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Diel vertical migration ofEudiaptomus gracilis during a short summer period   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several aspects of a diel vertical migration (DVM) of adultEudiaptomus gracilis in Lake Maarsseveen (The Netherlands) are described. The period of DVM lasted from the end of May until the middle of August. On May 21, 1989, the population was found divided into a deep dwelling part and a part in the upper five meter. Large shoals of juvenile perch were observed in the open water for the first time. On June 7, the whole population was down below 10 m and concentrated in a zone of high chlorphyll-a concentrations. One week later, a regular DVM was performed. The amplitude of this migration gradually decreased towards the end of the migration period. The ascent in the evening and the descent in the morning took place after sunset and before sunrise, respectively. The movements coincided with high relative changes in light intensity. Population size increased rapidly during the period of DVM but decreased again before the end of this period.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to verify the validity and reliability of the Myotest accelerometric system (Myotest SA, Sion, Switzerland) for the assessment of vertical jump height. Forty-four male basketball players (age range: 9-25 years) performed series of squat, countermovement and repeated jumps during 2 identical test sessions separated by 2-15 days. Flight height was simultaneously quantified with the Myotest system and validated photoelectric cells (Optojump). Two calculation methods were used to estimate the jump height from Myotest recordings: flight time (Myotest-T) and vertical takeoff velocity (Myotest-V). Concurrent validity was investigated comparing Myotest-T and Myotest-V to the criterion method (Optojump), and test-retest reliability was also examined. As regards validity, Myotest-T overestimated jumping height compared to Optojump (p < 0.001) with a systematic bias of approximately 7 cm, even though random errors were low (2.7 cm) and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) where high (>0.98), that is, excellent validity. Myotest-V overestimated jumping height compared to Optojump (p < 0.001), with high random errors (>12 cm), high limits of agreement ratios (>36%), and low ICCs (<0.75), that is, poor validity. As regards reliability, Myotest-T showed high ICCs (range: 0.92-0.96), whereas Myotest-V showed low ICCs (range: 0.56-0.89), and high random errors (>9 cm). In conclusion, Myotest-T is a valid and reliable method for the assessment of vertical jump height, and its use is legitimate for field-based evaluations, whereas Myotest-V is neither valid nor reliable.  相似文献   

Purpose: The contribution of gamma-aminobutyric acidergic inhibitory neural circuits in the primary motor cortex, as estimated by the cortical silent period, during weak and strong force output has not been defined. The aim of this study was to investigate whether cortical silent period is modulated with change from weak to strong force control.

Materials and methods: Eleven healthy right-handed adults participated in this study. With the aid of visual feedback, participants were asked to control the force of abduction of the right index finger to 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% of the maximum voluntary contraction. Single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation was delivered to the left primary motor cortex region during force control tasks. The averaged actual force output level, background electromyography amplitude, and cortical silent period duration were compared between conditions, and correlation analysis was conducted.

Results: There were significant main effects of target force on background electromyography, and cortical silent period duration; with increased force, the actual force output level and background electromyography gradually increased, while cortical silent period duration gradually decreased. There were significant negative correlations between cortical silent period and force and cortical silent period and background electromyography.

Conclusions: These findings indicate that the excitability of gamma-aminobutyric acidergic inhibitory neural circuits in primary motor cortex decreases in response to increased force output, mediated via increased corticospinal and motoneuron excitability. These results may facilitate understanding of the role of the gamma-aminobutyric acidergic circuit in primary motor cortex in force control, as well as of the mechanism underlying motor dysfunction in stroke-induced palsy, dystonia, and cerebellar ataxia.  相似文献   

