediated by direct mechanical link via actin filaments, between the plasma membrane and an internal Ca2+ store. Received: 24 March 1997/Revised: 21 July 1997  相似文献   

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