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The feeding behavior of the southern subspecies of Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata yakui) was studied over a period of 18 months in warm temperate broad-leaved forest on the island of Yakushima, Japan. Focal animal data were collected for the eight adults in the troop. Over a full annual cycle, 35.0% of foraging on identified foods was on leaves and shoots, 30.2% on fleshy fruit, 13.2% on seeds, and 5.5% on flowers. Invertebrates and other animal matter accounted for 10.3% of foraging and fungi for 4.6%. There was marked seasonal variation in the use of different food categories, and seeds, leaves, fleshy fruit, and animal matter were each predominant at different times of year. There was also evidence of annual cyclicity in patterns of foraging on all major food types. The monkeys spent less time moving and ate a greater variety of foods when feeding on leaves than when feeding on fruit and seeds, or on insects. Time spent foraging was positively correlated with diversity of the diet, but there was no simple relationship between time spent foraging and the predominant food type. This suggests that a wide variety of foods takes longer to harvest and process, irrespective of the food type. The diet of the study troop was flexible and could not be assigned to a simple dietary category, such as frugivorous or folivorous. If these data are representative of the subspecies, the Yakushima macaque is much more of a dietary generalist than most primates for which there are adequate data. Am. J. Primatol. 43:305–322, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

For Japanese macaques, visits by nontroop males (NTMs) often diminish the immediate copulation success of high-ranking males, although few studies have conducted a genetic analysis to show their contribution to the gene pool. I used noninvasively collected samples of semen, blood, urine and feces for the analysis of paternity in nine offspring born in two troops living on the island of Yakushima, Japan. I found that five of the nine offspring were sired by NTMs. It is argued that social change, small troop size and the timing of conception are all factors contributing to the NTM's reproductive success.  相似文献   

Previous studies on nonhuman primate maternal styles showed that variation in infant-directed behavior falls along two dimensions, traditionally labeled as protectiveness and rejection. We investigated maternal styles in rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and Japanese (M. fuscata) macaques living in analogous captive social groups, and correlated them with the levels of estrogen metabolites excreted in female feces during the perinatal period. We focally observed mother-infant pairs 3 hours per week during the first 12 weeks of infant life. We collected fecal samples twice a week from each mother, starting 4 weeks before delivery and ending 4 weeks after delivery. Three significant components were extracted by principal component analysis from 15 different infant directed behaviors, each reflecting a different aspect of mothering style: rejection is correlated with behavioral measures of maternal opposition to contact; protectiveness is correlated with maternal solicitude; and independence is correlated with time in contact, grooming and cradling. Levels of estrogen metabolites are significantly correlated to rejection but not to protectiveness or independence, indicating that, in nonhuman primates, individual endocrine changes related to maternal behavior might specifically affect the timing of contact interruption.  相似文献   

This paper describes in detail how a 2.5-year-old female belonging to the second-ranking family in a captive group of three families managed to outrank her healthy, three-times heavier mother with the aid of the two immature daughters of the alpha female who was not herself directly involved. After the outranking was completed, the two active allies were removed. This had no effect on the rank relation between the female and her daughter. It is only after the mother of the two allies was removed (in addition to her daughters) that the mother recovered her rank above her daughter. This case study and the few other reported cases of changes in rank among females are discussed in relation to the issue of the stability of rank relations in hierarchical systems where rank is socially inherited rather than based solely on dyadic power contests. On the basis of this combined evidence, it appears that when attempting to rise in rank, females do not challenge dominants by allying with subordinates, but that they rather ally with an individual ranking above the target. This phenomenon, together with the fact that support is given to other females downwards the hierarchy, might explain the stability of female dominance relations and be the manifestation of an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy.  相似文献   

Primary neuroendocrine neoplasm of the liver is extremely rare in both humans and non‐human primates. The present report describes the clinical and pathological findings of an aged Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) with hepatic neuroendocrine carcinoma. To our knowledge, this is the first report of hepatic neuroendocrine neoplasm in macaques.  相似文献   

We have examined the seroprevalence of BDV in wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in the peninsula (Chiba prefecture), Japan. Serum samples from macaques were examined by the ELISA, Western blot and immunofluorescence assays to detect the presence of serum antibodies that react specifically to BDV antigens. Among 49 investigated individuals, 6 (12.2%) showed positive reaction to BDV antigens. RT-PCR studies detected BDV sequences in brain tissue of one case among four seropositive cases examined. Sequence analysis revealed a high degree of genetic conservation between BDV sequences derived from Japanese macaques and those documented for other animal species. Nevertheless, phylogenetic analysis revealed unique differences between macaque and other species derived BDV sequences.  相似文献   

