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Cultures of Tetrahymena thermophila were deprived of nutrients and later refed with enriched medium to obtain partial synchrony of DNA replication. Preferential replication of the extrachromosomal, macronuclear ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) was found to occur at 40-80 min after refeeding. The rDNA accounted for one half of the label incorporated into cellular DNA during this period. Electron microscopy of the purified rDNA showed 1% replicative intermediates. Their structure was that expected for bidirectional replication of the linear rDNA from an origin or origins located in the central nontranscribed region of the palindromic molecule. Similar forms had previously been observed for the rDNA of a related species, Tetrahymena pyriformis. The electron microscopic data was consistent with an origin of replication located approximatley 600 base pairs from the center of the rDNA of T. thermophila, in contrast to a more central location in the rDNA of T. pyriformis. One implication of an off-center origin of replication is that there are two such sequences per palindromic molecule.  相似文献   

Secondary structure model for 23S ribosomal RNA.   总被引:31,自引:32,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
A secondary structure model for 23S ribosomal RNA has been constructed on the basis of comparative sequence data, including the complete sequences from E. coli. Bacillus stearothermophilis, human and mouse mitochondria and several partial sequences. The model has been tested extensively with single strand-specific chemical and enzymatic probes. Long range base-paired interactions organize the molecule into six major structural domains containing over 100 individual helices in all. Regions containing the sites of interaction with several ribosomal proteins and 5S RNA have been located. Segments of the 23S RNA structure corresponding to eucaryotic 5.8S and 25 RNA have been identified, and base paired interactions in the model suggest how they are attached to 28S RNA. Functionally important regions, including possible sites of contact with 30S ribosomal subunits, the peptidyl transferase center and locations of intervening sequences in various organisms are discussed. Models for molecular 'switching' of RNA molecules based on coaxial stacking of helices are presented, including a scheme for tRNA-23S RNA interaction.  相似文献   

T T?nnesen 《Cytobiologie》1978,16(3):451-479
In the present communication a characterization of the 5 S rRNA genes and the tRNA genes of Tetrahymena pyriformis has been performed. The number of 5 S rRNA and tRNA genes in the macromolecular DNA has been established. Furthermore no sequence homology is observed for these genes. The number of both types of genes does not change significantly under starvation conditions. The genomic organization of the 5 S rRNA and tRNA genes has been investigated. From in vivo replication studies it is concluded, that replication of both 5 S rRNA and tRNA genes takes place throughout the whole S-period.  相似文献   

We have derived a secondary structure model for 16S ribosomal RNA on the basis of comparative sequence analysis, chemical modification studies and nuclease susceptibility data. Nucleotide sequences of the E. coli and B. brevis 16S rRNA chains, and of RNAse T1 oligomer catalogs from 16S rRNAs of over 100 species of eubacteria were used for phylogenetic comparison. Chemical modification of G by glyoxal, A by m-chloroperbenzoic acid and C by bisulfite in naked 16S rRNA, and G by kethoxal in active and inactive 30S ribosomal subunits was taken as an indication of single stranded structure. Further support for the structure was obtained from susceptibility to RNases A and T1. These three approaches are in excellent agreement. The structure contains fifty helical elements organized into four major domains, in which 46 percent of the nucleotides of 16S rRNA are involved in base pairing. Phylogenetic comparison shows that highly conserved sequences are found principally in unpaired regions of the molecule. No knots are created by the structure.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the 5S rRNAs of Tetrahymena thermophila and two strains of T. pyriformis have been determined to be identical. The 5.8S rRNA sequences have also been determined; these sequences correct several errors in an earlier report. The 5.8S rRNAs of the two species differ at a single position. The sequencing results indicate that the species are of recent common ancestry. Molecular evidence that has been interpreted in the past as suggestive of an ancient divergence has been reviewed and found to be consistent with a T. pyriformis complex radiation beginning approximately 30-40 million years ago.  相似文献   

The structure of the ribosomal 5 S RNA was examined using Fe(II)-EDTA, a solvent-based reagent that cleaves the phosphodiester backbone of both double- and single-stranded RNA but is restricted by the three-dimensional structure. In the yeast 5 S RNA, cleavages were significantly restricted in six specific regions of the molecule; restrictions in only two of these regions were clearly dependent on a high salt/magnesium ion environment. A comparison of four RNAs of diverse origin revealed strong similarities in the cleavage profiles supporting a highly conserved higher order structure. Taken together with previous studies these data provide a more detailed modeling of the three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