Recent advancements in low-cost depth cameras may provide a clinically accessible alternative to conventional three-dimensional (3D) multi-camera motion capture systems for gait analysis. However, there remains a lack of information on the validity of clinically relevant running gait parameters such as vertical oscillation (VO). The purpose of this study was to assess the validity of measures of VO during running gait using raw depth data, in comparison to a 3D multi-camera motion capture system. Sixteen healthy adults ran on a treadmill at a standard speed of 2.7 m/s. The VO of their running gait was simultaneously collected from raw depth data (Microsoft Kinect v2) and 3D marker data (Vicon multi-camera motion capture system). The agreement between the VO measures obtained from the two systems was assessed using a Bland-Altman plot with 95% limits of agreement (LOA), a Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r), and a Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (rc). The depth data from the Kinect v2 demonstrated excellent results across all measures of validity (r = 0.97; rc = 0.97; 95% LOA = −8.0 mm – 8.7 mm), with an average absolute error and percent error of 3.7 (2.1) mm and 4.0 (2.0)%, respectively. The findings of this study have demonstrated the ability of a low cost depth camera and a novel tracking method to accurately measure VO in running gait.  相似文献   

We have developed a three-dimensional (3D) force-measuring device for teeth and used it to measure functional forces in vivo. It comprises an inner part forming a metal core (abutment), a 3D piezoelectric force transducer, and an outer part forming a metal crown, all joined together with a steel screw. The force transducer can measure +/- 500 N along the z-axis and +/- 150 N along the x- and y-axes. We evaluated the relationship between output and load and the effects of hysteresis and temperature on the output. The transducer had high linearity (r>0.9999), low hysteresis (1.7% at maximum), and high thermal stability (0.05% per degree) along each axis. The measuring device was mounted on the maxillary left second molar of a healthy male subject; the tooth had been endodontically treated (neurovascular bundle removed) and prepared for metal abutment and a crown. The 3D load calculated from the outputs of the transducer was expressed as a vector of the coordinates based on the Frankfort horizontal (x-y) and sagittal (y-z) planes. The force measured during maximum voluntary clenching was about 170 N; the force vector was directed from the crown to the root medially at an angle of about 10 degrees from the y-z plane and posteriorly at an angle of about 3 degrees from the x-z plane. This transducer will enable measurement of forces applied to different types of prosthetic appliances and has the potential to provide important basic in vivo data for analysis using computer simulation.  相似文献   

A new strain gauge transducer has been developed to measure functional grip forces. The gripping area is a cylinder of diameter 30 mm and length 150 mm and simulates the handle of a number of devices, allowing a range of activities to be studied. The device measures radial forces divided into six components and forces of up to 250 N per segment can be measured with an accuracy of +/- 1%. The device therefore gives information about the magnitude and distribution of force around the cylinder during gripping, and has been shown to be a valuable research tool in a study of four different types of grip, providing valuable input data for biomechanical models.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were (a) to determine the concurrent validity of the flight time (FT) and double integration of vertical reaction force (DIF) methods in the estimation of vertical jump height with the video method (VID) as reference; (b) to verify the degree of agreement among the 3 methods; (c) to propose regression equations to predict the jump height using the FT and DIF. Twenty healthy male and female nonathlete college students participated in this study. The experiment involved positioning a contact mat (CTM) on the force platform (FP), with a video camera 3 m from the FP and perpendicular to the sagittal plane of the subject being assessed. Each participant performed 15 countermovement jumps with 60-second intervals between the trials. Significant differences were found between the jump height obtained by VID and the results with FT (p ≤ 0.01) and DIF (p ≤ 0.01), showing that the methods are not valid. Additionally, the DIF showed a greater degree of agreement with the reference method than the FT did, and both presented a systematic error. From the linear regression test was determined the prediction equations with a high degree of linearity between the methods VID vs. DIF (R = 0.988) and VID vs. FT (R = 0.979). Therefore, the prediction equations suggested may allow coaches to measure the vertical jump performance of athletes by the FT and DIF, using a CTM or an FP, which represents more practical and viable approaches in the sports field; comparisons can then be made with the results of other athletes evaluated by VID.  相似文献   

This report describes a new method allowing to measure the three-dimensional forces applied on right and left pedals during cycling. This method is based on a cycle ergometer mounted on a force platform. By recording the forces applied on the force platform and applying the fundamental mechanical equations, it was possible to calculate the instantaneous three-dimensional forces applied on pedals. It was validated by static and dynamic tests. The accuracy of the present system was -7.61 N, -3.37 N and -2.81 N, respectively, for the vertical, the horizontal and the lateral direction when applying a mono-directional force and -4.52 N when applying combined forces. In pedaling condition, the orientation and magnitude of the pedal forces were comparable to the literature. Moreover, this method did not modify the mechanical properties of the pedals and offered the possibility for pedal force measurement with materials often accessible in laboratories. Measurements obtained showed that this method has an interesting potential for biomechanical analyses in cycling.  相似文献   