Stone-play, a newly innovated cultural behavior, has been observed among the free-ranging Arashiyama B troop Japanese macaques near Kyoto, Japan since 1979. Conditions in which the non-purposeful handling of stones might possibly give rise to tool behavior are discussed. The progression of this behavior is traced through three phases: transmission, tradition, and transformation. During the first two phases, through social learning, the behavior was established within the group as a regular item of their behavioral repertoire and was most frequently observed after eating provisioned grain. In the third phase, observations suggest a “faddish” shift in the practice of certain behavioral sub-types between 1984 and 1985. During this period young individuals increasingly began to carry stones away from the feeding station, mixing stone manipulation with forage-feeding activities in the forest. Observations suggest under such conditions, stone handling is likely to lead to the occasional use of stone as a tool. This conclusion probably can be applied to species other thanMacaca fuscata. Consideration of the eco-setting and social learning correlates of stone handling suggests how the instrumental use of stone might emerge from a tradition of non-instrumental manipulation.  相似文献   

Two male Japanese monkeys were trained to use a mirror to reach an object that could not be seen directly. Training to use a mirror in this way proceeded, step-by-step, from reaching a piece of apple to key-tracking. In Experiment 1 the monkeys were trained to use the mirror to locate a desired object, a piece of apple in a box facing the mirror, which could be seen only by looking into the mirror. The apple, once located, however, could be grasped without further reference to the mirror. This behavior is referred to as mirror mediated object discrimination. In subsequent experiments the monkeys could not reach the goal object except by observing it and his hand movement in the mirror. In Experiment 2 the target was a piece of apple visible in the mirror, in Experiment 3 an illuminated key and in Experiment 4 a series of keys which were illuminated sequentially. Mirror guided behavior such as shown in Experiment 2, 3, and 4 has not previously been demonstrated in monkeys.  相似文献   

Reconciliation was first described more than 20 years ago. Since then, it has been observed in many mammals (mainly primates) but data on postconflict behavior among males are still scarce because they usually aggressively compete for mating partners, rarely maintain amicable relationships with one another. Accordingly, reconciliation is expected to occur at low rates. Although this is true for Japanese macaque males, the subspecies on Yakushima Island (Macaca fuscata yakui) seems to represent an exception as grooming among males occurs often. We analyzed postconflict behavior among them and discuss the possible factors that may favor the occurrence of grooming and reconciliation. Selective attraction between former opponents—reconciliation—occurred soon after conflicts. Consolation—affiliative interactions between a focal animal and group members other than the former opponents occurring earlier in PCs than in MCs—was absent among males. Conciliatory tendency is higher for Yakushima macaque males (0.31) versus that in studies on the other subspecies Macaca fuscata. We discuss differences in the behavioral ecology of the 2 subspecies, the ecological and social factors that may favor the occurrence of reconciliation, and the possible benefits that males gain from grooming exchange and reconciliation.  相似文献   

With one exception, all previous studies of reconciliation in non-human primates (friendly reunion between former opponents) have focused on demonstrating the immediate, short-term effects despite the widely held view that reconciliation has a long-term function of repairing social relationships following aggression. To investigate this long-term function I compared mean interaction rates between opponents during the 10 d following reconciled and non-reconciled conflicts to baseline levels of interaction. Aggression rates during the 10 d after non-reconciled conflicts were significantly higher than the baseline rate, whereas after reconciled conflicts aggression was minimal. Similarly, grooming, proximity and approach rates during the 10 d after non-reconciled conflicts were significantly lower than the baseline rate whereas grooming, proximity and approach rates in the 10 d after reconciled conflicts were restored to baseline levels. These results indicate that there are consequences to not reconciling with a former opponent and highlight the fact that these may be costly in terms of increased risk of long-term aggression and reduced affiliation. The data support predictions from the Relationship-Repair Hypothesis suggesting that reconciliation functions as a mechanism for the repair of social relationships damaged by aggression.  相似文献   

During the spring, Japanese macaques in Yakushima feed predominantly on mature leaves of trees, vines, and ferns. They are selective in which parts of leaves they eat, and this study examines potential cues and consequences of typical patterns of selection. Toughness and fiber content (NDF) were assessed for 13 of the major leaf-food species from samples collected in the spring of 1994. The toughness of the petiole, the midrib, and two parts of the lamina were tested separately. Petioles were generally the toughest part of the leaf, followed by the midribs. For both midrib and lamina, there was a positive correlation between toughness and fiber content, but the toughness of midribs was at least three times that of laminae at similar fiber contents. A clear relationship was found between the toughness of plant parts and whether or not they were eaten: no plant parts with a toughness greater than 2,300 J m−2 were consumed even at low fiber levels. Toughness therefore explained food selection patterns much better than did fiber content. Toughness is likely to be assessed at the front of the mouth or during mastication. However, the macaques rarely reject leaves after placing them in the mouth. We suggest, therefore, that toughness may be used to select between feeding sites, rather than between individual leaves. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A histological study was undertaken to clarify seasonal changes in the spermatogenic epithelium of Japanese macaques. Testicular tissue samples were excised by biopsies from five adult laboratory-maintained males in mating and non-mating seasons. The samples were fixed with Bouin's solution, embedded in paraffin, and stained with PAS and hematoxylin. Microscopic observations on cross-sections of seminiferous tubules revealed that the seminiferous epithelium in the mating season was thicker than in the non-mating season. PAS-stained granules were found in some of the dark A-type spermatogonia, which significantly increased in the non-mating season. Spermatids of the steps preceding the appearance of the acrosomic cap in stages I to III were observed significantly more often than those in the step coinciding with the formation of the acrosomic cap in stage IV. In stage I, the ratio of mature spermatids or spermatozoa to immature spermatids in the mating season was higher than that in the non-mating season. These findings suggest that spermiogenesis, as well as spermatocytogenesis, is inhibited in the non-mating season.  相似文献   