Lability of 26 S ribosomal RNA in Tetrahymena pyriformis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The nucleotide sequence of 5S ribosomal RNA from the beetleHarpalus rufipes was determined and compared with primary structures of other insect 5S rRNAs. Sequence differences between two beetle 5S rRNAs may represent phylogenetic markers specific for two groups of Coleoptera — Adephaga and Polyphaga. Analysis of all insect sequences using parsimony allowed us to infer a phylogenetic tree of insects, which is consistent with morphological and paleobiological data.  相似文献   

The proximity of loop D of 5 S rRNA to two regions of 23 S rRNA, domain II involved in translocation and domain V involved in peptide bond formation, is known from previous cross-linking experiments. Here, we have used site-directed mutagenesis and chemical probing to further define these contacts and possible sites of communication between 5 S and 23 S rRNA. Three different mutants were constructed at position A960, a highly conserved nucleotide in domain II previously crosslinked to 5 S rRNA, and the mutant rRNAs were expressed from plasmids as homogeneous populations of ribosomes in Escherichia coli deficient in all seven chromosomal copies of the rRNA operon. Mutations A960U, A960G and, particularly, A960C caused structural rearrangements in the loop D of 5 S rRNA and in the peptidyltransferase region of domain V, as well as in the 960 loop itself. These observations support the proposal that loop D of 5 S rRNA participates in signal transmission between the ribosome centers responsible for peptide bond formation and translocation.  相似文献   

The primary structure of rabbit 18S ribosomal RNA was determined by nucleotide sequence analysis of the RNA directly. The rabbit rRNA was specifically cleaved with T1 ribonuclease, as well as with E. coli RNase H using a Pst 1 DNA linker to generate a specific set of overlapping fragments spanning the entire length of the molecule. Both intact and fragmented 18S rRNA were end-labeled with [32P], base-specifically cleaved enzymatically and chemically and nucleotide sequences determined from long polyacrylamide sequencing gels run in formamide. This approach permitted the detection of both cistron heterogeneities and modified bases. Specific nucleotide sequences within E. coli 16S rRNA previously implicated in polyribosome function, tRNA binding, and subunit association are also conserved within the rabbit 18S rRNA. This conservation suggests the likelihood that these regions have similar functions within the eukaryotic 40S subunit.  相似文献   

A new model of secondary and tertiary structure of higher plant 5S rRNA is proposed. It consists of three domains. Domain alpha includes stem I and loop A; domain beta contains stems II and III and loops B and C; domain gamma consists of stems IV and V and loops D and E. We propose that the domains beta and gamma adopt RNA-A like structure due to irregularities caused by the different in size internal loops B and E and the bulges occurring in the model. A suggested bending of RNA could bring single stranded fragments of domains beta and gamma close enough to each other to allow tertiary interactions. The new model of plant 5S rRNA differs from those suggested previously for eukaryotic 5S rRNA, by arrangement of the domains beta and gamma and the base pairing scheme of domain gamma. The model is based on our results of partial digestion obtained with single and double strand specific nucleases. The experimental results were confirmed by computer aided secondary structure prediction analysis of all higher plant 5S rRNAs and computer modeling using energy minimalization approach. Further support of our model have been provided by experiments including alpha sarcin, ribonuclease H and chemical modifications.  相似文献   

Extrachromosomal ribosomal RNA genes in Tetrahymena: structure and evolution   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The macronuclear ribosomal RNA genes from a number of strains within several species of Tetrahymena have been characterized. Restriction enzyme analysis revealed that individual strains all contained entirely homogeneous populations of extrachromosomal palindromic ribosomal DNA, varying in molecular size from 12 × 106 to 14 × 106 in different strains. Considering that the evolutionary distance among some of the species is estimated to be of the order of 106 years, the rDNA from all the species exhibited a strikingly high similarity in the localization of their restriction sites. Nevertheless, differences both inside and outside the gene region were clearly detectable, showing that the rDNA sequences have diverged in all species.Genetic polymorphism with respect to rDNA structure exists in Tetrahymena, but seems to be rare. In only two out of five species examined (T. borealis and T. pigmentosa) interbreeding strains differing in rDNA structure were found. While the differences detected in the T. borealis rDNA were confined to a small size difference located at the non-coding ends of the molecule, several differences were detected in the rDNA from the T. pigmentosa strains. One of the differences was shown to be due to the presence of an intervening sequence within the structural gene for 26 S rRNA in some of the strains. An intervening sequence of similar size located at the same position within the 26 S gene region was found by R-loop mapping in all strains of the species T. thermophila. Restriction enzyme analysis indicates that the rDNA from two other species contains a similar intervening sequence, and we therefore suggest that the size and localization of the intervening sequence is evolutionarily stable. The two intervening sequences examined so far, however, are not identical, as revealed by restriction enzyme mapping.  相似文献   