Vertical jump height is frequently used by coaches, health care professionals, and strength and conditioning professionals to objectively measure function. The purpose of this study is to determine the concurrent validity of the jump and reach method (Vertec) and the contact mat method (Just Jump) in assessing vertical jump height when compared with the criterion reference 3-camera motion analysis system. Thirty-nine college students, 25 females and 14 males between the ages of 18 and 25 (mean age 20.65 years), were instructed to perform the countermovement jump. Reflective markers were placed at the base of the individual's sacrum for the 3-camera motion analysis system to measure vertical jump height. The subject was then instructed to stand on the Just Jump mat beneath the Vertec and perform the jump. Measurements were recorded from each of the 3 systems simultaneously for each jump. The Pearson r statistic between the video and the jump and reach (Vertec) was 0.906. The Pearson r between the video and contact mat (Just Jump) was 0.967. Both correlations were significant at the 0.01 level. Analysis of variance showed a significant difference among the 3 means F(2,235) = 5.51, p < 0.05. The post hoc analysis showed a significant difference between the criterion reference (M = 0.4369 m) and the Vertec (M = 0.3937 m, p = 0.005) but not between the criterion reference and the Just Jump system (M = 0.4420 m, p = 0.972). The Just Jump method of measuring vertical jump height is a valid measure when compared with the 3-camera system. The Vertec was found to have a high correlation with the criterion reference, but the mean differed significantly. This study indicates that a higher degree of confidence is warranted when comparing Just Jump results with a 3-camera system study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to calculate, as a function of time, segmental contributions to the vertical ground reaction force Fz from positional data for the landing phase in running. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the method, time histories of the sum of the segmental contributions were compared to Fz(t) measured directly by a force plate.

The human body was modeled as a system of seven rigid segments. During running the positions of markers defining these segments were monitored using a video analysis system operating at 200 Hz. Special care was taken to minimize marker movement relative to the mass centers of segments, and low-pass cutoff frequencies of 50 Hz (markers defining leg segments) and 15–20 Hz (markers defining upper body) were used in filtering the position time histories so as to ensure that high signal frequencies were preserved. The magnitude of the high-frequency peak in Fz, also known as ‘impact force peak’, was estimated with errors <10%, while the time of occurrence of the peak was estimated with errors <5 ms. It would appear that the positional data were sufficiently accurate to be used for calculation of intersegmental forces and moments during the landing phase in running.

Analysis of the segmental contributions to Fz(t) revealed that the first peak in Fz has its origin in the contribution of support leg segments, while its magnitude is determined primarily by the contribution of the rest of the body. These contributions could be varied independently by changing running style. It follows that if the possible relationship between ‘impact force peaks’ and injuries is to be investigated, or if the effects of running shoe and surface construction on these force peaks are to be evaluated, the calculation of segmental contributions to Fz(t) is a more suitable approach than measuring only Fz(t).  相似文献   