Male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) in a troop on Yakushima Island frequently groom other males. However, previous studies have not compared the social relations of troop males to those of non-troop males. I followed all troop males and non-troop males in and near a troop during a mating season and during the following non-mating season and recorded their neighbors, grooming, and agonistic interactions. Comparisons of the social relations of troop males and non-troop males with other troop members revealed that grooming and agonistic interactions with females during the mating season were similar between troop and non-troop males. However, troop males groomed each other more often and had fewer agonistic interactions among themselves than did non-troop males. Compared to what occurred in the mating season, troop males groomed females less often and exchanged grooming bouts more often with other troop males during the non-mating season. One non-troop male groomed females more frequently than did any troop male in both seasons, and this male groomed troop males more frequently than did any troop male in the non-mating season. This male immigrated into the troop during the following mating season. Regardless of their competition with respect to reproduction, male Japanese macaques on Yakushima Island maintain affiliative relations, probably to cooperatively defend fertile females from non-troop males.  相似文献   

Japanese macaque societies are characterized by frequent intragroup conflict both in free-ranging and zoo-housed conditions. In zoos, understanding the factors that contribute to wounding is of interest because this knowledge can aid in proactive husbandry and management planning that can minimize the negative impacts wounding can have on individual welfare. This study sought to determine whether the variables sex, season and age predicted wounding rates. Data were collected for 24 months on 119 Japanese macaques living in 10 zoos, and we analyzed the contribution of variables using generalized linear mixed models. A total of 1,007 wounds were reported, and the best model included the interaction between sex and season. Follow-up analyses revealed that females incurred more wounds than males, and this sex difference was more pronounced during the breeding compared to the nonbreeding season. On average, individuals received 4.67 (±SEM: 0.55) wounds per year and 77.31% of the population incurred at least one wound in the study period. The majority of wounds were superficial and did not require veterinary intervention. Wound locations were not randomly distributed across body regions and were most often reported on the face. Finally, macaques living in larger social groups experienced more wounds, on average. This study represents the first quantification of wounding in this species and may provide insight to help inform husbandry and management strategies in zoos.  相似文献   

Amplification products from male and female Japanese macaques were obtained by PCR with human Y-chromosomal DYS389 primers. These products were examined by electrophoresis and sequence analysis. The PCR products from the 12 Japanese macaques tested had different band patterns on an electrophoretogram. Sequence analysis of the products revealed that the high polymorphism originated from variable numbers of repeats of two separate CTAT sequences. The sequences of the Japanese macaque products were similar to those of the reference human DYS389 sequence. However, variable CTGT repeats and a difference in the second forward primer binding site yielded two products in human males, DYS389I and DYS389II, which do not exist in Japanese macaques. Our results suggest that the human DYS389 primers may be a potential tool not only for distinguishing between human and Japanese macaque DNA samples, but also for identifying individual macaques, because of the highly polymorphic alleles.  相似文献   

Recognition of facial expressions by a Japanese monkey and two humans was studied. The monkey subject matched 20 photographs of monkey facial expressions and 20 photographs of human facial expressions. Humans sorted the same pictures. Matching accuracy by the monkey was about 80% correct for both human and monkey facial expressions. The confusion matrices of those facial expressions were analyzed by a multi-dimensional scaling procedure (MDSCAL). The resulting MDS plots suggested that the important cues in recognizing facial expressions of monkeys were “thrusting the mouth” and ‘raising the eyebrows.” Comparison of the MDS plots by the monkey subject with those by human subjects suggested that the monkey categorized the human “happiness” faces. This may suggest that the monkey has an ability to recognize human smile face even though it is learned. However, the monkey did not differentiate the human “anger/disgust” faces from the human “sad” faces, while human subjects clearly did. This may correlate with the lack of eyebrow movement in monkeys.  相似文献   

Diverticular disease of the colon was detected in a female Japanese monkey by X-ray examination. The monkey was 15 years old and had been kept under captive conditions for nine years. Lack of appetite and activity, and constipation were observed. The monkey was given fiber-rich vegetables and wild plants, and its appetite and activity then improved. Based on a consideration of various factors, it is suggested that one possible cause of the diverticulosis in this case was a low dietary fiber intake.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that the reproductive seasonality ofMacaca fuscata seems to be more affected by environmental temperature than by photoperiod. Mean conception dates for 25 groups of Japanese macaques species did not correlate with latitude. Instead, they were positively related to mean fall and winter temperatures and negatively related to the magnitude of the decrease in the mean temperature from summer to fall. Evidence from transplanted groups supports the hypothesis that environmental temperature is a decisive factor in determining the timing of mating activities of Japanese macaques. These results are also consistent with the concept that, in temperate zones, environmental temperature is probably the best indicator of local climatic characteristics.  相似文献   

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