5 S RNA was isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown in the presence of 32P-phosphate and digested with nuclease S1, a single-strand specific nuclease. Two different procedures were employed to determine the sites of attack on the RNA. First, 5 S RNA was isolated from nuclease S1 digests, digested to completion with ribonuclease T1, and then 'fingerprinted' by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Quantitation of each of the characteristic RNAase T1-derived oligonucleotides was employed to determine the relative susceptibility of various regions of the molecule to nuclease S1. A second procedure to define nuclease S1-susceptible sites in the molecule employed polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic fractionation of nuclease S1 digests followed by identification of the nucleotide sequences of the released RNA fragments. Both procedures showed that the region of the molecule between residues 9 and 60 was most susceptible to nuclease S1, with preferential cleavage occurring between residues 12-25 and 50-60. These results are discussed in relation to a proposed model for the secondary structure of yeast 5 S RNA.  相似文献   

Precursor and mature ribosomal RNA molecules from Xenopus laevis were examined by electron microscopy. A reproducible arrangement of hairpin loops was observed in these molecules. Maps based on this secondary structure were used to determine the arrangement of sequences in precursor RNA molecules and to identify the position of mature rRNAs within the precursors. A processing scheme was derived in which the 40 S rRNA is cleaved to 38 S RNA, which then yields 34 S plus 18 S RNA. The 34 S RNA is processed to 30 S, and finally to 28 S rRNA. The pathway is analogous to that of L-cell rRNA but differs from HeLa rRNA in that no 20 S rRNA intermediate was found. X. laevis 40 S rRNA (Mr = 2.7 × 106) is much smaller than HeLa or L-cell 45 8 rRNA (Mr = 4.7 × 106), but the arrangement of mature rRNA sequences in all precursors is very similar. Experiments with ascites cell 3′-exonuclease show that the 28 S region is located at or close to the 5′-end of the 40 S rRNA.Secondary structure maps were obtained also for single-stranded molecules of ribosomal DNA. The region in the DNA coding for the 40 S rRNA could be identified by its regular structure, which closely resembles that of the RNA. Regions corresponding to the 40 S RNA gene alternate with non-transcribed spacer regions along strands of rDNA. The latter have a large amount of irregular secondary structure and vary in length between different repeating units. A detailed map of the rDNA repeating unit was derived from these experiments.Optical melting studies are presented, showing that rRNAs with a high (G + C) content exhibit significant hypochromicity in the formamide/urea-containing solution that was used for spreading.  相似文献   

The method employed to determine the sequence of a T1 RNase fragment, A-A-A-A-A-U-A-A-C-A-A-U-A-C-A-Gp, from Novikoff rat hepatoma 18S ribosomal RNA is described. This method is applicable to any oligoribonucleotide produced by specific endonucleases that leave the newly cleaved 5'-end free for labeling with polynucleotide kinase and gamma-(32p)-ATP. The (32p)-labeled oligoribonucleotide is subjected to partial endonucleolytic digestion and fractionated by two-dimensional homochromatography fingerprinting. The nucleotide sequence is determined by following mobility shifts of the labeled and partially digested oligoribonucleotides in homochromatography fingerprinting.  相似文献   

Two small RNA fragments, 5,3S and 4,7S, were observed in gel electrophoretic analysis of RNA of the 40S ribosomal subunit of rat liver. 5,3S RNA (134-136 nucleotides long) proved to be 5'-terminal fragment of 18S ribosomal RNA, whereas 4,7 RNA is the degradation product of 5,3S RNA with 27-28 5'-terminal nucleotides lost. The secondary structure of 5,3S RNA was probed with two structure-specific nucleases, S1 nuclease and the double-strand specific cobra venom endoribonuclease. The nuclease digestion data agree well with the computer generated secondary structure model for 5,3S RNA. This model predicts that the 5'-terminal part of rat liver ribosomal 18S RNA forms an independent structural domain. The affinity chromatography experiments with the immobilized 5,3S fragment show that 5,3S RNA does not bind rat liver ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

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