In this study, we compared bone blood flow values obtained by simultaneously injected fluorescent (FM) and radiolabeled microspheres (RM) at stepwise reduced arterial blood pressure. Ten anesthetized female New Zealand White rabbits received simultaneous left ventricular injections of FM and RM at 90, 70, and 50 mmHg mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). After the experiments, both kidneys and long bones of all four limbs were removed and dissected in a standardized manner. Radioactivity (corrected for decay, background, and spillover) and fluorescence were determined, and blood flow values were calculated. Relative blood flow values estimated for each bone sample by RM and FM were significantly correlated (r = 0.98, slope = 0.99, and intercept = 0.04 for 90 mmHg; r = 0.98, slope = 0.94, and intercept = 0.09 for 70 mmHg; r = 0.98, slope = 0.96, and intercept = 0.07 for 50 mmHg). Blood flow values (ml x min-1 x 100 g-1) of right and left bone samples determined at the different arterial blood pressures were identical. During moderate hypotension (70 mmHg MAP), blood flow in all bone samples remained unchanged compared with 90 mmHg MAP, whereas a significant decrease of bone blood flow was observed at severe hypotension (50 mmHg MAP). Our results demonstrate that the FM technique is valid for measuring bone blood flow. Differences in bone blood flow during altered hemodynamic conditions can be detected reliably. In addition, changes in bone blood flow during hypotension indicate that vasomotor control mechanisms, as well as cardiac output, play a role in setting bone blood flow.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to demonstrate the ability of an actively controlled partial body weight support (PBWS) system to provide gait synchronized support during the stance period of a single lower extremity while examining the affect of such a support condition on gait asymmetry. Using an instrumented treadmill and a motion capture system, we compared gait parameters of twelve healthy elderly subjects (age 65-80 years) during unsupported walking to those while walking with 20% body weight support provided during only the stance period of the right limb. Specifically, we examined peak three-dimensional ground reaction force (GRF) data and the symmetry of lower extremity sagittal plane joint angles and of time and distance parameters. A reduction in all three GRF components was observed for the supported limb during modulated support. Reductions observed in the vertical GRF were comparable to the desired 20% support level. Additionally, GRF components examined for the unsupported limb during modulated support were consistently similar to those measured during unsupported walking. Modulated support caused statistically significant increases in asymmetry for knee flexion during stance (increased 5.9%), hip flexion during late swing (increased 9.1%), and the duration of single limb support (increased 2.8%). However, the observed increases were similar or considerably less than the natural variability in the asymmetry of these parameters during unsupported walking. The ability of the active PBWS device to provide unilateral support may offer new and possibly improved applications of PBWS rehabilitation for patients with unilateral walking deficits such as hemiparesis or orthopaedic injury.  相似文献   

Spaak  Piet  Ringelberg  Joop 《Hydrobiologia》1997,360(1-3):177-185
During the first few weeks of a recurring seasonalperiod of diel vertical migration in Lake Maarsseveen(The Netherlands), part of the hybrid Daphniagaleata × hyalina population migrated, whileanother part remained in the epilimnion. In theepilimnion, 0+ perch prey upon daphnids duringdaytime. Gradually, the number of adult Daphniain the epilimnion decrease until the epilimnion isnearly devoid of daphnids. The population as a wholemay decrease, as in 1991, or may increase asin 1992. Genotype composition, as determined byallozyme analysis, changed substantially within afortnight in 1992, and one genotype became dominant.Our data are in agreement with the hypothesis thatpredation on different genotypes (clones)occurs during the beginning of a seasonal period ofdiel vertical migration, though our data do not allowto exclude alternativeexplanations.  相似文献   

The accuracy and the fidelity of a single-molecule force measurement largely rely on how the molecule of interest is attached to the solid substrate surface (bead, cantilever, cover glass and etc.). A site-specific attachment of a protein without affecting its structure and enzymatic function has been a major concern. Here, we established a glutathione-coupled cantilever to which any glutathione S-transferase (GST)-fused proteins can be attached in a desired direction. The rupture force between glutathione and GST was approximately 100 pN on average. By using this cantilever, we succeeded in measuring the interaction force between importin alpha and importin beta.  相似文献   

An optical force measurement system for quantitating forces in the pN range between micrometer-sized objects has been developed. The system was based upon optical tweezers in combination with a sensitive position detection system and constructed around an inverted microscope. A trapped particle in the focus of the high numerical aperture microscope-objective behaves like an omnidirectional mechanical spring in response to an external force. The particle's displacement from the equilibrium position is therefore a direct measure of the exerted force. A weak probe laser beam, focused directly below the trapping focus, was used for position detection of the trapped particle (a polystyrene bead). The bead and the condenser focus the light to a distinct spot in the far field, monitored by a position sensitive detector. Various calibration procedures were implemented in order to provide absolute force measurements. The system has been used to measure the binding forces between Escherichia coli bacterial adhesins and galabiose-functionalized beads.  相似文献   

Earlier dilatation force-sensing transducers, when subjected to side loads, suffered frictional losses which affected their accuracy. This new instrument incorporates a thermal-writing chart recorder and a digital readout of the peak force during dilatation of the cervix.  相似文献   

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